49 Cfr 399

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49 CFR 399

OMB: 2126-0049

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e-CFR Data is current as of March 7, 2007

Title 49: Transportation

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Section Contents

Subparts A–K [Reserved]

Subpart L—Step, Handhold, and Deck Requirements for Commercial Motor Vehicles

§ 399.201   Purpose and scope.
§ 399.203   Applicability.
§ 399.205   Definitions.
§ 399.207   Truck and truck-tractor access requirements.
§ 399.209   Test procedures.
§ 399.211   Maintenance.
Appendix A to Subchapter B of Chapter III [Reserved]
Appendix B to Subchapter B of Chapter III—Special Agents
Appendixes C–E to Subchapter B of Chapter III [Reserved]
Appendix F to Subchapter B of Chapter III—Commercial Zones
Appendix G to Subchapter B of Chapter III—Minimum Periodic Inspection Standards

Authority:   49 U.S.C. 31502; and 49 CFR 1.73.

Source:   44 FR 43732, July 26, 1979, unless otherwise noted.

Editorial Note:   Nomenclature changes to part 399 appear at 66 FR 49874, Oct. 1, 2001.

Subparts A–K [Reserved]


Subpart L—Step, Handhold, and Deck Requirements for Commercial Motor Vehicles


§ 399.201   Purpose and scope.


This subpart prescribes step, handhold, and deck requirements on commercial motor vehicles. These requirements are intended to enhance the safety of motor carrier employees.

§ 399.203   Applicability.


This subpart applies to all trucks and truck-tractors, having a high profile cab-over-engine (COE) configuration, for entrance, egress and back of cab access, manufactured on and after September 1, 1982.

[44 FR 43732, July 26, 1979, as amended at 46 FR 56799, Nov. 19, 1981]

§ 399.205   Definitions.


Cab-over-engine (COE) A truck or truck-tractor having all, or the front portion, of the engine under the cab.

COE—High profile A COE having the door sill step above the height of the front tires.

Deck plate A horizontal surface designed to provide a person with stable footing for the performance of work such as the connection and disconnection of air and electrical lines, gaining access to permanently-mounted equipment or machinery or for similar needs.

Door sill step Any step normally protected from the elements by the cab door when closed.

Effective peripheral grip Any shaped surface, free of sharp edges, in which a full grasp can be made to secure a handhold by a person.

Fingertip grasp A handhold surface which provides a person contact restricted to finger segments 1 and/or 2 only; or which limits wrap-around closure of finger segment 1 with the palm of the hand to 90 degrees as shown in Illustration I.

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Full grasp A handhold surface which provides a person contact with finger segments 2 and 3 and which provides space for finger segment 1 to wrap around toward the palm of the hand beyond the 90-degree surface restriction shown in Illustration I. The handhold need not require contact between fingers and thumb. For example, the hand position shown in Illustration II qualifies as full grasp.

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Ground The flat horizontal surface on which the tires of a motor vehicle rest.

Handhold That which qualifies as providing full grasp if a person is able to find a hand position on the handhold which allows more than fingertip grasp.

Handprint The surface area contacted by the hand when grasping a handhold. The size of this area is the width of the hand across the metacarpal and half the circumference of the handhold. The hand breadth of the typical person is 88.9 millimeters (3.5 inches).

Person Any individual within the 5th percentile female adult through the 95th percentile male adult of anthropometric measures as described by the 1962 Health Examination Survey, “Weight, Height and Selected Body Dimensions of Adults, United States 1960–1962” which is incorporated by reference. It is Public Health Service publication No. 1000–Series 11–No. 8 and is for sale from the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161. When ordering use NTIS Accession No. PB 267174. It is also available for inspection at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202–741–6030, or go to: http://www.archives.gov/federal_register/code_of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register on July 17, 1979. These materials are incorporated as they exist on the date of the approval and a notice of any change in these materials will be published in the Federal Register.

Slip resistant material Any material designed to minimize the accumulation of grease, ice, mud or other debris and afford protection from accidental slipping.

§ 399.207   Truck and truck-tractor access requirements.


(a) General rule. Any person entering or exiting the cab or accessing the rear portion of a high profile COE truck or truck-tractor shall be afforded sufficient steps and handholds, and/or deck plates to allow the user to have at least 3 limbs in contact with the truck or truck-tractor at any time. This rule applies to intermediate positions as well as transition between intermediate positions. To allow for changes in climbing sequence, the step design shall include, as a minimum, one intermediate step of sufficient size to accommodate two feet. Exception. If air and electrical connections necessary to couple or uncouple a truck-tractor from a trailer are accessible from the ground, no step, handholds or deck plates are required to permit access to the rear of the cab.

(b) Performance requirements. All high profile COE trucks or truck-tractors shall be equipped on each side of the vehicle where a seat is located, with a sufficient number of steps and handholds to conform with the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section and shall meet the performance requirements:

(1) Vertical height. All measurements of vertical height shall be made from ground level with the vehicle at unladen weight.

(2) Distance between steps. The distance between steps, up to and including the door sill step, shall provide any person a stable resting position which can be sustained without body motion and by exerting no more arm force than 35 percent of the person's body weight per grasp during all stages of entry and exit. This criterion applies to intermediate positions as well as transition between intermediate positions above ground level.

(i) When the ground provides the person foot support during entry or is the final step in the sequence during exit, and the step is 508 millimeters (20 inches) or more above ground, the stable resting position shall be achievable by the person using both hands to grasp the handhold(s) and requiring no more arm force than 35 percent of body weight per grasp.

(ii) The vertical height of the first step shall be no more than 609 millimeters (24 inches) from ground level.

(3) Construction. Each step or deck plate shall be of a slip resistant design which minimizes the accumulation of foreign material. Wherever practicable, a self-cleaning material should be used.

(4) Foot accommodation. Step depth or clearance and step width necessary to accommodate a climbing person are defined by using a minimum 127 millimeter (5 inch) diameter disc as shown in Illustration III.

(i) Single foot accommodation. The disc shall fit on a tread rung, or in a step recess, with no exterior overhang.

(ii) Two-foot accommodation. Two discs shall fit on a tread rung, or in a step recess, with no exterior overhang.

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Note: The 127 millimeter (5 inch) disc is only intended to test for a minimum depth and width requirement. The step need not retain the disc at rest.

(5) Step strength. Each step must withstand a vertical static load of at least 204 kilograms (450 pounds) uniformly distributed over any 127 millimeter (5 inch) increment of step width.

(6) Handhold location. A handhold must be located within the reach of any person entering or exiting the vehicle.

(7) Exterior mounting specifications for handholds. Each handhold, affixed to the exterior of the vehicle, shall have at least 38 millimeters (1.5 inches) clearance between the handhold and the surface to which it is mounted for the distance between its mounting points.

(8) Handhold size and shape. Each handhold shall be free of sharp edges (minimum 1 millimeter [0.04 inch] radius) and have an effective peripheral grip length that permits full grasp by any person.

(9) Handhold strength. Each handhold shall withstand a horizontal static load of at least 114 kilograms (250 pounds) uniformly distributed over the area of a hand print and applied away from the mounting surface.

(10) Deck plates. Deck plates shall be on the rear of a truck-tractor as necessary to couple or uncouple air and/or electrical connections.

(11) Deck plate strength. Each deck plate shall be capable of withstanding the vertical static load of at least 205 kilograms (450 pounds) uniformly distributed over a 127 millimeter (5 inch) diameter disc.

§ 399.209   Test procedures.


(a) The force exerted on a handhold will be measured using a handheld spring scale or force transducer which can be attached to the vehicle and is free to rotate into alignment with a person's hand position.

(b) Hand grasp will be evaluated by observing the handgrip of any individual who conforms with the definition of “person” appearing in §399.205 of this subpart.

§ 399.211   Maintenance.


All steps, handholds, and/or deck plates required by this subpart shall be adequately maintained to serve their intended function.

Appendix A to Subchapter B of Chapter III [Reserved]


Appendix B to Subchapter B of Chapter III—Special Agents


Cautionary note: This appendix relates only to Federal authority to enforce the regulations in this subchapter. In its present form, it has no application for the States and is not to be included in any adoption of these regulations by State authorities as a condition of eligibility for grants under part 350 of this chapter.

1. Authority. Persons appointed as special agents of the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (“Administration”), are authorized to enter upon, to inspect, and to examine any and all lands, buildings, and equipment of motor carriers and other persons subject to the Interstate Commerce Act, the Department of Transportation Act, and other related Acts, and to inspect and copy any and all accounts, books, records, memoranda, correspondence, and other documents of such carriers and other persons.

2. Compliance. Motor carriers and other persons subject to these Acts shall submit their accounts, books, records, memoranda, correspondence, and other documents for inspection and copying, and they shall submit their lands, buildings, and equipment for examination and inspection, to any special agent of the Administration upon demand and display of an Administration credential identifying him/her as a special agent.

3. Definition of Special Agent. Special agents are Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) employees who are identified by credentials issued by the FMCSA authorizing them to enforce 42 U.S.C. 4917 and to exercise relevant authority of the Secretary of Transportation under 49 U.S.C. 113, chapters 5, 51, 57, 131–149, 311, 313, and 315 and other statutes, as delegated to FMCSA by 49 CFR 1.73, and under regulations issued on the authority of those statutes. Special agents are authorized to inspect and copy records and to inspect and examine land, buildings, and equipment in the manner and to the extent provided by law.

4. Facsimile of the Administration Credential:

United States of America

Department of Transportation Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration

This is to certify that ______ whose photograph and signature appear hereon is duly accredited as ______ with authority to enter upon, to inspect, and examine lands, buildings, and equipment, and to inspect and copy records and papers of carriers and other persons, in performance of his/her duties under the Department of Transportation Act, related acts, and regulations of the Department.

By direction of the Secretary

(Certifying Authority)        (Bearer)      

(49 U.S.C. 504, 5121, 14122, 31502 and 31503; and 49 CFR 1.73)

[35 FR 1016, Jan. 24, 1970 as amended at 36 FR 16067, Aug. 19, 1971; 43 FR 20011, May 10, 1978; 44 FR 46425, July 10, 1980; 49 FR 38290, Sept. 28, 1984; 60 FR 38749, July 28, 1995; 61 FR 1843, Jan. 24, 1996]

Appendixes C–E to Subchapter B of Chapter III [Reserved]


Appendix F to Subchapter B of Chapter III—Commercial Zones


Note: The text of these definitions is identical to the text of 49 CFR Part 1048, revised as of October 1, 1975, which is no longer in print.”

Commercial Zones


1 New York, N.Y.

2 Chicago, Ill.

3 St. Louis, Mo.-East St. Louis, Ill.

4 Washington, D.C.

5 Los Angeles, Calif., and contiguous and adjacent municipalities.

6 Philadelphia, Pa.

7 Cincinnati, Ohio

8 Kansas City, Mo.-Kansas City, Kans.

9 Boston, Mass.

10 Davenport, Iowa; Rock Island and Moline, Ill.

11 Commercial zones of municipalities in New Jersey within 5 miles of New York, N.Y.

12 Commercial zones of municipalities in Westchester and Nassau Counties, N.Y.

13 Tucson, Ariz.

14 Albuquerque, N. Mex.

18 Ravenswood, W. Va.

19 Lake Charles, La.

20 Syracuse, N.Y.

21 Baltimore, Md.

22 Cleveland, Ohio.

23 Detroit, Mich.

24 Seattle, Wash.

25 Albany, N.Y.

26 Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn.

27 New Orleans, La.

28 Pittsburgh, Pa.

29 Portland, Oreg.

30 Vancouver, Wash.

31 Charleston, S.C.

32 Charleston, W. Va.

33 Memphis, Tenn.

34 Houston, Tex.

35 Pueblo, Colo.

36 Warren, Ohio

37 Louisville, Ky.

38 Sioux City, Iowa.

39 Beaumont, Tex.

40 Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Tenn.

41 Consolidated City of Indianapolis, Ind.

42 Lexington-Fayette Urban County, Ky.

43 Definitions.

44 Commercial zones determined generally, with exceptions.

45 Controlling distances and population data.

Section 1  New York, N.Y.

(a) The application of §372.241 Commercial Zones determined generally, with exceptions, is hereby extended to New York, N.Y.

