393 CQs 393 CQs 11-29-10

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2010 393 CQs for OMB 11-29-2010 to 12-14-2010.xlsx

Previously Cleared ICs from prior Generic ICR

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Measures Name/Client name (CDs and Answer choices)

FDA Satisfaction Survey

Which of the following search features did you use during your visit today? (Please select all that apply.) EDO08443A001 The main search box in the upper right hand corner of the website K Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Search Usage

EDO08443A002 FDA Approved Drug Search

EDO08443A003 Code of Federal Regulations Title 21 Search

EDO08443A004 510(k) Premarket Notification Search

EDO08443A005 National Drug Code Directory

EDO08443A006 Medical & Radiation Emitting Device Recalls

EDO08443A007 Pet Food Recall Products List

EDO08443A008 Manufacturer and User Facility Device Experience

EDO08443A009 Premarket Approval

EDO08443A010 Other L

EDO08443A011 None of the above

EDO08443A012 Don't Know

EDO08444 L Please specify the search feature you used on the FDA site today:
Text area, no char limit

Other Search Usage
EDO08445 K Please tell us about your experience with the site's search feature today. (Please select all that apply.) EDO08445A001 The search feature met my needs today.
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Search Experience

EDO08445A002 I had issues with the basic search process (how to use it, terms to enter). A

EDO08445A003 I had issues with the visual display of the search results (text size, images). B

EDO08445A004 I had issues with the search results I received. C

EDO08445A005 I had issues with sorting, filtering, advanced search, or lack of these options. D

EDO08445A006 I had technical issues with the search feature. E

EDO08445A007 None of these

EDO08446 A What were your issues with the basic search process? (Please select all that apply.) EDO08446A001 It was not clear to me how to use the search feature
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Issues basic Search

EDO08446A002 I did not know what terms to use to get the results I wanted

EDO08446A003 There were too many steps or refinements to get to what I wanted

EDO08446A004 I had a different issue with the basic search process: F

EDO08447 F My issue was:
Text area, no char limit

Other basic issue
EDO08448 B What were your issues with the visual display of the search results? (Please select all that apply.) EDO08448A001 I could not see enough of the description to decide which link to choose
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Issues visual display

EDO08448A002 The text was too small

EDO08448A003 The page was too crowded

EDO08448A004 I could not see much difference between the listings/items

EDO08448A005 The images were too small/not clear

EDO08448A006 I had a different issue with the visual display of results: G

EDO08449 G My issue was:
Text area, no char limit

Other visual issue
EDO08450 C What were your issues with the search results? (Please select all that apply.) EDO08450A001 Results were not relevant/not what I wanted
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Issues Search results

EDO08450A002 There were not enough results

EDO08450A003 There were NO results

EDO08450A004 There was too little information in the results to decide what to choose

EDO08450A005 Many of the search results looked the same

EDO08450A006 Couldn't find item from the catalog/store

EDO08450A007 I had a different issue with the search results: H

EDO08451 H My issue was:
Text area, no char limit

Other results issue
EDO08452 D What were your issues with sorting, filtering, or advanced search? (Please select all that apply.) EDO08452A001 The results were not sorted in a helpful way
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Issues sorting

EDO08452A002 I want advanced search options

EDO08452A003 I want more sorting/filtering/advanced search options K

EDO08452A004 I had a different sorting/filtering issue: I

EDO08453 I My issue was:
Text area, no char limit

Other sorting issue
EDO08454 K The sorting/filtering/advanced search options I would like are:
Text area, no char limit

Other sorting issue
EDO08456 E The technical issue I had with search was: EDO08456A001 Search speed was too slow
Radio button, two-up vertical Single Y

EDO08456A002 I had the following technical issue: J

EDO08455 J My issue was:
Text area, no char limit

Other technical issue

NIH Main Site

ACQOsl0002725 SKIP K11 Which of the following best describes what you are looking for at NIH.gov today? ACQOsl0002725A01 Recent medical findings
Check boxes N Multi Skip Logic Group Reporter Looking For

ACQOsl0002725A02 Information for reporters, writers, or media representatives

ACQOsl0002725A03 News releases, e-newsletters, publications, radio, video or RSS feeds

ACQOsl0002725A04 Directions or visitor information

ACQOsl0002725A05 Health information for family member, friend, or myself

ACQOsl0002725A06 Clinical trials

ACQOsl0002725A07 Career opportunities at NIH

ACQOsl0002725A08 Health promotion ideas or materials for organizations or communities

ACQOsl0002725A09 Health information for caregivers

ACQOsl0002725A10 Details on NIH Institute and Centers’ programs or products

ACQOsl0002725A11 Other SKIP K12

ACQOsl0002726 SKIP K12 Please describe what you are looking for at NIH.gov today.

