750 2014 750 FBI Renewal

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2014 750 FBI Renewal 12-20-13.xlsx

2014 748 DOC ITA Export gov - 2014 753 USPTO

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
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Current Model Qsts
Current Custom Qsts
Current Custom Qsts(5-21-13)
Custom Qsts (12-18-12)
Custom Qsts (10-25-12)
Custom Qsts (9-21-12)
Custom Qsts (6-11-12)
Custom Qsts (1-24-12)
Custom Qsts (11-4-11)

Sheet 1: Current Model Qsts

Model Instance Name:


MID: F4Bth9lFkdNJVJ90Y5VZUg==

Date: 8/25/2011

Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)

Content (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Please rate the accuracy of information on this site. 17 What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
(1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied)
20 How likely are you to return to this site?
2 Please rate the quality of information on this site. 18 How well does this site meet your expectations?
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds)
21 Likelihood to Contact (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Please rate the freshness of content on this site. 19 How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website?
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close)

How likely are you to call or email the FBI regarding the information you were looking for online today?

Functionality (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

4 Please rate the usefulness of the features provided on this site.

5 Please rate the convenience of the features on this site.

6 Please rate the variety of features on this site.

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

7 Please rate the visual appeal of this site.

8 Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site.

9 Please rate the readability of the pages on this site.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

10 Please rate how well the site is organized.

11 Please rate the options available for navigating this site.

12 Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you are looking for.

13 Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on this site.

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

14 Please rate how quickly pages load on this site.

15 Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site.

16 Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages on this site.

Sheet 2: Current Custom Qsts

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE


underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: F4Bth9lFkdNJVJ90Y5VZUg==


Date: 12/14/2012 blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label

How frequently do you visit the FBI.gov site? This is my first visit
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

Every few months or less often A, B, C

Monthly A, B, C

Weekly A, B, C

Several times a week A, B, C

Daily/more than once a day A, B, C

CAS0029916 A The FBI recently changed the site homepage. Please select the statement which best describes your experience with the new homepage: The new homepage makes it easier to look for information.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Homepage Redesign 1

The new homepage makes it more difficult to look for information.

My experience is no different with the new homepage.

Don't Know

CAS0029917 B Please rate the visual appeal of the new homepage: 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, no don't know Single Y
Homepage Redesign 2










CAS0029918 C Please provide us with any additional feedback you have about the new homepage:

Text area, no char limit Single Y
Homepage Redesign 3

Which of the following best describes you? News media
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Role

Law Enforcement

Business Community


General Public/Citizen


Job Seeker


Crime Victim

Other, please specify: A

SAC3766 A Please specify your role in visiting the site:

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Role

SAC3767 Z What were you primarily looking for on the FBI site today? Wanted fugitives or missing persons
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic All Others Looking For

Criminal history summary checks (Background checks)

Career or job opportunities

Contact information

Report a crime/fraud

Crime/Fraud prevention

Crime statistics C, D

FBI news

General information on the FBI

Information on investigative programs

Nothing specific, just browsing

Sex offender registry

Terrorism information

Other, please specify: B

SAC3768 B Other information you were looking for

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Looking For

Did you find what you were looking for on the FBI site today? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Ability to Find

No A

ACQLiv0016404 A Please describe what you were unable to find on the FBI site today:

Text area, no char limit Single Y Skip Logic OE_Unable to Find

Which of the following navigation improvements would you like to see on the FBI site? (Select all that apply) Add more links to the top navigation bar and drop down choices A Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Change the current navigation options (i.e.. Change the links in the top navigation bar, add navigation options, reorganize the links, etc.) B

Improve the link/label wording so I know where a link will take me C

Other, please specify: D

None of the above/The navigation on this site meets my expectations

ACQLiv0010423 A Please describe the links/choices you want added to the top navigation bar and drop downs:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Top

ACQLiv0010424 B Please describe how you would change the current navigation:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Changes

