Appendix A-1. Topic Guide for PHA Interviews (In person portion)
This guide presents the topics to be addressed through interviews with the HCV Director, HCV program staff, and other PHA staff as needed. The specific staff to be interviewed will be determined based on the structure of each PHA. In some PHAs, particularly the smaller agencies, we expect that single staff members will perform multiple functions. The interviews are designed to provide information on staff structures, transaction counts (the number of times an HCV-related activity is conducted per year), and to provide detailed information on overhead and other direct costs. Sections highlighted in yellow will be sent to the PHAs prior to the site visit so staff can complete them in advance (See Appendix A-2). If the site visitor has received these sections back in advance, then the interviewer should not ask the questions again. The site visitor can confirm the information and ask any necessary clarifying questions.
Introductory Script
Thank you very much for taking the time to meet with us. The information we are collecting today is part of the ongoing HUD Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program Administrative Fee Study. The goal of the study is to estimate the cost of administering a high-performing voucher program and to use that cost information to inform the development of a new administrative fee formula.
Thank you for your participating in the reconnaissance phase of HUD’s HCV Program Administrative Fee Study. We have completed the reconnaissance phase of the study, and are now embarking on a pretest of the methods that will be used in the full cost study. We have selected four high-performing HCV programs to participate in the pretest, of which your agency is one. The purpose of the pretest is to evaluate the feasibility of the approach we have designed for the full national study. Your feedback is extremely important. For the national study we plan to replicate this approach and use it as the basis for developing a new administrative fee formula for the HCV program.
We hope that you will be candid in the information you provide. Nothing we learn will be held against your agency in any HUD performance assessment or funding decisions. In the unlikely event that the study uncovers an area where the program is not being operated according to the regulations, HUD will notify the agency but will not take further action unless the agency continues to operate the program in violation of the regulations.
Do you have any questions before we begin?
Section I. Voucher Allocations and FSS Program
Interviewers will have information on voucher allocations from the reconnaissance phase of the study and from HUD administrative vouchersrecords and updated through the pre-sent documents. Only ask if needed to clarify or The purpose of these questions is to confirm or update the information.
Please provide the total vouchers allocated and total vouchers under lease for the following voucher types:
Voucher Type |
Number Allocated |
Number Under Lease |
Tenant-Based HCV |
Project-Based HCV |
Homeownership Vouchers |
Family Unification Program |
Conversion Vouchers |
Vouchers for People with Disabilities |
Welfare to Work Vouchers |
Witness Relocation Vouchers |
Tenant Protection Vouchers |
DHAP Vouchers |
Other: |
Other: |
If PHA operates an FSS program, please confirm:
Number of FSS slots:______
Number of households currently participating in FSS:________
Number of FSS completions in past year:________
Number of households actively accruing escrow:_______
Section II. HCV Program Staffing
Interviewers will have information on program staffing from the reconnaissance phase of the study and updated through the pre-sent materials. The purpose of these questions is to confirmOnly ask if needed to clarify or update the information.
How many full-time staff (or full-time-equivalents) work on the HCV program? Complete the following staffing table:
Position |
Number of FTEs (could be less than 1) |
Director/Deputy Director |
Administrative Assistant/Secretary |
Manager |
Supervisor/Team Leader |
Technical staff (housing specialists) |
Technical staff (inspectors) |
Clerical staff |
Finance staff |
Quality control |
Customer service/call center |
Hearing officer |
FSS Coordinator |
IT |
Human resources |
Other (describe) |
Other (describe) |
Other (describe) |
Total |
How are program tasks assigned?
Activity/Task |
Who performs it |
Notes/comments |
Waiting List/ Selection |
Initial eligibility determinations |
Voucher issuance |
Rent reasonableness |
HQS Inspections |
Informal reviews |
Annual recertifications |
Move processing |
Executing HAP contracts |
Processing HAP payments |
Data entry |
Customer service/complaint resolution |
Landlord outreach |
FSS program |
Voucher homeownership |
Case management |
Clerical functions (if PHA has separate clerical support, what functions do they perform) |
Section III. Transaction Counts
Interviewers will work with PHA staff to complete the attached Transaction Count Worksheet based on data from the PHA’s system of record or other PHA records. For data that are recorded in the HUD 50058 form, we will attempt to pre-populate the table using PIC data and ask the PHA staff to review the counts. We will also send the pre-populated Transaction Count Worksheet and accompanying instructions to the PHA in advance of the interview.
