First Follow-up Item Justification

Part D-G HSLS-09 First Follow-up 2012 Justification for Survey Items.docx

High School Longitudinal Study of 2009 (HSLS:09) First Follow-up Field Test 2011

First Follow-up Item Justification

OMB: 1850-0852

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Part D: First Follow-up Student Questionnaire - OMB Justifications




Old Wording (if revised)

New Item Wording



HSLS F1 FT Student


Are you currently enrolled in school? (If you are out of school because of a school break, illness, injury, or vacation, please answer "yes".)

0=Yes, you are enrolled at [school name]

1=Yes, you are enrolled at a school other than [school name]

2=Yes, you are home-schooled

3=No, you are not currently enrolled

[Are you currently/At the end of the spring 2012 term, were you] attending high school, not attending high school, or being homeschooled?

1=Attending high school

2=Not attending high school

3=Being home-schooled

Revised question wording so response options are known from the question. Added alternate wording for summer administration.


HSLS F1 FT Student


The last time we contacted you, you were enrolled in [school name]. Are you still enrolled in [school name]?

[Are you currently/At the end of the spring 2012 term, were you] attending [BY school] or another high school?
1=[BY school]
2=Another school

Revised to ask whether attending BY school or another school, information that used to be collected in S2CURENR. Added option for homeschool for comprehensiveness.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What high school [do you currently attend/were you last attending]?

*School Name



What are the full name, city and state of the high school you [are currently attending/were attending at the end of the spring 2012 term]?

Made question wording more specific for CATI administration.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What school did you last attend?

1=[school name]

2=Another high school

When you last attended high school, were you attending [BY school], attending another high school, or being homeschooled?

1=[BY school name]

2=Another high school


Put response options in question wording. Added homeschool as a response option for comprehensiveness.


ELS F2 Student


 Not Asked

Have you attended any other high school besides [BY school] [and [S2CURSCH1/ S2LASTSCHNM/S2ADD_2] since you were a 9th grader in the fall of 2009?

TRP recommended getting a complete high school enrollment history before transcript data are produced in 2015. This question is similar to a question used in ELS F2 to identify all postsecondary institutions attended.


ELS F1 Transfer


 Not Asked

What is the full name, city, and state of the other high school you attended?

TRP recommended getting a complete high school enrollment history before transcript data are produced in 2015. This question is similar to a question used in ELS F1 Transfer questionnaire.


HSLS F1 FT Student


When did you stop attending school?
1=Less than four weeks ago
2=Four or more weeks ago

[Has it been/At the end of the spring term of 2012, had it been] 4 or more weeks since you last attended high school?

Revised question wording so it implies response options for CATI administration.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Did you attend high school during the 2009-2010 school year?


To reduce burden, will collect all schools attended across years and eliminate year-by-year information.


HSLS F1 FT Student


During the last school year (2009-2010), what school did you attend?

*School Name




To reduce burden, will collect all schools attended across years and eliminate year-by-year information.


HSLS F1 FT Student


During the last school year (2009-2010), were you attending [school name], attending [S2CURSCH1], attending another school, or were you homeschooled?

1=attending [school name]

2=attending [S2CURSCH1]

3=attending another school, or

4=were you homeschooled?


To reduce burden, will collect all schools attended across years and eliminate year-by-year information.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What grade [are you currently/were you last] in?
1=9th grade
2=10th grade
3=11th grade
4=12th grade
5=You are in an ungraded program

What grade [are you currently in/were you in at the end of the spring term of 2012/were you in when you last attended school during the 2011-2012 school year]?
1=9th grade
2=10th grade
3=11th grade
4=12th grade
5=You are in an ungraded program

Revised with alternative wording for summer administration and to include dropouts.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What grade were you in when you last attended high school?

1=9th grade

2=10th grade

3=11th grade

4=12th grade

5=Ungraded program


Information can be inferred from answers to other questions.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Here are some reasons other people have given for leaving school. Which of these would you say applied to you?
*You got a job
*You did not like school
*You became pregnant or became a parent
*You were getting poor grades or failing school
*You thought you couldn't complete course requirements
*You thought it would be easier to get GED or alternative credential
*You missed too many school days
*You were suspended or expelled

Here are some reasons other people have given for leaving high school. Which of these would you say applied to you?
*You couldn't work and go to school at the same time
*You did not like school
*You were getting behind in your schoolwork or getting poor grades
*You thought it would be easier to get GED or alternative credential
*You were suspended or expelled
*Your friends had dropped out of school
*You didn’t need to complete high school for what you wanted to do
*You had to take care of or financially support your family
*You wanted to gain early admission to college, trade school, or a technical institute

Consolidated with S2WHYEARLY so same items are asked in same way of dropouts and early graduates. Revised items, replaced items with ELS and NELS items, deleted items based on F1 FT frequencies, combined items, added one new item, and moved one item from S2WHYEARLY.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Here are some reasons other people have given for leaving school. Which of these would you say applied to you?
*To gain early admission to college
*To start a job
*To join the military
*Bored with high school
*Other (Please specify)


Consolidated with S2WHYDROP so same items are asked in same way of dropouts and early graduates, per TRP recommendation.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


What are [teenager]'s activities now?

* Working full-time

* Working part-time

* Looking for work

* Taking care of [his/her] child

* Enrolled in an alternative program to help [him/her] continue [his/her] education

* Taking a class to prepare for the GED

* Enrolled in a technical, vocational, or trade school or program

* Other (Please specify)

Since leaving high school, have you enrolled in a program to prepare for a high school diploma, GED or an equivalent?

Question is based on F1 FT items P2NOW5 and P2NOW6 from the parent instrument, but time frame has been changed.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Has [teenager] taken the GED exam?

Have you taken the GED exam?

Moved from parent instrument (P2GED1).


HSLS F1 FT Student


There are lots of reasons why people return to school. How likely would you be to return to school if…
*it would improve your reading skills?
*it would improve your math skills?
*you felt you belonged at school?
*you felt sure you could graduate?
*you felt sure you could get a good job after graduation?
*school was more interesting to you?
*you could take more job-related courses?
*you could attend classes at night or on weekends?
*you felt sure you could get tutoring or extra help to do better in school?


Deleted because it is hypothetical, per TRP recommendation.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you ever participated in an alternative program to help you continue your education?


The term "alternative program" is not understood and not easily defined, per TRP recommendation.


HSLS F1 FT Student


In what month and year did you enter the most recent alternative program in which you have participated?




HSLS F1 FT Student


Are you still enrolled in this program?




HSLS F1 FT Student


In what month and year did you [leave/complete/leave or complete] the most recent alternative program?




HSLS F1 FT Student


How did you earn your GED or alternative credential?

1=No program, just took exam

2=Part of job training program

3=Enrolled through adult education

4=Part of a child care program



Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Student


When did you begin going to [S2CURSCH1/this school]?
1=During 9th grade
2=Beginning or during 10th grade
3=Beginning or during 11th grade
4=Beginning or during 12th grade
5=During an ungraded program or other


Information can be inferred from answers to other questions.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Why did you transfer to this school?
*You moved to a new area
*You were re-assigned by the school system
*Your current school offered a better fit
*Other (specify)

Why did you [transfer to S2CURSCH1/begin homeschooling]?
*You moved to a new area or your current school is more conveniently located
*You were re-assigned by the school system
*You were expelled from your previous school
*You wanted to take advantage of your current school’s programs, offerings, or quality of instruction
*You didn’t like your previous school

Revised question stem to include homeschoolers. Added new items and revised others based on other specifies. The "take advantage" item is based on ELS F1T16.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Since starting 9th grade, have you ever stopped going to school for a period of a month or more other than for school breaks, illness, injury, or vacation?

[At any time since the fall of 2009, have you stopped/Between the fall of 2009 and when you last attended high school, did you ever stop] going to school for a period of 4 weeks or more other than for school breaks, illness, injury, or vacation?

Revised for specificity of time period and for administration to dropouts and early graduates.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Since starting 9th grade, how many times have you stopped going to school for a period of a month or more other than for school breaks, illness, injury, or vacation?


Per TRP recommendation, deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Student


About how many school days did you miss during the 2009-2010 school year?


Per TRP recommendation, deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.




How many times did the following things happen to you during the last 6 months [you were in school]?
*You were late for school.
*You cut or skipped classes.
*You got in trouble for not following school rules.
*You were put on an in-school suspension.
*You were suspended or put on probation from school.
*You were transferred to another school for discipline reasons.
*You were arrested.
*You spent time in a juvenile home or detention center.
2=1-2 times
3=3-6 times
4=7-9 times
5=10 or more times

How many times did the following things happen during the last 6 months [you were in school]?
*You were late for school.
*You were absent from school.
*You went to class without your homework done
*You went to class without pencil and paper, computer or other device for taking notes
*You went to class without books
*You cut or skipped classes.
*You were given an in-school suspension or detention.
2=1-2 times
3=3-6 times
4=7-9 times
5=10 or more times
*You were suspended or put on probation from school.
*You were transferred to another school for discipline reasons.
*You were expelled.
*You were arrested.
*You spent time in a juvenile home or detention center.
3=More than once

Combined with S2DSEN so all respondents are asked the same question. Some items will not be shown to in-school respondents adhering to PPRA (italicized). Changed response options for less frequent events.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How often do you…
*skip class
*go to class late


Combined with S2BEHAVIOR so all respondents are asked the same question.




 Not Asked

Since you [received your high school diploma/received your high school certificate of attendance/received your GED or other equivalency/completed high school/left high school], have you attended a 4-year college, 2-year community college, trade school or technical institute where you took courses for credit?

Reviewer recommended adding this gate. This addition is expected to be a slight time saver because respondents who answer ‘no’ can skip subsequent questions which drill into type of postsecondary institution.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Since leaving school, have you enrolled in a technical, vocational, or trade school program?

Since leaving high school, have you enrolled in a trade school or technical institute?

Revised to refer to enrollment in this type of school rather than this type of program.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Who ran the program?


This question is obsolete since no longer asking about programs.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Since leaving school, have you enrolled in an academic program at a two-year junior college or community college?

Since leaving high school, have you enrolled in a 2-year community college?

Revised to refer to enrollment in this type of school rather than this type of program.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Since leaving school, have you enrolled in an academic program at a four-year college or university?

Since leaving high school, have you enrolled in a 4-year college?

Revised to refer to enrollment in this type of school rather than this type of program.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you earned…
*a license to do a specific job (for example, cosmetologist or hygienist)?
*an educational certificate from a school or college (for example, a nursing assistant certificate)?
*an industry certification (for example, Microsoft System Engineer)?


Occurs extraordinarily rarely in a cohort of 11th graders and they cannot knowledgeably answer.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What was the license or certificate for?


Occurs extraordinarily rarely in a cohort of 11th graders and they cannot knowledgeably answer.


HSLS F1 FT Student


In what month and year did you earn your most recent license or certification?


Occurs extraordinarily rarely in a cohort of 11th graders and they cannot knowledgeably answer.


HSLS BY FS Student


What do you look forward to in high school?
1=Don't look forward to anything
3=Physical education or gym
4=Seeing friends
5=Art, music, or theater
8=English or Language Arts
9=Another subject

Not including lunch or study periods, what [is/was] your favorite school subject?
2=Foreign Language
7=Physical Education or Gym
9=Health Education
10=Computer Education or Computer Science
11=Social Studies, History, Government, or Civics
12=Career preparation class such as health professions, business, or culinary arts

TRP recommended replacing this with base year question (S1FAVSUBJ).


HSLS F1 FT Student


Are you currently taking a math course this spring?

[Are you currently taking a math course/Were you taking a math course this past spring term?]

Revised with alternative wording for summer administration.


NELS:88 F2


 Not Asked

Why [are/were] you not taking a math course [in the spring term]? Would you say because…
*You really dislike math
*It is not required for high school graduation
*You will not need it to get into college
*You will not need it to succeed in college
*You will not need it for your career
*A high school counselor discouraged you from taking a math class
*A teacher discouraged you from taking a math class
*Your parents discouraged you from taking a math class

* Another family member discouraged you from taking a math class

*Your employer discouraged you from taking a math class

*Your friends [are/were] not taking a math class
*You don’t do well in math
*You were not assigned to a math course

Recommended by NCES longitudinal data users. The question is based on NELS:88 F2, but wording and items aligned with S2MREASON.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Wording: What math course(s) are you currently taking this spring?
*Business, Consumer, General, or Basic math such as Functional, Review, or Remedial math
*Algebra I including IA and IB
*Algebra II
*Algebra III
*Analytic Geometry
*Integrated Math I
*Integrated Math II
*Integrated Math III or above
*Statistics or Probability
*Other math course

[What math course or courses are you currently taking/What math course or courses were you taking during the spring term of 2012?

*Business, Consumer, General, Applied, Technical, Functional, or Review math
*Algebra I including IA and IB
*Algebra II
*Algebra III
*Analytic Geometry
*Integrated Math I
*Integrated Math II
*Integrated Math III or above
*Advanced Placement (AP) Statistics or Probability
*Other Statistics or Probability
*Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus AB
*Advanced Placement (AP) Calculus BC
*Other Calculus
*International Baccalaureate (IB) mathematics standard level
*International Baccalaureate (IB) mathematics higher level
*Other math course

Revised with alternative wording for summer administration. Added AP and IB courses.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you taken Algebra I?



3=You are currently taking it


Added as a response option in S2ALGWHEN.


HSLS F1 FT Student


In which grade did you take algebra I?
1=8th grade or earlier
2=9th grade
3=10th grade
4=11th grade
5=12th grade

What grade were you in when you took algebra I?
1=8th grade or earlier
2=9th grade
3=10th grade
4=11th grade

5=12th grade

6=Have not taken Algebra I yet

Wording was awkward. Added a response option to take place of S2ALG.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What was your final grade in algebra I?

1=A (between 90-100)

2=B (between 80-89)

3=C (between 70-79)

4=D (between 60-69)

5=Below D (anything less than 60)

6=Your class was not graded

What was your final grade in algebra I?

1=A (between 90-100)

2=B (between 80-89)

3=C (between 70-79)

4=D (between 60-69)

5=Below D (anything less than 60)

6=Your class was not graded

7=You haven’t completed the course yet

Made very minor revisions for when they have taken it more than once. For comprehensiveness, added response option for those who are currently taking the course.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Why are you taking [highest math course]?
*You really enjoy math
*You had no choice, it is a requirement
*You will need it to get into college
*You will need it to succeed in college
*You will need it for your career
*Some other reason (Please specify)

Why are you taking [highest math course]? Would you say you are taking it because…
* You really enjoy math
* You like to be challenged

* You had no choice, it is a high school requirement
*You will need it to get into college
*You will need it to succeed in college
*You will need it for your career
*A high school counselor suggested you to take it
*A teacher encouraged you to take it
*Your parents encouraged you to take it
*Another family member encouraged you to take it
*Your employer encouraged you to take it
*Your friends were taking it
*You do well in math
* It was assigned to you

Reinstated items from the BY questionnaire, added others to align with reasons for not taking math, or from other specifies provided through the F1 Field Test.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about math?
*You enjoy math a lot
*You are certain that you can understand difficult math material
*You think math is a waste of your time
*You are certain that you can master math skills
*You are confident that you can do an excellent job
*You think math is boring
*You find math coursework interesting
*You are confident that you can do an excellent job on math assignments
1=Strongly Agree
4=Strongly Disagree

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about [your math course/math]?

* You are enjoying this class very much/You enjoy math classes very much*You are certain that you can understand [the most difficult material presented in the textbook used in this course/the most difficult material presented in math textbooks]
*You think this class is a waste of your time/You think math classes are a waste of your time

*You are certain that you can master [the skills being taught in this course/math skills]
*You are confident that you can do an excellent job on [tests in this course/math tests]
You think this class is boring/You think math classes are boring

*You are confident that you can do an excellent job on [assignments in this course/math assignments]
1=Strongly Agree
4=Strongly Disagree

Revised items for consistency with BY questionnaire which asked these about a specific course. If respondent is not taking a math course, this will be asked in a general way as was done in F1 FT.


Finn School Participation Scale


 Not Asked

Over the past 6 months, how often did you do these things in your math class?*You paid attention to the teacher
*You turned in your assignments and projects on time
*When an assignment was very difficult, you stopped trying
*You did as little work as possible; you just wanted to get by
2=Less than half of the time
3=Half of the time
4=More than half of the time

The TRP recommended adding items to measure engagement. TRP panelist Jeremy Finn developed and used this item on a questionnaire for 11th graders. Eliminated items that are already included in S2BEHAVIOR. Revised response options to avoid vague quantifiers.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your math teacher? If you have more than one math teacher, think about the one you consider your main high school math teacher. Remember, none of your teachers or your principal will see any of the answers you provide. Your math teacher...
*values and listens to students’ ideas.
*treats students with respect.
*treats every student fairly.
*thinks every student can be successful.
*thinks mistakes are okay as long as all students learn.
*treats some kids better than other kids.
*makes math interesting.
*treats males and females differently.
*makes math easy to understand.
1=Strongly agree
4=Strongly disagree

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your math teacher for this course? Remember, none of your teachers or your principal will see any of the answers you provide. Would you say your math teacher...

* treats some kids better than other kids.

* makes math interesting.

* makes math easy to understand.

* wants students to think, not just memorize things.

* doesn't let people give up when the work gets hard.

1=Strongly agree



4=Strongly disagree

Added items from the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) questionnaire.

Eliminated half of the items to reduce burden.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Are you currently taking a science course this spring?

[Are you currently taking any science, computer science, or technologycourses/Were you taking any science, computer science, or technology courses during the spring term of 2012?

The question was broadened to include computer science and technology courses given the STEM focus of the study. Revised with alternative wording for summer administration.




 Not Asked

Why [are/were] you not taking a science course [in the spring term]? Would you say because…
*You really dislike science
*It is not required for high school graduation
*You will not need it to get into college
*You will not need it to succeed in college
*You will not need it for your career
*A high school counselor discouraged you from taking a science class
*A teacher discouraged you from taking a science class
*Your parents discouraged you from taking a science class
*Another family member discouraged you from taking a science class
*Your employer discouraged you from taking a science class
*Your friends [are/were] not taking a science class
*You don’t do well in science
*You were not assigned to a science course

Recommended by NCES longitudinal data users. The question is based on NELS:88 F2, but wording and items aligned with S2SREASON.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Wording: What science course(s) are you currently taking this spring?
*General Science
*Life Science
*Biology I
*Advanced Biology such as Biology II, AP, or IB
*Other biological sciences such as botany, marine biology, or zoology
*Anatomy or Physiology
*Chemistry I
*Advanced Chemistry such as Chemistry II, AP, or IB
*Physical Science
*Principles of Technology
*Physics I
*Advanced Physics such as Physics II, AP or IB
*Other physical sciences such as astronomy or electronics
*Earth Science
*Environmental Science
*Other earth or environmental sciences such as ecology, geology, oceanography, or meteorology
*Integrated Science I
*Integrated Science II or above
*Other science course

Wording: What science course or courses are you currently taking? /What science courses were you taking this past spring? What science courses have you already taken? /What science courses had you already taken before the spring term?
*General Science
*Life Science
*Biology I
*Advanced Placement (AP) Biology
*International Baccalaureate (IB) Biology
*Biology II
*Other biological sciences such as botany, marine biology, or zoology
*Anatomy or Physiology
*Chemistry I
*Advanced Placement (AP) Chemistry
*International Baccalaureate (IB) Chemistry
*Chemistry II
*Physical Science
*Principles of Technology
*Physics I
*Advanced Placement (AP) Physics B
*Advanced Placement (AP) Physics C
*International Baccalaureate (IB) Physics
*Physics II
*Other physical sciences such as astronomy or electronics
*Earth Science
*Advanced Placement (AP) Environmental Science
* Environmental Science other than AP
*Other earth or environmental sciences such as ecology, geology, oceanography, or meteorology
*Integrated Science I
*Integrated Science II or above
*Advanced Placement (AP) computer science A
*International Baccalaureate (IB) design technology
*International Baccalaureate (IB) Environmental systems and societies
*Other science course

Revised with alternative wording for summer administration. Added AP and IB courses.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Why are you taking [highest science course]?
*You really enjoy science
*You had no choice, it is a requirement
*You will need it to get into college
*You will need it to succeed in college
*You will need it for your career
*Some other reason (Please specify)

Why are you taking [highest science course]? Would you say you are taking it because…
* You really enjoy science
* You like to be challenged
* You had no choice, it is a high school requirement
* You will need it to get into college
* You will need it to succeed in college
* You will need it for your career
* A high school counselor suggested you take it
* A teacher encouraged you to take it
* Your parents encouraged you to take it
* Another family member encouraged you to take it
* Your employer encouraged you to take it
* Your friends were taking it
* You do well in science
* It was assigned to you

Reinstated items from the BY questionnaire, added others to align with reasons for not taking science, or from other specifies.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about science?
*You enjoy science a lot
*You are certain that you can understand difficult science material
*You think science is a waste of your time
*You are certain that you can master science skills
*You are confident that you can do an excellent job on science tests
*You think science is boring
*You find science coursework interesting
*You are confident that you can do an excellent job on science assignments
1=Strongly agree
4=Strongly disagree

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about science?
*You are enjoying this class very much/You enjoy science classes very much

*You are certain that you can understand [the most difficult material presented in the textbook used in this course/the most difficult material presented in science textbooks]

*You think this class is a waste of your time/You think science classes are a waste of your time

*You are certain that you can master [the skills being taught in this course/science skills]
*You are confident that you can do an excellent job on [tests in this course/science tests]
*You think this class is boring/You think science classes are boring

*You are confident that you can do an excellent job on [assignments in this course/science assignments]
1=Strongly agree
4=Strongly disagree

Revised items for consistency with BY questionnaire which asked about a specific course. If respondent is not taking a science course, this will be asked in a general way as was done in F1 FT.


