377 USPTO 377 USPTO Revised

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2010 377 Qnaire_USPTO_October_CB_Revised.xls

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QID Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions CQ Label
Which of the following best describes you? Attorney/Agent/Support Staff
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Visitor Role


Entrepreneur/Business Professional

Research Professional


Librarian/Information Professional


Teacher / Educator



Job Seeker

USPTO Employee

Other (please specify) A

Anchor Answer Choice
EDO07369 A Other primary reason

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Role Other
Which of the following best describes your organization? Law firm/Private company/Corporation
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group Type of Organization

Non-profit/Non-governmental Organization

Federal: U.S. Congress / Committee Staff

Federal: U.S. Executive Branch, Other

U.S. State or Local Government

Non-U.S. Government


K-12 School


Individual / General public

Foreign citizen

Other (please specify) A

Anchor Answer Choice
EDO07371 A Please describe the organization you belong to.

Text area, no char limit Open N Skip Logic Group Organization Other
USPTO: added "daily…" How frequently do you visit this site? Daily or almost daily
Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y

About once a week

Two to three times per week

About once a month

Every few months

Every 6 months or less often

This is my first time visiting this site

What category best describes your primary reason(s) for visiting the site today? (Select all that apply) Patents A Checkbox, one-up vertical Mutli Y Skip Logic Group Primary Reason

Trademarks B

IP Law & Policy information

USPTO Careers

Vendor information (business with USPTO)

News & Events C

Other (please specify) D

Anchor Answer Choice
EDO07374 D Please specify your reason for visiting today.

Text area, no char limit Open N Skip Logic Group Reason Other
EDO07375 A USPTO: modified What Patent activities were you trying to accomplish today? (Select all that apply) Search for published patent applications & grants
Checkbox, one-up vertical Mutli Y Skip Logic Group Patent Activity

File a patent application online

Check application status, view or download application documents


Conduct a Classification search

File assignment recordations

Obtain general information about patents

View patent statistics

Access Patent Guides/Manual of Examination Procedures (MPEP)

Download Patent Forms

Pay fees

Find a USPTO telephone number, email, or address

News & Events

Other (please specify) E

Anchor Answer Choice
EDO07376 E Other type of Patent activity.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Patent Activity Other
EDO07377 B USPTO: modified What Trademark activities were you trying to accomplish today? (Select all that apply) Obtain general trademark information/view instructional videos
Checkbox, one-up vertical Mutli Y Skip Logic Group Trademark Activity

Search for trademark applications & registrations


File a trademark application or other submission for domestic filings and under Madrid Protocol

Check status of application or registration

View or download documents and/or order certified copies

File TTAB proceedings


File assignment recordations

Access trademark manuals/guides/Official Gazette

Access trademark rules and/or notices

View/research statistical information

Find a USPTO telephone number, email, or address

Obtain trademark bulk data

News & Events

Other (please specify) F

Anchor Answer Choice
EDO07378 F Other type of Trademark activity.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Trademark Activity Other
EDO07379 C USPTO: modified What type of News & Event information were you looking for today? (Select all that apply) Public events at the USPTO or other location
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Group News & Event Information

Changes to law and policy

Availability of Electronic Business Systems on the USPTO Web site

International activities

Testimony & speeches

Other (please specify) J

Anchor Answer Choice
EDO07380 J Other type of News & Event information.

Text area, no char limit Open N
News & Event Other
Were you able to accomplish your task(s) today? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Did You Accomplish

No G3, G4

Not sure G2, G4

EDO07382 G2 What were you trying to accomplish?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Accomplish Other
EDO07383 G3 What prevented you from accomplishing your task(s)?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Task Difficulty
EDO07384 G4 Do you intend to contact the USPTO Customer Support Centers to get information that you couldn't find on the USPTO Web site? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
USPTO Support Centers


Not sure

USPTO: changed from Patents search to site search Did you use the site's search box located on the homepage today? Yes S Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Site Search Box


Not sure

EDO07386 S Please tell us about your experience with the site's search box feature today. (Please select all that apply.) Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Search Box Experience

Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

Too many results/I needed to refine my search

Not enough results

Returned NO results


Received error message(s)

Search speed was too slow

I experienced a different search issue (please explain): I

Anchor Answer Choice
EDO07387 I Other search box issue.

Text area, no char limit Open N Skip Logic Group Other Search Issue
How would you describe your navigation experience on this site today? (Please select all that apply.) I had no difficulty navigating/browsing on www.uspto.gov
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Group Site Navigation

Links often did not take me where I expected

Had difficulty finding relevant information/products

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Too many links/navigational options to choose from


Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.)

Could not navigate back to previous information

I had a navigation difficulty not listed above: M

Anchor Answer Choice
EDO07389 M Please specify other navigation difficulty.

Text area, no char limit
N Other navigation diff Other Navigation
USPTO: added choices In addition to the USPTO web site, what additional source(s) do you use to obtain USPTO information? (Select all that apply) USPTO Customer Support Centers (telephone or e-mail)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group 2nd Source of Info

Friend or colleague

Commercial vendor

Public library

Law firm or law firm website

Educational institutions

Search engine


YouTube video

Internet blogs or discussion forums

Social networks (Facebook, My Space, Twitter)

E-mail or other alerts from the USPTO

News articles or reports

Other Federal Web site (fedbizops, regulations.gov, etc.)

Non-U.S. Government Web site

Don't know

Other Z

Anchor Answer Choice
EDO07391 Z Other additional source(s).

Text area, no char limit Open N Skip Logic Group Other 2nd Source
USPTO: not sure this is important What is your age? under 18
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y





Prefer not to respond

What additional features or options would you like to see added to USPTO.gov?

Text area, no char limit Open N
File Typeapplication/vnd.ms-excel
File TitleQuestionnaire Production Guidelines_Template
AuthorProfessional Services
Last Modified Byedwin.oslan
File Modified2010-10-25
File Created2001-08-03

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