Instructions for completing the Transaction Count Worksheet:
Column B: For each product or activity identified in column A, please provide information on the number of times the transaction has been conducted over the two-month time measurement period (or is expected to be conducted over the two-month time measurement period if data collection is occurring before time measurement).
Column C: If the PHA is not able to provide the counts for the two month period but has counts for some other period of time, such as the past year, please specify the period of time for which the count has been provided.
Column D: Please note the source of information, such as the PHA’s system of record.
Column E: Please identify whether separate counts are available for any (or all) of the following household types:
Formerly/Currently Homeless
Non-Elderly Disabled
Non-Disabled Family (1-5 members)
Non-Disabled Family (6+ members)
If separate counts are available by household type, provide counts for each household type as well as the overall count.
Column F: Please identify whether separate counts are available for any (or all) of the following program types, in addition to the regular HCV program:
Project-Based Vouchers
Homeownership Vouchers
Family Unification Program (FUP)
Mainstream Vouchers (vouchers for people with disabilities)
Non-Elderly Disabled Vouchers (NED)
Tenant Protection Vouchers (Public housing demolition/disposition or multifamily conversion)
Disaster Voucher Program (DVP)
If separate counts are available by household type, provide counts for each household type as well as the overall count. If separate counts are not available, indicate which programs are included in the transaction counts provided.
Column G: Indicates whether there is a field in the HUD 50058 that could be used to generate the transaction count.
After completing the transaction count worksheet, the interviewers will ask the following questions to identify whether there is anything unusual about the transaction counts reported.
Do you anticipate that the two-month time measurement data collection period will be unusual in any way that will affect transaction counts, staff productivity, or the portion of staff time spent on different activities? Examples include:
Intensive leasing effort
Short term opening of waiting list
High number of recent new hires still in training
New system of record or other ancillary software
Working to meet deadline for submission of applications for grants
Recent office move, expansion or preparation for move or expansion
Implementing new and dramatically different policy (e.g., reduce payment standards)
Transitioning some work to a contractor or new contractor
Responding to public relations crisis
If any of these or other situations will exist during the two-month time measurement data collection period, can you identify how the data collected will be different from a “normal” two-month period for your agency:
Different transaction counts – In what areas? How would the counts be different?
Different level of staff productivity – What types of staff? What would be different?
Staff spending more time of one or more activities than usual – Time diverted from what activities and re-directed to what tasks? How many staff does this affect?
Transaction Count Worksheet
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
F |
G |
Product/ Activity |
Number of Times over Time Measurement Period |
Number of Times per [other time period: SPECIFY] |
Source(s) of Information |
Is count available by household type? |
Is count available by program type? |
Relevant field in HUD-50058 |
Applications accepted and processed from waiting list |
Number of changes and updates to waiting list (regularly scheduled bulk updates as well as preference changes) |
Number of new admissions interviews conducted |
Number of applicants for which eligibility determination is conducted (includes verification of income, assets, criminal background reports, calculation of annual income) |
2h: Date of admission to program; 2a: Type of Action = (1) New Admission |
Number of applicants determined to be ineligible |
Number of new admissions issuance briefings conducted (including preparation) |
2a: Type of Action = (1) New Admission presumably all have briefings for new admissions but does not take into consideration group briefings |
Number of RFTAs processed (all movers - new and transfers) |
Line 17n(2): The date the family submitted a request for lease approval (RFLA) to the PHA. |
Number of new admissions extension requests processed |
Number of new unit inspections conducted (including re-inspections) |
5h: Date unit last passed HQS inspection and 2a: Type of Action = (1) New Admission |
Number of rent reasonableness tests conducted (all movers – new and transfers) |
Number of HAP contracts executed |
Number of informal reviews requested |
Number of informal reviews conducted |
Number of community meetings held |
Number of incoming ports processed (all activities from incoming request through initial billing/absorption) |
2a: Type of Action = (4) Portability Move-in
Number of outgoing ports processed (all activities from request through initial billing) |