Text field, <100 char

Other Reporter Looking For
ACQOsl0002729 SKIP 4A What search term(s) did you use?

Text area, no char limit N
Skip Logic Group

ONC NIH HealthIT Satisfaction Survey

ACQOsl0002753 E Please indicate your specific role as a clinician or healthcare provider. ACQOsl0002753A01 Doctor of medicine or osteopathy
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Yes Skip Logic Group HCP Role

ACQOsl0002753A02 Doctor of dental surgery or dental medicine

ACQOsl0002753A03 Doctor of podiatry

ACQOsl0002753A04 Doctor of optometry

ACQOsl0002753A05 Chiropractor

ACQOsl0002753A06 Nurse practitioner

ACQOsl0002753A07 Certified nurse-midwife

ACQOsl0002753A08 Dentist

ACQOsl0002753A09 Physician assistant

ACQOsl0002753A10 Nurse

ACQOsl0002753A11 Other F

ACQOsl0002734 F Please describe your role as a clinician or healthcare provider.

Text area, no char limit single No Skip Logic Group Other_HCP Role


How did you get to ConsumerReportsHealth.org today? EDO08431A001 Search Engine (i.e. Google, Yahoo)
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y OPS Group Brought to site

EDO08431A002 I have this site bookmarked

EDO08431A003 Family/friend recommendation

EDO08431A004 Magazine

EDO08431A005 Newspaper article

EDO08431A006 Radio program

EDO08431A007 TV/cable news or program

EDO08431A008 Consumer Reports Main website

EDO08431A009 Other website or web article

EDO08431A010 Web blog

EDO08431A011 Social Media Source (i.e. Facebook)

EDO08431A012 Other, please specify: A

EDO08432 A Other referrer

Text Field – limited to 100 characters Single N OPS Group Other Referrer
EDO08433 F Please tell us if there is another website that you will visit for the information you could not find. (check all that apply) EDO08433A001 WebMD
checkbox one up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Other Website

EDO08433A002 EverydayHealth

EDO08433A003 Sharecare

EDO08433A004 GoogleHealth

EDO08433A005 Healthline

EDO08433A006 Mayoclinic

EDO08433A007 NLM (MedlinePlus)

EDO08433A008 HealthGrades

EDO08433A009 Other, please specify: X

EDO08434 X What other website will you visit?

Text Area – no character limit
N Skip Logic OE_Website
How did you look for information on the site today? (Please select all that apply.) EDO08435A001 Top navigation bar B Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Navigate

EDO08435A002 Search feature

EDO08435A003 Health A-Z

EDO08435A004 Rotating block of information at the top of the homepage

EDO08435A005 Symptom Checker

EDO08435A006 Quick Guide to Health Ratings feature

EDO08435A007 Links in the center of the page

EDO08435A008 Other, please specify: A

EDO08436 A Please specify the other way you looked for information today.

Text Field – limited to 100 characters Single N Skip Logic Other Navigate
EDO08437 B Which of the top navigation drop downs did you use today? (check all that apply) EDO08437A001 Healthy Living A Checkbox One Up Vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Dropdowns

EDO08437A002 Conditions and Treatments

EDO08437A003 Prescription Drugs

EDO08437A004 Natural Health

EDO08437A005 Doctors & Hospitals

EDO08437A006 Insurance

EDO08437A007 Not Sure

How would you describe your navigation experience on this site today? (Please select all that apply.) EDO08438A001 I had no difficulty navigating/browsing on this site
Checkbox One Up Vertical Multi Y OPS Group Nav. Experience

EDO08438A002 Links often did not take me where I expected

EDO08438A003 Had difficulty finding relevant information/products

EDO08438A004 Links/labels were difficult to understand

EDO08438A005 Too many links/navigational options to choose from

EDO08438A006 Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.)

