495 CQs 12-7-2011 495 CQs 12-7-11

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2012 495 CQs for OMB started 12-7-2011.xlsx

488 USGS Gap Analysis - 515 SSA Electronic Access

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
Download: xlsx | pdf
Measures Name/Client name (CQs and Answer choices)

NIJ v2 National Institute of Justice (NIJ)

How likely are you to discourage someone from interacting with this agency? ACQCol0009751A01 1 = Very Unlikely Radio button, scale, no don't know Single Y WordofMouthIndex

ACQCol0009751A02 2

ACQCol0009751A03 3

ACQCol0009751A04 4

ACQCol0009751A05 5

ACQCol0009751A06 6

ACQCol0009751A07 7

ACQCol0009751A08 8

ACQCol0009751A09 9

ACQCol0009751A10 10 = Very Likely

Dept of State Alumni
U.S. Departement of State

Did you have any other reasons for visiting the site today? (If applicable) ACQCol0009457A01 Calendar of events Checkbox, one-up vertical MULTI N Other Reasons

ACQCol0009457A02 Grant & funding opportunity listings

ACQCol0009457A03 Q&A Live online discussion

ACQCol0009457A04 Discussion forums

ACQCol0009457A05 Alumni news

ACQCol0009457A06 Photo gallery

ACQCol0009457A07 Post or view alumni resume

ACQCol0009457A08 Post or view articles written by alumni

ACQCol0009457A09 Find fellow alumni

ACQCol0009457A10 Find host family members

ACQCol0009457A11 Learn about life in another country

ACQCol0009457A12 Learn about exchange program opportunities

ACQCol0009457A13 Learn about alumni associations

ACQCol0009457A14 Register for the website

ACQCol0009457A15 Update profile

ACQCol0009457A16 Access online resources center

American Forces Information Service
U.S Department of Defense

What is your gender? ACQLiv0009854A01 Female Dropdown (Select-one) Single N Gender

ACQLiv0009854A02 Male

ACQLiv0009854A03 I prefer not to respond


Which term best describes your role? EDO08974A005 Land Surveyor/Engineer Radio button, one-up vertical Single Role Role

EDO08974A007 Researcher/Educator/Student

EDO08974A003 Geodesist/Cartographer

EDO08974A004 GIS/Mapping User

EDO08974A001 General Public

EDO08974A002 Geocacher

EDO08974A006 News Media

EDO08974A008 Other, please specify

What were you primarily looking for on this visit to the NGS site? EDO08976A002 Toolkit software Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Primarily Looking For

EDO08976A005 Guidelines or specifications

EDO08976A004 News


EDO08976A009 Datasheets

EDO08976A008 Aeronautical Data or imagery

EDO08976A006 Other, please specify

What spatial accuracy for survey control meets your horizontal positioning needs? ACQLiv0009761A01 < 1 cm (0.03 ft.) horizontal Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Horizontal Pos

ACQLiv0009761A02 1−3 cm (0.03−0.1 ft.) horizontal

ACQLiv0009761A03 3−5 cm (0.1−0.2 ft.) horizontal

ACQLiv0009761A04 5−15 cm (0.2−0.5 ft.) horizontal

ACQLiv0009761A05 Other – please specify

ACQLiv0009761A06 Not sure/ Don't know

Please specify the spatial accuracy for survey control meeting your horizontal positioning needs.

Text area, No Limit
N OE_Horiz Pos

What vertical accuracy meets your needs for determining elevations (i.e., orthometric and/or dynamic heights)? ACQLiv0009763A01 < 1 cm (0.03 ft.) vertical Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Vertical Acc

ACQLiv0009763A02 1−3 cm (0.03−0.1 ft.) vertical

ACQLiv0009763A03 3−5 cm (0.1−0.2 ft.) vertical

ACQLiv0009763A04 5−10 cm (0.2−0.3 ft.) vertical

ACQLiv0009763A05 10−30 cm (0.3−1 ft.) vertical

ACQLiv0009763A06 Other – please specify

ACQLiv0009763A07 Not sure/ Don't know

Please specify the vertical accuracy to determine elevation.

Text area, No Limit
N OE_Vert Acc

How well aligned should passive survey control marks (e.g., bench marks) be with NGS Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS)? (Note: that the CORS network is the basis for latitude, longitude, and ellipsoid height in the National Spatial Reference System (NSRS).) ACQLiv0009781A01 < 1 cm (0.03 ft.) horizontal and/or < 2 cm (0.07 ft.) ellipsoid height Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Align to CORS

ACQLiv0009781A02 1−3 cm (0.03−0.1 ft.) horizontal and/or 2−5 cm (0.07−0.2 ft.) ellipsoid height

ACQLiv0009781A03 3−5 cm (0.1−0.2 ft.) horizontal and/or 5−10 cm (0.2−0.3 ft.) ellipsoid height

ACQLiv0009781A04 5−15 cm (0.2−0.5 ft.) horizontal and/or 10−30 cm (0.3−1 ft.) ellipsoid height

ACQLiv0009781A05 Other – please specify

ACQLiv0009781A06 Not sure/ Don't know

Please specify how well aligned passive survey control marks should be to NGS CORS.

Text area, No Limit
N OE_Align to CORS

What minimum change should determine whether NGS updates published coordinates for passive survey control marks (e.g., bench marks)? ACQLiv0009766A01 Any change Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Min Change Update

ACQLiv0009766A02 1−3 cm (0.03−0.1 ft..) horizontal and/or 2−5 cm (0.07−0.2 ft.) vertically

ACQLiv0009766A03 3−5 cm (0.1−0.2 ft..) horizontal and/or 5−10 cm (0.2−0.3 ft.) vertically

ACQLiv0009766A04 5−15 cm (0.2−0.5 ft..) horizontal and/or 10−30 cm (0.3−1 ft.) vertically

ACQLiv0009766A05 Other – please specify

ACQLiv0009766A06 Not sure/ Don't know

Please specify the minimum change required to determine when NGS updates published coordinates for passive survey control marks.

Text area, No Limit
N OE_Min Change Update

How often should NGS update published horizontal and/or vertical control coordinates? ACQLiv0009768A01 As often as necessary; update of coordinates should be based on positional change rather than a schedule Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y How Often Update

ACQLiv0009768A02 No more than once per year

ACQLiv0009768A03 No more than once every 2-4 years

ACQLiv0009768A04 No more than once every 5-10 year

ACQLiv0009768A05 Other – please specify

ACQLiv0009768A06 Not sure/ Don't know

Please specify how often NGS should update their published control coordinates.

Text area, No Limit
N OE_How Often Update

Smithsonian Institution-wide Smithsonian

What was your primary purpose for visiting the site today?
Plan a museum visit Z Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Primary Purpose

Follow-up after a visit Z

Conduct research

Do my homework



Make a donation

Become a member

Find a job or internship


Book a vacation (via Smithsonian Journeys)

Other, please specify: A

KFB02186 A Other purpose for visiting site:

Text area, no char limit

OE_Primary Purpose
ACQLiv0009176 Z Please indicate which museum(s) you are interested in (Select all that apply.)
African American History and Culture Museum
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N Skip Logic Group Museum Interest

African Art Museum

Air and Space Museum

Air and Space Museum Udvar-Hazy Center

American Art Museum

American History Museum

American Indian Museum

American Indian Museum Heye Center

Anacostia Community Museum

Arts and Industries Building

Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum

Freer Gallery of Art

Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden

Natural History Museum

Portrait Gallery

Postal Museum

Renwick Gallery

Sackler Gallery

Smithsonian Institution Building,
The Castle

Don't know

How did you look for information on the site today? (Please select all that apply.)
Search feature Y Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group How Looking

Advanced search feature / tool Y

Top navigation bar X

Left navigation bar X

Tabs X

Links in the center of the page X

Site map X

Other, please specify W

ACQLiv0009178 W Other way(s) I looked for information

Text Area – no character limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_How Looking
ACQLiv0009179 Y What specific ways can we improve your experience using search on this site?

Text Area – no character limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Search Improvement
ACQLiv0009180 X What specific ways can we improve your experience navigating on this site?

Text Area – no character limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Navigation Improvement
Which best describes your role in visiting the site today?
Art/science/nature/history Enthusiast (art / history / nature / science)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Role

Creative Person (artist / musician / writer)


Member of the media/press

Museum professional

Parent and child Parent / Grandparent / Caregiver





Teacher (higher education)

Teacher (k-12)

Other, please specify: C

KFB02190 C Other role

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group OE_Role
On this site today, did you use any of the social media offerings (i.e. view a blog post, leave a comment, subscribe to RSS feed, “like” or tweet content to share with others, etc.)?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Site Social Media


On this site today, did you use any of the multimedia offerings (i.e. video, podcast, image slideshow, animation, or other interactive content, etc.)?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Site Multimedia


Which of the following sources drove you to visit the site today? Please rank the top 3 (Rank 1 is most important).
Rank 1 (Required)

Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single Y Rank Group SV - Rank 1

Video I saw on YouTube

Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

Advertising on social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)


Message directly from the organization on a social network

Mobile phone text messages or alerts

Instant Message from a friend or colleague

Familiarity with the site

Promotional email(s) from the organization

Search engine results

Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

Internet advertising

Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice


Anchor Answer Choice

Rank 2 (Optional)
Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single Y Rank Group SV - Rank 2

Video I saw on YouTube

Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

Advertising on social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)


Message directly from the organization on a social network

Mobile phone text messages or alerts

Instant Message from a friend or colleague

Familiarity with the site

Promotional email(s) from the organization

Search engine results

Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

Internet advertising

Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice


Anchor Answer Choice

Rank 3 (Optional)
Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single Y Rank Group SV - Rank 3

Video I saw on YouTube

Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

Advertising on social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)


Message directly from the organization on a social network

Mobile phone text messages or alerts

Instant Message from a friend or colleague

Familiarity with the site

Promotional email(s) from the organization

Search engine results

Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

Internet advertising

Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice


Anchor Answer Choice

What is your gender? ACQCol0009397A01 Male
Drop down, select one Single N

ACQCol0009397A02 Female

ACQCol0009397A03 I prefer not to answer

CIA Careers Site v2 Central Intelligence Agency

ACQCol0009864 E Are you mainly looking for full-time or part-time work? ACQCol0009864A01 Full-time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Job Hours

ACQCol0009864A02 Part-time

Which best describes you? ACQCol0009875A02 Employed
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Current employment

ACQCol0009875A03 Unemployed

ACQCol0009875A04 Student

ACQCol0009875A01 Other, please specify F

ACQCol0009876 F Other role

Text area <100 char open n OPS Group OE_employment
iAppeals SSA

Before completing your application today, did you use any of the features listed below, and if so, how helpful was it in completing your appeal?
The "Preparing to File Your Appeal Online" video

Multiple List Groups

Very Helpful
Drop Down, Select one Single Y Multiple List Groups Helpful - Video

Somewhat Helpful

Not Helpful at all

Didn't use

Don't remember

The "Checklist: Information You Will Need"
Very Helpful
Drop Down, Select one Single Y Multiple List Groups Helpful - Checklist

Somewhat Helpful

Not Helpful at all

Didn't use

Don't remember

The "Tips for Using the Website" link
Very Helpful
Drop Down, Select one Single Y Multiple List Groups Helpful - Tips

Somewhat Helpful

Not Helpful at all

Didn't use

Don't remember

FMCSA Satisfaction Survey v2 FMCSA

Did you find what you were looking for today? ACQWro0009884A01 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Did you find it

ACQWro0009884A02 No

ACQWro0009884A03 Still Looking

FMCSA Passenger Carrier Satisfaction Survey v2 FMCSA

Did you find what you were looking for today? ACQWro0009885A01 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Did you find it

ACQWro0009885A02 No

ACQWro0009885A03 Still Looking


How likely are you to discourage others from doing business with MESSA? ACQCol0009992A01 1 = Very Unlikely
Radio button, scale, no don't know Single Y

ACQCol0009992A02 2

ACQCol0009992A03 3

ACQCol0009992A04 4

ACQCol0009992A05 5

ACQCol0009992A06 6

ACQCol0009992A07 7

ACQCol0009992A08 8

ACQCol0009992A09 9

ACQCol0009992A10 10 = Very Likely


Please rate the clarity of the wording on this site.
1 = Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know Single Y









10 = Excellent

Don't know

Please rate how well you understand the wording on this site.
1 = Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know Single Y









10 = Excellent

Don't know

Please rate this site on its use of short, clear sentences.
1 = Poor
Radio button, scale, has don't know Single Y









10 = Excellent

Don't know

USPTO: added "daily…" How frequently do you visit this site? EDO07372A001 Daily or almost daily R Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Group Frequency

EDO07372A002 About once a week R

EDO07372A003 Two to three times per week R

EDO07372A004 About once a month R

EDO07372A005 Every few months R

EDO07372A006 Every 6 months or less often

EDO07372A007 This is my first time visiting this site

ACQCol0009919 R Do you find the recent enhancements made to the USPTO homepage to be: ACQCol0009919A01 An improvement over the previous homepage B Dropdown (Select-one) Single Y Skip Logic Group Redesign - Homepage

ACQCol0009919A02 Comparable to the previous homepage

ACQCol0009919A03 Inferior to the previous homepage A

ACQCol0009919A04 Not sure/didn’t notice a difference

ACQCol0009919A05 Did not visit the homepage

ACQCol0009920 A Please tell us why you feel the new enhancements are inferior.

Text area, no char limit Open N Skip Logic Group OE_Inferior Homepage
ACQCol0009921 B Please share with us your feedback on how the homepage has improved.

Text area, no char limit Open N Skip Logic Group OE_Improved Hoempage
USPTO: changed from Patents search to site search Did you use the site's search box located on the homepage today? EDO07385A001 Yes S Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Site Search Box

EDO07385A002 No

EDO07385A003 Not sure

If you visited the USPTO.gov homepage today, what did you interact with? (Please select all that apply)
I did not visit the homepage today
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Homepage Interaction

The top navigation menu

The patents link located on the right side of the page

The trademarks link located on the right side of the page

The iplaw & policy link located on the right side of the page

Site-wide search box (upper right corner) S, Z

Link to search for patents (upper right corner)

Link to search for trademarks (upper right corner)

One or more links under the "Popular Links" section

Other links within the homepage

Not Sure/Don't Remember

EDO07386 S Please tell us about your experience with the site's search box feature today. (Please select all that apply.) --> Please tell us about your experience with the site-wide search box feature today. (Please select all that apply.) EDO07386A001 Search results were helpful
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Search Box Experience

EDO07386A002 Results were not relevant/not what I wanted

EDO07386A003 Too many results/I needed to refine my search

EDO07386A004 Not enough results

EDO07386A005 Returned NO results


EDO07386A006 Received error message(s)

EDO07386A007 Search speed was too slow

EDO07386A008 I experienced a different search issue (please explain): I

Anchor Answer Choice

EDO07387 I Please specify other search box issue.

Text area, no char limit Open N Skip Logic Group Other Search Issue
ACQCol0009942 Z Did you try using the site's navigational links before using the search feature today?
Yes, I navigated first
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Navigate First?

No, I went straight to the search feature

Don’t recall

SSA Retirement Estimator v3

How did you first learn about the Retirement Estimator? EDO05315A001 Search engine
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Learned about RE This is not a new question

EDO05315A002 Linked from another website

EDO05315A003 From an SSA representative

EDO05315A004 SSA publication

EDO05315A005 From my Annual Social Security Statement

EDO05315A006 Newspaper, magazine or other media

EDO05315A007 My employer or Human Resources department

EDO05315A008 My financial advisor

EDO05315A009 Word of mouth

EDO05315A010 Other, please specify C

EDO05316 C Other learned about

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group Other learned about
Have you ever sought advice on retirement/financial planning or saving strategies? EDO05317A001 Yes D Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group Sought Advice This will provide insight about whether those who use the S-RE are planning ahead about retirement and using other sources. Also we can compare the two subgroups across other characteristics.

EDO05317A002 No

EDO05318 D From what source have you sought advice on retirement/financial planning or saving strategies. EDO05318A001 Family/Friend
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Advice Source

EDO05318A002 Financial professional

EDO05318A003 Internet

EDO05318A004 Other

Which statement best describes how you completed the Retirement Estimator? EDO05319A001 I completed it for myself without assistance from anyone else
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Assistance We want to know if users get help and how frequently this occurs, which could be more prevalent among S-RE users. The group of users who are getting help may be computer illiterate or may have language proficiency problems.

EDO05319A002 I completed it for myself with assistance from a friend or family member

EDO05319A003 I completed it for myself with assistance from a professional

I completed it for someone else

EDO05319A004 Other

Did the Retirement Estimator help you decide at what age to claim benefits? EDO05320A001 Yes Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Help Decision This question will provide information on whether RE is affecting users retirement plans, and the ages they plan to retire.

EDO05320A002 No A

A Please tell us why the Retirement Estimator did not help you decide at what age to claim benefits.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Didn't help decide age to claim
EDO05321 At what age do you plan to file for benefits? EDO05321A001 62
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group Age to File This question will provide information on distribution of the ages users plan to retire. Also it will allow to compare English versus Spanish users, or cross tab with other characteristics. .

EDO05321A002 63

Change to Skip Logic so that it can be a drop down question.

EDO05321A003 64

EDO05321A004 65

EDO05321A005 66

EDO05321A006 67

EDO05321A007 68

EDO05321A008 69

EDO05321A009 70

EDO05321A010 71 or older


EDO05321A011 Other, please specify E

EDO05322 E Please specify the age at which you intend to file for benefits.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group Other Age
When do you expect to file for retirement benefits? EDO05323A001 Within 12 months
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Expect to File This is not a new question

EDO05323A002 1 to 3 years

EDO05323A003 More than 3 but less than 6 years

EDO05323A004 More than 6 years

EDO05323A005 Don't Know

How do you plan to file for retirement benefits? EDO05324A001 I prefer to file my retirement application online
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
How to File This is not a new question

EDO05324A002 By telephone interview

EDO05324A003 Face-to-face in my local SSA field office

EDO05324A004 Online with telephone or in-person assistance, if needed

EDO05324A005 Don't Know

Did you accomplish your primary purpose in using the Retirement Estimator? EDO05325A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Accomplish Goal This is not a new question

EDO05325A002 No F

EDO05325A003 Still Trying F

EDO05326 F If you did not accomplish your primary purpose in using the Retirement Estimator, please tell us why you were not able to do so.

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Did not accomplish

How would you describe your navigation experience on the SSA site today prior to arriving at the Retirement Estimator? (Please select all that apply)
I had no difficulty navigating/browsing to the Retirement Estimator
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group Navigation Experience

I had difficulty finding the links to the Retirement Estimator

Links often did not take me where I expected

I experienced technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.)

I had a navigation difficulty not listed above: A

A Other navigation difficulty

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group Other Difficulty
Have you ever used the SSA Retirement Planner? EDO05327A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
RE Planner This is not a new question

EDO05327A002 No

EDO05327A003 Don't know what that is

What do you plan to do next in regard to getting answers about your estimated retirement benefits? EDO05328A001 Nothing, the Retirement Estimator provided what I needed
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Do Next This question will provide information about whether people use RE in addition to the toll-free number and visits to the field office, or as a substitute to those services.

EDO05328A002 Call Social Security's 800 number

EDO05328A003 Call my local Social Security office

EDO05328A004 Visit my local Social Security office

EDO05328A005 Try finding the answers on the Social Security website

EDO05328A006 Try the Retirement Estimator again

EDO05328A007 Don't Know

What is your preferred language for conducting business with the Social Security Administration? EDO06581A001 English
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Preferred language This is not a new question

EDO06581A002 Spanish

EDO06581A003 Other, please specify A

EDO06582 A Other preferred language

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group Other learned about
What is your age? EDO05329A001 Under 18
Drop down, select one Single N
Age This question jointly with question #7 will allow to determine retirement horizon of people of different ages and how much weight to place on reported plans for claiming for retirement benefits across different ages.

EDO05329A002 18-20

EDO05329A003 21-30

EDO05329A004 31-40

EDO05329A005 41-50

EDO05329A006 51-55

EDO05329A007 56

EDO05329A008 57

EDO05329A009 58

EDO05329A010 59

EDO05329A011 60

EDO05329A012 61

EDO05329A013 62

EDO05329A014 63

EDO05329A015 64

EDO05329A016 65

EDO05329A017 66

EDO05329A018 67 or older

EDO05329A019 Prefer not to answer

Where do you live? EDO05330A001 Alabama
Drop down, select one Single N Skip Logic Group Location

EDO05330A002 Alaska

Change to Skip Logic so that it can be a drop down question.
Will allow to examine distribution of users across states, as well as to examine how they plan to file by state. This information can also be used for work load estimates and staff planning purposes.

EDO05330A003 Arizona

EDO05330A004 Arkansas

EDO05330A005 California

EDO05330A006 Colorado

EDO05330A007 Connecticut

EDO05330A008 Delaware

EDO05330A009 District of Columbia

EDO05330A010 Florida

EDO05330A011 Georgia

EDO05330A012 Hawaii

EDO05330A013 Idaho

EDO05330A014 Illinois

EDO05330A015 Indiana

EDO05330A016 Iowa

EDO05330A017 Kansas

EDO05330A018 Kentucky

EDO05330A019 Louisiana

EDO05330A020 Maine

EDO05330A021 Maryland

EDO05330A022 Massachusetts

EDO05330A023 Michigan

EDO05330A024 Minnesota

EDO05330A025 Mississippi

EDO05330A026 Missouri

EDO05330A027 Montana

EDO05330A028 Nebraska

EDO05330A029 Nevada

EDO05330A030 New Hampshire

EDO05330A031 New Jersey

EDO05330A032 New Mexico

EDO05330A033 New York

EDO05330A034 North Carolina

EDO05330A035 North Dakota

EDO05330A036 Ohio

EDO05330A037 Oklahoma

EDO05330A038 Oregon

EDO05330A039 Pennsylvania

EDO05330A040 Rhode Island

EDO05330A041 South Carolina

EDO05330A042 South Dakota

EDO05330A043 Tennessee

EDO05330A044 Texas

EDO05330A045 Utah

EDO05330A046 Vermont

EDO05330A047 Virginia

EDO05330A048 Washington

EDO05330A049 West Virginia

EDO05330A050 Wisconsin

EDO05330A051 Wyoming

EDO05330A052 American Samoa

EDO05330A053 Guam

EDO05330A054 Northern Mariana Islands

EDO05330A055 Puerto Rico

EDO05330A056 US Virgin Islands

EDO05330A057 Bajo Nuevo Bank

EDO05330A058 Baker Island

EDO05330A059 Howland Island

EDO05330A060 Jarvis Island

EDO05330A061 Johnston Atoll

EDO05330A062 Kingman Reef

EDO05330A063 Midway Atoll

EDO05330A064 Navassa Island

EDO05330A065 Palmyra Atoll

EDO05330A066 Serranilla Bank

EDO05330A067 Wake Island

EDO05330A068 Other - Please specify G

EDO05331 G Please specify where you live.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group Other Location
What is the highest level of education you have completed? EDO05332A001 No high school
Drop down, select one Single N Skip Logic Group Education

EDO05332A002 Some high school

Change to Skip Logic so that it can be a drop down question.
To examine which groups are more/less likely to use the RE, as well as a proxy for their income levels.

EDO05332A003 High school diploma or equivalent

EDO05332A004 Some college, but no degree

EDO05332A005 Associate's degree

EDO05332A006 Bachelor's degree

EDO05332A007 Master's degree

EDO05332A008 Professional degree (MD, JD, etc)

EDO05332A009 Doctorate degree (PhD)

EDO05332A010 Prefer not to answer

EDO05332A011 Other, please specify X

EDO05333 X Please specify the highest level of education you have completed.

Text field, <100 char
N Skip Logic Group Other Education
What is your current marital status? EDO06583A001 Married
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N OPS Group Marital Status

EDO06583A002 Separated

EDO06583A003 Divorced                   

EDO06583A004 Widowed                  

EDO06583A005 Never married          

EDO06583A006 Prefer not to answer

EDO06583A007 Other, please specify x

EDO06584 X Other marital status

Text field, <100 char
N OPS Group Other Marital

Please tell us if there are any improvements/changes you would make to the Retirement Estimator.

Text area, no char limit
CDC (January 2011-present) SP

¿Qué categoría describe mejor el tema de salud que está buscando? SPCWS06063A001 Enfermedades y afecciones (TDAH, defectos de nacimiento, cáncer, diabetes, síndrome alcohólico fetal, influenza o gripe, hepatitis, VIH/sida, ETS...) A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Health Topic

SPCWS06063A002 Vida saludable (seguridad de los alimentos, salud de los huesos, actividad física, vacunas, genética, salud sexual, prevención del tabaquismo...) B

SPCWS06063A003 Preparación y respuesta para casos de emergencias (bioterrorismo, emergencias por sustancias químicas y radiación, mal tiempo…) D

SPCWS06063A004 Lesiones, violencia y seguridad (seguridad en vehículos automotores, lesiones y conmociones cerebrales traumáticas, caídas, abuso infantil, abuso de medicinas recetadas, suicidio, datos sobre lesiones…) E

SPCWS06063A005 Salud ambiental (contaminación del aire, biomonitorización, monóxido de carbono, plomo, sustancias tóxicas, moho…) F

SPCWS06063A006 Salud ocupacional (asbesto, seguridad de sustancias químicas, construcción, minería, entornos de oficinas, respiradores…) G

SPCWS06063A007 Salud global (Sida en el mundo, paludismo o malaria, detección de enfermedades, poliomielitis, influenza o gripe) I

SPCWS06063A008 Salud del viajero (destinos, brotes, vacunas para viajeros, el libro Amarillo o Yellow Book…) C

SPCWS06063A009 Etapas de la vida y poblaciones (bebés y niños, hombres, minorías, embarazo, ancianos, mujeres...) H

SPCWS06063A010 Sector estatal, tribal, local y territorial (área de trabajo de la salud pública, planeación de programas, desarrollo profesional, apoyo tribal...) J

Brotes (brotes internacionales, brotes en los Estados Unidos, brotes relacionados con los alimentos…) L

SPCWS06063A011 Otro, por favor especifique: K

SPCWS06064 K Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Other Health Topic
SPCWS06065 A ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06065A001 TDAH
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group DiseaseCond

SPCWS06065A002 Artritis

SPCWS06065A003 Asma

SPCWS06065A004 Autismo

SPCWS06065A005 Defectos de nacimiento o congénitos

SPCWS06065A006 Cáncer

SPCWS06065A007 Diabetes

SPCWS06065A008 Epilepsia

SPCWS06065A009 Síndrome alcohólico fetal

SPCWS06065A010 Influenza (gripe)

Enfermedad de manos, pies y boca

SPCWS06065A011 Enfermedades cardiacas

SPCWS06065A012 Hepatitis

SPCWS06065A013 VIH/Sida


SPCWS06065A014 Meningitis

SPCWS06065A015 SARM (Staphylococcus Aureus resistente a la meticilina)

SPCWS06065A016 Obesidad

SPCWS06065A017 Salmonella

SPCWS06065A018 Enfermedades transmitidas sexualmente (VPH, clamidia, gonorrea, etc.)

