| |||||||||| | underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER FOR ALPHA | |||||||||
khZAIZ1A9tdUtYghJxQlxQ== | pink: ADDITION | |||||||||
Date: | 10/1/2011 | blue + -->: REWORDING | |||||||| CUSTOM QUESTION LIST | ||||||||||
QID | Skip Logic Label | Question Text | Answer Choices (limited to 50 characters) |
Skip to | Type (select from list) | Single or Multi | Required Y/N |
Special Instructions | CQ Label | |
ACQLiv0010237 | How frequently do you visit the site? | This is my first visit | Radio Button One Up Vertical | Single | Y | Visit Frequency | ||||
Every few months or less often | ||||||||||
Monthly | ||||||||||
Weekly | ||||||||||
Several times a week | ||||||||||
Daily/more than once a day | ||||||||||
MMW0512 | Which of the following best describes the reason for your visit today? | Wellness/Prevention information for myself | Radio Button One Up Vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Reason | |||
Wellness/Prevention information for someone else (loved one, family, friend) | ||||||||||
Wellness/Prevention information for a patient or client | ||||||||||
Wellness/Prevention information for my work | ||||||||||
Wellness/Prevention information for a school project | ||||||||||
Other, please specify: | A | |||||||||
MMW0513 | A | Other reason for your visit | Text area, no char limit | Single | N | OPS Group | Other Reason | |||
MMW0514 | Which of the following topics best describes the health information you were looking for? (Please select only one.) | Alcohol/Drug Abuse | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | OPS Group | Information Topic | ||||
Allergy & Asthma | ||||||||||
Cancer | ||||||||||
Diabetes | ||||||||||
Diet and Fitness | ||||||||||
General Wellness/Preventative Health | ||||||||||
Health Insurance/Medicare | ||||||||||
Heart Disease | ||||||||||
HIV and STDs | ||||||||||
Latest Health News & Research | ||||||||||
Mental Health | ||||||||||
Oral Health | ||||||||||
Pain & Arthritis | ||||||||||
Pregnancy | ||||||||||
Prescription/Medication Assistance | ||||||||||
Sleep Health | ||||||||||
Other, please specify: | A | |||||||||
MMW0515 | A | Other information you are seeking | OPS Group | Other Type of Info | ||||||
MMW0516 | Were you able to find what you were looking for? | Yes | Radio Button Two Up Vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Find | |||
No, please specify: | A | |||||||||
Partially | ||||||||||
MMW0517 | A | No, please specify: | Text area, no char limit | Single | N | OPS Group | Did Not Find | |||
MMW0520 | How would you describe your ability to look for information on this site today? (Please select all that apply.) | Links often did not take me where I expected | A | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Skip Logic Group | Navigation Problems | ||
Had difficulty finding relevant information | ||||||||||
Links/labels are difficult to understand | B | |||||||||
Too many links/navigational options to choose from | ||||||||||
Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.) | ||||||||||
Could not navigate back to previous information | A | |||||||||
I had a navigation difficulty not listed above: | C | |||||||||
I had no difficulty navigating/browsing on this site | ||||||||||
MMW0521 | C | Please describe your navigation issue: | Text area, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | Other Nav Problems | ||||
MMW0522 | A | Please describe any specific navigation links or paths that did not take you where they should have? | Text area, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | Links/Paths Difficulty | ||||
MMW0523 | B | What specific links/labels were difficult to understand? | Text area, no char limit | N | Skip Logic Group | Links/Labels Difficulty | ||||
ACQLiv0010238 | Which of the following did you use to locate information on the site? (Please select all that apply) |
myhealthfinder Tool (Health advice based on age/sex) | C, D, E, F | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Skip Logic Group | Navigation Method | ||
Search Tool (Typed in Search box) | C | Randomize | ||||||||
Health A-Z (Alphabetical listing of health topics) | C | |||||||||
Quick Guide to Healthy Living | C | |||||||||
Health News | C | |||||||||
None of the above | Anchor Answer Choice | |||||||||
ACQLiv0010256 | C | Which of the following did you primarily use to locate information on the site? (Please select one) |
myhealthfinder Tool (Health advice based on age/sex) | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Primary Nav Method | ||
Search Tool | Randomize | |||||||||
Health A-Z (Alphabetical listing of health topics) | ||||||||||
Quick Guide to Healthy Living | ||||||||||
Health News | ||||||||||
ACQwil0013013 | D | Did you use the myhealthfinder tool to get information for yourself or someone else? | Myself | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Randomize | Myhealthfinder Tool Use | ||
Someone else | ||||||||||
ACQwil0013014 | E | Which of the following will you do as a result of the information you received from the myhealthfinder tool? (Select all that apply) | Talk to a health professional/schedule a Dr. appointment | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Randomize | Myhealthfinder Result | ||
Get a recommended medical test | ||||||||||
Get a shot/vaccine | ||||||||||