(b) The exemption provided by section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act, of transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, performed wholly within the zone the limits of which are defined in paragraph (a) of this section, is hereby removed as to all such transportation except:

(1) Transportation which is performed wholly within the following territory: The area within the corporate limits of the cities of New York, Yonkers, Mount Vernon, North Pelham, Pelham, Pelham Manor, Great Neck Estates, Floral Park, and Valley Stream, N.Y., and Englewood, N.J.; the area within the borough limits of Alpine, Tenafly, Englewood Cliffs, Leonia, Fort Lee, Edgewater, Cliffside Park, Fairview, Palisades Park, and Ridgefield, Bergen County, N.J.; and that part of Hudson County, N.J., east of Newark Bay and the Hackensack River;

(2) Transportation which is performed in respect of a shipment which has had a prior, or will have a subsequent movement by water carrier, and which is performed wholly between points named in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, on the one hand, and, on the other, those points in Newark and Elizabeth, N.J., identified as follows: All points in that area within the corporate limits of the cities of Newark and Elizabeth, N.J., west of Newark Bay and bounded on the south by the main line of the Central Railroad of New Jersey, on the west by the Newark & Elizabeth Branch of the Central Railroad Company of New Jersey, and on the north by the property line of the Penn Central Transportation Company.

(3) Transportation which is performed in respect of a shipment by rail carrier, and which is performed wholly between points named in subparagraph (1) of this paragraph, on the one hand, and, on the other,

(a) Those portions of Kearny, N.J., within an area bounded on the north by the main line of the Jersey City Branch of the Penn Central Transportation Co., on the south and east by Fish House Road and Pennsylvania Avenue, and on the west by the property line of the Penn Central Transportation Co. Truck-Train Terminal.

(b)(i) That portion of Newark, N.J., within an area bounded on the north by South Street and Delancey Street, on the east by Doremus Avenue, on the south by the freight right-of-way of the Penn Central Transportation Co. (Waverly Yard, Newark, N.J., to Greenville Piers, Jersey City, N.J., line), and on the west by the Penn Central Transportation Co.'s Hunter Street produce yard, and (ii) that portion of Newark, N.J., within an area bounded on the north by Poinier Street, on the east by Broad Steet, on the south by the passenger right-of-way of the Penn Central Transportation Co.'s main line and on the west by Frelinghuysen Avenue.

(c) That portion of Port Reading, N.J., within an area bounded on the east by the Arthur Kill, on the south by the right-of-way of the Reading Co., on the west by Cliff Road, and on the north by Woodbridge-Carteret Road, and

(d) That portion of Elizabeth, N.J., within an area bounded by a line extending from Newark Bay westward along Trumbull Street to its intersection with Division Street; thence northward along Trumbull Street to its intersection with East North Avenue; thence eastward along East North Avenue to its intersection with the New Jersey Turnpike, thence along the New Jersey Turnpike to the Elizabeth Channel; thence easterly along the Elizabeth Channel to Newark Bay; thence along the western shore of Newark Bay to the point of beginning.

Sec. 2  Chicago, Ill.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Chicago, Ill., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)), includes and is comprised of all points as follows:

The area within the corporate limits of Chicago, Evanston, Oak Park, Cicero, Berwyn, River Forest, Willow Springs, Bridgeview, Hickory Hills, Worth, Homewood, and Lansing, Ill.; the area within the township limits of Niles, Maine, Leyden, Norwood Park, Proviso, Lyons, Riverside, Stickeny, Worth, Calumet, Bremen, and Thornton Townships, Cook County, Ill.; the area comprised of that part of Lemont Township, Cook County, and that part of Downers Grove Township, Du Page County, Ill., bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of Archer Avenue and the southern corporate limits of WillowSprings, Ill., and extending in a southwesterly direction along Archer Avenue to its junction with Chicago Joliet Road (Sag Lemont Highway), thence in a westerly direction over Chicago Joliet Road to its junction with Walker Road, thence directly north along an imaginary line to the southern shoreline of the Chicago Sanitary and Ship Canal, thence in a northeasterly direction along said shoreline to the corporate limits of Willow Springs, including points on the indicated portions of the highways specified; the area within Burr Ridge, Du Page County, bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of County Line Road and Frontage Road, thence southwesterly along Frontage Road to its intersection with Garfield Street, thence northerly along Garfield Street to its junction with 74th Street, thence westerly along an imaginary line to the junction of 74th Street and Grant Street, thence southerly along Grant Street to its junction with 75th Street, thence westerly along 75th Street to its junction with Brush Hill Road, thence southerly along Brush Hill Road to its junction with Frontage Road, thence northeasterly along Frontage Road to its junction with County Line Road; and the area within the corporate limits of Hammond, Whiting, East Chicago, and Gary, Ind.

Sec. 3  St. Louis, Mo.-East St. Louis, Ill.

(a) The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of St. Louis, Mo.-East St. Louis, Ill, within which transportation by motor vehicle in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management or arrangement for a continuous carriage to or from a point beyond the zone is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)), includes and is comprised of all points as follows: (1) All points within the corporate limits of St. Louis, Mo.; (2) all points in St. Louis County, Mo., within a line drawn 0.5 mile south, west, and north of the following line:—Beginning at the Jefferson Barracks Bridge across the Mississippi River and extending westerly along Missouri Highway 77 to its junction with U.S. Highway 61 Bypass, thence along U.S. Highway 61 Bypass to its junction with U.S. Highway 66, thence westerly along U.S. Highway 66 to its junction with Bowles Avenue, thence northerly along Bowles Avenue, actual or projected, to the Meramec River, thence easterly along the south bank of the Meramec River to a point directly south of the western boundary of Kirkwood, thence across the Meramec River to and along the western boundary of Kirkwood to Marshall Road, thence westerly along Marshall Road to its junction with Treecourt Avenue, thence northerly along Treecourt Avenue to its junction with Big Bend Road, thence easterly along Big Bend Road to the western boundry of Kirkwood, thence northerly along the western boundary of Kirkwood to its junction with Dougherty Ferry Road, thence westerly along Dougherty Ferry Road to its junction with Interstate Highway 244, thence northerly along InterstateHighway 244 to its junction with Manchester Road, thence easterly along Manchester Road to its junction with the northwest corner of Kirkwood, thence along the western and northern boundaries of Kirkwood to the western boundary of Huntleigh, Mo., thence along the western and northern boundaries of Huntleigh to its junction with Lindbergh Boulevard, thence northerly along Lindbergh Boulevard to its junction with Lackland Avenue, thence in a westerly direction along Lackland Avenue to its junction with the right-of-way of the proposed Circumferential Expressway (Interstate Highway 244), thence in a northerly direction along said right-of-way to its junction with the right-of-way of the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railroad, thence in an easterly direction along said right-of-way to its junction with Dorsett Road, thence in an easterly direction along Dorsett Road to its junction with Lindbergh Boulevard, thence in a northerly direction along Lindbergh Boulevard to its junction with St. Charles Rock Road, thence westerly along St. Charles Rock Road to its function with the Missouri River, thence northerly along the east shore of the Missouri River to its junction with the Norfolk and Western Railway Co. right-of-way, thence easterly along the southern boundary of the Norfolk and Western Railway Co. right-of-way to Lindbergh Boulevard, thence in an easterly direction along Lindbergh Boulevard to the western boundary of St. Ferdinand (Florissant), Mo., thence along the western, northern, and eastern boundaries of St. Ferdinand to junction Insterstate Highway 270, and thence along Interstate Highway 270 to the corporate limits of St. Louis (near Chain of Rocks Bridge); and (3) all points within the corporate limits of East St. Louis, Belleville, Granite City, Madison, Venice, Brooklyn, National City, Fairmont City, Washington Park, and Sauget, Ill.; that part of the village of Cahokia, Ill., bounded by Illinois Highway 3 on the east, First Avenue and Red House (Cargill) Road on the south and southwest, the east line of the right-of-way of the Alton and Southern Railroad on the west, and the corporate limits of Sauget, Ill., on the northwest and north; that part of Centerville, Ill., bounded by a line beginning at the junction of 26th Street and the corporate limit of East St. Louis, Ill., and extending northeasterly along 26th Street to its junction with BondAvenue, thence southeasterly along Bond Avenue to its junction with Owen Street, thence southwesterly along Owen Street to its junction with Church Road, thence southeasterly along Church Road to its junction with Illinois Avenue, thence southwesterly along Illinois Avenue to the southwesterly side of the right-of-way of the Illinois Central Railroad Co., thence along the southwesterly side of the right-of-way of the Illinois Central Railroad Co. to the corporate limits of East St. Louis, Ill, thence along the corporate limits of East St. Louis, Ill., to the point of beginning; and that area bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the right-of-way of the Alton and Southern Railroad and the Madison, Ill., corporate limits near 19th Street, and extending east and south along said right-of-way to its intersection with the right-of-way of Illinois Terminal Railroad Co., thence southwesterly along the Illinois Terminal Railroad Co. right-of-way to its intersection with Illinois Highway 203, thence northwesterly along said highway to its intersection with the Madison, Ill., corporate boundary near McCambridge Avenue, thence northerly along the Madison, Ill., corporate boundary to the point of beginning.

(b) The exemption provided by section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act in respect of transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, between Belleville, Ill., on the one hand, and, on the other, any other point in the commercial zone, the limits of which are defined in paragraph (a) of this section, is hereby removed, and the said transportation is hereby subjected to all applicable provisions of the Interstate Commerce Act.

Sec. 4  Washington, DC.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Washington, DC, within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage to or from a point beyond the zone is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.A. 303(b)(8)) includes and it is comprised of all as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of MacArthur Boulevard and Falls Road (Maryland Highway 189) and extending northeasterly along Falls Road to its junction with Scott Drive, thence west on Scott Drive to its junction with Viers Drive, thence west on Viers Drive to its junction with Glen Mill Road, thence northeast on Glen Mill Road to its junction with Maryland Highway 28, thence west on Maryland Highway 28 to its junction with Shady Grove Road, thence northeast on Shady Grove Road approximately 2.7 miles to Crabbs Branch, thence southeasterly along the course of Crabbs Branch to Rock Creek, thence southerly along the course of Rock Creek to Viers Mill Road (Maryland Highway 586), thence southeasterly along Viers Mill Road approximately 0.3 mile to its junction with Aspen Hill Road, thence northeasterly along Aspen Hill Road to its junction with Brookeville Road (Maryland Highway 97), thence southeasterly along Brookeville Road to its junction with Maryland Highway 183, thence northeasterly along Maryland Highway 183 to Colesville, Md., thence southeasterly along Beltsville Road to its junction with Powder Mill Road (Maryland Highway 212), thence easterly over Powder Mill Road to its junction with Montgomery Road, thence northeasterly along Montgomery Road, approximately 0.2 mile, to its junction with an unnumbered highway extending northeasterly to the north of Ammendale Normal Institute, thence along such unnumbered highway for a distance of about 2.2 miles to its junction somewhat north of Virginia Manor, Md., with an unnumbered highway extending easterly through Muirkirk, Md., thence along such unnumbered highway through Muirkirk to its junction, approximately 1.8 miles east of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, with an unnumbered highway, thence southwesterly along such unnumbered highway for a distance of about 0.5 mile to its junction with an unnumbered highway, thence southeasterly along such unnumbered highway through Springfield and Hillmeade, Md., to its junction with Defense Highway (U.S. Highway 50), thence southwesterly along Defense Highway approximately 0.8 mile to its junction with Enterprise Road (Maryland Highway 556), thence southerly over Enterprise Road to its junction with Central Avenue (Maryland Highway 214), thence westerly over Central Avenue about 0.5 mile to its crossing of Western Branch, thence southerly down the course of Western Branch to Maryland Highway 202, thence westerly approximately 0.3 mile along Maryland Highway 202 to its junction with White House Road, thence southwesterly along White House Road to its junction with Maryland Highway 221, thence southeasterly along Maryland Highway 221 to its junction with Maryland Highway 4, thence westerly along Maryland Highway 4 to the boundary of Andrews Air Force Base, thence south and west along said boundary to Brandywine Road (Maryland Highway 5), thence northwesterly along Maryland Highway 5 to its junction with Maryland Highway 337, thence southwesterly along Maryland Highway 337 to its junction with Maryland Highway 224, thence southerly along Maryland Highway 224 to a point opposite the mouth of Broad Creek, thence due west across the Potomac River to the west bank thereof, thence southerly along the west bank of the Potomac River to Gunston Cove, thence up the course of Gunston Cove to Pohick Creek, thence up the course of Pohick Creek to Virginia Highway 611, thence southwesterly along Virginia Highway 611 to the Fairfax-Prince William County line, thence along said county line to Virginia Highway 123, thence northerly along Virginia Highway 123 to its junction with Virginia Highway 636, thence northeasterly along Virginia Highway 636 to its junction with Virginia Highway 638, thence northwesterly along Virginia Highway 638 to its junction with Virginia Highway 620, thence westerly along Virginia Highway 620 to its junction with Virginia Highway 655, thence northeasterly along Virginia Highway 655 to its junction with U.S. Highway 211, thence westerly along U.S. Highway 211 to its junction with Virginia Highway 608, thence northerly along Virginia Highway 608 to its junction with U.S. Highway 50, thence westerly along U.S. Highway 50 to the Fairfax-Loudoun County line, thence northeasterly along said county line to its intersection with Dulles International Airport, thence along the southern, western, and northern boundaries of said airport to the Fairfax-Loudoun County line (at or near Dulles Airport Access Road), thence northeasterly along said county line to its junction with Virginia Highway 7, thence southeasterly along Virginia Highway 7 to its junction with Virginia Highway 193, thence along Virginia Highway 193 to its junction with Scott Run Creek, thence northerly down the course of Scott Run Creek to the Potomac River, thence due north across the river to MacArthur Boulevard to its junction with Maryland Highway 189, the point of beginning.

