
Web-based Supply and Chain Management System (WBSCM)

WBSCM Screens Snapshot


OMB: 0560-0177

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Central Contractor Registration Privacy and Security Statement
This is a U.S. Federal Government computer system
This system is subject to monitoring. Therefore, you can assume no expectation of
privacy. Unauthorized activities are subject to disciplinary action including criminal
prosecution. Furthermore, you expressly consent to our use of cookies and clear GIFs
(Graphic Interchange Format files) when you use our services.
Thank you for visiting the Central Contractor Registration (CCR) website and reviewing
the following privacy and security statement.
The CCR VVebsite is part of the Integrated Acquisition Environment, one of the EGovernment initiatives in the President's Management Agenda.
VVe are strongly committed to maintaining the privacy of your personal information and
the security of CCR computer systems. VVithrespect to the collection, use and disclosure
of personal information, the agencies involved in the development of CCR make every
effort to ensure compliance with applicable Federal law, including, but not limited to,
The Privacv Act of 1974, The Paperwork Reduction Act of] 995, and The Freedom of
Information Act. Collection of that information is authorized by Defense Federal
Acquisition Regulation, 48 C.F.R. Subpart 204.7302; Debt Collection Improvement Act
of 1996, Public Law 104-134; Government Streamlining Act of 1994, Public Law 103355.
The principal purpose for collecting data is to have a primary database for current,
accurate, and complete Federal contractor and grantee registrant information. The CCR
provides a central database and application suite that records, validates, and distributes
specific data about government and commercial trading partners. CCR validates
registrants' information and electronically shares it-as secure encrypted data-with
appropriate federal agencies' finance offices to facilitate electronic funds transfer (EFT)
payments. CCR shares that data with federal government procurement and electronic
business systems. The CCR is not designed to collect personally identifying information
from individuals who are not acting in their entrepreneurial capacities. Click here to see
the data elements and descriptions of the information collected via CCR registration. The
CCR Public Search allows the viewing of public information about CCR registrants.
Private information is restricted to authorized government officials. Registrant provided
contact information, including email addresses and company address information, may be
used to forward items of interest.

Unauthorized attempts to upload or modify information or exceed assigned privileges are
strictly prohibited and may be punishable under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of
1986 and the National Information Infrastructure Protection Act of 1996.
Our automatic collection and storage is limited to:
• the web pages you visit on www.ccr.gov,
• the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) of the website you came from if you linked
directly to www.ccr.gov and the URL of the website you visit next,
• your browser type (e.g., Internet Explorer, Firefox),
• the time and date of your visit,
• and your Internet Protocol (IP) address.
If your browser accepts them, we use session cookies, persistent cookies, or clear GIFs to
collect Personal Data about your use of our site. We track IP addresses solely in
conjunction with session cookies to analyze our Web page flow. We aggregate the data to
statistically analyze user behavior to help us enhance our service content and improve site
We have no control over, we do not review, nor does our Privacy Advisory apply to
websites, content, or to any collection of data or other transactions after you link to a
third party website.



The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its
program and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age,
disability, and where applicable, sex, marital status, familial status, parental
status, religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs,
reprisal, or because all or part of an individual's income is derived from any
public assistance program. (Not all prohibited bases apply to all programs.)
Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of
program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact
USDA's TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD).
To file a complaint of Discrimination, write to USDA, Director, Office of Civil
Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW., Washington, DC 20250-9410, or
call toll-free at (866) 632-9992 (English) or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish) or
(800) 877-8339 (TDD) or (866) 377-8642 (Federal-relay). USDA is an equal
opportunity provider and employer.

Required Statement
System Use Notification

System Use Notification (provided by eAuth)

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You are accessing a U.S. Govemment inf01111ationsystem, which includes (1) this computer,
(2) this computer network, (3) all computers connected to this network, and (4) all devices
and storage media attached to this network or to a computer on this network. This information
system is provided for U.S. Govemment-authorized use only.
Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in disciplinary action, as well as civil
and criminal penalties.
By using this infomlation system, you understand and consent to the following:
You have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding any communications or data
transiting or stored on this infomlation system. At any time, the govemment may for any
lawful government purpose monitor, intercept, search and seize any communication or data
transiting or stored on this information system.
Any communications or data transiting or stored on this information system may be disclosed
or used for any lawful govemment purpose.
Your consent is final and in-evocable. You may not rely on any statements or informal
policies purporting to provide you with any expectation of privacy regarding communications
on this system, whether oral or written, by your supervisor or any other official, except
USDA's Chief Information Officer.
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Rules of Bel1avior

Rules of behavior guidelines for the use of [agency] infol11lation systems i ncl ude, but are not
limited to, the following:

Users shall protect their UserIDs and passwords from disclosure.