Finn School Participation Scale


 Not Asked

Over the past 6 months, how often did you do these things in your science class?
*You paid attention to the teacher.
*You turned in your assignments and projects on time.
*When an assignment was very difficult, you stopped trying.
*You did as little work as possible; you just wanted to get by.
2=Less than half of the time
3=Half of the time
4=More than half of the time

The TRP recommended adding items to measure engagement. TRP panelist Jeremy Finn developed and used this item on a questionnaire for 11th graders. Eliminated items that are already included in S2BEHAVIOR. Revised response options to avoid vague quantifiers.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your science teacher? If you have more than one science teacher, think about the one you consider your main high school science teacher. Remember, none of your teachers or your principal will see any of the answers you provide. Your science teacher...
*values and listens to students’ ideas.
*treats students with respect.
*treats every student fairly.
*thinks every student can be successful.
*thinks mistakes are okay as long as all students learn.
*treats some kids better than other kids.
*makes science interesting.
*treats males and females differently.
*makes science easy to understand.
1=Strongly agree
4=Strongly disagree

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about your science teacher for this course? Remember, none of your teachers or your principal will see any of the answers you provide. Would you say your science teacher...

* treats some kids better than other kids.

* makes science interesting.

* makes science easy to understand.

* wants students to think, not just memorize things.

* doesn't let people give up when the work gets hard.

1=Strongly agree



4=Strongly disagree

Added items from the Measures of Effective Teaching (MET) questionnaire.

Eliminated half of the items to reduce burden.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you taken, or do you plan to enroll in, any of the following courses?
*An Advanced Placement (AP) math course
*An Advanced Placement (AP) science course
*Another Advanced Placement (AP) course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) math course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) science course
*Another International Baccalaureate (IB) course

Have you taken any Advanced Placement (AP) courses? [Include any courses you are taking now.]
3=You don’t know what an AP course is

For question clarity and analytic utility, separated this question into parts: AP, IB, courses taken, and plans.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you taken, or do you plan to enroll in, any of the following courses?
*An Advanced Placement (AP) math course
*An Advanced Placement (AP) science course
*Another Advanced Placement (AP) course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) math course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) science course
*Another International Baccalaureate (IB) course

In which of the following subject areas have you taken Advanced Placement (AP) courses? [Include any courses you are taking now.]



Another subject?

Took elements from F1 FT version of S2APIB.


HSLS F1 FT Student



Planned coursetaking dropped to reduce burden.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you taken, or do you plan to enroll in, any of the following courses?
*An Advanced Placement (AP) math course
*An Advanced Placement (AP) science course
*Another Advanced Placement (AP) course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) math course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) science course
*Another International Baccalaureate (IB) course


Planned coursetaking dropped to reduce burden.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you taken, or do you plan to enroll in, any of the following courses?
*An Advanced Placement (AP) math course
*An Advanced Placement (AP) science course
*Another Advanced Placement (AP) course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) math course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) science course
*Another International Baccalaureate (IB) course

Have you taken any International Baccalaureate (IB) courses? [Include any courses you are taking now.]
3=You don’t know what an IB course is

Took elements from F1 FT version of S2APIB.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you taken, or do you plan to enroll in, any of the following courses?
*An Advanced Placement (AP) math course
*An Advanced Placement (AP) science course
*Another Advanced Placement (AP) course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) math course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) science course
*Another International Baccalaureate (IB) course

In which of the following subject areas have you taken International Baccalaureate (IB) courses? [Include any courses you are taking now.]

*Another subject?

Took elements from F1 FT version of S2APIB.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you taken, or do you plan to enroll in, any of the following courses?
*An Advanced Placement (AP) math course
*An Advanced Placement (AP) science course
*Another Advanced Placement (AP) course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) math course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) science course
*Another International Baccalaureate (IB) course


Planned coursetaking dropped to reduce burden.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you taken, or do you plan to enroll in, any of the following courses?
*An Advanced Placement (AP) math course
*An Advanced Placement (AP) science course
*Another Advanced Placement (AP) course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) math course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) science course
*Another International Baccalaureate (IB) course


Planned coursetaking dropped to reduce burden.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you taken any of the following courses?
*An Advanced Placement (AP) math course
*An Advanced Placement (AP) science course
*Another Advanced Placement (AP) course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) math course
*An International Baccalaureate (IB) science course
*Another International Baccalaureate (IB) course


Deleted because it is redundant with S2APSUBJ and S2IBSUBJ.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How many times, if any, have you taken the following tests?
*Any Advanced Placement (AP) test
*Any International Baccalaureate (IB) test
3=3 or more times

How many times, if any, have you taken the following tests?
*Any Advanced Placement (AP) test
*Any International Baccalaureate (IB) test
3=3 or more times

Added PLAN for comprehensiveness. Combined SAT and ACT because students typically take one or the other.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Are you planning to take these tests in the future?
*Any Advanced Placement (AP) test
*Any International Baccalaureate (IB) test


Planned test-taking dropped to reduce burden.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you taken any courses to prepare you for a particular type of job or job area?


Did not work well in field test. Will get this information from transcripts.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What was the main reason for taking these courses?
1=To meet graduation requirements
2=Personal interest in the subject
3=To prepare for college
4=To prepare for a job you are interested in
5=To explore a career option
6=To learn things that will be useful for work in general


This question is obsolete due to the deletion of S2OCCLASS.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What is the main reason you haven't taken such a course?
1=Not really related to what you [wanted/want] to do
2=You [didn't/don't] know what occupation you [wanted/want]
3=No such courses [were/are] offered through your school
4=Those courses [were/are] off-site and [required/require] travel
5=Other courses [were/are] more important


This question is obsolete due to the deletion of S2OCCLASS.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you completed any dual enrollment courses? That is, course(s) for which you enrolled in both your high school and a college or university at the same time? Do not include AP (Advanced Placement) courses.
*Yes, in math
*Yes, in science
*Yes, in another subject
*You don't know

Other than AP and IB courses, have you taken any courses for college credit? Include any courses for college credit that you are taking now.
3=Don’t know

Removed the term "dual enrollment" since F1 FT indicated that many 11th graders will not know it. Divided S2COLCRD into two questions (see S2DUALSUBJ1) for ease of CATI administration.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you completed any dual enrollment courses? That is, course(s) for which you enrolled in both your high school and a college or university at the same time? Do not include AP (Advanced Placement) courses.
*Yes, in math
*Yes, in science
*Yes, in another subject
*You don't know

In which of the following subject areas have you taken these courses for college credit? Include any courses for college credit that you are taking now.
*Another subject?

Took elements from F1 FT version of S2COLCRD.


Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQUIS)


  Not Asked

Where did you take courses for college credit other than AP and IB? Include any courses for college credit that you are taking now.

*On a college campus

*At your high school

*At a different high school


This question is based on question from PEQIS questionnaire on dual enrollment. Recommended by TRP


Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQUIS)


  Not Asked

Did you receive high school credit for any of these courses?

This is based on question from PEQIS questionnaire on dual enrollment.


Postsecondary Education Quick Information System (PEQUIS)


  Not Asked

Did you receive college credit for any of these courses?

This is based on question from PEQIS questionnaire on dual enrollment.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Which one of the following best describes how you have decided which high school courses to take this year and next year?
You are taking the courses...
1=needed to meet high school graduation requirements.
2=to prepare for a job after high school.
3=needed to meet college entry requirements.
4=needed to do well in college.
5=that best match your interest and abilities.
6=for some other reason.


This is a weak question because it refers to courses in general when reasons vary by course.


HSLS F1 FT Student


An "education plan" or a "career plan" is a series of activities and courses that you will need to complete in order to get into college or be successful in your future career.
Have you put together...
1=a combined education and career plan
2=an education plan only
3=a career plan only or
4=none of these?

[Has/Did] your school asked you to develop a high school graduation, career, and/or education plan?
3=Don't know

Revisions developed by Postsecondary, Adult, and Career Education (PACE) Division of NCES.


NCES PACE division


Not Asked

[Have you submitted/Did you submit] this plan to your school?

Developed by Postsecondary, Adult, and Career Education (PACE) Division. It is needed to measure formality of the plan.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Who helped you put your [education and career/education/career] plan together?
*A counselor
*A teacher
*Your parents
*An employer or potential employer
*Someone else
* No one


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Student


When did you last review or update your [education and career/education/career] plan?
1=You have never reviewed or updated
2=Before last school year
3=Last school year
4=This school year

On average, how often [have you met/did you meet] with an adult in your high school to review or revise this plan/these plans?

2=Less than once each school year
3=Once each school year
4=More than once each school year

These revisions are recommended by PACE.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Who has had the most influence in your choice of high school courses?
Item: S2INFLU1
1=Your family
2=Your friends
3=A teacher
4=A school counselor
5=A coach
6=Someone at your work
7=People you admire in music, sports, TV
8=No one in particular


Dropped to reduce burden.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Wording: How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
*You see yourself as a math person
*Others see you as a math person
1=Strongly agree



4=Strongly disagree

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
*You see yourself as a math person
*Others see you as a math person
*Most people can learn to be good at math
*You have to be born with the ability to be good at math
1=Strongly agree



4=Strongly disagree

TRP recommended adding items that address Carol Dweck’s theory of fixed versus growth mindsets. These are ELS items.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Wording: How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the usefulness of math? Math…
*is useful for everyday life.
*will be useful for college.
*will be useful for a future career.
1=Strongly agree



4=Strongly disagree

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about math? Math…
*is useful for everyday life.
*will be useful for college.
*will be useful for a future career.
1=Strongly agree



4=Strongly disagree

Revised question stem to avoid biasing responses.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Wording: How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
*You see yourself as a science person
*Others see you as a science person
1=Strongly agree



4=Strongly disagree

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
*You see yourself as a science person
*Others see you as a science person
*Most people can learn to be good at science
*You have to be born with the ability to be good at science
1=Strongly agree



4=Strongly disagree

TRP recommended adding items that address Carol Dweck’s theory of fixed versus growth mindsets. These are ELS items.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the usefulness of science? Science...
*is useful for everyday life.
*will be useful for college.
*will be useful for a future career.
1=Strongly agree



4=Strongly disagree

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements about science? Science...
*is useful for everyday life.
*will be useful for college.
*will be useful for a future career.
1=Strongly agree



4=Strongly disagree

Revised question stem to avoid biasing responses.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
*Studying in school rarely pays off later with good jobs
*People can do OK even if they drop out of high school
*You feel like you belong in this school
*Even if you study, you will not be able to get into college
*Students with bad grades often get good jobs after high school
*School often is a waste of time
*What you do not learn in school, you can always pick up later
*Even if you study, your family cannot afford to pay for you to attend college
1=Strongly agree



4=Strongly disagree

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
*Studying in school rarely pays off later with good jobs
*People can do okay even if they drop out of high school
*Even if you study, your family cannot afford to pay for you to attend college
*Students with bad grades often get good jobs after high school
*School often is a waste of time
*Studying in school pays off with scholarships for college
*Regardless of your grades, you will be able to get into some kind of college
1=Strongly agree



4=Strongly disagree

Deleted items that were not part of a scale as recommended by TRP. Added other items based on TRP recommendations and reviewers' comments. Some of the added items are ELS items. Rosenbaum is source for another.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Since the beginning of the last school year (2009-2010), which of the following activities have you participated in?
*Math club
*Math competition
*Math camp
*Math study groups
*Program where you were tutored in math
*Science club
*Science competition
*Science camp
*Science study group
*Program where you were tutored in science

Since the fall of 2009, which of the following activities have you participated in?
*Math club
*Math competition
*Math summer program
*Math study group
*Program where you were tutored in math
*Science club
*Science competition
*Science summer program
*Science study group
*Program where you were tutored in science

Changed time reference to cover period between waves. Revised "camp" to "summer program" as recommended by TRP.




During the last 12 months, has [teenager] participated in any of the following activities outside of school?
* Music or dance
* Art
* Theater or drama
* Organized sports supervised by an adult
* Religious youth group or religious instruction
* Scouting or another group or club activity
* Academic instruction outside of school such as from a Saturday Academy, learning center, personal tutor or summer school program
* A math or science camp
* A college preparation camp
* Another camp (Please specify)

Since the fall of 2009, have you participated in any of the following activities outside of school?
*Music or dance
*Theater or drama
*Organized sports supervised by an adult
*Scouting or another group or club activity
*Academic instruction outside of school such as from a Saturday Academy, learning center, personal tutor or summer school program
*A college preparation camp

Moved from the parent instrument. Changed time reference to cover period between waves. Removed religious instruction item due to PPRA. Removed math and science camp item because it is already covered in S2ACT.


HSLS F1 FT Student


As far as you know, are the following statements true or false for your closest friend? Your closest friend...
*has taken the PSAT or pre-ACT.
*will probably go to college.
*attends classes regularly.
*will probably drop out of high school.
3=Don't know

How many of your friends...
*dropped out of high school without graduating
*plan to attend a two-year community college or technical school
*plan to attend a four-year college or university
*plan to have a full-time job after high school but not attend college
1=None of them
2=Some of them
3=Most of them
4=All of them

Altogether, how many of your close friends…
*get good grades
*have ever dropped out of high school
*have taken the PSAT, SAT, PLAN or ACT
*plan to attend a trade school or technical institute
*plan to attend a two-year community college *plan to attend a four-year college
*plan to have a full-time job after high school but not attend college
0=None of them
1=Less than half
2=About half
3=More than half
4=All of them
5=Don’t know

Combined S2DOFRIENDS and S2CLF so students, dropouts and early graduates are all asked the same questions about friends. Changed response options to avoid vague quantifiers. Added BY items, deleted vague and hypothetical items, moved items from S2DOFRIENDS, and changed from true/false to percentage categories.


HSLS F1 FT Student


During a typical weekday how many hours do you spend... (Please enter whole numbers only; please enter '0' for any activity below in which you don't participate during weekdays.)
*working on math homework and studying for math class?
*working on science homework and studying for science class?
*working on homework and studying for the rest of your classes?
*participating in sports teams or sports clubs?
*participating in other extracurricular groups such as band or student government?
*spending time with your family?
*hanging out or socializing with your friends?
*watching television or movies?
*playing video games?
*chatting or surfing online?
1=Less than 1 hour
2=1 to 2 hours
3=2 to 3 hours
4=3 to 4 hours
5=4 to 5 hours
6=5 or more hours

During a typical school week [during the spring term of 2012/when you were last enrolled] how many hours [do/did] you spend...
*working on math homework and studying for math class?
*working on science homework and studying for science class?
*working on homework and studying for the rest of your classes?
0=No time
1=About half an hour
2=1 hour
3=2 hours
4=3 hours
5=4 to 6 hours
6=7-9 hours

6=10 or more hours

Revised question wording to refer to a school week rather than a school day for ease of response and consistency with S2WKHRWEEK. Eliminated items as recommended by TRP. Added zero as a response option and response options at high end which are consistent with NELS:88 BY.


Technical Review Panel


  Not Asked

Do you think you would [earn/have earned] higher grades if you spent more time studying?

This question was developed by TRP panelist Jesse Rothstein as gate for revised S2COST.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How much do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements? If you spend a lot of time and effort in your math and science classes…
*you won’t have enough time for hanging out with your friends.
*you won’t have enough time for extracurricular activities.
*you won’t be popular.
*people will make fun of you.
1=Strongly Agree
4=Strongly Disagree

Why [don't/didn’t] you spend more time studying?
*You [don't/didn’t] care about earning higher grades.
*Your grades [are/were] already high enough.
*You [have/had] organized activities such as clubs or sports that [take/took] too much time
*You [have/had] a part-time job that [takes/took] too much time
*You would rather hang out with your friends
*You wouldn’t [be/have been] popular

*People [would make/would have made] fun of you

TRP recommended these revisions.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you participated in any of the following programs? Else Are you participating in any of the following programs?
*Talent Search
*Upward Bound
*Gear Up
*AVID (Advancement in Individual Determination)
*MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement)

Have you ever participated in any of the following programs?
*Talent Search
*Upward Bound
*Gear Up
*AVID (Advancement in Individual Determination)
*MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement)
3=You don’t know what this is

Revised to capture any participation, not just current participation. Added a "don't know" option since some 11th graders will not know about these programs.

To reduce burden, respondents will be asked if they have participated in any of these programs. We will only ask about specific programs if affirmative response elicited.


ELS BY Student


Not Asked

[Are you currently/At the end of the spring term of 2012, were you] working for pay not counting work around the house?

Added to determine if currently employed. This question is based on ELS.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you ever worked for pay during the school year, not counting work around the house?

[At any time since starting 9th grade, have you worked/At any time when you were enrolled in high school, did you work] for pay during the school year? Do not count work around the house.

Revised question wording to refer to high school employment.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How many hours per week did you usually work during the week when you were last working while still in school? Do not include hours worked over the weekend. {else: How many hours per week do you or did you usually work during the week when last working during the school year? Do not include hours worked over the weekend.

How many hours per week [do you/ did you] usually work on your [current/most recent] job [at the end of the spring term/during the school year]?

Customized question wording based on whether currently employed, whether enrolled in school and whether administered in summer. Combined with S2HRWKEND for total hours per week.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How many hours did you usually work on the weekend when you were last working while still in school? How many hours do you or did you usually work on the weekend when last working during the school year?


Combined with S2WKHRWEEK.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What is your current or most recent job during the school year? If you have, or most recently had, two jobs at the same time, answer for the job you had the longest. Job title:


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.




Not Asked

[Is/Was] this job related to the career you want to have when you have completed your education? Would you say…
* Closely related
* Somewhat related
* Not related at all

Added in place of job name because career relatedness is the key construct. This question is from ELS BY.


HSLS F1 FT Student


The next questions are about the first job you held after leaving high school. This may be a job you started while you were still in high school. If you had more than one job, please answer for the job you had the longest. What is the name of your first job since leaving high school? Job title:


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.




What is the main reason you left this job?
1=To look for another job
2=To concentrate on your education
3=To help with family responsibilities
4=You were laid off
5=You moved


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.




In what month and year did you leave this job?


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.




About how many hours per week [do/did] you usually work in this job?


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.




How much did you earn (including tips) before you left this job?


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.




[Does/Did] this job offer any of the following benefits?

* Health care or health insurance

* Paid vacations

* Sick leave

* Assistance with training or education

* Contributions to retirement savings



3=Don't Know


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What is the name of your [current/most recent] job? If you [have/had] two jobs at the same time, answer for the job you [have/had] the longest.


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Student


When did you start working at this job?

What month and year did you start your [current/most recent] job?

Revised for more specificity.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How much [do/did] you earn (including tips) in this job?

[How much do/When you left this job, how much did] you earn before taxes [are/were] withheld?

Specified timing for those who have left the job and specified gross earnings.


HSLS F1 FT Student


[Does/Did] this job offer any of the following benefits?

* Health care or health insurance

* Paid vacation

* Sick leave

* Assistance with training or education

* Contributions to retirement savings



3=Don't Know


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.




[Is your current/Was your most recent] job part of a career you are pursuing?

