Model Instance Name: |
MID: |
Date: |
4/1/2009 |
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts |
ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction) |
Software Instructions1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) |
Satisfaction (1=Poor, 10=Excellent) |
Likelihood to Return (1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely) |
1 |
Please rate the appropriateness of instructions for acquiring the OSA ISP software.
8 |
What is your overall satisfaction with the ISP service? |
11 |
How likely are you to return to this site to read articles using OSA ISP in the future? |
2 |
Please rate how well the OSA ISP software instructions provide answers to your questions.
9 |
How well does the ISP service meet your expectations? |
Likelihood to Recommend (1=Not Very Likely, 10=Very Likely) |
Software Interface 1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) |
10 |
How does this ISP service compare to your idea of an ideal ISP service? |
12 |
How likely are you to recommend someone view articles using OSA ISP? |
3 |
Please rate the user friendliness of the OSA ISP software interface.
4 |
Please rate the readability of the data using OSA ISP software interface. |
Data Views Browsing (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) |
5 |
Please rate how well the data views show the appropriate level of detail. |
6 |
Please rate the variety of data views. |
7 |
Please rate the availability of the specific data views you were looking for. |
Model Instance Name: |
red & strike-through: DELETE |
underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER |
MID: |
pink: ADDITION |
Date: |
4/1/2009 |
blue + -->: REWORDING |
Skip Logic Label |
Question Text |
Answer Choices (limited to 50 characters) |
Skip to |
Type (select from list) |
Single or Multi |
Required Y/N |
Special Instructions |
1 |
How did you learn about the OSA ISP (Interactive Science Publishing) articles? |
General web search engine (Yahoo, Google, etc). |
A |
Checkbox, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
OPS Group |
OSA web page (such as,, |
Link from a non-OSA web page |
Colleague or friend |
OSA conference or meeting |
OSA magazine |
OSA newsletter |
OSA e-mail blast |
Other, please specify |
1a |
A |
Other, learned about ISP |
Text field, <100 char |
N |
OPS Group |
2 |
Were you able to view and navigate data views of an ISP article? |
Yes |
B |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
No |
C |
3 |
B |
How frequently do you look at data views using the OSA ISP software? |
Never--I have downloaded the paper in PDF but not the OSA ISP software for data views. |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
First-time user of data views |
E,F,G,H |
Repeat user of data views |
E,F,G,H |
Other, please specify |
A |
3a |
A |
Please tell us how often you look at data views using ISP. |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
4 |
C |
Which, if any, were barriers to your accessing and using the data views? |
Incomplete or confusing access & download/install instructions |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Technical difficulties in downloading/installing software |
D |
Challenges in understanding the data views |
Did not have time to access the data views |
Did not need to access the data views |
None of the above |
Other, please specify |
A |
4a |
A |
Specifically, what other barriers did you encounter for accessing and using data views? |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
5 |
D |
What technical difficulties did you have downloading/installing the ISP software? |
I could not find/did not understand the instructions for downloading and installing software. |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
I downloaded/installed software, but I was unable to access data views. |
I was able to download/install the software, but I had some problems. |
I was unable to download/install the software, but I know why. |
I was unable to download/install the software due to administrative restrictions. |
I was unable to download/install the software, and I don't know why. |
Other, please specify |
A |
5a |
A |
Specifically, what technical difficulties did you have? |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
6 |
E |
How many data views did you open in the ISP article(s) you looked at? |
One data view |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
Two or more data views |
I did not look at any data views |
Other, please specify |
A |
6a |
A |
Please tell us how many data views you opened. |
Text area, no char limit |
Skip Logic Group |
7 |
F |
Did the data views enhance your experience reading the article? |
Yes |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
No |
Not sure |
8 |
G |
What were the impacts of your use of the data views? |
Facilitated learning about the paper's subject matter |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Multi |
Y |
Skip Logic Group |
Deepened understanding of the paper's data analysis |
Created ideas for further related research |
Gained experience with new interactive methods of data presentation |
Other, please specify |
A |
8a |
Specifically, what were the other impacts of your use of data views? |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
9 |
H |
About how long did it take a typical data view to download and display in the software? |
10 seconds or less |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
More than 10 seconds but less than 30 seconds |
30 seconds to 1 minute |
More than 1 minute |
Other, please specify |
A |
9a |
A |
Please tell us more about how long it took the data views to download. |
Text area, no char limit |
Single |
N |
Skip Logic Group |
10 |
Did you browse the MIDAS data collection repository site for other ISP datasets? |
Yes, I visited the data repository site to browse datasets. |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
N |
OPS Group |
No, but I could see there was an option to go to the data repository site. |
I didn't know there was an option to go to the data repository site. |
I don't know what the MIDAS data collection repository site is. |
Other, please specify |
A |
10a |
A |
Other, visit MIDAS |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
OPS Group |
11 |
How often do you read or browse OSA journals? |
Daily |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
Weekly |
Monthly |
Less than once a month but more than once a year |
Less than once a year or never |
12 |
What best describes your major job duties? |
Research |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
Y |
OPS Group |
Development |
Teaching |
Product Design and Engineering |
Student |
Administration/Management |
Librarian or Information Professional |
Other, please specify |
A |
12a |
A |
Other, job duties |
Text area, no char limit |
N |
OPS Group |
13 |
What is your age range? |
Under 20 |
Radio button, one-up vertical |
Single |
N |
OPS Group |
21-30 |
31-40 |
41-50 |
51-60 |
61-70 |
Over 70 |
14 |
What can we do to improve your experience with the ISP Service? |
Text area, no char limit |
N |