ACQLiv0010425 C Please describe the links/labels that need improvement:

Text area, no char limit Single N

D Please describe the navigation improvement you would like to make to the site:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Improve

Have you requested a Criminal History Summary Check (background check) in the past year or do you plan to request one in the near future? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Criminal History Check 1


Not Sure

CAS0029908 A If the option were available to submit the request for a Criminal History Summary Check electronically (application, payment, etc.), how likely would you be to do so instead of submitting it by mail? Very Likely
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Criminal History Check 2

Somewhat Likely

Not at all Likely

What can we do to improve www.fbi.gov?

Text area, no char limit Single N
One Improvement

Thinking about all of the government websites you visit or use, which is your ideal government website?

Text area, no char limit Single N
Ideal website

When thinking about the government site you listed in the previous question, what specifically do you like about that website?

Text area, no char limit Single N
Ideal website quality

Have you visited the m.fbi.gov site on your mobile device? Yes A, B, G, H Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Visit


Not Sure

ACQwil0013406 A Were you successful in viewing the content that you were seeking with your mobile phone/device? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Success

No E, F

ACQinh0017513 E What information were you unable to view on your mobile device?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Mobile unable to find

ACQinh0017514 F Did you visit the FBI main website as a result of not being able to find the information you were looking for on the mobile site? Yes, I visited the mobile site first and then came to the website for the same information.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Website visit after mobile

No, I am on the website for something different than what I was looking for on the mobile site.

Not Sure

ACQwil0013407 B How would you rate the mobile site compared to the full site? Much better D Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Experience

Somewhat better D

About the same

Somewhat worse C

Much worse C

ACQwil0013408 C Why did you rate the mobile site as being worse than the full site? Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic OE_Full site is Better

ACQinh0017515 D Why did you rate the mobile site as being better than the full site?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic OE_Mobile Site is Better

ACQinh0017508 G Did you have any difficulty accessing the FBI mobile site? Yes I Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Difficulty accessing mobile


ACQinh0017511 I Do you believe the difficulty you had accessing the site was due to: Problems with the FBI mobile site
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile difficulty

Problems with your mobile carrier (i.e.. AT&T, Verizon, etc.)

Problems with your mobile phone

Not Sure

Other J

ACQinh0017512 J Please specify why you had difficulty accessing the FBI mobile site:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic OE_mobile difficulty

ACQinh0017509 H How did you connect to the mobile site today? Wi-Fi
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile connection



Not Sure

What is your age? 17 and under
Drop down, select one Single Y






65 and over

I prefer not to respond

Sheet 3: Current Custom Qsts(5-21-13)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE


underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: F4Bth9lFkdNJVJ90Y5VZUg==


Date: 12/14/2012 blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label

How frequently do you visit the FBI.gov site? This is my first visit
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

Every few months or less often A, B, C

Monthly A, B, C

Weekly A, B, C

Several times a week A, B, C

Daily/more than once a day A, B, C

A The FBI recently changed the site homepage. Please select the statement which best describes your experience with the new homepage: The new homepage makes it easier to look for information.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Homepage Redesign 1

The new homepage makes it more difficult to look for information.

My experience is no different with the new homepage.

Don't Know

B Please rate the visual appeal of the new homepage: 1=Poor
Radio button, scale, no don't know Single Y
Homepage Redesign 2










C Please provide us with any additional feedback you have about the new homepage:

Text area, no char limit Single Y
Homepage Redesign 3

Which of the following best describes you? News media
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Role

Law Enforcement

Business Community


General Public/Citizen


Job Seeker


Crime Victim

Other, please specify: A

SAC3766 A Please specify your role in visiting the site:

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Role

SAC3767 Z What were you primarily looking for on the FBI site today? Wanted fugitives or missing persons
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic All Others Looking For

Criminal history summary checks (Background checks)

