387 CQs 387 CQs 11-3-10

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2010 387 CQs for OMB 11-3-2010 to 11-29-2010.xlsx

Previously Cleared ICs from prior Generic ICR

OMB: 1090-0008

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Measures Name/Client name (CDs and Answer choices)

USA.gov v2

How did you look for information on the USA.gov site today? (Please select all that apply.) ACQOsl0002382A01 Search Feature
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Method to Look

ACQOsl0002382A02 Top Navigation Bar

ACQOsl0002382A03 Links in the center of the page

ACQOsl0002382A04 Popular Topics Links

ACQOsl0002382A05 Site Map/A-Z Index

ACQOsl0002382A06 Not Sure

How would you describe your experience while looking for information on the USA.gov site today? (Please select all that apply.) ACQOsl0002383A01 I had no difficulty looking for information on this site exclusive Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Experience Looking

ACQOsl0002383A02 Links often did not take me where I expected C

ACQOsl0002383A03 Had difficulty finding relevant information

ACQOsl0002383A04 Links/labels are difficult to understand B

ACQOsl0002383A05 Too many links/navigational options to choose from

ACQOsl0002383A06 Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.) C

ACQOsl0002383A07 Could not navigate back to previous information C

ACQOsl0002383A08 I had a difficulty not listed above: A

ACQOsl0002384 A Please list the difficulty you had while looking for information on the USA.gov site:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Difficulty
ACQOsl0002385 B What specific links/labels were difficult to understand?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Links/Labels Difficulty
ACQOsl0002386 C Can you describe any specific navigation links or paths that did not take you where they should have?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Links/Paths Issues

SSA Disability Report

EDO07615 A When the representative told you about the Internet Disability Report, did he or she tell you about the Disability Starter Kit? EDO07615A001 Yes, the representative gave me a paper Disability Starter Kit. C Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

EDO07615A002 Yes, the representative mailed me a Disability Starter Kit. C

EDO07615A003 Yes, the representative told me how to go online and get the Disability Starter Kit. C

EDO07615A004 No

EDO07615A005 Don't know

EDO07616 C Did the Disability Starter Kit help you complete the online Disability Report? EDO07616A001 Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

EDO07616A002 No

EDO07617 B If you are helping a client, what is your role? (Select one) EDO07617A001 I am an attorney
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logice Group

EDO07617A002 I am a non-attorney representative

EDO07617A003 I work for an insurance company

EDO07617A004 I work for a government agency

EDO07617A005 I work for a not-for-profit organization

EDO07617A006 I work for a for-profit organization

EDO07617A007 I work for a hospital, nursing care facility, or health services agency

EDO07617A008 Other, please specify: C

EDO07618 C Please specify your role.

Text Field – limited to 100 characters
N Skip Logice Group
EDO07619 A Did you find the checklist helpful while completing your application? EDO07619A001 Yes B Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

EDO07619A002 No

EDO07619A003 Don't know

EDO07620 B Please rate how helpful the Disability Benefits Checklist was for you. EDO07620A001 Extremely helpful
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

EDO07620A002 Very helpful

EDO07620A003 Moderately helpful

EDO07620A004 Slightly helpful

EDO07620A005 Helpful, but barely

EDO07620A006 Not helpful

EDO07621 F How much time did you spend all together working on your Disability Report? EDO07621A001 Under 1 hour
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

EDO07621A002 Between 1 and 2 hours

EDO07621A003 Between 2 and 3 hours

EDO07621A004 Between 3 and 4 hours

EDO07621A005 Between 4 and 5 hours

EDO07621A006 More than 5 hours

EDO07622 G If you chose not to finish your Disability Report in one sitting, please tell us why. EDO07622A001 Too many questions
Checkbox One Up Vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group

EDO07622A002 Takes too long to fill out

EDO07622A003 Too complicated to use without help

EDO07622A004 My claim was denied less than 60 days ago

EDO07622A005 I only had a limited amount of time to spend on it

EDO07622A006 I was interrupted, for example by family demands

EDO07622A007 I had problems entering dates or other information

EDO07622A008 Did not understand what questions meant/how to answer

EDO07622A009 I made a mistake on one of the screens, but couldn't correct it

EDO07622A010 Received an error message or was "kicked out" of the application

EDO07622A011 Didn’t have information like addresses, dates or doctors’ names readily available

EDO07622A012 My disabling condition prevents me from working with a computer for long periods

EDO07622A013 Other, please specify: H

EDO07623 H Please specify why you chose not to finish your Disability Report.