2. Participants shall ensure that password resets are perfonned securely.
3. Users shall change their password if compromised (i.e., if someone else knows their
password, user shall immediately notify their supervisor or security administrator for all
suspected or confirmed password compromises).

Participants shall not program their login or password into automatic script routines or

5. Users shall log off, sign off, or lock the computer system when going to lunch or a break,
or any time they leave their computer or terminal.

Participants shall retrieve all hard-copy printouts in a timely manner. If the originator or
receiver of a printout cannot be determined, dispose of it accordingly.

7. Users shall inform their supervisor about all sensitive applications or data that will be
placed on a system and on any equipment processing sensitive info1111ation,so that
appropriate security measures can be implemented.
8. Participants must not use [agency] computers or licensed software for personal use
beyond those set by the limited personal use policy.
9. Users shall not use personal equipment or software for official business without their
supervisor's written approval; sensitive infol111ationis not pelmitted on personal
10. Pmiicipants will not install or use unauthorized software on [agency] equipment to

include the use of freeware, shareware, or public-domain software without their
supervisor's pelmission and without scanning it for viruses.

Participants shall comply with local office policy on the use of antivirus software.

12. Users sha]1 observe all software license agreements and will not violate federal copyright
13. Participants will not move equipment or exchange system components without their
manager's or supervisor's approval.
14. [Agency] computer equipment sha]1 be physically protected from hazards such as liquids,
food, staples, and paper clips.
15. Users shall properly protect and label magnetic media.
16. Participants must not disclose any dial-in telephone numbers or procedures that pennit
system access from a remote location.
17. Users shall not disclose or discuss any [agency] infom1ation, whether sensitive or nonsensitive, with unauthorized individuals. The Privacy Act of 1974,5 U.S.C. 552a,
prohibits such disclosure.
18. Participants shall be cognizant of the nature of security incidents and must promptly
report them to their supervisor Examp]es include, but are not limited to, unauthorized
disclosure of information; computer viruses; theft of equipment, software, or infonnation;
inappropriate use; and deliberate alteration or destruction of data or equipment.
Pri\'acy Act Statement

The following statement is made in accordance with the Privacy Act of 1974 (5 USC 552aas amended). The authority for requesting the information identified on this Website is 7
CFR Part 1400. The information will be used to evaluate bids to purchase commodities and
provide services. The information collected may be disclosed to other Federal, State, Local
government agencies, Tribal agencies, and nongovemmental entities that have been
authorized access to the information by statute or regulation and/or as described in applicab]e
Routine Uses identified in the System of Records Notice for USDAlFSA-2, Fam1 Records
File (Automated), Providing the requested information is voluntary. However, failure to
furnish the requested information will result in non-consideration. The provisions of
appropriate criminal and civil fraud, privacy, and other statutes may be applicable to the
infom1ation provided.

Public Burden Statement

Public Burden Statements
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of ]995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor,
and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a
currently valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this infol111ationis
0560-0177. Authorities for the infonnation coIlections in this system are cited below, and
listed according to the category of infol111ationrequested. Estimated reporting burdens,
specific to each category, include the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data
sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of infonnation.
Send comments regarding the burden estimates or any other aspect of this collection of
infonnation, including suggestions for reducing this burden to:
USDA-FSA-Kansas City Commodity Office
Beacon Facility - Mail Stop 8768
Attn: Chief, BOSD, OMB No. 0560-0177
P.O. Box 419205
Kansas City, Missouri 64141-6205.
The provisions of criminal and civil fraud statutes, including 18 USC 286, 287, 371, 641, 651,
1001; 15 USC 714m; and 31 USC 3729, may be applicable to the information provided.
Vendor Offers - Public Burden Statement
Infomlation collected will be used to evaluate offers to purchase commodities or services. The
authority for requesting the infomlation is 15 USC 714. Public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated to average 20 minutes per response.
Program Agencies and Cooperating Sponsors Commodity Requests - Public Burden
Information collected will be used to request USDA to provide commodities for distribution
under foreign and domestic food donation programs. The authority for requesting the
infol111ationis 22 CFR 211 and 7 USC 612c notes. Public repOliing burden for this collection
of infol111ationis estimated to average 30 minutes per response.