Career or job opportunities

Contact information

Report a crime/fraud

Crime/Fraud prevention

Crime statistics C, D

FBI news

General information on the FBI

Information on investigative programs

Nothing specific, just browsing

Sex offender registry

Terrorism information

Other, please specify: B

SAC3768 B Other information you were looking for

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Looking For

Did you find what you were looking for on the FBI site today? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Ability to Find

No A

ACQLiv0016404 A Please describe what you were unable to find on the FBI site today:

Text area, no char limit Single Y Skip Logic OE_Unable to Find

Which of the following navigation improvements would you like to see on the FBI site? (Select all that apply) Add more links to the top navigation bar and drop down choices A Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Change the current navigation options (i.e.. Change the links in the top navigation bar, add navigation options, reorganize the links, etc.) B

Improve the link/label wording so I know where a link will take me C

Other, please specify: D

None of the above/The navigation on this site meets my expectations

ACQLiv0010423 A Please describe the links/choices you want added to the top navigation bar and drop downs:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Top

ACQLiv0010424 B Please describe how you would change the current navigation:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Changes

ACQLiv0010425 C Please describe the links/labels that need improvement:

Text area, no char limit Single N

D Please describe the navigation improvement you would like to make to the site:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Improve

Have you requested a Criminal History Summary Check (background check) in the past year or do you plan to request one in the near future? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Criminal History Check 1


Not Sure

A If the option were available to submit the request for a Criminal History Summary Check electronically (application, payment, etc.), how likely would you be to do so instead of submitting it by mail? Very Likely
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Criminal History Check 2

Somewhat Likely

Not at all Likely

What can we do to improve www.fbi.gov?

Text area, no char limit Single N
One Improvement

Thinking about all of the government websites you visit or use, which is your ideal government website?

Text area, no char limit Single N
Ideal website

When thinking about the government site you listed in the previous question, what specifically do you like about that website?

Text area, no char limit Single N
Ideal website quality

Have you visited the m.fbi.gov site on your mobile device? Yes A, B, G, H Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Visit


Not Sure

ACQwil0013406 A Were you successful in viewing the content that you were seeking with your mobile phone/device? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Success

No E, F

ACQinh0017513 E What information were you unable to view on your mobile device?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Mobile unable to find

ACQinh0017514 F Did you visit the FBI main website as a result of not being able to find the information you were looking for on the mobile site? Yes, I visited the mobile site first and then came to the website for the same information.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Website visit after mobile

No, I am on the website for something different than what I was looking for on the mobile site.

Not Sure

ACQwil0013407 B How would you rate the mobile site compared to the full site? Much better D Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Experience

Somewhat better D

About the same

Somewhat worse C

Much worse C

ACQwil0013408 C Why did you rate the mobile site as being worse than the full site? Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic OE_Full site is Better

ACQinh0017515 D Why did you rate the mobile site as being better than the full site?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic OE_Mobile Site is Better

ACQinh0017508 G Did you have any difficulty accessing the FBI mobile site? Yes I Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Difficulty accessing mobile


ACQinh0017511 I Do you believe the difficulty you had accessing the site was due to: Problems with the FBI mobile site
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile difficulty

Problems with your mobile carrier (i.e.. AT&T, Verizon, etc.)

Problems with your mobile phone

Not Sure

Other J

ACQinh0017512 J Please specify why you had difficulty accessing the FBI mobile site:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic OE_mobile difficulty

ACQinh0017509 H How did you connect to the mobile site today? Wi-Fi
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile connection



Not Sure

What is your age? 17 and under
Drop down, select one Single Y






65 and over

I prefer not to respond

Sheet 4: Custom Qsts (12-18-12)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE


underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: F4Bth9lFkdNJVJ90Y5VZUg==


Date: 12/14/2012 blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label

How frequently do you visit the FBI.gov site? This is my first visit
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

Every few months or less often



Several times a week

Daily/more than once a day

Which of the following best describes you? News media
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Role

