349 CQs 349 CQs 8-9-10

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2010 349 CQs for OMB 8-9-2010 to 8-25-2010.xlsx

Previously Cleared ICs from prior Generic ICR

OMB: 1090-0008

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Measures Name/Client name (CDs and Answer choices)

USDA FSA Intranet

EDO04985 H What search terms did you use on this website today?

Text area, no char limit
Y Skip Logic Group Search Keyword
Do you consider your race: EDO04986A001 White
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

EDO04986A002 Black or African American

EDO04986A003 American Indian or Alaska Native

EDO04986A004 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

EDO04986A005 Asian

EDO04986A006 Other race

Do you consider yourself to be of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin? EDO04987A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

EDO04987A002 No

EDO04987A003 Don't know

What is your gender? EDO04988A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

EDO04988A002 No

Do you have any suggestions for ways to improve the FSA Intranet site?

Text area, no char limit

MedlinePlus After 5-12-2004

What is your primary reason you are visiting the MedlinePlus site today? EDO05099A001 Find info on alternative treatments, herbals, or vitamins
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Randomize Reason for Visit

EDO05099A002 To look for drugs and supplements

EDO05099A003 Keep up with breaking health news

Skip Logic Group

EDO05099A004 Search for health care products or services

EDO05099A005 Find general health and wellness info

EDO05099A006 Find info on a specific disease, condition, diagnosis, or treatment

EDO05099A007 Find info on medicines or prescription drugs

EDO05099A008 Search for health care provider (physician/dentist/hospital/etc.)

EDO05099A009 Other ,please specify A

Anchor Answer Choice
EDO05100 A Other Reason for visit:

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other reason for visit
What area of the site did you look for your information? (select all that apply) EDO05101A001 Videos and Cool Tools
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Randomize

EDO05101A002 Drugs and Supplements

Skip Logic Group

EDO05101A003 Health Topics

EDO05101A004 Medical Dictionary

EDO05101A005 Medical Encyclopedia

EDO05101A006 Health News

EDO05101A007 Other, please specify: A

Anchor Answer Choice
EDO05102 A Other area of site to look for information:

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other areas of the site
EDO05103 A What type of health care provider? EDO05103A001 Physician, primary care
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Health Care Provider Type

EDO05103A002 Physician, specialist (e.g., cardiologist, neurologist)

EDO05103A003 Dentist

EDO05103A004 Physician Assistant (dietician, physical therapist, dental hygienist)

EDO05103A005 Psychologist

EDO05103A006 Social Worker

EDO05103A007 Other ,please specify B

EDO05104 B Other Health Care Provider

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Health Care Provider
In the last three months, have you done any of the following: [Please select all that apply]: EDO05105A001 Watch videos on a Web site
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Social Media last 3 months

EDO05105A002 Receive/send text messages using my mobile phone / device

EDO05105A003 Sign up for email updates from a website

EDO05105A004 Participate in Facebook

EDO05105A005 Participate in Twitter

EDO05105A006 Use personalized web pages (such as iGoogle or My Yahoo!)

EDO05105A007 Listen to podcasts or audio on a Web site

EDO05105A008 Browse Web sites using my mobile phone / device

EDO05105A009 Bookmark or tag websites (using social bookmarking sites as Digg or Del.icio.us)

EDO05105A010 Other, please specify A

EDO05106 A Other social media participation

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Social Media
Which of the following items do you use from MedlinePlus? [Please select all that apply]: EDO05107A001 Email updates from MedlinePlus
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group MedinePlus Participation

EDO05107A002 Share (Bookmark and share via Facebook, Digg, email, etc.)