Culebrilla o herpes zóster

SPCWS06065A019 Accidentes cerebrovasculares

SPCWS06065A020 Tuberculosis

SPCWS06065A021 Enfermedades relacionadas con el agua

SPCWS06065A022 Otro, por favor especifique: L

SPCWS06066 L Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Oth diseascond
SPCWS06067 B ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06067A001 Envejecimiento
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Healthy Living

SPCWS06067A002 Defectos de nacimiento o congénitos

SPCWS06067A003 IMC (Índice de masa corporal)

SPCWS06067A004 Salud de los huesos

SPCWS06067A005 Lactancia materna

SPCWS06067A006 Desarrollo infantil

SPCWS06067A007 Consumo excesivo del alcohol

SPCWS06067A008 Higiene de los alimentos

SPCWS06067A009 Genética y genómica

SPCWS06067A010 Salud mental

SPCWS06067A011 Nutrición

SPCWS06067A012 Actividad física y ejercicio

SPCWS06067A013 Salud reproductiva

SPCWS06067A014 Salud sexual

SPCWS06067A015 Sueño y trastornos del sueño

SPCWS06067A016 Tabaquismo

SPCWS06067A017 Vacunas e inmunización

SPCWS06067A018 Otro, por favor especifique: M

SPCWS06068 M Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group

SPCWS06069 C ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06069A001 Guía Amarilla del Viajero (Información de salud de los CDC para los viajeros internacionales)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Travelers Health

SPCWS06069A002 Destinos

SPCWS06069A003 Enfermedades relacionadas con los viajes (como paludismo o malaria y fiebre amarilla)

SPCWS06069A004 Enfermedades y lesiones en el extranjero (qué hacer si se enferma durante su viaje)

SPCWS06069A005 Preparación para un viaje

SPCWS06069A006 Cómo mantenerse seguro y saludable (protección contra insectos, agua y alimentos seguros y guía de supervivencia)

SPCWS06069A007 Vacunas

SPCWS06069A008 Otro, por favor especifique: N

SPCWS06070 N Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Other Travelers
SPCWS06071 D ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06071A001 Bioterrorismo (carbunco o anthrax, peste, viruela)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Emerg Prepare

SPCWS06071A002 Emergencias con sustancias químicas (ricina, cloro, agentes nerviosos)

SPCWS06071A003 Cómo hacerle frente a un desastre

SPCWS06071A004 Víctimas masivas (explosiones, ondas expansivas, lesiones)

SPCWS06071A005 Desastres naturales y mal tiempo (terremotos, huracanes, volcanes, ola invernal)

SPCWS06071A006 Preparación y planificación de riesgos

SPCWS06071A007 Emergencias por radiación ("bombas sucias", explosiones nucleares)

SPCWS06071A008 Brotes e incidentes recientes (salmonella, melamina)

SPCWS06071A009 Vigilancia epidemiológica

SPCWS06071A010 Otro, por favor especifique: O

SPCWS06072 O Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Other Emerg
SPCWS06073 E ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06073A001 Cuidados agudos (respuesta a lesiones)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06073A002 Lesiones en adolescentes

SPCWS06073A003 Abuso o maltrato infantil

SPCWS06073A004 Asfixia

SPCWS06073A005 Conmociones o lesiones cerebrales

SPCWS06073A006 Mordeduras de perro

SPCWS06073A007 Ahogamientos

SPCWS06073A008 Maltrato de ancianos

SPCWS06073A009 Lesiones por explosiones y onda expansiva

SPCWS06073A010 Caídas en adultos de edad avanzada

SPCWS06073A011 Lesiones producidas por el fuego

SPCWS06073A012 Fuegos artificiales

SPCWS06073A013 Violencia de pareja

SPCWS06073A014 Victimas masivas

SPCWS06073A015 Lesiones relacionadas con vehículos automotores

SPCWS06073A016 Intoxicación y envenenamiento

SPCWS06073A017 Prevención de lesiones y violencia

SPCWS06073A018 Violencia sexual

SPCWS06073A019 Suicidio

SPCWS06073A020 Violencia

SPCWS06073A021 Otro, por favor especifique: P

SPCWS06074 P Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Oth Injury
SPCWS06075 F ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06075A001 Calidad del aire
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06075A002 Asbesto

SPCWS06075A003 Asma

SPCWS06075A004 Biomonitorización

SPCWS06075A005 Envenamiento con monóxido de carbono

SPCWS06075A006 Prevención del envenenamiento infantil por plomo

SPCWS06075A007 Cambio climático

SPCWS06075A008 Salud en los cruceros

SPCWS06075A009 Condiciones climáticas extremas

SPCWS06075A010 Moho

SPCWS06075A011 Desastres naturales

SPCWS06075A012 Protección contra el sol

SPCWS06075A013 Estudios sobre la radiación

SPCWS06075A014 Control de roedores

SPCWS06075A015 Tabaquismo

SPCWS06075A016 Agua

SPCWS06075A017 Otro, por favor especifique: Q

SPCWS06076 Q Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Oth Enviro
SPCWS06077 G ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06077A001 Asbesto
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Workplace

Infecciones transmitidas por la sangre

SPCWS06077A002 Síndrome del túnel carpiano

SPCWS06077A003 Seguridad de sustancias químicas

SPCWS06077A004 Construcción

SPCWS06077A005 Seguridad eléctrica

Preparación y respuesta a emergencias

SPCWS06077A006 Personal de respuesta a emergencias

SPCWS06077A007 Trastornos ergonómicos y musculoesqueléticos

SPCWS06077A008 Protección de los ojos


SPCWS06077A009 Pérdida de la audición

SPCWS06077A010 Estrés por calor/frío

SPCWS06077A011 Seguridad en el laboratorio

SPCWS06077A012 Plomo

SPCWS06077A013 Seguirdad con maquinaria

SPCWS06077A014 Minería

SPCWS06077A015 Seguridad en vehículos automotores

SPCWS06077A016 Ruido/pérdida auditiva

SPCWS06077A017 Entornos de oficina

SPCWS06077A018 Ropa de protección

SPCWS06077A019 Respiradores

SPCWS06077A020 Estrés

SPCWS06077A021 Violencia

SPCWS06077A022 Prevención y seguridad en el sitio de trabajo

SPCWS06077A023 Otro, por favor especifique: R

SPCWS06078 R Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Oth Workplace
SPCWS06079 H ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06079A001 Adolescentes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06079A002 Niños

SPCWS06079A003 Familias

SPCWS06079A004 Bebés y niños pequeños

SPCWS06079A005 Hombres

SPCWS06079A006 Adultos mayores y ancianos

SPCWS06079A007 Padres

SPCWS06079A008 Embarazo

SPCWS06079A009 Mujeres

SPCWS06079A010 Adultos jóvenes

SPCWS06079A011 Otro, por favor especifique: H

SPCWS06080 S Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Oth Life
SPCWS06081 I ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06081A001 Programa de capacitación de epidemiólogos de campo
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06081A002 Detección global de enfermedades

SPCWS06081A003 Iniciativas de salud global

SPCWS06081A004 VIH/sida en el mundo

SPCWS06081A005 Vacunación global

SPCWS06081A006 Haití

SPCWS06081A007 Programa Internacional de Emergencia y Salud de los Refugiados

SPCWS06081A008 Parásitos

SPCWS06081A009 Otro, por favor especifique: T

SPCWS06082 T Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Oth Global
SPCWS06083 J ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06083A001 Mejores prácticas
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group State Tribal

SPCWS06083A002 Acuerdos de cooperación

SPCWS06083A003 Financiamiento y subvenciones

SPCWS06083A004 Políticas

SPCWS06083A005 Estrategias y planeación

SPCWS06083A006 Capacitación

SPCWS06083A007 Otro, por favor especifique: U

SPCWS06084 U Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Oth State Tribal

L ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? CWS06083A001 Brotes relacionados con viajes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1.11 Outbreaks

CWS06083A002 Brotes internacionales

CWS06083A003 Brotes en los Estados Unidos

CWS06083A004 Brotes relacionados con los alimentos

CWS06083A007 Otro, por favor especifique: V

V Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.11Oth Outbreaks
¿Cuál de los siguientes describe mejor el tipo de información que buscaba? SPCWS06085A001 Información general del tema de salud seleccionado
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Type of Info

SPCWS06085A002 Información general sobre síntomas, causas, factores de riesgo, pruebas o tratamientos

SPCWS06085A003 Datos y estadísticas

SPCWS06085A004 Investigaciones científicas, artículos, publicaciones y revistas

SPCWS06085A005 Directrices y recomendaciones para personal de atención médica

SPCWS06085A006 Capacitación profesional para personal de atención médica, investigadores, profesionales de salud pública, etc.

SPCWS06085A007 Materiales educativos

SPCWS06085A008 Campañas e iniciativas

SPCWS06085A009 Subvenciones y oportunidades de financiamiento

SPCWS06085A010 Herramientas, programas informáticos, sistemas y otros recursos

SPCWS06085A011 Materiales impresos (hojas informativas, folletos, afiches, etc.)

SPCWS06085A012 Materiales de multimedia (podcasts, videos, widgets, etc.)

SPCWS06085A013 Empleos y desarrollo profesional

SPCWS06085A014 Otro, por favor especifique: A

SPCWS06086 A Indique el otro tipo de información que buscaba:

Text area, no char limit

OPS Group Other Info
¿Pudo encontrar lo que buscaba? SPCWS06087A001
Radio button, one-up vertical
Y Skip Logic Group Find Info

SPCWS06087A002 Parcialmente A

SPCWS06087A003 No, todavía sigo buscando. A

SPCWS06088 A ¿Qué información estaba buscando?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Unable to Find
Planeo usar la información que encuentre hoy para: Planeo usar la información que encuentre hoy para: Mi propia salud o la de mi familia A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 4. How will use

SPACQOsl0003358A02 Mi amigo o familiar (que no vive conmigo)

SPACQOsl0003358A03 Para un consultorio médico / hospital

SPACQOsl0003358A04 Para un paciente o cliente

SPACQOsl0003358A05 Para una agencia de salud pública

SPACQOsl0003358A06 Para una institución de investigación

SPACQOsl0003358A07 Para una empresa / sitio de trabajo

SPACQOsl0003358A08 Para una institución educativa o para enseñanza

SPACQOsl0003358A09 Para una escuela / para una clase

SPACQOsl0003358A10 Otro, especifique B

A Con base en la información que encontré, planeo hacer cambios en mi estilo de vida o el de mi familia:
Completamente de acuerdo
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 4.1 Behavior Change

De acuerdo

En desacuerdo C

Completamente en desacuerdo C

No corresponde

C ¿Por qué es muy poco probable que haga algún cambio para mejorar su salud?

Text area, no char limit Single
Skip Logic Group 4.2Unlikely Change
SPACQOsl0003359 B Por favor, especifique de qué manera utilizará la información que está buscando hoy:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 4.Oth How will use
Con base en la información que encontró, ¿qué probabilidad tiene de hacer cambios en su estilo de vida para mejorar su salud? SPCWS06091A001 Muy probable E Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Change

SPCWS06091A002 Probablemente sí E

SPCWS06091A003 Probablemente no C

SPCWS06091A004 Muy poco probable C

SPCWS06092 C ¿Por qué es muy poco probable que haga algún cambio para mejorar su salud? SPCWS06092A001 Necesito más información (necesito averiguar más).
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Unlikely Change

SPCWS06092A002 No estoy listo para hacer el cambio todavía.

SPCWS06092A003 Ya estoy siguiendo las recomendaciones / tengo un estilo de vida saludable.

SPCWS06092A004 Otro, por favor especifique: D

SPCWS06093 D ¿Por qué razón es probable que no haga ningún cambio?:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Open Unlikely Change
SPCWS06094 E ¿Qué cambio planea hacer?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Open Change
¿Consultaría la información de los CDC a través de otros canales o aparatos electrónicos? [Seleccione todas las opciones que correspondan]: SPACQOsl0004055A01 Redes sociales (como Facebook)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group 6. Electronic Channels (3.14.2011)

SPACQOsl0004055A02 Sitios de micro-blogging (como Twitter)





SPACQOsl0004055A03 Sitio web móvil

SPACQOsl0004055A04 Aplicaciones móviles o "apps"

SPACQOsl0004055A05 Mensajes de texto

SPACQOsl0004055A06 Videos en línea

SPACQOsl0004055A07 Podcasts

SPACQOsl0004055A08 Webinars

SPACQOsl0004055A09 Blogs

SPACQOsl0004055A10 Tarjetas electrónicas

SPACQOsl0004055A11 Widgets (es decir, un módulo o aplicación que puede añadir a su sitio web o página personalizada de Internet como iGoogle o MyYahoo!)

SPACQOsl0004055A12 Actualizaciones por correo electrónico

SPACQOsl0004055A13 Canales RSS

SPACQOsl0004055A14 Nada de lo anterior

SPACQOsl0004055A15 Otro, por favor especifique: A

SPACQOsl0004056 A Por favor especifique cuáles otros canales o aparatos electrónicos:

OPS Group 6. Oth Elect Channel (3.14.2011)
En el último año, ¿cuál de las siguientes actividades ha realizado? [Seleccione todas las que aplican]: SPCWS06095A001 Escuchó un podcast o una emisión en CDC.gov
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
SM CDC Activities

SPCWS06095A002 Vio un video en CDC.gov o la página de los CDC en YouTube

SPCWS06095A003 Visitó o "le gustó" la página de los CDC en Facebook

SPCWS06095A004 Siguió uno de los perfiles sociales de los CDC en Twitter

SPCWS06095A005 Se suscribió para recibir actualizaciones de CDC.gov por correo electrónico

SPCWS06095A006 Envió a alguien una tarjeta electrónica de los CDC

SPCWS06095A007 Usó el sitio web móvil de los CDC (m.cdc.gov) o una aplicación móvil de los CDC ("app")

SPCWS06095A008 Se suscribió a un programa de mensajes de texto de los CDC

SPCWS06095A009 Leyó uno de los blogs en CDC.gov

SPCWS06095A010 Usó uno de los widgets de CDC

SPCWS06095A011 Usó la Biblioteca de Imágenes de Salud Pública (PHIL) de los CDC

SPCWS06095A012 Descargó uno de los botones o letreros de los CDC

SPCWS06095A013 Participó en un concurso o en una competencia patrocinada por los CDC

SPCWS06095A014 Nada de lo anterior

En los últimos tres meses, ¿cuál de las siguientes actividades generales ha realizado en Internet? [Seleccione todas las que aplican]: SPCWS06096A001 Participó en sitios de interacción social en línea (Facebook, MySpace, etc.)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
SM Activities

SPCWS06096A002 Usó sitios de "microblogging"(Twitter, Tumblr, Jaiku, etc.)

SPCWS06096A003 Exploró galerías de fotos en línea

SPCWS06096A004 Vio videos en un sitio web

SPCWS06096A005 Cargó videos en un sitio web (YouTube)

SPCWS06096A006 Escuchó podcasts o emisiones de audio en un sitio web

SPCWS06096A007 Se suscribió para recibir actualizaciones de un sitio web por correo electrónico

SPCWS06096A008 Se suscribió a canales RSS

SPCWS06096A009 Usó páginas de Internet personalizadas (My Yahoo!, iGoogle, etc.)

SPCWS06096A010 Añadió un widget o un gadget a su página web personalizada

SPCWS06096A011 Leyó blogs o wikis

SPCWS06096A012 Escribió un blog o colaboró en wikis

SPCWS06096A013 Publicó comentarios, calificaciones o reseñas en un sitio web

SPCWS06096A014 Envió una tarjeta electrónica a alguien:

SPCWS06096A015 Marcó como favoritos o etiquetó sitios de web (usando sitios sociales para clasificar como Digg)

SPCWS06096A016 Participó en mundos virtuales (Second Life, Whyville, etc.)

SPCWS06096A017 Nada de lo anterior

En los últimos tres meses, ¿cuál de las siguientes actividades generales ha realizado con su teléfono celular o aparato móvil? [Seleccione todas las que aplican]: SPCWS06097A001 Envió o recibió mensajes de texto
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
SM Mobile Activities

SPCWS06097A002 Exploró sitios web

SPCWS06097A003 Envió o recibió correos electrónicos

SPCWS06097A004 Descargó una aplicación ("app")

SPCWS06097A005 Vio videos

SPCWS06097A006 Grabó videos

SPCWS06097A007 Tomó fotos

SPCWS06097A008 Jugó un juego en línea

SPCWS06097A009 Escuchó música

SPCWS06097A010 Nada de lo anterior

¿Con qué frecuencia utiliza usted el sitio web CDC en Español ? SPCWS06098A001 Diariamente
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06098A002 Semanalmente

SPCWS06098A003 Mensualmente

SPCWS06098A004 Un par de veces al año

SPCWS06098A005 Alrededor de una vez al año

SPCWS06098A006 Esta es mi primera vez

¿Cuál describe mejor la razón principal para visitar hoy el sitio web CDC.gov? SPCWS06099A001 Persona interesada en temas de salud
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Role

SPCWS06099A002 Viajero

SPCWS06099A003 Profesional de atención médica (doctor, enfermera, asistente médico, personal de enfermería especializado, farmaceuta u otro prestador de atención médica) B, C

SPCWS06099A004 Empleado de una agencia de salud pública o profesional de salud pública D, E

SPCWS06099A005 Científico o investigador

SPCWS06099A006 Educador maestro o instructor

SPCWS06099A007 Estudiante

SPCWS06099A008 Asesor de temas de seguridad

SPCWS06099A009 Gerente de empresa

SPCWS06099A010 Periodista o miembro de los medios de comunicación

SPCWS06099A011 Personal de respuesta a emergencias

SPCWS06099A012 Personal de seguridad pública

SPCWS06099A013 Funcionario oficial, legislador o miembro de su personal

SPCWS06099A014 Becario/beneficiario de subvención

SPCWS06099A015 Empleado, contratista o personal de los CDC

SPCWS06099A016 Otro, por favor especifique: A

SPCWS06100 A Indique su función:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Provider role
SPCWS06101 B ¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones le describe mejor? SPCWS06101A001 Médico que da consultas por lo menos 2 días a la semana
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06101A002 Médico, principalmente realizando investigaciones

SPCWS06101A003 Personal de enfermería

SPCWS06101A004 Asistente médico

SPCWS06101A005 Farmaceuta o asistente de farmaceuta

SPCWS06101A006 Otro tipo de profesional de atención médica, por favor especifique: F

SPCWS06102 G Indique su función:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Provider
SPCWS06103 C ¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones describe mejor su sitio de trabajo? SPCWS06103A001 Hospital
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Provider Location

SPCWS06103A002 Consultorio médico grande

SPCWS06103A003 Consultorio médico pequeño

SPCWS06103A004 Organización sin ánimo de lucro

SPCWS06103A005 Institución que realiza investigaciones

SPCWS06103A006 Otro, por favor especifique: G

SPCWS06104 G Indique dónde trabaja:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Prov Location
SPCWS06105 D ¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones le describe mejor? SPCWS06105A001 Promotor de salud pública
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06105A002 Educador de temas de salud

SPCWS06105A003 Comunicador de temas de salud

SPCWS06105A004 Administrador


SPCWS06105A005 Científico investigador

SPCWS06105A006 Personal administrativo

SPCWS06105A007 Otro, por favor especifique: H

SPCWS06106 H Indique su función:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Public
SPCWS06107 E ¿Cuál de los siguientes describe el lugar donde trabaja? SPCWS06107A001 Sector público o comercial
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06107A002 Organización sin ánimo de lucro

SPCWS06107A003 Agencia de salud pública federal

SPCWS06107A004 Agencia de salud pública estatal

SPCWS06107A005 Agencia de salud pública local

SPCWS06107A006 Agencia de salud pública territorial

SPCWS06107A007 Agencia de salud pública tribal

SPCWS06107A008 Otro, por favor especifique: I

SPCWS06108 I Indique dónde trabaja:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Pub Location
¿Cuál de las siguientes fuentes le motivó a visitar hoy este sitio web? [Designe los 3 principales, asignando el número 1 al más importante]:
Primer lugar: 1 (requerido)
SPCWS06109A001 Mensaje directo de los CDC en Facebook o Twitter
Drop down, select one Single Y Rank Group SV - Rank 1

SPCWS06109A002 Mensaje o recomendación de un amigo en Facebook o Twitter

SPCWS06109A003 Video que vi en la página de los CDC en YouTube

SPCWS06109A004 A blog or discussion forum

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

SPCWS06109A005 Anuncio en Facebook o Twitter


Sitio web móvil de los CDC

Alertas o mensajes de texto en el teléfono celular

Aplicaciones móviles o "apps"

SPCWS06109A006 Escaneo de un código QR

SPCWS06109A007 Mensaje instantáneo "IM" de alguien

SPCWS06109A008 Conozco la agencia o su sitio web

SPCWS06109A009 Actualizaciones por correo electrónico de la agencia

SPCWS06109A010 Sitio web marcado como favorito

SPCWS06109A011 Resultados de búsqueda en Internet

SPCWS06109A012 Alguien que conozco me lo recomendó

SPCWS06109A013 Anuncio en radio, televisión, periódico o revista

SPCWS06109A014 Anuncio en otro sitio web

SPCWS06109A015 No sé

Anchor Answer Choice

SPCWS06109A016 Otro

Anchor Answer Choice

Segundo lugar: 2 (opcional) SPCWS06110A001 Mensaje directo de los CDC en Facebook o Twitter
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 2

SPCWS06110A002 Mensaje o recomendación de un amigo en Facebook o Twitter

SPCWS06110A003 Video que vi en la página de los CDC en YouTube

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

SPCWS06110A004 A blog or discussion forum


SPCWS06110A005 Anuncio en Facebook o Twitter

SPCWS06110A006 Sitio web móvil de los CDC

SPCWS06110A007 Alertas o mensajes de texto en el teléfono celular

Aplicaciones móviles o "apps"

Escaneo de un código QR

Mensaje instantáneo "IM" de alguien

SPCWS06110A008 Conozco la agencia o su sitio web

SPCWS06110A009 Actualizaciones por correo electrónico de la agencia

SPCWS06110A010 Sitio web marcado como favorito

SPCWS06110A011 Resultados de búsqueda en Internet

SPCWS06110A012 Alguien que conozco me lo recomendó

SPCWS06110A013 Anuncio en radio, televisión, periódico o revista

SPCWS06110A014 Anuncio en otro sitio web

SPCWS06110A015 No sé

Anchor Answer Choice

SPCWS06110A016 Otro

Anchor Answer Choice

Tercer lugar: 2 (opcional) SPCWS06111A001 Mensaje directo de los CDC en Facebook o Twitter
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 3

SPCWS06111A002 Mensaje o recomendación de un amigo en Facebook o Twitter

SPCWS06111A003 Video que vi en la página de los CDC en YouTube

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

SPCWS06111A004 A blog or discussion forum


SPCWS06111A005 Anuncio en Facebook o Twitter

Sitio web móvil de los CDC

Alertas o mensajes de texto en el teléfono celular

SPCWS06111A006 Aplicaciones móviles o "apps"

Escaneo de un código QR

SPCWS06111A007 Mensaje instantáneo "IM" de alguien

SPCWS06111A008 Conozco la agencia o su sitio web

SPCWS06111A009 Actualizaciones por correo electrónico de la agencia

SPCWS06111A010 Sitio web marcado como favorito

SPCWS06111A011 Resultados de búsqueda en Internet

SPCWS06111A012 Alguien que conozco me lo recomendó

SPCWS06111A013 Anuncio en radio, televisión, periódico o revista

SPCWS06111A014 Anuncio en otro sitio web

SPCWS06111A015 No sé

Anchor Answer Choice

SPCWS06111A016 Otro

Anchor Answer Choice

Si escuchó sobre este sitio web en una de las redes sociales, especifique el sitio (p. ej., Facebook, Twitter)

Text area, no char limit
SV - Other Social Network
¿Qué edad tiene? SPCWS06113A001 19 años o menos
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06113A002 20-34 años de edad

SPCWS06113A003 35-49 años de edad

SPCWS06113A004 50-64 años de edad

SPCWS06113A005 65 años o más

SPCWS06113A006 Prefiero no contestar

¿Cómo se describiría usted? SPCWS06114A001 Blanco
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

SPCWS06114A002 Hispano o latino

SPCWS06114A003 Asiático

SPCWS06114A004 Negro o afroamericano

SPCWS06114A005 Indoamericano o nativo de Alaska

SPCWS06114A006 Nativo de Hawái o de otras islas del Pacífico

SPCWS06114A007 Prefiero no contestar

¿Cuál es el nivel más alto de estudios que ha completado? SPCWS06115A001 Escuela secundaria superior (high school) o menos
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06115A002 Algunos estudios universitarios

SPCWS06115A003 Graduado universitario

SPCWS06115A004 Posgrado

SPCWS06115A005 Prefiero no contestar

¿Cuál es su sexo? SPCWS06116A001 Femenino
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06116A002 Masculino


SPCWS06116A003 Prefiero no contestar

¿En qué país reside? SPCWS06117A001 Estados Unidos


SPCWS06117A002 Afganistán

SPCWS06117A003 Albania

SPCWS06117A004 Alemania

SPCWS06117A005 Andorra

SPCWS06117A006 Angola

SPCWS06117A007 Anguilla

SPCWS06117A008 Antártida

SPCWS06117A009 Antigua y Barbuda

SPCWS06117A010 Antillas Holandesas

SPCWS06117A011 Arabia Saudita

SPCWS06117A012 Argelia

SPCWS06117A013 Argentina

SPCWS06117A014 Armenia

SPCWS06117A015 Aruba

SPCWS06117A016 Australia

SPCWS06117A017 Austria

SPCWS06117A018 Azerbaiyán

SPCWS06117A019 Bahamas

SPCWS06117A020 Bahrein

SPCWS06117A021 Bangladesh

SPCWS06117A022 Barbados

SPCWS06117A023 Bélgica

SPCWS06117A024 Belice

SPCWS06117A025 Benín

SPCWS06117A026 Bielorrusia

SPCWS06117A027 Bolivia

SPCWS06117A028 Bosnia-Herzegovina

SPCWS06117A029 Botswana

SPCWS06117A030 Brasil

SPCWS06117A031 Brunei Darussalam

SPCWS06117A032 Bulgaria

SPCWS06117A033 Burkina Faso

SPCWS06117A034 Burundi

SPCWS06117A035 Bután

SPCWS06117A036 Cabo Verde

SPCWS06117A037 Camboya

SPCWS06117A038 Camerún

SPCWS06117A039 Canadá

SPCWS06117A040 Chad

SPCWS06117A041 Chile

SPCWS06117A042 China

SPCWS06117A043 Chipre

SPCWS06117A044 Colombia

SPCWS06117A045 Comoras

SPCWS06117A046 Congo

SPCWS06117A047 Corea del Norte

SPCWS06117A048 Corea del Sur

SPCWS06117A049 Costa de Marfil

SPCWS06117A050 Costa Rica

SPCWS06117A051 Croacia

SPCWS06117A052 Cuba

SPCWS06117A053 Dinamarca

SPCWS06117A054 Djibouti

SPCWS06117A055 Dominica

SPCWS06117A056 Ecuador

SPCWS06117A057 Egipto

SPCWS06117A058 El Salvador

SPCWS06117A059 Emiratos Árabes Unidos

SPCWS06117A060 Eritrea

SPCWS06117A061 Eslovaquia

SPCWS06117A062 Eslovenia

SPCWS06117A063 España

SPCWS06117A064 Estonia

SPCWS06117A065 Etiopía

SPCWS06117A066 Federación Rusa

SPCWS06117A067 Fiji

SPCWS06117A068 Filipinas

SPCWS06117A069 Finlandia

SPCWS06117A070 Francia

SPCWS06117A071 Gabón

SPCWS06117A072 Gambia

SPCWS06117A073 Georgia

SPCWS06117A074 Ghana

SPCWS06117A075 Gibraltar

SPCWS06117A076 Grecia

SPCWS06117A077 Grenada

SPCWS06117A078 Groenlandia

SPCWS06117A079 Guadeloupe

SPCWS06117A080 Guam

SPCWS06117A081 Guatemala

SPCWS06117A082 Guayana francesa

SPCWS06117A083 Guinea

SPCWS06117A084 Guinea Ecuatorial

SPCWS06117A085 Guinea-Bissau

SPCWS06117A086 Guyana

SPCWS06117A087 Haití

SPCWS06117A088 Holanda

SPCWS06117A089 Honduras

SPCWS06117A090 Hong Kong

SPCWS06117A091 Hungría

SPCWS06117A092 India

SPCWS06117A093 Indonesia

SPCWS06117A094 Irán

SPCWS06117A095 Iraq

SPCWS06117A096 Irlanda

SPCWS06117A097 Isla Bouvet

SPCWS06117A098 Isla Navidad

SPCWS06117A099 Isla Norfolk

SPCWS06117A100 Islandia

SPCWS06117A101 Islas Bermudas

SPCWS06117A102 Islas Caimán

SPCWS06117A103 Islas Cocos

SPCWS06117A104 Islas Cook

SPCWS06117A105 Islas Faroe

SPCWS06117A106 Islas Heard/McDonald

SPCWS06117A107 Islas Malvinas o Falkland

SPCWS06117A108 Islas Marianas del Norte

SPCWS06117A109 Islas Marshall

SPCWS06117A110 Islas Solomón

SPCWS06117A111 Islas Turcas y Caicos

SPCWS06117A112 Islas Ultramarinas de Estados Unidos

SPCWS06117A113 Islas Vírgenes, británicas

SPCWS06117A114 Islas Vírgenes, de EE. UU.