Text Area – no character limit
N Skip Logic Group
What is the highest level of education you have completed? EDO07624A001 Did not graduate from high school
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N

EDO07624A002 Completed high school or GED

EDO07624A003 Some college or university courses, but no degree

EDO07624A004 Bachelor’s degree

EDO07624A005 Some post-graduate courses

EDO07624A006 Master’s degree

EDO07624A007 Doctorate

EDO07624A008 Prefer not to answer

What is your household income level? EDO07625A001 Under $25,000 per year
Dropdown (Select-one) Single N

EDO07625A002 $25,000 to $50,000

EDO07625A003 $50,001 to $75,000

EDO07625A004 $75,001 to $100,000

EDO07625A005 $100,001 to $150,000

EDO07625A006 $150,001 to $200,000

EDO07625A007 More than $200,000

EDO07625A008 Prefer not to answer

In addition to completing this Disability Report, did you also fill out Social Security’s Disability Benefit Application online? EDO07626A001 Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

EDO07626A002 No

EDO07626A003 Don't know (please explain) A

EDO07627 A Please specify your site experience.

Text Area – no character limit
N Skip Logic Group
Please provide any additional comments about your experience with the Internet Disability Report.

Text Area – no character limit

Bureau of Reclamation Survey

ACQOsl0002394 K If used the Search Reclamation Box, what type of difficulty, if any, did you encounter with the search? ACQOsl0002394A02 Results were not relevant to my search terms
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Search Difficulty

ACQOsl0002394A03 Too many results/I had to refine search results many times

ACQOsl0002394A04 Received not enough or no results

ACQOsl0002394A05 Received error message(s)

ACQOsl0002394A06 Search speed was too slow

ACQOsl0002394A07 There was too little information in the results to decide what to choose

ACQOsl0002394A08 The results were not sorted in a helpful way

ACQOsl0002394A09 Other N

ACQOsl0002394A01 I did not encounter any difficulties

ACQOsl0002356 N Please describe your search experience.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Search Difficulty
ACQOsl0002357 L What specific search terms did you use to try and find the information of interest?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Search Terms
ACQOsl0002358 M How many searches did you conduct to find the information you were looking for? ACQOsl0002358A01 I received results on my first try
Drop down, select one Single N Skip Logic Group Search Refinements

ACQOsl0002358A02 Two to three times

ACQOsl0002358A03 Four or more times

ACQOsl0002358A04 Don't recall

ACQOsl0002359 I Please describe the specific navigation link or path that did not take you to what you were looking for.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Link Not Take Where Expected
ACQOsl0002360 J What specific links/labels were difficult to understand?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Link Understandability

Small Business Administration

How frequently do you visit this site? EDO08056A001 First time
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Visit Frequency

EDO08056A002 More than once a day A,B,C,D

EDO08056A003 Daily A,B,C,D

EDO08056A004 About once a week A,B,C,D

EDO08056A005 About once a month A,B,C,D

EDO08056A006 Every 6 months or less A,B,C,D

EDO08057 A If you had visited the site before and noticed the recent redesign, please rate this change: EDO08057A001 Positive
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Redesign - Overall

EDO08057A002 Negative E

EDO08057A003 Neutral

EDO08058 E Please tell us why it is negative:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Redesign Overall
EDO08059 B How would you rate the site navigation? EDO08059A001 More user friendly.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Redesign - Navigation

EDO08059A002 Less user friendly. F

EDO08059A003 About the same.

EDO08060 F Please explain how it is less user friendly:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_ Redesign - Navigation
EDO08061 C How would you rate the site content? EDO08061A001 Easier to understand.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Redesign - Content

EDO08061A002 More difficult to understand. G

EDO08061A003 About the same.

EDO08062 G Please explain how it is more difficult to understand:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_ Redesign - Content
EDO08063 D How would you rate the organization of the site? EDO08063A001 Better organized - it's easier to find information.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Redesign - Organization

EDO08063A002 Not as well organized - it's harder to find information. H

EDO08063A003 Finding the information has the same level of difficulty it had before.

EDO08064 H Please explain how it is harder to find information:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_ Redesign - Organization
Did you utilize our new web tool, SBA Direct, which allows users to personalize their experience on SBA.gov? EDO08065A001 Yes A,B,C Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y
SBA Direct

EDO08065A002 No

EDO08066 A Was the new tool useful in helping you to access the information that was most relevant to you? EDO08066A001 Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y
SBA Direct Useful

EDO08066A002 No

EDO08067 B Will you use SBA Direct as your primary means of navigating the site? EDO08067A001 Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y
SBA Direct Primary

EDO08067A002 No

EDO08067A003 Not Sure

EDO08068 C If you could make one change/improvement to the new SBA Direct tool, what would it be?

Text Area – no character limit Single N
OE_SBA Direct Improvements
EDO08069 A What area within Loans & Grants is of the most interest to you? EDO08069A001 Small Business Loans
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y
Loans and Grants

EDO08069A002 Grants

EDO08069A003 Bonds

EDO08069A004 Other Financial Assistance

EDO08069A005 Other D

EDO08070 D Please specify which area within Loans & Grants is of the most interest to you:

Text Field – limited to 100 characters Single N
OE_Loans and Grants
EDO08071 B Did you encounter any difficulty with the search feature? EDO08071A001 Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Difficulty with Search

EDO08071A002 No

EDO08072 C What type of difficulty did you primarily encounter? EDO08072A001 It returned no results.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group What Difficulties

EDO08072A002 It returned too many results.