EDO05107A003 Videos

EDO05107A004 Podcasts

EDO05107A005 RSS feeds

EDO05107A006 MedlinePlus4You twitter feed

EDO05107A007 Search cloud widget

EDO05107A008 Mobile MedlinePlus (http://m.medlineplus.gov)

EDO05107A009 Other, please specify A

Skip Logic Group
EDO05108 A Other social media participation on MedlinePlus

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other MedlinePlus Participation
Did you use the search box to find something on this Web site during your visit today? EDO05109A001 Yes A,B,C Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Used Search

EDO05109A002 No

EDO05109A003 Unsure

EDO05110 A Please describe your experience with Search EDO05110A001 I had no problems
Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Search Experience

EDO05110A002 Returned too many results

EDO05110A003 Returned not enough (or zero) results

EDO05110A004 Results were not relevant to my search

EDO05110A005 Other, please specify A1

EDO05111 A1 Other search experience

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Search Experience
EDO05112 B Did the top results answer your question? EDO05112A001 Yes
Drop down, select one S Y Skip Logic Group Top Results

EDO05112A002 No

EDO05112A003 Unsure

EDO05113 C Did you use the “Refine by” links to the left of the search results to narrow your results? EDO05113A001 Yes
Drop down, select one S Y Randomize Refine by Links

EDO05113A002 No

EDO05113A003 Unsure

Did you find what you were looking for? EDO05114A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y
Found Info

EDO05114A002 No A

EDO05114A003 Partially A

EDO05115 A What specific information were you looking for?

Text area, no char limit S N
Specific Info Seeking
How could we improve MedlinePlus?

Text area, no char limit S N

CMS - Cahaba J10 MAC

In addition to the currently used communication tools (example: Internet, email lists), would you be interested in receiving Cahaba Medicare Services related information through the following Social Media outlets: (Please select all that apply) EDO05180A001 Facebook
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y

EDO05180A002 Twitter

EDO05180A003 YouTube

EDO05180A004 RSS Feed

EDO05180A005 Podcast

EDO05180A006 LinkedIn

EDO05180A007 None

EDO05180A008 Other (please specify) J

EDO05181 J Please list the other social media outlet:

Text area, no char limit

Does your place of business allow you to access social media outlets for work-related information during work hours? (i.e. Facebook, YouTube etc.) EDO05182A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

EDO05182A002 No K

EDO05183 K Would you access Cahaba Medicare Services social media outlets for information during off/non-business hours? EDO05183A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

EDO05183A002 No

FEMA Main v2 Survey

EDO05190 A If you've visited the homepage before, what do you think of the new layout?
EDO05190A001 Better
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N Skip Logic Group Redesign

EDO05190A002 The Same

EDO05190A003 Worse B

EDO05190A004 Don't Know

EDO05191 B Please explain why you feel the new homepage design is worse.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group Redesign Worse

UNICOR Satisfaction Survey

EDO05193 Z Did you make a purchase on UNICOR.gov today? EDO05193A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Yes Skip Logic Group

EDO05193A002 No AA

EDO05194 AA Why didn't you make a purchase during your visit today? EDO05194A001 Couldn't find the item I was looking for
Radio button, one-up vertical Single No Skip Logic Group

EDO05194A002 Didn't have exact style or size I needed

EDO05194A003 Didn't like the colors or materials available

EDO05194A004 Item was too expensive

EDO05194A005 Chose to purchase the item offline CC, DD

EDO05194A006 Chose to purchase from another site FF

EDO05194A007 I didn't plan on making a purchase

EDO05194A008 Other BB

EDO05195 BB Please explain briefly why you didn't make a purchase during your visit today.

Text area, no char limit Single No Skip Logic Group
EDO05196 CC Where do you plan on making your offline purchase?

Text area, no char limit Single No Skip Logic Group
EDO05197 DD Why do you prefer to purchase offline? EDO05197A001 I want to see the item before I purchase it
Radio button, one-up vertical Single No Skip Logic Group

EDO05197A002 I did not want to pay shipping costs

EDO05197A003 I can find the best price offline

EDO05197A004 I know it will be easier to return the product if I purchase it in a store

EDO05197A005 More flexible delivery options

EDO05197A006 Other EE

EDO05198 EE Please explain briefly why you prefer to purchase offline.

Text area, no char limit Single No Skip Logic Group
EDO05199 FF Where do you plan on making your online purchase?

Text area, no char limit Single No Skip Logic Group
EDO05200 Q What will you do next? EDO05200A001 Call the customer service center
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Yes Skip Logic Group

EDO05200A002 Call a sales representative

EDO05200A003 Return to the website later and try again

EDO05200A004 Try another website

EDO05200A005 Nothing, although I did not find what I wanted

EDO05200A006 Other R

EDO05201 R Please briefly explain what you will do next.

Text area, no char limit Single No Skip Logic Group
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