Sec. 5  Los Angeles, Calif., and contiguous and adjacent municipalities.

(a) The exemption provided by section 203(b)(8) of Part II of the Interstate Commerce Act to the extent it affects transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, performed wholly within Los Angeles, Calif., or wholly within any municipalitiy contiguous or adjacent to Los Angeles, Calif., or wholly a part of Los Angeles, as defined in paragraph (b) of this section, or wholly within the zone adjacent to and commercially a part of the San Pedro, Wilmington, and Terminal Island Districts of Los Angeles and Long Beach, as defined in paragraph (c) of this section, or wholly within the zone of any independent municipality contiguous or adjacent to Los Angeles, as determined under §372.241, or otherwise, between any point in Los Angeles County, Calif., north of the line described below, on the one hand, and, on the other, any point in Los Angeles County, Calif., south thereof is hereby removed and the said transportation is hereby subjected to all the applicable provisions of the Interstate Commerce Act:

Beginning at the Pacific Ocean, and extending easterly along the northern and eastern corporate limits of Manhattan Beach to the northern corporate limits of Redondo Beach, thence along the northern and eastern corporate limits of Redondo Beach to the intersection of Inglewood Avenue and Redondo Beach Boulevard, thence along Redondo Beach Boulevard to the corporate limits of Torrance, thence along the northwestern and eastern corporate limits of Torrance to 182d Street, thence along 182d Street, Walnut, and Main Streets to Alondra Boulevard, thence along Alondra Boulevard to its intersection with Dwight Avenue, thence southerly along Dwight Avenue and an imaginary straight line extending southward to Greenleaf Boulevard, thence eastward along Greenleaf Boulevard to the northwestern corner of the corporate limits of Long Beach, thence along the northern and eastern corporate limits of Long Beach to Artesia Boulevard, thence east on Artesia Boulevard to the Los Angeles-Orange County line.

(b) For the purpose of administration and enforcement of Part II of the Interstate Commerce Act, the zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Los Angeles and contiguous municipalities (except the San Pedro, Wilmington, and Terminal Island districts of Los Angeles and Long Beach, Calif.), in which transportation by motor vehicle in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, will be partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the act, is hereby defined to includethe area of a line extending in a generally northwesterly and northerly direction from the intersection of Inglewood Avenue and Redondo Beach Boulevard along the eastern and northern corporate limits of Redondo Beach, Calif., to the eastern corporate limits of Manhattan Beach, Calif., thence along the eastern and northern corporate limits of Manhattan Beach to the Pacific Ocean, thence along the shoreline of the Pacific Ocean to the western corporate limits of Los Angeles at a point east of Topanga Canyon, and thence along the western corporate limits of Los Angeles to a point near Santa Susana Pass; south of a line extending in a generally easterly direction from a point near Santa Susana Pass along the northern corporate limits of Los Angeles to the eastern corporate limits of Burbank, Calif., thence along the eastern corporate limits of Burbank to the northern corporate limits of Glendale, Calif., and thence along the northern corporate limits of Glendale and Pasadena, Calif., to the northeastern corner of Pasadena; west of a line extending in a generally southerly and southwesterly direction from the northeastern corner of Pasadena along the eastern and a portion of the southern corporate limits of Pasadena to the eastern corporate limits of SanMarino, Calif., thence along the eastern corporate limits of San Marino and the eastern and a portion of the southern corporate limits of Alhambra, Calif., to the western corporate limits of Monterey Park, Calif., and the western corporate limits of Montebello, Calif., thence along the western corporate limits of Montebello, Calif., to the Rio Hondo, and the Los Angeles River to the northern corporate limits of Long Beach; and north of a line extending in a generally westerly direction from the Los Angeles River along the northern corporate limits of Long Beach and thence along Greenleaf Boulevard to its intersection with an imaginary straight line extending southward from Dwight Avenue, thence north on the imaginary straight line extending southward from Dwight Avenue, and thence northerly along Dwight Avenue to Alondra Boulevard, thence west along Alondra Boulevard, Main, Walnut, and 182d Streets to the eastern corporate limits of Torrance, thence along a portion of the eastern and the northwestern corporate limits of Torrance to Redondo Beach Boulevard, and thence along Redondo Beach Boulevard to Inglewood Avenue.

(c) For the purpose of administration and enforcement of Part II of the Interstate Commerce Act, the zone adjacent to and commercially a part of the San Pedro, Wilmington, and Terminal Island districts of Los Angeles and Long Beach in which transportation by motor vehicle in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, will be partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the act, is hereby defined to include the area east of a line extending in a generally northerly and northwesterly direction from the Pacific Ocean along the western corporate limits of Los Angeles to 258th Street, thence along 258th Street to the eastern corporate limits of Torrance, and thence along a portion of the eastern, and along the southern and western, corporate limits of Torrance to the northwestern corner of Torrance, south of a line extending in a generallyeasterly direction from the northwestern corner of Torrance along the northwestern and a portion of the eastern corporate limits of Torrance to 182d Street, thence along 182d, Walnut, Main, and Alondra Boulevard to its intersection with Dwight Avenue, thence southerly along Dwight Avenue and an imaginary straight line extending southward from Dwight Avenue to Greenleaf Boulevard and thence along Greenleaf Boulevard and the northern corporate limits of Long Beach to the northeastern corner of Long Beach; west of the eastern corporate limits of Long Beach; and north of the southern corporate limits of Long Beach and Los Angeles.

Sec. 6  Philadelphia, Pa.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Philadelphia, Pa., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond such zone, is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) includes and is comprised of all points as follows:

(a) The area within Pennsylvania included within the corporate limits of Philadelphia and Bensalem and Lower Southampton Townships in Bucks County; Conshohocken and West Conshohocken, Pa., and Lower Moreland, Abington, Cheltenham, Springfield, Whitemarsh, and Lower Merion Townships in Montgomery County; an area in Upper Dublin Township, Montgomery County, bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of Pennsylvania Avenue and Fort Washington Avenue and extending northeast along Fort Washington Avenue to its junction with Susquehanna Road, thence southeast along Susquehanna Road to its junctionwith the right-of-way of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, thence southwest along the right-of-way of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company to Pennsylvania Avenue, thence northwest along Pennsylvania Avenue to its junction with Fort Washington Avenue, the point of beginning; Haverford Township in Delaware County; and an area in Delaware County south and east of a line extending southward from the intersection of the western and northern boundaries of Upper Darby Township along Darby Creek to Bishop Avenue, thence south along Bishop Avenue to Baltimore Pike, thence west along Baltimore Pike to Pennsylvania Highway 320, thence south along Pennsylvania Highway 320 to the corporate limits of Chester, thence along the northern corporate limit of Chester in a westerly direction to the eastern boundary of Upper Chichester Township, thence south to the southern boundary of said township along the eastern boundary thereof, and thence west along the southern boundary of said township to the Delaware State line, and thence south along the Delaware State line to the Delaware River, and

(b) The area in New Jersey included in the corporate limits of Camden, Gloucester City, Woodlynne, Merchantville, and Palmyra Boroughs, and the area included in Pennsauken Township in Camden County.

Sec. 7  Cincinnati, Ohio.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Cincinnati, Ohio, within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuing carriage to or from a point beyond the zone is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 203(b)(8)), includes and is comprised of all points as follows:

Addyston, Ohio.
Cheviot, Ohio.
Cincinnati, Ohio.
Cleves, Ohio.
Elmwood Place, Ohio.
Fairfax, Ohio.
Mariemont, Ohio.
North Bend, Ohio.
Norwood, Ohio.
St. Bernard, Ohio.
Covington, Ky.
Newport, Ky.
Cold Spring, Ky.

That part of Ohio bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the Colerain-Springfield Township line and corporate limits of Cincinnati, Ohio, and extending along said township line in a northerly direction to its intersection with the Butler-Hamilton County line, thence in an easterly direction along said county line to its intersection with Ohio Highway 4, thence in a northerly direction along Ohio Highway 4 to its intersection with Seward Road, thence in a northerly direction along said road to its intersection with Port Union Road, thence east along Port Union Road to the Fairfield Township-Union Township line, thence northward along said township line to its intersection with the right-of-way of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co., thence southeasterly along the right-of-way of the Pennsylvania RailroadCo. to its intersection with Princeton-Glendale Road (Ohio Highway 747), thence southward along said road to its intersection with Mulhauser Road, thence in an easterly direction along said road to the terminus thereof west of the tracks of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co., thence continue in an easterly direction in a straight line to Allen Road, thence along the latter to the junction thereof with Cincinnati-Dayton Road, thence in a southerly direction along Cincinnati-Dayton Road, to the Butler, Hamilton County line, thence along said county line to the Warren-Hamilton County line in an easterly direction to the Symmes-Sycamore Township line, thence in a southerly direction along the Symmes-Sycamore Township line to its intersection with the Columbia Township line, thence in a westerly direction along Sycamore-Columbia Township line to Madeira Township, thence in a clockwise direction around the boundary of Madeira Township to the Sycamore-Columbia Township line, thence in a westerly direction along said township line to Silverton Township, thence in a southerly direction along said corporate limits to junction with Redbank Road, thence in a southerly direction over Redbank Road to the Cincinnati Corporate limits.

That part of Kenton County, Ky., lying on and north of a line commencing at the intersection of the Kenton-Boone County line and Dixie Highway (U.S. Highways 25 and 42), and extending over said highway to the corporate limits of Covington, Ky., including communities on the described line.

That part of Campbell County, Ky., lying on and north of a line commencing at the southern corporate limits of Newport, Ky., and extending along Licking Pike (Kentucky Highway 9) to junction with Johns Hill Road, thence along Johns Hill Road to junction with Alexandria Pike (U.S. Highway 27), thence northward along Alexandria Pike to junction with River Road (Kentucky Highway 445), thence over the latter to the Ohio River, including communities on the described line.

That part of Boone County, Ky., bounded by a line beginning at the Boone-Kenton County line west of Erlanger, Ky., and extending in a northwesterly direction along Donaldson Highway to its intersection with Zig-Zag Road, thence along Zig-Zag Road to its intersection with Kentucky Highway 18, thence along Kentucky Highway 18 to its intersection with Kentucky Highway 237, thence along Kentucky Highway 237 to its intersection with Kentucky Highway 20, and thence easterly along Kentucky Highway 20 to the Boone-Kenton County line.

That part of Boone and Kenton Counties, Ky., bounded by a line commencing at the intersection of the Boone-Kenton County line and U.S. Highway 42, and extending in a southwesterly direction along U.S. Highway 42 to its junction with Gunpowder Road, thence southerly along Gunpowder Road to its junction with Sunnybrook Road, thence easterly along Sunnybrook Road to its junction with Interstate Highway 75, thence in a straight line in a northeasterly direction to Richardson Road, thence in an easterly direction over Richardson Road to its junction with Kentucky State Route 1303, thence in a northerly direction over Kentucky State Route 1303 to the southern boundary of Edgewood, Kenton County, Ky.

Sec. 8  Kansas City, Mo.-Kansas City, Kans.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Kansas City, Mo.-Kansas City, Kans., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuing carriage to or from a point beyond the zone is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)), includes and is comprised of all points as follows:

Beginning on the north side of the Missouri River at the western boundary line of Parkville, Mo., thence along the western and northern boundaries of Parkville to the Kansas City, Mo., corporate limits, thence along the western, northern, and eastern corporate limits of Kansas City, Mo., to its junction with U.S. Bypass 71 (near Liberty, Mo.), thence along U.S. Bypass 71 to Liberty, thence along the northern and eastern boundaries of Liberty to its junction with U.S. Bypass 71 south of Liberty, thence south along U.S. Bypass71 to its junction with the Independence, Mo., corporate limits, thence along the eastern Independence, Mo., corporate limits to its junction with Interstate Highway 70, thence along Interstate Highway 70 to its junction with the Blue Springs, Mo., corporate limits, thence along the western, northern, and eastern corporate limits of Blue Springs, Mo., to its junction with U.S. Highway 40, thence east along U.S. Highway 40 to its junction with Brizen-Dine Road, thence south along the southerly extension of Brizen-Dine Road to its junction with Missouri Highway AA, thence along Missouri Highway AA to its junction with the Blue Springs, Mo., corporate limits, thence along the southern and western corporate limits of Blue Springs, Mo., to its junction with U.S. Highway 40, thence west along U.S. Highway 40 to its junction with the Lee's Summit, Mo., corporate limits.