EDO08438A007 Could not navigate back to previous information

EDO08438A008 I had a navigation difficulty not listed above: A

EDO08439 A Other navigation difficulty:

Text Field – limited to 100 characters
N OPS Group OE_Nav. Diff.
In addition to our expert Ratings, which additional features would you like? (check all that apply) EDO08440A001 Read user reviews
Checkbox One Up Vertical Multi N
Add'l Features

EDO08440A002 Write user reviews

EDO08440A003 User surveys/polls

EDO08440A004 Personal stories

What would you most like to see more of on ConsumerReportsHealth.org? EDO08441A001 Treatment Ratings
Checkbox One Up Vertical Multi N OPS Group More of…

EDO08441A002 Product Ratings

EDO08441A003 Physician Ratings

EDO08441A004 Food & Nutrition Information

EDO08441A005 Natural/Alternative Medicines and Therapies

EDO08441A006 Personal Health Records

EDO08441A007 Health Encyclopedia

EDO08441A008 Other, please specify A

EDO08442 A More of on CRH.org

Text Field – limited to 100 characters
N OPS Group OE_More of

DisabilityInfo.gov Satisfaction Survey

ACQOsl0002754 Y Did you use the Advanced Search option? ACQOsl0002754A01 Yes

ACQOsl0002754A02 No

Which of the following statements describes your overall experience browsing through Disability.gov's 10 main topic areas and their folders and subfolders (without using the search engine) (Please select all that apply.) Please describe your experience on Disability.gov today. ACQOsl0002756A01 I had no problem finding the information I was looking for browsing through the site
Checkbox, one-up vertical multi N
Navigation experience

ACQOsl0002756A02 I found the general area but could not find the specific information I was looking for Too many links

ACQOsl0002756A03 I could not find the information I was looking for, because the folders/subfolders are confusing and not well organized Links did not take me to what I was looking for

ACQOsl0002756A04 I only used the search engine to find the information I was looking for on Disability.gov I found links that did not work

ACQOsl0002756A05 Other problems navigating the site (please specify):

ACQOsl0002755 AA Please describe in detail your experience.

Text area, no char limit Open end N

American Cancer Society

Which site did you provide feedback on today? ACQOsl0002827A01 morebirthdays.com
Radio button, one-up vertical Single y

ACQOsl0002827A02 chooseyou.com

ACQOsl0002827A03 relayforlife.org

ACQOsl0002827A04 cancer.org

While visiting the site today, my role is… (select all that apply) ACQOsl0002828A01 Someone whose cancer is newly diagnosed B Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group

ACQOsl0002828A02 Someone who is in treatment/s for cancer B

ACQOsl0002828A03 Someone who has completed cancer treatment/s B

ACQOsl0002828A04 Caregiver to someone with cancer B

ACQOsl0002828A05 Friend or family member of someone who has cancer B

ACQOsl0002828A06 Person who is interested in cancer prevention B

ACQOsl0002828A07 General health information seeker B

ACQOsl0002828A08 Donor to the American Cancer Society B, D

ACQOsl0002828A09 Volunteer for the American Cancer Society B

ACQOsl0002828A10 Event participant (e.g., for Relay For Life, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer) B

ACQOsl0002828A11 Journalist or media representative B

ACQOsl0002828A12 Visiting to purchase American Cancer Society merchandise B

ACQOsl0002828A13 Other, please specify A

ACQOsl0002829 A Please specify your other role while visiting the site today…

Text area, no char limit

ACQOsl0002830 B My primary role while visiting this site today is… ACQOsl0002830A01 Someone whose cancer is newly diagnosed
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

ACQOsl0002830A02 Someone who is in treatment/s for cancer

ACQOsl0002830A03 Someone who has completed cancer treatment/s

ACQOsl0002830A04 Caregiver to someone with cancer

ACQOsl0002830A05 Friend or family member of someone who has cancer

ACQOsl0002830A06 Person who is interested in cancer prevention

ACQOsl0002830A07 General health information seeker

ACQOsl0002830A08 Donor to the American Cancer Society

ACQOsl0002830A09 Volunteer for the American Cancer Society

ACQOsl0002830A10 Event participant (e.g., for Relay For Life, Making Strides Against Breast Cancer)