2a: Type of Action = (5) Portability Move-out
Number of ongoing portability “billings” processed |
Annual recertification packages mailed |
Annual recertification interviews conducted |
Annual recertifications completed |
2a: Type of Action = (2) Annual Reexamination |
Move requests processed |
5a. Unit address compared to previous year’s 5a. Unit address |
Move briefings (issuance) |
Extensions requested and processed |
Reasonable accommodation requests received and processed |
Terminations of assistance |
2a: Type of Action =(6) End Participation |
Informal hearing requested |
Informal hearings conducted |
Interim recertification requests |
Interim recertifications completed |
2a: Type of Action =(3) Interim Examination |
File corrections processed |
2c: Correction? (Y or N) |
Landlord meetings/ workshops |
Annual inspections conducted including re-inspections |
5i: Date of last annual HQS inspection |
Complaint inspections conducted including re-inspections |
Emergency inspections conducted including re-inspections |
Quality control inspections conducted including re-inspections |
Abatements placed |
Abatements lifted |
FSS households enrolled |
2k: FSS participation now or in last year? (Y or N) |
FSS households exited (successful or terminations) |
17m. FSS exit information (1) Did family complete contract of participation? (Y or N) |
HCV homeownership households enrolled |
HCV homeownership closings |
Quality control file reviews conducted |
Number of other quality reviews conducted |
PIC submission, error monitoring and correction |
VMS submission and reconciliation |
EIV required report monitoring |
EIV debts owed update activity |
Check run review /HAP authorization process |
Number of cases reviewed for fraud or program violations |
Number of repayment agreements executed |
Number of cases of recapture of overpaid HAP |
Section IV. Program Costs and Overhead Costs (Will be conducted at a separate site visit which will be at later date from the earlier portions)
Introductory Script
Thank you very much for taking the time to meet with us. We’d like to talk to you today in detail about the costs of running your HCV program. Our goal is to understand the complete costs of running the program, even if some costs are currently not being “charged” to the program. We want to get as accurate and complete information on program costs as possible so that we can compare cost structures appropriately across the PHAs in the study and so that the fee formula that results from this study is based on the full cost of running the program. Nothing we learn today will be attributed to your agency in any reports we make to HUD. In the unlikely event that the study uncovers an area where the program is not being operated according to the regulations, HUD will notify the agency but will not take further action unless the agency continues to operate the program in violation of the regulations.
Do you have any questions about the study before we begin?
Background Information
Note to Interviewers: These sections should be completed by the PHA prior to the site visit, so no need to ask if they are complete. Fill in the following information if you have the data available before the interview but Can confirm during the interview.
Cities/Counties Served by PHA: _________________________________________
Jurisdiction Square Miles: _________________________________________
HCV-Only or Combined Program: ____________________________________
Two-Bedroom FMR: _________________________________________
Two-Bedroom FMR Percentile in Nation: ________________________________
Payment Standard %: _________________________________________
Number of Vouchers Allocated and Under Lease:
Voucher Type |
Number Allocated |
Number/Percent Under Lease |
Regular tenant-based HCV |
Conversion vouchers |
Family Unification Program (FUP) |
Homeownership vouchers |
Project-based vouchers |
Vouchers for people with disabilities |
Number of FSS slots: _________________________________________
Number of Current FSS participants: _________________________________
Voucher Utilization Rate: _________________________________________
Budget Utilization %: _________________________________________
Software System: _________________________________________
Interviewee # 1 Name/Title: _________________________________________
Interviewee #2 Name/Title: _________________________________________
Salary Assignment |
Employee Name/ID |
Position |
Salary (without benefits) |
Benefits |
Total Compensation (w/benefits) |
Hours per Week |
Percent of Time Spent on HCV Program |
Low Rent Projects |
Other Programs |
Other PHAs |
Executive Director |
Deputy Director |
Supervisor/Team Leader |
Housing Specialist |
Inspector |
Clerical Staff |
Finance Staff |
Quality Control |
Customer Service/Call Center |
Hearing Officer |
FSS Coordinator |
IT |
Human Resources |
Other:_______________ |
What employee benefit types are provided by the PHA that are included in the benefits amount in the table (e.g., health, retirement, life insurance, etc.)?
What percent of the health insurance premium is covered by the PHA for employees? For dependents?