Thence along the eastern Lee's Summit corporate limits to the Jackson-Cass County line, thence west along Jackson-Cass County line to the eastern corporate limits of Belton, Mo., thence along the eastern, southern, and western corporate limits of Belton to the western boundary of Richards-Gebaur Air Force Base, thence along the western boundary of said Air Force Base to Missouri Highway 150, thence west along Missouri Highway 150 to the Kansas-Missouri State line, thence north along the Kansas-Missouri State line, to 110th Street, thence west along 110th Street to its junction with U.S. Highway69, thence north along U.S. Highway 69 to its junction with 103d Street, thence west along 103d Street to its junction with Quivera Road (the corporate boundary of Lenexa, Kans.), thence along the eastern and southern boundaries of Lenexa to Black Bob Road, thence south along Black Bob Road to 119th Street, thence east along 119th Street to the corporate limits of Olathe, Kans., thence south and east along the Olathe corporate limits to Schlagel Road, thence south along Schlagel Road to Olathe Morse Road, thence west along Olathe Morse Road to the northeast corner of Johnson County Airportr, thence south, west, and north along the boundaries of said airport to Pflumm Road, thence north along Pflumm Road to its junction with Olathe Martin City Road, thence west along Olathe Martin City Road to its junction with Murden Road, thence south along Murden Road to its junction with Olathe Morse Road (the corporate boundary of Olathe, Kans.), thence west and north along said corporate boundary to its intersection with U.S. Highway 56, thence southwest along U.S. Highway 56 to its junction with 159th Street.

Thence west along 159th Street to its junction with the Johnson County Industrial Airport, thence south, west, north and east along the boundaries of said airport to the point of beginning, on 159th Street, thence, east along 159th Street to its junction with U.S. Highway 56, thence northeast along U.S. Highway 56 to its junction with Parker Road, thence north along Parker Road to the northern boundary of Olathe, thence east and north along the northern corporate limits of Olathe to Pickering Road, thence north along PickeringRoad to 107th Street (the corporate boundary of Lenexa, Kans.), thence along the western and northern boundaries of Lenexa to Pflumm Road, thence north along Pflumm Road to its junction with Kansas Highway 10, thence along Kansas Highway 10 to its junction with Kansas Highway 7, thence along an imaginary line due west across the Kansas River to the Wyandotte County-Leavenworth County line (142d Street) at Loring, Kans., thence westerly along County Route No. 82, a distance of three-fourths of a mile to the entrance of the facilities at Mid-Continent Underground Storage, Loring, thence from Loring in a northerly direction along Loring Lane and Lindwood Avenue to the southern boundary of Bonner Springs, Kans.

Thence along the southern, western, and northern boundaries of Bonner Springs to its intersection with Kansas Highway 7, thence southeast along Kansas Highway 7 to its junction with Kansas Highway 32, thence east on Kansas Highway 32 to the corporate boundary of Kansas City, Kans., thence north, west, and east along the corporate boundaries of Kansas City, Kans., to its junction with Cernech Road and Pomeroy Drive, thence northwesterly along Pomeroy Drive to its junction with 79th Street, thence along 79th Street to its junction with Walcotte Drive at Pomeroy, Kans., thence due west 1.3 miles to its junction with an unnamed road, thence north along such unnamed road to the entrance of Powell Port facility, thence due north to the southern bank of the Missouri River, thence east along the southern bank of Missouri River to a point directly across from the western boundary of Parkville, Mo., thence across the Missouri River to the point of beginning.

Sec. 9  Boston, Mass.

For the purpose of administration and enforcement of Part II of the Interstate Commerce Act, the zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Boston, Mass., and contiguous municipalities in which transportation by motor vehicle in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, will be partially exempt under section 203(b)(8) of the act from regulation, is hereby defined to include the following:

Boston, Mass.
Winthrop, Mass.
Chelsea, Mass.
Revere, Mass.
Everett, Mass.
Malden, Mass.
Medford, Mass.
Somerville, Mass.
Cambridge, Mass.
Watertown, Mass.
Brookline, Mass.
Newton, Mass.
Needham, Mass.
Dedham, Mass.
Milton, Mass.
Quincy, Mass.

Sec. 10  Davenport, Iowa; Rock Island and Moline, Ill.

For the purpose of administration and enforcement of Part II of the Interstate Commerce Act, the zones adjacent to and commercially a part of Davenport, Iowa, Rock Island and Moline, Ill., in which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond such municipalities or zones, will be partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8) are hereby determined to be coextensive and to include and to be comprised of the following:

(a) All points within the corporate limits of the city of Davenport and the city of Bettendorf, and in Davenport Township, Iowa.

(b) All points north of Davenport Township within that portion of Sheridan Township, Iowa, bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at the points where U.S. Highway 61 crosses the Davenport-Sheridan Township line and extending northward along U.S. Highway 61 to the right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Co., thence northwesterly along said right-of-way to its junction with the first east-west unnumbered highway, thence westerly approximately 0.25 mile to its junction with a north-south unnumbered highway, thence southerly along such unnumbered highway to the northeast corner of Mount Joy Airport, thence along the northern and western boundaries of said airport to the southwestern corner thereof, and thence south in a straight line to the northern boundary of Davenport Township.

(c)(1) That part of Iowa lying west of the municipal limits of Davenport south of Iowa Highway 22, north of the Mississippi River and east of the present western boundary of the Dewey Portland Cement Co., at Linwood, including points on such boundaries, and (2) that part of Iowa east of the municipal limits of Bettendorf, south of U.S. Highway 67, west of a private road running between U.S. Highway 67 and Riverside Power Plant of the Iowa-Illinois Gas & Electric Co., and north of the Mississippi River, including points on such boundaries.

(d) The municipalities of Carbon Cliff, Silvis, East Moline, Moline, Rock Island, and Milan, Ill., and that part of Illinois lying south or east of such municipalities, within a line as follows: Beginning at a point where Illinois Highway 84 crosses the southern municipal limits of Carbon Cliff and extending southerly along such highway to its junction with Colona Road, thence westerly along Colona Road to Bowlesburg Road, thence southerly on Bowlesburg Road to the southern boundary of Hampton Township, thence along the southern boundaries of Hampton and South Moline Townships to U.S. Highway 150, thence southerly along U.S. Highway 150 to the southern boundary of the Moline Airport, thence along the southern and western boundaries of the Moline Airport to Illinois Highway 92, and thence along Illinois Highway 92 to the corporate limits of Milan.

(e) All points in Illinois within one-half mile on each side of Rock Island County State Aid Route No. 9 extending southwesterly from the corporate limits of Milan for a distance of 1 mile, including points on such highway.

Sec. 11  Commercial zones of municipalities in New Jersey within 5 miles of New York, N.Y.

(a) The application of §372.241 is hereby extended to each municipality in New Jersey, any part of which is within 5 miles of the corporate limits of New York, N.Y.

(b) The exemption provided by section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act, of transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, performed wholly within any commercial zone, the limits of which are defined in paragraph (a) of this section, is hereby removed as to all such transportation except (1) transportation which is performed wholly between any two points in New Jersey, or (2) transportation which is performed wholly between points in New Jersey named in §372.201, on the one hand, and, on the other, points in New York named in §372.201.

Sec. 12  Commercial zones of municipalities in Westchester and Nassau Counties, N.Y.

(a) The application of §372.241 is hereby extended to each municipality in Westchester or Nassau Counties, N.Y.

(b) The exemption provided by section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act, of transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, performed wholly within any commercial zone, the limits of which are defined in paragraph (a) of this section, is hereby removed as to all such transportation except (1) transportation which is performed wholly between points in New York neither of which is New York City, NY, or (2) transportation which is performed wholly between points in Westchester or Nassau County named in §372.201, on the one hand, and, on the other, New York City, N.Y., or points in New Jersey named in §372.201.

Sec. 13  Tucson, Ariz.

That zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Tucson, Ariz., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, is partially exempt, under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) from regulation, includes, and is comprised of, all points as follows:

(a) The municipality of Tucson, Ariz., itself.

(b) All points within a line drawn 5 miles beyond the corporate limits of Tucson, Ariz.

(c) All points in that area south of the line described in paragraph (b) of this section, bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at the point where the line described in paragraph (b) of this section, intersects Wilmot Road, thence south along Wilmot Road to junction Nogales Old Vail Connection, thence west along Nogales Old Vail Connection, actual or extended, to the Santa Cruz River, thence north along the east bank of the Santa Cruz River to its joinder with the line described in paragraph (b) of this section.

(d) All of any municipality any part of which is within the limits of the combined areas defined in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

(e) All of any municipality wholly surrounded, or so surrounded except for a water boundary, by the city of Tucson or by any municipality included under the terms of paragraph (d) of this section.

Sec. 14  Albuquerque, N. Mex.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Albuquerque, N. Mex., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, is partially exempt, under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)), from regulation, includes, and is comprised of, all points as follows:

(a) The municipality of Albuquerque, N. Mex., itself.

(b) All points within a line drawn 5 miles beyond the corporate limits of Albuquerque, N. Mex.

(c) All points in that area north of the line described in paragraph (b) of this section, bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the line described in paragraph (b) of this section and New Mexico Highway 528, extending in a northeasterly direction along New Mexico Highway 528 to its intersection with New Mexico Highway 44, thence easterly along New Mexico Highway 44 to its intersection with New Mexico Highway 422, thence southerly along New Mexico Highway 422 to its intersection with the line described in paragraph (b) of this section.

(d) All of any municipality any part of which is within the limits of the combined areas defined in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section;

(e) All of any municipality wholly surrounded, or so surrounded except for a water boundary, by the city of Albuquerque, N. Mex., or by any municipality included under the terms of paragraph (b) of this section.

Sec. 18  Ravenswood, W. Va.

That zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Ravenswood, W. Va., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, is partially exempt, under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)), from regulation, includes, and is comprised of, all points as follows:

(a) The municipality of Ravenswood, W. Va., itself.

(b) All points within a line drawn 3 miles beyond the corporate limits of Ravenswood, W. Va., and

(c) All points in West Virginia in that area south and southwest of those described in paragraph (b) of this section, bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at the point where the Ohio River meets the line described in paragraph (b) of this section southwest of Ravenswood, thence southerly along the east bank of the Ohio River to the point where the mouth of the Lick Run River empties into the Ohio River; thence in a northeasterly direction along the northern bank of the Lick Run River to the point where it crosses West Virginia Highway 2 south of Ripley Landing, W. Va.; thence in a northerly direction along West Virginia Highway 2 to its intersection with the line described in paragraph (b) of this section west of Pleasant View, W. Va.

Sec. 19  Lake Charles, La.

That zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Lake Charles, La., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, is partially exempt, under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)), from regulation, includes, and is comprised of, all points as follows:

(a) The municipality of Lake Charles La., itself;

(b) All points within a line drawn 4 miles beyond the corporate limits of Lake Charles, La.;

(c) All points in that area south and west of the line described in paragraph (b) of this section, bounded by a line, as follows: beginning at the point where the line described in paragraph (b) of this section intersects Louisiana Highway 385; thence south along Louisiana Highway 385 to its intersection with the Calcasieu-Cameron Parish line; thence west along the Calcasieu-Cameron Parish line to its intersection with Louisiana Highway 27; thence northerly along Louisiana Highway 27 to a point thereon 2 miles south of U.S. Highway 90; thence east along a line parallel to U.S. Highway 90 to Louisiana Highway 108; thence north along Louisiana Highway 108 to junction U.S. Highway 90; thence east along U.S. Highway 90 to the intersection thereof with the line described in paragraph (b) of this section;

(d) All of the municipality any part of which is within the limits of the combined areas in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section; and

(e) All of any municipality wholly surrounded, or so surrounded except for a water boundary, by the City of Lake Charles or by any municipality included under the terms of paragraph (d) of this section.