SPCWS06117A115 Israel

SPCWS06117A116 Italia

SPCWS06117A117 Jamaica

SPCWS06117A118 Japón

SPCWS06117A119 Jordania

SPCWS06117A120 Kazajstán

SPCWS06117A121 Kenya

SPCWS06117A122 Kirguistán

SPCWS06117A123 Kiribati

SPCWS06117A124 Kuwait

SPCWS06117A125 Laos

SPCWS06117A126 Latvia

SPCWS06117A127 Lesotho

SPCWS06117A128 Líbano

SPCWS06117A129 Liberia

SPCWS06117A130 Libia

SPCWS06117A131 Liechtenstein

SPCWS06117A132 Lituania

SPCWS06117A133 Luxemburgo

SPCWS06117A134 Macao

SPCWS06117A135 Macedonia

SPCWS06117A136 Madagascar

SPCWS06117A137 Malasia

SPCWS06117A138 Malawi

SPCWS06117A139 Maldivas

SPCWS06117A140 Mali

SPCWS06117A141 Malta

SPCWS06117A142 Marruecos

SPCWS06117A143 Martinica

SPCWS06117A144 Mauricio

SPCWS06117A145 Mauritania

SPCWS06117A146 Mayotte

SPCWS06117A147 México

SPCWS06117A148 Micronesia

SPCWS06117A149 Moldova

SPCWS06117A150 Mónaco

SPCWS06117A151 Mongolia

SPCWS06117A152 Montserrat

SPCWS06117A153 Mozambique

SPCWS06117A154 Myanmar

SPCWS06117A155 Namibia

SPCWS06117A156 Nauru

SPCWS06117A157 Nepal

SPCWS06117A158 Nicaragua

SPCWS06117A159 Níger

SPCWS06117A160 Nigeria

SPCWS06117A161 Niue

SPCWS06117A162 Noruega

SPCWS06117A163 Nueva Caledonia

SPCWS06117A164 Nueva Zelandia

SPCWS06117A165 Omán

SPCWS06117A166 Pakistán

SPCWS06117A167 Palau

SPCWS06117A168 Panamá

SPCWS06117A169 Papua Nueva Guinea

SPCWS06117A170 Paraguay

SPCWS06117A171 Perú

SPCWS06117A172 Pitcairn

SPCWS06117A173 Polinesia Francesa

SPCWS06117A174 Polonia

SPCWS06117A175 Portugal

SPCWS06117A176 Puerto Rico

SPCWS06117A177 Qatar

SPCWS06117A178 Reino Unido

SPCWS06117A179 República Centroafricana

SPCWS06117A180 República Checa

SPCWS06117A181 República Democrática del Congo

SPCWS06117A182 República Dominicana

SPCWS06117A183 Réunion

SPCWS06117A184 Ruanda

SPCWS06117A185 Rumania

SPCWS06117A186 S. Islas Georgia del sur y Sándwich del Sur

SPCWS06117A187 Sahara Occidental

SPCWS06117A188 Saint Kitts/Nevis

SPCWS06117A189 Saint Pierre/Miquelon

SPCWS06117A190 Samoa

SPCWS06117A191 Samoa Americana

SPCWS06117A192 San Marino

SPCWS06117A193 San Vicente y las Granadinas

SPCWS06117A194 Santa Elena

SPCWS06117A195 Santa Lucía

SPCWS06117A196 Santa Sede/Ciudad del Vaticano

SPCWS06117A197 Santo Tomé y Príncipe

SPCWS06117A198 Senegal

SPCWS06117A199 Seychelles

SPCWS06117A200 Sierra Leona

SPCWS06117A201 Singapur

SPCWS06117A202 Siria

SPCWS06117A203 Somalia

SPCWS06117A204 Sri Lanka

SPCWS06117A205 Sudáfrica

SPCWS06117A206 Sudán

SPCWS06117A207 Suecia

SPCWS06117A208 Suiza

SPCWS06117A209 Suriname

SPCWS06117A210 Islas Svalbard y Jan Mayen

SPCWS06117A211 Swazilandia

SPCWS06117A212 Tailandia

SPCWS06117A213 Taiwán

SPCWS06117A214 Tanzania

SPCWS06117A215 Tayikistán

SPCWS06117A216 Territorio británico del Océano Índico

SPCWS06117A217 Territorios Franceses del Sur

SPCWS06117A218 Territorios palestinos

SPCWS06117A219 Timor Oriental

SPCWS06117A220 Togo

SPCWS06117A221 Tokelau

SPCWS06117A222 Tonga

SPCWS06117A223 Trinidad y Tobago

SPCWS06117A224 Túnez

SPCWS06117A225 Turkmenistán

SPCWS06117A226 Turquía

SPCWS06117A227 Tuvalu

SPCWS06117A228 Ucrania

SPCWS06117A229 Uganda

SPCWS06117A230 Uruguay

SPCWS06117A231 Uzbekistán

SPCWS06117A232 Vanuatu

SPCWS06117A233 Venezuela

SPCWS06117A234 Vietnam

SPCWS06117A235 Wallis y Futuna

SPCWS06117A236 Yemen

SPCWS06117A237 Yugoslavia

SPCWS06117A238 Zambia

SPCWS06117A239 Zimbabwe

Si pudiera sugerir un cambio para mejorar el sitio web de los CDC, ¿cuál sería su recomendación?

Text area, no char limit
One Improvement
CDC (January 2011-present) EN

Which category best describes the health topic you were looking for? CWS06063A001 Diseases and Conditions (ADHD, birth defects, cancer, diabetes, fetal alcohol syndrome, flu, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, STDs…) A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1. Health topic looking for

CWS06063A002 Healthy Living (food safety, bone health, physical activity, immunizations, genetics, sexual health, smoking prevention…) B

CWS06063A004 Emergency Preparedness & Response (bioterrorism, chemical & radiation emergencies, severe weather…) D

CWS06063A005 Injury, Violence & Safety (motor vehicle safety, traumatic brain injury and concussion, falls, child abuse, prescription drug abuse, falls, fires, poisoning, suicide, injury data youth violence…) E

CWS06063A006 Environmental Health (air pollution, biomonitoring, carbon monoxide, toxic lead, toxic substances, mold, water quality, climate change…) F

CWS06063A007 Workplace Health (asbestos, chemical safety, construction, mining, office environments, respirators…) G

Global Health (Global Health Initiative, global disease detection, Field Epidemiologist Training Program, parasites, global HIV/AIDS, international emergency and refugee health, Haiti…) (AIDS, malaria, disease detection, polio, influenza…) I

Traveler's Health (destinations, outbreaks, travel vaccinations, Yellow Book…) C

CWS06063A008 Life Stages & Populations (infant & child, men, minorities, pregnancy, seniors, women...) H

CWS06063A010 State, Tribal, Local & Territorial(funding and grants, cooperative agreements, strategy and planning, policy, training, best practices …) (The Public Health Workplace, program planning, professional development, tribal support…) J

Outbreaks (International outbreaks, outbreaks in the United States, food-related outbreaks ...) W

CWS06063A011 Other, please specify: K

CWS06064 K Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1Oth Health Topic
CWS06065 A More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06065A001 ADHD
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1.1Diseases&Conditions

CWS06065A002 Arthritis

CWS06065A003 Asthma

CWS06065A004 Autism

CWS06065A005 Birth defects

CWS06065A006 Cancer

CWS06065A007 Diabetes

CWS06065A008 Epilepsy

CWS06065A009 Fetal alcohol syndrome

CWS06065A010 Flu (influenza)

Hand, foot and mouth disease

CWS06065A011 Heart disease

CWS06065A012 Hepatitis



CWS06065A014 Meningitis

CWS06065A015 MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)

CWS06065A016 Obesity

CWS06065A017 Salmonella

CWS06065A018 Sexually transmitted diseases (HPV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc.)


CWS06065A019 Stroke

CWS06065A020 Tuberculosis

CWS06065A021 Water-related diseases

CWS06065A022 Other, please specify: L

CWS06066 L Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.1Oth Disease&Conditions
CWS06067 B More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06067A001 Aging
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
1.2 Healthy Living

CWS06067A002 Birth defects

CWS06067A003 BMI (Body Mass Index)

CWS06067A004 Bone health

CWS06067A005 Breastfeeding

CWS06067A006 Child development

CWS06067A007 Excessive alcohol use

CWS06067A008 Food safety

CWS06067A009 Genetics and genomics

CWS06067A010 Mental health

CWS06067A011 Nutrition

CWS06067A012 Physical activity and exercise

CWS06067A013 Reproductive health

CWS06067A014 Sexual health

CWS06067A015 Sleep and sleep disorders

CWS06067A016 Smoking and tobacco use

CWS06067A017 Vaccines and immunizations

CWS06067A018 Other, please specify: M

CWS06068 M Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.2 Oth HealthyLiving
CWS06069 C More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06069A001 Yellow Book (CDC Health Information for International Travel)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1.3 Travelers Health

CWS06069A002 Destinations

CWS06069A003 Diseases related to travel (including malaria and yellow fever)

CWS06069A004 Illness & injury abroad (what to do if you become sick while traveling)

CWS06069A005 Preparing for your trip

CWS06069A006 Staying healthy & safe (insect protection, safe food & water, survival guide)

CWS06069A007 Vaccinations

CWS06069A008 Other, please specify: N

CWS06070 N Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.3Oth Travelers Health
CWS06071 D More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06071A001 Bioterrorism (anthrax, plague, smallpox)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1.4 Emergency

CWS06071A002 Chemical emergencies (ricin, chlorine, nerve agents)

CWS06071A003 Coping with a disaster

CWS06071A004 Mass casualties (explosions, blasts, injuries)

CWS06071A005 Natural disasters & severe weather (earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, winter weather)

CWS06071A006 Preparation & planning for hazards

CWS06071A007 Radiation emergencies (dirty bombs, nuclear blasts)

CWS06071A008 Recent outbreaks & incidents (salmonella, melamine)

CWS06071A009 Surveillance

CWS06071A010 Other, please specify: O

CWS06072 O Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.4Oth Emergency
CWS06073 E More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06073A001 Acute care (injury response)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
1.5 Injury

CWS06073A002 Adolescent injuries

CWS06073A003 Child abuse / maltreatment

CWS06073A004 Choking

CWS06073A005 Concussion / brain injuries

CWS06073A006 Dog bites

CWS06073A007 Drowning

CWS06073A008 Elder maltreatment

CWS06073A009 Explosion and blast injuries

CWS06073A010 Falls among older adults

CWS06073A011 Fire-related injuries

CWS06073A012 Fireworks

CWS06073A013 Intimate partner violence

CWS06073A014 Mass casualties

CWS06073A015 Motor vehicle injuries

CWS06073A016 Poisoning

CWS06073A017 Preventing injury & violence

CWS06073A018 Sexual violence

CWS06073A019 Suicide

CWS06073A020 Violence

CWS06073A021 Other, please specify: P

CWS06074 P Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.5Oth Injury
CWS06075 F More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06075A001 Air quality
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
1.6 Environmental

CWS06075A002 Asbestos

CWS06075A003 Asthma

CWS06075A004 Biomonitoring

CWS06075A005 Carbon monoxide poisoning

CWS06075A006 Childhood lead poisoning prevention

CWS06075A007 Climate change

CWS06075A008 Cruise ship health

CWS06075A009 Extreme weather conditions

CWS06075A010 Mold

CWS06075A011 Natural disasters

CWS06075A012 Protect yourself from the sun

CWS06075A013 Radiation studies

CWS06075A014 Rodent control

CWS06075A015 Smoking and tobacco use

CWS06075A016 Water

CWS06075A017 Other, please specify: Q

CWS06076 Q Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.6Oth Enviro
CWS06077 G More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06077A001 Asbestos
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1.7 Workplace

Blood borne Infectious Diseases

CWS06077A002 Carpal tunnel syndrome

CWS06077A003 Chemical safety

CWS06077A004 Construction

CWS06077A005 Electrical safety

CWS06077A006 Emergency responders

Emergency preparedness & Response

CWS06077A007 Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders

CWS06077A008 Eye safety


CWS06077A009 Hearing loss

CWS06077A010 Heat Stress/Cold Stress

CWS06077A011 Laboratory safety

CWS06077A012 Lead

CWS06077A013 Machine safety

CWS06077A014 Mining

CWS06077A015 Motor vehicle safety

CWS06077A016 Noise/Hearing Loss

CWS06077A017 Office environments

CWS06077A018 Protective clothing

CWS06077A019 Respirators

CWS06077A020 Stress

CWS06077A021 Violence

CWS06077A022 Workplace safety & prevention

CWS06077A023 Other, please specify: R

CWS06078 R Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.7Oth Workplace
CWS06079 H More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06079A001 Adolescents & teens
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
1.8 Lifestages

CWS06079A002 Children

CWS06079A003 Family

CWS06079A004 Infants & toddlers

CWS06079A005 Men

CWS06079A006 Older adults & seniors

CWS06079A007 Parents

CWS06079A008 Pregnancy

CWS06079A009 Women

CWS06079A010 Young adults

CWS06079A011 Other, please specify: H

CWS06080 S Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.8Oth Lifestages
CWS06081 I More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06081A001 Field Epidemiologist Training Program
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
1.9 Global

CWS06081A002 Global disease detection

CWS06081A003 Global health initiatives

CWS06081A004 Global HIV/AIDS

CWS06081A005 Global immunizations

CWS06081A006 Haiti

CWS06081A007 International emergency and refugee health

CWS06081A008 Parasites

CWS06081A009 Other, please specify: T

CWS06082 T Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.9Oth Global
CWS06083 J More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06083A001 Best practices
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1.10 State Tribal

CWS06083A002 Cooperative agreements

CWS06083A003 Funding and grants

CWS06083A004 Policy

CWS06083A005 Strategy and planning

CWS06083A006 Training

CWS06083A007 Other, please specify: U

CWS06084 U Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.10Oth State Tribal

W More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06083A001 Travel-related outbreaks
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1.11 Outbreaks

CWS06083A002 International outbreaks

CWS06083A003 United States outbreaks

CWS06083A004 Food-related outbreaks

CWS06083A007 Other, please specify: V

V Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.11Oth Outbreaks
Which of the following best describes the type of information you were looking for? CWS06085A001 General information about the health topic selected
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group 2. Type of Info Looking For

CWS06085A002 General information about symptoms, causes, risk factors, tests, or treatment

CWS06085A003 Data and statistics

CWS06085A004 Scientific research, articles, publications, and journals

CWS06085A005 Guidelines and recommendations for healthcare providers

CWS06085A006 Professional training for healthcare providers, researchers, public health professionals, etc.

CWS06085A007 Educational materials

CWS06085A008 Campaigns and initiatives

CWS06085A009 Grants and funding opportunities

CWS06085A010 Tools, software applications, systems, and other resources

CWS06085A011 Print materials (fact sheets, brochures, posters, etc.)

CWS06085A012 Multimedia products (podcasts, videos, widgets, etc.)

CWS06085A013 Jobs and careers

CWS06085A014 Other, please specify: A

CWS06086 A Please list the other type of information you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

OPS Group 2.Oth Type of Info
Were you able to find what you were looking for? CWS06087A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical
Y Skip Logic Group 3. Able to Find

CWS06087A002 Partially A

CWS06087A003 No, I'm still looking A

CWS06088 A What were you looking for?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 3Oth. Unable to Find
I'm planning to use the information I found today: ACQOsl0003358A01 For my own health or my family's health A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 4. How will use

ACQOsl0003358A02 For my friend or family member (not living in my household)

ACQOsl0003358A03 For a physician's office/hospital

ACQOsl0003358A04 For a patient or client

ACQOsl0003358A05 For a public health agency

ACQOsl0003358A06 For a research institution

ACQOsl0003358A07 For a business / workplace

ACQOsl0003358A08 For an educational institution or teaching purposes

ACQOsl0003358A09 For a school / class project

ACQOsl0003358A10 Other, please specify: B

A Based on the information I found, I am planning to make changes to my lifestyle or my family's lifestyle:
Strongly agree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 4.1 Behavior Change


Disagree C

Strongly disagree C

Not applicable

C Why are you unlikely to make a change to improve your health?

Text area, no char limit Single
Skip Logic Group 4.2Unlikely Change
ACQOsl0003359 B Please specify how you will use the information you are looking for today:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 4.Oth How will use
Based on the information you found, how likely are you to make changes to your lifestyle to improve your health? CWS06091A001 Very Likely E Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 5. Behavior Change

CWS06091A002 Likely E

CWS06091A003 Unlikely C

CWS06091A004 Very Unlikely C

CWS06092 C Why are you unlikely to make a change to improve your health? CWS06092A001 I need more information (need to do more research).
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 5.1 Unlikely -Why

CWS06092A002 I’m not ready to make a change yet.

CWS06092A003 I’m already following the recommendations / living a healthy lifestyle.

CWS06092A004 Other, please specify: D

CWS06093 D Why are you unlikely to make a change:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 5.1 Oth Unlikely Why
CWS06094 E What change are you planning to make?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 5.2 Likely Change
Would you access information from CDC through other electronic channels or devices? (Please select all that apply): ACQOsl0004055A01 Social Networks (i.e. Facebook)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group 6. Electronic Channels (3.14.2011)

ACQOsl0004055A02 Mirco-blogging sites (i.e. Twitter)





ACQOsl0004055A03 Mobile websites

ACQOsl0004055A04 Mobile applications or "apps"

ACQOsl0004055A05 Text messages

ACQOsl0004055A06 Online Videos

ACQOsl0004055A07 Podcasts

ACQOsl0004055A08 Webinars

ACQOsl0004055A09 Blogs

ACQOsl0004055A10 eCards

ACQOsl0004055A11 Widgets (i.e. module or application you can add to a website or personalized web page like iGoogle or MyYahoo!)

ACQOsl0004055A12 E-mail updates

ACQOsl0004055A13 RSS Feeds

ACQOsl0004055A14 None of the above

ACQOsl0004055A15 Other, please specify: A

ACQOsl0004056 A Please specify the other electronic channels or devices:

OPS Group 6. Oth Elect Channel (3.14.2011)
In the last year, which of the following activities have you done?  [Please select all that apply]: CWS06095A001 Listened to audio or podcasts on CDC.gov
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
6. SM CDC Activities

CWS06095A002 Watched a video on CDC.gov or CDC’s YouTube Page

CWS06095A003 Visited or “liked” CDC’s Facebook page 

CWS06095A004 Followed one of CDC’s Twitter profiles

CWS06095A005 Signed up for email updates on CDC.gov

CWS06095A006 Sent a CDC eCard to someone

CWS06095A007 Used CDC’s mobile Web site (m.cdc.gov) or a CDC mobile application (“app”)

CWS06095A008 Subscribed to CDC’s text messaging program

CWS06095A009 Read one of the blogs on CDC.gov

CWS06095A010 Used one of CDC’s widgets

CWS06095A011 Used CDC’s Public Health Image Library (PHIL)

CWS06095A012 Downloaded one of CDC’s buttons or badges

CWS06095A013 Participated in a contest or challenge CDC is sponsoring

CWS06095A014 None of the above 

In the last three months, which of the following general activities have you done online?  [Please select all that apply]: CWS06096A001 Participated in online social networks (Facebook, MySpace, etc.) 
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
7. SM Gen Activities

CWS06096A002 Used micro-blogging sites (Twitter, Tumblr, Jaiku, etc.)

CWS06096A003 Browsed through online photo galleries 

CWS06096A004 Watched videos on a Web site 

CWS06096A005 Uploaded videos to a Web site (YouTube) 

CWS06096A006 Listened to podcasts or audio on a Web site 

CWS06096A007 Signed up to receive email updates from a Web site 

CWS06096A008 Subscribed to RSS feeds

CWS06096A009 Used personalized Web pages (My Yahoo!, iGoogle, etc.) 

CWS06096A010 Added a widget, button, or badge to your personalized Web page 

CWS06096A011 Read blogs or Wikis 

CWS06096A012 Wrote a blog or contributed to Wikis 

CWS06096A013 Posted comments, ratings, or reviews on a Web site 

CWS06096A014 Sent an eCard to someone

CWS06096A015 Bookmarked or tagged Web sites (using social bookmarking sites as Digg) 

CWS06096A016 Participated in virtual worlds (Second Life, Whyville, etc.)   