Ocean Carriers and their Agents Freight Offers - Public Burden Statement
Infol1nation collected will be used to procure commodities for delivery to foreign destinations
based on lowest-landed cost calculations using firm-fixed ocean rates. The authority for
requesting the information is 48 CFR 470. Public reporting burden for this collection of
infol1nation is estimated to average 12 minutes per response.
Vendor Offers for Long Tel111Contracts (LTC) - Public Burden Statement
Infol1nation collected will be used to evaluate bids for the procurement of agricultural
commodities for KCCO's domestic feeding programs. The authority for requesting the
information is 15 USC 714. Public reporting burden for this collection of information is
estimated to average 2 hours per response.
Ports - Public Burden Statement
InfolTIlation collected will be used to determine the port capacity for an invitation over a
specified shipping period. The authority for requesting the info1111ationis 48 CFR 470. Public
reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average less than 5 minutes
per response.
Freight Forwarders, stevedores and other receiving parties at U.S. ports - Public Burden
Info1l11ationcollected will be used to confirm delivery of goods to the port of export. The
authority [or requesting the information is 48 CFR 470. Public reporting burden for this
collection of information is estimated to average less than 4 minutes per response.
Vendor Delivery Status - Public Burden Statement
Info1111ationcollected will be used to update recipient agencies on the delivery status of their
commodity orders. The authority for requesting the infolTIlation is 48 CFR 46.4. Public
reporting burden for this collection of info1111ationis estimated to average less than 5 minutes
per response.

Invoice Certification Statement

Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA) Privacy and Security
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This is a U.S. Federal Government computer system that is
This system is subject to monitoring.
Therefore, no expectation of privacy is to be assumed. Individuals found performing
unauthorized activities are subject to disciplinary action including criminal prosecution.
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Non Disclosure Statement for CMS


Certificate of Analysis Certification


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I certify that the inspection results presented are true and valid. This certification with full
knowledge of the provision of the 15 U.S.C. 71m(a), which provides a fine of not to exceed
$10,000 or imprisonment of not more than five years or both, for making any statements
knowing it to be false, for the purpose ofin£luencing in any way the action of the Commodity
Credit Corporation, and with full knowledge of the false, fictitious or fraudulent claim against
the United States.

Work Instruction


Create Advanced Shipping Notice

Process Overview
The purpose of this transaction is to create an advanced shipping notice (ASN). An ASN is an electronic
notification of pending deliveries; an electronic packing list. The ASN can be used to list the contents of a
shipment of goods as well as additional information relating to the shipment, such as order information,
product description, physical characteristics, type of packaging, marking, carrier information, and
configuration of goods within the transportation equipment. The ASN enables you to describe the
contents and configuration of a shipment in various levels of detail and provides an ordered flexibility to
convey information.
Process Trigger
Perform this procedure when an ASN is requested to be sent to the customer advising them of the
shipment that is about to be received
Prereq uisites

Purchase Order must exist in WBSCM

Portal Path
Follow the Portal path below to complete this transaction:

Select Suppliers tab ~ Supplier Self Service tab ~ Supplier Self Service to go to the
Supplier Self Service screen.

Tips and Tricks

The R/O/C represents Required, Optional, or Conditional field entry. A Conditional field entry
is an entry that becomes required as a result of entering something previous to it, which then
deems it required.

Page 1 of 6
Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Work Instruction



D\sp\av \nspection lot

Process Overview

The purpose of this transaction is to use inspection lot information to record, process, and manage
information for a quality inspection. The details included in an inspection lost is inspection processing
data; inspection specifications; inspections results and usage decision information.
Process Trigger

Perform this procedure is to display the inspection information details for a specific commodity to ensure
quality management adherence.



Material must exist in WBSCM
Inspection Plan must exist for the material
Material has been used on transactions in WBSCM

Portal Path
Follow the Portal path below to complete this transaction:

Select Supplier tab -+Supplier Self Service tab -+ Inspection Results Entry folder -+ To
go to Quality Certification Data Entry screen

Tips and Tricks


The R/O/C represents Required, Optional, or Conditional field entry. A Conditional field entry
is an entry that becomes required as a result of entering something previous to it, which then
deems it required.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Page 1 of 20


Work Instruction



Display User

Process Overview
The purpose of this transaction is to display a user in WBSCM. If you are a User Administrator, you will be
able to display all users within your organization. If you are an Organization Administrator, you will be
able to display all users within your organization and sub-organizations. While this work instruction is
dedicated to the display transaction, you will also see how to create, modify, and delete users.
Process Trigger
You need to check if a particular user exists in WBSCM, display the user's contact information, or see
which security access has been assigned to that user. Use this procedure to display a user in WBSCM.

User must be created in WBSCM

Portal Path
Follow the Portal path below to complete this transaction:

Select Admin tab


Manage Users folder to go to the Manage Users screen.