Sec. 20  Syracuse, N.Y.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Syracuse, N.Y., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuing carriage to or from a point beyond the zone is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)), includes and is comprised of all points as follows:

(a) The municipality of Syracuse, NY., itself;

(b) All other municipalities and unincorporated areas within 5 miles of the corporate limits of Syracuse, N.Y., and all of any other municipality any part of which lies within 5 miles of such corporate limits;

(c) Those points in the town of Geddes, Onondaga County, N.Y., which are not within 5 miles of the corporate limits of Syracuse, N.Y.;

(d) Those points in the towns of Van Buren and Lysander, Onondaga County, N.Y., not within 5 miles of the corporate limits of Syracuse, N.Y., and within an area bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of Van Buren Road with the line described in (b) above, thence northwesterly along Van Buren Road to its intersection with the cleared right-of-way of Niagara Mohawk Power Company, thence northwesterly and north along said right-of-way to its intersection between Church Road and Emerick Road, with the cleared right-of-way of New York State Power Authority, thence easterly along said clearedright-of-way to its intersection with the Seneca River, thence south along the Seneca River to its intersection, near Gaskin Road, with the cleared right-of-way of Niagara Mohawk Power Company, thence southwesterly along said cleared right-of-way to its intersection with the eastern limits of the Village of Baldwinsville, thence south along such Village limits to their intersection with a line of railroad presently operated by the Erie-Lackawanna Railroad Company, thence southeasterly along said line of railroad to its intersection with the Van-Buren Lysander Town line, thence southeasterly along the Van-Buren Lysander Town line to its intersection with the Van-Buren Geddes Town line, thence southeasterly along the Van-Buren Geddes Town line to the line described in (b) above.

Sec. 21  Baltimore, Md.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Baltimore, Md., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage to or from a point beyond the zone is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) includes and it is comprised of all as follows:

(a) The municipality of Baltimore itself;

(b) All points within a line drawn 5 miles beyond the boundaries of Baltimore;

(c) All points in that area east of the line described in paragraph (b) of this section bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at the point where the line described in paragraph (b) of this section crosses Dark Head Creek and extending in a southeasterly direction along the center of Dark Head Creek and beyond to a point off Wilson Point, thence in a northeasterly direction to and along the center of Frog Mortar Creek to Stevens Road, thence northerly along Stevens Road to Eastern Avenue, thence easterly along Eastern Avenue to Bengies Road, thence northwesterly along Bengies Road, to the right-of-way of the Penn Central Transportation Co., thence westerly along such right-of-way to the junction thereof with the line described in paragraph (b) of this section;

(d) All points in that area south of the line described in paragraph (b) of this section, bounded on the west by the right-of-way of the line of the Penn Central Transportation Co., extending between Stony Run and Severn, Md., and on the south by that part of Maryland Highway 176, extending easterly from the said railroad to its junction with the line described in paragraph (b) of this section;

(e) All points in that area southwest of the line described in paragraph (b) of this section, bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at the point where the line described in paragraph (b) of this section crosses the Baltimore-Washington Expressway and extending in a southwesterly direction along the Baltimore-Washington Expressway to its intersection with Maryland Highway 176, thence westerly along Maryland Highway 176 to its intersection with the Howard-Anne Arundel County line, thence southwesterly along said county line to its intersection with Maryland Highway 32, thence northwesterly along Maryland Highway 32 to its intersection with the Little Patuxent River, thence northerly along the Little Patuxent River to the intersection of its north fork and its east fork located approximately 1 mile north of the intersection of Maryland Highway 32 and Berger Road, thenceeasterly along the east fork of the Little Patuxent River to its intersection with Broken Land Parkway, thence southerly along Broken Land Parkway to its intersection with Snowden River Parkway, thence easterly along Snowden River Parkway, to its intersection with relocated Maryland Highway 175, thence southeasterly along relocated Maryland Highway 175, to its intersection with Lark Brown Road, thence northeasterly along Lark Brown Road to its intersection with Maryland Highway 175, thence southerly along Maryland Highway 175 to its intersection with Interstate Highway 95, thence northeasterly along Interstate Highway 95 to its intersection with the line described in paragraph (b) of this section;

(f) All points in that area north of the line described in paragraph (b) of this section bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at the junction of the line described in paragraph (b) of this section and the Baltimore-Harrisburg Expressway (Interstate Highway 83), thence northerly along Interstate Highway 83 to its junction with Shawan Road, thence easterly along Shawan Road to its junction with York Road (Maryland Highway 45) and continuing to a point 1,500 feet east of Maryland Highway 45, thence southerly along a line 1,500 feet east of the parallel to Maryland Highway 45 to its junction with the line described in paragraph (b) of this section;

(g) All points in that area west of the line described in paragraph (b) of this section bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at the point where the line described in paragraph (b) of this section intersects U.S. Highway 40 west of Baltimore, Md., and extending in a westerly direction along U.S. Highway 40 to its intersection with St. John's Lane, thence southerly along St. John's Lane to its intersection with Maryland Highway 144, thence easterly along Maryland Highway 144 to its intersection with the line in paragraph (b) of this section;

(h) All of any municipality any part of which is within the limits of the combined areas defined in paragraphs (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), and (g) of this section;

(i) All of any municipality wholly surrounded, or surrounded except for a water boundary, by the city of Baltimore or by any municipality included under the terms of (h) above.

Sec. 22  Cleveland, Ohio

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Cleveland, Ohio, within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage to or from a point beyond the zone is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) includes and it is comprised of all as follows:

(a) All points in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, and

(b) All points in Wickliffe, Willoughby Hills, Waite Hill, Willoughby, Willowick, Eastlake, Lakeline, Timberlake, and Mentor, Lake County, Ohio.

Sec. 23  Detroit, Mich.

For the purpose of administration and enforcement of Part II of the Interstate Commerce Act, the zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Detroit, Mich., in which transportation by motor vehicle in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, will be partially exempt under section 203(b)(8) of the act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) from regulation, is hereby determined to include, and to be comprised of, all that area within a line as follows:

Beginning at a point on Lake St. Clair opposite the intersection of Fifteen Mile Road and Michigan Highway 29 and extending south and southwest along the shore of Lake St. Clair, to the Detroit River, thence along such River (east of Belle Isle) and Trenton Channel to a point opposite Sibley Road, thence west to and along Sibley Road to Waltz Road, thence north along Waltz Road to Wick Road, thence west along Wick Road to Cogswell Road, thence north along Cogswell Road to Van Born Road, thence east along Van Born Road to Newburgh Road, thence north along Newburgh Road to its junction with Halsted Road, thence north along Halsted Road to West Maple Road, thence east along West Maple Road to Telegraph Road, thence north along Telegraph Road to Sixteen Mile Road, thence east along Sixteen Mile Road to Utica Road, thence southeasterly along Utica Road to Fifteen Mile Road (also called East Maple Road), thence along Fifteen Mile Road and across Michigan Highway 29 to Lake St. Clair, the point of beginning.

Sec. 24  Seattle, Wash.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Seattle, Wash., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under common control, management, or arrangement for continuous carriage or shipments to or from a point beyond such zone, is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) includes and is comprised of all points as follows:

(a) The municipality of Seattle itself.

(b) All points within a line drawn 5 miles beyond the municipal limits of Seattle, except points on Bainbridge Island, Vashon Island, and Blake Island.

(c) All points more than 5 miles beyond the municipal limits of Seattle (1) within a line as follows: Beginning at that point south of Seattle where the eastern shore of Puget Sound intersects the line described in paragraph (b) of this section, thence southerly along the eastern shore of Puget Sound to Southwest 192d Street, thence easterly along Southwest 192d Street to thepoint where it again intersects the line described in paragraph (b) of this section; and (2) within a line as follows: Beginning at the junction of the southern corporate limits of Kent, Wash., and Washington Highway 181, and extending south along Washington Highway 181 to the northern corporate limits of Auburn, Wash., thence along the western, southern, and eastern corporate limits of Auburn to the junction of the northern corporate limits of Auburn and Washington Highway 167, thence northerly along Washington Highway 167 to its junction with the southern corporate limits of Kent, Wash., including all points on the highways named.

(d) All points more than 5 miles beyond the municipal limits of Seattle within a line as follows: Beginning at the junction of the northern corporate limits of Lynwood, Wash., and U.S. Highway 99, thence north along U.S. Highway 99 to its junction with Washington Highway 525, thence along Washington Highway 525 to its junction with West Casino Road, thence east along West Casino Road to the western boundary of the Everett facilities of the Boeing Co. at or near 4th Avenue West, thence along the western, northern and eastern boundaries of the facilities of the Boeing Co. to West Casino Road, thence east along West Casino Road to its junction with U.S. Highway 99, thence south along U.S. Highway 99 to 112th Street, thence easterly along 112th Street to its junction with Interstate Highway 5, thence southerly along Interstate Highway 5 to its intersection with the present zone limits, including all points on the named routes.

(e) All of any municipality any part of which is within the limits set forth in (b) above.

(f) All of any municipality wholly surrounded, or so surrounded except for a water boundary, by the city of Seattle or by any municipality included under the terms of (b) above.

Sec. 25  Albany, N.Y.

For the purpose of administration and enforcement of Part II of the Interstate Commerce Act, the zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Albany, N.Y., in which transportation by motor vehicle in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, will be partially exempt under section 203(b)(8) of the act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) from regulations, is hereby determined to include, and to be comprised of, the following:

(a) The municipality of Albany itself,

(b) All points within a line drawn 5 miles beyond the municipal limits of Albany,

(c) All points in that area more than 5 miles beyond the municipal limits of Albany bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at that point on Swatling Road (in the Town of Colonie) where it crosses the line described in (b) above and extending northerly along such road to the municipal limits of Cohoes, thence along the western and northern boundary of Cohoes to the Mohawk River, thence along such river to the northern boundary of the Town of Waterford, thence along the northern and eastern boundaries of the Town of Waterford to the northern boundary of the City of Troy (all of which city is included under the next following provision),

(d) All of any municipality any part of which is within the limits of the combined areas defined in (b) and (c) above, and

(e) All of any municipality wholly surrounded, or so surrounded except for a water boundary, by the municipality of Albany or by any other municipality included under the terms of (d) above.

Sec. 26  Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn, within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage to or from a point beyond the zone is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) includes and it is comprised of all as follows:

Beginning at the intersection of Minnesota Highway 36 and the Minnesota River and extending along the Minnesota River to the southwest corner of the city of Bloomington, thence north along the western boundaries of the city of Bloomington and the village of Edina to the southern boundary of the city of Hopkins, thence along the southern, western, and northern boundaries of the city of Hopkins to the western boundary of the city of St. Louis Park, thence north along the western boundaries of the city of St. Louis Park and the village of Golden Valley to the southeast corner of the village of Plymouth, thence west along the southern boundary of Plymouth to Interstate Highway 494, thence north along Interstate Highway 494 to Minnesota Highway 55, thence southeast along Minnesota Highway 55 to the western boundary of the village of Golden Valley, thence north along the western boundaries of the villages of Golden Valley and New Hope to the northwestern corner of the village of New Hope, thence east along the northern boundary of the village of New Hope and the city of Crystal to the western boundary of the village of Brooklyn Center, thence north along the western boundary of the village of Brooklyn Center to its northern boundary, thence east along such northernboundary to the Hennepin County-Anoka County line, thence north along such county line to the northwestern corner of the village of Spring Lake Park in Anoka County, thence east along the northern boundary of the village of Spring Lake Park to the northwest corner of Mounds View Township in Ramsey County, thence east and south along the northern and eastern boundaries of Mounds View Township to the northwestern corner of the village of Little Canada, thence east and south along the northern and eastern boundaries of Little Canada to the northwest corner of the village of Maplewood, thence east and south along the northern and eastern boundaries of the village of Maplewood to the northeastern corner of the village of North St. Paul, thence south along the eastern boundary of the village of North St. Paul to the southeast corner of such village, thence south along the eastern boundary of the village of Maplewood to the northeastern corner of the village of Newport, thence south and west along the eastern and southern boundaries of the village of Newport to U.S. Highway 61, thence southeasterly along U.S. Highway 61, to the eastern boundary of the village of St. Paul Park, thence along the eastern, southern, and western boundaries of the village of St. Paul Park to a point on the Mississippi River opposite the southeast corner of the original village of Inver Grove, thence westerly across the river and along the southern and western boundaries of the original village of Inver Grove to the northwestcorner of such village, thence due north to the southern boundary of South St. Paul, thence north and west along the western and southern boundaries of South St. Paul to the southeastern corner of West St. Paul, thence west along the southern boundary of West St. Paul to County Highway 63, thence south along County Highway 63 to its junction with County Highway 63A, thence west along County Highway 63A to its junction with Minnesota Highway 49, thence north along Minnesota Highway 49 to its junction with County Highway 28, thence west along County Highway 28 to its junction with Minnesota Highway 13, thence southwest along Minnesota Highway 13 to its junction with Minnesota Highway 36, thence north and northwest along Minnesota Highway 36 to the Minnesota River, the point of beginning.