[Is your current/Was your most recent] job related to the career you want to have when you have completed your education? Would you say…
1=Closely related
2=Somewhat related
3=Not related at all

Added in place of job name because career relatedness is the the key construct. This question is from ELS BY.


HSLS F1 FT Student


In what month and year did you leave this job?


Dropped to reduce burden.




What is the main reason you left this job?
1=To look for another job
2=To concentrate on my education
3=To help or be with family
4=You were laid off
5=You moved

Why are you no longer working in this job?
Would you say…

1=you left voluntarily or quit
2=you were laid off
3=the company went out of business or plant closed
4=you were discharged or fired
5=your temporary or seasonal job ended
6=you left on disability, or
7 = some other reason?

Replaced with this question from ELS F2.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Which months since you left high school were you without a job? {All months since leaving HS were listed}


Deleted because it is too burdensome to collect month by month employment history.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Which of these months were you looking for work? {months unemployed were listed}


Dropped to reduce burden.


HSLS F1 FT Student


For any of your jobs since high school, have you ever been laid off?


Questions already collect information on layoff from most recent job. This is sufficient.


HSLS F1 FT Student


For any of your jobs since high school, have you ever had a cut in pay or a cut in work hours?


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Have you participated in any of the following activities to prepare for life after high school?
*Attended career day or job fair
*Attended college night
*Visited college campus
*Taken an internship or apprenticeship
*Done job shadowing or visited a worksite
*Done paid or volunteer work in a job related to career goals
*Searched internet for college options
*Talked with a school counselor about options for life after high school
*Talked with teachers about options for life after high school
*Talked with friends about options for life after high school
*Talked with parents about options for life after high school
*Sat in on or taken a college class
*Met with coach or scout for a college athletic team
*Took a course to prepare for a college admission exam, such as SAT or ACT
*Other (Please specify)

Have you participated in any of the following activities[ to prepare for life after high school]?
* Attended a career day or job fair
* Attended a program or taken a tour on a college campus
* Sat in on or taken a college class on campus
* Did an internship or apprenticeship in a job related to career goals
* Volunteered in a job related to your career goals
* Searched the internet for college options or read college guides
* Talked with a high school counselor about your options
* Talked about your options with a counselor hired by your family to help you prepare for college admission
* Took a course to prepare for a college admission exam, such as SAT or ACT

Added items based on other specifies and TRP recommendations.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Who has had the most influence in your thinking about college?
1=Your family
2=Your friends
3=A teacher
4=A school counselor
5=A coach
6=Someone at your work
7=People you admire in music, sports, TV
8=No one in particular

Who has had the most influence on your thinking about college, if anyone?
1=A high school counselor
2=A counselor hired by your family to help you prepare for college admission
3=A teacher
4=Your parents
5=Another family member
6=Your friends
7=Your employer
8=A military recruiter
9=A coach or scout
10=Someone famous whom you admire
12=No one in particular
13=Don’t know

Revised response options based on other specifies and for comprehensiveness.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Who has had the most influence in your thinking about careers?
1=Your family
2=Your friends
3=A teacher
4=A school counselor
5=A coach
6=Someone at your work
7=People you admire in music, sports, TV
8=No one in particular

Who has had the most influence on your thinking about careers, if anyone?
1=A high school counselor
2=A counselor hired by your family to help you prepare for college admission
3=A teacher
4=Your parents
5=Another family member
6=Your friends
7=Your employer
8=A military recruiter
9=A coach or scout
10=Someone famous whom you admire
12=No one in particular
13=Don’t know

Revised response options based on other specifies and for comprehensiveness.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Not Asked

If there were no barriers, how far in school would you want to go?
1=Less than high school completion
2=Complete a high school diploma or GED
3=Complete a certificate from a trade school or technical institute
4=Complete an Associate's degree
5=Complete a Bachelor’s degree
6=Complete a Master’s degree
7=Complete a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
8=Don’t know

Copied from parent instrument (P2EDASP). Added response option for certificate from a trade school or technical institute for comprehensiveness.


HSLS F1 FT Student


As things stand now, how far in school do you think you will get?
1=Less than high school completion
2=High school diploma or GED
3=Complete an Associate's degree
4=Complete a Bachelor’s degree
5=Complete a Master’s degree
6=Complete a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
7=Don’t know

As things stand now, how far in school do you think you will get?
1=Less than high school completion
2=Complete a high school diploma or GED
3=Start, but not complete a certificate from a trade school or technical institute
4=Complete a certificate from a trade school or technical institute
5=Start, but not complete an Associate’s degree
6=Complete an Associate's degree
7=Start, but not complete a Bachelor’s degree
8=Complete a Bachelor’s degree
9=Start, but not complete a Master’s degree
10=Complete a Master’s degree
11=Start, but not complete a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
12=Complete a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
13=Don’t know

Added "certificate from a trade school or technical institute" for comprehensiveness. Added "start, but not complete" response options for consistency with BY parent educational aspirations question.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Do you plan to earn a regular high school diploma or an alternative high school credential such as a GED?
1=Regular diploma
2=GED or alternative credential


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints. The survey will collect high school completion status in later waves.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Do you plan to get a GED, high school diploma, or its equivalent?
3=You aren't sure


Deleted because this is redundant with S2SRGRD.


HSLS F1 FT Student


In about what month and year do you expect to receive a high school diploma, or to take the examination for the GED or other high school equivalency exam?


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints. The survey will collect high school completion status in later waves.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How likely are you to finish high school or obtain a GED or equivalency credential? To answer this question, please provide a number from 0 to 100, where 0 percent means there is absolutely no chance you will finish and 100 percent means you are absolutely sure you will finish.


Deleted because this is redundant with S2SRGRD.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How sure are you that you will pursue further education after you leave high school?
1=Very sure you'll go
2=You'll probably go
3=You probably won't go
4=Very sure you won't go

How sure are you that you will pursue a Bachelor's degree after you leave high school?
1=Very sure you'll graduate
2=You’ll probably graduate
3=You probably won’t graduate
4=Very sure you won’t graduate

Revised for consistency with base year question for longitudinal analysis.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Not Asked

By the summer of 2013, do you think you will have met the requirements needed for admission to…
*a trade school or technical institute?
*a 2-year community college?
*a typical 4-year college?
*a highly selective 4-year college such as Harvard University?
3=Don't know

Added this question from the parent instrument (P2MINREQ) for comparison of responses.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Suppose you were going to enroll in a 4-year college right after high school. How important for succeeding in college do you think each of the following would be?
*Which high school courses you took
*Your high school grades
*Your participation in sports, clubs, and other student activities
*Recommendations from your teachers or other school staff
*Your work experience while in high school
1=Not at all important
2=Not very important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important

How important do you think each of the following is for getting into a typical 4-year college?
*Which high school courses you took
*Your high school grades
*Your SAT or ACT scores
*Your participation in sports, clubs, and other student activities
*Recommendations from your teachers or other school staff
*Your work experience while in high school
1=Not important
2=A little important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Revised to ask about getting into college rather than succeeding in college as recommended by TRP. Added items and revised response options for greater discrimination.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Suppose you were going to enroll in a community college right after high school. How important for succeeding in community college do you think each of the following would be?
*Which high school courses you took
*Your high school grades
*Your participation in sports, clubs, and other student activities
*Recommendations from your teachers or other school staff
*Your work experience while in high school
1=Not at all important
2=Not very important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Suppose you were going to get a full-time job right after high school. How important for succeeding in a job do you think each of the following would be?
*Which high school courses you took
*Your high school grades
*Your participation in sports, clubs, and other student activities
*Recommendations from your teachers or other school staff
*Your work experience while in high school
1=Not at all important
2=Not very important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Not Asked

The next series of questions are about what you are most likely to be doing in the fall of 2013.
Which of the following activities do you expect to be doing at that time?
*Attending school or job training
*Serving in the military
*Starting a family or taking care of your children
*Pursuing other interests

* Attending high school, or GED completion course

A limitation of S2AFTER was that it only allowed respondents to choose one activity when many students would be going to school and working. The TRP recommended allowing respondents to choose more than one activity, but there was also a strong feeling that the main activity should also be captured to distinguish between those who are working to pay for college versus those who see working as their primary activity. Therefore, both versions of the question appear on the revised instrument. This is the version that allows multiple responses.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What is most likely to be your main activity in your first year after high school?
1=Enroll in a certificate or Associate’s degree program in a two-year community college or trade or technical institute
2=Enroll in a Bachelor’s degree program in a college or university
3=Obtain an occupational license or certification
4=Enroll in a registered apprenticeship program
5=Join the armed services
6=Get a part-time job
7=Get a full-time job
8=Start a family
10=Do volunteer or missionary work
12= Not sure what you want to do

What is most likely to be your main activity?
1= Attending college, technical institute, or trade school


3=Serving in the military

4=Starting a family or taking care of your children

5=Pursuing other interests

6= Attending high school, or GED completion course

Revised response options for less specificity. Specificity is captured in follow-up questions.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Which of the following reasons apply to your decision to [enroll in a certificate or Associate’s degree program in a two-year community college or trade or technical institute /enroll in a Bachelor’s degree program in a college or university/obtain an occupational license or certification/enroll in a registered apprenticeship program/join the armed services/get a job/start a family/travel /do volunteer or missionary work/blank/do something else]
*To make money
*Your parents expect you to
*You don't know what else you would do
*Your friends are doing the same thing
*You are interested in a certain subject or field
*You like to travel
*You like school
*You like to volunteer
*You just want to
*You like work
*It will be good for your future
* None of the above


TRP recommended deleting this question.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Which of the following reasons is the strongest?
1=To make money
3=Your parents expect you to
4=You don't know what else you would do
5=Your friends are doing the same thing
6=You are interested in a certain subject or field
7=You like to travel
8=You like school
9=You like to volunteer
10=You just want to
11=You like to work
12=It will be good for your future
13=Other -


TRP recommended deleting this question.


HSLS F1 FT parent


  Not Asked

Which of these activities do your parents think is most important for you to do at that time?
*Attending college, technical institute, or trade school
*Serving in the military
*Starting a family or taking care of your children
*Pursuing other interests

* Attending high school, or GED completion course

Parents’ influence on teenagers’ activities is a central research question of HSLS. This question is similar to the HSLS F1 FT parent questionnaire item P2AFTERHS.


ELS F1 Student


  Not Asked

Do you expect to be working full-time or part-time?

This series of questions is proposed for the College Update questionnaire. There is a desire to align with this series in the F1 FS instrument so that differences between expectations and realization can be measured. This question is based on ELS F1S41.




  Not Asked

Will you be on active military duty at that time?

This series of questions is proposed for the College Update questionnaire. There is a desire to align the College Update series with the F1 FS instrument so that differences between expectations and realization can be measured. This question is based on NPSAS:08 N8MILB.




  Not Asked

What type of program do you plan to attend in the fall of 2013?
*Bachelor’s degree program
*Associate’s degree program
*Occupational license or certification program

This series of questions is proposed for the College Update questionnaire. There is a desire to align the College Update series with the F1 FS instrument so that differences between expectations and realization can be measured. This question is based on NPSAS:08 N8DGBA, N8DGAS, and N8DGCE.


ELS F2 Student


  Not Asked

Do you plan to attend this program full-time or part-time in the fall of 2013?

This series of questions is proposed for the College Update questionnaire. There is a desire to align the College Update series with the F1 FS instrument so that differences between expectations and realization can be measured. This question is based on ELS F2IFTPT.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What field of study are you considering?
*Computer and information sciences
*Architecture, engineering, and related technologies
*Biological sciences
*Mathematics and statistics
*Physical science
*Mechanic or repair work, such as HVAC
*Culinary arts
*Health professions, such as doctor, nurse, or clinical work
*Liberal arts or humanities
*Business, finance, marketing and office support
*Security or protective services, such as police, firefighting, or forensics
*Social sciences and history
*Education or teaching
*Don't Know


Moved to College Update survey.




Not Asked

[Are you/If you attended school in the fall of 2103, would you be] more likely to attend a 4-year college, a 2-year community college, or a trade school or technical institute, or haven’t you thought about this yet?
*4-year college
*2-year community college
*Trade school or technical institute
*You haven't thought about this

This question is based on a question from NHES 99 Parent and Family Involvement in Education. This addition to the BY series of questions is needed to expand it to include institutions other than 4-year colleges.


HSLS BY and F1 FT Student


[Are you more likely to attend a public or private college, or have you not thought about this yet?
3=Haven’t thought about this

[Are you/Would you be] more likely to attend a public or private [trade school or technical institute/2-year community college/4-year college], or have you not thought about this yet?
3=You haven’t thought about this

Revised to include trade schools and technical institutes and to specify 2-year and 4-year colleges.


HSLS BY Parent and Student


Not Asked

[Are you/Would you be] more likely to attend an in-state or out of state [trade school or technical institute/2-year community college/4-year college], or have you not thought about it yet?
2=Out of state
3=Haven't thought about this

Added from the BY questionnaire for longitudinal analysis.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Earlier, you told us you planned to enroll in college after you finished high school. Which career college, community college, or other college or university would you most likely attend?
If you enrolled in a career college, community college, or other college or university, which school would you most likely attend?
Earlier, you told us that you did not plane to enroll in college or were unsure about continuing your education immediately after high school. If you did enroll in a career college, community college, or other college or university, which school would you most likely attend?
(Please provide the school name, city, and state, but please do not use abbreviation. If you do not know a particular college you would most likely attend, please indicate "don't know".)
*Don't Know

What [public 4-year college in your state/public 4-year college out of state/private 4-year college/public 2-year community college in your state/public 2-year community college out of state/private 2-year community college/public trade school or technical institute in your state/public trade school or technical institute out of state/private trade school or technical institute /college, trade school or technical institute] [are you/would you be] most likely to attend?

Revised question wording for simplicity, clarity, and specificity.


HSLS BY student


Not Asked

How certain are you that you will attend this school?
1=Very certain
2=Fairly certain
4=Very uncertain

Added to measure certainty of plans, an important research goal of HSLS. This question is similar to confidence measures in the base year instrument.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Which of the following qualities are you looking for in a college?
*Academic reputation
*Campus safety
*Financial aid
*Cost of attendance
*Campus appearance
*A good record of placing graduates in jobs
*A good record of placing graduates in graduate or professional schools
*Opportunity to play sports
*Recommended by family or friends
*Other (Please specify)

[How important to you are each of the following characteristics/ How important to you would each of the following characteristics be] when choosing a college, trade school or technical institute
*Academic quality or reputation
*Cost of attendance
*Close to home
*Far away from home
*A good record of placing graduates in jobs
* A good record of placing graduates in graduate or professional schools
*Opportunity to play sports
*Recommended by family or friends
*Offers a particular program of study
*Good social life
*Good sports teams or school spirit

*Your parents or a family member went there

1=Very important

2=Somewhat important

3=Not at all important

The question is revised to ask for degree of importance for better variation and consistency with parent instrument. Added items based on other specifies. Deleted redundant and low prevalence items.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Why do you have this specific college in mind? Please choose the most important reason.
1=Academic reputation
7=A good record of placing graduates in jobs
8=A good record of placing graduates in graduate or professional schools
2=Campus safety
3=Financial aid
4=Cost of attendance
5=Campus appearance
9=Opportunity to play sports
10=Recommended by family or friends
11=Other (Please specify)


Moved to College Update survey.




Not Asked

If cost was not a consideration, would [S2CLGNAME] be your first choice?
1=[S2CLGNAME] is first choice
2=Another school is first choice

The answer to this will indicate whether choices are constrained by other factors.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Not Asked

If cost was not a consideration, what school would be your first choice?


College Update will ask about first choice institution. Therefore, there is a desire to capture any change. This question is similar to HSLS F1 FT S2CLGNAME.


HSLS F1 FT student


Not Asked

What is your best estimate of the cost of one year’s tuition and mandatory fees at a public 2-year community college in your state? Include the cost of courses and required fees such as student activity fees and student health fees. Do not include optional expenses such as room and board.

This question is based on S2CLGCOST, but refers to 2-year public college. There is a desire to assess students' knowledge of community college cost because this would be a fall back institution for many.


HSLS BY Parent


Not Asked

What is your best estimate of the cost of one year's tuition and mandatory fees at a public 4-year college in your state?
Include the cost of courses and required fees such as student activity fees and student health fees. Do not include optional expenses such as room and board.

This question is based on S2CLGCOST, but refers to 4-year public college. There is a desire to assess students' knowledge of 4-year public college cost because this would be a fall back institution for many.


HSLS F1 FT Student


On average, how much do you think a year of school at [college name] costs? Please do not include living costs such as on-campus housing (room or board) or rent and utilities.
(Do not enter commas or decimals.)
For "S2COLLEGE" please display
the college name entered on S2COLLEGE.
For "college" please display the word college.
*per year
*Don't know

What is your best estimate of the cost of one year’s tuition and mandatory fees at a typical private 4-year college? Include the cost of courses and required fees such as student activity fees and student health fees. Do not include optional expenses such as room and board.
(Do not enter decimals.)
*Per year
*Don't know

Revised to ask about 4-year private colleges generally for comparability across respondents. It is one of a series of questions about college costs that will be asked of all respondents. Assessing knowledge of college costs is a central research goal of HSLS.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How much do the following statements apply to you?
*You and your family have talked about finding ways to pay for education after high school.
*Difficulty paying for college will keep you from attending school entirely.
1=Not at all
2=A little
4=A lot

In the past year, how many conversations have you had about financial aid for college with your parents?
2=One to three
3=Four or more

Added to measure early planning for financial aid.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Not asked

Considering all sources of funds including scholarships, grants, loans and savings any financial aid that you might receive, do you think your family would be able to afford to send you to …

* a 2-year community college or technical institute?

* a 4-year public college in your state?

* a 4-year public college out of state?

* a typical 4-year private college?

* a highly selective 4-year private college such as Harvard?



3=Don't know

Added from the parent instrument for comparability and to measure perceptions of affordability of college.


AAA College Application Survey


Not Asked

If at any point in time you plan to attend college, which of the following sources of support do you anticipate using to pay for college costs, including tuition, room, and board?
* Your own earnings and savings
* Parents’ and relatives’ earnings or savings including a pre-paid tuition account or 529 plan
* Financial aid based on financial need
* Financial aid based on academic merit
* Financial aid through an athletic scholarship
*Private loan in your name
*Private loan in your parents’ or relatives’ names

Added from the AAA College Application Survey to determine students’ plans for financing postsecondary education, a central research goal of HSLS.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Not asked

Will your earnings and savings for college come from your…

* Work during high school evenings or weekends?

* Work during high school summers?

* Part-time work while attending college including work-study?

* Full-time work while attending college including work-study?

Added from the parent instrument to measure the degree to which students are working or planning to work to finance college education.


AAA College Application Survey


Not Asked

Do you know what the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form is?

Added to measure basic knowledge of financial aid.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Not Asked 

[If [you] were to go to college, would you/Will you] complete a FAFSA to apply for financial aid for your education after high school?
3=Haven't thought about it yet
4=Don't know

Added from the parent instrument to measure planning for financial aid.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Not Asked

What types of financial aid do you think you would qualify for?
*Financial aid based on financial need
*Financial aid based on academic achievement such as good grades or college admission test scores
*Financial aid through an athletic scholarship
*Federal or state loans
*Private loans

* Not eligible for any financial aid

Added from the parent instrument to measure perceptions of access to financial aid.


HSLS F1 FT Parent, NPSAS:12 Field Test, ELS F2,


What are the reasons you [will/would] not apply for financial aid?
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because grades or test scores are too low
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because income is too high
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because [he/she] would attend college part-time
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because of a bad credit rating
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because another family member did not qualify
* There is no money available
* [teenager] can afford college without financial aid
* Do not want to disclose financial situation
* The aid application process is too difficult
* [teenager] is not willing to go into debt
* Family is not willing to go into debt
* [teenager] would not get as much as [he/she] needs
* Other (Please specify)

What are the reasons you [will/would] not apply for financial aid?
*You or your family [think you will/thought you would] be ineligible
*You or your family [can/could] afford school without financial aid
*You or your family do not know how to apply for financial aid
*You or your family [do/would] not want to take on debt
*You or your family think the application forms are too difficult
*You do not plan to continue your education after high school

Split into two questions. See S2INELGIBLE.


HSLS F1 FT Parent, NPSAS:12 Field Test, ELS F2,


Not Asked

Why do you think you would be ineligible for financial aid? Is it because…
*Another family member did not qualify?
*You have concerns about a credit score?
*Your family’s income is too high?
*Your grades or test scores are too low?

*You will attend college part-time?

