460 US Embassies 460 US Embassies Enterprise

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2011 460 US Embassies Enterprise Survey.xlsx

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OMB: 1090-0008

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U.S. Embassy Enterprise V2 (English Equiv)

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Date: 6/8/2011
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U.S. Embassy Enterprise V2 (English Equiv) CUSTOM QUESTION LIST
QID Skip Logic Label Question Text AnswerIDs (DOT) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
How frequently do you visit this site? SAC2699A001 First time
Drop down, select one Single Y

SAC2699A002 More than once a day

SAC2699A003 Daily

SAC2699A004 About once a week

SAC2699A005 About once a month

SAC2699A006 Every 6 months or less

Are you a U.S. citizen? SAC2700A001 Yes
Drop down, select one Single Y

SAC2700A002 No

Which best describes your role in visiting the site today? SAC2701A001 Member of the broadcast media/press (newspaper, radio, TV)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Visitor Role

SAC2701A002 Member of the social media/new media (blogger, forums/social networks)

SAC2701A003 Researcher/scientist/scholar

SAC2701A004 Host country government employee/official

SAC2701A005 Tourist

SAC2701A006 Business Traveler

SAC2701A007 Primary or Secondary Education Student

SAC2701A008 University Student

SAC2701A009 Primary or Secondary Education Teacher

SAC2701A010 University Professor

SAC2701A011 Other A

SAC2702 A Other

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group OE_Role
What was your primary purpose for visiting the Embassy site today? SAC2703A001 To find information about Visas
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Primary Reason

SAC2703A002 To apply for a Visa

SAC2703A003 To check the status of my Visa application

SAC2703A004 To find information about Passports

SAC2703A005 To apply for or renew U.S. passport

SAC2703A006 To check the status of my Passport application

SAC2703A007 To find Embassy contact details (address, phone, etc)

SAC2703A008 To search for jobs within the Embassy

SAC2703A009 To find information about learning English

SAC2703A010 To find information about studying in the U.S.

SAC2703A011 To find information about exchange programs

SAC2703A012 To learn about Embassy events

SAC2703A013 To find official U.S. news

SAC2703A014 To find information on general U.S. Policy

SAC2703A015 To find information on specific U.S. Policies related to the host country

SAC2703A016 Other A

SAC2704 A The reason I visited the site today was:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Primary Reason
We're thinking of adding features to our site. Which of the following features would you use if available? (Check all that apply) SAC2705A001 Mobile-friendly version of the site
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Additional Features

SAC2705A002 Mobile app for smartphones

SAC2705A003 Live chat help

SAC2705A004 More robust Frequently Asked Questions feature

SAC2705A005 Website in additional languages

SAC2705A006 None of these features

SAC2705A007 Other A

SAC2706 A Please specify which features you would use on this site if available.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Features
Did you find everything you were looking for?   SAC2707A001 Yes, I found it quickly
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Find

SAC2707A002 Yes, but it took longer than expected

SAC2707A003 No, I partially found what I was looking for A

SAC2707A004 No, I did not find what I was looking for at all A

SAC2708 A Please tell us specifically what you were looking for on the site:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Find
How did you find out about this site? SAC2709A001 Internet search engine (ex: Google, Yahoo!, Bing)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Visit Source

SAC2709A002 Referred by a friend or colleague

SAC2709A003 Referred by someone in the travel industry

SAC2709A004 Referred by someone at a school or university

SAC2709A005 Link from a U.S. Embassy web site

SAC2709A006 U.S. Embassy Social Networking Page

SAC2709A007 Link from Wikipedia

SAC2709A008 Link from another web site

SAC2709A009 Other: A

SAC2710 A Other

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group OE_Source
What features of the Embassy site did you use today? (Check all that apply) SAC2711A001 Photos
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Features Used

SAC2711A002 Videos

SAC2711A003 Web chats

SAC2711A004 Press Releases

SAC2711A005 Articles

SAC2711A006 “How to” Topics

SAC2711A007 News Stories

SAC2711A008 Books/e-books

SAC2711A009 Blogs

SAC2711A010 Social networks

SAC2711A011 Frequently Asked Questions/FAQs

If you could make one improvement to this site, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit
Where are you located? SAC2713A001 Africa
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

SAC2713A002 East Asia and Pacific

SAC2713A003 Europe and Eurasia

SAC2713A004 Latin America

SAC2713A005 Middle East and North Africa

SAC2713A006 North America

SAC2713A007 South Asia

In what country are you located?

Text field, <100 char
What is your gender? SAC2715A001 Female
Drop down, select one Single N

SAC2715A002 Male

SAC2715A003 Prefer not to respond

What is your age range? SAC2716A001 12 or younger
Drop down, select one Single N

SAC2716A002 13 - 17

SAC2716A003 18 - 25

SAC2716A004 26 - 45

SAC2716A005 46 - 64

SAC2716A006 65 or older

SAC2716A007 Prefer not to respond

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