CWS06096A017 None of the above 

In the last three months, which of the following activities have you done using your mobile phone or device?  [Please select all that apply]: CWS06097A001 Sent or received text messages
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
8. Mobile Activities

CWS06097A002 Browsed Web sites

CWS06097A003 Sent or received email

CWS06097A004 Downloaded an application (“app”)

CWS06097A005 Watched videos

CWS06097A006 Recorded videos

CWS06097A007 Took pictures

CWS06097A008 Played a game

CWS06097A009 Listened to music

CWS06097A010 None of the above

How frequently do you use the CDC.gov Web site? CWS06098A001 Daily
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
9. Frequency

CWS06098A002 Weekly

CWS06098A003 Monthly

CWS06098A004 A couple times a year

CWS06098A005 About once a year

CWS06098A006 This is my first time

Which best describes the primary role that brought you to the CDC.gov Web site today? CWS06099A001 Individual interested in health
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 10. Role

CWS06099A002 Traveler

CWS06099A003 Healthcare provider (physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner, pharmacist, or other healthcare provider) B, C

CWS06099A004 Public health agency employee or public health professional D, E

CWS06099A005 Scientist or researcher

CWS06099A006 Educator, teacher or trainer

CWS06099A007 Student

CWS06099A008 Safety advisor

CWS06099A009 Business manager

CWS06099A010 Journalist or member of the media

CWS06099A011 Emergency responder

CWS06099A012 Law enforcement

CWS06099A013 Policymaker, legislator, or staff

CWS06099A014 Grantee

CWS06099A015 CDC Employee, staff, or contractor

CWS06099A016 Other, please specify: A

CWS06100 A Please list your role:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group 10.Oth Role
CWS06101 B Which of the following best describes you? CWS06101A001 Physician, actively seeing patients at least 2 days a week
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
10.1 HCP Role

CWS06101A002 Physician, primarily conducting research projects

CWS06101A003 Nurse or nurse practitioner

CWS06101A004 Physician’s assistant

CWS06101A005 Pharmacist or pharmaceutical assistant

CWS06101A006 Other type of healthcare provider, please specify: F

CWS06102 F Please list your role:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group 10.1Oth HCP Role
CWS06103 C Which of the following best describes where you work? CWS06103A001 Hospital
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
10.2 HCP Location

CWS06103A002 Large medical practice

CWS06103A003 Small medical practice

CWS06103A004 Not-for-profit

CWS06103A005 Research institution

CWS06103A006 Other, please specify: G

CWS06104 G Please list where you work:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group 10.2Oth HCP Location
CWS06105 D Which of the following best describes you? CWS06105A001 Public health advocate
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
10.3 PHP Role

CWS06105A002 Health educator

CWS06105A003 Health communicator

CWS06105A004 Management


CWS06105A005 Research scientist

CWS06105A006 Administrative staff

CWS06105A007 Other, please specify: H

CWS06106 H Please list your role:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group 10.3Oth PHP Role
CWS06107 E Which of the following best describes where you work? CWS06107A001 Public or commercial sector
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
10.4 PHP Location

CWS06107A002 Not-for-profit

CWS06107A003 Federal public health agency

CWS06107A004 State public health agency

CWS06107A005 Local public health agency

CWS06107A006 Territorial public health agency

CWS06107A007 Tribal public health agency

CWS06107A008 Other, please specify: I

CWS06108 I Please list where you work:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group 10.4Oth PHP Location
Which of the following sources drove you to visit the site today? (Please rank the top 3, with number 1 being the most important)
Rank 1 (Required)
CWS06109A001 Message directly from CDC on Facebook or Twitter
Drop down, select one Single Y Rank Group SV - Rank 1

CWS06109A002 Message or recommendation from a friend on Facebook or Twitter

CWS06109A003 Video I saw on CDC's YouTube Page

CWS06109A004 A blog or discussion forum

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

CWS06109A005 Advertisement on Facebook, or Twitter


CDC's mobile site

CWS06109A006 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

Mobile application or "app"

Scanned a QR code

CWS06109A007 Instant message from someone

CWS06109A008 Familiarity with site/agency

CWS06109A009 Email updates from the agency

CWS06109A010 Website is bookmarked

CWS06109A011 Search engine results

CWS06109A012 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

CWS06109A013 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

CWS06109A014 Advertisement on another website

CWS06109A015 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice

CWS06109A016 Other

Anchor Answer Choice

Rank 2 (Optional) CWS06110A001 Message directly from CDC on Facebook or Twitter
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 2

CWS06110A002 Message or recommendation from a friend on Facebook or Twitter

CWS06110A003 Video I saw on CDC's YouTube Page

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

CWS06110A004 A blog or discussion forum


CWS06110A005 Advertisement on Facebook, or Twitter

CWS06110A006 CDC's mobile site

Mobile phone text messages or alerts

Mobile application or "app"

Scanned a QR code

CWS06110A007 Instant message from someone

CWS06110A008 Familiarity with site/agency

CWS06110A009 Email updates from the agency

CWS06110A010 Website is bookmarked

CWS06110A011 Search engine results

CWS06110A012 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

CWS06110A013 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

CWS06110A014 Advertisement on another website

CWS06110A015 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice

CWS06110A016 Other

Anchor Answer Choice

Rank 3 (Optional) CWS06111A001 Message directly from CDC on Facebook or Twitter
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 3

CWS06111A002 Message or recommendation from a friend on Facebook or Twitter

CWS06111A003 Video I saw on CDC's YouTube Page

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

CWS06111A004 A blog or discussion forum


CWS06111A005 Advertisement on Facebook, or Twitter

CWS06111A006 CDC's mobile site

CWS06111A007 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

CWS06111A008 Mobile application or "app"

Scanned a QR code

Instant message from someone

Familiarity with site/agency

CWS06111A009 Email updates from the agency

CWS06111A010 Website is bookmarked

CWS06111A011 Search engine results

CWS06111A012 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

CWS06111A013 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

CWS06111A014 Advertisement on another website

CWS06111A015 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice

CWS06111A016 Other

Anchor Answer Choice

If you heard about this website from a social network, please specify the site (i.e. Facebook, Twitter)

Text area, no char limit
SV - Other Social Network
How old are you? CWS06113A001 19 or under
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
11. Age

CWS06113A002 20-34 years old

CWS06113A003 35-49 years old

CWS06113A004 50-64 years old

CWS06113A005 65 or older

CWS06113A006 Prefer not to answer

How would you describe yourself? CWS06114A001 White
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
12. Ethnicity

CWS06114A002 Hispanic or Latino

CWS06114A003 Asian

CWS06114A004 Black or African American

CWS06114A005 American Indian or Alaska Native

CWS06114A006 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

CWS06114A007 Prefer not to answer

What is the highest level of education you have completed? CWS06115A001 High school or less
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
13. Education

CWS06115A002 Some college

CWS06115A003 College degree

CWS06115A004 Advanced degree

CWS06115A005 Prefer not to answer

What is your gender? CWS06116A001 Female
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
14. Gender

CWS06116A002 Male


CWS06116A003 Prefer not to answer

What is your country of residence? CWS06117A001 USA

15. Country

CWS06117A002 Afghanistan

CWS06117A003 Albania

CWS06117A004 Algeria

CWS06117A005 American Samoa

CWS06117A006 Andorra

CWS06117A007 Angola

CWS06117A008 Anguilla

CWS06117A009 Antarctica

CWS06117A010 Antigua and Barbuda

CWS06117A011 Argentina

CWS06117A012 Armenia

CWS06117A013 Aruba

CWS06117A014 Australia

CWS06117A015 Austria

CWS06117A016 Azerbaijan

CWS06117A017 Bahamas

CWS06117A018 Bahrain

CWS06117A019 Bangladesh

CWS06117A020 Barbados

CWS06117A021 Belarus

CWS06117A022 Belgium

CWS06117A023 Belize

CWS06117A024 Benin

CWS06117A025 Bermuda

CWS06117A026 Bhutan

CWS06117A027 Bolivia

CWS06117A028 Bosnia/Herzegovina

CWS06117A029 Botswana

CWS06117A030 Bouvet Island

CWS06117A031 Brazil

CWS06117A032 British Indian Ocean

CWS06117A033 Brunei Darussalam

CWS06117A034 Bulgaria

CWS06117A035 Burkina Faso

CWS06117A036 Burundi

CWS06117A037 Cambodia

CWS06117A038 Cameroon

CWS06117A039 Canada

CWS06117A040 Cape Verde

CWS06117A041 Cayman Islands

CWS06117A042 Central African Rep.

CWS06117A043 Chad

CWS06117A044 Chile

CWS06117A045 China

CWS06117A046 Christmas Island

CWS06117A047 Cocos Islands

CWS06117A048 Colombia

CWS06117A049 Comoros

CWS06117A050 Congo

CWS06117A051 Congo, Democratic Rep.

CWS06117A052 Cook Islands

CWS06117A053 Costa Rica

CWS06117A054 Côte D'Ivoire

CWS06117A055 Croatia

CWS06117A056 Cuba

CWS06117A057 Cyprus

CWS06117A058 Czech Republic

CWS06117A059 Denmark

CWS06117A060 Djibouti

CWS06117A061 Dominica

CWS06117A062 Dominican Republic

CWS06117A063 East Timor

CWS06117A064 Ecuador

CWS06117A065 Egypt

CWS06117A066 El Salvador

CWS06117A067 Equatorial Guinea

CWS06117A068 Eritrea

CWS06117A069 Estonia

CWS06117A070 Ethiopia

CWS06117A071 Falkland Islands

CWS06117A072 Faroe Islands

CWS06117A073 Fiji

CWS06117A074 Finland

CWS06117A075 France

CWS06117A076 French Guiana

CWS06117A077 French Polynesia

CWS06117A078 French Southern Terr.

CWS06117A079 Gabon

CWS06117A080 Gambia

CWS06117A081 Georgia

CWS06117A082 Germany

CWS06117A083 Ghana

CWS06117A084 Gibraltar

CWS06117A085 Greece

CWS06117A086 Greenland

CWS06117A087 Grenada

CWS06117A088 Guadeloupe

CWS06117A089 Guam

CWS06117A090 Guatemala

CWS06117A091 Guinea

CWS06117A092 Guinea& Bissau

CWS06117A093 Guyana

CWS06117A094 Haiti

CWS06117A095 Heard/McDonald Isls.

CWS06117A096 Holy See/Vatican

CWS06117A097 Honduras

CWS06117A098 Hong Kong

CWS06117A099 Hungary

CWS06117A100 Iceland

CWS06117A101 India

CWS06117A102 Indonesia

CWS06117A103 Iran

CWS06117A104 Iraq

CWS06117A105 Ireland

CWS06117A106 Israel

CWS06117A107 Italy

CWS06117A108 Jamaica

CWS06117A109 Japan

CWS06117A110 Jordan

CWS06117A111 Kazakhstan

CWS06117A112 Kenya

CWS06117A113 Kiribati

CWS06117A114 Korea, North

CWS06117A115 Korea, South

CWS06117A116 Kuwait

CWS06117A117 Kyrgyzstan

CWS06117A118 Laos

CWS06117A119 Latvia

CWS06117A120 Lebanon

CWS06117A121 Lesotho

CWS06117A122 Liberia

CWS06117A123 Libya

CWS06117A124 Liechtenstein

CWS06117A125 Lithuania

CWS06117A126 Luxembourg

CWS06117A127 Macao

CWS06117A128 Macedonia

CWS06117A129 Madagascar

CWS06117A130 Malawi

CWS06117A131 Malaysia

CWS06117A132 Maldives

CWS06117A133 Mali

CWS06117A134 Malta

CWS06117A135 Marshall Islands

CWS06117A136 Martinique

CWS06117A137 Mauritania

CWS06117A138 Mauritius

CWS06117A139 Mayotte

CWS06117A140 Mexico

CWS06117A141 Micronesia

CWS06117A142 Moldova

CWS06117A143 Monaco

CWS06117A144 Mongolia

CWS06117A145 Montserrat

CWS06117A146 Morocco

CWS06117A147 Mozambique

CWS06117A148 Myanmar

CWS06117A149 Namibia

CWS06117A150 Nauru

CWS06117A151 Nepal

CWS06117A152 Netherlands

CWS06117A153 Netherlands Antilles

CWS06117A154 New Caledonia

CWS06117A155 New Zealand

CWS06117A156 Nicaragua

CWS06117A157 Niger

CWS06117A158 Nigeria

CWS06117A159 Niue

CWS06117A160 Norfolk Island

CWS06117A161 Northern Mariana Isls

CWS06117A162 Norway

CWS06117A163 Oman

CWS06117A164 Pakistan

CWS06117A165 Palau

CWS06117A166 Palestinian Territory

CWS06117A167 Panama

CWS06117A168 Papua New Guinea

CWS06117A169 Paraguay

CWS06117A170 Peru

CWS06117A171 Philippines

CWS06117A172 Pitcairn

CWS06117A173 Poland

CWS06117A174 Portugal

CWS06117A175 Puerto Rico

CWS06117A176 Qatar

CWS06117A177 Réunion

CWS06117A178 Romania

CWS06117A179 Russian Federation

CWS06117A180 Rwanda

CWS06117A181 Saint Helena

CWS06117A182 Saint Kitts/Nevis

CWS06117A183 Saint Lucia

CWS06117A184 Saint Pierre/Miquelon

CWS06117A185 Saint Vincent/Grenadines

CWS06117A186 Samoa

CWS06117A187 San Marino

CWS06117A188 Sao Tome/Principe

CWS06117A189 Saudi Arabia

CWS06117A190 Senegal

CWS06117A191 Seychelles

CWS06117A192 Sierra Leone

CWS06117A193 Singapore

CWS06117A194 Slovakia

CWS06117A195 Slovenia

CWS06117A196 Solomon Islands

CWS06117A197 Somalia

CWS06117A198 South Africa

CWS06117A199 S. Georgia/S. Sand. Isls

CWS06117A200 Spain

CWS06117A201 Sri Lanka

CWS06117A202 Sudan

CWS06117A203 Suriname

CWS06117A204 Svalbard/Jan Mayen

CWS06117A205 Swaziland

CWS06117A206 Sweden

CWS06117A207 Switzerland

CWS06117A208 Syria

CWS06117A209 Taiwan

CWS06117A210 Tajikistan

CWS06117A211 Tanzania

CWS06117A212 Thailand

CWS06117A213 Togo

CWS06117A214 Tokelau

CWS06117A215 Tonga

CWS06117A216 Trinidad and Tobago

CWS06117A217 Tunisia

CWS06117A218 Turkey

CWS06117A219 Turkmenistan

CWS06117A220 Turks and Caicos Isls

CWS06117A221 Tuvalu

CWS06117A222 Uganda

CWS06117A223 Ukraine

CWS06117A224 United Arab Emirates

CWS06117A225 United Kingdom

CWS06117A226 US Minor Outlying Isls

CWS06117A227 Uruguay

CWS06117A228 Uzbekistan

CWS06117A229 Vanuatu

CWS06117A230 Venezuela

CWS06117A231 Viet Nam

CWS06117A232 Virgin Islands, British

CWS06117A233 Virgin Islands, U.S.

CWS06117A234 Wallis and Futuna

CWS06117A235 Western Sahara

CWS06117A236 Yemen

CWS06117A237 Yugoslavia

CWS06117A238 Zambia

CWS06117A239 Zimbabwe

If you could suggest one change to improve the CDC Web site, what recommendation would you make?

Text area, no char limit
16. One Improvement
NCI Main


How many times in the past 6 months have you visited the NCI Web site?
First time
Radio buttons Single Required


About once a week

About once a month

Every few months

Once or twice

EDO07525 1
Which of the following sources drove you to visit the Cancer.gov site today? Please rank the top 3 (Rank 1 is most important).
Rank 1 (Required)
EDO07525A001 Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single Y Rank Group SV - Rank 1


EDO07525A002 Video I saw on YouTube


EDO07525A003 Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet


EDO07525A004 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)



EDO07525A005 Message directly from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on a social network


EDO07525A006 Mobile phone text messages or alerts


EDO07525A007 Instant Message from a friend or colleague


EDO07525A008 Familiarity with Cancer.gov/National Cancer Institute (NCI)


EDO07525A009 Promotional email(s) from the National Cancer Institute (NCI)


EDO07525A010 Link from another website


EDO07525A011 Mobile Apps


EDO07525A012 Search engine results


EDO07525A013 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know


EDO07525A014 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising


EDO07525A015 Internet advertising


EDO07525A016 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice


EDO07525A017 Other

Anchor Answer Choice
EDO07526 1
Rank 2 (Optional) EDO07526A001 Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 2


EDO07526A002 Video I saw on YouTube


EDO07526A003 Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet


EDO07526A004 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)



EDO07526A005 Message directly from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on a social network


EDO07526A006 Mobile phone text messages or alerts


EDO07526A007 Instant Message from a friend or colleague


EDO07526A008 Familiarity with Cancer.gov/National Cancer Institute (NCI)


EDO07526A009 Promotional email(s) from the National Cancer Institute (NCI)


EDO07526A010 Link from another website


EDO07526A011 Mobile Apps


EDO07526A012 Search engine results


EDO07526A013 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know


EDO07526A014 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising


EDO07526A015 Internet advertising


EDO07526A016 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice


EDO07526A017 Other

Anchor Answer Choice
EDO07527 1
Rank 3 (Optional) EDO07527A001 Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 3


EDO07527A002 Video I saw on YouTube


EDO07527A003 Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet


EDO07527A004 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)



EDO07527A005 Message directly from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) on a social network


EDO07527A006 Mobile phone text messages or alerts


EDO07527A007 Instant Message from a friend or colleague


EDO07527A008 Familiarity with Cancer.gov/National Cancer Institute (NCI)


EDO07527A009 Promotional email(s) from the National Cancer Institute (NCI)


EDO07527A010 Link from another website


EDO07527A011 Mobile Apps


EDO07527A012 Search engine results


EDO07527A013 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know


EDO07527A014 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising


EDO07527A015 Internet advertising


EDO07527A016 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice


EDO07527A017 Other

Anchor Answer Choice

In what role are you visiting the Cancer.gov website today?
Patient with a cancer-related disease or condition A1A, A3A, B1A Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group

Family member, Friend or Acquaintance of a Patient A1B, A3B, B1A

Health Care Provider/Health Professional C, D, E, C1A

Scientist Researcher AK, F, D1A, D1B

General Health Consumer AM, A1C

National Cancer Institute employee or contractor

Advocate AO, A1C


Policy Maker

Public Health Official

Student AQ, A1C

Educator/Teacher A1C

Librarian or Information professional A1C

Other G

G Please specify what best describes your role in visiting Cancer.gov today.

Text field, <100 char Single Optional Skip Logic Group
A1A Which best describes your specific role?
Patient diagnosed with cancer
Radio buttons Single optional due to skip Skip Logic Group

Patient in treatment for cancer

Patient diagnosed with cancer, post treatment/cancer survivor

Patient with a cancer recurrence

Person concerned about being at risk for cancer

Other A2A

A2A Please specify your role as a patient:

Text field, <100 char Single Optional Skip Logic Group
A1B Which best describes your specific role?
Person concerned about someone else with cancer
Radio buttons Single
Skip Logic Group

Person concerned about being at risk for cancer
Radio buttons Single
Skip Logic Group

Other A2B Radio buttons Single
Skip Logic Group
A2B Please specify your role as a family member, friend or acquaintance.

Text field, <100 char Single Optional Skip Logic Group
CWS03643 8 B1A Are you the caregiver for a cancer patient?
Radio buttons Single optional due to skip Skip Logic Group

Radio buttons Single optional due to skip Skip Logic Group
A3A How do you plan to use the information you find on this site today?
Give information to a family member or friend
Check boxes Multi optional due to skip Skip Logic Group

Share and talk about information with my health care provider

For my own personal use

Didn't find what I wanted

Not sure yet

Other A4A

A4A Please specify how you plan to use the information you find on the site today:

Text field, <100 char Single Optional Skip Logic Group
A3B How do you plan to use the information you find on this site today?
Give information to a family member or friend
Check boxes Multi optional due to skip Skip Logic Group

Share and talk about information with my health care provider

For my own personal use

Didn't find what I wanted

Not sure yet

Other A4B

A4B Please specify how you plan to use the information you find on the site today:

Text field, <100 char Single Optional Skip Logic Group
AM Which best describes your specific role as a general health consumer?
Person with a health concern
Radio buttons Single Optional Skip Logic Group

Person interested in learning more about cancer

Other AN

AN Please specify your role as a general health consumer:

Text field, <100 char Single Optional Skip Logic Group
AO Which best describes your specific role as an advocate?
Patient advocate
Radio buttons Single Optional Skip Logic Group

Policy advocate


Research advocate

Other AP

AP Please specify your role as an advocate:

Text field, <100 char Single Optional Skip Logic Group
AQ Which best describes your specific role as a student?
Elementary/Middle school
Radio buttons Single Optional Skip Logic Group

Middle school

High school

Undergraduate College/University

Graduate school (including medical school)

Post-graduate school (including medical school)

Other AR

AR Please specify your role as a student:

Text field, <100 char Single Optional Skip Logic Group
A1C How do you plan to use the information you find on this site today?
Give information to a family member or friend
Check boxes Multi optional due to skip Skip Logic Group

Share and talk about information with my health care provider

For my own personal use

Use to do homework or class assignment

Use as teaching material or for a class

Didn't find what I wanted

Not sure yet

Other A2C

A2C Please specify how you plan to use the information you find on the site today:

Text field, <100 char Single Optional Skip Logic Group
C Which best describes your specific role?
Radio buttons Single optional due to skip Skip Logic Group

Nurse/Nurse practitioner

Care coordinator/Case manager/Patient navigator


Physician assistant

Counselor/Clinical social worker


Other K

K Please specify your role as a health professional:

Text field, <100 char Single Optional Skip Logic Group
C1A Are you involved in clinical research?
Radio buttons Single optional due to skip Skip Logic Group

Radio buttons Single optional due to skip Skip Logic Group
D Do you specialize in the care of patients with cancer?
Radio buttons Single optional due to skip Skip Logic Group


E How do you plan to use the information you find on this site today?
Keep myself up-to-date/Improve my understanding of clinical research findings
Check boxes Multi optional due to skip Skip Logic Group

Improve my understanding of basic research concepts and findings

Plan or verify cancer treatment

Learn how to become a clinical trial investigator

Provide cancer information to a patient or family member

Provide clinical trial information to a patient or family member

Provide information to other health care providers

Provide information to students

For my personal use

Didn’t find what I wanted

Not sure yet

Other L

L Please specify how you plan to use the information you find on this site today:

Text field, <100 char Single Optional Skip Logic Group
AK Which best describes your specific role?
Post doctoral fellow
Radio buttons Single optional due to skip Skip Logic Group

Prospective researcher

First-time researcher

New Principal Investigator (PI)

Long-time/Experienced researcher

Research manager/Administrator

Other AL

AL Please specify your role as a scientist researcher:

Text field, <100 char Single Optional Skip Logic Group
D1A Have you ever...?
Applied for funding from NCI
Radio buttons Single optional due to skip Skip Logic Group

Received funding from NCI
Radio buttons Single optional due to skip Skip Logic Group
D1B Are you involved in…
Clinical research
Radio buttons Single optional due to skip Skip Logic Group

Basic research
Radio buttons Single optional due to skip Skip Logic Group

Radio buttons Single optional due to skip Skip Logic Group
F How do you plan to use the information you find on this site today?
Learn about NCI research priorities
Check boxes Multi optional due to skip

Improve my understanding of basic research concepts and findings

Keep myself up-to-date/Improve my understanding of clinical research findings

Develop a research proposal

Provide information to other scientist/researchers

Provide information to students

For my personal use

Didn’t find what I wanted

Not sure yet

Other M

M Please specify how you plan to use the information you find on this site today:

Text field, <100 char Single Optional Skip Logic Group

Please complete this sentence: I am visiting the NCI Web site today to find information on _____ (Check all that apply).
How to prevent cancer
Check boxes (multi) Multi Required Randomized answer choices; always leave "Other" as the very last


Emotional concerns relating to cancer

Cancer risk factors or causes (including genetics/family history)

Testing for cancer (detection/screening)

How to find cancer treatment facilities

Standard cancer treatments or therapies AA

Alternative cancer treatments or therapies

Managing cancer pain and side effects

Physical symptoms relating to cancer/cancer treatment

Symptoms related to cancer diagnosis

Symptoms of cancer

Medicines or prescription drugs

Physicians or cancer specialists

Cancer information to print out for a doctor's visit

Clinical trials AB

Quitting smoking

News related to cancer

Cancer statistics

The National Cancer Institute

Cancer information for a report/paper

Cancer prognosis

Financial concerns related to cancer

Research funding (grants, contracts, etc.) AC

Research tools and resources AE

Research training opportunities AG

Research partnership/business collaboration

Just browsing for cancer information

Other N

N If you answered "other" for visiting the site, please specify what information you were looking for.

Text field, <100 char Single Optional


AA I am looking for information about the treatment of:
A child or teenager with cancer
Radio buttons Single Optional Skip Logic Group Treatment Of

An adult with cancer

AB I am looking for information about clinical trials for:
A child or teenager with cancer
Radio buttons Single Optional Skip Logic Group Clinical Trials Info

An adult with cancer

AC Are you looking for…
How to apply for an NCI grant
Radio buttons Single Optional Skip Logic Group Partnership Looking For

Current funding opportunities


Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) / Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)

Research renewal

Supplemental funding

Other AD

AD Please specify what other research funding information you were looking for.

Text field, <100 char Single Optional


AE Are you looking for…
Analytical tools
Radio buttons Single Optional Skip Logic Group Tools Looking For

Cancer statistics/datasets


Genomic data

Animal models


Other AF

AF Please specify what other research tools and resources information you were looking for.

Text field, <100 char Single Optional


AG Are you looking for…
Individual training/career development AI Radio Buttons Single optional Skip Logic Group

Institutional training (support for large training programs)

Other AH

AH Please specify what other research training opportunities information you were looking for.

Text field, <100 char Single Optional


AI Are you interested in…
Radio Buttons Single optional Skip Logic Group

Mid-career transition

Post-doctoral fellowship

Minority training programs

Other AJ

AJ Please specify what other individual training or career development you were looking for.

Text field, <100 char Single Optional



Were you able to find the information you were looking for?
Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group

Partially P

Not yet, still looking R

No S

P If you were unable to find all of the information you were looking for, please describe what you were trying to find.

Text area, no char limit Single Optional Skip Logic Group
R If you were <b>not yet able to find</b> the information you were looking for, please describe what you were trying to find.

Text area, no char limit Single Optional Skip Logic Group
S If you were unable to find the information you were looking for, please describe what you were trying to find.

Text area, no char limit Single Optional Skip Logic Group

Did you notice that certain information is available in both patient and health professional versions?
Yes Z Radio buttons single Required Skip Logic Group


Not sure

Z Did you look at:
Radio buttons single Optional Skip Logic Group

Health professional

Both versions

Neither version

Not sure


From where are you accessing this site?
United States
Radio buttons Single Required Skip Logic Group


Europe, including United Kingdom



South America - Argentina

South America - Brazil

South America - Chile

South America - Uruguay

South America - Other

Central America


New Zealand



Other T

T Please specify where you are accessing this site from:

Text area, no char limit Single Optional Skip Logic Group

In the last three months, which of the following have you done:  (Check all that apply) 
Browsed Web sites using my mobile phone / device 1A Check boxes Multi Yes skip logic group Activities

Text messaged using my mobile phone / device

Conducted an internet search

Used personalized web pages (such as My Yahoo!)

Added a widget or gadget to your personalized web page

Visited a social networking site (such as LinkedIn, Facebook, MySpace etc.)

Participated in virtual worlds (such as Second Life, Whyville, etc.)

Used an online learning tool

Bookmarked or tagged websites (using social bookmarking sites as Digg or Delicious)

Read blogs or Wikis

Wrote a blog or contributed to Wikis

Posted comments, ratings or reviews on a Web site

Listened to podcasts or audio on a Web site

Watched videos on a Web site (such as YouTube)

Uploaded videos to a Web site (such as YouTube)

Browsed photo galleries

Subscribed to RSS feeds

Used / posted to Slideshare

Signed up to receive email updates from a website

None of the above

1A When you have browsed websites using your mobile phone/device, have you looked for health information? ACQOsl0004434A01 Yes
radio buttons single yes skip logic group Mobile_Health Info

ACQOsl0004434A02 No


In the past 30 days, which of the following social media sites have you visited? (Check all that apply)
Check boxes Multi Yes Skip Logic Group Social Media Sites









Stumble Upon





None/Not applicable



Please specify which social media site you have visited in the past 30 days.