Law Enforcement

Business Community


General Public/Citizen


Job Seeker


Crime Victim

Other, please specify: A

SAC3766 A Please specify your role in visiting the site:

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Role

SAC3767 Z What were you primarily looking for on the FBI site today? Wanted fugitives or missing persons
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic All Others Looking For

Background checks

Career or job opportunities

Contact information

Report a crime/fraud

Crime/Fraud prevention

Crime statistics C, D

FBI news

General information on the FBI

Information on investigative programs

Nothing specific, just browsing

Sex offender registry

Terrorism information

Other, please specify: B

SAC3768 B Other information you were looking for

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Looking For

Did you find what you were looking for on the FBI site today? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Ability to Find

No A

ACQLiv0016404 A Please describe what you were unable to find on the FBI site today:

Text area, no char limit Single Y Skip Logic OE_Unable to Find

Which of the following navigation improvements would you like to see on the FBI site? (Select all that apply) Add more links to the top navigation bar and drop down choices A Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Change the current navigation options (i.e.. Change the links in the top navigation bar, add navigation options, reorganize the links, etc.) B

Improve the link/label wording so I know where a link will take me C

Other, please specify: D

None of the above/The navigation on this site meets my expectations

ACQLiv0010423 A Please describe the links/choices you want added to the top navigation bar and drop downs:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Top

ACQLiv0010424 B Please describe how you would change the current navigation:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Changes

ACQLiv0010425 C Please describe the links/labels that need improvement:

Text area, no char limit Single N

D Please describe the navigation improvement you would like to make to the site:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Improve

What can we do to improve www.fbi.gov?

Text area, no char limit Single N
One Improvement

Thinking about all of the government websites you visit or use, which is your ideal government website?

Text area, no char limit Single N
Ideal website

When thinking about the government site you listed in the previous question, what specifically do you like about that website?

Text area, no char limit Single N
Ideal website quality

Have you visited the m.fbi.gov site on your mobile device? Yes A, B, G, H Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Visit


Not Sure

ACQwil0013406 A Were you successful in viewing the content that you were seeking with your mobile phone/device? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Success

No E, F

ACQinh0017513 E What information were you unable to view on your mobile device?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Mobile unable to find

ACQinh0017514 F Did you visit the FBI main website as a result of not being able to find the information you were looking for on the mobile site? Yes, I visited the mobile site first and then came to the website for the same information.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Website visit after mobile

No, I am on the website for something different than what I was looking for on the mobile site.

Not Sure

ACQwil0013407 B How would you rate the mobile site compared to the full site? Much better D Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Experience

Somewhat better D

About the same

Somewhat worse C

Much worse C

ACQwil0013408 C Why did you rate the mobile site as being worse than the full site? Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic OE_Full site is Better

ACQinh0017515 D Why did you rate the mobile site as being better than the full site?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic OE_Mobile Site is Better

ACQinh0017508 G Did you have any difficulty accessing the FBI mobile site? Yes I Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Difficulty accessing mobile


ACQinh0017511 I Do you believe the difficulty you had accessing the site was due to: Problems with the FBI mobile site
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile difficulty

Problems with your mobile carrier (i.e.. AT&T, Verizon, etc.)

Problems with your mobile phone

Not Sure

Other J

ACQinh0017512 J Please specify why you had difficulty accessing the FBI mobile site:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic OE_mobile difficulty

ACQinh0017509 H How did you connect to the mobile site today? Wi-Fi
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile connection



Not Sure

What is your age? 17 and under
Drop down, select one Single Y






65 and over

I prefer not to respond

Sheet 5: Custom Qsts (10-25-12)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE


underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: F4Bth9lFkdNJVJ90Y5VZUg==


Date: 8/25/2011 blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label

How frequently do you visit the FBI.gov site? This is my first visit
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

Every few months or less often



Several times a week

Daily/more than once a day

Which of the following best describes you? News media
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Role