EDO08072A003 Results links were broken. E

EDO08072A004 Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs.

EDO08072A005 Results showed old versions of pages/documents.

EDO08072A006 Search required too many attempts.

EDO08072A007 Results were too similar/redundant.

EDO08072A008 I was not sure what words to use in my search.

EDO08072A009 Search speed was too slow.

EDO08072A010 Other D

EDO08073 D Please describe the search difficulties you experienced:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other - Difficulties
EDO08074 E Please tell us which search results links were broken.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other - Broken Links
EDO08075 A Please tell us what links were broken, error messages you received or other technical difficulties that you experienced:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Navigation Technical Difficulties
EDO08076 B Please describe your experience with the navigation process today:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Navigational Difficulty
If you could make one change/improvement to the SBA.gov site, what would it be?

Text Area – no character limit Single N

CMS - Noridian DME MAC

How did you primarily look for information on this site today? Browsed pages by clicking links
Drop down, select one Single Y

Searched using the site search feature D

Used the site map

EDO08162 D What keywords did you use?

Text area, no char limit s N

CMS - Noridian J3 MAC

How did you primarily look for information on this site today? EDO08163A001 Browsed pages by clicking links
Drop down, select one Single Y If this, then 9709

EDO08163A002 Searched using the site search feature A

If this, then What keywords did you use?

EDO08163A003 Used the site map

If this, then 9709
EDO08164 A What keywords did you use?

UNICOR Satisfaction Survey

What is your primary reason for visiting UNICOR.gov today? EDO08305A001 Purchase products or services N,C,Z,E, D, F, M Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Visit Reason

EDO08305A002 Browse products or services for a future purchase

EDO08305A003 Seek information AB

EDO08305A004 Other Y

EDO08306 AB What kind of information are you seeking? EDO08306A001 Order status AF, AC,AD, AM,AE Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Kind of Information

EDO08306A002 Waiver

EDO08306A003 UNICOR corporate information

EDO08306A004 UNICOR general information

EDO08306A005 Event/Tradeshow information

EDO08306A006 Inmate training and transition programs

EDO08306A007 Other AG

EDO08307 AG Please describe what other kind of information you are seeking.

Text field, <100 char
Y Skip Logic Group OE_Information
EDO08308 AF Which UNICOR business group(s) did you purchase products and services from? EDO08308A001 Clothing & Textiles
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Product Group

EDO08308A002 Office Furniture

EDO08308A003 Industrial Products

EDO08308A004 Electronics

EDO08308A005 Recycling

EDO08308A006 Fleet Solutions

EDO08308A007 Services

EDO08309 AC How often do you buy from UNICOR? EDO08309A001 Weekly or more often
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Order_Buy Freq

EDO08309A002 Every 1-3 months

EDO08309A003 Every 3-6 months

EDO08309A004 Every 6-12 months

EDO08309A005 Less often than every 12 months

EDO08310 AD How much do you typically spend on UNICOR products and services per year? EDO08310A001 $1 - $10,000
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Order_Annual Spend

EDO08310A002 $10,001- $25,000

EDO08310A003 $25,001 - $100,000

EDO08310A004 $100,001 - $250,000

EDO08310A005 $250,000 or more

EDO08310A006 None

EDO08311 AM Compared to other online shopping experiences, how would you rate UNICOR.gov on each of the following: EDO08311A001 Much Better
Drop down, select one Single Y Multiple Lists Group Order_Ordering Proc

Product ordering process EDO08311A002 Better

EDO08311A003 About the same

EDO08311A004 Worse

EDO08311A005 Much Worse

EDO08312 AM Product pricing EDO08312A001 Much Better
Drop down, select one Single Y Multiple Lists Group Order_Product Pricing

EDO08312A002 Better

EDO08312A003 About the same

EDO08312A004 Worse

EDO08312A005 Much Worse

EDO08313 AM Shipping options EDO08313A001 Much Better
Drop down, select one Single Y Multiple Lists Group Order_Shipping Options

EDO08313A002 Better

EDO08313A003 About the same

EDO08313A004 Worse

EDO08313A005 Much Worse

EDO08314 AE What is the primary method you use when purchasing from UNICOR? EDO08314A001 Online at UNICOR.gov
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Purchase Method

EDO08314A002 By phone

EDO08314A003 By mail

EDO08314A004 By fax

EDO08315 AH Please describe any specific navigation links or paths that did not take you where they should have?

Text area, no char limit
Y Skip Logic Group OE_Other Nav
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