ACQOsl0002830A11 Journalist or media representative

ACQOsl0002830A12 Visiting to purchase American Cancer Society merchandise

ACQOsl0002830A13 Other, please specify C

ACQOsl0002831 C Please specify your other primary role while visiting the site today…

Text area, no char limit

ACQOsl0002832 A Please tell us more about what you were trying to accomplish…

Text area, no char limit

USCIS Espanol Survey

ACQOsl0002835 A If you used the site's search feature today to find your information, what type of difficulties, if any, did you encounter with the search? ACQOsl0002835A01 No difficulty encountered
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Search Experience

ACQOsl0002835A02 Search results were helpful

ACQOsl0002835A03 Search results were not helpful

ACQOsl0002835A04 Returned too many results

ACQOsl0002835A05 Returned not enough results

ACQOsl0002835A06 Returned no results

ACQOsl0002835A07 Returned results that were too similar/redundant

ACQOsl0002835A08 Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs

ACQOsl0002835A09 I was not sure what words to use in my search

ACQOsl0002835A10 Search required too many refinements to get what I wanted

ACQOsl0002835A11 Search speed was too slow

ACQOsl0002835A12 Other, please specify: B

ACQOsl0002836 B Other search difficulty

Text area, no char limit
Other search diff
ACQOsl0002837 C What search terms did you use today to find what you were looking for?

Text area, no char limit
Search terms
ACQOsl0002838 D If you used navigational methods today to find your information, what type of difficulties, if any, did you encounter with the navigation? ACQOsl0002838A01 No difficulty encountered
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Navigation Experience

ACQOsl0002838A02 Could not find the appropriate navigational links on most of your web pages

ACQOsl0002838A03 Too many links or navigational choices

ACQOsl0002838A04 Links did not take me where I expected

ACQOsl0002838A05 Had difficulty finding detailed information on your web pages

ACQOsl0002838A06 Had difficulty finding related information on your web pages

ACQOsl0002838A07 Navigation did not support what I was trying to accomplish

ACQOsl0002838A08 Would often feel lost, and did not know where I was on your site

ACQOsl0002838A09 Had various technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.)

ACQOsl0002838A10 Could not get started or did not know where to begin

ACQOsl0002838A11 Could not navigate back to previous information

ACQOsl0002838A12 Other, please specify: E

ACQOsl0002839 E Other navigation difficulty

Text area, no char limit
Other navigation diff
On whose behalf are you looking for information today? ACQOsl0002840A01 Myself
Drop down, select one S Y OPS Group Behalf

ACQOsl0002840A02 Family member/relative

ACQOsl0002840A03 Friend

ACQOsl0002840A04 Client

ACQOsl0002840A05 Other, please specify: A

ACQOsl0002841 A Other behalf

Text field, <100 char
Other behalf
What is your preferred speaking language? ACQOsl0002842A01 English
Drop down, select one S Y OPS Group Speaking language

ACQOsl0002842A02 Spanish

ACQOsl0002842A03 Other, please specify: A

ACQOsl0002847 A Other speaking language

Text field, <100 char
Other speaking language
What is your preferred reading language? ACQOsl0002843A01 English
Drop down, select one S Y OPS Group Reading language

ACQOsl0002843A02 Spanish

ACQOsl0002843A03 Other, please specify: A

ACQOsl0002844 A Other reading language

Text field, <100 char
Other reading language
In what language do you prefer looking for information? ACQOsl0002845A01 English
Drop down, select one S Y OPS Group Language prefer looking for info

ACQOsl0002845A02 Spanish

ACQOsl0002845A03 Other, please specify: A

ACQOsl0002846 A Other language prefer looking for information

Text field, <100 char
Other language prefer

NLM Main

ACQOsl0002880 B What other role best describes you today?