Change my eating habits | ||||||||||
Change my exercise habits | ||||||||||
Nothing | Anchor Answer Choice | |||||||||
Other, please specify: | E1 | Anchor Answer Choice | ||||||||
ACQwil0013016 | E1 | What else will you do as a result of the information from the myhealthfinder tool? | Text area, no char limit | N | Other Result | |||||
ACQwil0013015 | F | If you could make one improvement to the myhealthfinder tool what would it be? | Text area, no char limit | Single | Y | Myhealthfinder improve | ||||
MMW0524 | Did you use the search tool (search box) during your visit today? | Yes | A, H, I | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Search Usage | ||
No | ||||||||||
Don't remember | ||||||||||
MMW0525 | A | Please tell us about your experience with the search tool (search box) today. (Select all that apply.) | I had issues with the searching process (how to use it, what to enter). | B | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Skip Logic Group | Search Experience | |
I had issues with the design and layout of the search results (text size, colors). | C | |||||||||
I had issues with the results of the search. | D | |||||||||
The search feature met my needs. | ||||||||||
None of these | ||||||||||
MMW0526 | B | What were your issues with the searching process? (Select all that apply.) | It was not clear how to use the search feature | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | N | Skip Logic Group | Search Process | ||
I did not know what terms to use to get the results I wanted | ||||||||||
I wanted more advanced search capabilities (exclude certain terms, limit search scope) | ||||||||||
I had a different issue with the searching process: | E | |||||||||
MMW0527 | E | My issue was: | Text area, no char limit | Skip Logic Group | Other Search Process | |||||
MMW0528 | C | What were your issues with the design and layout of the search results? (Select all that apply.) | The link colors were hard to read | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | N | Skip Logic Group | Search Design | ||
I could not see enough of the descriptions to decide which link to choose | ||||||||||
The text was too small | ||||||||||
The page was too crowded | ||||||||||
I had a different issue with the design and layout of the results: | F | |||||||||
MMW0529 | F | My issue was: | Text area, no char limit | Skip Logic Group | Other Search Design | |||||
MMW0530 | D | What were your issues with the results of the search? (Select all that apply.) | Results were not relevant or not what I wanted | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | N | Skip Logic Group | Search Results | ||
The order of the results was not what I expected | ||||||||||
There were no results or too few results | ||||||||||
The titles were not helpful | ||||||||||
The descriptions were not helpful | ||||||||||
I could not narrow the results of my search | ||||||||||
I had a different issue with the results of the search: | G | |||||||||
MMW0531 | G | My issue was: | Text area, no char limit | Skip Logic Group | Other Search Results | |||||
ACQLiv0010257 | H | Did you try clicking on links (browse the site) before using the search feature to look for information today? | Yes, I browsed/clicked on links first | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Skip Logic Group | Search or Nav First | ||
No, I went straight to the search feature | ||||||||||
Don't recall | ||||||||||
ACQLiv0010258 | I | Please tell us what term(s) you used in your search | Text area, no char limit | Single | N | Skip Logic Group | Search Term | |||
ACQLiv0010259 | The goal of is to help you and those you care about stay healthy by providing the most reliable health information on the Internet. Before reading this statement did you know that this was the purpose of the site? | Yes | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Healthfinder Purpose | ||||
No | ||||||||||
Not Sure | ||||||||||
ACQwil0013017 | How did you arrive on the site today: | I came to the site from a search engine fesults page (Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.) | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | Brought to Site | ||||
I was previously on the site | ||||||||||
I was previously on the site | ||||||||||
I am familiar with the site so I typed the url into my browser | ||||||||||
Message or recommendation from a friend on a social network | ||||||||||
Internet blogs or discussion forums | ||||||||||
I clicked on a link from Facebook | ||||||||||
I clicked on a link from Twitter | ||||||||||
Mobile phone text messages or alerts | ||||||||||
Email marketing from Healthfinder (e.g., e-newsletter) | ||||||||||
Healthfinder e-card | ||||||||||
Word of mouth recommendation from someone I know | ||||||||||
TV, radio, newspaper or magazine advertising | ||||||||||
Internet advertising | ||||||||||
Conference/presentation | ||||||||||
Don't Know | ||||||||||
Familiarity with site | ||||||||||
MMW0541 | Which best describes your role? | Caretaker | Radio button, one-up vertical | Single | Y | OPS Group | Role | |||
Doctor/Nurse | ||||||||||
Government Employee | ||||||||||
General Public | ||||||||||
Librarian | ||||||||||
Public Health Professional | ||||||||||
Researcher | ||||||||||
Student | ||||||||||
