697 2013 697 DOJ - BJS Questionnaire

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2013 697 DOJ - BJS Questionnaire.xlsx

2013 689 NWHLC v2 Questionnaire - 2013 VA Questionnaire_11-26-12

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Model Questions
Current Custom Questions

Sheet 1: Model Questions

Model Instance Name:


MID: dN1h5EEogct1wh4BU0lFcQ==

Date: 11/2/2010

Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)

Content (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
Likelihood to Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Please rate the accuracy of information on this site. 21 What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
24 How likely are you to return to this site?
2 Please rate the quality of information on this site. 22 How well does this site meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)
25 Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Please rate the freshness of content on this site. 23 How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)
26 How likely are you to recommend this site to someone else?

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

Primary Resource (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
4 Please rate the visual appeal of this site.

27 How likely are you to use this site as your primary resource for obtaining information from this organization?
5 Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site.

Trust (1=Strongly Disagree, 10=Strongly Agree)
6 Please rate the readability of the pages on this site.

28 I can count on this agency to act in my best interests.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

29 I consider this agency to be trustworthy.
7 Please rate how well the site is organized.

30 This agency can be trusted to do what is right.
8 Please rate the options available for navigating this site.
9 Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you are looking for.

Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on this site.
10 Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
11 Please rate how quickly pages load on this site.

12 Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site.

13 Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages on this site.

Search (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

14 Please rate the relevance of search results on this site.

15 Please rate the organization of search results on this site.

16 Please rate how well the search results help you decide what to select.

17 Please rate how well the search feature helps you to narrow the results to find what you want.

Online Transparency (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

18 Please rate how thoroughly this site discloses information about what this agency is doing.

19 Please rate how quickly agency information is made available on this site.

20 Please rate how well information about this agency's actions can be accessed by the public on this site.

Sheet 2: Current Custom Questions

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE


underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: dN1h5EEogct1wh4BU0lFcQ==


Date: 11/17/2010

blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label

How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

More than once a day


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

Which best describes you? Academia
Drop down, select one Single Y


County government

Courts and prosecution


Elected/Appointed Office

Federal government

General Public

Human resources

Information systems


Law Enforcement

Legal defense

Local government


Office of Justice Programs

Organization for profit

Parole and probation


State government


Other A

EDO08273 A Please tell us your role.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Role

What is your primary reason for visiting the site today? Research a specific topic or issue A Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group Reason

Access or download a publication A

Obtain funding information A

Look up a key statistic or definition A

Materials for a course I'm teaching A

Materials for a course I'm taking A

Background information on a topic A

Just browsing

Other B,A

EDO08259 B Please tell us why you were visiting today.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE_Reason

EDO08260 A Did you find what you were looking for? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Found

No C

Partially D

EDO08261 C Please tell us specifically what you were looking for.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE_Looking For

EDO08262 D What do you plan to do next? Continue looking on this site
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Do Next

Try another website

Call for assistance

Email for assistance

Subscribe to RSS/JUSTSTATS/GovDelivery for notification of updates

Other E

EDO08263 E What will you do next?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE_Do Next

Please tell us about your navigation experience. I had no difficulty navigating this site
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group Navigation

I was able to navigate to the general area, but could not find the specific content I needed

Site has too many links

Site has too few links

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Links did not take me where I expected

Could not get started or did not know where to begin

Had technical difficulties (e.g. broken links, error messages) B

Other A

EDO08265 A Please describe your experience navigating the site.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE_Navigation

EDO08266 B Please tell us what links were broken or the errors received.

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE_Nav Errors

Did you use the search feature today? Yes A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search


EDO08268 A Were the search results helpful? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search results


EDO08269 B Did you encounter any difficulty with the search feature? Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Difficulty with Search


EDO08270 C What type of difficulty did you primarily encounter? It returned no results.
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group What Difficulties

It returned too many results.

It returned too few results.

Results links were broken.

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs.

Results were too similar/redundant.

Search required too many attempts.

I was not sure what words to use in my search.

Search speed was too slow.

Search results were not organized well.

Other D

EDO08271 D Please describe the search difficulties you experienced.

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_ Difficulties

If you could improve one thing about this website, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit Single N

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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