Are there other employee benefit costs associated with the HCV program that are not reflected in the benefit amounts in the table, such as post employment benefits for employees that are no longer active? If so what are the employee benefit costs associated with the HCV program are reported in the table?
How do you determine the overhead charges made to the HCV program (select one):
through a fee-for-service (COCC) arrangement as allowed by HUD under Asset Management? (Go to Q3)
through a cost allocation system as directed by HUD under the rules of asset management? (Go to Q4) OR
through a cost allocation system but not using the requirement of HUD’s allocated overhead as required under asset management? (Go to Q5)
If overhead costs are charged through a fee for service (COCC) method, how is the fee rate determined?
For a HCV management fee, HUD allows a maximum rate of $12.00 per leased voucher or 20% of HUD’s administrative fee.
What option and rate is the PHA using?
How/why did the PHA choose this option and rate?
What was the latest annual HCV management fee that was charged to the HCV program?
For a HCV bookkeeping fee, HUD allows a maximum rate of $7.50 per leased voucher.
Is the HCV program charged a bookkeeping fee and at what rate?
How/why did the PHA choose this rate?
What was the latest annual HCV bookkeeping fee that was charged to the HCV program?
Is this management / bookkeeping fee more than, lower than, or about the same of the overhead costs charged to the HCV program prior to the establishment of a COCC?
Is the PHA’s COCC producing a net income or net loss?
Can you please provide last year’s COCC balance sheet and income statements and the current COCC budget to actual income statement?
If overhead costs are charged through a cost allocation system (allocated overhead FDS Line 91810) as directed by HUD under the rules of asset management:
How does your agency determine the amount of costs charged to the HCV program?
What costs are included in the cost pool that is allocated? Are these costs compliant with HUD’s guidance as to the establishment of what constitutes front-line vs. fee expenses?
When your agency reports its financial data to HUD (FASS_PH submission) does the PHA report its overhead on the allocated overhead FDS line item?
Can you provide a report that shows the detailed costs associated with the cost pool prior to the amount being allocated out to the different programs?
Are there costs in the cost pool that are being allocated to the HCV program that should not (for example new MIS software upgrade that is for public housing)?
Can you provide a copy of your current cost allocation plan?
What was the latest annual overhead cost charged to the HCV program?
If overhead costs are charged through a cost allocation plan but PHA does not use requirement of HUD’s allocated overhead as required under asset management:
How does your agency determine the amount of overhead costs charged to the HCV program?
Does your accounting system differentiate between allocated overhead costs and allocated costs that are considered front-line expenses of the program?
Can you provide a report that shows the detailed costs associated with the cost pool prior to the amount being allocated out to the different programs?
Are there costs in the cost pool that are being allocated to the HCV program that should not?
Can you provide a copy of your current cost allocation plan?
What was the latest annual overhead cost charged to the HCV program?
Does the PHA provide direct operating services or overhead services to the HCV program for which it does not charge the program? If so, what are these services or costs? Why aren’t these charged?
Does local or state government or another third party provide additional services or direct funding to specifically supplement the administrative fees of the HCV program?
If yes, who provides the services or direct funding?
What are these services or how much direct funding is provided?
For the direct funding, is it for a specific purpose or purposes, or to generally provide more funding for program administration? If for a specific purpose, what is that purpose?
Other than your independent auditor, software vendor, or office supply vendors, do you use other contractors, consultants, or other PHAs to provide services for the direct operation of the HCV program? If so, for what services do you contract? Please check the services that apply and provide a description of the services that are provided and whether the service is provided by a contractor/consultant or another PHA. Please describe the billing arrangements and provide the actual costs incurred for those services in the reporting period.
Service |
Service(s) Provided and Provider(s) of Services |
Billing Arrangement (for Services Provided by Other PHAs) |
Total Cost Charged to HCV Program [Reporting Period] |
Computer system maintenance |
Computer training or support to help PHA staff better use office or program software |
Inspections (if so, is it for all inspections or a portion of inspections?) |
Activities related to opening the waiting list and receiving and inputting applications. |
Maintaining the rent reasonable database. |
Fee accountant (not auditor) to supplement PHA accounting staff. |
Legal counsel |
Transportation services |
HR or payroll services |
Technical expertise (HCV Program) |
Preparing the PHA plan or 5-year administrative plan |
Preparing the 50058 submission |
Printing or mailing recertification packages |
Printing or mailing inspection letters |
Translation services |
Criminal background checks |
If any of the contracts listed above were also for other programs besides the HCV program, please specify the contract and how the cost charged to the HCV program was determined.