Took elements from S2NOFIN. The question is based on HSLS F1 FT parent, NPSAS:12 FT and ELS.


HSLS F1 FT Student


To help pay for their education, students sometimes receive scholarships or grants that do not have to be paid back. How much of this help do you think you would receive each year if you went to [college name]?


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What is the maximum amount you or your family would be willing to borrow to help pay for a year of school at [college name]?
1=$0 - $500
6=More than $15,000
7=Don’t know

What is the maximum amount your family would be willing to borrow per year to help you pay for college?

2=$1 - $500

3=$501 - $1000







10=More than $35,000

11=Don’t know

Revised for readability. Added none as a response option. Aligned response options with parent instrument.




Not Asked

How certain are you that this will be your job or occupation at age 30?
1=Very certain
2=Fairly certain
4=Very uncertain

Added to measure certainty of plans, an important research goal of HSLS. Response options are similar to confidence measures in base year instrument.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Not Asked

What is your best guess about how much you would earn per year as a [fill S2JOB301] when you are 30?

This question is an extension of S2EDERN.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How certain are you that you will be able to immediately find the job that you want after high school?
1=Very sure you'll find it right away
2=You'll probably find it right away
3=You probably won't find it right away
4=Very sure you won't find it right away


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Do you have a specific workplace in mind for this job?


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How much do you expect to make in your job after high school?
1=Per year
2=Per month
3=Every 2 weeks/twice monthly
4=Per week
5=Per day
6=Per hour


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How much money do you think you would earn in a year of working if you had the following levels of education?
*If you left high school without finishing, you'd make $| in a year.
*If you finish high school with a GED or alternative high school credential, you'd make $| in a year.
*If you finish high school with a regular diploma, you'd make $| in a year.
*If you finish college, you'd make $| in a year.

How much money do you think you would earn if you had the following levels of education? Please provide the pay period for the dollar amount.
*If you left high school without getting a high school diploma and began working, how much money do you think you would earn?
* If you finished high school with a regular high school diploma and began working, how much do you think you would earn?
*If you finished a certificate from a trade school or technical institute and began working, how much do you think you would earn?
*If you finished a 2-year community college degree and began working, how much do you think you would earn?
*If you finished a 4-year college degree and began working, how much do you think you would earn?
Per hour
Per week
Per month
Per year

Added from the parent instrument. Measures expectations of value of education.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How often do you speak [non-English language] with your mother or female guardian at home?



3=About half the time

4=Most of the time


6=No mother or female guardian in your household

[In the fall of 2009, you indicated that you first learned to speak [fill non-English language].

How often do you speak [non-English language] with your mother or female guardian at home?



3=About half the time

4=Most of the time


6=No mother or female guardian in your household

Revised to allow BY respondents who speak another language to bypass S2FLANG and S2OFLANG.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Not Asked

The next series of questions are about your parents or guardians. If you have more than one household, answer about the parents or guardians you live with most of the time. Please choose one parent to begin.
What is this parent’s or guardian’s relationship to you?
1=Biological mother
2=Biological father
3=Adoptive mother
4=Adoptive father
7=Foster mother
8=Foster father
9=Female partner of your parent or guardian
10=Male partner of your parent or guardian
13=Other female relative
14=Other male relative
15=Other female guardian
16=Other male guardian

Needed to ascertain if the parents reported on here are the same parents reported on in the BY so that real changes can be determined.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What is the highest level of education your mother or female guardian has completed? If you have both a mother and a stepmother or other female guardian, answer for the one you live with most of the time.
1=Less than high school
2=High school diploma or GED
3=Associate’s degree
4=Bachelor’s degree
5=Master’s degree
6=Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
7=Don't know

What is the highest level of education [she/he] has completed?
1=Less than high school completion
2=Completed a high school diploma or GED
3=Completed a certificate from a trade school or technical institute
4=Completed an Associate’s degree
5=Completed a Bachelor’s degree
6=Completed a Master’s degree
7=Completed a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
8=Don't know

Made the question gender neutral. Added "certificate from a trade school or technical institute" for comprehensiveness. Added "completed" before response options for emphasis.


HSLS BY Parent


Not Asked

Has [he/she] started, but not completed, any work on a degree beyond [highest degree completed]?
1=No, [he/she] has not started any other degree
2=Yes, started but not completed a certificate from a trade school or technical institute
3=Yes, started but not completed an Associate's degree
4=Yes, started but not completed a Bachelor's degree
5=Yes, started but not completed a Master's degree
6=Yes, started but not completed a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
7=Don’t know

Added for consistency with the way parents’ education information was collected in the BY on the parent instrument.


HSLS BY Parent


Not Asked

Is [he/she] currently working for pay?

Added for consistency with the way parents’ occupation status was collected in the BY on the parent instrument.


HSLS BY Parent


Not Asked

Has [he/she] ever held a job for pay?

Added for consistency with the way parents’ occupation status was collected in the BY on the parent instrument.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What is your mother's or female guardian's main job for pay? If she is currently unemployed, retired, or disabled, answer for her most recent job. If she works (or worked) more than one job, answer for the job at which she works (or worked) the most hours.

What [is/was] [his/her] [most recent] job for pay? If [he/she] [works/ worked) more than one job, answer for the job at which [he/she] [works/ worked] the most hours. What does [he/she] do in that job? That is, what are [his/her] main activities and duties?

Added duties questions for consistency with parent instrument and to help with occupation coding.




Not Asked

Do you have another parent or guardian in the same household?

Added this factual question to determine whether to ask about education and occupation of a 2nd parent. This question is similar to P2HHPRNT.


HSLS BY Parent


 Not Asked

What is this other parent’s or guardian’s relationship to you?
1=Biological mother
2=Biological father
3=Adoptive mother
4=Adoptive father
7=Foster mother
8=Foster father
9=Female partner of your parent or guardian
10=Male partner of your parent or guardian
13=Other female relative
14=Other male relative
15=Other female guardian
16=Other male guardian

Needed to ascertain if the parents reported on here are the same parents reported on in the BY so that real changes can be determined.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What is the highest level of education your father or male guardian has completed? If you have both a father and a stepfather or other male guardian, answer for the one you live with most of the time.
1=Less than high school
2=High school diploma or GED
3=Associate’s degree
4=Bachelor’s degree
5=Master’s degree
6=Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
7=Don't know

What is the highest level of education [he/she] has completed?
1=Less than high school completion
2=Completed a high school diploma or GED
3=Completed a certificate from a trade school or technical institute
4=Completed an Associate’s degree
5=Completed a Bachelor’s degree
6=Completed a Master’s degree
7=Completed a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
8=Don't know

Made the question gender neutral. Added "certificate from a trade school or technical institute" for comprehensiveness. Added "completed" before response options for emphasis.


HSLS BY Parent


Not Asked

Has [he/she] started, but not completed, any work on a degree beyond [highest degree completed]?
1=No, [he/she] has not started any other degree
2=Yes, started but not completed a certificate from a trade school or technical institute
3=Yes, started but not completed an Associate's degree
4=Yes, started but not completed a Bachelor's degree
5=Yes, started but not completed a Master's degree
6=Yes, started but not completed a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
7=Don’t know

Added for consistency with the way parents’ education information was collected in the BY on the parent instrument.


HSLS BY Parent


Not Asked

Is [he/she] currently working for pay?

Added for consistency with the way parents’ occupation information was collected in the BY on the parent instrument.


HSLS BY Parent


Not Asked

Has [he/she] ever held a job for pay?

Added for consistency with the way parents’ occupation information was collected in the BY on the parent instrument.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What is your father's or male guardian's main job for pay? If he is currently unemployed, retired, or disabled, answer for his most recent job. If he works (or worked) more than one job, answer for the job at which he works (or worked) the most hours.

What [is/was] [his/her] [most recent] job for pay? What does [he/she] do in that job? That is, what are [his/her] main activities and duties? If [he/she] [works/ worked] more than one job, answer for the job at which [he/she] [works/ worked] the most hours.

Added duties questions for consistency with parent instrument and to help with occupation coding.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Do you have any of the following at home?
*Internet access
*A room of your own
*A dishwasher


Not predictive of SES.


HSLS F1 FT Student


How many of the following do you or your family have at home?
*A computer
*A cell phone
*A car, van, or truck
3=Two or more


Not predictive of SES.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Do you have any children of your own?
1=Yes, you have one child of your own
2=Yes, you have more than one child of your own
3=No, you don't
4=No, but you are expecting

How many children do you have?
2=More than one

Revised so response options can be inferred from question to avoid mode effects. Revised to minimize social desirability bias by seeming to presume that the respondent has children.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Do you have any children of your own?
1=Yes, you have one child of your own
2=Yes, you have more than one child of your own
3=No, you don't
4=No, but you are expecting

Are you expecting a baby?

Split from S2CHILD to ask a direct question to minimize mode effects.


HSLS F1 FT Student


In what month and year was your first child born?

In what month and year was your [first] child born/When are you expecting your first child?

Revised to include due dates for pregnancies.


HSLS F1 FT Student


[Does your child/Do any of your children] live with you?

[Does your child/Do any of your children/Will your child] live with you?

Revised to include pregnancies.


HSLS F1 FT Student


What is your marital status?
1=Single, never married
3=Divorced or separated
5=Live-in relationship


Only a very small number of respondents will be married. Will ask in later round of the survey.


HSLS F1 FT Student


In what month and year did you marry your current spouse?


Only a very small number of respondents will be married. Will ask in later round of the survey.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Do you currently live on your own, with your parents, or with other relatives?
1=On your own (including with spouse or own children)
2=With parents
3=With other relatives

[Besides your child(ren), who else/Who] do you currently live with?
*One or more of your parents
*Other relatives
*Your spouse
*Your girlfriend or boyfriend
*Friends or roommates
*No one

Question revised because options were not mutually exclusive and not exhaustive.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Are you [or your spouse] currently receiving public assistance such as unemployment insurance, food assistance, or other help?

Are you [or your spouse/or your partner] currently receiving public assistance such as unemployment insurance, food assistance, or other help?

Revised to add wording for a live-in partner.

Part E: First Follow-up Parent Questionnaire – OMB Justifications




Old Wording (if revised)

Item Wording



HSLS F1 FT respondent confirmation


Not asked

Our records indicate that [teenager’s] [adoptive mother/adoptive father/stepmother/stepfather/foster mother/foster father/parent’s female partner]/parent’s male partner/grandmother/grandfather/female relative/male relative/female guardian/male guardian] completed the HSLS parent interview in the fall of 2009.
Are you the person who completed the HSLS parent interview in the fall of 2009?
3=Don’t know

There is a desire to ascertain if the parents reported upon in the base year are the same parents reported upon in the first follow-up to determine if changes are real changes. The item is similar to questions in HSLS:09 F1 FT which confirm the respondent.


HSLS F1 FT respondent confirmation


Not asked

[Is this the parent/Are these the parents] you reported on in the fall of 2009?
3=Don’t know



HSLS F1 FT respondent confirmation


Not asked

Is this the same [spouse/partner] you reported on in the fall of 2009?
3=Don’t know



Need source


Not asked

Besides yourself is there another adult in the household who has parental responsibility for [teenager] such as a grandparent or another relative?

The instrument lacked a question to determine if a single parent has another parent-type adult in the household. This question fills that gap.


Need source


Not asked

What is that adult’s relationship to [teenager]? If there is more than one other adult with parental responsibility for [teenager], please answer for the one who is most involved in raising [him/her].
13=Other female relative
14=Other male relative
15=Other female guardian
16=Other male guardian

The instrument lacked a question to determine if a single parent has another parent-type adult in the household. This question fills that gap.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Since the fall of 2008, which of the following events, if any, occurred in your family?
* [teenager]'s parent or guardian lost a job
* [teenager]'s family's home was foreclosed upon by a lender
* [teenager]'s parent or guardian separated or divorced
* [teenager]'s parent or guardian had serious health problems or was seriously injured
* [teenager]'s parent or guardian died
* [teenager] had serious health problems or was seriously injured
* [teenager] had a child

Since the fall of 2009, which of the following events, if any, occurred in your family?
* [teenager]'s parent or guardian lost a job
* [teenager]'s family's home was foreclosed
* [teenager]'s parent or guardian separated or divorced
* [teenager]'s parent or guardian had serious health problems or was seriously injured
* [teenager]'s parent or guardian died
* [teenager] had serious health problems or was seriously injured
* [teenager] had a child

Revised second item for brevity.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


What grades, if any, has [teenager] repeated?

What [high school] grades, if any, has [teenager] repeated [since the fall of 2009]?

Revised for BY respondents; already provided information for K-8.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


What grades, if any, has [teenager] skipped?

What [high school] grades, if any, has [teenager] skipped [since the fall of 2009]?

Revised for BY respondents; already provided information for K-8.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


How many times has [teenager] changed schools since [he/she] entered kindergarten? Do not count changes that occurred as a result of promotion to the next grade or level, for instance, a move from an elementary school to a middle school or from a middle school to a high school in the same district.


Overly wordy and complex question; TRP recommended asking about school changes in student instrument instead.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Since starting 9th grade, has [teenager] ever stopped going to school for a period of a month or more other than for school breaks, illness, injury, or vacation?

At any time since the fall of 2009, , has [teenager] stopped going to school for 4 weeks or more other than for school breaks, illness, injury, or vacation?

Revised for clarity.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Since starting 9th grade, how many times has [teenager] stopped going to school for a period of a month or more other than for school breaks, illness, injury or vacation?


TRP recommended dropping; deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Which of the following did you [or your spouse/partner] do after [teenager] stopped going to school?
* Contacted the principal, a teacher or a counselor at your teenager's school
* Offered to send your teenager to a special program or another school
* Arranged for outside counseling with a private psychologist or social worker
* Arranged for special tutoring
* Offered to help your teenager with personal problems
* Encouraged your teenager to stay in school
* Punished your teenager
* Decided not to get involved


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Which of the following did [teenager]'s school do after [he/she] stopped going to school?
* Someone from school visited your home
* Someone from school contacted you in another way such as by telephone, mail or email
* The school offered to send your teenager to a special program or another school
* The school encouraged your teenager to stay in school
* The school offered your teenager special tutoring
* The school offered to help your teenager make up work that [he/she] missed
* The school offered to help your teenager with personal problems
* The school made your teenager see a counselor
* The school threatened to suspend or expel your teenager
* The school suspended or expelled your teenager


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Is [teenager] currently enrolled in school? (If [he/she] is out for school break, illness, injury, or vacation, please answer "yes".)
1= Yes
0= No

[Is [teenager] currently/At the end of the spring 2012 term, was [teenager]] attending high school, not attending high school, or being homeschooled? (If [he/she] [is/was] out for school break, illness, injury, or vacation, please answer "attending high school".)
1= Attending high school
2= Not attending high school
3= Being homeschooled

Revised for consistency with student instrument. Alternative wording added for summer administration.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Not asked

Has [he/she] earned a regular high school diploma, GED, or alternative high school credential?

1=Yes, a regular diploma

2=Yes, a GED or alternative high school credential


Added to ascertain dropout or early graduate status.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


When was the last month and year [he/she] was enrolled in school?


Collected in student interview.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


What are [teenager]'s activities now?
* Working full-time
* Working part-time
* Looking for work
* Taking care of [his/her] child
* Enrolled in an alternative program to help [him/her] continue [his/her] education
* Taking a class to prepare for the GED
* Enrolled in a technical, vocational, or trade school or program
* Other (Please specify)


Collected in student interview.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Has [teenager]...
* taken the GED exam?
* earned a GED?
* obtained an occupational license or certification?


Collected in student interview.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


What month and year did [teenager] return to school[ this time]?


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


[When [teenager] was last enrolled in school/During this school year], about how many days in an average week [do/did] you or another adult in your household help [teenager] with homework? Would you say…
2=less than once a week
3=1 or 2 days a week
4=3 or 4 days a week, or
5=5 or more days a week?

[When [teenager] was last enrolled in school/During this school year], about how many days in an average week [do/did] you or another adult in your household discuss homework with [teenager]? Would you say…
2=less than once a week
3=1 or 2 days a week
4=3 or 4 days a week, or
5=5 or more days a week?

Made item age-appropriate per TRP recommendation.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


During the last 12 months, which of the following educational activities have you or another family member done with [teenager]?
* Visited a zoo, planetarium, natural history museum, transportation museum, or a similar museum
* Worked or played on a computer together
* Built or fixed something such as a vehicle or appliance
* Attended a school science fair
* Helped [teenager] with a school science fair project
* Discussed a program or article about science, engineering, technology or math
* Another science, technology, engineering, or math activity (Please specify)
* Visited a library
* Gone to a play, concert, or other live show

During the last 12 months, which of the following educational activities have you or another family member done with [teenager]?
* Visited a science-related destination, such as a zoo, planetarium, or natural history museum
* Worked or played on a computer together
* Built or fixed something such as a vehicle or appliance
* Helped [teenager] with a school science fair project
* Discussed a program or article about science, engineering, technology or math
* Visited a library
* Gone to a play, concert, or other live show
* Gone to an art museum or exhibit
* Visited a national or state park

First item revised for ease of CATI administration; items added based on other specify responses; attend science fair removed based on Robert Tai’s recommendation that this item can be interpreted in multiple ways.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


During the last 12 months, has [teenager] participated in any of the following activities outside of school?
* Music or dance
* Art
* Theater or drama
* Organized sports supervised by an adult
* Religious youth group or religious instruction
* Scouting or another group or club activity
* Academic instruction outside of school such as from a Saturday Academy, learning center, personal tutor or summer school program
* A math or science camp
* A college preparation camp
* Another camp (Please specify)

During the last 12 months, has [teenager] participated in a religious youth group or received religious instruction outside of school?

Moved to the student instrument except for the "religious youth group" item which cannot be asked on the in-school student questionnaire in adherence with PPRA.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Not asked

How much do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
* Studying in school rarely pays off later with good jobs
* People can do okay even if they drop out of high school
* Even if [teenager] studies hard, your family cannot afford to pay for college
* Students with bad grades often get good jobs after high school
* Studying in high school pays off with scholarships for college.
* Regardless of [teenager’s] grades, [he/she] will be able to get into some kind of college
* Students with bad grades often get good jobs after high school
* School often is a waste of time
1=Strongly agree
4=Strongly disagree

Added from the student instrument for comparison of attitudes about the value of school.


ELS BY Parent


Not asked

Since the start of this school year, about how often have you [or your spouse/partner] discussed the following with [teenager]?
* Selecting courses or programs at school
* Preparing for college entrance exams such as ACT, SAT, or ASVAB
* Applying to college or other schools after high school
* Careers [he/she] might be interested in
* Jobs that [he/she] might want to take after high school
* Community, national, and world events
* Things that are troubling [him/her]

2=Once or twice

3=Three or four times

4=More than four times

Added from ELS BY parent questionnaire to measure parent involvement.


ELS BY Parent


Not asked

Since the start of the school year, how often have you [or your spouse/partner] contacted [teenager’s] school for any reason?

2=Once or twice

3=Three or four times

4=More than four times

Added from ELS BY parent questionnaire to measure parent involvement.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Have you participated in any of the following activities to help [teenager] to prepare for life after high school?
* Attended a career day or job fair with [teenager]
* Attended a college night with [teenager]
* Visited a college campus with [teenager]
* Arranged for [teenager] to take an internship or apprenticeship
* Arranged for [teenager] to job shadow or visit a worksite
* Arranged for [teenager] to do paid or volunteer work in a job related to [his/her] career goals
* Searched the internet for college options
* Talked with a school counselor about options for after high school
* Talked with teachers about options for after high school
* Talked with other parents about options for after high school
* Arranged for [teenager] to sit in on or take a college class
* Met with a coach or scout for a college athletic team
* Arranged for [him/her] to take a course to prepare for college admissions exams such as SAT or ACT

Have you participated in any of the following activities to help [teenager] to prepare for life after high school?

* Attended a career day or job fair with [teenager]

* Arranged for [teenager] to attend a program or take a tour of a college campus

* Arranged for [teenager] to sit in on or take a college class on campus

* Arranged for [teenager] to do an internship or apprenticeship in a job related to [his/her] career goals

* Arranged for [teenager] to volunteer in a job related to [his/her] career goals

* Searched the internet for college options or read college guides

* Talked with a high school counselor about [his/her] options

* Talked about [his/her] options with a counselor hired by your family to help [teenager] prepare for college admission

* Arranged for [him/her] to take a course to prepare for college admissions exams such as SAT or ACT

Revised per TRP suggestions; and revised response options based on other specifies and for comprehensiveness.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


By the time [teenager] graduates from high school, do you think [he/she] will have met the minimum requirements needed for admission to…
* a 2-year community college or technical institute?
* a 4-year college?