Law Enforcement

Business Community


General Public/Citizen


Job Seeker


Other, please specify: A

SAC3766 A Please specify your role in visiting the site:

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Role

SAC3767 Z What were you primarily looking for on the FBI site today? Wanted fugitives or missing persons
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic All Others Looking For

Background checks

Career or job opportunities

Contact information

Report a crime/fraud

Crime/Fraud prevention

Crime statistics C, D

FBI news

General information on the FBI

Information on investigative programs

Nothing specific, just browsing

Sex offender registry

Terrorism information

Other, please specify: B

SAC3768 B Other information you were looking for

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Looking For

Did you find what you were looking for on the FBI site today? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Ability to Find

No A

ACQLiv0016404 A Please describe what you were unable to find on the FBI site today:

Text area, no char limit Single Y Skip Logic OE_Unable to Find

Which of the following navigation improvements would you like to see on the FBI site? (Select all that apply) Add more links to the top navigation bar and drop down choices A Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Change the current navigation options (i.e.. Change the links in the top navigation bar, add navigation options, reorganize the links, etc.) B

Improve the link/label wording so I know where a link will take me C

Other, please specify: D

None of the above/The navigation on this site meets my expectations

ACQLiv0010423 A Please describe the links/choices you want added to the top navigation bar and drop downs:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Top

ACQLiv0010424 B Please describe how you would change the current navigation:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Changes

ACQLiv0010425 C Please describe the links/labels that need improvement:

Text area, no char limit Single N

D Please describe the navigation improvement you would like to make to the site:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Improve

What can we do to improve www.fbi.gov?

Text area, no char limit Single N
One Improvement

Have you visited the m.fbi.gov site on your mobile device? Yes A, B, G, H Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Visit


Not Sure

ACQwil0013406 A Were you successful in viewing the content that you were seeking with your mobile phone/device? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Success

No E, F

E What information were you unable to view on your mobile device?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Mobile unable to find

F Did you visit the FBI main website as a result of not being able to find the information you were looking for on the mobile site? Yes, I visited the mobile site first and then came to the website for the same information.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Website visit after mobile

No, I am on the website for something different than what I was looking for on the mobile site.

Not Sure

ACQwil0013407 B How would you rate the mobile site compared to the full site? Much better D Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Experience

Somewhat better D

About the same

Somewhat worse C

Much worse C

ACQwil0013408 C Why did you rate the mobile site as being worse than the full site? Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic OE_Full site is Better

D Why did you rate the mobile site as being better than the full site?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic OE_Mobile Site is Better

G Did you have any difficulty accessing the FBI mobile site? Yes I Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Difficulty accessing mobile


I Do you believe the difficulty you had accessing the site was due to: Problems with the FBI mobile site
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile difficulty

Problems with your mobile carrier (ie. AT&T, Verizon, etc.)

Problems with your mobile phone

Not Sure

Other J

J Please specify why you had difficulty accessing the FBI mobile site:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic OE_mobile difficulty

H How did you connect to the mobile site today? Wi-Fi
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile connection



Not Sure

What is your age? 17 and under
Drop down, select one Single Y






65 and over

I prefer not to respond

Sheet 6: Custom Qsts (9-21-12)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE


underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: F4Bth9lFkdNJVJ90Y5VZUg==


Date: 8/25/2011 blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label

How frequently do you visit the FBI.gov site? This is my first visit
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

Every few months or less often



Several times a week

Daily/more than once a day

Which of the following best describes you? News media
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Role

Law Enforcement

Business Community


General Public/Citizen


Job Seeker


Other, please specify: A

SAC3766 A Please specify your role in visiting the site:

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Role

SAC3767 Z What were you primarily looking for on the FBI site today? Wanted fugitives or missing persons
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic All Others Looking For

