406 GSA 406 GSA Auctions

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2011 406 GSA Auctions FINAL 1-12-11.xls

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GSA Auctions Survey
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Date: 1/12/2011
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QID Skip Logic Label Question Text
Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
How frequently do you visit this site? SAC0884A001 First time
Drop down, select one S Y

SAC0884A002 Daily

SAC0884A003 About once a week

SAC0884A004 About once a month

SAC0884A005 Every 6 months or less

What best describes you? SAC0885A001 Citizen/General public
Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Role

SAC0885A002 Government employee

SAC0885A003 Reseller

SAC0885A004 Realtor

SAC0885A005 Car dealer

SAC0885A006 Small business

SAC0885A007 Other, please specify: A

SAC0886 A Other role

Text field, <100 char
Other role
What is your primary reason for visiting the site today? SAC0887A001 Just browsing the site
Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Primary reason

SAC0887A002 Looking for real estate (houses, buildings, land, farms)

SAC0887A003 Vehicles and parts

SAC0887A004 Agricultural Equipment and Supplies

SAC0887A005 Aircraft and Aircraft Parts

SAC0887A006 Boats and Marine Equipment

SAC0887A007 Communication Equipment

SAC0887A008 Computer Equipment and Accessories

SAC0887A009 Construction Equipment

SAC0887A010 Electrical and Electronic Equipment and Components

SAC0887A011 Fire Trucks and Fire Fighting Equipment

SAC0887A012 Furniture

SAC0887A013 Hand Tools & Shop Equipment

SAC0887A014 Household/Personal

SAC0887A015 Industrial Machinery

SAC0887A016 Jewelry & Exotic Collectibles

SAC0887A017 Lab Equipment

SAC0887A018 Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Equipment and Supplies

SAC0887A019 Miscellaneous

SAC0887A020 Motorcycles & Bicycles

SAC0887A021 NASA Shuttle/Hubble

SAC0887A022 Office Equipment and Supplies

SAC0887A023 Photographic Equipment

SAC0887A024 Trailers, Tractors and Manufactured Housing

SAC0887A025 Other, please specify: A

SAC0888 A Other reason

Text area, no char limit
Other reason
Did you find what you were looking for? SAC0889A001 Yes
Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Find

SAC0889A002 Partially

SAC0889A003 No A

SAC0890 A If you were unable to find what you were looking for, please specify what were you trying to find?

Text area, no char limit
Info not found
What method do you use to find your information? SAC0891A001 Site's search feature A Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Method

SAC0891A002 Advanced search A

SAC0891A003 Browse by category C

SAC0891A004 Browse by location C

SAC0891A005 Quick links C

SAC0891A006 Just navigating through the pages C

SAC0891A007 Combination of search and navigation A,C

SAC0891A008 Other, please specify: E

SAC0892 E Other method

Text field, <100 char
Other method
SAC0893 A If you used search today to find your information, did you encounter any difficulties with the search features on the site? SAC0893A001 Results were not relevant to my search terms
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Search Difficulty

SAC0893A002 Results were too similar/redundant

SAC0893A003 Search required too many refinements to get what I wanted

SAC0893A004 Returned too many results

SAC0893A005 Returned no enough or no results

SAC0893A006 I was not sure what words to use in my search

SAC0893A007 Search speed was too slow

SAC0893A008 Other, please specify: B

SAC0893A009 No problems were encountered

SAC0894 B Other search difficulty

Text area, no char limit
Other search diff
SAC0895 C If you used navigation today to find your information, did you encounter any difficulties with the navigation capabilities on this site? SAC0895A001 Links/ headings are not intuitive enough
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Navigation Difficulty

SAC0895A002 Too many links or navigational choices

SAC0895A003 Links did not take me where I expected

SAC0895A004 Could not get started or did not know where to begin

SAC0895A005 Navigation did not support what I was trying to accomplish

SAC0895A006 Could not navigate back to previous information

SAC0895A007 Had difficulty finding detailed information on your web pages

SAC0895A008 Had difficulty finding related information on your web pages

SAC0895A009 Had various technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.)

SAC0895A010 Other, please specify: D

SAC0895A011 No problems were encountered

SAC0896 D Other navigational difficulty

Text area, no char limit
Other navigation diff
Have you ever bid on an item or product on the GSA Auctions site? SAC0897A001 Yes A,B Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Bid

SAC0897A002 No

SAC0897A003 Don't remember

SAC0898 A Was the bidding process easy to understand? SAC0898A001 Very easy to understand
Drop down, select one S N
Bidding process

SAC0898A002 Somewhat easy to understand

SAC0898A003 Somewhat difficult to understand

SAC0898A004 Very difficult to understand

SAC0899 B Did you like the bid inactivity feature which extends an auction to prevent sniping? SAC0899A001 Yes
Drop down, select one S N
Inactivity feature

SAC0899A002 No C

SAC0899A003 Don't know

SAC0900 C If no, please tell us why?

Text area, no char limit
Don't like inactivity feature
Think of a commodity that you regularly buy. What is most important to you when deciding to bid on a particular item belonging to that commodity? SAC0901A001 Location
Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Bidding factors

SAC0901A002 Condition

SAC0901A003 Written Description

SAC0901A004 Features

SAC0901A005 Attached Photo of Item

SAC0901A006 Other, please specify: A

SAC0902 A Other most important bidding factors

Text area, no char limit
Other bidding factor
Were the terms of sale clear with regards to payment and removal? SAC0903A001 Yes
Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Terms of sale

SAC0903A002 No A

SAC0903A003 Not sure

SAC0904 A If no, please tell us why the terms of sale were unclear?

Text area, no char limit
Unclear terms of sale
Did you encounter any difficulty in coordinating removal? SAC0905A001 Yes A Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Coordinating removal

SAC0905A002 No

SAC0905A003 Don't know

SAC0906 A If yes, please describe the difficulty with coordinating removal.

Text area, no char limit
Removal difficulty
What other features or information would you like to see added to this site?

Text area, no char limit
Other features/info
If you could make one improvement to the site, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit
File Typeapplication/vnd.ms-excel
File TitleQuestionnaire Production Guidelines_Template
AuthorProfessional Services
Last Modified BySally.Collins
File Modified2011-01-13
File Created2001-08-03

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