[By the summer of 2013, do you think [he/she] will have met the requirements needed for admission to…
* a trade school or technical institute?
* a 2-year community college?
* a typical 4-year college?
* a highly selective 4-year college such as Harvard University?

Separated community college and technical institute; distinguished between typical 4-year college and highly selective 4-year college.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


If there were no barriers, how far in school would you want [teenager] to go?
1=Less than high school completion
2=High school diploma or GED
3=Complete an Associate's degree
4=Complete a Bachelor's degree
5=Complete a Master's degree
6=Complete a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
7=You don't know
8=It is [teenager]'s decision

If there were no barriers, how far in school would you want [teenager] to go?
1=Less than high school completion
2=High school diploma or GED
3=Complete a certificate from a trade school or technical institute
4=Complete an Associate's degree
5=Complete a Bachelor's degree
6=Complete a Master's degree
7=Complete a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
8=You don't know
9=It is [teenager]'s decision

Added "Complete a certificate from a trade school or technical institute" for comprehensiveness.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


As things stand now, how far in school do you think [he/she] will actually get?
1=Less than high school completion
2=High school diploma or GED
3=Complete an Associate's degree
4=Complete a Bachelor's degree
5=Complete a Master's degree
6=Complete a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
7=You don't know
8=It is [teenager]'s decision

As things stand now, how far in school do you think [he/she] will actually get?
1=Less than high school completion
2=High school diploma or GED
3=Start, but not complete a certificate from a trade school or technical institute
4=Complete a certificate from a trade school or technical institute
5=Start, but not complete an Associate’s degree
6=Complete an Associate's degree
7=Start, but not complete a Bachelor’s degree
8=Complete a Bachelor's degree
9=Start, but not complete a Master’s degree
10=Complete a Master's degree
11=Start, but not complete a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
12=Complete a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional degree
13=You don't know

Added "Complete a certificate from a trade school or technical institute" for comprehensiveness. Added "start, but not complete" response options for consistency with BY.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Students often have circumstances which make it difficult for them to complete the level of education that their parents hope they will. Would you say that [teenager] may not complete [a/an] [P2EDASP diploma or degree] because…
* [teenager]'s grades are not high enough
* [teenager] has not taken the right courses
* [teenager]'s college admission test scores will not be high enough
* [teenager] cannot afford college
* [teenager] does not like school
* High school has not prepared [teenager] well for higher education
* [teenager] needs to work to support family
* [teenager] does not have transportation to and from school location
* [teenager] does not know what [he/she] wants to study yet
* [teenager] will not need [a/an] [P2EDASP diploma or degree] for the job [he/she] wants
* [teenager] wants a break from school
* Another reason (Please specify)


Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Not asked

How sure are you that [he/she] will graduate from high school?



1=Very sure [he/she]'ll graduate

2=[He/She]’ll probably graduate

3=[He/She] probably won’t graduate

4=Very sure [he/she] won’t graduate

Added from the student instrument to compare students’ and parents’ expectations.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


How sure or unsure are you that [teenager] will pursue any additional education after leaving high school?
1=Very sure [he/she]'ll go
2=[He/She]'ll probably go
3=[He/She] probably won't go
4=Very sure [he/she] won't go

How sure are you that [teenager] will pursue a Bachelor's degree[ after [he/she] leaves high school]?
1=Very sure [he/she]'ll go
2=[He/She]'ll probably go
3=[He/She] probably won't go
4=Very sure [he/she] won't go

Replaced with BY item; simplified language to expedite administration.


HSLS BY Parent


Not asked

Whatever [teenager]'s plans, do you think [he/she] has the ability to complete a Bachelor's degree? Would you say...



3=probably not or

4=definitely not?

TRP recommended adding a question about whether teenager has skills to succeed in college. This question is repeated from the BY.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Families have different ideas about what they would like their teenagers to do in the first year after high school. How strongly would you encourage or discourage [teenager] if [he/she] chose each of the following activities?
* Enroll in further education such as a certificate, Associate's degree, or Bachelor's degree program
* Get a full-time or part-time job
* Do volunteer or missionary work
* Join the armed services
* Start a family
1=Strongly encourage
3=Neither encourage nor discourage
5=Strongly discourage


Unreliable in reinterview, variability within items is poor, cognitive interviews revealed that the scale is not discriminating enough for some items.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


What is [teenager] most likely to do as [his/her] main activity in the first year after high school?
1=Enroll in further education such as a certificate, Associate's degree, or Bachelor's degree program
2=Get a full-time or part-time job
3=Do volunteer or missionary work
4=Join the armed services
5=Start a family
6=Something else (Please specify)


Will be collected on the student instrument.


NHES 99 Parent & Family Involvement in Ed


Not asked

[Is (he/she)/If (he/she) attended school in the fall of 2013, would (he/she) be] more likely to attend a 4-year college, a 2-year community college, or a trade school or technical institute, or haven’t you thought about this yet?
1=4-year college
2=2-year community college
3=Trade school or technical institute
4=Haven't thought about this yet

Based on NHES 99; added "trade school or technical institute" as a response option for consistency throughout questionnaire; question will be asked of all respondents so alternative wording added for those who do not expect their teenager to continue education.


HSLS BY Parent


Not asked

[Is (he/she)/Would (he/she) be] more likely to attend a public or private [4-year college/2-year community college/trade school or technical institute], or have you not thought about this yet?
3=Haven’t thought about this

Added alternative wording for those who do not expect teenager will continue education; added wording to specify postsecondary institution type.


HSLS BY Parent


Not asked

[Is (he/she)/Would (he/she) be] more likely to attend an in-state or out of state [4-year college/2-year community college/trade school or technical institute], or have you not thought about it yet?
2=Out of state
3=Haven't thought about this

Added alternative wording for those who do not expect teenager will continue education; added wording to specify postsecondary institution type.




Not asked

How [will/would] your family decide which school [teenager] [will/would] attend? Would you say…
1=Parents [will/would] decide by themselves
2=Parents [will/would] decide after discussing it with [teenager]
3=Parents and [teenager] [will/would] decide together after discussion
4=[Teenager] [will/would] decide after discussing it with parents
5=[Teenager] [will/would] decide by [himself/herself]

TRP recommended adding a question about parents' influence on the college decision-making process, which is a central research question to HSLS:09.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Do you or [teenager] have information about specific colleges that [teenager] might attend after high school?
2=Yes, one college
3=Yes, 2 or 3 colleges
4=Yes, more than 3 colleges

Do you know what [public 4-year college in your state/public 4-year college out of state/private 4-year college/public 2-year community college in your state/public 2-year community college out of state/private 2-year college/public trade school or technical institute in your state/public trade school or technical institute out of state/private trade school or technical institute] [he/she] is most likely to attend?

Revised to ask about a single 'most likely' institution.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Not asked

What is that [public 4-year college in your state/public 4-year college out of state/private 4-year college/public 2-year community college in your state/public 2-year community college out of state/private 2-year college/public trade school or technical institute in your state/public trade school or technical institute out of state/private trade school or technical institute]?

Added from the student instrument for comparison with student responses.


HSLS BY Parent


Not asked

How certain are you that [he/she] will attend this school?
1=Very certain
2=Fairly certain
4=Very uncertain

Added to measure certainty of plans, an important research goal of HSLS:09; similar to P2CONF4YRPUB.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


[If [teenager] did go to college, how important to you would each of the following college characteristics be/How important to you are each of the following college characteristics] when choosing a college or university for [teenager] to attend?
* Provides a good education
* Campus safety
* Financial aid
* Cost of attendance
* Campus appearance
* Location
* A good record of placing graduates in jobs
* A good record of placing graduates in graduate or professional schools
* Opportunity to play sports
* Recommended by family or friends
* Other (Please specify)
1=Very important
2=Somewhat important
3=Not at all important

[How important to you are each of the following characteristics/If [teenager] did go to college, how important to you would each of the following characteristics be] when choosing a college, trade school or technical institute for [teenager] to attend?
* Academic quality or reputation
* Cost of attendance
* Close to home
* Far away from home
* A good record of placing graduates in jobs
* A good record of placing graduates in graduate or professional schools
* Opportunity to play sports
* Recommended by family or friends
* Offers a particular program of study
* Good social life
* Good sports teams or school spirit

* You or another family member went there
1=Very important
2=Somewhat important
3=Not at all important

Revised items based on other specifies, cognitive interviews, FT frequencies; revised response options for consistency with the parent instrument.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


How have you or [teenager] gotten information about colleges that [he/she] might attend?
* Read college search websites, college guides, or ranking reports
* Read particular colleges' websites or requested particular colleges to send information to you
* Colleges sent you information that you did not request
* Talked with [teenager]'s teacher
* Talked with [teenager]'s counselor at high school
* Talked with other parents or students who attend the colleges [teenager] might attend
* Talked to someone in a college admissions office
* Talked to a college representative visiting [teenager]'s high school
* Talked to college athletic coaches or scouts
* Visited colleges
* Sat in on a college class


TRP recommended deleting this question because it is not a comprehensive list and it is not possible to get comprehensive information in the time allowed. Performed poorly in reliability reinterview.




Not asked

If cost was not a consideration, would [P2CLGNAME] be your first choice?
1=[P2CLGNAME] is first choice
2=Another school is first choice

Added to ascertain if choice is constrained by costs, a central research goal of HSLS.


HSLS F1 FT Student


Not asked

If cost was not a consideration, what school would be your first choice?




Asking this in F1 will allow us to find out on College Update if student applied to first choice institution; similar to HSLS F1 FT S2CLGNAME.


HSLS F1 FT Student, BY Parent


Not asked

What is your best estimate of the cost of one year’s tuition and mandatory fees at a public 2-year college in your state? Include the cost of courses and required fees such as student activity fees and student health fees. Do not include optional expenses such as room and board.

Based on question from F1 FT student instrument and BY parent instrument. There is a desire to assess parents' knowledge of community college cost because this would be a fall back institution for many students.


HSLS BY Parent


Not asked

How confident are you in the accuracy of your estimate of the cost of one year’s tuition and mandatory fees at a public 2-year college in your state? Would you say...

1=Very confident

2=Somewhat confident

3=Not at all confident?

Added for consistency with BY and to measure parents’ knowledge.


HSLS BY Parent


Not asked

What is your best estimate of the cost of one year's tuition and mandatory fees at a public 4-year college in your state? Include the cost of courses and required fees such as student activity fees and student health fees. Do not include optional expenses such as room and board.

Added from BY parent interview. There is a desire to assess parents' knowledge of community college cost because this would be a fall back institution for many students.


HSLS BY Parent


Not asked

How confident are you in the accuracy of your estimate of the cost of one year’s tuition and mandatory fees at a public 4-year college in your state? Would you say...

1=Very confident

2=Somewhat confident

3=Not at all confident

Added for consistency with BY and to measure parents’ knowledge.


HSLS BY Parent


Not asked

What is your best estimate of the cost of one year’s tuition and mandatory fees at a typical private 4-year college? Include the cost of courses and required fees such as student activity fees and student health fees. Do not include optional expenses such as room and board.

Added from BY parent interview and revised to ask about 4-year private institutions generally.


HSLS BY Parent


Not asked

How confident are you in the accuracy of your estimate of the cost of one year’s tuition and mandatory fees at a typical 4-year private college? Would you say...

1=Very confident

2=Somewhat confident

3=Not at all confident

Added for consistency with BY and to measure parents’ knowledge.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Have you gotten information on financial aid in any of the following ways?
* Got information on financial aid for one of [teenager]'s siblings, another family member or for yourself
* Talked to other parents, family and friends
* Talked with financial aid office staff at a college
* Talked with a school counselor at [teenager]'s high school
* Researched financial aid options on the Internet
* Another way (Please specify)

Have you gotten information on financial aid in any of the following ways?
* Personal experience with financial aid for one of [teenager]'s siblings, another family member or for yourself
* Talked to other parents, family and friends
* Talked with financial aid office staff at a college
* Talked with staff at [teenager]'s high school
* Researched financial aid options on the Internet
* Informational meeting or open house held by the high school

Revised first item for clarity, changed "counselor" to "school staff"; added last item based on other specify responses.


HSLS F1 FT Parent and College Application survey -Parent


In the last 5 years have you completed a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for another family member or have you completed one yourself? (Do not include a FAFSA you may have completed for [teenager].)
3=Don't know what that is

Do you know what the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form is?

For consistency with student instrument, moved "Don't know" response from P2FAFSA into a separate question as shown.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


In the last 5 years have you completed a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for another family member or have you completed one yourself? (Do not include a FAFSA you may have completed for [teenager].)
3=Don't know what that is

In the last 5 years have you completed a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) for another family member or have you completed one yourself? (Do not include a FAFSA you may have completed for [teenager].)

Moved "don't know" response option to a separate question (P2FORM).


HSLS F1 FT Parent


[If [he/she] were to go to college, would you/Will you] apply for financial aid for [teenager]'s education after high school?

[Will you/If [he/she] were to go to college, would you] complete a FAFSA to apply for financial aid for [teenager]'s education after high school?





3=Haven't thought about it yet

4=Don't know

Revised for specificity, had low reliability in the field test because it was vague.




What are the reasons you [will/would] not apply for financial aid?
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because grades or test scores are too low
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because income is too high
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because [he/she] would attend college part-time
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because of a bad credit rating
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because another family member did not qualify
* There is no money available
* [teenager] can afford college without financial aid
* Do not want to disclose financial situation
* The aid application process is too difficult
* [teenager] is not willing to go into debt
* Family is not willing to go into debt
* [teenager] would not get as much as [he/she] needs
* Other (Please specify)

What are the reasons you [will/would] not apply for financial aid?
* You [think [teenager] will be ineligible
* You [can/could] afford school without financial aid

* You do not know how to apply for financial aid

*Your family [does/would] not want to take on debt
* You think the application forms are too difficult
* [Teenager] does not plan to continue [his/her] education after high school

Based on NPSAS:12 FT, ELS F2 Student (F2B05A – F2B05G); combined the "not qualify" items into one "ineligible" item; asked about reasons for thinking ineligible in next question.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


What are the reasons you [will/would] not apply for financial aid?
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because grades or test scores are too low
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because income is too high
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because [he/she] would attend college part-time
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because of a bad credit rating
* [teenager] would not qualify for aid because another family member did not qualify
* There is no money available
* [teenager] can afford college without financial aid
* Do not want to disclose financial situation
* The aid application process is too difficult
* [teenager] is not willing to go into debt
* Family is not willing to go into debt
* [teenager] would not get as much as [he/she] needs
* Other (Please specify)

Why do you think [teenager] would be ineligible for financial aid? Is it because…
*Another family member did not qualify?
*You have concerns about a credit score?
*Your family’s income is too high?
*[Teenager’s] grades or test scores are too low?
*[Teenager] will attend college part-time?

Moved reasons for thinking he/she would be ineligible to this separate question.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


What types of financial aid do you think [teenager] would qualify for?

* Financial aid based on financial need

* Financial aid based on academic achievement such as good grades or college admission test scores

* Financial aid through an athletic scholarship

* Federal or state loans

* Private loans

What types of financial aid do you think [teenager] would qualify for?

* Financial aid based on financial need

* Financial aid based on academic achievement such as good grades or college admission test scores

* Financial aid through an athletic scholarship

* Federal or state loans

* Private loans

* Not eligible for any financial aid

Revised for administration to all rather than just those who plan to apply for financial aid; added “not eligible” option.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Would you be willing to take out a loan to help [teenager] pay for college?


Performed poorly in the reliability reinterview. A “none” option has been added to P2MAX to take this question’s place.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


What is the maximum amount you would borrow per year to help [him/her] pay for college?

1=$1 - $500





6=More than $15,000

7=Don’t know

What is the maximum amount you would borrow per year to help [him/her] pay for college?


2=$1 - $500








10=More than $35,000

11=Don’t know

Added a “None” option for those who wouldn’t take out a loan, aligned categories with P2MONEY, but with greater detail at the low end of the range.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Approximately what percentage of the total cost of [teenager]'s education do you think [he/she] should finance if [he/she] attended...
* a 2-year community college or technical institute? | %
* a 4-year public college in your state? | %
* a 4-year public college out of state? | %
* a 4-year private college? | %


Cognitive interviews, telephone interviews and reliability reinterviews revealed that parents had difficulty answering this question because it depended on many factors not specified in the question.


AAA College Application Survey


Not asked

[How/If at any point in time [teenager] plans to attend college, how] do you expect to pay for college costs, including tuition, room, and board?

*[Teenager’s] own earnings and savings

*Parents’ or relatives’ earnings and savings including a pre-paid tuition account or 529 plan

*Financial aid based on financial need

*Financial aid based on academic merit

*Financial aid through an athletic scholarship

* Private loan in teenager’s name

* Private loan in parents’ or relatives’ names

Added from the AAA College Application Survey to determine parents’ plans for financing postsecondary education, a central research goal of HSLS.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Which of the following steps do you expect [him/her] to take to finance [his/her] education?
* Work during high school evenings or weekends
* Work during high school summers
* Work up to 20 hours per week while attending college
* Work more than 20 hours per week while attending college
* Take out a loan in [his/her] name
* Another step (Please specify)

Will [teenager’s] earnings and savings for college come from [his/her]…
* Work during high school evenings or weekends?
* Work during high school summers?
* Part-time work while attending college including work-study?
* Full-time work while attending college including work-study?

Revised to focus on sources of students’ earnings/savings for college; revised hours per week to “full-time” and “part-time” based on TRP recommendation; added “work-study” for clarity and inclusiveness.




Not asked

How many children or other family members who you financially support are currently attending a trade school, technical institute, 2-year community college, or 4-year college?

TRP recommended adding P2INCLGNOW and P2INCLG2013 as indicators of strain on resources for college.




Not asked

How many children or other family members who you financially support will be attending a trade school, technical institute, 2-year community college, or 4-year college in the fall of 2013?

TRP recommended adding P2INCLGNOW and P2INCLG2013 as indicators of strain on resources for college.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Considering all sources of funds including any financial aid that [teenager] might receive, do you think your family would be able to afford to send [teenager] to …
* a 2-year community college or technical institute?
* a 4-year public college in your state?
* a 4-year public college out of state?
* a 4-year private college?

Considering all sources of funds including scholarships, grants, loans and savings, do you think your family would be able to afford to send [teenager] to …
*a trade school or technical institute?
* a 2-year community college?
* a 4-year public college in your state?
* a 4-year public college out of state?
* a typical 4-year private college?
* a highly selective 4-year private college such as Harvard?

Made question wording more specific; divided technical institute from community college; added highly selective 4-year for consistency across questions and survey components.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


How much money do you think [teenager] would earn in a year of working if [he/she] had the following levels of education?
(Please provide your best guess.)
* If [he/she] left high school without finishing, [he/she] would make $| in a year.
* If [he/she] finished high school with a GED or alternative high school credential, [he/she] would make $| in a year.
* If [he/she] finished high school with a regular diploma, [he/she] would make $| in a year.
* If [he/she] finished college, [he/she] would make $| in a year.

How much money do you think [teenager] would earn if [he/she] had the following levels of education? Please provide the pay period for the dollar amount.
(Please provide your best guess.)
* If [he/she] left high school without getting a regular diploma and began working, how much money do you think [he/she] would earn?
* If [he/she] finished high school with a regular high school diploma and began working, how much do you think [he/she] would earn?
* If [he/she] finished a certificate from a trade school or technical institute and began working, how much do you think [he/she] would earn?
* If [he/she] finished a 2- year community college degree and began working, how much do you think [he/she] would earn?
* If [he/she] finished a 4-year college degree and began working, how much do you think [he/she] would earn?
1=per hour
2=per week
3=per month
4=per year

Revised question format for ease of CATI administration; revised wording to specify a reference period; removed GED item; differentiated college item; changed from "per year" to allow respondents to choose a unit for reporting.




Not asked

[Have you/Has parent #1] started, but not completed, any work on a degree beyond [highest degree completed]?
1=No, [you have/parent #1 has] not started any other degree
2=Yes, started but not completed a certificate from a trade school or technical institute
3=Yes, started but not completed an Associate's degree
4=Yes, started but not completed a Bachelor's degree
5=Yes, started but not completed a Master's degree
6=Yes, started but not completed an Education Specialist diploma
7=Yes, started but not completed a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional

Added from the BY parent instrument for comparability with BY data; added "certificate" responses for comprehensiveness.