Text area, no char limit Single No Skip Logic Group OPS_Soc Media Sites

What is your <b>gender</b>? ACQOsl0004435A01 Female
Radio buttons (single) Single Optional

ACQOsl0004435A02 Male


Please select the category that includes your age.
17 and under
Radio buttons (single) Single Optional

18 - 24

25 - 34

35 - 44

45 - 54

55 - 64

65 and over


If you could make one improvement to this site, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit Single Optional

US Mint Browse V2

What is your primary reason for visiting the U.S. Mint website today? MMW0944A01 Learn about coin collecting A, B Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Randomize Reason for Visit

MMW0944A02 Research, browse, or purchase coins and medals D, E,G

MMW0944A03 General information about National Parks and U.S. Presidents

Skip Logic Group

MMW0944A04 Track an order

MMW0944A05 Look up order history

MMW0944A06 Find shipping / return policies

MMW0944A07 Find tours H

MMW0944A08 Find information / news about the U.S. Mint J

MMW0944A09 Find activities and games for kids / students L

MMW0944A10 Other, please specify O

Anchor Answer Choice

MMW0945 O What is your other reason for visiting the site today?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other reason for Visit
MMW0946 A What coin collecting information are you looking for? MMW0946A01 Basic information on how to get started
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Coin Collecting Info

MMW0946A02 Advanced information for coin collectors and investors

MMW0946A03 Information on how to share your hobby with a family member

MMW0946A04 Other

MMW0947 B What specific information were you looking for? Please select all that apply: MMW0947A01 How to get started
Checkbox, one-up vertical M N Skip Logic Group Coin Collecting Info Seeking

MMW0947A02 What to look for when collecting coins

MMW0947A03 How coins are made

MMW0947A04 Caring for coins

MMW0947A05 Storing coins

MMW0947A06 Coin term glossary

MMW0947A07 Learning about mint marks

MMW0947A08 ANA Coin grading scale

MMW0947A09 Dealer database

MMW0947A10 Other, please specify: C

MMW0948 C What other coin collecting information are you looking for today?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Coin Collecting Info
MMW0949 D What were you looking to do on the site? MMW0949A01 To research coins and coin programs
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Specific Purpose

MMW0949A02 To browse through coins and medals

MMW0949A03 To purchase a product

MMW0950 E What type of information were you looking for? Please select all that apply: MMW0950A01 Coin release dates / product schedules
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Coin Product Info

MMW0950A02 Coin details and descriptions

MMW0950A03 Coin images of front and back on coin (obverse and reverse)

MMW0950A04 Coin specifications (weight, metal, and size)

MMW0950A05 Coin prices (for collectible coins available to purchase)

MMW0950A06 Coin values (for coins in your collection)

MMW0950A07 Coin production figures (for circulating coins)

MMW0950A08 Coin mintage limits (for collectible coins)

MMW0950A09 Coin sales figures (for bullion coins)

MMW0950A10 Other, please specify: F

MMW0951 F What other coin product information are you looking for today?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Coin Product Info
MMW0952 G What types of coins were you looking for? Please select all that apply: MMW0952A01 Circulating coins (penny, nickel, dime, quarter)
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Coin Type

MMW0952A02 Collectible coins and medals (including proof and uncirculated)

MMW0952A03 Bullion investment grade coins or precious medals

MMW0953 H What specific information were you looking for? Please select all that apply: MMW0953A01 Philadelphia tours
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Tours

MMW0953A02 Denver tours

MMW0953A03 Washington D.C. kiosk / sales counter

MMW0953A04 Virtual or online tours

MMW0953A05 Other, please specify: I

MMW0954 I What other tour information are you looking for today?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Tour Info
MMW0955 J What specific information were you looking for? Please select all that apply: MMW0955A1 Organizational structure
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group General Mint Info

MMW0955A2 Director’s office

MMW0955A3 News or press releases

MMW0955A4 Annual report

MMW0955A5 U.S. Mint facilities

MMW0955A6 History

MMW0955A7 Sculptors / engravers

MMW0955A8 Tours

MMW0955A9 Other, please specify: K

MMW0956 K What other information about the U.S. Mint are you looking for today?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other General Mint Info
MMW0957 L What specific information were you looking for? Please select all that apply: MMW0957A01 Lesson plans
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y Skip Logic Group Specific Resources

MMW0957A02 Classroom games and activities

MMW0957A03 Teachers’ website

MMW0957A04 Kids’ website

MMW0957A05 Games, puzzles, and coloring pages

MMW0957A06 Interactive cartoons

MMW0957A07 Coins and medals stories

MMW0957A08 Coin of the month newsletter

MMW0957A09 Mint history and trivia

MMW0957A10 Other, please specify: M

MMW0958 M What other educational resources are you looking for today?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Resources
Did you find the information you were looking for? MMW0959A01 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical

Accomplish Task

MMW0959A02 Partially A

MMW0959A03 No A
S Y Skip Logic Group

MMW0960 A Please describe what you were looking for and what information you were unable to find:

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Specific Information Seeking
How are you primarily planning to use the information you were looking for today? MMW0961A01 For my own research or coin collection
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group How Use Information

MMW0961A02 For purchasing coins for my own coin collection

MMW0961A03 For purchasing coins for my business or a dealer

MMW0961A04 For sharing my hobby with a friend or family member

MMW0961A05 For a gift for a family member or friend

MMW0961A06 For a classroom or teaching purposes

MMW0961A07 For a school / class project

MMW0961A08 Other, please specify A

MMW0962 A What other ways will you use the information you were looking for today?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Info Use
Did you add an item to your shopping cart or wish list today? MMW0963A01 Yes, I did A Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Add Item to Cart

MMW0963A02 No, I did not

MMW0964 A What was your primary reason for deciding to place items in your cart or wish list? MMW0964A01 To purchase a coin, medal, annual set or other product
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Reason for Adding Item to Cart

MMW0964A02 To purchase an automatic subscription for a product

MMW0964A03 To purchase an e-gift certificate


MMW0964A04 To save a product to my wish list for later or to keep track of items to purchase in the future

MMW0964A05 To see the total price (including shipping and tax)

MMW0964A06 To check delivery time frame

MMW0964A07 To check availability of specific products

MMW0964A08 Other, please specify B

Anchor Answer Choice

MMW0965 B What other reason do you have for placing items in your cart or wish list?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Reason Why Add to Cart
Did you make a purchase on the U.S. Mint site MMW0966A01 Yes, I did
Radio button, one-up vertical S N Skip Logic Group Purchased Product

MMW0966A02 No, I did not A

MMW0967 A What was the primary reason for not purchasing the item(s) in your cart? MMW0967A01 Just browsing / not sure if I really want the item A Radio button, one-up vertical S N Skip Logic Group Why Not Purchase

MMW0967A02 Need more information before purchasing B

MMW0967A03 Price is too expensive


MMW0967A04 Shipping cost is too expensive

MMW0967A05 Gift box is too expensive

MMW0967A06 Shipping will take too long

MMW0967A07 Trouble entering my shipping/billing address C

MMW0967A08 Preferred payment option not available D

MMW0967A09 Couldn't determine when order will arrive

MMW0967A10 Worried about the security of the website

MMW0967A11 Technical error while trying to purchase E

MMW0967A12 Checkout process was confusing F

MMW0967A13 Checkout process took too long

MMW0967A14 Other, please specify: G

Anchor Answer Choice

MMW0968 G Other reason for not purchasing:

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Reason for No Purchase
MMW0969 A What additional information could we provide to help you make a decision?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Additional Info for Decision
MMW0970 B What additional information would you like to have before making a purchase?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Additional Info Before Purchase
MMW0971 C What kind of trouble did you have? MMW0971A01 My address was not recognized
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Trouble Entering Info

MMW0971A02 My address did not fit the standard / suggested format

MMW0971A03 Other, please specify H

MMW0972 H Other trouble experienced:

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Trouble
MMW0973 D What is your preferred payment method?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Preferred Payment
MMW0974 E What kind of error or issue did you experience? MMW0974A01 Error message I Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Error Issue

MMW0974A02 Trouble adding additional items to my cart

MMW0974A03 Trouble updating or removing items from my cart

MMW0974A04 Trouble logging into my account

MMW0974A05 Trouble creating an account

MMW0974A06 Trouble with my shipping / billing address

MMW0974A07 Trouble with my method of payment

MMW0974A08 Trouble with an e-gift certificate

MMW0974A09 Trouble adding a gift box

MMW0974A10 Other, please specify J

MMW0975 J Other technical error:

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Technical Error
MMW0976 I What kind of error message did you receive?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Error Message
MMW0977 F Please explain what was confusing about the checkout process.

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Checkout Experience
How frequently do you visit the U.S. Mint website? MMW0978A01 Daily
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y
Visit Freq

MMW0978A02 Weekly

MMW0978A03 Monthly

MMW0978A04 A couple times a year

MMW0978A05 About once a year

MMW0978A06 This is my first time

How many times have you purchased from this website in the last two years? MMW0979A01 This was my first time
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y
Times Purchased from Mint

MMW0979A02 2-3 times

MMW0979A03 4-5 times

MMW0979A04 6-9 times

MMW0979A05 10 or more times

MMW0979A06 Never purchased from US Mint online

How did you find the U.S. Mint website today? MMW0980A01 Typed the website address into my browser
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Randomize Site Awareness

MMW0980A02 Have the website bookmarked or is one of my favorites

Skip Logic Group

MMW0980A03 Used a search engine

MMW0980A04 Received a flyer or brochure in the mail

MMW0980A05 Saw TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertisement

MMW0980A06 Received a link in an e-mail

MMW0980A07 Found a link on Facebook or Twitter

MMW0980A08 Saw a link in a news story

MMW0980A09 Recommended by someone I know

MMW0980A10 Don't know

MMW0980A11 Other, please specify: A

MMW0981 A What other ways did you find out about the U.S. Mint?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Awareness Source
How would you most like to engage or connect with the U.S. Mint? Please select all that apply: MMW0982A01 Email updates
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y
How Interact with Site

MMW0982A02 Mobile website

MMW0982A03 Text messages

Skip Logic Group

MMW0982A04 Mobile application or “app”

MMW0982A05 Facebook

MMW0982A06 Google+

MMW0982A07 Twitter

MMW0982A08 YouTube

MMW0982A09 Blogs

MMW0982A10 Wikis

MMW0982A11 Vodcasts or video

MMW0982A12 Audio or podcasts

MMW0982A13 Other, please specify: A

MMW0983 A What other ways you would be interested in interacting or connecting with the site?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Interacting
If the following options were available, which would you use to share information about the U.S. Mint? Please select all that apply: MMW0984A01 Adding comments, ratings, reviews
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y
Interaction Preference

MMW0984A02 Posting comments on message boards

MMW0984A03 None of the above

Which of the following devices do you own and use personally? MMW0985A01 Smartphone (such as Blackberry or iPhone) A, B Checkbox, one-up vertical M N Skip Logic Group Devices Owned

MMW0985A02 Cell phone A,B

MMW0985A03 Tablet (such as iPad) A,B

MMW0985A04 Laptop computer

MMW0985A05 Desktop computer

MMW0985A06 None of the above

MMW0986 A Which of the following activities do you do with your mobile phone or device?  Please select all that apply: MMW0986A01 Send or receive text messages
Checkbox, one-up vertical M N Skip Logic Group Mobile Activites Preference

MMW0986A02 Browse websites

MMW0986A03 Download an application (“app”)

MMW0986A04 None of the above

MMW0987 B Of the following, what types of information from the U.S. Mint would you like to be able to access from your mobile device? MMW0987A01 Learn about coin collecting
Checkbox, one-up vertical M N Skip Logic Group Info Access from Mobile Device

MMW0987A02 Research, browse, or purchase coins and medals

MMW0987A03 Find information / news about the U.S. Mint

MMW0987A04 None of the above

MMW0987A05 Other, please specify: A

MMW0988 A What other information you would like to be able to access on your mobile device?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Info Access from Device
Which of the following best describes your knowledge of coin collecting? MMW0989A01 No knowledge
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y
Collecting Knowledge

MMW0989A02 Novice / beginner

MMW0989A03 Intermediate

MMW0989A04 Expert

Which of the following best describes your interest in coins and coin collecting? MMW0990A01 Coin dealer
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Role

MMW0990A02 Coin collector A, B, C, D

MMW0990A03 Friend or family member of a coin collector

MMW0990A04 Media

MMW0990A05 Teacher / educator

MMW0990A06 Student

MMW0990A07 Other, please specify: E

MMW0991 E Other best describes

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Role
MMW0992 A What is the primary reason you collect coins? MMW0992A01 For my own personal hobby
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y Skip Logic Group Reason for Collecting Coins

MMW0992A02 To share hobby with a family member or friend

MMW0992A03 As an investment

MMW0992A04 Other, please specify: F

MMW0993 F What other reasons for collecting coins?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Reason Collect
MMW0994 B How long have you been collecting coins? MMW0994A01 Less than two years
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y
Length of Time Collecting

MMW0994A02 2-5 years

MMW0994A03 6-9 years

MMW0994A04 10 or more years

Skip Logic Group

MMW0995 C How do you typically purchase coins? MMW0995A01 By mail
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y
How Purchase Coins

MMW0995A02 By phone

MMW0995A03 Online

MMW0995A04 In-person or through a dealer

Skip Logic Group

MMW0995A05 All of the above

MMW0995A06 Other, please specify: H

MMW0996 H How else do you purchase coins?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Purchase Method
MMW0997 D Which of the following items do you collect? Please select all that apply: MMW0997A01 Annual Coin Sets
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y
Products Collected

MMW0997A02 Circulating Coins

MMW0997A03 America the Beautiful Quarters

MMW0997A04 Presidential $1 Coins

Skip Logic Group

MMW0997A05 First Spouse Gold Coins

MMW0997A06 Native American $1 Coins

MMW0997A07 American Buffalo Coins

MMW0997A08 American Eagles Coins

MMW0997A09 Commemorative Coins

MMW0997A10 Medals

MMW0997A11 Bullion or precious medals

MMW0997A12 Other, please specify: G

MMW0998 G What other products do you collect?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Products Collected
Please select the category that includes your age. MMW0999A01 Under 18
Radio button, one-up vertical S N

MMW0999A02 18-24

MMW0999A03 25-34

MMW0999A04 45-54

MMW0999A05 55-64

MMW0999A06 65-74

MMW0999A07 75+

MMW0999A08 Prefer not to answer

Are you Hispanic or Latino? MMW1000A01 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical S N

MMW1000A02 No

MMW1000A03 Prefer not to answer

Do you consider yourself to be… MMW1001A01 American Indian or Alaska Native
Radio button, one-up vertical S N Skip Logic Group Race

MMW1001A02 Asian

MMW1001A03 Black or African American

MMW1001A04 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

MMW1001A05 White

MMW1001A06 Other, please specify: A

MMW1001A07 Prefer not to answer

MMW1002 A How else would you describe yourself?

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group Other Race
What is the highest level of education you have completed? MMW1003A01 Grade school (8th grade or less)
Radio button, one-up vertical S N

MMW1003A02 Some high school

MMW1003A03 High school graduate

MMW1003A04 Some college, no degree

MMW1003A05 Vocational training/2–year college

MMW1003A06 4-year college/bachelor’s degree

MMW1003A07 Post-graduate training/degree

What is your gender? MMW1004A01 Female
Radio button, one-up vertical S N

MMW1004A02 Male

MMW1004A03 Prefer not to answer

If you could suggest one change to improve the U.S. Mint website, what recommendation would you make?

Text area, no char limit S N
Department of Transportation NHTSA

How do you want to use the information you were looking for today? 
To decide what vehicle or car seat to buy
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Use information

To find out about the safety of a vehicle or car seat I already own

Other (please specify) A

A How you want to use information

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Other Use Info
Did you have any trouble navigating the site today?
Yes F Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group


CWS04106 F What type of difficulty did you encounter with the navigation process?
Too many links to choose from
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group

Links did not take me where I expected B

Links/labels were difficult to understand

Technical difficulties (e.g. broken links, error messages)

Other (please specify) A

CWS04107 A Other navigational difficulties

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group

B Please tell us which links took you somewhere unexpected

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Unexpected Links

How did you learn about this site? 
Search engine results

OPS Group Learned

Link from another Web site


Already knew about NHTSA

Radio or television advertisement

Recommendation from friends or family

Other (please specify) A


A Other way learned

Text field, <100 char

OPS Group Other learned
OPM-Job Search
US Office of Personnel Management

Which of the following site services, if any, did you use today? (Select all that apply)
Search Jobs B Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group

My Account

Resource Center

First-time Visitors

Why Work for America?

Special Hiring Events

Individuals with Disabilities


Students and Recent Graduates

Senior Executives





Other (please specify) C

NIAMS Survey
National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases

Which of the following best describes your role in coming to the website today?
General public
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

Representative from voluntary organization

Representative from professional organization


Family member of a patient





Health professional


Other F

ACQCol0010235 F What other role describes you?

Text field, <100 char Open N Skip Logic Group Other_Role
How do you plan to use the information you find on this site today?
To share and discuss with my health care provider
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group

To address personal health issues

To aid others who have health concerns

To pursue a career as a medical researcher

To support new or current research projects

To explore or support business opportunities in the field of biomedical research

To explore what you have to offer (just browsing)

Physicians & other health care providers - improved understanding of basic research concepts and findings for my own clinical research

Physicians & other health care providers - improved understanding of clinical research findings for my patient practice

Other Z

ACQCol0010236 Z How else do you plan to use the information you found on the site?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Other_Use Info
Which of the following sources drove you to visit the site today? Please rank the top 3 (Rank 1 is most important).
Rank 1 (Required)
1 Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single Y Rank Group SV - Rank 1

2 Video I saw on YouTube

3 Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

4 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)


5 Message directly from the company on a social network

6 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

7 Instant Message from a friend or colleague

8 Familiarity with site/company/brand

9 Promotional email(s) from the agency

10 Search engine results

11 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

12 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

13 Internet advertising

14 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice

15 Other

Anchor Answer Choice

Rank 2 (Optional) 1 Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 2

2 Video I saw on YouTube

3 Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

4 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)


5 Message directly from the company on a social network

6 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

7 Instant Message from a friend or colleague

8 Familiarity with site/company/brand

9 Promotional email(s) from the agency

10 Search engine results

11 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

12 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

13 Internet advertising

14 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice

15 Other

Anchor Answer Choice

Rank 3 (Optional) 1 Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 3

2 Video I saw on YouTube

3 Internet blogs or discussion forums

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

4 Advertising on social networks (Facebook, MySpace, Twitter)


5 Message directly from the company on a social network

6 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

7 Instant Message from a friend or colleague

8 Familiarity with site/company/brand

9 Promotional email(s) from the agency

10 Search engine results

11 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

12 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

13 Internet advertising

14 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice

15 Other

Anchor Answer Choice

If you heard about this website from a social network, please specify the site (i.e. Facebook, Twitter)

Text area, no char limit
SV - Other Social Network
National institute of Justice

EDO08743 A Where the search results helpful? -->: Were the search results helpful?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search results


Are you interested in reading NIJ materials on an electronic reader?
Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Reader


ACQWro0010310 A Which electronic reader are you likely to use to read NIJ materials?
Amazon Kindle
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Which Reader

Apple Ipad

Barnes and Noble Nook

Smart Phone

Sony Reader

Other B

ACQWro0010311 B Which other electronic reader do you own are would be likely to use

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Which Reader
CDC January 2011-present(Spanish)

SPCWS06079 H ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06079A001 Adolescentes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06079A002 Niños

SPCWS06079A003 Familias

SPCWS06079A004 Bebés y niños pequeños

SPCWS06079A005 Hombres

SPCWS06079A006 Adultos mayores y ancianos

SPCWS06079A007 Padres

SPCWS06079A008 Embarazo

SPCWS06079A009 Mujeres

SPCWS06079A010 Adultos jóvenes

SPCWS06079A011 Otro, por favor especifique: H

¿Consultaría la información de los CDC a través de otros canales o aparatos electrónicos? [Seleccione todas las opciones que correspondan]: SPACQOsl0004055A01 Facebook
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group 6. Electronic Channels (3.14.2011)

SPACQOsl0004055A02 Google+



Sitio web móvil

Aplicaciones móviles o "apps"

SPACQOsl0004055A03 Mensajes de texto

SPACQOsl0004055A04 Videos en línea

SPACQOsl0004055A05 Podcasts

SPACQOsl0004055A06 Webinars

SPACQOsl0004055A07 Blogs

SPACQOsl0004055A08 Tarjetas electrónicas

SPACQOsl0004055A09 Widgets (es decir, un módulo o aplicación que puede añadir a su sitio web o página personalizada de Internet como iGoogle o MyYahoo!)

SPACQOsl0004055A10 Actualizaciones por correo electrónico

SPACQOsl0004055A11 Canales RSS

SPACQOsl0004055A12 Nada de lo anterior

SPACQOsl0004055A13 Otro, por favor especifique:

CDC January 2011-present

Which category best describes the health topic you were looking for? CWS06063A001 Diseases and Conditions (ADHD, birth defects, cancer, diabetes, fetal alcohol syndrome, flu, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, STDs…) A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1. Health topic looking for

CWS06063A002 Healthy Living (food safety, bone health, physical activity, immunizations, genetics, sexual health, smoking prevention…) B

CWS06063A004 Emergency Preparedness & Response (bioterrorism, chemical & radiation emergencies, severe weather…) D

CWS06063A005 Injury, Violence & Safety (motor vehicle safety, traumatic brain injury and concussion, falls, child abuse, prescription drug abuse, suicide, injury data…) E

CWS06063A006 Environmental Health (air pollution, biomonitoring, carbon monoxide, toxic lead, toxic substances, mold…) F

CWS06063A007 Workplace Health (asbestos, chemical safety, construction, mining, office environments, respirators…) G

CWS06063A009 Global Health (Global AIDS, malaria, disease detection, polio, influenza…) I

Traveler's Health (destinations, outbreaks, travel vaccinations, Yellow Book…) C

CWS06063A008 Life Stages & Populations (infant & child, men, minorities, pregnancy, seniors, women...) H

CWS06063A010 State, Tribal, Local & Territorial (The Public Health Workplace, program planning, professional development, tribal support…) J

Outbreaks (International outbreaks, outbreaks in the United States, food-related outbreaks ...) W

CWS06063A011 Other, please specify: K

Would you access information from CDC through other electronic channels or devices? (Please select all that apply): ACQOsl0004055A16 Facebook
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group 6. Electronic Channels (3.14.2011)

ACQOsl0004055A17 Google+

ACQOsl0004055A18 LinkedIn

ACQOsl0004055A19 Twitter

ACQOsl0004055A03 Mobile websites

ACQOsl0004055A04 Mobile applications or "apps"

ACQOsl0004055A05 Text messages

ACQOsl0004055A06 Online Videos

ACQOsl0004055A07 Podcasts

ACQOsl0004055A08 Webinars

ACQOsl0004055A09 Blogs

ACQOsl0004055A10 eCards

ACQOsl0004055A11 Widgets (i.e. module or application you can add to a website or personalized web page like iGoogle or MyYahoo!)

ACQOsl0004055A12 E-mail updates

ACQOsl0004055A13 RSS Feeds

ACQOsl0004055A14 None of the above

ACQOsl0004055A15 Other, please specify:

NIH NIDCR (spanish) renewal 2011 Implementation

What information were you looking for today?

Text area, no char limit Open

Looking For
What information were you looking for today?
Gum disease (periodontitis and gingivitis)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Yes Skip Logic Group Looking For

Dry mouth

General oral and dental health

Dental care

Cancer treatment and oral health


Other topic

Please specify the topic you were looking for today.

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group OPS_Looking For
ACQWro0010187 C What topic or page was difficult to understand?

Text area, no char limit
Yes Skip Logic Group OE_Comprehension
¿Qué información buscaba hoy?

Text area, no char limit Open

Looking For
¿Qué información buscaba hoy?
Enfermedades de las encías (periodontitis y gingivitis)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Yes Skip Logic Group Looking For

Boca seca o xerostomía

Información general de la salud oral y dental

Cuidado dental

Los tratamientos para el cáncer y la salud oral

Publicaciones (Folletos)

Otro tema

Por favor especifique.

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group OPS_Looking For
SPACQWro0010187 C ¿Qué tema o página le pareció difícil de entender?

Text area, no char limit
Yes Skip Logic Group OE_Comprehension
NCI Main 2009

AQ Which best describes your specific role as a student?
Elementary/Middle school
Radio buttons Single Optional Skip Logic Group

Middle school

High school

Undergraduate College/University

Graduate school (including medical school)

Post-graduate school (including medical school)

Other AR

D1A Have you ever...?
Applied for funding from NCI
Radio buttons Single optional due to skip Skip Logic Group

Received funding from NCI


Please complete this sentence: I am visiting the NCI Web site today to find information on _____ (Check all that apply).
How to prevent cancer
Check boxes (multi) Multi Required Randomized answer choices; always leave "Other" as the very last


Emotional concerns relating to cancer

Cancer risk factors or causes (including genetics/family history)

Testing for cancer (detection/screening)

How to find cancer treatment facilities

Standard cancer treatments or therapies AA

Alternative cancer treatments or therapies

Managing cancer pain and side effects

Physical symptoms relating to cancer/cancer treatment

Symptoms related to cancer diagnosis

Symptoms of cancer

Medicines or prescription drugs

Physicians or cancer specialists

Cancer information to print out for a doctor's visit

Clinical trials AB

Quitting smoking

News related to cancer

Cancer statistics

The National Cancer Institute

Cancer information for a report/paper

Cancer prognosis

Financial concerns related to cancer

Research funding (grants, contracts, etc.) AC

Research tools and resources AE

Research training opportunities AG

Research partnership/business collaboration

Just browsing for cancer information

Other N

AC Are you looking for…
How to apply for an NCI grant
Radio buttons Single Optional Skip Logic Group Partnership Looking For

Current funding opportunities


Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) / Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR)

Research renewal

Supplemental funding

Other AD

AG Are you looking for…
Individual training/career development AI Radio Buttons Single optional Skip Logic Group

Institutional training (support for large training programs)

Other AH

AH Please specify what other research training opportunities information you were looking for.

Text field, <100 char Single Optional


AI Are you interested in…
Radio Buttons Single optional Skip Logic Group

Mid-career transition

Post-doctoral fellowship

Minority training programs

Other AJ

AJ Please specify what other individual training or career development you were looking for.

