Our organization is committed to evaluating success based on the effect we have on our clients. Please help us provide you with more effective services in the future by sharing your feedback with us.
Your participation is greatly appreciated. Thank you for your time.
As you respond, please keep these projects in mind. Ongoing or recently closed projects may not be listed. Please keep those in mind as well. |
Project |
Our Project Manager(s) |
Other Service Provider (if any) |
Dates |
To better assist you and other clients in the future, we need your
feedback to evaluate the effectiveness and impact of the services we
provided to your company. Your participation is voluntary and your
responses are held entirely in confidence. This survey is
underwritten by the Manufacturing Extension Partnership (MEP) at the
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which
provides funding for local manufacturing extension programs
throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Your comments provide
us with important information to judge the quality and usefulness of
our services.
This questionnaire contains collection of information requirements
subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA). Notwithstanding
any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond
to, nor shall any person be subject to penalty for failure to comply
with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the
PRA, unless that collection of information displays a currently
valid OMB Control Number. The estimated response time for this
questionnaire is
15 minutes. The response time includes the time for reviewing
instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and
maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the
collection of information.
OMB Control No. 0693-0021
Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX
What were the two most important factors for your firm choosing to work with the Center X?
Center/staff Expertise
Cost/price of services
Fair and unbiased advice/services
Reputation for results
Knowledge of your industry
Specific services not available from other providers
Lack of other providers nearby
Other (specify) _______________________
Don’t know
Refused to answer
In addition to Center X, has your company used any other external resources/providers to address business performance issues over the past 12 months?
Yes 2 No 8 Don’t know 9 Refused to answer
As you look forward over the next 3 years, what do you see as your company’s three most important strategic challenges?
Product innovation/development
Identifying growth opportunities
Ongoing continuous improvement/cost reduction strategies
Employee recruitment and retention
Exporting/Global engagement
Sustainability in products and processes
Managing partners and suppliers
Technology needs
Other (specify)__________________________
Don’t know
Refused to answer
Did the services you received directly lead to an increase in sales at your establishment over the past 12 months?
1 Yes How much? $_____________________
No 8 Don’t know 9 Refused to answer
5 Did the services you received directly help your establishment (check all that apply)?
Get new customers
Enter new markets
Create new products
Create new services
What percentage of the [FILL: NewSales_AMT] in new sales you indicated in question 4 is attributable to new customers, new markets, new products, or new services? ______%
7 Over the past 12 months, did the services you received directly lead you to retain sales that would have otherwise been lost?
1 Yes How much? $_____________________
2 No 8 Don’t know 9 Refused to answer
What percentage of the [FILL: RtnSales_AMT] in retained sales you indicated in question 7 is attributable to new customers, new markets, new products, or new services? ______%
9 Did the services you received directly lead you to create any jobs over the past 12 months?
1 Yes How many? _____________
2 No 8 Don’t know 9 Refused to answer
10 Did the services you received lead you to retain any jobs over the past 12 months?
1 Yes How many? _____________
2 No 8 Don’t know 9 Refused to answer
11 Did the services you received directly result in cost savings in labor, materials, energy, overhead, or other areas over what would otherwise have been spent in the past 12 months?
1 Yes How much? $____________________
2 No 8 Don’t know 9 Refused to answer
12 As a result of the services you received, has your establishment increased its investment over the past 12 months in:
Plant or equipment?
Yes How Much? $_______________________
No 8 Don’t know 9 Refused to answer
Information systems or software?
Yes How much? $_______________________
No 8 Don’t know 9 Refused to answer
Workforce practices or employee skills?
Yes How much? $________________________
No 8 Don’t know 9 Refused to answer
Other areas of business?
Yes How much? $________________________
No 8 Don’t know 9 Refused to answer
As a result of the services you received, did your establishment avoid any unnecessary investments or save on any investments in the past 12 months?
Yes How much was saved/avoided? $__________________________
No 8 Don’t know 9 Refused to answer
Based on the benefits that resulted from the services provided, how likely would you be to recommend this MEP Center to other companies, assuming they are not direct competitors?
1 (Not at all Likely) 5 (Very Likely) 10
Do you have any suggestions or comments for the Center?
For analytical purposes, we would like to verify who completed this survey.
What is your job title?
What is your name?
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-31 |