Text area, no char limit
Other Role
ACQOsl0002881 A What type of health care provider? ACQOsl0002881A01 Allied health professional
Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group

ACQOsl0002881A02 Dentist

ACQOsl0002881A03 Nurse (RN/LPN)

ACQOsl0002881A04 Physician Assistant/Nurse practitioner

ACQOsl0002881A05 Physician, primary care

ACQOsl0002881A06 Physician, specialist

ACQOsl0002881A07 Psychologist

ACQOsl0002881A08 Social Worker

ACQOsl0002881A09 Other health professional, please specify: C

ACQOsl0002882 C What other type of health professional best describes you?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Health Care Provider
What National Library of Medicine tool(s) did you use today? (select all that apply) ACQOsl0002883A01 PubMed/MEDLINE
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group NLM Tools Used

ACQOsl0002883A02 MeSH


ACQOsl0002883A03 UMLS

ACQOsl0002883A04 ClinicalTrials.gov

ACQOsl0002883A05 MedlinePlus

ACQOsl0002883A06 TOXNET

ACQOsl0002883A07 Images from the History of Medicine

ACQOsl0002883A08 LocatorPlus

ACQOsl0002883A09 None of these

Anchor Answer Choice

ACQOsl0002883A10 Other, please specify: A

Anchor Answer Choice
ACQOsl0002884 A What other NLM tools did you use today?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other NLM Tools Used
What other resources did you use today? (select all that apply) ACQOsl0002885A01 Consumer health areas such as MedlinePlus
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Resources Used

ACQOsl0002885A02 Tutorials/Training


ACQOsl0002885A03 Funding opportunities (grants, contracts, etc.)

ACQOsl0002885A04 History of medicine resources

ACQOsl0002885A05 Visible Human Project

ACQOsl0002885A06 Biotechnology and genetics resources

ACQOsl0002885A07 Toxicology or environmental health resources

ACQOsl0002885A08 Information about other medical libraries and the National Library of Medicine's National Network of Libraries of Medicine

ACQOsl0002885A09 None of these

Anchor Answer Choice

ACQOsl0002885A10 Other, please specify: A

Anchor Answer Choice
ACQOsl0002886 A What other resources did you use not mentioned above?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Resources Used
What best describes the result of your visit? ACQOsl0002888A01 Sought further information from a library
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Result of Visit

ACQOsl0002888A02 Discussed the results with a doctor

ACQOsl0002888A03 Improved understanding of a disease, condition, diagnosis, or treatment


ACQOsl0002888A04 Altered exercise or eating habits

ACQOsl0002888A05 Made a decision about treatment options

ACQOsl0002888A06 Made a doctor's appointment for self or another

ACQOsl0002888A07 Discussed a disease, condition, diagnosis, or treatment with family member of friend

ACQOsl0002888A08 Switched from one medicine or prescription drug to another

ACQOsl0002888A09 Conducted further research on a disease, condition, diagnosis, or treatment

ACQOsl0002888A10 Used information for a project or presentation

ACQOsl0002888A11 Gave information to someone else

ACQOsl0002888A12 Nothing specific happened

Anchor Answer Choice

ACQOsl0002888A13 Other, please specify: A

Anchor Answer Choice
ACQOsl0002889 A What did you do as a result of your visit?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other, Result of Visit
ACQOsl0002890 A Please describe your experience with search: ACQOsl0002890A01 No problems
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Search Experience

ACQOsl0002890A02 Too many results


ACQOsl0002890A03 Not enough results

ACQOsl0002890A04 Irrelevant results

ACQOsl0002890A05 Other, please specify: B

ACQOsl0002891 B What other experience did you have with search?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Search Experience
In the last three months, have you done any of the following (select all that apply)? ACQOsl0002892A01 Bookmark or tag websites (using social bookmarking sites as Digg or Del.icio.us)

Skip Logic Group Social Media

ACQOsl0002892A02 Browse Web sites using my mobile phone / device

ACQOsl0002892A03 Listen to podcasts or audio on a Web site

ACQOsl0002892A04 Participate in Facebook

ACQOsl0002892A05 Participate in Twitter

ACQOsl0002892A06 Receive/send text messages using my mobile phone / device

ACQOsl0002892A07 Sign up for email updates from a website

ACQOsl0002892A08 Use personalized web pages (such as iGoogle or My Yahoo!)

ACQOsl0002892A09 Watch videos on a Web site

ACQOsl0002892A10 None of these

Anchor Answer Choice

ACQOsl0002892A11 Other, please specify: A

Anchor Answer Choice
ACQOsl0002893 A What other social media

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Social Media

CMS - Highmark J12

In order to improve our website, we review all survey comments. In some cases, additional information may be needed. While not required, we encourage you to include your name, email address and/or telephone number in case we need to contact you for further clarification. Thank you. (Please list as much of the requested information you would like in the text box below.)