Text field, <100 char Single Optional


CDC January 2011-present

Which category best describes the health topic you were looking for? CWS06063A001 Diseases and Conditions (ADHD, birth defects, cancer, diabetes, fetal alcohol syndrome, flu, hepatitis, HIV/AIDS, STDs…) A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1. Health topic looking for

CWS06063A002 Healthy Living (food safety, bone health, physical activity, immunizations, genetics, sexual health, smoking prevention…) B

CWS06063A004 Emergency Preparedness & Response (bioterrorism, chemical & radiation emergencies, severe weather…) D

CWS06063A005 Injury, Violence & Safety (motor vehicle safety, traumatic brain injury and concussion, falls, child abuse, prescription drug abuse, falls, fires, poisoning, suicide, injury data youth violence…) E

CWS06063A006 Environmental Health (air pollution, biomonitoring, carbon monoxide, toxic lead, toxic substances, mold, water quality, climate change…) F

CWS06063A007 Workplace Health (asbestos, chemical safety, construction, mining, office environments, respirators…) G

Global Health (Global Health Initiative, global disease detection, Field Epidemiologist Training Program, parasites, global HIV/AIDS, international emergency and refugee health, Haiti…) (AIDS, malaria, disease detection, polio, influenza…) I

Traveler's Health (destinations, outbreaks, travel vaccinations, Yellow Book…) C

CWS06063A008 Life Stages & Populations (infant & child, men, minorities, pregnancy, seniors, women...) H

CWS06063A010 State, Tribal, Local & Territorial(funding and grants, cooperative agreements, strategy and planning, policy, training, best practices …) (The Public Health Workplace, program planning, professional development, tribal support…) J

Outbreaks (International outbreaks, outbreaks in the United States, food-related outbreaks ...) W

CWS06063A011 Other, please specify: K

CWS06064 K Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1Oth Health Topic
CWS06065 A More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06065A001 ADHD
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1.1Diseases&Conditions

CWS06065A002 Arthritis

CWS06065A003 Asthma

CWS06065A004 Autism

CWS06065A005 Birth defects

CWS06065A006 Cancer

CWS06065A007 Diabetes

CWS06065A008 Epilepsy

CWS06065A009 Fetal alcohol syndrome

CWS06065A010 Flu (influenza)

Hand, foot and mouth disease

CWS06065A011 Heart disease

CWS06065A012 Hepatitis



CWS06065A014 Meningitis

CWS06065A015 MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus)

CWS06065A016 Obesity

CWS06065A017 Salmonella

CWS06065A018 Sexually transmitted diseases (HPV, chlamydia, gonorrhea, etc.)


CWS06065A019 Stroke

CWS06065A020 Tuberculosis

CWS06065A021 Water-related diseases

CWS06065A022 Other, please specify: L

CWS06066 L Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.1Oth Disease&Conditions
CWS06067 B More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06067A001 Aging
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
1.2 Healthy Living

CWS06067A002 Birth defects

CWS06067A003 BMI (Body Mass Index)

CWS06067A004 Bone health

CWS06067A005 Breastfeeding

CWS06067A006 Child development

CWS06067A007 Excessive alcohol use

CWS06067A008 Food safety

CWS06067A009 Genetics and genomics

CWS06067A010 Mental health

CWS06067A011 Nutrition

CWS06067A012 Physical activity and exercise

CWS06067A013 Reproductive health

CWS06067A014 Sexual health

CWS06067A015 Sleep and sleep disorders

CWS06067A016 Smoking and tobacco use

CWS06067A017 Vaccines and immunizations

CWS06067A018 Other, please specify: M

CWS06068 M Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.2 Oth HealthyLiving
CWS06069 C More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06069A001 Yellow Book (CDC Health Information for International Travel)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1.3 Travelers Health

CWS06069A002 Destinations

CWS06069A003 Diseases related to travel (including malaria and yellow fever)

CWS06069A004 Illness & injury abroad (what to do if you become sick while traveling)

CWS06069A005 Preparing for your trip

CWS06069A006 Staying healthy & safe (insect protection, safe food & water, survival guide)

CWS06069A007 Vaccinations

CWS06069A008 Other, please specify: N

CWS06070 N Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.3Oth Travelers Health
CWS06071 D More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06071A001 Bioterrorism (anthrax, plague, smallpox)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1.4 Emergency

CWS06071A002 Chemical emergencies (ricin, chlorine, nerve agents)

CWS06071A003 Coping with a disaster

CWS06071A004 Mass casualties (explosions, blasts, injuries)

CWS06071A005 Natural disasters & severe weather (earthquakes, hurricanes, volcanoes, winter weather)

CWS06071A006 Preparation & planning for hazards

CWS06071A007 Radiation emergencies (dirty bombs, nuclear blasts)

CWS06071A008 Recent outbreaks & incidents (salmonella, melamine)

CWS06071A009 Surveillance

CWS06071A010 Other, please specify: O

CWS06072 O Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.4Oth Emergency
CWS06073 E More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06073A001 Acute care (injury response)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
1.5 Injury

CWS06073A002 Adolescent injuries

CWS06073A003 Child abuse / maltreatment

CWS06073A004 Choking

CWS06073A005 Concussion / brain injuries

CWS06073A006 Dog bites

CWS06073A007 Drowning

CWS06073A008 Elder maltreatment

CWS06073A009 Explosion and blast injuries

CWS06073A010 Falls among older adults

CWS06073A011 Fire-related injuries

CWS06073A012 Fireworks

CWS06073A013 Intimate partner violence

CWS06073A014 Mass casualties

CWS06073A015 Motor vehicle injuries

CWS06073A016 Poisoning

CWS06073A017 Preventing injury & violence

CWS06073A018 Sexual violence

CWS06073A019 Suicide

CWS06073A020 Violence

CWS06073A021 Other, please specify: P

CWS06074 P Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.5Oth Injury
CWS06075 F More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06075A001 Air quality
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
1.6 Environmental

CWS06075A002 Asbestos

CWS06075A003 Asthma

CWS06075A004 Biomonitoring

CWS06075A005 Carbon monoxide poisoning

CWS06075A006 Childhood lead poisoning prevention

CWS06075A007 Climate change

CWS06075A008 Cruise ship health

CWS06075A009 Extreme weather conditions

CWS06075A010 Mold

CWS06075A011 Natural disasters

CWS06075A012 Protect yourself from the sun

CWS06075A013 Radiation studies

CWS06075A014 Rodent control

CWS06075A015 Smoking and tobacco use

CWS06075A016 Water

CWS06075A017 Other, please specify: Q

CWS06076 Q Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.6Oth Enviro
CWS06077 G More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06077A001 Asbestos
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1.7 Workplace

Blood borne Infectious Diseases

CWS06077A002 Carpal tunnel syndrome

CWS06077A003 Chemical safety

CWS06077A004 Construction

CWS06077A005 Electrical safety

CWS06077A006 Emergency responders

Emergency preparedness & Response

CWS06077A007 Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders

CWS06077A008 Eye safety


CWS06077A009 Hearing loss

CWS06077A010 Heat Stress/Cold Stress

CWS06077A011 Laboratory safety

CWS06077A012 Lead

CWS06077A013 Machine safety

CWS06077A014 Mining

CWS06077A015 Motor vehicle safety

CWS06077A016 Noise/Hearing Loss

CWS06077A017 Office environments

CWS06077A018 Protective clothing

CWS06077A019 Respirators

CWS06077A020 Stress

CWS06077A021 Violence

CWS06077A022 Workplace safety & prevention

CWS06077A023 Other, please specify: R

CWS06078 R Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.7Oth Workplace
CWS06079 H More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06079A001 Adolescents & teens
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
1.8 Lifestages

CWS06079A002 Children

CWS06079A003 Family

CWS06079A004 Infants & toddlers

CWS06079A005 Men

CWS06079A006 Older adults & seniors

CWS06079A007 Parents

CWS06079A008 Pregnancy

CWS06079A009 Women

CWS06079A010 Young adults

CWS06079A011 Other, please specify: H

CWS06080 S Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.8Oth Lifestages
CWS06081 I More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06081A001 Field Epidemiologist Training Program
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
1.9 Global

CWS06081A002 Global disease detection

CWS06081A003 Global health initiatives

CWS06081A004 Global HIV/AIDS

CWS06081A005 Global immunizations

CWS06081A006 Haiti

CWS06081A007 International emergency and refugee health

CWS06081A008 Parasites

CWS06081A009 Other, please specify: T

CWS06082 T Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.9Oth Global
CWS06083 J More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06083A001 Best practices
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1.10 State Tribal

CWS06083A002 Cooperative agreements

CWS06083A003 Funding and grants

CWS06083A004 Policy

CWS06083A005 Strategy and planning

CWS06083A006 Training

CWS06083A007 Other, please specify: U

CWS06084 U Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.10Oth State Tribal

W More specifically, what topic were you looking for? CWS06083A001 Travel-related outbreaks
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1.11 Outbreaks

CWS06083A002 International outbreaks

CWS06083A003 United States outbreaks

CWS06083A004 Food-related outbreaks

CWS06083A007 Other, please specify: V

V Please list the other topic you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.11Oth Outbreaks
Which of the following best describes the type of information you were looking for? CWS06085A001 General information about the health topic selected
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group 2. Type of Info Looking For

CWS06085A002 General information about symptoms, causes, risk factors, tests, or treatment

CWS06085A003 Data and statistics

CWS06085A004 Scientific research, articles, publications, and journals

CWS06085A005 Guidelines and recommendations for healthcare providers

CWS06085A006 Professional training for healthcare providers, researchers, public health professionals, etc.

CWS06085A007 Educational materials

CWS06085A008 Campaigns and initiatives

CWS06085A009 Grants and funding opportunities

CWS06085A010 Tools, software applications, systems, and other resources

CWS06085A011 Print materials (fact sheets, brochures, posters, etc.)

CWS06085A012 Multimedia products (podcasts, videos, widgets, etc.)

CWS06085A013 Jobs and careers

CWS06085A014 Other, please specify: A

CWS06086 A Please list the other type of information you were looking for:

Text area, no char limit

OPS Group 2.Oth Type of Info
Were you able to find what you were looking for? CWS06087A001 Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical
Y Skip Logic Group 3. Able to Find

CWS06087A002 Partially A

CWS06087A003 No, I'm still looking A

CWS06088 A What were you looking for?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 3Oth. Unable to Find
I'm planning to use the information I found today: ACQOsl0003358A01 For my own health or my family's health A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 4. How will use

ACQOsl0003358A02 For my friend or family member (not living in my household)

ACQOsl0003358A03 For a physician's office/hospital

ACQOsl0003358A04 For a patient or client

ACQOsl0003358A05 For a public health agency

ACQOsl0003358A06 For a research institution

ACQOsl0003358A07 For a business / workplace

ACQOsl0003358A08 For an educational institution or teaching purposes

ACQOsl0003358A09 For a school / class project

ACQOsl0003358A10 Other, please specify: B

A Based on the information I found, I am planning to make changes to my lifestyle or my family's lifestyle:
Strongly agree
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 4.1 Behavior Change


Disagree C

Strongly disagree C

Not applicable

C Why are you unlikely to make a change to improve your health?

Text area, no char limit Single
Skip Logic Group 4.2Unlikely Change
ACQOsl0003359 B Please specify how you will use the information you are looking for today:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 4.Oth How will use
Based on the information you found, how likely are you to make changes to your lifestyle to improve your health? CWS06091A001 Very Likely E Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 5. Behavior Change

CWS06091A002 Likely E

CWS06091A003 Unlikely C

CWS06091A004 Very Unlikely C

CWS06092 C Why are you unlikely to make a change to improve your health? CWS06092A001 I need more information (need to do more research).
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 5.1 Unlikely -Why

CWS06092A002 I’m not ready to make a change yet.

CWS06092A003 I’m already following the recommendations / living a healthy lifestyle.

CWS06092A004 Other, please specify: D

CWS06093 D Why are you unlikely to make a change:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 5.1 Oth Unlikely Why
CWS06094 E What change are you planning to make?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 5.2 Likely Change
Would you access information from CDC through other electronic channels or devices? (Please select all that apply): ACQOsl0004055A01 Social Networks (i.e. Facebook)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group 6. Electronic Channels (3.14.2011)

ACQOsl0004055A02 Mirco-blogging sites (i.e. Twitter)





ACQOsl0004055A03 Mobile websites

ACQOsl0004055A04 Mobile applications or "apps"

ACQOsl0004055A05 Text messages

ACQOsl0004055A06 Online Videos

ACQOsl0004055A07 Podcasts

ACQOsl0004055A08 Webinars

ACQOsl0004055A09 Blogs

ACQOsl0004055A10 eCards

ACQOsl0004055A11 Widgets (i.e. module or application you can add to a website or personalized web page like iGoogle or MyYahoo!)

ACQOsl0004055A12 E-mail updates

ACQOsl0004055A13 RSS Feeds

ACQOsl0004055A14 None of the above

ACQOsl0004055A15 Other, please specify: A

ACQOsl0004056 A Please specify the other electronic channels or devices:

OPS Group 6. Oth Elect Channel (3.14.2011)
In the last year, which of the following activities have you done?  [Please select all that apply]: CWS06095A001 Listened to audio or podcasts on CDC.gov
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
6. SM CDC Activities

CWS06095A002 Watched a video on CDC.gov or CDC’s YouTube Page

CWS06095A003 Visited or “liked” CDC’s Facebook page 

CWS06095A004 Followed one of CDC’s Twitter profiles

CWS06095A005 Signed up for email updates on CDC.gov

CWS06095A006 Sent a CDC eCard to someone

CWS06095A007 Used CDC’s mobile Web site (m.cdc.gov) or a CDC mobile application (“app”)

CWS06095A008 Subscribed to CDC’s text messaging program

CWS06095A009 Read one of the blogs on CDC.gov

CWS06095A010 Used one of CDC’s widgets

CWS06095A011 Used CDC’s Public Health Image Library (PHIL)

CWS06095A012 Downloaded one of CDC’s buttons or badges

CWS06095A013 Participated in a contest or challenge CDC is sponsoring

CWS06095A014 None of the above 

In the last three months, which of the following general activities have you done online?  [Please select all that apply]: CWS06096A001 Participated in online social networks (Facebook, MySpace, etc.) 
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
7. SM Gen Activities

CWS06096A002 Used micro-blogging sites (Twitter, Tumblr, Jaiku, etc.)

CWS06096A003 Browsed through online photo galleries 

CWS06096A004 Watched videos on a Web site 

CWS06096A005 Uploaded videos to a Web site (YouTube) 

CWS06096A006 Listened to podcasts or audio on a Web site 

CWS06096A007 Signed up to receive email updates from a Web site 

CWS06096A008 Subscribed to RSS feeds

CWS06096A009 Used personalized Web pages (My Yahoo!, iGoogle, etc.) 

CWS06096A010 Added a widget, button, or badge to your personalized Web page 

CWS06096A011 Read blogs or Wikis 

CWS06096A012 Wrote a blog or contributed to Wikis 

CWS06096A013 Posted comments, ratings, or reviews on a Web site 

CWS06096A014 Sent an eCard to someone

CWS06096A015 Bookmarked or tagged Web sites (using social bookmarking sites as Digg) 

CWS06096A016 Participated in virtual worlds (Second Life, Whyville, etc.)   

CWS06096A017 None of the above 

In the last three months, which of the following activities have you done using your mobile phone or device?  [Please select all that apply]: CWS06097A001 Sent or received text messages
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
8. Mobile Activities

CWS06097A002 Browsed Web sites

CWS06097A003 Sent or received email

CWS06097A004 Downloaded an application (“app”)

CWS06097A005 Watched videos

CWS06097A006 Recorded videos

CWS06097A007 Took pictures

CWS06097A008 Played a game

CWS06097A009 Listened to music

CWS06097A010 None of the above

How frequently do you use the CDC.gov Web site? CWS06098A001 Daily
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
9. Frequency

CWS06098A002 Weekly

CWS06098A003 Monthly

CWS06098A004 A couple times a year

CWS06098A005 About once a year

CWS06098A006 This is my first time

Which best describes the primary role that brought you to the CDC.gov Web site today? CWS06099A001 Individual interested in health
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 10. Role

CWS06099A002 Traveler

CWS06099A003 Healthcare provider (physician, nurse, physician’s assistant, nurse practitioner, pharmacist, or other healthcare provider) B, C

CWS06099A004 Public health agency employee or public health professional D, E

CWS06099A005 Scientist or researcher

CWS06099A006 Educator, teacher or trainer

CWS06099A007 Student

CWS06099A008 Safety advisor

CWS06099A009 Business manager

CWS06099A010 Journalist or member of the media

CWS06099A011 Emergency responder

CWS06099A012 Law enforcement

CWS06099A013 Policymaker, legislator, or staff

CWS06099A014 Grantee

CWS06099A015 CDC Employee, staff, or contractor

CWS06099A016 Other, please specify: A

CWS06100 A Please list your role:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group 10.Oth Role
CWS06101 B Which of the following best describes you? CWS06101A001 Physician, actively seeing patients at least 2 days a week
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
10.1 HCP Role

CWS06101A002 Physician, primarily conducting research projects

CWS06101A003 Nurse or nurse practitioner

CWS06101A004 Physician’s assistant

CWS06101A005 Pharmacist or pharmaceutical assistant

CWS06101A006 Other type of healthcare provider, please specify: F

CWS06102 F Please list your role:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group 10.1Oth HCP Role
CWS06103 C Which of the following best describes where you work? CWS06103A001 Hospital
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
10.2 HCP Location

CWS06103A002 Large medical practice

CWS06103A003 Small medical practice

CWS06103A004 Not-for-profit

CWS06103A005 Research institution

CWS06103A006 Other, please specify: G

CWS06104 G Please list where you work:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group 10.2Oth HCP Location
CWS06105 D Which of the following best describes you? CWS06105A001 Public health advocate
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
10.3 PHP Role

CWS06105A002 Health educator

CWS06105A003 Health communicator

CWS06105A004 Management


CWS06105A005 Research scientist

CWS06105A006 Administrative staff

CWS06105A007 Other, please specify: H

CWS06106 H Please list your role:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group 10.3Oth PHP Role
CWS06107 E Which of the following best describes where you work? CWS06107A001 Public or commercial sector
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
10.4 PHP Location

CWS06107A002 Not-for-profit

CWS06107A003 Federal public health agency

CWS06107A004 State public health agency

CWS06107A005 Local public health agency

CWS06107A006 Territorial public health agency

CWS06107A007 Tribal public health agency

CWS06107A008 Other, please specify: I

CWS06108 I Please list where you work:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group 10.4Oth PHP Location
Which of the following sources drove you to visit the site today? (Please rank the top 3, with number 1 being the most important)
Rank 1 (Required)
CWS06109A001 Message directly from CDC on Facebook or Twitter
Drop down, select one Single Y Rank Group SV - Rank 1

CWS06109A002 Message or recommendation from a friend on Facebook or Twitter

CWS06109A003 Video I saw on CDC's YouTube Page

CWS06109A004 A blog or discussion forum

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

CWS06109A005 Advertisement on Facebook, or Twitter


CDC's mobile site

CWS06109A006 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

Mobile application or "app"

Scanned a QR code

CWS06109A007 Instant message from someone

CWS06109A008 Familiarity with site/agency

CWS06109A009 Email updates from the agency

CWS06109A010 Website is bookmarked

CWS06109A011 Search engine results

CWS06109A012 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

CWS06109A013 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

CWS06109A014 Advertisement on another website

CWS06109A015 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice

CWS06109A016 Other

Anchor Answer Choice

Rank 2 (Optional) CWS06110A001 Message directly from CDC on Facebook or Twitter
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 2

CWS06110A002 Message or recommendation from a friend on Facebook or Twitter

CWS06110A003 Video I saw on CDC's YouTube Page

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

CWS06110A004 A blog or discussion forum


CWS06110A005 Advertisement on Facebook, or Twitter

CWS06110A006 CDC's mobile site

Mobile phone text messages or alerts

Mobile application or "app"

Scanned a QR code

CWS06110A007 Instant message from someone

CWS06110A008 Familiarity with site/agency

CWS06110A009 Email updates from the agency

CWS06110A010 Website is bookmarked

CWS06110A011 Search engine results

CWS06110A012 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

CWS06110A013 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

CWS06110A014 Advertisement on another website

CWS06110A015 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice

CWS06110A016 Other

Anchor Answer Choice

Rank 3 (Optional) CWS06111A001 Message directly from CDC on Facebook or Twitter
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 3

CWS06111A002 Message or recommendation from a friend on Facebook or Twitter

CWS06111A003 Video I saw on CDC's YouTube Page

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

CWS06111A004 A blog or discussion forum


CWS06111A005 Advertisement on Facebook, or Twitter

CWS06111A006 CDC's mobile site

CWS06111A007 Mobile phone text messages or alerts

CWS06111A008 Mobile application or "app"

Scanned a QR code

Instant message from someone

Familiarity with site/agency

CWS06111A009 Email updates from the agency

CWS06111A010 Website is bookmarked

CWS06111A011 Search engine results

CWS06111A012 Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know

CWS06111A013 TV, radio, newspaper, or magazine advertising

CWS06111A014 Advertisement on another website

CWS06111A015 Don't know

Anchor Answer Choice

CWS06111A016 Other

Anchor Answer Choice

If you heard about this website from a social network, please specify the site (i.e. Facebook, Twitter)

Text area, no char limit
SV - Other Social Network
How old are you? CWS06113A001 19 or under
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
11. Age

CWS06113A002 20-34 years old

CWS06113A003 35-49 years old

CWS06113A004 50-64 years old

CWS06113A005 65 or older

CWS06113A006 Prefer not to answer

How would you describe yourself? CWS06114A001 White
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
12. Ethnicity

CWS06114A002 Hispanic or Latino

CWS06114A003 Asian

CWS06114A004 Black or African American

CWS06114A005 American Indian or Alaska Native

CWS06114A006 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

CWS06114A007 Prefer not to answer

What is the highest level of education you have completed? CWS06115A001 High school or less
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
13. Education

CWS06115A002 Some college

CWS06115A003 College degree

CWS06115A004 Advanced degree

CWS06115A005 Prefer not to answer

What is your gender? CWS06116A001 Female
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
14. Gender

CWS06116A002 Male


CWS06116A003 Prefer not to answer

What is your country of residence? CWS06117A001 USA

15. Country

CWS06117A002 Afghanistan

CWS06117A003 Albania

CWS06117A004 Algeria

CWS06117A005 American Samoa

CWS06117A006 Andorra

CWS06117A007 Angola

CWS06117A008 Anguilla

CWS06117A009 Antarctica

CWS06117A010 Antigua and Barbuda

CWS06117A011 Argentina

CWS06117A012 Armenia

CWS06117A013 Aruba

CWS06117A014 Australia

CWS06117A015 Austria

CWS06117A016 Azerbaijan

CWS06117A017 Bahamas

CWS06117A018 Bahrain

CWS06117A019 Bangladesh

CWS06117A020 Barbados

CWS06117A021 Belarus

CWS06117A022 Belgium

CWS06117A023 Belize

CWS06117A024 Benin

CWS06117A025 Bermuda

CWS06117A026 Bhutan

CWS06117A027 Bolivia

CWS06117A028 Bosnia/Herzegovina

CWS06117A029 Botswana

CWS06117A030 Bouvet Island

CWS06117A031 Brazil

CWS06117A032 British Indian Ocean

CWS06117A033 Brunei Darussalam

CWS06117A034 Bulgaria

CWS06117A035 Burkina Faso

CWS06117A036 Burundi

CWS06117A037 Cambodia

CWS06117A038 Cameroon

CWS06117A039 Canada

CWS06117A040 Cape Verde

CWS06117A041 Cayman Islands

CWS06117A042 Central African Rep.

CWS06117A043 Chad

CWS06117A044 Chile

CWS06117A045 China

CWS06117A046 Christmas Island

CWS06117A047 Cocos Islands

CWS06117A048 Colombia

CWS06117A049 Comoros

CWS06117A050 Congo

CWS06117A051 Congo, Democratic Rep.

CWS06117A052 Cook Islands

CWS06117A053 Costa Rica

CWS06117A054 Côte D'Ivoire

CWS06117A055 Croatia

CWS06117A056 Cuba

CWS06117A057 Cyprus

CWS06117A058 Czech Republic

CWS06117A059 Denmark

CWS06117A060 Djibouti

CWS06117A061 Dominica

CWS06117A062 Dominican Republic

CWS06117A063 East Timor

CWS06117A064 Ecuador

CWS06117A065 Egypt

CWS06117A066 El Salvador

CWS06117A067 Equatorial Guinea

CWS06117A068 Eritrea

CWS06117A069 Estonia

CWS06117A070 Ethiopia

CWS06117A071 Falkland Islands

CWS06117A072 Faroe Islands

CWS06117A073 Fiji

CWS06117A074 Finland

CWS06117A075 France

CWS06117A076 French Guiana

CWS06117A077 French Polynesia

CWS06117A078 French Southern Terr.

CWS06117A079 Gabon

CWS06117A080 Gambia

CWS06117A081 Georgia

CWS06117A082 Germany

CWS06117A083 Ghana

CWS06117A084 Gibraltar

CWS06117A085 Greece

CWS06117A086 Greenland

CWS06117A087 Grenada

CWS06117A088 Guadeloupe

CWS06117A089 Guam

CWS06117A090 Guatemala

CWS06117A091 Guinea

CWS06117A092 Guinea& Bissau

CWS06117A093 Guyana

CWS06117A094 Haiti

CWS06117A095 Heard/McDonald Isls.

