366 CQs 366 CQs 8-25-10

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2010 366 CQs for OMB 8-25-2010 to 9-21-2010.xlsx

Previously Cleared ICs from prior Generic ICR

OMB: 1090-0008

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Measures Name/Client name (CDs and Answer choices)


EDO05290 A Please rate how easily you were able to locate a listing of all of your member benefits? EDO05290A001 1=Not Easy at All
Radio button, scale, has don't know Single Y Skip logic Group

EDO05290A002 2

EDO05290A003 3

EDO05290A004 4

EDO05290A005 5

EDO05290A006 6

EDO05290A007 7

EDO05290A008 8

EDO05290A009 9

EDO05290A010 10=Very Easily to locate

EDO05291 A Please rate how easily you were able to locate a listing of discounts and services as part of your membership? EDO05291A001 1=Not Easy at All
Radio button, scale, has don't know Single Y Skip logic Group

EDO05291A002 2

EDO05291A003 3

EDO05291A004 4

EDO05291A005 5

EDO05291A006 6

EDO05291A007 7

EDO05291A008 8

EDO05291A009 9

EDO05291A010 10=Very Easily to locate

EDO05292 A Please rate how easily you were able to update your membership online? EDO05292A001 1=Not Easy at All
Radio button, scale, has don't know Single Y Skip logic Group

EDO05292A002 2

EDO05292A003 3

EDO05292A004 4

EDO05292A005 5

EDO05292A006 6

EDO05292A007 7

EDO05292A008 8

EDO05292A009 9

EDO05292A010 10=Very Easily to locate

USDA Farm Service Agency v2

Which of the following categories describes your age? SAC0085A001 Under 18
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N Age

SAC0085A002 18 to 29

SAC0085A003 20 to 39

SAC0085A004 40 to 49

SAC0085A005 50 to 59

SAC0085A006 60 to 69

SAC0085A007 70 or older

Do you consider your race: SAC0086A001 White
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N Race

SAC0086A002 Black or African American

SAC0086A003 American Indian or Alaska Native

SAC0086A004 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

SAC0086A005 Asian

SAC0086A006 Other race

Do you consider yourself to be of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? SAC0087A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N Origin

SAC0087A002 No

SAC0087A003 Don't know

What is your gender? SAC0088A001 Male
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N Gender

SAC0088A002 Female

What was your total income before taxes during the last calendar year? SAC0089A001 Less than $25,000
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N Income

SAC0089A002 Between $25,000 and $49,999

SAC0089A003 Between $50,000 and $99,999

SAC0089A004 Between $100,000 and $249,999

SAC0089A005 $250,000 or more

SAC0089A006 Don't know

SAC0089A007 I prefer not to respond

FDA Satisfaction Survey

Which of the following do you use as your mobile phone? EDO05513A001 I do not use/own a mobile phone
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Phone

EDO05513A002 Blackberry L

EDO05513A003 Iphone (Apple) L

EDO05513A004 Android (Google) L

EDO05513A005 Palm L

EDO05513A006 Windows Mobile L

EDO05513A007 Other Smartphone L

EDO05513A008 I own a mobile phone, but it is not a smartphone

EDO05514 L Would you be interested in a mobile phone app that could be downloaded to your smartphone? EDO05514A001 Yes, I would download a FDA mobile phone app if it were available
Radio button, one-up vertical

Mobile App

EDO05514A002 No, I am not interested in a FDA mobile phone app

EDO05515 L Do you want FDA content that is accessible in your mobile phone browser? EDO05515A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical

Mobile Content

EDO05515A002 No


What area(s) of the site did you visit today? EDO05887A001 Issues, Conditions & Disorders
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y
Area Visited

EDO05887A002 Contact Us

EDO05887A003 En Espanol

EDO05887A004 Location

EDO05887A005 Most Popular

EDO05887A006 My account

EDO05887A007 New Products

EDO05887A008 Professional & Research Topics

EDO05887A009 Register Now

EDO05887A010 Stay Connected

EDO05887A011 Substance

EDO05887A012 Timely

EDO05887A013 Treatment, Prevention & Recovery

EDO05887A014 Other

Access Washington

EDO05731 H Why didn't use the search feature today? EDO05731A001 Prefer other method of navigation
Drop down, select one Single Y

EDO05731A002 Tried to use search before but was unsuccessful

EDO05731A003 Did not need search, found information quickly

EDO05731A004 Other, please specify I

EDO05732 I What other reason didn't you use the search feature today?