Teacher/Educator | ||||||||||
Other, please specify | A | |||||||||
MMW0542 | A | Other role | Text area, no char limit | Single | N | OPS Group | Other Role | |||
MMW0543 | How old are you? | 19 or under | Dropdown (Select-one) | Single | Y | Age | ||||
20-34 years old | ||||||||||
35-49 years old | ||||||||||
50-64 years old | ||||||||||
65 or older | ||||||||||
Prefer not to answer | ||||||||||
MMW0544 | How would you describe yourself? | Hispanic or Latino | Checkbox, one-up vertical | Multi | Y | Ethnicity | ||||
Black or African American | ||||||||||
White | ||||||||||
Asian | ||||||||||
American Indian or Alaska Native | ||||||||||
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander | ||||||||||
Prefer not to answer | ||||||||||
MMW0545 | What is the highest level of education you have completed? | High school or less | Radio Button One Up Vertical | Single | Y | Education | ||||
Some college | ||||||||||
College degree | ||||||||||
Advanced degree | ||||||||||
Prefer not to answer | ||||||||||
MMW0518 | After using the healthfinder website today, how likely are you to do one of the following activities: [Please select all that apply] | Bookmark this page for later use | Checkbox One Up Vertical | Multi | Y | OPS Group | After Visit Activities | |||
Make a health decision for myself or someone I care for | ||||||||||
Do additional research online | ||||||||||
Download content to a portable device, like a mobile phone, PDA, or ipod | ||||||||||
Email the information to a friend or family member | ||||||||||
Join a health program, such as an exercise, weight loss or smoking cessation program | ||||||||||
Make an appointment with a doctor or healthcare provider | ||||||||||
Post Healthfinder content on your social networking profile, such as Facebook or MySpace | ||||||||||
Print the information and share it | ||||||||||
Send an e-card | ||||||||||
Talk to a friend or family member about the information I found today | ||||||||||
Watch an online video about this topic | ||||||||||
Write in an online diary or blog | ||||||||||
Other, please specify: | A | |||||||||
MMW0519 | A | Other activity: | Text area, no char limit | N | OPS Group | Other Activity | ||||
MMW0548 | If you could make one improvement to the healthfinder site what would it be? | Text area, no char limit | Single | Y | One Improvement | | |||||| | ||||||
MID: | khZAIZ1A9tdUtYghJxQlxQ== | |||||
Date: | 9/29/2011 | |||||
\ | ||||||
Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts | ||||||
Content (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | Satisfaction | Primary Resource (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) | ||||
Please rate the accuracy of information on this site. | What is your overall satisfaction with this site? (1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied) |
How likely are you to use this site as your primary resource for obtaining health or health policy information? | ||||
Please rate the quality of information on this site. | How well does this site meet your expectations? (1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds) |
Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) | ||||
Please rate the freshness of content on this site. | How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website? (1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close) |
How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else? | ||||
Functionality (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) | |||||
Please rate the usefulness of the features provided on this site. | How likely are you to return to this site? | |||||
Please rate the convenience of the features on this site. | Lifestyle Change (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely) | **Not Sure if this has been approved but is on the current survey** | ||||
Please rate the variety of features on this site. | How likely are you to make a healthy lifestyle change within 2 months based on the information you found on this site? | |||||
Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | ||||||
Please rate the visual appeal of this site. | ||||||
Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site. | ![]() |
Please rate the readability of the pages on this site. | ||||||
Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | ||||||
Please rate how well the site is organized. | ||||||
Please rate the options available for navigating this site. | ||||||
Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you are looking for. | ||||||
Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on this site. | ||||||
Search (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | ||||||
Please rate the relevance of search results on this site. | ||||||
Please rate the organization of search results on this site. | ||||||
Please rate how well the search results help you decide what to select. | ||||||
Please rate how well the search feature helps you to narrow the results to find what you want. | ||||||
Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) | ||||||
Please rate how quickly pages load on this site. | ||||||
Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site. | ||||||
Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages on this site. | ||||||
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