Does any staff of your PHA, from the Executive Director down, provide any services to other PHAs or other entities? Check all that apply. For each service checked who is receiving the service? How is your PHA reimbursed for the service that is provided (e.g., flat fee, unit price, other in-kind services etc.)? Provide the actual amount earned for the provision of these services for the reporting period.
Service |
Who is the service provided to? |
Billing Arrangement |
Total Fee Earned by the HCV Program [Reporting Period] |
Computer system maintenance |
Computer training or support to help PHA staff better use office or program software |
Inspections (if so, is it for all inspections or a portion of inspections?) |
Activities related to opening the waiting list and receiving and inputting applications. |
Maintaining the rent reasonable database. |
Accounting/finance (not auditor) to supplement PHA accounting staff. |
Legal counsel |
Transportation services |
HR or payroll services |
Technical expertise (HCV Program) |
Preparing the PHA plan or 5-year administrative plan |
Preparing the 50058 submission |
Printing or mailing recertification packages |
Printing or mailing inspection letters |
Translation services |
Criminal background checks |
If any of the services provided above were also for other programs besides the HCV program, please specify the service and how the cost charged to the HCV program was determined?
Do you receive any administrative fee revenue for portability billing to other PHAs? Do you pay a portion of your administrative fee to other PHAs who administer any port-outs from your PHA?
Had you carried out any cost saving measures in the HCV program in the past three years, prior to the recent administrative fee cut? If so, describe the cost saving measures, when they took place, and the savings that resulted from them.
Direct Costs of the HCV Program Other than Personnel Costs
Office Building Costs
What is the approximate square footage of space used by the HCV program, including file storage?
Does the HCV program own its own building or does it rent space?
If the HCV program OWNS the building:
If the PHA owns its own building purchased through debt, what is the annual principal and interest payment?
Does the HCV program pay PILOT on this building and if so how much is the annual PILOT payment?
If the HCV program owns its own building does it rent out space to other PHA programs or other outside entities? If so, what is the rent charged?
If the HCV program owns its own building, does the building have extra capacity that is not being leased to other programs or outside entities?
If the HCV program RENTS the building, how much is the annual rent charged?
What utility types (i.e., water, sewer, electric, gas) are charged to the HCV program?
What is the annual cost for each utility type and how are these costs determined?
Building Maintenance and Upkeep
How is the HCV program charged for maintenance and upkeep costs (building/office repairs, maintenance expenses, grounds, janitorial services, garbage, etc) that are associated with the building?
What are the average annual costs associated with capital expenses of the building and grounds that are charged to the HCV program?
How are these initial capital outlays paid for and how does the HCV program get charged or contribute to funding these costs?
What if any was the cost of retrofitting office access security due to EIV compliance requirements?
Security Costs
Are costs charged to the HCV program for security for the PHA office?
Who provides the security (PHA employees or contract) and what security service are provided?
What is the annual cost of security charged to the HCV program and how are these costs determined?
Vehicle Costs
Does the HCV program have any automobile and trucks? If so how many vehicles are in the fleet used by the HCV program?
Who uses the vehicles and for what purpose(s)?
Does the HCV program own or lease/rents these vehicles?
If the HCV program leases/rents the vehicles what is the annual lease payment?
If the HCV program purchases its vehicles, what is the typical cost (at purchase) of a vehicle?
If the HCV program purchases its vehicles, how many years on average does the HCV program keep the vehicle?
How are gas and insurance costs for these vehicles charged to the HCV program?
How are maintenance costs associated with these vehicles charged to the HCV program?
What are the annual costs associated with the HCV vehicle fleet?
Insurance Costs
What insurance costs are billed directly to the HCV program?
Property Insurance
Liability Insurance
Worker’s Compensation
Other Insurance (1)
Other Insurance (2)
Other Insurance (3)
How are the insurance costs charged against the HCV program determined?
