314 CQs 314 CQs 5-3-10

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

314 C ustom Qestions 5-3 to 5-19-2010.xls

Previously Cleared ICs from prior Generic ICR

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Measures Name/Client name (CDs and Answer choices)


EDO01801 B Which of the following best describes you? Employee benefits professional
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Description

Small-business (<100 plan participants) owner or worker

Small-business (<100 plan participants) mgr/admin


Which best describes you? Student A,H Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Advisor B,H

Resident C

Medical school administrator, faculty, or staff D

Teaching hospital administrator, physician, or staff D

Government official/staff E,K

Media F,N

Other G,T

BSH04268 G Please describe your role:

Text area, no char limit

BSH04269 T Please describe your primary purpose for visiting the AAMC site today:

Text area, no char limit

BSH04270 A Where are you in your education? High school student or earlier
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Undergraduate student

Graduate student

Medical school student

Other I

BSH04271 I Please specify where you are in your education:

Text area, no char limit

BSH04272 B What type of students do you primarily advise? High school students or younger
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Undergraduate students

Graduate students

Medical students

Other J

BSH04273 J Please specify what type of students you primarily advise:

Text area, no char limit

BSH04274 H As a student or advisor, what is your primary purpose for visiting the AAMC site today? Find information on becoming a doctor
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Register for the MCAT exam

Learn more about MCAT exam preparation

Research medical schools and admission requirements

Learn more about post-baccalaureate pre-medical programs

Track medical school application progress

Understand financial options, resources, and related issues

Find information on residencies or fellowships

Track residency application progress

Find information on a summer program, such as SMDEP

Learn more about the AAMC

Other L

BSH04275 L Please describe your primary purpose for visiting the AAMC site today:

Text area, no char limit

BSH04276 C As a resident, what is your primary purpose for visiting the AAMC site today? Understand financial options, resources, and issues
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Find information on resident matching (NRMP)

Find residency positions

Find information on overseas programs

Learn more about the AAMC

Get involved with the AAMC

Other P

BSH04277 P Please describe your primary purpose for visiting the AAMC site today:

Text area, no char limit

BSH04278 D As a member, what is your primary purpose for visiting the AAMC site today? Learn more about the AAMC
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Find information on a current issue, such as health care reform or conflict of interest

Find an AAMC publication

Find AAMC-compiled data and statistics

Get news from the AAMC

Find information about an AAMC member community

Participate in an AAMC member community

Obtain information from an AAMC members-only site

List a job opening

Search the job board

Find information on a medical school or teaching hospital

Register for a meeting

Learn more about policy issues related to medical education, research, or patient care

Find information related to government affairs and advocacy

Other Q

BSH04279 Q Please describe your primary purpose for visiting the AAMC site today:

Text area, no char limit

BSH04280 E Which most closely describes your role as a government official/staff? Local or state policymaker
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Congressional staffer

Member of Congress

Federal agency staff

Other M

BSH04281 M Please describe your government official/staff role:

Text area, no char limit

BSH04282 K As a government official/staff, what is your primary purpose for visiting the AAMC site today? Find public or media relations contact information
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Learn more about the AAMC

Research AAMC initiatives and advocacy efforts

Find data or reports published by the AAMC

Read a recent AAMC press release

Find information on exams, admissions, and residency programs

Other R

BSH04283 R Please describe your primary purpose for visiting the AAMC site today:

Text area, no char limit

BSH04284 F Which most closely describes your media role? Print
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y




Other O

BSH04285 O Please describe your media role:

Text area, no char limit

BSH04286 N As a media member, what is your primary purpose for visiting the AAMC site today? Find public or media relations contact information
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Learn more about the AAMC

Research AAMC initiatives and advocacy efforts

Find data or reports published by the AAMC

Read a recent AAMC press release

Find information on exams, admissions, and residency programs

Other S

BSH04287 S Please describe your primary purpose for visiting the AAMC site today:

Text area, no char limit

How frequently do you visit the AAMC site? First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y




Every few months

Once a year or less often

How did you learn about the AAMC site? Previous knowledge of the AAMC
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Referred by a friend, colleague, instructor, advisor, etc.

Search engine (e.g., Google, Yahoo, etc.)



Another Web site

Email from the AAMC

Print media

Radio or television

Word of mouth

Other A

BSH04290 A Please specify how you learned about the AAMC site:

Text area, no char limit

Did you find what you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

Still Looking


Not looking for anything specific

Did you use the AAMC's search feature today? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


BSH04293 A Did you encounter any difficulty with search? Yes B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y


BSH04294 B What type of difficulty did you encounter? It returned no results.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

It returned too many results.

Result links were broken.

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs.

Results showed old versions of pages/documents.

Search required too many attempts.

Results were too similar/redundant.

I was not sure what words to use in my search.

Search speed was too slow.

Other C

BSH04295 C Please describe the search difficulties you experienced:

Text area, no char limit

Please identify your age group: Under 18
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N





66 and over

Prefer not to answer

Please provide your gender: Male
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


Prefer not to answer

Please specify your geographic location: North America
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N


Asia, Australia, and Pacific Islands


South America, Central America, and the Caribbean

Other A

BSH04299 A Please specify location:

Text area, no char limit

If you could make one change/improvement to the AAMC site, what would it be? (Please be anonymous!)

Text area, no char limit


How did you first find out about Disability.gov? Internet search
Radio button, one-up vertical single N
Site Awareness

Mentioned on a web site

Recommended by someone I know

In a printed article (newspaper, magazine, newsletter)

At a meeting or conference I attended

Read about Disability.gov in a blog


LinkedIn page

RSS Feed

Bookmarking site

Poster or pamphlet


Don't recall/ Don't know

Other (please specify): B

EDO02102 B Other (please specify source)

Text field, <100 char
Other awareness
Disability.gov features a number of social media tools. Which of the following responses are true for you (please select all that apply)? I bookmark and share information.
Checkbox, one-up vertical multi N
Social Media Use

I subscribe to RSS feeds.

I follow Disability.gov on Twitter.

I subscribe to the Disability.gov Facebook Fan page.

I belong to the Disability.gov LinkedIn group.

I read Disability.Blog but have not commented.

I read Disability.Blog and have commented.

None of the above apply to me.

Have you registered for a Disability.gov account? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical single N
Register for Acct


Don't recall/ Don't know

Have you ever viewed the Disability.gov web site on your mobile phone or device? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical single N
View on mobile device


File Typeapplication/vnd.ms-excel
Authorsilvina diaz
Last Modified Bysgrow
File Modified2010-05-19
File Created2009-11-17

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