CWS06117A096 Holy See/Vatican

CWS06117A097 Honduras

CWS06117A098 Hong Kong

CWS06117A099 Hungary

CWS06117A100 Iceland

CWS06117A101 India

CWS06117A102 Indonesia

CWS06117A103 Iran

CWS06117A104 Iraq

CWS06117A105 Ireland

CWS06117A106 Israel

CWS06117A107 Italy

CWS06117A108 Jamaica

CWS06117A109 Japan

CWS06117A110 Jordan

CWS06117A111 Kazakhstan

CWS06117A112 Kenya

CWS06117A113 Kiribati

CWS06117A114 Korea, North

CWS06117A115 Korea, South

CWS06117A116 Kuwait

CWS06117A117 Kyrgyzstan

CWS06117A118 Laos

CWS06117A119 Latvia

CWS06117A120 Lebanon

CWS06117A121 Lesotho

CWS06117A122 Liberia

CWS06117A123 Libya

CWS06117A124 Liechtenstein

CWS06117A125 Lithuania

CWS06117A126 Luxembourg

CWS06117A127 Macao

CWS06117A128 Macedonia

CWS06117A129 Madagascar

CWS06117A130 Malawi

CWS06117A131 Malaysia

CWS06117A132 Maldives

CWS06117A133 Mali

CWS06117A134 Malta

CWS06117A135 Marshall Islands

CWS06117A136 Martinique

CWS06117A137 Mauritania

CWS06117A138 Mauritius

CWS06117A139 Mayotte

CWS06117A140 Mexico

CWS06117A141 Micronesia

CWS06117A142 Moldova

CWS06117A143 Monaco

CWS06117A144 Mongolia

CWS06117A145 Montserrat

CWS06117A146 Morocco

CWS06117A147 Mozambique

CWS06117A148 Myanmar

CWS06117A149 Namibia

CWS06117A150 Nauru

CWS06117A151 Nepal

CWS06117A152 Netherlands

CWS06117A153 Netherlands Antilles

CWS06117A154 New Caledonia

CWS06117A155 New Zealand

CWS06117A156 Nicaragua

CWS06117A157 Niger

CWS06117A158 Nigeria

CWS06117A159 Niue

CWS06117A160 Norfolk Island

CWS06117A161 Northern Mariana Isls

CWS06117A162 Norway

CWS06117A163 Oman

CWS06117A164 Pakistan

CWS06117A165 Palau

CWS06117A166 Palestinian Territory

CWS06117A167 Panama

CWS06117A168 Papua New Guinea

CWS06117A169 Paraguay

CWS06117A170 Peru

CWS06117A171 Philippines

CWS06117A172 Pitcairn

CWS06117A173 Poland

CWS06117A174 Portugal

CWS06117A175 Puerto Rico

CWS06117A176 Qatar

CWS06117A177 Réunion

CWS06117A178 Romania

CWS06117A179 Russian Federation

CWS06117A180 Rwanda

CWS06117A181 Saint Helena

CWS06117A182 Saint Kitts/Nevis

CWS06117A183 Saint Lucia

CWS06117A184 Saint Pierre/Miquelon

CWS06117A185 Saint Vincent/Grenadines

CWS06117A186 Samoa

CWS06117A187 San Marino

CWS06117A188 Sao Tome/Principe

CWS06117A189 Saudi Arabia

CWS06117A190 Senegal

CWS06117A191 Seychelles

CWS06117A192 Sierra Leone

CWS06117A193 Singapore

CWS06117A194 Slovakia

CWS06117A195 Slovenia

CWS06117A196 Solomon Islands

CWS06117A197 Somalia

CWS06117A198 South Africa

CWS06117A199 S. Georgia/S. Sand. Isls

CWS06117A200 Spain

CWS06117A201 Sri Lanka

CWS06117A202 Sudan

CWS06117A203 Suriname

CWS06117A204 Svalbard/Jan Mayen

CWS06117A205 Swaziland

CWS06117A206 Sweden

CWS06117A207 Switzerland

CWS06117A208 Syria

CWS06117A209 Taiwan

CWS06117A210 Tajikistan

CWS06117A211 Tanzania

CWS06117A212 Thailand

CWS06117A213 Togo

CWS06117A214 Tokelau

CWS06117A215 Tonga

CWS06117A216 Trinidad and Tobago

CWS06117A217 Tunisia

CWS06117A218 Turkey

CWS06117A219 Turkmenistan

CWS06117A220 Turks and Caicos Isls

CWS06117A221 Tuvalu

CWS06117A222 Uganda

CWS06117A223 Ukraine

CWS06117A224 United Arab Emirates

CWS06117A225 United Kingdom

CWS06117A226 US Minor Outlying Isls

CWS06117A227 Uruguay

CWS06117A228 Uzbekistan

CWS06117A229 Vanuatu

CWS06117A230 Venezuela

CWS06117A231 Viet Nam

CWS06117A232 Virgin Islands, British

CWS06117A233 Virgin Islands, U.S.

CWS06117A234 Wallis and Futuna

CWS06117A235 Western Sahara

CWS06117A236 Yemen

CWS06117A237 Yugoslavia

CWS06117A238 Zambia

CWS06117A239 Zimbabwe

If you could suggest one change to improve the CDC Web site, what recommendation would you make?

Text area, no char limit
16. One Improvement
¿Qué categoría describe mejor el tema de salud que está buscando? SPCWS06063A001 Enfermedades y afecciones (TDAH, defectos de nacimiento, cáncer, diabetes, síndrome alcohólico fetal, influenza o gripe, hepatitis, VIH/sida, ETS...) A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Health Topic

SPCWS06063A002 Vida saludable (seguridad de los alimentos, salud de los huesos, actividad física, vacunas, genética, salud sexual, prevención del tabaquismo...) B

SPCWS06063A003 Preparación y respuesta para casos de emergencias (bioterrorismo, emergencias por sustancias químicas y radiación, mal tiempo…) D

SPCWS06063A004 Lesiones, violencia y seguridad (seguridad en vehículos automotores, lesiones y conmociones cerebrales traumáticas, caídas, abuso infantil, abuso de medicinas recetadas, suicidio, datos sobre lesiones…) E

SPCWS06063A005 Salud ambiental (contaminación del aire, biomonitorización, monóxido de carbono, plomo, sustancias tóxicas, moho…) F

SPCWS06063A006 Salud ocupacional (asbesto, seguridad de sustancias químicas, construcción, minería, entornos de oficinas, respiradores…) G

SPCWS06063A007 Salud global (Sida en el mundo, paludismo o malaria, detección de enfermedades, poliomielitis, influenza o gripe) I

SPCWS06063A008 Salud del viajero (destinos, brotes, vacunas para viajeros, el libro Amarillo o Yellow Book…) C

SPCWS06063A009 Etapas de la vida y poblaciones (bebés y niños, hombres, minorías, embarazo, ancianos, mujeres...) H

SPCWS06063A010 Sector estatal, tribal, local y territorial (área de trabajo de la salud pública, planeación de programas, desarrollo profesional, apoyo tribal...) J

Brotes (brotes internacionales, brotes en los Estados Unidos, brotes relacionados con los alimentos…) L

SPCWS06063A011 Otro, por favor especifique: K

SPCWS06064 K Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Other Health Topic
SPCWS06065 A ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06065A001 TDAH
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group DiseaseCond

SPCWS06065A002 Artritis

SPCWS06065A003 Asma

SPCWS06065A004 Autismo

SPCWS06065A005 Defectos de nacimiento o congénitos

SPCWS06065A006 Cáncer

SPCWS06065A007 Diabetes

SPCWS06065A008 Epilepsia

SPCWS06065A009 Síndrome alcohólico fetal

SPCWS06065A010 Influenza (gripe)

Enfermedad de manos, pies y boca

SPCWS06065A011 Enfermedades cardiacas

SPCWS06065A012 Hepatitis

SPCWS06065A013 VIH/Sida


SPCWS06065A014 Meningitis

SPCWS06065A015 SARM (Staphylococcus Aureus resistente a la meticilina)

SPCWS06065A016 Obesidad

SPCWS06065A017 Salmonella

SPCWS06065A018 Enfermedades transmitidas sexualmente (VPH, clamidia, gonorrea, etc.)

Culebrilla o herpes zóster

SPCWS06065A019 Accidentes cerebrovasculares

SPCWS06065A020 Tuberculosis

SPCWS06065A021 Enfermedades relacionadas con el agua

SPCWS06065A022 Otro, por favor especifique: L

SPCWS06066 L Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Oth diseascond
SPCWS06067 B ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06067A001 Envejecimiento
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Healthy Living

SPCWS06067A002 Defectos de nacimiento o congénitos

SPCWS06067A003 IMC (Índice de masa corporal)

SPCWS06067A004 Salud de los huesos

SPCWS06067A005 Lactancia materna

SPCWS06067A006 Desarrollo infantil

SPCWS06067A007 Consumo excesivo del alcohol

SPCWS06067A008 Higiene de los alimentos

SPCWS06067A009 Genética y genómica

SPCWS06067A010 Salud mental

SPCWS06067A011 Nutrición

SPCWS06067A012 Actividad física y ejercicio

SPCWS06067A013 Salud reproductiva

SPCWS06067A014 Salud sexual

SPCWS06067A015 Sueño y trastornos del sueño

SPCWS06067A016 Tabaquismo

SPCWS06067A017 Vacunas e inmunización

SPCWS06067A018 Otro, por favor especifique: M

SPCWS06068 M Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group

SPCWS06069 C ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06069A001 Guía Amarilla del Viajero (Información de salud de los CDC para los viajeros internacionales)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Travelers Health

SPCWS06069A002 Destinos

SPCWS06069A003 Enfermedades relacionadas con los viajes (como paludismo o malaria y fiebre amarilla)

SPCWS06069A004 Enfermedades y lesiones en el extranjero (qué hacer si se enferma durante su viaje)

SPCWS06069A005 Preparación para un viaje

SPCWS06069A006 Cómo mantenerse seguro y saludable (protección contra insectos, agua y alimentos seguros y guía de supervivencia)

SPCWS06069A007 Vacunas

SPCWS06069A008 Otro, por favor especifique: N

SPCWS06070 N Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Other Travelers
SPCWS06071 D ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06071A001 Bioterrorismo (carbunco o anthrax, peste, viruela)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Emerg Prepare

SPCWS06071A002 Emergencias con sustancias químicas (ricina, cloro, agentes nerviosos)

SPCWS06071A003 Cómo hacerle frente a un desastre

SPCWS06071A004 Víctimas masivas (explosiones, ondas expansivas, lesiones)

SPCWS06071A005 Desastres naturales y mal tiempo (terremotos, huracanes, volcanes, ola invernal)

SPCWS06071A006 Preparación y planificación de riesgos

SPCWS06071A007 Emergencias por radiación ("bombas sucias", explosiones nucleares)

SPCWS06071A008 Brotes e incidentes recientes (salmonella, melamina)

SPCWS06071A009 Vigilancia epidemiológica

SPCWS06071A010 Otro, por favor especifique: O

SPCWS06072 O Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Other Emerg
SPCWS06073 E ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06073A001 Cuidados agudos (respuesta a lesiones)
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06073A002 Lesiones en adolescentes

SPCWS06073A003 Abuso o maltrato infantil

SPCWS06073A004 Asfixia

SPCWS06073A005 Conmociones o lesiones cerebrales

SPCWS06073A006 Mordeduras de perro

SPCWS06073A007 Ahogamientos

SPCWS06073A008 Maltrato de ancianos

SPCWS06073A009 Lesiones por explosiones y onda expansiva

SPCWS06073A010 Caídas en adultos de edad avanzada

SPCWS06073A011 Lesiones producidas por el fuego

SPCWS06073A012 Fuegos artificiales

SPCWS06073A013 Violencia de pareja

SPCWS06073A014 Victimas masivas

SPCWS06073A015 Lesiones relacionadas con vehículos automotores

SPCWS06073A016 Intoxicación y envenenamiento

SPCWS06073A017 Prevención de lesiones y violencia

SPCWS06073A018 Violencia sexual

SPCWS06073A019 Suicidio

SPCWS06073A020 Violencia

SPCWS06073A021 Otro, por favor especifique: P

SPCWS06074 P Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Oth Injury
SPCWS06075 F ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06075A001 Calidad del aire
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06075A002 Asbesto

SPCWS06075A003 Asma

SPCWS06075A004 Biomonitorización

SPCWS06075A005 Envenamiento con monóxido de carbono

SPCWS06075A006 Prevención del envenenamiento infantil por plomo

SPCWS06075A007 Cambio climático

SPCWS06075A008 Salud en los cruceros

SPCWS06075A009 Condiciones climáticas extremas

SPCWS06075A010 Moho

SPCWS06075A011 Desastres naturales

SPCWS06075A012 Protección contra el sol

SPCWS06075A013 Estudios sobre la radiación

SPCWS06075A014 Control de roedores

SPCWS06075A015 Tabaquismo

SPCWS06075A016 Agua

SPCWS06075A017 Otro, por favor especifique: Q

SPCWS06076 Q Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Oth Enviro
SPCWS06077 G ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06077A001 Asbesto
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Workplace

Infecciones transmitidas por la sangre

SPCWS06077A002 Síndrome del túnel carpiano

SPCWS06077A003 Seguridad de sustancias químicas

SPCWS06077A004 Construcción

SPCWS06077A005 Seguridad eléctrica

Preparación y respuesta a emergencias

SPCWS06077A006 Personal de respuesta a emergencias

SPCWS06077A007 Trastornos ergonómicos y musculoesqueléticos

SPCWS06077A008 Protección de los ojos


SPCWS06077A009 Pérdida de la audición

SPCWS06077A010 Estrés por calor/frío

SPCWS06077A011 Seguridad en el laboratorio

SPCWS06077A012 Plomo

SPCWS06077A013 Seguirdad con maquinaria

SPCWS06077A014 Minería

SPCWS06077A015 Seguridad en vehículos automotores

SPCWS06077A016 Ruido/pérdida auditiva

SPCWS06077A017 Entornos de oficina

SPCWS06077A018 Ropa de protección

SPCWS06077A019 Respiradores

SPCWS06077A020 Estrés

SPCWS06077A021 Violencia

SPCWS06077A022 Prevención y seguridad en el sitio de trabajo

SPCWS06077A023 Otro, por favor especifique: R

SPCWS06078 R Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Oth Workplace
SPCWS06079 H ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06079A001 Adolescentes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06079A002 Niños

SPCWS06079A003 Familias

SPCWS06079A004 Bebés y niños pequeños

SPCWS06079A005 Hombres

SPCWS06079A006 Adultos mayores y ancianos

SPCWS06079A007 Padres

SPCWS06079A008 Embarazo

SPCWS06079A009 Mujeres

SPCWS06079A010 Adultos jóvenes

SPCWS06079A011 Otro, por favor especifique: H

SPCWS06080 S Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Oth Life
SPCWS06081 I ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06081A001 Programa de capacitación de epidemiólogos de campo
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06081A002 Detección global de enfermedades

SPCWS06081A003 Iniciativas de salud global

SPCWS06081A004 VIH/sida en el mundo

SPCWS06081A005 Vacunación global

SPCWS06081A006 Haití

SPCWS06081A007 Programa Internacional de Emergencia y Salud de los Refugiados

SPCWS06081A008 Parásitos

SPCWS06081A009 Otro, por favor especifique: T

SPCWS06082 T Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Oth Global
SPCWS06083 J ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? SPCWS06083A001 Mejores prácticas
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group State Tribal

SPCWS06083A002 Acuerdos de cooperación

SPCWS06083A003 Financiamiento y subvenciones

SPCWS06083A004 Políticas

SPCWS06083A005 Estrategias y planeación

SPCWS06083A006 Capacitación

SPCWS06083A007 Otro, por favor especifique: U

SPCWS06084 U Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Oth State Tribal

L ¿Qué tema buscaba en específico? CWS06083A001 Brotes relacionados con viajes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 1.11 Outbreaks

CWS06083A002 Brotes internacionales

CWS06083A003 Brotes en los Estados Unidos

CWS06083A004 Brotes relacionados con los alimentos

CWS06083A007 Otro, por favor especifique: V

V Indique el otro tema que está buscando:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 1.11Oth Outbreaks
¿Cuál de los siguientes describe mejor el tipo de información que buscaba? SPCWS06085A001 Información general del tema de salud seleccionado
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Type of Info

SPCWS06085A002 Información general sobre síntomas, causas, factores de riesgo, pruebas o tratamientos

SPCWS06085A003 Datos y estadísticas

SPCWS06085A004 Investigaciones científicas, artículos, publicaciones y revistas

SPCWS06085A005 Directrices y recomendaciones para personal de atención médica

SPCWS06085A006 Capacitación profesional para personal de atención médica, investigadores, profesionales de salud pública, etc.

SPCWS06085A007 Materiales educativos

SPCWS06085A008 Campañas e iniciativas

SPCWS06085A009 Subvenciones y oportunidades de financiamiento

SPCWS06085A010 Herramientas, programas informáticos, sistemas y otros recursos

SPCWS06085A011 Materiales impresos (hojas informativas, folletos, afiches, etc.)

SPCWS06085A012 Materiales de multimedia (podcasts, videos, widgets, etc.)

SPCWS06085A013 Empleos y desarrollo profesional

SPCWS06085A014 Otro, por favor especifique: A

SPCWS06086 A Indique el otro tipo de información que buscaba:

Text area, no char limit

OPS Group Other Info
¿Pudo encontrar lo que buscaba? SPCWS06087A001
Radio button, one-up vertical
Y Skip Logic Group Find Info

SPCWS06087A002 Parcialmente A

SPCWS06087A003 No, todavía sigo buscando. A

SPCWS06088 A ¿Qué información estaba buscando?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Unable to Find
Planeo usar la información que encuentre hoy para: Planeo usar la información que encuentre hoy para: Mi propia salud o la de mi familia A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 4. How will use

SPACQOsl0003358A02 Mi amigo o familiar (que no vive conmigo)

SPACQOsl0003358A03 Para un consultorio médico / hospital

SPACQOsl0003358A04 Para un paciente o cliente

SPACQOsl0003358A05 Para una agencia de salud pública

SPACQOsl0003358A06 Para una institución de investigación

SPACQOsl0003358A07 Para una empresa / sitio de trabajo

SPACQOsl0003358A08 Para una institución educativa o para enseñanza

SPACQOsl0003358A09 Para una escuela / para una clase

SPACQOsl0003358A10 Otro, especifique B

A Con base en la información que encontré, planeo hacer cambios en mi estilo de vida o el de mi familia:
Completamente de acuerdo
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group 4.1 Behavior Change

De acuerdo

En desacuerdo C

Completamente en desacuerdo C

No corresponde

C ¿Por qué es muy poco probable que haga algún cambio para mejorar su salud?

Text area, no char limit Single
Skip Logic Group 4.2Unlikely Change
SPACQOsl0003359 B Por favor, especifique de qué manera utilizará la información que está buscando hoy:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group 4.Oth How will use
Con base en la información que encontró, ¿qué probabilidad tiene de hacer cambios en su estilo de vida para mejorar su salud? SPCWS06091A001 Muy probable E Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Change

SPCWS06091A002 Probablemente sí E

SPCWS06091A003 Probablemente no C

SPCWS06091A004 Muy poco probable C

SPCWS06092 C ¿Por qué es muy poco probable que haga algún cambio para mejorar su salud? SPCWS06092A001 Necesito más información (necesito averiguar más).
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Unlikely Change

SPCWS06092A002 No estoy listo para hacer el cambio todavía.

SPCWS06092A003 Ya estoy siguiendo las recomendaciones / tengo un estilo de vida saludable.

SPCWS06092A004 Otro, por favor especifique: D

SPCWS06093 D ¿Por qué razón es probable que no haga ningún cambio?:

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Open Unlikely Change
SPCWS06094 E ¿Qué cambio planea hacer?

Text area, no char limit

Skip Logic Group Open Change
¿Consultaría la información de los CDC a través de otros canales o aparatos electrónicos? [Seleccione todas las opciones que correspondan]: SPACQOsl0004055A01 Redes sociales (como Facebook)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y OPS Group 6. Electronic Channels (3.14.2011)

SPACQOsl0004055A02 Sitios de micro-blogging (como Twitter)





SPACQOsl0004055A03 Sitio web móvil

SPACQOsl0004055A04 Aplicaciones móviles o "apps"

SPACQOsl0004055A05 Mensajes de texto

SPACQOsl0004055A06 Videos en línea

SPACQOsl0004055A07 Podcasts

SPACQOsl0004055A08 Webinars

SPACQOsl0004055A09 Blogs

SPACQOsl0004055A10 Tarjetas electrónicas

SPACQOsl0004055A11 Widgets (es decir, un módulo o aplicación que puede añadir a su sitio web o página personalizada de Internet como iGoogle o MyYahoo!)

SPACQOsl0004055A12 Actualizaciones por correo electrónico

SPACQOsl0004055A13 Canales RSS

SPACQOsl0004055A14 Nada de lo anterior

SPACQOsl0004055A15 Otro, por favor especifique: A

SPACQOsl0004056 A Por favor especifique cuáles otros canales o aparatos electrónicos:

OPS Group 6. Oth Elect Channel (3.14.2011)
En el último año, ¿cuál de las siguientes actividades ha realizado? [Seleccione todas las que aplican]: SPCWS06095A001 Escuchó un podcast o una emisión en CDC.gov
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
SM CDC Activities

SPCWS06095A002 Vio un video en CDC.gov o la página de los CDC en YouTube

SPCWS06095A003 Visitó o "le gustó" la página de los CDC en Facebook

SPCWS06095A004 Siguió uno de los perfiles sociales de los CDC en Twitter

SPCWS06095A005 Se suscribió para recibir actualizaciones de CDC.gov por correo electrónico

SPCWS06095A006 Envió a alguien una tarjeta electrónica de los CDC

SPCWS06095A007 Usó el sitio web móvil de los CDC (m.cdc.gov) o una aplicación móvil de los CDC ("app")

SPCWS06095A008 Se suscribió a un programa de mensajes de texto de los CDC

SPCWS06095A009 Leyó uno de los blogs en CDC.gov

SPCWS06095A010 Usó uno de los widgets de CDC

SPCWS06095A011 Usó la Biblioteca de Imágenes de Salud Pública (PHIL) de los CDC

SPCWS06095A012 Descargó uno de los botones o letreros de los CDC

SPCWS06095A013 Participó en un concurso o en una competencia patrocinada por los CDC

SPCWS06095A014 Nada de lo anterior

En los últimos tres meses, ¿cuál de las siguientes actividades generales ha realizado en Internet? [Seleccione todas las que aplican]: SPCWS06096A001 Participó en sitios de interacción social en línea (Facebook, MySpace, etc.)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
SM Activities

SPCWS06096A002 Usó sitios de "microblogging"(Twitter, Tumblr, Jaiku, etc.)

SPCWS06096A003 Exploró galerías de fotos en línea

SPCWS06096A004 Vio videos en un sitio web

SPCWS06096A005 Cargó videos en un sitio web (YouTube)

SPCWS06096A006 Escuchó podcasts o emisiones de audio en un sitio web

SPCWS06096A007 Se suscribió para recibir actualizaciones de un sitio web por correo electrónico

SPCWS06096A008 Se suscribió a canales RSS

SPCWS06096A009 Usó páginas de Internet personalizadas (My Yahoo!, iGoogle, etc.)

SPCWS06096A010 Añadió un widget o un gadget a su página web personalizada

SPCWS06096A011 Leyó blogs o wikis

SPCWS06096A012 Escribió un blog o colaboró en wikis

SPCWS06096A013 Publicó comentarios, calificaciones o reseñas en un sitio web

SPCWS06096A014 Envió una tarjeta electrónica a alguien:

SPCWS06096A015 Marcó como favoritos o etiquetó sitios de web (usando sitios sociales para clasificar como Digg)

SPCWS06096A016 Participó en mundos virtuales (Second Life, Whyville, etc.)