Text area, no char limit

EDO05733 J Did the descriptions in the search results provide... EDO05733A001 Too much information
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

EDO05733A002 Too little information

EDO05733A003 Information that was not specific enough

EDO05733A004 The right amount of information

EDO05734 K What type of organization or sorting features do you feel are most helpful when looking through search results? (Select all that apply) EDO05734A001 Date
Checkbox, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

EDO05734A002 Subject

EDO05734A003 Relevance

EDO05734A004 Ability to search within the results

EDO05734A005 Ability to sort results

EDO05734A006 None of the above

Did you use the Services Directory during your visit today? EDO05735A001 Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

EDO05735A002 No

EDO05735A003 I was unable to locate the Services Directory

EDO05736 A What was the primary difficulty, if any that you encountered with the Services Directory? EDO05736A001 I did not encounter any difficulty with the Services Directory
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

EDO05736A002 The Services Directory is cumbersome to use

EDO05736A003 I was not sure what words to look up to find what I was looking for

EDO05736A004 The Services Directory did not have a link to the information I was looking for

EDO05736A005 Other, please specify BB

EDO05737 B What other difficulty did you experience with the Services Directory?

Text area, no char limit Single Y Skip Logic Group


Did you use the search feature on this site? EDO06347A001 Yes H Skip Logic Group Radio buttons Yes Single

EDO06347A002 No

EDO06348 H Please describe your experience with the search feature. EDO06348A001 I had no difficulty using the search feature on this site
Skip Logic Group Radio buttons No Single

EDO06348A002 The search feature was difficult to find

EDO06348A003 The search feature was difficult to use

EDO06348A004 Returned no results/received an error message

EDO06348A005 Could not tell where the search results would take me

EDO06348A006 Too many results

EDO06348A007 Too few results

EDO06348A008 Results were not related to what I was looking for

EDO06348A009 Could not sort the results

EDO06348A010 Could not refine the results

EDO06348A011 Other

EDO06349 H What Keywords did you use?

Skip Logic Group Text box No Single
EDO06350 H Please indicate how helpful you feel the search feature was in finding the information you were looking for. EDO06350A001 Very helpful
Skip Logic Group Radio buttons No

EDO06350A002 Somewhat helpful I

EDO06350A003 Not at all helpful I, J

EDO06351 J Why do you feel the search feature was not at all helpful?

Skip Logic Group Unlimited text field No Single
EDO06352 I What would make the search feature more helpful?

Skip Logic Group Unlimited text field No Single


Did you use the search feature on this site? EDO06353A001 Yes H Skip Logic Group Radio buttons Yes Single

EDO06353A002 No

EDO06354 H Please describe your experience with the search feature. EDO06354A001 I had no difficulty using the search feature on this site
Skip Logic Group Radio buttons No Single

EDO06354A002 The search feature was difficult to find

EDO06354A003 The search feature was difficult to use

EDO06354A004 Returned no results/received an error message

EDO06354A005 Could not tell where the search results would take me

EDO06354A006 Too many results

EDO06354A007 Too few results

EDO06354A008 Results were not related to what I was looking for

EDO06354A009 Could not sort the results

EDO06354A010 Could not refine the results

EDO06354A011 Other

EDO06355 H What Keywords did you use?

Skip Logic Group Text box No Single
EDO06356 H Please indicate how helpful you feel the search feature was in finding the information you were looking for. EDO06356A001 Very helpful
Skip Logic Group Radio buttons No

EDO06356A002 Somewhat helpful I

EDO06356A003 Not at all helpful I, J

EDO06357 J Why do you feel the search feature was not at all helpful?

Skip Logic Group Unlimited text field No Single
EDO06358 I What would make the search feature more helpful?

Skip Logic Group Unlimited text field No Single


Did you use the search feature on this site? EDO06359A001 Yes H Skip Logic Group Radio buttons Yes Single

EDO06359A002 No

EDO06360 H Please describe your experience with the search feature. EDO06360A001 I had no difficulty using the search feature on this site
Skip Logic Group Radio buttons No Single

EDO06360A002 The search feature was difficult to find

EDO06360A003 The search feature was difficult to use

EDO06360A004 Returned no results/received an error message

EDO06360A005 Could not tell where the search results would take me

EDO06360A006 Too many results

EDO06360A007 Too few results

EDO06360A008 Results were not related to what I was looking for

EDO06360A009 Could not sort the results

EDO06360A010 Could not refine the results

EDO06360A011 Other

EDO06361 H What Keywords did you use?

Skip Logic Group Text box No Single
EDO06362 H Please indicate how helpful you feel the search feature was in finding the information you were looking for. EDO06362A001 Very helpful
Skip Logic Group Radio buttons No

EDO06362A002 Somewhat helpful I

EDO06362A003 Not at all helpful I, J

EDO06363 J Why do you feel the search feature was not at all helpful?

Skip Logic Group Unlimited text field No Single
EDO06364 I What would make the search feature more helpful?

Skip Logic Group Unlimited text field No Single

CPSC.gov Browse

What other activities did you perform on CPSC.gov today? Please select all that apply.
Learn about CPSC or locate contact information
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Other activities

Obtain product recall information

Report a product-related injury or an unsafe product

Locate product safety information or publications

Obtain Business/Regulatory information

Obtain information on CPSIA-Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act

Register for product safety information updates (e-mail, RSS)


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