333 CQs 333 CQs 6-8-10

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2010 333 CQs for OMB 6-8-2010 to 7-6-2010.xlsx

Previously Cleared ICs from prior Generic ICR

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Measures Name/Client name (CDs and Answer choices)

CMS - Pinnacle BSI

B What information were you unable to find?

Text area, no char limit Single Y Skip Logic Group

CMS Palmetto GBA J1 MAC

What is your primary reason for visiting this site today? EDO03184A001 Download forms
Radio buttons Single Y OPS Group

EDO03184A002 Learn of, or register for, workshops, seminars or other training events

EDO03184A003 Find contact information

EDO03184A004 Find general Medicare program information

EDO03184A005 Research a specific question on Medicare policy or billing

EDO03184A006 Access claim status and/or beneficiary eligibility

EDO03184A007 Find information on fees or fee schedules

EDO03184A008 Find out about a Local Coverage Determination (LCD)

EDO03184A009 Read Medicare publications such as newsletters, articles, etc.

EDO03184A010 Find enrollment information

EDO03184A011 Take an on-line training course

EDO03184A012 Other (please specify) SKIP B

EDO03185 SKIP B Other - primary reason?

Text field, <100 char Single No OPS Group

FBI Internet Satisfaction Survey

EDO03215 H Which of the following explains why you are not watching videos on the FBI site? (Please select all that apply) EDO03215A001 Too long to watch
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Not Video

EDO03215A002 Not interesting

EDO03215A003 Too small on my screen

EDO03215A004 Do not work on my computer

EDO03215A005 Do not want to click through to another page to play the video

EDO03215A006 Did not know where there were videos on the site

EDO03215A007 Other (please specify) A

EDO03216 A What other reasons don't you watch videos on the FBI site?

Text field, <100 char
N open end

FDA Satisfaction Survey

For this visit to the FDA site, which of the following roles best describes you? EDO03237A001 Regulated industry A Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y OPS Group

EDO03237A002 Consumer

EDO03237A003 Scientist, researcher

EDO03237A004 Patient

EDO03237A005 Caregiver, friend, family member of a person interested in health issues

EDO03237A006 Physician

EDO03237A007 Nurse, physician's assistant, nurse practitioner

EDO03237A008 Pharmacist

EDO03237A009 Other type of healthcare provider

EDO03237A010 State or local public health professional

EDO03237A011 Not-for-profit public health professional

EDO03237A012 Consultant

EDO03237A013 Attorney/Legal Counsel

EDO03237A014 Educator, professor, teacher

EDO03237A015 Student

EDO03237A016 Journalist/Media

EDO03237A017 Policymaker, legislator, staff

EDO03237A018 FDA grantee

EDO03237A019 FDA employee

EDO03237A020 First responder

EDO03237A021 Other, please specify: C

EDO03238 A Which of the following best describes your company/organization? EDO03238A001 Manufacturer B

EDO03238A002 Distributor B

EDO03238A003 Importer B

EDO03238A004 Other B

EDO03239 B Which of the following industry categories is your company/organization a part of? (Please select all that apply) EDO03239A001 Drugs & Biologics (Human)

EDO03239A002 Drugs & Biologics (Animal)

EDO03239A003 Medical Devices

EDO03239A004 Food

EDO03239A005 Dietary Supplements

EDO03239A006 Cosmetics

EDO03239A007 Tobacco

While on the FDA.gov site, please describe how you reached the page you were on before taking this survey:

Text area, no char limit Single Y
Open Navigate

EDO03241 A What were you hoping to find on the FDA Basics area of the site?

Text area, no char limit Single Y Skip Logic Group lookingforBasics

EDO03242 A How did you hear about FDA Basics?

Text area, no char limit Single Y Skip Logic Group HearaboutBasics

If you could make one improvement to the site what would that be?