Sec. 27  New Orleans, La.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of New Orleans, La., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)), includes and is comprised of all points in the area bounded as follows:

Commencing at a point on the shore of Lake Pontchartrain where it is crossed by the Jefferson Parish-Orleans Parish line; thence easterly along the shore of Lake Pontchartrain to the Rigolets; thence through the Rigolets in an easterly direction to Lake Borgne; thence southwesterly along the shore of Lake Borgne to the Bayou Bienvenue; thence in a general westerly direction along the Bayou Bienvenue (which also constitutes the Orleans Parish-St. Bernard Parish line) to Paris Road; thence in a southerly direction along Paris Road to the Back Protection Levee; thence in a southeasterly direction along the Back Protection Levee (across Lake Borgne Canal) to a point 1 mile north of Louisiana Highway 46; thence in an easterly direction 1 mile north of Louisiana Highway 46 to longitude 89°50' W.; thence south along longitude line 89°50' W. (crossing Louisiana Highway 46 approximately three-eighths of a mile east of Toca) to Forty Arpent Canal; thence westerly, northwesterly, and southerly along Forty Arpent Canal to Scarsdale Canal; thence northwesterly along Scarsdale Canal and beyond it in the same direction to the middle of the Mississippi River; thence southerly along the middle of the Mississippi River to the Augusta Canal; thence in a westerly direction along the Augusta Canal to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway; thence in a northerly direction along the middle of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (Harvey Canal) to the point where Lapalco Boulevard runs perpendicular to the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (Harvey Canal); thence in a westerly direction along Lapalco Boulevard to its junction with Barataria Boulevard; thence north on Barartaria Boulevard to a point approximately 2 miles south of the MississippiRiver where a high tension transmission line crosses Barataria Boulevard; thence in a westerly direction following such transmission line to the intersection thereof with U.S. Highway 90; thence westerly along U.S. Highway 90 to the Jefferson Parish-St. Charles Parish line; thence north along such parish line to the middle of the Mississippi River; thence westerly along the middle of the Mississippi River to a point south of Almedia Road; thence north to Almedia Road; thence in a northerly direction along Almedia Road to its junction with Highway 61; thence north to the shore of Lake Pontchartrain; thence along the shore of Lake Pontchartrain in an easterly direction to the Jefferson Parish-Orleans Parish line, the point of beginning.

Sec. 28  Pittsburgh, Pa.

For the purpose of administration and enforcement of Part II of the Interstate Commerce Act, the zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Pittsburgh, Pa., in which transportation by motor vehicle in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, will be partially exempt under section 203(b)(8) of the act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) from regulation, is hereby determined to include, and to be comprised of, the following:

(a) All points in Allegheny County, Pa., except Forward, Elizabeth, South Versailles, Marshall (including the Borough of Bradford Woods), Pine Richland, West Deer and Fawn Townships and that part of Frazer Township north of a line made by extending easterly in a straight line the southern boundary of West Deer Township.

(b) Borough of Trafford situated in both Alleghency and Westmoreland Counties;

(c) Borough of Ambridge and Harmony Township located in Beaver County; and

(d) The City of New Kensington and Borough of Arnold in Westmoreland County.

Sec. 29  Portland, Oreg.

For the purpose of administration and enforcement of Part II of the Interstate Commerce Act, the zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Portland, Oreg., in which transportation by motor vehicle in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, will be partially exempt under section 203(b)(8) of the act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) from regulation, is hereby determined to include, and to be comprised of, the following:

(a) The municipality itself.

(b) All points in Oregon within a line drawn 5 miles beyond the corporate limits of Portland.

(c) All of any municipality any part of which is within the line described in (b) above.

(d) All of any municipality wholly surrounded, or so surrounded except for a water boundary, by the city of Portland or by any municipality included under the terms of (c) above.

Sec. 30  Vancouver, Wash.

For the purpose of administration and enforcement of Part II of the Interstate Commerce Act, the zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Vancouver, Wash., in which transportation by motor vehicle in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, will be partially exempt under section 203(b)(8) of the act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) from regulation, is hereby determined to include, and to be comprised of, the following:

(a) The municipality itself.

(b) All points in Washington within a line drawn 4 miles beyond the corporate limits of Vancouver.

(c) All of any municipality any part of which is within the line described in (b) above.

(d) All of any municipality wholly surrounded, or so surrounded except for a water boundary, by the City of Vancouver or by any municipality included under the terms of (c) above.

Sec. 31  Charleston, S.C.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Charleston, S.C., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone is partially exempt, under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)), from regulation, includes and is comprised of, all points and places as follows:

(a) The municipality of Charleston itself.

(b) All points within a line drawn 4 miles beyond the boundaries of Charleston.

(c) All points in that area north of the line described in paragraph (b) of this section, bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at the point where the line described in paragraph (b) of this section crosses Cooper River and extending in a northerly direction along the center of Cooper River to Goose Creek; thence north and west along the center of Goose Creek to the dam of the reservoir of the Charleston waterworks; thence northwesterly along the west bank of the Charleston waterworks reservoir for approximately one mile to an unnamed creek; thence westerly along the center of this unnamed creek for approximately one mile to U.S. Highway 52; thence northerly along U.S. Highway 52 to junction South Carolina Highway S–10–75; thence westerly along South Carolina Highway S–10–75 approximately one and one half miles to a point one quarter mile west of the track of the Southern Railway Company; thence southeasterly along a line one quarter of a mile west of, and parallel to, the track of the Southern Railway Company to the junction thereof with the line described in paragraph (b) of this section.

(d) All of any municipality any part of which is within the limits of the combined areas defined in paragraphs (1) and (c) of this section.

(e) All of any municipality wholly surrounded, or so surrounded except for a water boundary, by the city of Charleston or by any municipality included under the terms of paragraph (d) of this section.

Sec. 32  Charleston, W. Va.

That zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Charleston, W. Va., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, is partially exempt, under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)), from regulation, includes, and is comprised of, all points and places as follows:

(a) The municipality of Charleston, W. Va., itself.

(b) All points within a line drawn 4 miles beyond the corporate limits of Charleston, W. Va.

(c) All points in that area northwest of those described in (b) above, bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at a point on the line described in (b) above, one-half mile south of U.S. Highway 60 west of Charleston, thence westerly along a line one-half mile south of the junction of U.S. Highway 60 with West Virginia Highway 17 near 2 3/4 Mile Creek, thence westerly along a line one-half mile south of and parallel to West Virginia Highway 17 to the Coal River, thence north along the center of the Coal River to West Virginia Highway 17, thence northerly along West Virginia Highway 17 to Scary Creek, near Scary, W. Va., thence east along Scary Creek to the center of the Kanawha River, thence northerly along the center of the Kanawha River to a point opposite the mouth of Blake Creek (between Nitro and Poca, W. Va.), thence easterly along a straight line drawn through the junction of U.S. Highway 35 and West Virginia Highway 25 to a point one-half mile beyond said junction, thence southerly along a line one-half mile northeast of and parallel to West Virginia Highway 25 to the junction of the line described in (b) above.

(d) All points in that area southeast of those described in (b) above, bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at a point on the line described in (b) above one-half mile south of the Kanawha River, thence easterly along a line one-half mile south of, and parallel to, the Kanawha River to junction with a straight line intersecting the highway bridge at Chelyan, W. Va., thence northerly along said straight line across the Kanawha River to a point one-half mile north of the Kanawha River, thence westerly along a line one-half mile north of and parallel to the Kanawha River to the junction of the line described in (b) above.

(e) All of any municipality any part of which is within the limits of the combined areas defined in (b), (c), and (d) above.

Sec. 33  Memphis, Tenn.

That zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Memphis, Tenn., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, is partially exempt, under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) from regulation, includes, and is comprised of, all points as follows:

(a) The municipality of Memphis, Tenn., itself.

(b) All points within a line drawn 5 miles beyond the corporate limits of Memphis, Tenn.

(c) All points in that part of Shelby County, Tenn., north of the line described in paragraph (b) of this section, bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the line described in paragraph (b) of this section and U.S. Highway 51 north of Memphis, thence northeasterly along U.S. Highway 51 for approximately 3 miles to its intersection with Lucy Road, thence easterly along Lucy Road for approximately 1.4 miles to its intersection with Chase Road, thence northerly along Chase Road for approximately 0.6 mile to its intersection with Lucy Road thence easterly along Lucy Road for approximately 0.8 mile to its intersection with Main Road, thence southereasterly along Main Road approximately 0.3 mile to its intersection with Amherst Road, thence southerly and easterly along Amherst Road for approximately 0.8 mile to its intersection with Raleigh-Millington Road, thence southerly along Raleigh-Millington Road for approximately 2 miles to its intersection with the line described in paragraph (b) of this section north of Memphis;

(d) All of any municipality any part of which is within the limits of the combined areas described in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section.

Sec. 34  Houston, Tex.

The zone adjacent to, and commercially a part of Houston, Tex., and contiguous municipalities in which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, will be partially exempt under section 203(b)(8) of the act from regulation, is hereby defined to include the area which would result by application of the general formula promulgated in §372.241, and in addition thereto, the municipalities of Baytown, La Porte and Lomax, Tex.

Sec. 35  Pueblo, Colo.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Pueblo, Colo., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond such zone is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)), includes and is comprised of all points as follows:

(a) the municipality of Pueblo, Colo., itself;

(b) All points within a line drawn 4 miles beyond the corporate limits of Pueblo, Colo.:

(c) All of the area known as the Pueblo Memorial Airport, consisting of about 3,500 acres, not within 4 miles of the corporate limits of Pueblo, Colo., and within an area located on the East of Pueblo, the nearest point being about 3.80 miles from the city limits of Pueblo, and bounded on the south by the tracks of the Santa Fe Railroad and the Missouri Pacific Railroad, and a public highway known as Baxter Road and designated as U.S. Highway 50 Bypass and Colorado Highway 96, with such property extending north, west, and east of the described southern base line.

Sec. 36  Warren, Ohio.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Warren, Ohio, within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, is partially exempt, under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) from regulation includes, and is comprised of, all points as follows:

(a) The municipality of Warren, Ohio, itself.

(b) All points within a line drawn 4 miles beyond the corporate limits of Warren, Ohio.

(c) All points in that area, south of the line in paragraph (b) of this section, bounded by a line as follows: Beginning at the point where the line described in paragraph (b) of this section intersects Ellsworth-Baily Road, thence south along Ellsworth-Baily Road to the Ohio Turnpike, thence southeast along the Ohio Turnpike to New Hallock-Young Road, thence northeast along New Hallock-Young Road to Hallock-Young Road, thence east along Hallock-Young Road to junction Ohio Highway 45 (Salem-Warren Road), thence north along Ohio Highway 45 (Salem-Warren Road) to its intersection with the line described in paragraph (b) of this section.

Sec. 37 Louisville, Ky.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Louisville, Ky., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond such zone, is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) includes and is comprised of all points as follows:

(a) The municipality of Louisville, Ky., itself;

(b) All other municipalities and unincorporated areas within 5 miles of the corporate limits of Louisville, Ky., and all of any municipality any part of which lies within 5 miles of such corporate limits; and

(c) Those points not within 5 miles of the corporate limits of Louisville, Ky., and within an area bounded by a line beginning at the junction of Kentucky Highway 146 (LaGrange Road) and Kentucky Highway 1447 (Westport Road), thence over Kentucky Highway 146 to the junction of Kentucky Highway 146 and Kentucky Highway 841 (Jefferson Freeway), thence over Kentucky Highway 841 to the junction of Kentucky Highway 841 and Kentucky Highway 1447, thence over Kentucky Highway 1447 to junction Kentucky Highway 1447 and Kentucky Highway 146, the point of beginning, all within Jefferson County, Ky.

Sec. 38  Sioux City, Iowa.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Sioux City, Iowa, within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond such zone, is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) includes and is comprised of all points as follows:

(a) The area which would result by application of the general formula promulgated in §372.241; and, in addition thereto,

(b) That area bounded by a line beginning at the intersection of Interstate Highway 29 and the line described in paragraph (a) of this section, and extending southeasterly along Interstate Highway 29 to its intersection with the Liberty-Lakeport Township, Iowa, line, thence westerly along the Liberty-Lakeport Township, Iowa, line to the Missouri River, thence northerly along the east bank of the Missouri River to its intersection with the line described in paragraph (a) of this section, thence along the line described in paragraph (a) of this section, to the point of beginning.

Sec. 39  Beaumont, Tex.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Beaumont, Tex., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond such zone, is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) includes and is comprised of all points as follows:

(a) The areas which would result by application of the general formula promulgated in §372.241 for Beaumont, Tex.; and in addition thereto,

(b) That area bounded by a line beginning at that point where the west bank of Hillebrandt Bayou intersects the line described in paragraph (a) of this section; thence along the west bank of Hillebrandt Bayou to its confluence with Taylors Bayou: thence in a southeasterly direction along the west and south banks of Taylors Bayou to its confluence with the Intracoastal Waterway; thence along the west and north banks of the Intra-coastal Waterway to its confluence with Sabine River and Sabine Lake at a point immediately east of Groves; thence in a northeasterly direction along the north and west banks of Sabine Lake and Sabine River to the Orange-Newton County line; thence westerly along said county line to the west right-of-way line of State Highway 87; thence southerly along the west right-of-way line of State Highway 87 to the north right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 10; thence westerly along the north right-of-way line of Interstate Highway 10 to intersection with the line described in paragraph (a) of this section; thence along the line described in paragraph (a) of this section, to the point of beginning.