Text area, no char limit

World Bank Group v3

If you were looking for topic or sector information, please specify: ACQOsl0002918A01 Agriculture & Rural Development
Checkbox One Up Vertical Multi N OPS Group Topic/Sector

ACQOsl0002918A02 Climate Change

ACQOsl0002918A03 Disaster Risk Management

ACQOsl0002918A04 Economic Policy & Debt

ACQOsl0002918A05 Education

ACQOsl0002918A06 Energy & Mining

ACQOsl0002918A07 Environment

ACQOsl0002918A08 Financial Sector

ACQOsl0002918A09 Gender

ACQOsl0002918A10 Health

ACQOsl0002918A11 HIV/AIDS

ACQOsl0002918A12 Infrastructure

ACQOsl0002918A13 Poverty

ACQOsl0002918A14 Private Sector Development

ACQOsl0002918A15 Public Sector Governance

ACQOsl0002918A16 Trade

ACQOsl0002918A17 Transport

ACQOsl0002918A18 Urban Development

ACQOsl0002918A19 Water

ACQOsl0002918A20 Other (please specify):

Other Topic or Sector

text area
N OPS Group Other Topic/Sector
ACQOsl0002920 A Please specify what you were looking for today?

Text Area – no character limit Single N Skip Logic OE_Did not find
How would you want to interact with the World Bank on your mobile device? ACQOsl0002921A01 Not at all
Checkbox One Up Vertical Multi N OPS Group Mobile Interaction

ACQOsl0002921A02 View project information

ACQOsl0002921A03 Read latest news

ACQOsl0002921A04 Read research (working papers)

ACQOsl0002921A05 Access data and statistics

ACQOsl0002921A06 Read books or other publications

ACQOsl0002921A07 View photos, video, or listen to audio

ACQOsl0002921A08 Read blogs

ACQOsl0002921A09 Comment on blogs or other content

ACQOsl0002921A10 Interact on a social network (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)

ACQOsl0002921A11 Other (please specify):

Other Interact

text area
N OPS Group Mobile Interact
If you could improve one thing on the World Bank website, what would it be?

Text Area – no character limit
If you would be willing to be contacted by the World Bank web site team to provide additional feedback about your online experience, please enter your email address here:

Text Area – no character limit
If you viewed content in a language other than English today, please indicate which language you primarily viewed the content in. ACQOsl0002925A01 Spanish B Radio Button One Up Vertical Single N Skip Logic Lang. Viewed

ACQOsl0002925A02 French B

ACQOsl0002925A03 Arabic B

ACQOsl0002925A04 Russian B

ACQOsl0002925A05 Chinese B

ACQOsl0002925A06 Other language A,B

ACQOsl0002925A07 Only viewed English content

ACQOsl0002926 A Please specify the language you primarily viewed content in today:

Text Area – no character limit
N Skip Logic Other Lang. Viewed
ACQOsl0002927 B How could we improve our non-English content?

Text Area – no character limit
N Skip Logic Improve NonEng. Content
Based on the non-English content you viewed today, state whether you agree or disagree with the following statements? ACQOsl0002928A01 Disagree
Dropdown, select one Single N Multiple Lists Group non-Eng. up-to-date

I was able to find up-to-date information in this language ACQOsl0002928A02 Neutral

ACQOsl0002928A03 Agree

ACQOsl0002928A04 Not Applicable

Content reflects a localized perspective ACQOsl0002929A01 Disagree
Dropdown, select one Single N Multiple Lists Group non-Eng. Localized

ACQOsl0002929A02 Neutral

ACQOsl0002929A03 Agree

ACQOsl0002929A04 Not Applicable

Content is high quality ACQOsl0002930A01 Disagree
Dropdown, select one Single N Multiple Lists Group non-Eng. Quality

ACQOsl0002930A02 Neutral

ACQOsl0002930A03 Agree

ACQOsl0002930A04 Not Applicable

Holocaust Memorial Museum

Would you like to receive any of the following newsletters? (Please select all that apply): ACQOsl0002916A01 E-Newsetter B Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip logic

ACQOsl0002916A02 Genocide Prevention B

ACQOsl0002916A03 None of the above

ACQOsl0002917 B Please provide your email address:

Text field, <100 char single n

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