SPCWS06096A017 Nada de lo anterior

En los últimos tres meses, ¿cuál de las siguientes actividades generales ha realizado con su teléfono celular o aparato móvil? [Seleccione todas las que aplican]: SPCWS06097A001 Envió o recibió mensajes de texto
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
SM Mobile Activities

SPCWS06097A002 Exploró sitios web

SPCWS06097A003 Envió o recibió correos electrónicos

SPCWS06097A004 Descargó una aplicación ("app")

SPCWS06097A005 Vio videos

SPCWS06097A006 Grabó videos

SPCWS06097A007 Tomó fotos

SPCWS06097A008 Jugó un juego en línea

SPCWS06097A009 Escuchó música

SPCWS06097A010 Nada de lo anterior

¿Con qué frecuencia utiliza usted el sitio web CDC en Español ? SPCWS06098A001 Diariamente
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06098A002 Semanalmente

SPCWS06098A003 Mensualmente

SPCWS06098A004 Un par de veces al año

SPCWS06098A005 Alrededor de una vez al año

SPCWS06098A006 Esta es mi primera vez

¿Cuál describe mejor la razón principal para visitar hoy el sitio web CDC.gov? SPCWS06099A001 Persona interesada en temas de salud
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Role

SPCWS06099A002 Viajero

SPCWS06099A003 Profesional de atención médica (doctor, enfermera, asistente médico, personal de enfermería especializado, farmaceuta u otro prestador de atención médica) B, C

SPCWS06099A004 Empleado de una agencia de salud pública o profesional de salud pública D, E

SPCWS06099A005 Científico o investigador

SPCWS06099A006 Educador maestro o instructor

SPCWS06099A007 Estudiante

SPCWS06099A008 Asesor de temas de seguridad

SPCWS06099A009 Gerente de empresa

SPCWS06099A010 Periodista o miembro de los medios de comunicación

SPCWS06099A011 Personal de respuesta a emergencias

SPCWS06099A012 Personal de seguridad pública

SPCWS06099A013 Funcionario oficial, legislador o miembro de su personal

SPCWS06099A014 Becario/beneficiario de subvención

SPCWS06099A015 Empleado, contratista o personal de los CDC

SPCWS06099A016 Otro, por favor especifique: A

SPCWS06100 A Indique su función:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Provider role
SPCWS06101 B ¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones le describe mejor? SPCWS06101A001 Médico que da consultas por lo menos 2 días a la semana
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06101A002 Médico, principalmente realizando investigaciones

SPCWS06101A003 Personal de enfermería

SPCWS06101A004 Asistente médico

SPCWS06101A005 Farmaceuta o asistente de farmaceuta

SPCWS06101A006 Otro tipo de profesional de atención médica, por favor especifique: F

SPCWS06102 G Indique su función:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Provider
SPCWS06103 C ¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones describe mejor su sitio de trabajo? SPCWS06103A001 Hospital
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Provider Location

SPCWS06103A002 Consultorio médico grande

SPCWS06103A003 Consultorio médico pequeño

SPCWS06103A004 Organización sin ánimo de lucro

SPCWS06103A005 Institución que realiza investigaciones

SPCWS06103A006 Otro, por favor especifique: G

SPCWS06104 G Indique dónde trabaja:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Prov Location
SPCWS06105 D ¿Cuál de las siguientes opciones le describe mejor? SPCWS06105A001 Promotor de salud pública
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06105A002 Educador de temas de salud

SPCWS06105A003 Comunicador de temas de salud

SPCWS06105A004 Administrador


SPCWS06105A005 Científico investigador

SPCWS06105A006 Personal administrativo

SPCWS06105A007 Otro, por favor especifique: H

SPCWS06106 H Indique su función:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Public
SPCWS06107 E ¿Cuál de los siguientes describe el lugar donde trabaja? SPCWS06107A001 Sector público o comercial
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06107A002 Organización sin ánimo de lucro

SPCWS06107A003 Agencia de salud pública federal

SPCWS06107A004 Agencia de salud pública estatal

SPCWS06107A005 Agencia de salud pública local

SPCWS06107A006 Agencia de salud pública territorial

SPCWS06107A007 Agencia de salud pública tribal

SPCWS06107A008 Otro, por favor especifique: I

SPCWS06108 I Indique dónde trabaja:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other Pub Location
¿Cuál de las siguientes fuentes le motivó a visitar hoy este sitio web? [Designe los 3 principales, asignando el número 1 al más importante]:
Primer lugar: 1 (requerido)
SPCWS06109A001 Mensaje directo de los CDC en Facebook o Twitter
Drop down, select one Single Y Rank Group SV - Rank 1

SPCWS06109A002 Mensaje o recomendación de un amigo en Facebook o Twitter

SPCWS06109A003 Video que vi en la página de los CDC en YouTube

SPCWS06109A004 A blog or discussion forum

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

SPCWS06109A005 Anuncio en Facebook o Twitter


Sitio web móvil de los CDC

Alertas o mensajes de texto en el teléfono celular

Aplicaciones móviles o "apps"

SPCWS06109A006 Escaneo de un código QR

SPCWS06109A007 Mensaje instantáneo "IM" de alguien

SPCWS06109A008 Conozco la agencia o su sitio web

SPCWS06109A009 Actualizaciones por correo electrónico de la agencia

SPCWS06109A010 Sitio web marcado como favorito

SPCWS06109A011 Resultados de búsqueda en Internet

SPCWS06109A012 Alguien que conozco me lo recomendó

SPCWS06109A013 Anuncio en radio, televisión, periódico o revista

SPCWS06109A014 Anuncio en otro sitio web

SPCWS06109A015 No sé

Anchor Answer Choice

SPCWS06109A016 Otro

Anchor Answer Choice

Segundo lugar: 2 (opcional) SPCWS06110A001 Mensaje directo de los CDC en Facebook o Twitter
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 2

SPCWS06110A002 Mensaje o recomendación de un amigo en Facebook o Twitter

SPCWS06110A003 Video que vi en la página de los CDC en YouTube

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

SPCWS06110A004 A blog or discussion forum


SPCWS06110A005 Anuncio en Facebook o Twitter

SPCWS06110A006 Sitio web móvil de los CDC

SPCWS06110A007 Alertas o mensajes de texto en el teléfono celular

Aplicaciones móviles o "apps"

Escaneo de un código QR

Mensaje instantáneo "IM" de alguien

SPCWS06110A008 Conozco la agencia o su sitio web

SPCWS06110A009 Actualizaciones por correo electrónico de la agencia

SPCWS06110A010 Sitio web marcado como favorito

SPCWS06110A011 Resultados de búsqueda en Internet

SPCWS06110A012 Alguien que conozco me lo recomendó

SPCWS06110A013 Anuncio en radio, televisión, periódico o revista

SPCWS06110A014 Anuncio en otro sitio web

SPCWS06110A015 No sé

Anchor Answer Choice

SPCWS06110A016 Otro

Anchor Answer Choice

Tercer lugar: 2 (opcional) SPCWS06111A001 Mensaje directo de los CDC en Facebook o Twitter
Drop down, select one Single N Rank Group SV - Rank 3

SPCWS06111A002 Mensaje o recomendación de un amigo en Facebook o Twitter

SPCWS06111A003 Video que vi en la página de los CDC en YouTube

Adjust Template/Style Sheet

SPCWS06111A004 A blog or discussion forum


SPCWS06111A005 Anuncio en Facebook o Twitter

Sitio web móvil de los CDC

Alertas o mensajes de texto en el teléfono celular

SPCWS06111A006 Aplicaciones móviles o "apps"

Escaneo de un código QR

SPCWS06111A007 Mensaje instantáneo "IM" de alguien

SPCWS06111A008 Conozco la agencia o su sitio web

SPCWS06111A009 Actualizaciones por correo electrónico de la agencia

SPCWS06111A010 Sitio web marcado como favorito

SPCWS06111A011 Resultados de búsqueda en Internet

SPCWS06111A012 Alguien que conozco me lo recomendó

SPCWS06111A013 Anuncio en radio, televisión, periódico o revista

SPCWS06111A014 Anuncio en otro sitio web

SPCWS06111A015 No sé

Anchor Answer Choice

SPCWS06111A016 Otro

Anchor Answer Choice

Si escuchó sobre este sitio web en una de las redes sociales, especifique el sitio (p. ej., Facebook, Twitter)

Text area, no char limit
SV - Other Social Network
¿Qué edad tiene? SPCWS06113A001 19 años o menos
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06113A002 20-34 años de edad

SPCWS06113A003 35-49 años de edad

SPCWS06113A004 50-64 años de edad

SPCWS06113A005 65 años o más

SPCWS06113A006 Prefiero no contestar

¿Cómo se describiría usted? SPCWS06114A001 Blanco
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

SPCWS06114A002 Hispano o latino

SPCWS06114A003 Asiático

SPCWS06114A004 Negro o afroamericano

SPCWS06114A005 Indoamericano o nativo de Alaska

SPCWS06114A006 Nativo de Hawái o de otras islas del Pacífico

SPCWS06114A007 Prefiero no contestar

¿Cuál es el nivel más alto de estudios que ha completado? SPCWS06115A001 Escuela secundaria superior (high school) o menos
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06115A002 Algunos estudios universitarios

SPCWS06115A003 Graduado universitario

SPCWS06115A004 Posgrado

SPCWS06115A005 Prefiero no contestar

¿Cuál es su sexo? SPCWS06116A001 Femenino
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y

SPCWS06116A002 Masculino


SPCWS06116A003 Prefiero no contestar

¿En qué país reside? SPCWS06117A001 Estados Unidos


SPCWS06117A002 Afganistán

SPCWS06117A003 Albania

SPCWS06117A004 Alemania

SPCWS06117A005 Andorra

SPCWS06117A006 Angola

SPCWS06117A007 Anguilla

SPCWS06117A008 Antártida

SPCWS06117A009 Antigua y Barbuda

SPCWS06117A010 Antillas Holandesas

SPCWS06117A011 Arabia Saudita

SPCWS06117A012 Argelia

SPCWS06117A013 Argentina

SPCWS06117A014 Armenia

SPCWS06117A015 Aruba

SPCWS06117A016 Australia

SPCWS06117A017 Austria

SPCWS06117A018 Azerbaiyán

SPCWS06117A019 Bahamas

SPCWS06117A020 Bahrein

SPCWS06117A021 Bangladesh

SPCWS06117A022 Barbados

SPCWS06117A023 Bélgica

SPCWS06117A024 Belice

SPCWS06117A025 Benín

SPCWS06117A026 Bielorrusia

SPCWS06117A027 Bolivia

SPCWS06117A028 Bosnia-Herzegovina

SPCWS06117A029 Botswana

SPCWS06117A030 Brasil

SPCWS06117A031 Brunei Darussalam

SPCWS06117A032 Bulgaria

SPCWS06117A033 Burkina Faso

SPCWS06117A034 Burundi

SPCWS06117A035 Bután

SPCWS06117A036 Cabo Verde

SPCWS06117A037 Camboya

SPCWS06117A038 Camerún

SPCWS06117A039 Canadá

SPCWS06117A040 Chad

SPCWS06117A041 Chile

SPCWS06117A042 China

SPCWS06117A043 Chipre

SPCWS06117A044 Colombia

SPCWS06117A045 Comoras

SPCWS06117A046 Congo

SPCWS06117A047 Corea del Norte

SPCWS06117A048 Corea del Sur

SPCWS06117A049 Costa de Marfil

SPCWS06117A050 Costa Rica

SPCWS06117A051 Croacia

SPCWS06117A052 Cuba

SPCWS06117A053 Dinamarca

SPCWS06117A054 Djibouti

SPCWS06117A055 Dominica

SPCWS06117A056 Ecuador

SPCWS06117A057 Egipto

SPCWS06117A058 El Salvador

SPCWS06117A059 Emiratos Árabes Unidos

SPCWS06117A060 Eritrea

SPCWS06117A061 Eslovaquia

SPCWS06117A062 Eslovenia

SPCWS06117A063 España

SPCWS06117A064 Estonia

SPCWS06117A065 Etiopía

SPCWS06117A066 Federación Rusa

SPCWS06117A067 Fiji

SPCWS06117A068 Filipinas

SPCWS06117A069 Finlandia

SPCWS06117A070 Francia

SPCWS06117A071 Gabón

SPCWS06117A072 Gambia

SPCWS06117A073 Georgia

SPCWS06117A074 Ghana

SPCWS06117A075 Gibraltar

SPCWS06117A076 Grecia

SPCWS06117A077 Grenada

SPCWS06117A078 Groenlandia

SPCWS06117A079 Guadeloupe

SPCWS06117A080 Guam

SPCWS06117A081 Guatemala

SPCWS06117A082 Guayana francesa

SPCWS06117A083 Guinea

SPCWS06117A084 Guinea Ecuatorial

SPCWS06117A085 Guinea-Bissau

SPCWS06117A086 Guyana

SPCWS06117A087 Haití

SPCWS06117A088 Holanda

SPCWS06117A089 Honduras

SPCWS06117A090 Hong Kong

SPCWS06117A091 Hungría

SPCWS06117A092 India

SPCWS06117A093 Indonesia

SPCWS06117A094 Irán

SPCWS06117A095 Iraq

SPCWS06117A096 Irlanda

SPCWS06117A097 Isla Bouvet

SPCWS06117A098 Isla Navidad

SPCWS06117A099 Isla Norfolk

SPCWS06117A100 Islandia

SPCWS06117A101 Islas Bermudas

SPCWS06117A102 Islas Caimán

SPCWS06117A103 Islas Cocos

SPCWS06117A104 Islas Cook

SPCWS06117A105 Islas Faroe

SPCWS06117A106 Islas Heard/McDonald

SPCWS06117A107 Islas Malvinas o Falkland

SPCWS06117A108 Islas Marianas del Norte

SPCWS06117A109 Islas Marshall

SPCWS06117A110 Islas Solomón

SPCWS06117A111 Islas Turcas y Caicos

SPCWS06117A112 Islas Ultramarinas de Estados Unidos

SPCWS06117A113 Islas Vírgenes, británicas

SPCWS06117A114 Islas Vírgenes, de EE. UU.

SPCWS06117A115 Israel

SPCWS06117A116 Italia

SPCWS06117A117 Jamaica

SPCWS06117A118 Japón

SPCWS06117A119 Jordania

SPCWS06117A120 Kazajstán

SPCWS06117A121 Kenya

SPCWS06117A122 Kirguistán

SPCWS06117A123 Kiribati

SPCWS06117A124 Kuwait

SPCWS06117A125 Laos

SPCWS06117A126 Latvia

SPCWS06117A127 Lesotho

SPCWS06117A128 Líbano

SPCWS06117A129 Liberia

SPCWS06117A130 Libia

SPCWS06117A131 Liechtenstein

SPCWS06117A132 Lituania

SPCWS06117A133 Luxemburgo

SPCWS06117A134 Macao

SPCWS06117A135 Macedonia

SPCWS06117A136 Madagascar

SPCWS06117A137 Malasia

SPCWS06117A138 Malawi

SPCWS06117A139 Maldivas

SPCWS06117A140 Mali

SPCWS06117A141 Malta

SPCWS06117A142 Marruecos

SPCWS06117A143 Martinica

SPCWS06117A144 Mauricio

SPCWS06117A145 Mauritania

SPCWS06117A146 Mayotte

SPCWS06117A147 México

SPCWS06117A148 Micronesia

SPCWS06117A149 Moldova

SPCWS06117A150 Mónaco

SPCWS06117A151 Mongolia

SPCWS06117A152 Montserrat

SPCWS06117A153 Mozambique

SPCWS06117A154 Myanmar

SPCWS06117A155 Namibia

SPCWS06117A156 Nauru

SPCWS06117A157 Nepal

SPCWS06117A158 Nicaragua

SPCWS06117A159 Níger

SPCWS06117A160 Nigeria

SPCWS06117A161 Niue

SPCWS06117A162 Noruega

SPCWS06117A163 Nueva Caledonia

SPCWS06117A164 Nueva Zelandia

SPCWS06117A165 Omán

SPCWS06117A166 Pakistán

SPCWS06117A167 Palau

SPCWS06117A168 Panamá

SPCWS06117A169 Papua Nueva Guinea

SPCWS06117A170 Paraguay

SPCWS06117A171 Perú

SPCWS06117A172 Pitcairn

SPCWS06117A173 Polinesia Francesa

SPCWS06117A174 Polonia

SPCWS06117A175 Portugal

SPCWS06117A176 Puerto Rico

SPCWS06117A177 Qatar

SPCWS06117A178 Reino Unido

SPCWS06117A179 República Centroafricana

SPCWS06117A180 República Checa

SPCWS06117A181 República Democrática del Congo

SPCWS06117A182 República Dominicana

SPCWS06117A183 Réunion

SPCWS06117A184 Ruanda

SPCWS06117A185 Rumania

SPCWS06117A186 S. Islas Georgia del sur y Sándwich del Sur

SPCWS06117A187 Sahara Occidental

SPCWS06117A188 Saint Kitts/Nevis

SPCWS06117A189 Saint Pierre/Miquelon

SPCWS06117A190 Samoa

SPCWS06117A191 Samoa Americana

SPCWS06117A192 San Marino

SPCWS06117A193 San Vicente y las Granadinas

SPCWS06117A194 Santa Elena

SPCWS06117A195 Santa Lucía

SPCWS06117A196 Santa Sede/Ciudad del Vaticano

SPCWS06117A197 Santo Tomé y Príncipe

SPCWS06117A198 Senegal

SPCWS06117A199 Seychelles

SPCWS06117A200 Sierra Leona

SPCWS06117A201 Singapur

SPCWS06117A202 Siria

SPCWS06117A203 Somalia

SPCWS06117A204 Sri Lanka

SPCWS06117A205 Sudáfrica

SPCWS06117A206 Sudán

SPCWS06117A207 Suecia

SPCWS06117A208 Suiza

SPCWS06117A209 Suriname

SPCWS06117A210 Islas Svalbard y Jan Mayen

SPCWS06117A211 Swazilandia

SPCWS06117A212 Tailandia

SPCWS06117A213 Taiwán

SPCWS06117A214 Tanzania

SPCWS06117A215 Tayikistán

SPCWS06117A216 Territorio británico del Océano Índico

SPCWS06117A217 Territorios Franceses del Sur

SPCWS06117A218 Territorios palestinos

SPCWS06117A219 Timor Oriental

SPCWS06117A220 Togo

SPCWS06117A221 Tokelau

SPCWS06117A222 Tonga

SPCWS06117A223 Trinidad y Tobago

SPCWS06117A224 Túnez

SPCWS06117A225 Turkmenistán

SPCWS06117A226 Turquía

SPCWS06117A227 Tuvalu

SPCWS06117A228 Ucrania

SPCWS06117A229 Uganda

SPCWS06117A230 Uruguay

SPCWS06117A231 Uzbekistán

SPCWS06117A232 Vanuatu

SPCWS06117A233 Venezuela

SPCWS06117A234 Vietnam

SPCWS06117A235 Wallis y Futuna

SPCWS06117A236 Yemen

SPCWS06117A237 Yugoslavia

SPCWS06117A238 Zambia

SPCWS06117A239 Zimbabwe

Si pudiera sugerir un cambio para mejorar el sitio web de los CDC, ¿cuál sería su recomendación?

Text area, no char limit
One Improvement

Please rate the PBGC in providing timely information for your retirement planning. 1=Poor A Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y Skip Logic Group Rate_Timely Info

2 A

3 A

4 A

5 A

6 A





Don't Know

ACQWro0010455 A Please specify your reason for this score.

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group R_Timely Info

Please rate the PBGC in providing accurate information for your retirement planning. 1=Poor A Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y Skip Logic Group Rate_Accurate Info

2 A

3 A

4 A

5 A

6 A





Don't Know

ACQWro0010458 A Please specify your reason for this score.

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group R_Accurate Info

Please rate how well information provided by the PBGC agency answers your questions. 1=Poor A Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y Skip Logic Group Rate_Agency Info

2 A

3 A

4 A

5 A

6 A





Don't Know

ACQWro0010460 A Please specify your reason for this score.

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group R_Agency Info

Please rate how well your last interaction with the PBGC was handled. 1=Poor A Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y Skip Logic Group Rate_Last Interaction

2 A

3 A

4 A

5 A

6 A





Don't Know

ACQWro0010477 A Please specify your reason for this score.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group R_Last Interaction

DHS CIS E-Verify

For what reasons did you visit the E-Verify site today? (Check all that apply.) Learn about E-Verify in general
Checkbox, one-up vertical M Y
Reasons for visiting

Learn about E-Verify requirements for federal contractors

Sign up for a webinar

Learn how to contact E-Verify

Enroll in the E-Verify program

Employee verification/enrollment

Check employment eligibility/status

Use everify applications

Access everify applications

Find and download form(s) needed

Submit form

Open a new case

Other, please specify: A

What was the primary reason you visited the E-Verify site today? (Check only one response.) Learn about E-Verify in general
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y
Primary reason

Learn about E-Verify requirements for federal contractors

Sign up for a webinar

Learn how to contact E-Verify

Enroll in the E-Verify program

Other, please specify: A

KFB06271 A Other primary reason for visiting the E-Verify site today.

Text area, no char limit
Other primary reasons

ACQWro0010498 A If you were unable to find what you were looking for, what was it?

Text area, no char limit
No info found

If you used navigation to find your information today, what type of difficulties, if any, did you encounter with the navigation? No difficulty encountered
Drop down, select one S N
Navigation difficulty

Could not find the appropriate navigational links on most of your pages

Too many links or navigational choices

Links did not take me where I expected

Had difficulty finding detailed or related information on your pages

Navigation did not support what I was trying to accomplish

Would often feel lost, and did not know where I was on your pages

Had various technical difficulties (links didn't work, received error messages, etc.)

Could not get started or did not know where to begin

Could not navigate back to previous information


KFB06278 A Other format in which would like to get more info about E-Verify.

Text area, no char limit
Other format

Which of the following best describes your role? I am a human resources professional seeking information for my employer
Radio button, one-up vertical S Y

I am an attorney or designated agent representing my employer or client

I am a business owner/company executive seeking information for my business

I am an employee seeking information because my employer uses or may use E-Verify

Federal contractor

I represent an industry organization or advocacy group that follows E-Verify

I am a member of the news media seeking information for a story on E-Verify

I am doing policy research for a government legislator or agency

I am person who just happens to be interested in E-Verify

Other A

KFB06280 A Other role coming to the site.

Text area, no char limit
Other role

FDA Browse FDA

Which of the following best describes the type of information you were looking for? (Please select all that apply.)
Checkbox One Up Vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Info Looking For


Recalls L, N, O

Medical Devices






Radiation-Emitting Products

Tobacco Products A,B,C,D

Combination Products

Advisory Committees

Science & Research

Regulatory Information


Emergency Preparedness

International Programs

News & Events

Training and Continuing Education


Information for State & Local Officials

Information for Consumers

Information for Industry

Information for Health Professionals

Other, please specify: H

ACQCol0010516 L Did you view a photo of a recalled product on the FDA website today? ACQCol0010516A01 Yes M Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y
Recall Photo on FDA

ACQCol0010516A02 No

ACQCol0010516A03 Not Sure

ACQCol0010487 M Was viewing the photo helpful? ACQCol0010487A01 Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y
Photo Helpful

ACQCol0010487A02 No

ACQCol0010488 N FDA also provides photos of recalled products on the FDA Fllickr page. Have you ever visited the FDA Flickr page? ACQCol0010488A01 Yes
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y
Recall Photo on Flickr

ACQCol0010488A02 No

ACQCol0010488A03 Not Sure

ACQCol0010489 O Which of the following ways would you prefer to see photos of recalled products: (Select one) ACQCol0010489A01 On the FDA website
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y
Photo Preference

ACQCol0010489A02 On the FDA Flickr page

ACQCol0010489A03 No preference

ACQCol0010489A04 I do not view photos of recalled products

ACQCol0010489A05 Other P

ACQCol0010490 P Please specify how you prefer to see photos of recalled products:

Text field, <100 char Single N
OE_Photo Preference

US Pension Benefit Guaranty Corp

Please rate the PBGC in providing accurate guidance for making premium filings. Please rate how well the information the PBGC agency provides answers to your questions. 1=Poor A Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y Skip Logic Group Acc Guideance

2 A

3 A

4 A

5 A

6 A





Don't Know

NEW A Please specify your reason for this score. Please specify your reason for this score.

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group OE_Acc Guideance
Please rate the PBGC in providing timely guidance for making premium filings. Please rate how well the information the PBGC agency provides answers to your questions. 1=Poor A Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y Skip Logic Group Acc Guideance

2 A

3 A

4 A

5 A

6 A





Don't Know

NEW A Please specify your reason for this score. Please specify your reason for this score.

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group OE_Acc Guideance
Please rate how understandable the premium filing information is that the PBGC provides. Please rate how well the information the PBGC agency provides answers to your questions. 1=Poor A Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y Skip Logic Group Filing Info

2 A

3 A

4 A

5 A

6 A





Don't Know

NEW A Please specify your reason for this score. Please specify your reason for this score.

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group OE_Filing Info
Please rate how well the information provided by the PBGC agency answers your questions. Please rate how well your last interaction with the PBGC was handled. 1=Poor A Radio button, scale, has don't know S Y Skip Logic Group Info Answers Qsts

2 A

3 A

4 A

5 A

6 A





Don't Know

NEW A Please specify your reason for this score. Please specify your reason for this score.

Text area, no char limit S N Skip Logic Group OE_Info Answers Qsts


C If you could make one improvement to the crime statistics pages, which of the following would you make: (Select one)
Better export capabilities so I can manipulate the data in Excel/SPSS etc.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N Skip Logic Stats Improvement

Better titles/formatting of data tables

Add data graphics (data visualizations)

Add the ability to select two sets of data to compare (ie. Zip code, year, state, etc.)

Better sorting capabilities

Other, please specify: E

E Other improvement:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic

D Which of the following were you looking for on FBI.gov today? (Select all that apply)
National data
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Type of Data

State data

Regional data

Local/community data

None of the above

C Why did you not watch a video today? C

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Not Watch Video

D Which of the following video category are you most interested in? (Select one)
Cyber crimes
Drop down, select one Single Y
Video Category

Field office


Director/FBI Leadership


Lab/Operational technology

Public/Community Outreach


Field Cases

Wanted by the FBI

Major Thefts/Violent Crime




None of the above

E If you could add one video to the category you selected in the previous question, what would the video be about?

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Specific Video

F If you could add one video to the site, what would the video be about?

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Not Watch Specific Video

Which of the following navigation improvements would you like to see on the FBI site? (Select all that apply)
Add more links to the top navigation bar and drop down choices A Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Change the current navigation options (ie. Change the links in the top navigation bar, add navigation options, reorganize the links, etc.) B

Improve the link/labelw wording so I know where a link will take me C

Other, please specify: D

None of the above/The navigation on this site meets my expectations

A Please describe the links/choices you want added to the top navigation bar and drop downs:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Top

B Please describe how you would change the current navigation:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Changes

C Please describe the links/lables that need improvement:

Text area, no char limit Single N

D Please describe the navigation improvement you would like to make to the site:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Improve

Do you use a mobile device to access the internet?
Yes B Drop down, select one Single Y
Mobile Use


B If the FBI had a mobile website, which of the following pieces of information would you want on the site? (Select all that apply)
Most Wanted
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Mobile Info


Contact Us

About Us

Scams & Safety Information

Stats & Services

Other, please specify: A

A Please specify what you would like on the FBI mobile site:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Mobile Info

Which of the following best describes the reason for your visit today? CWS05564A001 Learn about the Healthy People 2020 objectives
Radio Button One Up Vertical Single Y OPS Group Reason

CWS05564A002 Get ideas on how to achieve the Healthy People 2020 objectives

CWS05564A003 Share ideas on how to achieve the Healthy People 2020 objectives

CWS05564A004 Get data on the Healthy People 2020 objectives

CWS05564A005 Download Healthy People publications

Review 2010 Healthy People objectives/results

Get information for a school project/school assignment

CWS05564A006 Other, please specify: A

After using the healthypeople.gov website today, how likely are you to do one of the following activities: (Please select all that apply) CWS05568A001 Bookmark this page for later use
Checkbox One Up Vertical Multi Y OPS Group After Visit Activities

CWS05568A002 Do additional research online

CWS05568A003 Download content to a portable device, like a mobile phone, PDA, or ipod

CWS05568A004 Email the information to a colleague/co-worker

CWS05568A005 Connect or collaborate with another organization working to meet Healthypeople objectives

CWS05568A006 Print the information and share it

CWS05568A007 Make a plan for achieving a Healthy People objective

CWS05568A008 Other, please specify: A

How would you describe your navigation experience on this site today? (Please select all that apply.) ACQCol0005149A01 Links often did not take me where I expected A Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Navigation Problems

ACQCol0005149A02 Had difficulty finding relevant information/products

Which of the following social media do you use regularly (at least once a month)? (Please select all that apply)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Social Media




None of the above

Which of the following social media platforms have you used in the last 30 days: (Please select all that apply)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Social Media 30 Days






None of the above

Which of the following social media platforms do you use for professional purposes: (Please select all that apply)
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi N
Social Media Professional






None of the above

ACQDom0006709 C What additional data or information would you like to see on the healthypeople.gov site?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE_Addtl Research Info
In what language do you prefer to read website content? ACQCol0005161A01 English
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N

ACQCol0005161A02 Spanish

ACQCol0005161A03 French

ACQCol0005161A04 Other, please specify: A

ACQCol0005163 A Other language:

Other Language
If you could make one improvement to the healthypeople.gov site what would it be?

Text area, no char limit Single Y
One Improvement

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