Text area, no char limit Open N
One Improvement

NIH genome.gov

What best describes you? EDO03285A001 Educator

Single Y Skip Logic Group

EDO03285A002 Student (high school/college) A

EDO03285A003 Pursing a graduate degree (Master’s, PhD, and/or MD)

EDO03285A004 Researcher B

EDO03285A005 Health care provider

EDO03285A006 Other C

EDO03286 A Which type of student are you? EDO03286A001 High school

Single Y

EDO03286A002 Undergraduate

EDO03287 B Which type of researcher are you? EDO03287A001 Researcher at NIH

Single Y

EDO03287A002 Research not at NIH

EDO03288 C Which of the following specifically describes you? EDO03288A001 Patient

Single Y

EDO03288A002 Scientific administrator

EDO03288A003 Author

EDO03288A004 Job/Career seeker

EDO03288A005 Reporter/member of a news organizations

EDO03288A006 Policy maker/writer

EDO03288A007 Other (please specify) D

EDO03289 D Please describe your role in coming to this site.


EDO03290 B Which of the following did you use to look for information on the site? EDO03290A001 Links across the top of the page
Check box one up vertical Multi Y

EDO03290A002 Links within the pages

EDO03290A003 Links along the left side of the page

EDO03290A004 For You sections

EDO03290A005 Site map

EDO03290A006 Staff Directory

EDO03290A007 Links under see also

EDO03290A008 Links on the keyword list

EDO03290A009 Site search BB

EDO03290A010 Other

EDO03291 D Which one of the following led you to what you were looking for? EDO03291A001 Links across the top of the page
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

EDO03291A002 Links within the pages

EDO03291A003 Links along the left side of the page

EDO03291A004 For You sections

EDO03291A005 Site map

EDO03291A006 Staff Directory

EDO03291A007 Links under see also

EDO03291A008 Links on the keyword list

EDO03291A009 Site search

EDO03291A010 Other

EDO03292 BB Please indicate how useful the site search was in helping you find what you were looking for.
Very useful
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Somewhat useful C

Not at all Useful C

EDO03293 C What would have made the site search more useful to you?

Open ended

NPR Customer Satisfaction Survey v2

Before taking this survey, had you ever heard of the NPR Shop (online shop that sells official NPR branded merchandise)? EDO03454A001 Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic NPR Shop_heard

EDO03454A002 No

EDO03454A003 Don’t know/Not sure

EDO03455 A Have you ever visited the NPR Shop (online shop that sells official NPR branded merchandise)? EDO03455A001 Yes B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic NPR Shop_visited

EDO03455A002 No

EDO03455A003 Don’t know/Not sure

EDO03456 B In your last visit to the NPR Shop, how well did the NPR Shop meet your expectations? EDO03456A001 1=Poor
radio button, scale, has Don't Know Single Y Skip Logic NPR Shop_opinion

EDO03456A002 2

EDO03456A003 3

EDO03456A004 4

EDO03456A005 5

EDO03456A006 6

EDO03456A007 7

EDO03456A008 8

EDO03456A009 9

EDO03456A010 10=Excellent

EDO03456A011 Don't Know

GAO Main Site

What GAO site content do you most often seek from a mobile phone/device?

Text area, no char limit Single N

Have you accessed GAO.gov from a mobile phone/device in the past 30 days? EDO03457A001 Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

EDO03457A002 No

EDO03458 A What type of mobile phone/device did you use: (check one) EDO03458A001 Blackberry
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

EDO03458A002 iPhone/iTouch

EDO03458A003 Droid

EDO03458A004 Other: please describe B

EDO03459 B Other: please describe

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic Group

EDO03460 A Were you successful in viewing the content that you were seeking with your mobile phone/device? EDO03460A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

EDO03460A002 No


EDO03462 C Did you know that Medicare.gov contains the information and tools most often needed by beneficiaries? EDO03462A001 Yes
Radio buttons SINGLE Yes Skip Logic Group Benefciary

EDO03462A002 No D

EDO03462A003 I don't know D

EDO03463 D Why did you come to the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services website?