Tips and Tricks


This transaction is in Display mode and will not allow you to modify any fields.
Not all fields are used and only the R/O/C fields are defined.
The R/O/C represents Required, Optional, or Conditional field entry. A Conditional field entry
is an entry that becomes required as a result of entering something previous to it, which then
deems it required.

Page 1 of 5
Thursday, June 18, 2009


Work Instruction



Submit Plant Shipping Registration

Process Overview
The purpose of this transaction is to allow the vendor to create a plant or shipping locations.
Process Trigger
Perform this procedure when you need to create a vendor plant or shipping location.
Prereq uis ites

Bid response
Username and password

Portal Path
Follow the Portal path below to complete this transaction:

Select Supplier tab +

Supplier Self Service +Maintain

Organization screen

Tips and Tricks

The R/O/C represents Required, Optional, or Conditional field entry. A Conditional field entry
is an entry that becomes required as a result of entering something previous to it, which then
deems it required.

Page 1 of 5
Monday, June 22, 2009



Work Instruction



Update Inspection Lot

UJ-----------Process Overview
The purpose of this transaction is to make any necessary updates to the inspection lot.
Process Trigger
Perform this transaction when updates need to be made to an inspection.
Prereq uisites

An inspection Lot must be created

Portal Path
Follow the Portal path below to complete this transaction:

Select Suppliers -+ Supplier Self Service -+ Inspection Result Entry screen

Tips and Tricks

The R/O/C represents Required, Optional, or Conditional field entry
Go to the Portal help for additional information
Call Tech support for assistance
Remember to always check your work

Page 1 of 18
Monday, June 22, 2009


Work Instruction



Update Inspection Results

Process Overview

The purpose of this transaction is to update inspection results.
Process Trigger
Perform this transaction when you need to update inspection results.
Prerequis ites

An inspection must exist in WBSCM

Portal Path
Follow the Portal path below to complete this transaction:

Select Supplier
Entry screen


Supplier Self Service


Inspection Results Entry ~ Quality Data

Tips and Tricks

The R/O/C represents Required, Optional, or Conditional field entry
Go to the Portal help for additional information
Call Tech support for assistance
Remember to always check your work

Page 1 of 14
Monday, June 22, 2009


--Work Instruction


Upload File for Multiple ASNs

Process Overview

The purpose of Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN) is to create a delivery notification automatically
the customer.


When an outbound ASN is generated for a delivery, referring to the sales order that was created, the
invoice is generated automatically.
Process Trigger
Goods Receipt

Sales Order


Purchase Requisition
Purchase Order


Goods Receipt

Portal Path
Follow the Portal path below to complete this transaction:

Select Suppliers tab + Vendor Self-Service tab + Upload Files (Multiple ASN) link
+ to go to Create a Multiple ASN - SAP Web Dynpro initial screen

Tips and Tricks

The R/O/C represents Required, Optional, or Conditional field entry. A Conditional field entry
is an entry that becomes required as a result of entering something previous to it, which then
deems it required.

Page 1 of 8
Monday, June 22, 2009


Work Instruction



Display Advanced Shipping Notification (ASN)

Process Overview
The purpose of this document is to display an Advanced Shipping Notification document created by an
external vendor. An ASN is created by the vendor to confirm quanities and shipping detail information of
commodities against a Purchase Order (PO).
Process Trigger
Perform this procedure when details of the ASN are needed.
Prerequ is ites

ASN must be created in WBSCM.

Portal Path
Follow the Portal path below to complete this transaction:

Select Suppliers tab + Procurement tab + Supplier Self Service folder
Service to go to the Supplier Self Service screen

+ Supplier


Tips and Tricks

The R/O/C represents Required, Optional, or Conditional field entry. A Conditional field entry
is an entry that becomes required as a result of entering something previous to it, which then
deems it required.

Page 1 of 9
Monday, June 29, 2009


Work Instruction


Display Contract

Process Overview
The purpose of this transaction to review the details of a contract. Contract details can be used on the
header or line item level. While there are a few different types of contracts in WBSCM, the views
associated to a contract are the same.
Process Trigger
Perform this procedure any time the details of a contract need to be displayed and reviewed.

Contract must exist in WBSCM

Portal Path
Follow the Portal path below to complete this transaction:

Select Operations tab + Procurement tab + Contract Administration folder
Contract link + to go to the Process Contract screen



Tips and Tricks

The R/O/C represents Required, Optional, or Conditional field entry. A Conditional field entry
is an entry that becomes required as a result of entering something previous to it, which then
deems it required.