Sec. 40  Metropolitian Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Tenn.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County, Tenn, within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) includes and is comprised of all points as follows:

(a) The Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County itself.

(b) All of any municipality wholly surrounded, or so surrounded except for a water boundary, by the Metropolitan Government of Nashville and Davidson County.

Sec. 41  Consolidated City of Indianapolis, Ind.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of the Consolidated City of Indianapolis, Ind., within which transportation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8) includes and is comprised of all points as follows:

(a) The Consolidated City of Indianapolis, Ind., itself.

(b) All of any municipality wholly surrounded or so surrounded except for a water boundary, by the Consolidated City of Indianapolis.

Sec. 42  Lexington-Fayette Urban County, Ky.

The zone adjacent to and commercially a part of Lexington-Fayette Urban County, Ky., within which transporation by motor vehicle, in interstate or foreign commerce, not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point beyond the zone, is partially exempt from regulation under section 203(b)(8) of the Interstate Commerce Act (49 U.S.C. 303(b)(8)) includes and is comprised of all points as follows:

(a) Lexington-Fayette Urban County, Ky., itself.

(b) All other municipalities and unincorporated areas within 5 miles of the intersection of U.S. Highway 27 (Nicholasville Road) with the corporate boundary line between Jessamine County, Ky., and Lexington-Fayette Urban County, Ky.

Sec. 43  Definitions.

For the purposes of this part, the following terms are defined:

(a) “Municipality” means any city, town, village, or borough which has been created by special legislative act or which has been, otherwise, individually incorporated or chartered pursuant to general State laws, or which is recognized as such, under the Constitution or by the laws of the State in which located, and which has a local government. It does not include a town of the township or New England type.

(b) “Contiguous municipalities” means municipalities, as defined in paragraph (a) of this section, which have at some point a common municipal or corporate boundary.

(c) “Unincorporated area” means any area not within the corporate or municipal boundaries of any municipality as defined in paragraph (a) of this section.

Sec. 44  Commercial zones determined generally, with exceptions.

The commercial zone of each municipality in the United States, with the exceptions indicated in the note at the end of this section, within which the transportation of passengers or property, in interstate or foreign commerce, when not under a common control, management, or arrangement for a continuous carriage or shipment to or from a point without such zone, is exempt from all provisions of Part II, Interstate Commerce Act, except the provisions of section 204 relative to the qualifications and maximum hours of service of employees and safety of operation or standards of equipment shall be deemed to consist of:

(a) The municipality itself, hereinafter called the base municipality;

(b) All municipalities which are contiguous to the base municipality;

(c) All other municipalities and all unincorporated area within the United States which are adjacent to the base municipality as follows:

(1) When the base municipality has a population less than 2,500 all unincorporated areas within two miles of its corporate limits and all of any other municipality any part of which is within two miles of the corporate limits of the base municipality,

(2) When the base municipality has a population of 2,500 but less than 25,000, all unincorporated areas within 3 miles of its corporate limits and all of any other municipality any part of which is within 3 miles of the corporate limits of the base municipality,

(3) When the base municipality has a population of 25,000 but less than 100,000, all unincorporated areas within 4 miles of its corporate limits and all of any other municipality any part of which is within 4 miles of the corporate limits of the base municipality, and

(4) When the base municipality has a population of 100,000 or more, all unincorporated areas within 5 miles of its corporate limits and all of any other municipality any part of which is within 5 miles of the corporate limits of the base municipality, and

(d) All municipalities wholly surrounded, or so surrounded except for a water boundary, by the base municipality, by any municipality contiguous thereto, or by any municipality adjacent thereto which is included in the commercial zone of such base municipality under the provisions of paragraph (c) of this section.

Note: Except: Municipalities the commercial zones of which have been or are hereafter individually or specially determined.

Sec. 45  Controlling distances and population data.

In the application of §372.241:

(a) Air-line distances or mileages about corporate limits of municipalities shall be used.

(b) The population of any municipality shall be deemed to be the highest figure shown for that municipality in any decennial census since (and including) the 1940 decennial census.

[53 FR 18058, May 19, 1988, as amended at 62 FR 49942, Sept. 24, 1997]

Appendix G to Subchapter B of Chapter III—Minimum Periodic Inspection Standards


A vehicle does not pass an inspection if it has one of the following defects or deficiencies:

1. Brake System.

a. Service brakes.—(1) Absence of braking action on any axle required to have brakes upon application of the service brakes (such as missing brakes or brake shoe(s) failing to move upon application of a wedge, S-cam, cam, or disc brake).

(2) Missing or broken mechanical components including: shoes, lining, pads, springs, anchor pins, spiders, cam rollers, push-rods, and air chamber mounting bolts.

(3) Loose brake components including air chambers, spiders, and cam shaft support brackets.

(4) Audible air leak at brake chamber (Example-ruptured diaphragm, loose chamber clamp, etc.).

(5) Readjustment limits. The maximum stroke at which brakes should be readjusted is given below. Any brake 1/4&inch; or more past the readjustment limit or any two brakes less than 1/4&inch; beyond the readjustment limit shall be cause for rejection. Stroke shall be measured with engine off and reservoir pressure of 80 to 90 psi with brakes fully applied.

Bolt Type Brake Chamber Data



stroke at

Effective Outside which

Type area (sq. dia. (in.) brakes

in.) should be



A................................... 12 6\15/16\ 1\3/8\

B................................... 24 9\3/16\ 1\3/4\

C................................... 16 8\1/16\ 1\3/4\

D................................... 6 5\1/4\ 1\1/4\

E................................... 9 6\3/16\ 1\3/8\

F................................... 36 11 2\1/4\

G................................... 30 9\7/8\ 2


Rotochamber Data



stroke at

Effective Outside which

Type area (sq. dia. (in.) brakes

in.) should be



9.................................. 9 4\9/32\ 1\1/2\

12.................................. 12 4\13/16\ 1\1/2\

16.................................. 16 5\13/32\ 2

20.................................. 20 5\15/16\ 2

24.................................. 24 6\13/32\ 2

30.................................. 30 7\1/16\ 2\1/4\

36.................................. 36 7\5/8\ 2\3/4\

50.................................. 50 8\7/8\ 3


Clamp Type Brake Chamber Data



stroke at

Effective Outside which

Type area (sq. dia. (in.) brakes

in.) should be



6.................................. 6 4\1/2\ 1\1/4\

9.................................. 9 5\1/4\ 1\3/8\

12.................................. 12 5\11/16\ 1\3/8\

16.................................. 16 6\3/8\ 1\3/4\

20.................................. 20 6\25/32\ 1\3/4\

24.................................. 24 7\7/32\ \1\ 1\3/4\

30.................................. 30 8\3/32\ 2

36.................................. 36 9 2\1/4\


\1\ (2[inch] for long stroke design).

Wedge Brake Data—Movement of the scribe mark on the lining shall not exceed 1/16 inch.

(6) Brake linings or pads.

(a) Lining or pad is not firmly attached to the shoe;

(b) Saturated with oil, grease, or brake fluid; or

(c) Non-steering axles: Lining with a thickness less than 1/4 inch at the shoe center for air drum brakes, 1/16 inch or less at the shoe center for hydraulic and electric drum brakes, and less than 1/8 inch for air disc brakes.

(d) Steering axles: Lining with a thickness less than 1/4 inch at the shoe center for drum brakes, less than 1/8 inch for air disc brakes and 1/16 inch or less for hydraulic disc and electric brakes.

(7) Missing brake on any axle required to have brakes.

(8) Mismatch across any power unit steering axle of:

(a) Air chamber sizes.

(b) Slack adjuster length.

b. Parking Brake System. No brakes on the vehicle or combination are applied upon actuation of the parking brake control, including driveline hand controlled parking brakes.

c. Brake Drums or Rotors.

(1) With any external crack or cracks that open upon brake application (do not confuse short hairline heat check cracks with flexural cracks).

(2) Any portion of the drum or rotor missing or in danger of falling away.

d. Brake Hose.

(1) Hose with any damage extending through the outer reinforcement ply. (Rubber impregnated fabric cover is not a reinforcement ply). (Thermoplastic nylon may have braid reinforcement or color difference between cover and inner tube. Exposure of second color is cause for rejection.

(2) Bulge or swelling when air pressure is applied.

(3) Any audible leaks.

(4) Two hoses improperly joined (such as a splice made by sliding the hose ends over a piece of tubing and clamping the hose to the tube).

(5) Air hose cracked, broken or crimped.

e. Brake Tubing.

(1) Any audible leak.

(2) Tubing cracked, damaged by heat, broken or crimped.

f. Low Pressure Warning Device missing, inoperative, or does not operate at 55 psi and below, or 1/2 the governor cut-out pressure, whichever is less.

g. Tractor Protection Valve. Inoperable or missing tractor protection valve(s) on power unit.

h. Air Compressor.

(1) Compressor drive belts in condition of impending or probable failure.

(2) Loose compressor mounting bolts.

(3) Cracked, broken or loose pulley.

(4) Cracked or broken mounting brackets, braces or adapters.

i. Electric Brakes.

(1) Absence of braking action on any wheel required to have brakes.

(2) Missing or inoperable breakaway braking device.

j. Hydraulic Brakes. (Including Power Assist Over Hydraulic and Engine Drive Hydraulic Booster).

(1) Master cylinder less than 1/4 full.

(2) No pedal reserve with engine running except by pumping pedal.

(3) Power assist unit fails to operate.

(4) Seeping or swelling brake hose(s) under application of pressure.

(5) Missing or inoperative check valve.

(6) Has any visually observed leaking hydraulic fluid in the brake system.

(7) Has hydraulic hose(s) abraded (chafed) through outer cover-to-fabric layer.

(8) Fluid lines or connections leaking, restricted, crimped, cracked or broken.

(9) Brake failure or low fluid warning light on and/or inoperative.

k. Vacuum Systems. Any vacuum system which:

(1) Has insufficient vacuum reserve to permit one full brake application after engine is shut off.

(2) Has vacuum hose(s) or line(s) restricted, abraded (chafed) through outer cover to cord ply, crimped, cracked, broken or has collapse of vacuum hose(s) when vacuum is applied.

(3) Lacks an operative low-vacuum warning device as required.

2. Coupling devices.

a. Fifth Wheels.

(1) Mounting to frame.

(a) Any fasteners missing or ineffective.

(b) Any movement between mounting components.

(c) Any mounting angle iron cracked or broken.

(2) Mounting plates and pivot brackets.

(a) Any fasteners missing or ineffective.

(b) Any welds or parent metal cracked.

(c) More than 3/8 inch horizontal movement between pivot bracket pin and bracket.

(d) Pivot bracket pin missing or not secured.

(3) Sliders.

(a) Any latching fasteners missing or ineffective.

(b) Any fore or aft stop missing or not securely attached.

(c) Movement more than 3/8 inch between slider bracket and slider base.

(d) Any slider component cracked in parent metal or weld.

(4) Lower coupler.

(a) Horizontal movement between the upper and lower fifth wheel halves exceeds 1/2 inch.

(b) Operating handle not in closed or locked position.

(c) Kingpin not properly engaged.

(d) Separation between upper and lower coupler allowing light to show through from side to side.

(e) Cracks in the fifth wheel plate.

Exceptions: Cracks in fifth wheel approach ramps and casting shrinkage cracks in the ribs of the body of a cast fifth wheel.

(f) Locking mechanism parts missing, broken, or deformed to the extent the kingpin is not securely held.

b. Pintle Hooks.

(1) Mounting to frame.

(a) Any missing or ineffective fasteners (a fastener is not considered missing if there is an empty hole in the device but no corresponding hole in the frame or vice versa).

(b) Mounting surface cracks extending from point of attachment (e.g., cracks in the frame at mounting bolt holes).

(c) Loose mounting.

(d) Frame cross member providing pintle hook attachment cracked.

(2) Integrity.

(a) Cracks anywhere in pintle hook assembly.

(b) Any welded repairs to the pintle hook.

(c) Any part of the horn section reduced by more than 20%.

(d) Latch insecure.

c. Drawbar/Towbar Eye.

(1) Mounting.

(a) Any cracks in attachment welds.

(b) Any missing or ineffective fasteners.

(2) Integrity.

(a) Any cracks.