Background checks

Career or job opportunities

Contact information

Report a crime/fraud

Crime/Fraud prevention

Crime statistics C, D

FBI news

General information on the FBI

Information on investigative programs

Nothing specific, just browsing

Sex offender registry

Terrorism information

Other, please specify: B

SAC3768 B Other information you were looking for

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Looking For

Did you find what you were looking for on the FBI site today? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Ability to Find

No A

A Please describe what you were unable to find on the FBI site today:

Text area, no char limit Single Y Skip Logic OE_Unable to Find

Which of the following navigation improvements would you like to see on the FBI site? (Select all that apply) Add more links to the top navigation bar and drop down choices A Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Change the current navigation options (i.e.. Change the links in the top navigation bar, add navigation options, reorganize the links, etc.) B

Improve the link/label wording so I know where a link will take me C

Other, please specify: D

None of the above/The navigation on this site meets my expectations

ACQLiv0010423 A Please describe the links/choices you want added to the top navigation bar and drop downs:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Top

ACQLiv0010424 B Please describe how you would change the current navigation:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Changes

ACQLiv0010425 C Please describe the links/labels that need improvement:

Text area, no char limit Single N

D Please describe the navigation improvement you would like to make to the site:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Improve

What can we do to improve www.fbi.gov?

Text area, no char limit Single N
One Improvement

Have you visited the m.fbi.gov site on your mobile device? Yes A, B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Visit


Not Sure

ACQwil0013406 A Were you successful in viewing the content that you were seeking with your mobile phone/device? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Success


ACQwil0013407 B How would you rate the mobile site compared to the full site? Much better Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Experience

Somewhat better

About the same

Somewhat worse C

Much worse C

ACQwil0013408 C Why did you rate the mobile site the way you did? Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Mobile Rating

What is your age? 17 and under
Drop down, select one Single Y






65 and over

I prefer not to respond

Sheet 7: Custom Qsts (6-11-12)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE


underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: F4Bth9lFkdNJVJ90Y5VZUg==


Date: 8/25/2011 blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label

How frequently do you visit the FBI.gov site? This is my first visit
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

Every few months or less often



Several times a week

Daily/more than once a day

Which of the following best describes you? News media
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Role

Law Enforcement

Business Community


General Public/Citizen


Job Seeker


Other, please specify: A

SAC3766 A Please specify your role in visiting the site:

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Role

SAC3767 Z What were you primarily looking for on the FBI site today? Wanted fugitives or missing persons
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic All Others Looking For

Background checks

Career or job opportunities

Contact information

Report a crime/fraud

Crime/Fraud prevention

Crime statistics C, D

FBI news

General information on the FBI

Information on investigative programs

Nothing specific, just browsing

Sex offender registry

Terrorism information

Other, please specify: B

SAC3768 B Other information you were looking for

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Looking For

ACQLiv0010388 C If you could make one improvement to the crime statistics pages, which of the following would you make: (Select one) Better export capabilities so I can manipulate the data in Excel/SPSS etc.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N Skip Logic Stats Improvement

Better titles/formatting of data tables

Add data graphics (data visualizations)

Add the ability to select two sets of data to compare (ie. Zip code, year, state, etc.)

Better sorting capabilities

Other, please specify: E

ACQLiv0010389 E Other improvement:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic

ACQLiv0010390 D Which of the following were you looking for on FBI.gov today? (Select all that apply) National data
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Type of Data

State data

Regional data

Local/community data

None of the above

Did you watch a video on the FBI site today? Yes A, D, E Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Watched Video

No B

I tried to watch a video but was unable to

ACQLiv0008384 A Did you find it easy to watch videos on the site? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Ease of Watch Video


Don't know

ACQLiv0008385 B Why did you not watch a video during your visit? (Please select all that apply) I found the information I needed without having to watch a video
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Reason Not Watch Video

Videos were too long to watch

Not interesting video content F

Too small on my screen

Videos do not work on my computer

I did not want to click through to another page to play the video

I did not know where there were videos on the site

Other C

ACQLiv0008386 C Why did you not watch a video today?