Not asked

Has [parent #2] started, but not completed, any work on a degree beyond [highest degree completed]?
(If [he/she] has started more than one of the degrees listed below, please select the higher degree.)
1=No, [he/she] has not started any other degree
2=Yes, started but not completed a certificate from a trade school or technical institute
3=Yes, started but not completed an Associate's degree
4=Yes, started but not completed a Bachelor's degree
5=Yes, started but not completed a Master's degree
6=Yes, started but not completed an Education Specialist diploma
7=Yes, started but not completed a Ph.D., M.D., law degree, or other high level professional

Added from the BY parent instrument for comparability with BY data; added "certificate" responses for comprehensiveness.


HSLS F1 FT Parent


Altogether, how many people are financially dependent upon you [or your] [spouse/partner]? Include all people who receive one-half or more of their financial support from you [or your] [spouse/partner], regardless of whether they live in the same household. Do not include yourself [or your] [spouse/partner].

Not including yourself [or your spouse/or your partner], how many people depend on you for more than half of their financial support? Include dependents who do not live with you.

Performed poorly in reliability interview, most likely due to the overly complicated instructions, revised for clarity and simplicity.

Part F: First Follow-up Full Scale Administrator Questionnaire - OMB Justifications




Old Wording

New Item Wording



Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) School Questionnaire


Not asked

Around the first of October, how many grades 9-12 students were enrolled in this school?

This item is adapted from the SASS school survey. The number of grades 9-12 students in the school is important contextual information for the study.


Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) School Questionnaire


Not asked

Does this school have a magnet program? (A magnet program offers enhancements such as special curricular themes or methods of instruction to attract students from outside their normal attendance area.)

1 = Yes
2 = No

This item is adapted from the SASS school survey. The HSLS BY administrator survey asked whether the school was classified as a magnet school, but not whether it was a whole school magnet. Items A2MAGNET and A2SCHLWIDE seek to determine whether all students or just a subset are enrolled in the magnet program.


Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) School Questionnaire


Not asked

Is this a school-wide magnet program in which all students in this school participate in the program?

1 = Yes
2 = No



HSLS F1 FT Administrator


Is [school name]'s special focus on...

  • Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math or

  • Something else such as performing arts, education for talented or gifted students, or foreign language immersion?

Is [school name]'s magnet program or special focus on...

  • Science, Technology, Engineering, or Math or

  • Something else such as performing arts, education for talented or gifted students, or foreign language immersion?

Item wording was revised to make it clearer that magnet programs should be included as part of a school’s “special focus.”


Input from NCES Postsecondary, Adult, and Career Education (PACE) Division


Not asked

How many of your high school students attend a shared-time area/regional career and technical (CTE) school?

The NCES Career/Technical Education (CTE) Statistics Center tracks the number of area/regional career and technical schools, but has not captured the number of students enrolled in both traditional high schools and CTE schools.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


Who is responsible for enforcing the course failure policy that is tied to absenteeism?

  • Administrators

  • School counselors

  • Teachers

  • None of These

Response options: yes, no


There was very little variation in field test responses to this item; Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


Does your high school offer any of the following programs to assist 11th graders who are struggling academically?

  • Summer program after 11th grade that provides supplemental instruction

  • Small learning communities or Achievement Academies for over-aged students who have not met criteria for promotion to 12th grade

  • Small learning communities or academies separate from the rest of the school that have double-block or extended-block scheduling

  • Catch-up courses

  • Double-dosing” of classes

  • Classes in study skills

  • Specific professional development, coaches, or technical assistance for teachers working with struggling 11th graders

  • Tutoring

  • Other (please specify)

Response options: yes, no

Does your high school offer any of the following programs to assist 11th graders who are struggling academically?

  • Credit recovery program targeted at standards in which students were deficient. Programs may be offered by computer software, online instruction (such as a virtual school), or teacher-guided instruction.

  • Summer program that provides supplemental instruction

  • Small learning communities for students who have not met criteria for promotion to 12th grade

  • Catch-up courses

  • Double-dosing” of classes

  • Classes in study skills

  • Specific professional development, coaches, or technical assistance for teachers working with struggling 11th graders

  • Tutoring

1 = Yes
2 = No

A sub-item asking about credit recovery programs was added. The Education Commission of the States has identified credit recovery programs as a key component of drop-out prevention programs. Adding this sub-item to the series of questions about how schools assist struggling students is important for capturing the prevalence, and giving insight into the effectiveness, of this relatively new approach.

The small learning communities sub- items were combined to make the language clearer and the item less burdensome.


ECS paper


Not asked

How is the credit recovery program offered?

  • Onsite, such as teacher-guided instruction or program software in a classroom?

  • Online, such as a state virtual school?

1 = Yes
2 = No



ECS paper


Not asked

During the 2010-11 school year, approximately what percentage of students in grades 11 and 12 take advantage of these credit recovery programs?

1 = 5%or less

2 = 6%-10%

3 = 11%-24%

4 = 24%-49%

5 = 50% or more



HSLS F1 FT Administrator


On what basis are 11th graders who are struggling academically recommended to receive assistance?

  • Absentee record

  • Having poor or failing grades

  • Insufficient credits for promotion to 12th grade

  • Having disciplinary problems

  • Teacher’s referral

  • Counselor’s referral

  • Parental request

  • Student request

  • Electronic grading systems that identify failing students early in a term

  • Another way (Please specify)

Response options: yes, no


There was very little variation in the field test data for this item; Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


Which of the following programs or courses does [school name] offer on-site?

  • Alternative program (such as a program that addresses the needs of students who are at risk for dropping out of high school)

  • Dropout prevention program that is not part of an alternative program

  • College Board Advanced Placement (AP) courses

  • Programs to develop student study skills (such as AVID)

  • Childcare services

Response options: yes, no

Which of the following programs or courses does [school name] offer on-site and/or off-site to help students at risk of dropping out of high school?

  • Dropout prevention program

  • Programs to develop student study skills (such as AVID, GEAR UP)

  • Childcare services

1 = Yes
2 = No

This item was revised in a number of ways. First, the item was clarified to ask whether the programs were offered at the school or at another facility. In addition, the sub-item about alternative programs was dropped as it was redundant with the sub-item about a dropout prevention program. Next, the dropout sub-item was simplified to increase comprehension, and the sub-item about AP courses was moved to the counselor survey. Finally, “GEAR UP” was added as another example of a student study skill program to make it clearer that the item was about these programs in general and not just about AVID.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


What percentage of [school name]’s students in grades 9 through 12 are enrolled in the following programs and courses either at [school name] or off-site?

  • Alternative program such as a program that addresses the needs of students who are at risk for dropping out of high school

  • Dropout prevention program that is not part of an alternative program

  • College Board Advanced Placement (AP) courses

  • An International Baccalaureate program

What percentage of [school name]'s students in grades 9 through 12 are enrolled in a dropout prevention program, both at [school name] and off-site?

The sub-item about alternative programs was dropped as it was redundant with the sub-item about a dropout prevention program and the sub-items about AP and IB were moved to the counselor survey. Consequently, the item stem was reworded to focus on the remaining sub-item (dropout prevention programs). In addition, the item asks for separate estimates of the percentage of students enrolled in a dropout prevention program at the school and off-site.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


Approximately what percentage of students in grades 9 through 12 in [school name] were recognized at some time during the 2009-2010 school year for their academic achievement (excluding athletics and performing arts) using the following types of acknowledgments?

  • In-school, public acknowledgment such as an assembly where the student appears on stage to receive awards or a posting of the honor roll

  • Out-of-school, public acknowledgment such as an announcement in a community newspaper or media

  • Private acknowledgment such as a certificate or letter of congratulation that was mailed to the student

Response options: 0%, 1- 2%, 3-5%, 6- 10%, 11- 15%, 16 - 25%, 26- 50%, 51- 75%, 76- 100%


There was very little variation in the field test data for this item; Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


Does your school do any of the following to raise high school students' interest and achievement in math or science?

  • Hold school-wide math or science fairs, workshops, or competitions

  • Partner with community colleges or universities that offer math or science summer programs or camps for high school students

  • Pair students with mentors in math or science

  • Bring in guest speakers to talk to students about math or science

  • Take students on math- or science-relevant field trips

  • Tell students about regional or state math or science contests, web sites, blogs, or programs (such as a 21st Century Community Learning Center program or Girls Incorporated Operation SMART)

  • Require teacher professional development in how students learn math or science

  • Require teacher professional development in increasing student interest in math or science

Response options: yes, no

Does your school do any of the following to raise high school students' interest and achievement in math or science?

  • Hold school-wide math or science fairs, workshops, or competitions

  • Partner with community colleges or universities that offer math or science summer programs or camps for high school students

  • Pair students with mentors in math or science

  • Bring in guest speakers to talk to students about math or science

  • Take students on math- or science-relevant field trips

  • Tell students about math or science contests, web sites, blogs, or programs (such as Intel Student Research Contest or Girls Incorporated Operation SMART)

  • Require teacher professional development in how students learn math or science

  • Require teacher professional development in increasing student interest in math or science

1 = Yes
2 = No

The sub-tem on math or science contests was revised to include a better-known research contest.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


In each of the following subjects, how many years of coursework are required to meet high school graduation requirements in [school name]? Please answer with the graduating class of 2012 in mind.

  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • History or social studies

  • Computer education

  • Foreign language

  • Fine arts such as art, music, dance, or theater

  • Physical education and health

Response options: not required, less than 1 year, 1 to less than 2 years, 2 to less than 3 years, 3 to less than 4 years, 4 years, not offered

In each of the following subjects, how many years of coursework are required to meet high school graduation requirements in [school name]? Please answer with the graduating class of 2013 in mind.

  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • History or social studies

  • Foreign language

1 = not required

2 = less than 1 year

3 = 1 to less than 2 years

4 = 2 to less than 3 years

5 = 3 to less than 4 years

6 = 4 years

The item was simplified to ask only about core academic subjects and to reduce response burden.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


For a high school diploma, are [school name]'s requirements for graduation less than, equal to, or more than the requirements for entry into a state supported 4-year college in your state?

  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • History or social studies

  • Computer education

  • Foreign language

  • Fine arts such as art, music, dance, or theater

  • Physical education and health

Response options: Less than, Equal to, More than, Don’t know

For a high school diploma, are [school name]'s requirements for graduation less than, equal to, or more than the requirements for entry into a state supported 4-year college in your state? Please answer with the graduating class of 2013 in mind.

  • English

  • Mathematics

  • Science

  • History or social studies

  • Foreign language

Response options: Less than, Equal to, More than, Don’t know



HSLS F1 FT Administrator


What percentage of last year’s 12th-grade class...

  • entered higher education programs (4-year Bachelor's degree-granting colleges, 2-year Associates degree-granting colleges, or trade or technical institutes)?

  • entered the labor market?

  • joined the military?

  • returned to complete high school courses in order to have enough credits to graduate?

  • did something else?

  • pursued activities that are unknown to the school?

What percentage of last year’s 12th-grade class...

  • entered higher education programs (4-year Bachelor's degree-granting colleges, 2-year Associates degree-granting colleges, or trade or technical institutes)?

  • entered the labor market?

  • joined the military?

The item was simplified to ask only about the most common post-high school activities and to reduce response burden.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


Does your school use any of the following information sources to determine what students do after high school?

  • Student survey

  • Statewide Longitudinal Data System

  • National Student Clearinghouse

  • Another source (Please specify)

Response options: yes, no


This item was dropped, because it was not central to the study’s research questions; Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) School Questionnaire


How many high school teachers work full-time and how many high school teachers work part-time at [school name]?

Please give your best estimate. If a teacher works full-time in [school name], but divides his or her time between subject areas, count that teacher as part-time in each subject area.

Around the first of October, how many high school teachers held full-time or part-time positions or assignments at [school name]?

For all teacher counts entered in items A2FTPTF and A2FTPTP, include the following types of teachers:

  • Regular classroom teachers

  • Special area or resource teachers (e.g. special education, Title I, art, music, physical education)

  • Long-term substitute teachers

Include as PART-TIME teachers:

  • Itinerant teachers who teach part-time at this school

  • Employees reported in other items of this section if they also have a part-time teaching assignment at this school


  • Student teachers

  • Short-term substitute teachers

  • Teachers who teach ONLY postsecondary or adult education

Item was revised to use SASS definitions of full- and part-time teachers.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


Of the [[# of FT math teachers] full-time and [# of PT math teachers] part-time high school math teachers in [school name], how many are certified by your state to teach math at the secondary school (9-12) level?


This item was dropped, because it was not central to the study’s research questions; Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


Of the [[# of FT science teachers] full-time and [# of PT science teachers] part-time high school science teachers in [school name], how many are certified by your state to teach science at the secondary school (9-12) level?


This item was dropped, because it was not central to the study’s research questions; Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS BY Teacher Questionnaire


Not asked

How many of the [school name]’s high school teachers are currently collecting a pension from a teacher retirement system or drawing money from a school or system sponsored 401(k) or 403(b) plan?

Staffing shortages, particularly for mathematics and science teachers, continue to be a national challenge. One solution is creating incentives for retired teachers to re-enter the classroom. The HSLS:09 BY teacher questionnaires asked individual teachers whether they had retired and returned to the classroom. As there is no teacher questionnaire component to the F1 FS study, this item was moved to the administrator questionnaire.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


Which of the following kinds of support does your school provide to new high school math and science teachers?

  • Formal new teacher induction program

  • Reduced teaching schedule or number of preparations

  • Common planning time with other math and science teachers

  • Seminars or classes for beginning teachers

  • Extra classroom assistance such as teacher assistants or teacher aides

  • Regular supportive communication with principals, other administrators, or department chair

  • Ongoing guidance or feedback from a master or mentor teacher in the same subject area

  • Ongoing guidance or feedback from a master or mentor teacher in a different subject area

  • Opportunities to attend subject-specific professional development

  • Opportunities to attend non-subject-specific professional development

  • Other (Please specify)

Response options: yes, no, don’t know

Which of the following kinds of support does your school provide to new high school math and science teachers?

  • Formal new teacher induction program

  • Reduced teaching schedule or number of preparations

  • Common planning time with other math and science teachers

  • Release time for professional development or to observe other teachers

  • Seminars or classes for beginning teachers

  • Ongoing guidance or feedback from a master or mentor teacher in the same subject area

  • Ongoing guidance or feedback from a master or mentor teacher in a different subject area

  • Opportunities to attend subject-specific professional development

  • Opportunities to attend non-subject-specific professional development

  • Opportunities to join a teacher study group, sometimes called a professional learning community (PLC)

Response options: yes, no, don’t know

Two sub-items were added to this series based on responses to the “other (please specify)” option on the field test. Also, based on the F1 FT results, “Regular supportive communication with principals, other administrators, or department chair” was dropped. The item lacked clarity.


HSLS BY Counselor Questionnaire


Not asked

We would like to ask you a couple of questions about your school’s counseling program.

*Which one of the following goals does your school's counseling program emphasize the most?

*Of the three goals remaining, which one does your school's counseling program emphasize most?

*Of the two goals remaining, which one does your school's counseling program emphasize more?

1 = helping students plan and prepare for their work roles after high school

2 = helping students with personal growth and development

3 = helping students plan and prepare for postsecondary schooling

4 = helping students improve their achievement in high school

As school counseling is one of the main levers schools use to affect student outcomes, asking about the goals of schools’ counseling programs will help address a key research question of this study.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


For the 2010-2011 school year, how many [of the [# of FT math teachers]/blank] full-time math teachers currently teaching in grades 9 through 12 in [school name] would you put in the following categories, based on your overall opinion of their teaching ability?

  • Outstanding teachers (These teachers’ levels of skills, knowledge, and professionalism are exceptional. You would easily nominate them for teaching awards due to their performance in the classroom. They make excellent examples to other teaching faculty members.)

  • Good teachers (These teachers’ levels of skills, knowledge, and professionalism make them successful teachers in the classroom. You are glad to have them as part of your faculty, but they are not at the very top of teachers for their grade and subject.)

  • Fair teachers (These teachers only exert the effort necessary to get the job done in the classroom. They do an adequate job but are not exemplars for other teachers. They could potentially improve with proper on-the-job training or coaching.)

  • Unsatisfactory teachers (These teachers have levels of skills, knowledge, and professionalism that are inadequate, and they do not belong in the teaching profession.)


Because responses to this item are highly subjective; Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


For the 2010-2011 school year, how many [of the [# of FT science teachers]/blank] full-time science teachers currently teaching in grades 9 through 12 in [school name] would you put in the following categories, based on your overall opinion of their teaching ability?

  • Outstanding teachers (These teachers’ levels of skills, knowledge, and professionalism are exceptional. You would easily nominate them for teaching awards due to their performance in the classroom. They make excellent examples to other teaching faculty members.)

  • Good teachers (These teachers’ levels of skills, knowledge, and professionalism make them successful teachers in the classroom. You are glad to have them as part of your faculty, but they are not at the very top of teachers for their grade and subject.)

  • Fair teachers (These teachers only exert the effort necessary to get the job done in the classroom. They do an adequate job but are not exemplars for other teachers. They could potentially improve with proper on-the-job training or coaching.)

  • Unsatisfactory teachers (These teachers have levels of skills, knowledge, and professionalism that are inadequate, and they do not belong in the teaching profession.)


Because responses to this item are highly subjective, and thus difficult to compare and analyze, this item is dropped.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator


To the best of your knowledge how often do the following types of problems occur at [school name]?

  • Physical conflicts among students

  • Robbery or theft

  • Vandalism

  • Student use of illegal drugs while at school

  • Student use of alcohol while at school

  • The sale of drugs on the way to or from school or on school grounds

  • Student possession of weapons

  • Physical abuse of teachers

  • Student racial tensions

  • Student bullying

  • Student verbal abuse of teachers

  • Student in-class misbehavior

  • Student acts of disrespect for teachers

  • Student gang activities

Response options: daily, at least once a week, at least once a month, on occasion, never happens

To the best of your knowledge how often do the following types of problems occur at [school name]?

  • Physical conflicts among students

  • Robbery or theft

  • Vandalism

  • Student use of illegal drugs while at school

  • Student use of alcohol while at school

  • The sale of drugs on the way to or from school or on school grounds

  • Student possession of weapons

  • Physical abuse of teachers

  • Student racial tensions

  • Cyber-bullying

  • Other types of student bullying

  • Student verbal abuse of teachers

  • Student in-class misbehavior

  • Student acts of disrespect for teachers

  • Student gang activities

Response options: daily, at least once a week, at least once a month, on occasion, never happens

Because of the increasing concern about on-line bullying, the sub-item about student bullying was split into two sub-items. One asks about cyber bullying; the second asks about other types of bullying.

Part G: First Follow-up Full Scale Counselor Questionnaire –OMB Justifications




Old Wording

New Item Wording



HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Which of the following best describes how counselors are assigned to students at your school? Would you say counselors are assigned...

  • to all students at this school

  • to a specific grade level such as a 9th grade counselor

  • to an incoming class of 9th graders and remain with them throughout their high school years such as a counselor for the class of 2014

  • to a group of students whose last names fall within a slice of the alphabet such as all students with last names from “A to D”

  • small learning communities such as schools-within-a-school, pods, and houses, or

  • in another way? (please specify)

Which of the following describe how counselors are assigned to students at your school? Would you say counselors are assigned...

(Check all that apply.)

  • to all students at this school

  • to a specific grade level such as a 9th grade counselor

  • to an incoming class of 9th graders and remain with them throughout their high school years such as a counselor for the class of 2014

  • to a group of students whose last names fall within a slice of the alphabet such as all students with last names from “A to D”

  • to small learning communities such as schools-within-a-school, pods, and houses

The field test data indicated that counselors are assigned to students in more than one way. Therefore, respondents will be asked to “Check all that apply” rather than selecting a single answer.

This item was deleted to conserve time, to reduce respondent burden, and to focus on questions more central to the research questions of HSLS:09.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


On average, how often do counselors at [school name] meet one-on-one with a typical student from each of the following groups?

  • High achieving students

  • Average students

  • Struggling students

Response options: Never, Weekly, Monthly, Quarterly, Once each semester, Once each year


Nearly one-third of respondents said they had difficulty answering this item, thus it is dropped from the FS survey.


HSLS BY counselor instrument


Not asked

Last school year (2010-2011), what percentage of work hours did your school's counseling staff spend delivering the following services to high school students?