(b) Any part of the eye reduced by more than 20%.

d. Drawbar/Towbar Tongue.

(1) Slider (power or manual).

(a) Ineffective latching mechanism

(b) Missing or ineffective stop.

(c) Movement of more than 1/4 inch between slider and housing.

(d) Any leaking, air or hydraulic cylinders, hoses, or chambers (other than slight oil weeping normal with hydraulic seals).

(2) Integrity.

(a) Any cracks.

(b) Movement of 1/4 inch between subframe and drawbar at point of attachment.

e. Safety Devices.

(1) Safety devices missing.

(2) Unattached or incapable of secure attachment.

(3) Chains and hooks.

(a) Worn to the extent of a measurable reduction in link cross section.

(b) Improper repairs including welding, wire, small bolts, rope and tape.

(4) Cable.

(a) Kinked or broken cable strands.

(b) Improper clamps or clamping.

f. Saddle-Mounts.

(1) Method of attachment.

(a) Any missing or ineffective fasteners.

(b) Loose mountings.

(c) Any cracks or breaks in a stress or load bearing member.

(d) Horizontal movement between upper and lower saddle-mount halves exceeds 1/4 inch.

3. Exhaust System.

a. Any exhaust system determined to be leaking at a point forward of or directly below the driver/sleeper compartment.

b. A bus exhaust system leaking or discharging to the atmosphere:

(1) Gasoline powered—excess of 6 inches forward of the rearmost part of the bus.

(2) Other than gasoline powered—in excess of 15 inches forward of the rearmost part of the bus.

(3) Other than gasoline powered—forward of a door or window designed to be opened. (exception: Emergency exits).

c. No part of the exhaust system of any motor vehicle shall be so located as would be likely to result in burning, charring, or damaging the electrical wiring, the fuel supply, or any combustible part of the motor vehicle.

4. Fuel System.

a. A fuel system with a visable leak at any point.

b. A fuel tank filler cap missing.

c. A fuel tank not securely attached to the motor vehicle by reason of loose, broken or missing mounting bolts or brackets (some fuel tanks use springs or rubber bushings to permit movement).

5. Lighting Devices. All lighting devices and reflectors required by Section 393 shall be operable.

6. Safe Loading.

a. Part(s) of vehicle or condition of loading such that the spare tire or any part of the load or dunnage can fall onto the roadway.

b. Protection Against Shifting Cargo—Any vehicle without a front-end structure or equivalent device as required.

7. Steering Mechanism.

a. Steering Wheel Free Play (on vehicles equipped with power steering the engine must be running).


Manual Power

Steering wheel diameter steering steering

system system


16[inch]...................................... 2[inch] 4\1/


18[inch]...................................... 2\1/ 4\3/

4\[inch] 4\[inch]

20[inch]...................................... 2\1/ 5\1/

2\[inch] 4\[inch]

22[inch]...................................... 2\3/ 5\3/

4\[inch] 4\[inch]


b. Steering Column.

(1) Any absence or looseness of U-bolt(s) or positioning part(s).

(2) Worn, faulty or obviously repair welded universal joint(s).

(3) Steering wheel not properly secured.

c. Front Axle Beam and All Steering Components Other Than Steering Column.

(1) Any crack(s).

(2) Any obvious welded repair(s).

d. Steering Gear Box.

(1) Any mounting bolt(s) loose or missing.

(2) Any crack(s) in gear box or mounting brackets.

e. Pitman Arm. Any looseness of the pitman arm on the steering gear output shaft.

f. Power Steering. Auxiliary power assist cylinder loose.

g. Ball and Socket Joints.

(1) Any movement under steering load of a stud nut.

(2) Any motion, other than rotational, between any linkage member and its attachment point of more than 1/4 inch.

h. Tie Rods and Drag Links.

(1) Loose clamp(s) or clamp bolt(s) on tie rods or drag links.

(2) Any looseness in any threaded joint.

i. Nuts. Nut(s) loose or missing on tie rods, pitman arm, drag link, steering arm or tie rod arm.

j. Steering System. Any modification or other condition that interferes with free movement of any steering component.

8. Suspension.

a. Any U-bolt(s), spring hanger(s), or other axle positioning part(s) cracked, broken, loose or missing resulting in shifting of an axle from its normal position. (After a turn, lateral axle displacement is normal with some suspensions. Forward or rearward operation in a straight line will cause the axle to return to alignment).

b. Spring Assembly.

(1) Any leaves in a leaf spring assembly broken or missing.

(2) Any broken main leaf in a leaf spring assembly. (Includes assembly with more than one main spring).

(3) Coil spring broken.

(4) Rubber spring missing.

(5) One or more leaves displaced in a manner that could result in contact with a tire, rim, brake drum or frame.

(6) Broken torsion bar spring in a torsion bar suspension.

(7) Deflated air suspension, i.e., system failure, leak, etc.

c. Torque, Radius or Tracking Components. Any part of a torque, radius or tracking component assembly or any part used for attaching the same to the vehicle frame or axle that is cracked, loose, broken or missing. (Does not apply to loose bushings in torque or track rods.)

9. Frame.

a. Frame Members.

(1) Any cracked, broken, loose, or sagging frame member.

(2) Any loose or missing fasteners including fasteners attaching functional component such as engine, transmission, steering gear, suspension, body parts, and fifth wheel.

b. Tire and Wheel Clearance. Any condition, including loading, that causes the body or frame to be in contact with a tire or any part of the wheel assemblies.

c. (1) Adjustable Axle Assemblies (Sliding Subframes). Adjustable axle assembly with locking pins missing or not engaged.

10. Tires.

a. Any tire on any steering axle of a power unit.

(1) With less than 4/32 inch tread when measured at any point on a major tread groove.

(2) Has body ply or belt material exposed through the tread or sidewall.

(3) Has any tread or sidewall separation.

(4) Has a cut where the ply or belt material is exposed.

(5) Labeled “Not for Highway Use” or displaying other marking which would exclude use on steering axle.

(6) A tube-type radial tire without radial tube stem markings. These markings include a red band around the tube stem, the word “radial” embossed in metal stems, or the word “radial” molded in rubber stems.

(7) Mixing bias and radial tires on the same axle.

(8) Tire flap protrudes through valve slot in rim and touches stem.

(9) Regrooved tire except motor vehicles used solely in urban or suburban service (see exception in 393.75(e).

(10) Boot, blowout patch or other ply repair.

(11) Weight carried exceeds tire load limit. This includes overloaded tire resulting from low air pressure.

(12) Tire is flat or has noticeable (e.g., can be heard or felt) leak.

(13) Any bus equipped with recapped or retreaded tire(s).

(14) So mounted or inflated that it comes in contact with any part of the vehicle.

b. All tires other than those found on the steering axle of a power unit:

(1) Weight carried exceeds tire load limit. This includes overloaded tire resulting from low air pressure.

(2) Tire is flat or has noticeable (e.g., can be heard or felt) leak.

(3) Has body ply or belt material exposed through the tread or sidewall.

(4) Has any tread or sidewall separation.

(5) Has a cut where ply or belt material is exposed.

(6) So mounted or inflated that it comes in contact with any part of the vehicle. (This includes a tire that contacts its mate.)

(7) Is marked “Not for highway use” or otherwise marked and having like meaning.

(8) With less than 2/32 inch tread when measured at any point on a major tread groove.

11. Wheels and Rims.

a. Lock or Side Ring. Bent, broken, cracked, improperly seated, sprung or mismatched ring(s).

b. Wheels and rims. Cracked or broken or has elongated bolt holes.

c. Fasteners (both spoke and disc wheels). Any loose, missing, broken, cracked, stripped or otherwise ineffective fasteners.

d. Welds.

(1) Any cracks in welds attaching disc wheel disc to rim.

(2) Any crack in welds attaching tubeless demountable rim to adapter.

(3) Any welded repair on aluminum wheel(s) on a steering axle.

(4) Any welded repair other than disc to rim attachment on steel disc wheel(s) mounted on the steering axle.

12. Windshield Glazing. (Not including a 2 inch border at the top, a 1 inch border at each side and the area below the topmost portion of the steering wheel.) Any crack, discoloration or vision reducing matter except: (1) coloring or tinting applied at time of manufacture; (2) any crack not over 1/4 inch wide, if not intersected by any other crack; (3) any damaged area not more than 3/4 inch in diameter, if not closer than 3 inches to any other such damaged area; (4) labels, stickers, decalcomania, etc. (see 393.60 for exceptions).

13. Windshield Wipers. Any power unit that has an inoperative wiper, or missing or damaged parts that render it ineffective.

Comparison of Appendix G, and the new North American Uniform Driver-Vehicle Inspection Procedure (North American Commercial Vehicle Critical Safety Inspection Items and Out-Of-Service Criteria)

The vehicle portion of the FMCSA's North American Uniform Driver-Vehicle Inspection Procedure (NAUD-VIP) requirements, CVSA's North American Commercial Vehicle Critical Safety Inspection Items and Out-Of-Service Criteria and Appendix G of subchapter B are similar documents and follow the same inspection procedures. The same items are required to be inspected by each document. FMCSA's and CVSA's out-of-service criteria are intended to be used in random roadside inspections to identify critical vehicle inspection items and provide criteria for placing a vehicle(s) out-of-service. Avehicle(s) is placed out-of-service only when by reason of its mechanical condition or loading it is determined to be so imminently hazardous as to likely cause an accident or breakdown, or when such condition(s) would likely contribute to loss of control of the vehicle(s) by the driver. A certain amount of flexibility is given to the inspecting official whether to place the vehicle out-of-service at the inspection site or if it would be less hazardous to allow the vehicle to proceed to a repair facility for repair. The distance to the repair facility must not exceed 25 miles. The roadside type of inspection, however, does not necessarily mean that a vehicle has to be defect-free in order to continue in service.

In contrast, the Appendix G inspection procedure requires that all items required to be inspected are in proper adjustment, are not defective and function properly prior to the vehicle being placed in service.

Differences Between the Out-of-Service Criteria & FMCSA's Annual Inspection

1. Brake System.

The Appendix G criteria rejects vehicles with any defective brakes, any air leaks, etc. The out-of-service criteria allows 20% defective brakes on non-steering axles and a certain latitude on air leaks before placing a vehicle out-of-service.

2. Coupling Devices.

Appendix G rejects vehicles with any fifth wheel mounting fastener missing or ineffective. The out-of-service criteria allows up to 20% missing or ineffective fasteners on frame mountings and pivot bracket mountings and 25% on slider latching fasteners. The out-of-service criteria also allows some latitude on cracked welds.

3. Exhaust System.

Appendix G follows Section 393.83 verbatim. The CVSA out-of-service criteria allows vehicles to exhaust forward of the dimensions given in Section 393.83 as long as the exhaust does not leak or exhaust under the chassis.

4. Fuel System.

Same for Appendix G and the out-of-service criteria.

5. Lighting Devices.

Appendix G requires all lighting devices required by Section 393 to be operative at all times. The out-of-service criteria only requires one stop light and functioning turn signals on the rear most vehicle of a combination vehicle to be operative at all times. In addition one operative head lamp and tail lamp are required during the hours of darkness.

6. Safe Loading.

Same for both Appendix G and the out-of-service criteria.

7. Steering Mechanism

Steering lash requirements of Appendix G follows the new requirements of §393.209.

8. Suspension

Appendix G follows the new requirements of §393.207 which does not allow any broken leaves in a leaf spring assembly. The out-of-service criteria allows up to 25% broken or missing leaves before being placed out-of-service.

9. Frame

The out-of-service criteria allows a certain latitude in frame cracks before placing a vehicle out-of-service. Appendix G follows the new requirements of 393.201 which does not allow any frame cracks.

10. Tires

Appendix G follows the requirements of 393.75 which requires a tire tread depth of 4/32 inch on power unit steering axles and 2/32 inch on all other axles. The out-of-service criteria only requires 2/32 inch tire tread depth on power unit steering axles and 1/32 inch on all other axles.

11. Wheel and Rims

The out-of-service criteria allows a certain amount latitude for wheel and rim cracks and missing or defective fasteners. Appendix G meets the requirements of the new 393.205 which does not allow defective wheels and rims non-effective nuts and bolts.

12. Windshield Glazing

The out-of-service criteria places in a restricted service condition any vehicle that has a crack or discoloration in the windshield area lying within the sweep of the wiper on the drivers side and does not address the remaining area of the windshield. Appendix G addresses requirements for the whole windshield as specified in 393.60.

13. Windshield Wipers

Appendix G requires windshield wipers to be operative at all times. The out-of-service criteria only requires that the windshield wiper on the driver's side to be inspected during inclement weather.

[53 FR 49411, Dec. 7, 1988; 53 FR 49968, Dec. 12, 1988]

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