HCV Program Audit Costs
What was total cost of PHA’s last audit?
What was the cost of the audit charged to the HCV program?
How was this cost determined?
Other Costs
What are the annual costs associated with offices supplies and expenses to the HCV program? How are these costs determined?
What are the annual costs of office equipment, including new purchases, maintenance contracts on copiers, printers, and fax machines, etc and how are these costs determined?
What are the annual costs of telephones, blackberries, cells phones and other communication devices, including new purchases and maintenance contracts, etc and how are these costs determined?
What are the annual costs of servers, computers, software, software licensing, internet access, and other like costs and how are these costs determined?
What are the annual postage and other mailing costs associated with the HCV program and how are these costs determined?
What, if any, are the annual costs, if any associated with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), 504 compliance, fair housing laws, translation of documents, and interpretation services?
What, if any are the annual banking fees for the HCV program, including cost associated with services such as direct deposits, costs of check runs (both to property owners and utility reimbursement checks to eligible tenants)? How many check runs are done each month on average?
What, if any are the off-site storage costs for archiving and retrieval of records?
What, if any are the costs of shredding sensitive records containing social security or other sensitive information?
What if any are the annual costs of training / conferences / professional association affiliation; publications and administrative expenses associated with pertinent training, conferences and membership in affiliated associations for HCV staff? This cost should also include any amounts associated with travel costs.
Impact of the Recent Reduction in HCV Program Administrative Fees
Do you have any admin fee reserves (unrestricted net assets, UNA)?
If so, what is the balance?
If so, when will the reserves run out?
Will your UNA increase or decrease this year?
Are you using UNA to cover HCV admin expenses?
Have you had to take any actions as a result of the reduced administrative fee for 2011?
If actions were taken, what actions were taken in response to the 2011 fee cuts?
If staff were laid off or staff hours reduced:
Which staff?
How much savings did you realize?
What has been the impact on program operations?
If actions were taken, did the actions you took result in you having to stop or limit services or change procedures (e.g., not processing interim increases in income or requesting that owners not request a rent increase)?
If yes, describe the changes.
How will the actions affect next year’s administrative fee funding, if at all?
How will the actions affect next year’s HAP funding, if at all?
If the actions did not result in changes to services or procedures, why not?
What do you project the impact to be in 2012 if admin fees are maintained at the FY2011 rate?
Will you need to lay off staff or reduce staff hours?
If so, which staff?
Will you need to stop or limit services?
If yes, which services? (see examples)
Limit annual inspections
Limit annual re-certs
Limit current participant moves
Limit rent increases
Not process interim increases in income
Limit portability
How will these actions affect your administrative fee funding, if at all?
How will these actions affect your HAP funding, if at all?
How will these actions affect program compliance? Will these actions affect your SEMAP score?
If you have UNA available, will you need to use it in 2012?
What do you project the impact to be in 2012 if admin fees are reduced even further to a 70 percent or less proration?
More staff layoffs or hours reduction? Which staff?
Even less leasing?
Even less services? Which services would be stopped or limited?
What will happen to program operations and compliance when the admin fee reserves run out and/or admin fee are continued to be reduced?
How will customer service be affected?
Will special programs that you operate be affected? If so, how?
Section V. Debrief on RMS Data Collection
Overall, how did you feel about participating in the RMS (smart phone) data collection?
What did you find most burdensome or frustrating?
What could the device (or team) have done better to address these issues?
Do you think that over the two-month period, the smart phone captured all the types of work that you do on the HCV program? If no, explain.
Were there any tasks that RMS missed?
Were there any tasks that you feel were underrepresented?
Were there any parts of your work day (e.g., work after hours) that you feel was not adequately captured?
How well prepared were you to use the smart phone at the start of data collection?
How could the training be improved?
Was the “cheat sheet” helpful?
What other types of support could be provided?
We are planning to do the same data collection at up to 55 other agencies. Do you have any recommendations for how we can do it better or things you think we should keep in mind?
Associates Inc. Appendix A. Topic Guide for Interviews with PHA
File Type | application/msword |
File Title | Abt Single-Sided Body Template |
Author | Abt Associates Inc. |
Last Modified By | Meryl Finkel |
File Modified | 2012-01-17 |
File Created | 2012-01-17 |