  • Choice and scheduling of high school courses

  • Assisting students with college readiness, selection, and applications

  • Personal development

  • Social development

  • Academic development

  • Occupational choice and career planning

  • Job placement and employability skill development

  • Students’ attendance, discipline, and other school and personal problems

  • Academic testing

  • Non-counseling activities such as hall or lunch duty, substitute teaching, bust duty, etc.

1 = 5%or less

2 = 6%-10%

3 = 11%-20%

4 = 21%-50%

5 = More than 50%

The TRP recommended this item be reinstated from the base-year counselor survey (BCMEET) to gather information about how counselors spend their time.

From the base year, the item was revised to reflect timing of HSLS F1 FS data collection. Also, the TRP recommended that the third sub-item be split into three separate sub-items for the full-scale survey.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


In your opinion, does your school have enough counseling staff to adequately provide counseling services in the following areas?

  • Behavior problems

  • Personal problems such as bullying, substance abuse, or gangs

  • Academic difficulties

  • Course selection

  • College preparation

  • College selection

  • Work preparation

  • Career selection

Response options: Yes, No (for each)


This item was deleted to conserve time, to reduce respondent burden, and to focus on questions more central to the research questions of HSLS:09.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Does your school have one or more counselors whose primary responsibility is assisting students with...

  • Selecting courses and programs that will help them succeed in college?

  • College selection?

  • College applications?

  • Preparation for the work place?

  • Placement into the workforce?

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

Does your school have one or more counselors whose primary responsibility is assisting students with...

  • Selecting courses and programs?

  • College selection?

  • College applications?

  • Preparation for the workforce?

  • Placement into the workforce?

1 = Yes
2 = No

The TRP recommended deleting the phrase “…that will help them succeed in college” from the first sub-item so that it is not exclusively focused on college.

Revised the fourth sub-item to say “workforce” because that was the wording in the base year (BCPRMARY).


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Of the [number] counselors at your school, how many are knowledgeable about...

  • the college application process?

  • the financial aid application process?

  • opportunities and eligibility requirements for scholarships?

  • college entrance tests?

  • college entrance requirements?

  • costs of attending a state university?

  • costs of attending a private or out-of-state university?

  • local labor market demand?

  • employers' skill needs?

  • employers' hiring processes?

Response options: Yes, No (for each)


The TRP recommended this item be deleted because there are concerns that counselors may not be able to speak to the knowledge of other counselors.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Are you knowledgeable about…

  • the college application process?

  • the financial aid application process?

  • opportunities and eligibility requirements for scholarships?

  • college entrance tests?

  • college entrance requirements?

  • costs of attending a state university?

  • costs of attending a private or out-of-state university?

  • local labor market demand?

  • employers' skill needs?

  • employers' hiring processes?

Response options: Yes, No (for each)


The TRP recommended this item be deleted because respondents are not part of a representative sample and it is therefore unclear how these data would be used.


2009 Counseling Trends Survey administered by the National Association for College Admission Counseling


Are students in your high school required to have a written career or education plan?

  • Yes, a combined career and education plan

  • Yes, a career plan only

  • Yes, an education plan only

  • Neither a career plan nor an education plan

Are students in your high school required to have a high school graduation, career, and/or education plan?

1 = Yes
2 = No

The TRP recommended splitting this item into two items, with the first identifying whether the school required students to have a plan, and the second asking about what was included in the plan.

The revised wording of the stem is based upon the 2009 Counseling Trends Survey administered by the National Association for College Admission Counseling.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Are students in your high school required to have a written career or education plan?

  • Yes, a combined career and education plan

  • Yes, a career plan only

  • Yes, an education plan only

  • Neither a career plan nor an education plan

What does this plan include?

  • A graduation plan

  • A career plan

  • An education plan

1 = Yes
2 = No

The TRP recommended splitting C2HSPLAN into two items, with the first identifying whether the school required students to have a plan, and the second asking about what was included in the plan.


Input from TRP members, draft wording from PACE


Not asked

Which of the following best describes the written college or career plans of students in your school?

  • Students create personalized plans

  • Students choose one of several plans offered by the school

  • Students are assigned one of several plans offered by the school

  • There is a single plan offered by the school that is assigned to all students

The TRP recommended adding this item to gather information about several aspects of college or career plans: (1) are the plans personalized, (2) do students choose their own plans, and (3) are there different plans for students with different future paths.


2009 Counseling Trends Survey administered by the National Association for College Admission Counseling


Does your school share students [career/ education/ career and education] plans with their parents or guardians?

Response options: Yes, No

Are students’ plans shared with their parents or guardians?

1 = Yes
2 = No

Wording was simplified.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


When are [career/ education/ career and education] plans revised?

  • Every year

  • When warranted by student grades

  • Upon student request

  • Upon parent or guardian request

  • Another time (Please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

On average, how often do students meet with an adult in your high school to review or revise these written college or career plans?

  • More than once each school year

  • Once each school year

  • Less than once each school year

  • Never

There was very little variation in field test responses to this item; the TRP recommended simplifying this item to ask about the frequency with which the plans are revised.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


When does your school share students’ [career/ education/ career and education] plans with their parents or guardians?

  • When the plans are developed

  • When the plans are revised

  • During the students’ 12th grade year of high school

  • Upon student request

  • Upon parent or guardian request

  • The plans are shared at another time (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)


There was very little variation in field test responses to this item; Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


How are students [career/ education/ career and education] plans used?

  • Selecting high school courses

  • Identifying colleges to apply to

  • Identifying relevant financial aid opportunities

  • Identifying a mentor in a student’s area of interest

  • Selecting workplace preparation activities such as job shadowing, internships

  • Identifying career related volunteer or service opportunities

  • Assessing progress toward goals in formal meetings with counselors

  • Plans are used in another way (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)


This item was deleted to conserve time, to reduce respondent burden, and to focus on questions more central to the research questions of HSLS:09.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Is compliance with students’ [career/ education/ career and education] plans monitored?

Response options: Yes, No





Not asked

Does your school offer a dual or concurrent enrollment program?

(A dual or concurrent enrollment program is an organized system with special guidelines that allows high school students to take college level courses, which may be taught on the campus of a postsecondary institution, through distance education, or on your high school campus. Please do not include Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) programs.)

1 = Yes
2 = No

This item was added for routing purposes. The definition was revised from a longer definition used in a PEQIS survey of dual enrollment programs (NCES 2005-008).


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


What type of dual enrollment program does your school offer?

  • Students can earn college credits

  • Students can earn an Associate’s degree upon graduation

  • Students can complete a career program (such as nursing assistant or computer network administrator)

  • Students are automatically accepted into a partner college upon high school graduation

  • Your school offers other types of dual enrollment programs (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

What type of dual or concurrent enrollment program does your school offer?

  • Students can earn college credits

  • Students can complete the requirements for a certificate program (such as nursing assistant or computer network administrator)

  • Students can complete the requirements for an Associate’s degree

  • Students are automatically accepted into a partner college upon high school graduation

1 = Yes
2 = No

The stem was revised to include “concurrent enrollment programs,” which may be more familiar terminology for some respondents.


Dual Credit and Exam-Based Courses FRSS Survey



Not asked

During the 2010-2011 school year, what was the total number of high school enrollments in courses for dual or concurrent credit? (Enrollments may include duplicated counts; i.e., a high school student should be counted for each course in which he/she was enrolled for dual credit.)

  • Course Focus = Academic

  • Course Focus = Career and technical/vocational

The TRP recommended this item be added to gather information about the number of high school enrollments in courses for dual or concurrent credit.

This item is modified from the 2003 Dual Credit and Exam-Based Courses FRSS survey. The FRSS survey asked about dual enrollment in terms of distance education, on campus, and off-campus separately. However, these questions were combined into one item to minimize burden and survey time.


Input from TRP


Not asked

How many students graduated with a dual or concurrent enrollment designation on their diploma at the end of the 2010-11 school year? (A designation could include a stamp, sticker, seal, or text on a high school diploma that indicates completion of a dual or concurrent enrollment program.)

The TRP recommended this item be added to gather information about dual or concurrent enrollment designation for high school graduates.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


In which of the following ways does [school name] support high-achieving students?

  • Technology and software to support curriculum specifically to meet the needs of the high-achieving students

  • Gifted students receive pull-out instruction during the regular school day

  • Enrichment experiences such as Odyssey of the Mind, Science Olympiad, Academic Decathlon, math or science clubs, math or science teams

  • Advanced Placement college or university courses

  • Scholarships for students to attend special events, programs, or classes

  • Special incentives or rewards tied to academic performance

  • A school-arranged match with an adult mentor

  • Summer activities or programs appropriate for high-achieving students

  • Your school supports high-achieving students in other ways (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

In which of the following ways does [school name] support high-achieving students?

  • Technology and software to support curriculum specifically to meet the needs of the high-achieving students

  • Gifted students receive pull-out instruction during the regular school day

  • Enrichment experiences such as Odyssey of the Mind, Science Olympiad, Academic Decathlon, math or science clubs, math or science teams

  • Advanced Placement (AP) courses

  • International Baccalaureate (IB) program

  • Access to high school courses offered online

  • Scholarships for students to attend special events, programs, or classes

  • Special incentives or rewards tied to academic performance

  • Special recognitions such as Honor Roll, Honor Society, or Department awards

  • A school-arranged match with an adult mentor

  • Summer activities or programs appropriate for high-achieving students

1 = Yes
2 = No

The TRP suggested adding two new sub-items (IB program and online courses) to gather further information about the offerings available to high-achieving students.

Based on the field test open-ended responses, a new sub-item was added to ask about recognitions offered to high-achieving students.




Not asked

Does your school offer summer school courses that support students who are struggling academically or do not have enough credits to graduate?

1 = Yes
2 = No

The TRP suggested adding this item to ask about summer school courses for remediation. The item complements C2ENRICH but for students that are struggling academically.



Not asked

Are students in your school able to take a course for credit if it is not offered by your school?

1 = Yes
2 = No

This item was added for routing purposes.



In which of the following ways may a student take a course for credit if it is not offered by your school?

  • Independent study

  • On-line or distance learning courses

  • Courses at another traditional high school in the district

  • Courses at a local career or technical school

  • Courses at a local community college

  • Courses at a nearby 4-year college or university

  • Students may take course not offered by your school in other ways (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

Approximately what percentage of students in your high school take courses for credit in each of the following ways?

  • Independent study

  • On-line or distance learning courses

  • Courses at another traditional high school in the district

  • Courses at a local career or technical school

  • Courses at a local community college

  • Courses at a nearby 4-year college or university

1 = Not offered

2 = 5% or less

3 = 6-10%

4 = 11-24%

5 = 25-49%

6 = 50-74%

7 = 75-100%

The TRP suggested modifying this item to ask about the percentage of students that take courses in these ways rather than simply asking if these options are offered or not.

The stem was revised to align with the new response options.



Which of the following steps does your school take for students in high school who need extra assistance?

  • Tutoring during the regular school day

  • Peer tutoring

  • School staff work with classroom teachers to provide extra assistance

  • Pull-out instruction during the regular school day

  • Homework assistance program

  • Special incentives or rewards tied to academic performance

  • A school-arranged match with an adult mentor

  • Positive behavior interventions and supports such as HS-BEP (high school behavior education program)

  • Additional support outside the regular school day such as before- or after-school tutoring or special programs or summer school programs

  • Your school takes other steps for students who need extra assistance (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

Which of the following steps does your school take for students in high school who need extra assistance?

  • Tutoring during the regular school day by an adult

  • Before- or after-school tutoring by an adult

  • Peer tutoring

  • School staff work with classroom teachers to provide extra assistance

  • Pull-out instruction during the regular school day

  • Homework assistance program

  • Special incentives or rewards tied to academic performance

  • A school-arranged match with an adult mentor

  • Positive behavior interventions and supports such as HS-BEP (high school behavior education program)

  • Additional support outside the regular school day such as special programs, weekend programs, or summer school programs

1 = Yes
2 = No

Added the phrase “by an adult” to the first sub-item to differentiate it from peer tutoring, which may also be during, before or after school.

Split “before- or after-school tutoring) out as a separate sub-item.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Does your school require students to take a mathematics competency test such as an end of course exam, end of year high school proficiency exam, or exit exam?

Response options: Yes, No


Change in this response between waves is unlikely. This item was deleted to conserve time, to reduce respondent burden, and to focus on questions more central to the research questions of HSLS:09.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


If a student fails a mathematics competency test in high school, which of the following options are available to the student and which are required of the student?

  • Retaking the test

  • Taking remedial classes

  • Repeating classes

  • Taking a test preparation class

  • Tutoring

  • Individualized academic program

  • Summer school

  • Referral to an alternative or continuing education school

Response options: Available and required, Available but not required, Not available at school




HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


On what basis are students in high school recommended for your dropout prevention program?

  • Absentee record

  • Poor or failing grades

  • Electronic grading systems that identify failing students early in a grading period

  • Insufficient credits for promotion

  • Teacher’s referral

  • Counselor’s referral

  • Parental request

  • Student request

  • Disciplinary problems

  • On another basis (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)


The first follow-up field test data were very similar to the base year field test results. This item was deleted to conserve time, to reduce respondent burden, and to focus on questions more central to the research questions of HSLS:09.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Which of the following services does your dropout prevention program offer?

  • Special instructional programs

  • Tutoring

  • Incentives for better attendance or classroom performance

  • Childcare for children of students

  • Job counseling

  • Other services offered (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

Which of the following services does your dropout prevention program offer?

  • Occupationally focused courses

  • Tutoring

  • Incentives for better attendance or classroom performance

  • Childcare for children of students

  • Graduation counseling

  • Job counseling

1 = Yes
2 = No

The TRP suggested the revised wording of the first sub-item to better clarify its meaning.

Based on the field test open-ended responses, a new sub-item was added to ask about graduation counseling.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


In which of the following ways does [school name] assist with college entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT?

  • Providing information about when and where exams are offered

  • Providing copies of registration forms

  • Providing assistance completing the exam registration forms

  • Providing information about fee waivers

  • Paying exam registration fees

  • Offering test-preparation classes at your school

  • Providing information about external test-preparation classes (such as Kaplan, Princeton Review)

  • Providing sample test items

  • Another way (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

In which of the following ways does [school name] assist with college entrance exams such as the SAT and ACT?

  • Providing information about when and where exams are offered

  • Providing copies of registration forms

  • Providing assistance completing the exam registration forms

  • Providing information about fee waivers

  • Paying exam registration fees

  • Offering test-preparation classes at your school

  • Providing information about external test-preparation classes (such as Kaplan, Princeton Review)

  • Providing sample test items or study materials

1 = Yes
2 = No

Based on the field test open-ended responses, the sub-item about sample test items was revised to include study materials.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


During the 2010-11 school year, approximately what percentage of students in grades 11 and 12 take advantage of each of these college entrance exam services offered by your school?

  • Access to information about when and where exams are offered

  • Access to copies of registration forms

  • Assistance with completing exam registration forms

  • Access to information about fee waivers

  • Payment for exam registration fees

  • Test preparation classes at your school

  • Access to information about external test preparation classes (such as Kaplan, Princeton Review)

  • Access to sample test items

  • Another way

Response options: 0-10%, 11-24%, 25-49%, 50-74%, 75-100%

During the 2011-12 school year, approximately what percentage of students in grades 11 and 12 take advantage of each of these college entrance exam services offered by your school?

  • Access to information about when and where exams are offered

  • Assistance with exam registration (such as providing registration forms or helping to complete forms)

  • Assistance with exam registration fees (such as providing access to information about fee waivers or paying exam registration fees)

  • Assistance with exam preparation (such as offering test-preparation classes or providing study materials)

1 = 5% or less

2 = 6-10%

3 = 11-24%

4 = 25-49%

5 = 50-74%

6 = 75-100%

Revised years to reflect timing of HSLS data collection.

Condensed into fewer sub-items to minimize burden and survey time.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


In which of the following ways does [school name] assist with identifying and applying to colleges or universities?

  • Holding or participating in college fairs

  • Organizing student visits to colleges or universities

  • Holding information sessions for students and parents or guardians

  • Assisting students with completing college or university applications

  • rganizing student visits to colleges or universities
    and rinceton Review)
    make its meaning more clear.
    label year high school p
    Providing access to computerized information about colleges or universities

  • Providing access to non-computerized information about colleges or universities

  • Helping students identify criteria for selecting colleges to apply to such as majors offered, cost, or entry requirements

  • Another way (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

In which of the following ways does [school name] assist with identifying and applying to colleges or universities?

  • Holding or participating in college fairs

  • Holding information sessions for students and parents or guardians

  • Assisting students with completing college or university applications

  • rganizing student visits to colleges or universities
    and rinceton Review)
    make its meaning more clear.
    label year high school p
    Providing access to information about colleges or universities

  • Helping students identify criteria for selecting colleges to apply to such as majors offered, cost, or entry requirements

1 = Yes
2 = No

Deleted sub-item about college visits and condensed computerized and non-computerized sources of information into one sub-item to minimize burden and survey time.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


During the 2010-11 school year, approximately what percentage of students in grades 11 and 12 take advantage of each of these college identification and application services offered by [school name]?

  • College fairs

  • Visits to colleges or universities

  • Information sessions for students and parents or guardians

  • Assistance completing college or university applications

  • rganizing student visits to colleges or universities
    and rinceton Review)
    make its meaning more clear.
    label year high school p
    Access to computerized information about colleges or universities

  • Access to non-computerized information about colleges or universities

  • Assistance identifying criteria for selecting colleges to apply to such as majors offered, cost, or entry requirements

  • Another way (please specify)

Response options: 0-10%, 11-24%, 25-49%, 50-74%, 75-100%

During the 2011-12 school year, approximately what percentage of students in grades 11 and 12 take advantage of each of these college identification and application services offered by [school name]?

  • Holding or participating in college fairs

  • Holding information sessions for students and parents or guardians

  • Assisting students with completing college or university applications

  • rganizing student visits to colleges or universities
    and rinceton Review)
    make its meaning more clear.
    label year high school p
    Providing access to information about colleges or universities

  • Helping students identify criteria for selecting colleges to apply to such as majors offered, cost, or entry requirements

1 = 5% or less

2 = 6-10%

3 = 11-24%

4 = 25-49%

5 = 50-74%

6 = 75-100%

Condensed computerized and non-computerized sources of information into one sub-item to mirror the changes in C2APPLY. Respondents are routed to sub-items in C2APPLYPCT based on their responses to C2APPLY.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


In which of the following ways does your school assist with college financial aid preparation?

  • Offering informational meetings about the FAFSA (Free Application for Financial Student Aid) process

  • Assisting students and families with completing the FAFSA

  • Providing computer access for completing the FAFSA

  • Sending out reminders of FAFSA deadlines

  • Assisting with completing financial aid applications other than the FAFSA (such as scholarships, loans, or grants)

  • Offering informational meetings on sources of financial aid (such as scholarships, loans, or grants)

  • Offering individual counseling sessions to help students identify possible sources of financial aid

  • Providing access to computerized financial aid resources

  • Providing access to non-computerized financial aid resources

  • Another way (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

In which of the following ways does your school assist with college financial aid preparation?

  • Offering informational meetings about the FAFSA (Free Application for Financial Student Aid) process

  • Assisting students and families with completing the FAFSA

  • Providing computer access for completing the FAFSA

  • Sending out reminders of FAFSA deadlines

  • Assisting with completing financial aid applications other than the FAFSA (such as scholarships, loans, or grants)

  • Offering informational meetings on sources of financial aid (such as scholarships, loans, or grants)

  • Offering individual counseling sessions to help students identify possible sources of financial aid

  • Providing access to financial aid resources

1 = Yes
2 = No

Condensed computerized and non-computerized sources of information into one sub-item to minimize burden and survey time.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


During the 2010-11 school year, approximately what percentage of students in grades 11 and 12 take advantage of each of these financial aid preparation services offered by your school?

  • Informational meetings about the FAFSA process

  • Assistance for students and families completing the FAFSA

  • Computer access for completing the FAFSA

  • Receiving reminders of FAFSA deadlines

  • Assistance with completing financial aid applications other than the FAFSA (such as scholarships, loans, or grants)

  • Informational meetings on sources of financial aid (such as scholarships, loans, or grants)

  • Individual counseling sessions to identify possible sources of financial aid

  • Access to computerized financial aid resources

  • Access to non-computerized financial aid resources

  • Another way (please specify)

Response options: 0-10%, 11-24%, 25-49%, 50-74%, 75-100%

During the 2011-12 school year, approximately what percentage of students in grades 11 and 12 take advantage of each of these financial aid preparation services offered by your school?