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Not Watch Video

ACQLiv0010419 D Which of the following video category are you most interested in? (Select one) Cyber crimes
Drop down, select one Single Y
Video Category

Field office


Director/FBI Leadership


Lab/Operational technology

Public/Community Outreach


Field Cases

Wanted by the FBI

Major Thefts/Violent Crime




None of the above

ACQLiv0010420 E If you could add one video to the category you selected in the previous question, what would the video be about?

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Specific Video

ACQLiv0010421 F If you could add one video to the site, what would the video be about?

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Not Watch Specific Video

Which of the following navigation improvements would you like to see on the FBI site? (Select all that apply) Add more links to the top navigation bar and drop down choices A Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Change the current navigation options (i.e.. Change the links in the top navigation bar, add navigation options, reorganize the links, etc.) B

Improve the link/label wording so I know where a link will take me C

Other, please specify: D

None of the above/The navigation on this site meets my expectations

ACQLiv0010423 A Please describe the links/choices you want added to the top navigation bar and drop downs:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Top

ACQLiv0010424 B Please describe how you would change the current navigation:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Changes

ACQLiv0010425 C Please describe the links/labels that need improvement:

Text area, no char limit Single N

D Please describe the navigation improvement you would like to make to the site:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Improve

What can we do to improve www.fbi.gov?

Text area, no char limit Single N
One Improvement

Do you use a mobile device to access the internet? Yes B Drop down, select one Single Y
Mobile Use


ACQLiv0010391 B If the FBI had a mobile website, which of the following pieces of information would you want on the site? (Select all that apply) Most Wanted
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Mobile Info


Contact Us

About Us

Scams & Safety Information

Stats & Services

Other, please specify: A

ACQLiv0010392 A Please specify what you would like on the FBI mobile site:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Mobile Info

Have you visited the m.fbi.gov site on your mobile device? Yes A, B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Visit


Not Sure

A Were you successful in viewing the content that you were seeking with your mobile phone/device? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Success


B How would you rate the mobile site compared to the full site? Much better Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Mobile Experience

Somewhat better

About the same

Somewhat worse C

Much worse C

C Why did you rate the mobile site the way you did? Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Mobile Rating

What is your age? 17 and under
Drop down, select one Single Y






65 and over

I prefer not to respond

Sheet 8: Custom Qsts (1-24-12)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE


underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: F4Bth9lFkdNJVJ90Y5VZUg==


Date: 8/25/2011 blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label

How frequently do you visit the FBI.gov site? This is my first visit
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

Every few months or less often



Several times a week

Daily/more than once a day

Which of the following best describes you? News media
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Role

Law Enforcement

Business Community


General Public


Job Seeker


Other, please specify: A

SAC3766 A Please specify your role in visiting the site:

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Role

SAC3767 Z What were you primarily looking for on the FBI site today? Wanted fugitives or missing persons
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic All Others Looking For

Background checks

Career or job opportunities

Contact information

Report a crime/fraud

Crime/Fraud prevention

Crime statistics C, D

FBI news

General information on the FBI

Information on investigative programs

Nothing specific, just browsing

Sex offender registry

Terrorism information

Other, please specify: B

SAC3768 B Other information you were looking for

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Looking For

C If you could make one improvement to the crime statistics pages, which of the following would you make: (Select one) Better export capabilities so I can manipulate the data in Excel/SPSS etc.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single N Skip Logic Stats Improvement

Better titles/formatting of data tables

Add data graphics (data visualizations)

Add the ability to select two sets of data to compare (ie. Zip code, year, state, etc.)