Page 1 of 11
Tuesday, July 07, 2009


Work Instruction



Display Purchase Order - Internal

Process Overview
The purpose of this transaction is to display a Purchase Order (PO). Internal procurement users can
access a PO to review business partner information, document history, item detail, versioning and
associated follow-up documents.
Process Trigger
Perform this procedure anytime a PO needs to the reviewed.
Prerequ isites

PO must already exist in the WBSCM portal

Portal Path
Follow the Portal path below to complete this transaction:

Select Operations tab -+ Procurement tab -+ Contract Administration
Purchase Order link -+ to go to the Purchase Order screen

folder -+ Process

Tips and Tricks

The R/O/C represents Required, Optional, or Conditional field entry. A Conditional field entry
is an entry that becomes required as a result of entering something previous to it, which then
deems it required.

Page 1 of 16
Monday, June 29, 2009


Work Instruction


Enter Customer Shipment Receipt

Process Overview

The purpose of this transaction is to create a customer shipment receipt. The shipment receipt is a means
of confirming the customer received the inventory that was requested, and helps to provide details on
what was received, when, how, who signed for it, and if there was any damage. The shipment receipt is
also used for a 3 way match between a warehouse, vendor, and the customer. For Freight Forwarders,
it provides confirmation that a shipment is officially on the ocean liner (ex. Maersk) and allows them to
receive payment based on that confirmation.
Process Trigger
Perform this procedure when a customer has officially received inventory.

Sales Order/Purchase

Order must exist in WBSCM

Portal Path
Follow the Portal path below to complete this transaction:

Select Operations tab + Order Processing tab
Shipment to go to the Shipment Receipts screen


Shipment Receipt folder



Tips and Tricks


It may be necessary to use the scroll buttons to display fields that may not immediately
display on the screen
The R/O/C represents Required, Optional, or Conditional field entry. A Conditional field entry
is an entry that becomes required as a result of entering something previous to it, which then
deems it required

Page 1 of 13
Thursday. July 02, 2009



Work Instruction

(~ (W


Maintain NW Delivery Dates

Process Overview
The purpose of this transaction is to enter and updated national warehouse delivery dates as needed.
Process Trigger
Perform this procedure when you need to enter or make changes to national warehouse delivery dates.

Warehouse and ship to must exist in WBSCM

Portal Path
Follow the Portal path below to complete this transaction:

Select Operations tab ~ Order Processing tab ~Organization
Maintenance folder
~ Maintain National Warehouse Delivery Calendar to go to the Selection/Source Delivery
Calendar screen

Tips and Tricks


The R/O/C represents Required, Optional, or Conditional field entry. A Conditional field entry
is an entry that becomes required as a result of entering something previous to it, which then
deems it required
Refer to the Help Option in the Portal for further assistance. To access Help from the Portal,


click [3] (the Options icon) which can be found on the upper right corner of the portal screen
Remember to always check your work

Page 1 of 5
Monday, May 18, 2009



Work Instruction

Manage Vendor Constraints

Process Overview

Use this transaction to edit the constraints established for your vendor organization.
Process Trigger
Constraints have already been established for your vendor organization.

Use this procedure to edit them.

Prereq uis ites

Constraints for your vendor organization must exist in the system before you can edit them.

Portal Path
Follow the Portal path below to complete this transaction:

Select Suppliers tab ~ Bid Management tab ~ Manage Bid Constraints to go to
the Manage Bid Constraints initial screen

Tips and Tricks

Not all fields are used and only the R/O/C fields are defined.
The R/O/C represents Requried, Optional, or Conditional field entry. A Conditional field entry
is an entry that becomes required as a result of a previous entry, which then deems it

Refer to the Help Option in the Portal for further assistance. To access Help from the Portal, click the
Options icon which can be found on the upper right corner of the portal screen.
Remember to always check your work.

Page 1 of 11
Monday, June 29, 2009


Work Instruction


Upload Shipment Receipt

Process Overview

The purpose of this transaction is to upload a shipment receipt (or batches of shipment receipts) in
Process Trigger
Perform this procedure when a shipment receipt needs to be uploaded.

Replenishment Order must exist for the warehouse
Shipment receipt XML file must be created

Portal Path
Follow the Portal path below to complete this transaction:

Select Operations tab -+ Order Processing tab -+ Shipment Receipts folder -+ Upload
Shipment Receipt to go to the Upload GR screen

Tips and Tricks

The R/O/C represents Required, Optional, or Conditional field entry. A Conditional field entry
is an entry that becomes required as a result of entering something previous to it, which then
deems it required

Page 1 of 6
Thursday, July 02, 2009


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2010-03-25
File Created2010-03-25

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