419 CMS 419 CMS Palmetto GBA J11 MAC

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2011 419 CMS Palmetto GBA J11 MAC Questionnaire 3-10-11.xlsx

Previously Cleared ICs from prior Generic ICR

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Model Instance Name:

CMS Palmetto GBA J11 MAC

MID: xVtkhQ8Yh84FUFVxYcpsBg==

Date: 2/24/2011

CQID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
Which best describes you? Provider of medical services
Radio buttons Single Y Skip Group Best Describes You

Supplier of medical equipment or supplies

Staff of a provider/supplier working primarily with billing/insurance

Administrative staff of a provider/supplier

Other staff of a provider/supplier

Consultant or attorney

Billing service

Other A

SAC1416 A Please explain briefly your role in visiting this site.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Group OPS_Best Describes You
What is your primary reason for visiting this site today? Download forms
Radio buttons Single Y Skip Group Visit Reason

Learn of, or register for, workshops, seminars or other training events

Find contact information

Find general Medicare program information

Research a specific question on Medicare policy or billing

Access claim status and/or beneficiary eligibility

Find information on fees or fee schedules

Find out about a Local Coverage Determination (LCD)

Read Medicare publications such as newsletters, articles, etc.

Find enrollment information

Take an on-line training course

Other B

SAC1418 B Please explain briefly your primary reason for visiting this site.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Group OPS_Visit Reason
Did you find what you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Group Looking For

No C

SAC1420 C No, I was looking for:

Text area, no char limit Open Y Skip Group Didn't Find
Did you use the site-wide search feature on this site? (open text box in the upper right) Yes D, E Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Group Use Search


SAC1422 D How would you rate the helpfulness of the site-wide search? Very helpful
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Group Rate Search

Somewhat helpful


Somewhat unhelpful F

Very unhelpful F

SAC1423 F Which of the following describes your experience with the site-wide search? Search difficult to use
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Group Search Experience

Received too few results G

Received too many results

Search results were not what I was looking for H

Could not sort or refine results

Other I

SAC1424 G What search term(s) did you use?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Group Terms - Too Few
SAC1425 H What search term(s) did you use?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Group Terms - Not What Look For
SAC1426 I Please briefly explain your experience with the site-wide search.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Group Other_Search Experience
SAC1427 E What one improvement to the site-wide search feature would be most beneficial?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Group Other-Search Improvement
In the last 30 days, how many times have you visited this website? This is my first time
Radio buttons Single Y
Visit Frequency

Once or twice

Three or four times

More than once per week but not every day

Every day

Please rank the top 3 factors that brought you to the website today. (Rank 1 = Most important)
Rank 1
Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single Y Rank Group SV - Rank 1

Video I saw on YouTube

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

Internet blogs or discussion forums


Advertising on social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter)

Message directly from Palmetto GBA on a social network

Mobile phone text messages or alerts

Instant Message from a friend or colleague

Typed in the URL

Bookmarked the website

Search engine results

Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

Link from the CMS website

Listserv or email updates from Palmetto GBA

Mobile apps

None of the above


Don't know




Rank 2 Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 2

Video I saw on YouTube

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

Internet blogs or discussion forums


Advertising on social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter)

Message directly from Palmetto GBA on a social network

Mobile phone text messages or alerts

Instant Message from a friend or colleague

Typed in the URL

Bookmarked the website

Search engine results

Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

Link from the CMS website

Listserv or email updates from Palmetto GBA

Mobile apps

None of the above


Don't know




Rank 3 Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 3

Video I saw on YouTube

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

Internet blogs or discussion forums


Advertising on social networks (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter)

Message directly from Palmetto GBA on a social network

Mobile phone text messages or alerts

Instant Message from a friend or colleague

Typed in the URL

Bookmarked the website

Search engine results

Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

Link from the CMS website

Listserv or email updates from Palmetto GBA

Mobile apps

None of the above


Don't know




If you heard about the website from a social network, please specify the site. Facebook

Single N Skip Group Heard About On Site




Mobile apps

Other, please specify J

SAC1433 J Please specify the other social network.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Group OPS_Heard About
Please select your location and contract: (please select all that apply) South Carolina – Part A
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

South Carolina – Part B

North Carolina – Part A

North Carolina – Part B

Virginia – Part A

Virginia – Part B

West Virginia – Part A

West Virginia – Part B

Not applicable

If you do not use E-mail Updates (listserv), please tell us why not.

Text area, no char limit Open N
Why Not Use Listserv
If you are over the age of 18 and would like to be contacted by Palmetto GBA regarding your feedback, please provide your e-mail address and/or phone number.

Text area, no char limit Open N
Contact Me
If you could change anything about our site, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit Open N
Change One Thing

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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