  • Informational meetings about the FAFSA process

  • Assistance for students and families completing the FAFSA

  • Computer access for completing the FAFSA

  • Receiving reminders of FAFSA deadlines

  • Assistance with completing financial aid applications other than the FAFSA (such as scholarships, loans, or grants)

  • Informational meetings on sources of financial aid (such as scholarships, loans, or grants)

  • Individual counseling sessions to identify possible sources of financial aid

  • Access to financial aid resources

1 = 5% or less

2 = 6-10%

3 = 11-24%

4 = 25-49%

5 = 50-74%

6 = 75-100%

Condensed computerized and non-computerized sources of information into one sub-item to mirror the changes in C2FAID. Respondents are routed to sub-items in C2FAIDPCT based on their responses to C2FAID.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


What percentage of students that enroll in college after graduation from [school name] persist past their first year in college?

Response options: 0-10%, 11-24%, 25-49%, 50-74%, 75-100%, Your school does not get this information

What percentage of students that enroll in college after graduation from [school name] persist past their first year in college?

1 = 5% or less

2 = 6-10%

3 = 11-24%

4 = 25-49%

5 = 50-74%

6 = 75-100%

7 = Your school does not get this information

Response options were revised to provide more specificity at the bottom range.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Is career, technical, or vocational education offered in your district on-site or off-site, such as at an area career, technical, or vocational school?


The TRP recommended that this item be dropped because it is not clear what respondents are including as career, technical or vocational courses or what they consider “off-site.” A new item was added to the Administrator questionnaire to gather information about CTE schools instead.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Which of the following steps is your school taking during the 2010-11 school year to assist students with the transition from high school to work?

  • Arranging internships with local employers

  • Offering career awareness activities or class modules

  • Administering career interest inventories, vocational aptitude tests, or skills assessments

  • Offering work experience programs, such as internships, co-op, or work study

  • Holding job fairs, career days, or career nights

  • Arranging job site visits, field trips, or job shadowing

  • Facilitating school-based enterprises (businesses run by students and teachers)

  • Offering training in job seeking or interviewing skills

  • Matching students with career mentors (an adult in the student's career area for advice and support)

  • The school assists students in other ways (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

Which of the following steps is your school taking during the 2011-12 school year to assist students with the transition from high school to work?

  • Arranging internships with local employers

  • Offering career awareness activities or class modules

  • Administering career interest inventories, vocational aptitude tests, or skills assessments

  • Offering work experience programs, such as internships, co-op, or work study

  • Holding job fairs, career days, or career nights

  • Arranging job site visits, field trips, or job shadowing

  • Facilitating school-based enterprises (businesses run by students and teachers)

  • Offering training in job seeking or interviewing skills

  • Matching students with career mentors (an adult in the student's career area for advice and support)

1 = Yes
2 = No

Revised years to reflect timing of HSLS data collection.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


During the 2010-11 school year, approximately what percentage of students in grades 11 and 12 take advantage of each of these work preparation services offered by your school?

  • Internships with local employers

  • Career awareness activities or class modules

  • Career interest inventories, vocational aptitude tests, or skills assessments

  • Work experience programs, such as internships, co-op, or work study

  • Job fairs, career days, or career nights

  • Job site visits, field trips, or job shadowing

  • School-based enterprises (businesses run by students and teachers)

  • Training in job seeking or interviewing skills

  • Career mentoring (with an adult in the student's career area for advice and support)

  • Another ways (please specify)

Response options: 0-10%, 11-24%, 25-49%, 50-74%, 75-100%

During the 2011-12 school year, approximately what percentage of students in grades 11 and 12 take advantage of each of these work preparation services offered by your school?

  • Information about careers (such as career awareness activities, job fairs, career nights, career mentors)

  • Information about career aptitude (such as career interest inventories, vocational aptitude tests, or skills assessments)

  • Work experience opportunities(such as internships, work study, job site visits, job shadowing, school based enterprises)

  • Training in job seeking or interviewing skills

1 = 5% or less

2 = 6-10%

3 = 11-24%

4 = 25-49%

5 = 50-74%

6 = 75-100%

Revised years to reflect timing of HSLS data collection.

Grouped similar sub-items to reduce response burden and survey time.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


How important is each of the following factors in placing typical 10th through 12th grade students in advanced mathematics courses?

  • Prior grades including grades from a prerequisite class

  • Results of district or state end-of-year or end-of-course exams

  • Results of placement tests

  • Results of PSAT scores

  • Previous year's teacher recommendation

  • Student and/or parent or guardian selection

  • Student college or career plan

  • Master schedule considerations

  • High school graduation requirements

  • College entrance requirements

Response options: Not at all important, A little important, Somewhat important, Very important (for each)

How important is each of the following factors in placing typical 10th through 12th grade students in advanced mathematics courses?

Response options: Not at all important, A little important, Somewhat important, Very important (for each)

  • Prior grades including grades from a prerequisite class

  • Results of district or state end-of-year or end-of-course exams

  • Results of placement tests

  • Results of PSAT scores

  • Previous year's teacher recommendation

  • Student and/or parent or guardian selection

  • Student written graduation, career, and/or education plan

  • Master schedule considerations

  • High school graduation requirements

  • College entrance requirements

1 = Not at all important

2 = A little important

3 = Somewhat important

4 = Very important

Revised sub-item regarding student written college or career plan to be consistent with previous items about these plans that were based on the 2009 Counseling Trends Survey administered by the National Association for College Admission Counseling.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


How important is each of the following factors in placing typical 10th through 12th grade students in advanced science courses?

  • Prior grades including grades from a prerequisite class

  • Results of district or state end-of-year or end-of-course exams

  • Results of placement tests

  • Results of PSAT scores

  • Previous year's teacher recommendation

  • Student and/or parent or guardian selection

  • Student college or career plan

  • Master schedule considerations

  • High school graduation requirements

  • College entrance requirements

Response options: Not at all important, A little important, Somewhat important, Very important (for each)

How important is each of the following factors in placing typical 10th through 12th grade students in advanced science courses?

  • Prior grades including grades from a prerequisite class

  • Results of district or state end-of-year or end-of-course exams

  • Results of placement tests

  • Results of PSAT scores

  • Previous year's teacher recommendation

  • Student and/or parent or guardian selection

  • Student written graduation, career, and/or education plan

  • Master schedule considerations

  • High school graduation requirements

  • College entrance requirements

1 = Not at all important

2 = A little important

3 = Somewhat important

4 = Very important

Revised sub-item regarding student written college or career plan to be consistent with previous items about these plans that were based on the 2009 Counseling Trends Survey administered by the National Association for College Admission Counseling.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Do counselors assist students in interpreting results or career or personality inventories?

Response options: Yes, No


This item was deleted to conserve time, to reduce respondent burden, and to focus on questions more central to the research questions of HSLS:09.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Do local employers work with your school in any of the following ways?

  • Employers serve on education advisory committees

  • Employers offer hiring preferences to qualified students

  • Employers seek or accept nominations for new hires from school staff

  • Employers agree to use school grades or transcripts as part of their hiring process

  • Another linkage (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)


This item was deleted to conserve time, to reduce respondent burden, and to focus on questions more central to the research questions of HSLS:09.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Does your school provide students access to the internet for job searches?

Response options: Yes, No


This item was deleted to conserve time, to reduce respondent burden, and to focus on questions more central to the research questions of HSLS:09.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Does your school provide students with other sources of information about job opportunities?

Response options: Yes, No


This item was deleted to conserve time, to reduce respondent burden, and to focus on questions more central to the research questions of HSLS:09.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Which of the following math and computer science courses are offered on-site at your high school?

  • Pre-Algebra

  • Review or Remedial Math

  • Integrated Math I

  • Integrated Math II or above

  • Algebra I, part 1 and part 2

  • Algebra I

  • Algebra II

  • Geometry

  • Trigonometry

  • Algebra III

  • Analytic Geometry

  • AP Calculus, AB

  • AP Calculus, BC

  • Calculus IB

  • Calculus (other than AP or IB)

  • AP Computer Science, A

  • AP Computer Science, AB

  • Computer Science (other than AP or IB)

  • AP Statistics

  • Statistics or Probability (other than AP)

  • None of these

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

See C2CALCPHYS below.

The TRP recommended condensing C2MATHOF, C2MTOFS, C2SCIOFF and C2SCOFS into one item to minimize burden and survey time. The revised item will gather information about on-site and off-site offerings of only Calculus and Physics (C2CALCPHYS).


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Which of the following course are offered for credit to your school’s students through other means, such as at another high school, community college, or as an online course?

  • Pre-Algebra

  • Review or Remedial Math

  • Integrated Math I

  • Integrated Math II or above

  • Algebra I, part 1 and part 2

  • Algebra I

  • Algebra II

  • Geometry

  • Trigonometry

  • Algebra III

  • Analytic Geometry

  • AP Calculus, AB

  • AP Calculus, BC

  • Calculus IB

  • Calculus (other than AP or IB)

  • AP Computer Science, A

  • AP Computer Science, AB

  • Computer Science (other than AP or IB)

  • AP Statistics

  • Statistics or Probability (other than AP)

  • None of these

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

See C2CALCPHYS below.

The TRP recommended condensing C2MATHOF, C2MTOFS, C2SCIOFF and C2SCOFS into one item to minimize burden and survey time. The revised item will gather information about on-site and off-site offerings of only Calculus and Physics (C2CALCPHYS).


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Which of the following science courses are offered on-site at your high school?

  • General Science

  • Physical Science

  • Earth Science

  • Environmental Science

  • Principles of Technology

  • Biology I

  • Life Science

  • Chemistry I

  • Physics I

  • Integrated Science I

  • Integrated Science II or above

  • Anatomy or Physiology

  • AP Environmental Science

  • AP or IB Advanced Biology or Biology II

  • AP or IB Advanced Chemistry or Chemistry II

  • AP or IB Advanced Physics or Physics II

  • Other biological sciences such as botany, marine biology, or zoology

  • Other physical sciences such as astronomy or electronics

  • Other earth or environmental sciences such as ecology, geology, oceanography, or meteorology

  • None of these

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

See C2CALCPHYS below.

The TRP recommended condensing C2MATHOF, C2MTOFS, C2SCIOFF and C2SCOFS into one item to minimize burden and survey time. The revised item will gather information about on-site and off-site offerings of only Calculus and Physics (C2CALCPHYS).


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Which of the following science courses are offered for credit to your school’s students through other means, such as at another high school, community college or as an online course?

  • General Science

  • Physical Science

  • Earth Science

  • Environmental Science

  • Principles of Technology

  • Biology I

  • Life Science

  • Chemistry I

  • Physics I

  • Integrated Science I

  • Integrated Science II or above

  • Anatomy or Physiology

  • AP Environmental Science

  • AP or IB Advanced Biology or Biology II

  • AP or IB Advanced Chemistry or Chemistry II

  • AP or IB Advanced Physics or Physics II

  • Other biological sciences such as botany, marine biology, or zoology

  • Other physical sciences such as astronomy or electronics

  • Other earth or environmental sciences such as ecology, geology, oceanography, or meteorology

  • None of these

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

See C2CALCPHYS below.

The TRP recommended condensing C2MATHOF, C2MTOFS, C2SCIOFF and C2SCOFS into one item to minimize burden and survey time. The revised item will gather information about on-site and off-site offerings of only Calculus and Physics (C2CALCPHYS).


Consulted with TRP.



Which of the following courses are offered to students at your high school, either on-site or off-site (such as at an area career/technical school or online)?

  • Calculus (not including pre-calculus)

  • Onsite

  • Offsite

  • Physics

  • Onsite

  • Offsite

1 = Yes
2 = No

The TRP recommended condensing C2MATHOF, C2MTOFS, C2SCIOFF and C2SCOFS into one item to minimize burden and survey time. The revised item will gather information about on-site and off-site offerings of only Calculus and Physics (C2CALCPHYS).



What percentage of the current 12th graders in [school name] will have taken the following courses by the end of the 2010-11 school year?

  • Pre-calculus

  • Physics

What percentage of the current 12th graders in [school name] will have taken the following courses by the end of the 2011-12 school year?

  • Calculus (not including pre-calculus)

  • Physics

Revised years to reflect timing of HSLS data collection.

The TRP recommended asking about “calculus” instead of “pre-calculus” to gather information about percentages of students taking upper-level courses.


Input from TRP


Not asked

During the 2011-12 school year, how many different AP courses are offered at your school across all subjects? (Count multiple sections of the same course as one course.)

The TRP suggested this item be added to gather information about the number of AP courses offered at the school.


Input from TRP


Not asked

During the 2011-12 school year, how many different AP science courses are offered at your school? (Count multiple sections of the same course as one course.)

The TRP suggested this item be added to gather information about the number of AP science courses offered at the school.


Input from TRP


Not asked

During the 2011-12 school year, how many different AP mathematics courses are offered at your school? (Count multiple sections of the same course as one course.)

The TRP suggested this item be added to gather information about the number of AP mathematics courses offered at the school.


Newsweek Challenge Index (2010)


Not asked

How many AP exams were taken during the 2010-11 school year by students in grades 9-12 in [school name]?

The TRP suggested this item be added to gather information about the number of AP exams taken by students at the school. This item is from Jay Mathews’ 2010 Newsweek Challenge Index.


Input from TRP


Of the AP exams taken during the 2009-2010 school year by the students in [school name], what percentage of tests received a score of 3 or higher?

Of the AP exams taken during the 2010-11 school year by the students in grades 9-12 in [school name], how many tests received a score of 3 or higher?

Revised years to reflect timing of HSLS data collection.

The TRP recommended revising this item to ask about the number of tests rather than a percentage of tests.


Newsweek Challenge Index (2010)


Not asked

What is your school “Equity and Excellence” percentage? (This can be found after “Graduating Class Summary” on the summary page of your AP grade report.)

The TRP suggested this item be added from Jay Mathews’ 2010 Newsweek Challenge Index.


Input from TRP


Not asked

During the 2011-12 school year, how many different Higher Level IB courses are offered at your school across all subjects? (Count multiple sections of the same course as one course. Do not count Standard Level IB courses.)

The TRP suggested this item be added to ask about IB course offerings.


Input from TRP


Not asked

During the 2011-2012 school year, how many different Higher Level IB science courses are offered at your school? (Count multiple sections of the same course as one course. Do not count Standard Level IB courses.)

The TRP suggested this item be added to ask about IB science course offerings that are eligible for college credit.


Input from TRP


Not asked

During the 2011-12 school year, how many different Higher Level IB mathematics courses are offered at your school? (Count multiple sections of the same course as one course. Do not count Standard Level IB courses.)

The TRP suggested this item be added to ask about IB mathematics course offerings that are eligible for college credit.


Newsweek Challenge Index (2010)


Not asked

What percentage of 12th graders in [school name] are currently enrolled in an International Baccalaureate (IB) program?

The TRP suggested this item be added from Jay Mathews’ 2010 Newsweek Challenge Index.


Newsweek Challenge Index (2010)


Not asked

How many IB exams were taken during the 2010-11 school year by the students in grades 9-12 in [school name]? (Do not count IB theory of knowledge (TOK) or extended essay grades.)

The TRP suggested this item be added from Jay Mathews’ 2010 Newsweek Challenge Index.


Newsweek Challenge Index (2010)


Not asked

Of the IB exams taken during the 2010-11 school year by the students in grades 9-12 in [school name], how many tests received a score of 4 or higher?

The TRP suggested this item be added from Jay Mathews’ 2010 Newsweek Challenge Index.


Newsweek Challenge Index (2010)


Not asked

During the 2010-11 school year, how many AP tests were taken by IB students in grades 9-12 who also took an IB test in that same subject that year?

The TRP suggested this item be added from Jay Mathews’ 2010 Newsweek Challenge Index.


Newsweek Challenge Index (2010)


Not asked

How many seniors graduated from your school in May or June of 2011? (Do not count certificates of completion.)

The TRP suggested this item be added from Jay Mathews’ 2010 Newsweek Challenge Index.


Newsweek Challenge Index (2010)


Not asked

What was the average total SAT score (out of 2400) for your school’s class of 2011? (If none of the students in this class took the SAT exam, please enter zero (0).)

The TRP suggested this item be added from Jay Mathews’ 2010 Newsweek Challenge Index.


Newsweek Challenge Index (2010)


Not asked

What was the average ACT score for your school’s class of 2011? (If none of the students in this class took the ACT exam, please enter zero (0).)

The TRP suggested this item be added from Jay Mathews’ 2010 Newsweek Challenge Index.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Does your school use any of the following types of data to make policy or programmatic decisions?

  • Attendance

  • Student grades

  • Discipline

  • Standardized tests

  • Academic recovery efforts

  • Other data (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)


There was very little variation in field test responses to this item; Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


Who in your school uses these data?

  • Parents or parent councils

  • Administrators

  • Guidance counselors

  • Departmental chairs

  • Teachers

  • Other school staff (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)


There was very little variation in field test responses to this item; Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


How are these data used at your school?

  • To revise courses

  • To improve instructional practices

  • To inform staffing decisions

  • To identify students needing extra assistance

  • In another way (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)


There was very little variation in field test responses to this item; Deleted to conserve time and fit space constraints.


HSLS F1 FT Administrator Questionnaire


Does your school use any of the following information sources to determine what students do after high school?

  • Student survey

  • Statewide Longitudinal Data System

  • National Student Clearinghouse

  • Another source (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)

Does your school use the following information sources to determine what students do after high school?

  • Student or alumni survey

  • A state or national database, such as the Statewide Longitudinal Data System or National Student Clearinghouse

1 = Yes
2 = No

NCES suggested moving this item from the administrator survey (A2SOURCE) to the counselor survey and condensing it to minimize burden and survey time.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


To what extend does your school receive feedback from the local community or 2 year colleges attended by your graduates in each of the following areas?

  • Student need for remediation

  • Student persistence past the first semester

  • Student persistence past the first year

  • Student persistence to graduation

Response options: Not at all, Occasionally but not systematically, Systematically

To what extent does your school receive feedback from the colleges and universities attended by your graduates in each of the following areas? (Please include feedback received from local community colleges, 2-year colleges, and 4-year institutions.)

  • Student need for remediation

  • Student persistence past the first year

  • Student persistence to graduation

1 = Not at all

2 = Occasionally but not systematically

3 = Systematically

The TRP recommended combining C2FDBK and C2FDBK_A into one item and deleting the sub-item about persistence past the first semester to minimize burden and survey time.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


To what extend does your school receive feedback from 4 year institutions attended by your graduates in each of the following areas?

  • Student need for remediation

  • Student persistence past the first semester

  • Student persistence past the first year

  • Student persistence to graduation

Response options: Not at all, Occasionally but not systematically, Systematically

To what extent does your school receive feedback from the colleges and universities attended by your graduates in each of the following areas? (Please include feedback received from local community colleges, 2-year colleges, and 4-year institutions.)

  • Student need for remediation

  • Student persistence past the first year

  • Student persistence to graduation

1 = Not at all

2 = Occasionally but not systematically

3 = Systematically

The TRP recommended combining C2FDBK and C2FDBK_A into one item and deleting the sub-item about persistence past the first semester to minimize burden and survey time.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


How is the feedback from the colleges attended by your graduates utilized?

  • Your school makes changes to its courses

  • Your school makes changes in graduation requirements

  • The counseling staff uses this feedback to guide students to appropriate college or university choices

  • In another way (please specify)

Response options: Yes, No (for each)


This item was deleted to conserve time, to reduce respondent burden, and to focus on questions more central to the research questions of HSLS:09.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


To what extent does your school receive feedback from the local employers or other sources in each of the following areas?

  • Employer satisfaction with new hires

  • Unemployment rates among graduates

  • Your school receives feedback from local employers or other sources in other areas (please specify)

Response options: Not at all, Occasionally but not systematically, Systematically


This item was deleted to conserve time, to reduce respondent burden, and to focus on questions more central to the research questions of HSLS:09.


HSLS F1 FT Counselor Questionnaire


To what degree is each of the following a problem at your school?

  • Student tardiness

  • Student absenteeism

  • Student class cutting

  • Teacher absenteeism

  • Students dropping out

  • Student apathy

  • Lack of parental involvement

  • Students come to school unprepared to learn

  • Poor student health

  • Lack of resources and materials for teachers

Response options: Not a problem, Minor problem, Moderate problem, Serious problem


This item was deleted to conserve time, to reduce respondent burden, and to focus on questions more central to the research questions of HSLS:09.


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