Text field, <100 char No Skip Logic Group OE_ben_use


Which of the following social media services have you participated with ASHP during the last month? (Select all that apply) EDO03468A001 I do not use ASHP's social media services
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Social Media-ASHP

EDO03468A002 Social Networking Sites (ASHP on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube) B

EDO03468A003 Blog B

EDO03468A004 Discussion Board B

EDO03468A005 RSS News Feeds B

EDO03468A006 Photo/Video Gallery B

EDO03468A007 Other, please specify: A, B

EDO03469 A What other ASHP social media services do you use?

Text area, no char limit

OE_ASHP Social Media

EDO03470 B How often do you participate with ASHP in social media activities? EDO03470A001 More than once a day
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y
SM Frequency-ASHP

EDO03470A002 Daily

EDO03470A003 About once a week

EDO03470A004 About once a month

EDO03470A005 Every 6 months or less


EDO03483 C I am most interested in the following topic(s): Agriculture
check boxes Multi Y Skip Logic

Climate change and renewable energy

Children and youth

Civil society


Corporate social responsibility

Cross-border projects





Economic growth










Highways and roads


Human rights

Indigenous peoples

information and communcation technology





Migration issues

Natural disasters

Neighborhood upgrading

Oil and mining

Opportunities for the majority


Ports and airports


Poverty reduction

Private sector

Public finances

Public-private partnerships

Race and ethnicity issues

Regional integration


Rural development

Science and technology

Small and medium enterprise







Violence and security

Other (please specify): A

EDO03484 A What other topics are you interested in?

open ended Single N Skip Logic

In your opinion, what organization is the leader when it comes to addressing the crisis in Haiti? United Nations
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic

World Bank

Inter-American Development Bank



Other, please specify: A

EDO03486 A Who do you think is the leader in addressing the Haiti crisis?

open ended Single N Skip Logic

In your opinion, what organization is a good representative of transparency within government? United Nations
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic

World Bank

Inter-American Development Bank



Other, please specify: A

EDO03488 A Who do you think represents transparency in government?

open ended Single N Skip Logic

Please rate your level of trust in the IDB. 1=Not at all Trustworthy
Radio Button Scale, Has Don't Know Single Y









10=Very Trustworthy

Don't know

I can count on the IDB to act in my best interests. 1=Strongly Disagree
Radio Button Scale, Has Don't Know Single Y









10=Strongly Agree

Don't know

I consider the IDB to be trustworthy. 1=Strongly Disagree
Radio Button Scale, Has Don't Know Single Y









10=Strongly Agree

Don't know

The IDB can be trusted to do what is right. 1=Strongly Disagree
Radio Button Scale, Has Don't Know Single Y









10=Strongly Agree

Don't know


EDO03576 A Other role

If you could make one improvement to this site, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit

From time to time, the USITC likes to reach out to website visitors to follow up regarding their feedback concerning the website. If you are over the age of 18 and would be willing to be contacted in the future, please provide your email address.

Text field, <100 char


What brought you to the site today? EDO03616A001 Followed a link from an email
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y Skip Logic Learned about site

EDO03616A002 Followed a link/recommendation from a website or news article

EDO03616A003 Heard about the site from a friend, co-worker, etc.

EDO03616A004 Did an online search which brought me here

EDO03616A005 I need this site for my job

EDO03616A006 Other, please specify D

EDO03617 D Please specify what brought you to the site today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Other Brought to site

EDO03618 X Please specify what keywords you typed into the search box today.

Text field, no char limit
N Skip Logic Search Keyword

FDIC Application V2

Please rank the top 3 factors that brought you to the FBI website today. (Rank 1 = Most important)
Rank 1
EDO03712A001 Message/recommendation from a friend on a social network

Drop down, select one Single Y Rank Group

EDO03712A002 Video I saw on YouTube


EDO03712A003 Internet blogs or discussion forums

EDO03712A004 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, My Space, Twitter)

EDO03712A005 Message directly from the company on a social network

EDO03712A006 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

EDO03712A007 Instant Message from a friend or colleague

EDO03712A008 Familiarity with site/company/brand

EDO03712A009 Promotional email(s) from the company

EDO03712A010 Search engeine results

EDO03712A011 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

EDO03712A012 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

EDO03712A013 Internet advertising

EDO03712A014 Don't know


EDO03712A015 Other


Rank 2 EDO03713A001 Message/recommendation from a friend on a social network

Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group

EDO03713A002 Video I saw on YouTube


EDO03713A003 Internet blogs or discussion forums

EDO03713A004 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, My Space, Twitter)

EDO03713A005 Message directly from the company on a social network

EDO03713A006 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

EDO03713A007 Instant Message from a friend or colleague

EDO03713A008 Familiarity with site/company/brand

EDO03713A009 Promotional email(s) from the company

EDO03713A010 Search engeine results

EDO03713A011 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

EDO03713A012 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

EDO03713A013 Internet advertising

EDO03713A014 Don't know


EDO03713A015 Other


Rank 3 EDO03714A001 Message/recommendation from a friend on a social network

Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group

EDO03714A002 Video I saw on YouTube


EDO03714A003 Internet blogs or discussion forums

EDO03714A004 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, My Space, Twitter)

EDO03714A005 Message directly from the company on a social network

EDO03714A006 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

EDO03714A007 Instant Message from a friend or colleague

EDO03714A008 Familiarity with site/company/brand

EDO03714A009 Promotional email(s) from the company

EDO03714A010 Search engeine results

EDO03714A011 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

EDO03714A012 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

EDO03714A013 Internet advertising

EDO03714A014 Don't know


EDO03714A015 Other


If you heard about this website from a social network, please specify the site (i.e. Facebook, Twitter)

Text area, no char limit

FDIC Main v2

Please rank the top 3 factors that brought you to the FBI website today. (Rank 1 = Most important)
Rank 1
EDO03716A001 Message/recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single Y Rank Group

EDO03716A002 Video I saw on YouTube

EDO03716A003 Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

EDO03716A004 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, My Space, Twitter)


EDO03716A005 Message directly from the company on a social network

EDO03716A006 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

EDO03716A007 Instant Message from a friend or colleague

EDO03716A008 Search engine

EDO03716A009 Bookmark/Favorite

EDO03716A010 Another website/link

EDO03716A011 Brochure

EDO03716A012 Email from my banker

EDO03716A013 E-mail from FDIC Online Subscription Service

EDO03716A014 Newspaper article

EDO03716A015 Prior experience with FDIC

EDO03716A016 Business Card

EDO03716A017 Other government agency

EDO03716A018 Don't know


EDO03716A019 Other


Rank 2 EDO03717A001 Message/recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group

EDO03717A002 Video I saw on YouTube

EDO03717A003 Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

EDO03717A004 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, My Space, Twitter)


EDO03717A005 Message directly from the company on a social network

EDO03717A006 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

EDO03717A007 Instant Message from a friend or colleague

EDO03717A008 Search engine

EDO03717A009 Bookmark/Favorite

EDO03717A010 Another website/link

EDO03717A011 Brochure

EDO03717A012 Email from my banker

EDO03717A013 E-mail from FDIC Online Subscription Service

EDO03717A014 Newspaper article

EDO03717A015 Prior experience with FDIC

EDO03717A016 Business Card

EDO03717A017 Other government agency

EDO03717A018 Don't know


EDO03717A019 Other


Rank 3 EDO03718A001 Message/recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group

EDO03718A002 Video I saw on YouTube

EDO03718A003 Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

EDO03718A004 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, My Space, Twitter)


EDO03718A005 Message directly from the company on a social network

EDO03718A006 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

EDO03718A007 Instant Message from a friend or colleague

EDO03718A008 Search engine

EDO03718A009 Bookmark/Favorite

EDO03718A010 Another website/link

EDO03718A011 Brochure

EDO03718A012 Email from my banker

EDO03718A013 E-mail from FDIC Online Subscription Service

EDO03718A014 Newspaper article

EDO03718A015 Prior experience with FDIC

EDO03718A016 Business Card

EDO03718A017 Other government agency

EDO03718A018 Don't know


EDO03718A019 Other


If you heard about this website from a social network, please specify the site (i.e. Facebook, Twitter)

Text area, no char limit

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