Better sorting capabilities

Other, please specify: E

E Other improvement:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic

D Which of the following were you looking for on FBI.gov today? (Select all that apply) National data
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Type of Data

State data

Regional data

Local/community data

None of the above

Did you watch a video on the FBI site today? Yes A, D, E Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Watched Video

No B

I tried to watch a video but was unable to

ACQLiv0008384 A Did you find it easy to watch videos on the site? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Ease of Watch Video


Don't know

ACQLiv0008385 B Why did you not watch a video during your visit? (Please select all that apply) I found the information I needed without having to watch a video
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Reason Not Watch Video

Videos were too long to watch

Not interesting video content F

Too small on my screen

Videos do not work on my computer

I did not want to click through to another page to play the video

I did not know where there were videos on the site

Other C

ACQLiv0008386 C Why did you not watch a video today?

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Not Watch Video

D Which of the following video category are you most interested in? (Select one) Cyber crimes
Drop down, select one Single Y
Video Category

Field office


Director/FBI Leadership


Lab/Operational technology

Public/Community Outreach


Field Cases

Wanted by the FBI

Major Thefts/Violent Crime




None of the above

E If you could add one video to the category you selected in the previous question, what would the video be about?

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Specific Video

F If you could add one video to the site, what would the video be about?

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Not Watch Specific Video

Which of the following navigation improvements would you like to see on the FBI site? (Select all that apply) Add more links to the top navigation bar and drop down choices A Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y

Change the current navigation options (ie. Change the links in the top navigation bar, add navigation options, reorganize the links, etc.) B

Improve the link/labelw wording so I know where a link will take me C

Other, please specify: D

None of the above/The navigation on this site meets my expectations

A Please describe the links/choices you want added to the top navigation bar and drop downs:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Top

B Please describe how you would change the current navigation:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Changes

C Please describe the links/lables that need improvement:

Text area, no char limit Single N

D Please describe the navigation improvement you would like to make to the site:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Nav Improve

What can we do to improve www.fbi.gov?

Text area, no char limit Single N
One Improvement

Do you use a mobile device to access the internet? Yes B Drop down, select one Single Y
Mobile Use


B If the FBI had a mobile website, which of the following pieces of information would you want on the site? (Select all that apply) Most Wanted
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Mobile Info


Contact Us

About Us

Scams & Safety Information

Stats & Services

Other, please specify: A

A Please specify what you would like on the FBI mobile site:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Mobile Info

What is your age? 17 and under
Drop down, select one Single Y






65 and over

I prefer not to respond

Sheet 9: Custom Qsts (11-4-11)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE


underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: F4Bth9lFkdNJVJ90Y5VZUg==


Date: 8/25/2011 blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label

How frequently do you visit the FBI.gov site? This is my first visit
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

Every few months or less often



Several times a week

Daily/more than once a day

Which of the following best describes you? News media
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Role

Law Enforcement

Business Community


General Public


Job Seeker


Other, please specify: A

SAC3766 A Please specify your role in visiting the site:

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Role

SAC3767 Z What were you primarily looking for on the FBI site today? Wanted fugitives or missing persons
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic All Others Looking For

Background checks

Career or job opportunities

Contact information

Report a crime/fraud

Crime/Fraud prevention

Crime statistics

FBI news

General information on the FBI

Information on investigative programs

Nothing specific, just browsing

Sex offender registry

Terrorism information

Other, please specify: B

SAC3768 B Other information you were looking for

Text field, <100 char Single N Skip Logic OE_Looking For

Did you watch a video on the FBI site today? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Watched Video

No B

I tried to watch a video but was unable to

A Did you find it easy to watch videos on the site? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Ease of Watch Video


Don't know

B Why did you not watch a video during your visit? (Please select all that apply) I found the information I needed without having to watch a video
Checkbox, one-up vertical Multi Y
Reason Not Watch Video

Videos were too long to watch

Not interesting video content

Too small on my screen

Videos do not work on my computer

I did not want to click through to another page to play the video

I did not know where there were videos on the site


Please describe what type of videos you would like to watch on the FBI.gov site:

Text area, no char limit Single N
OE_Type of Video

What can we do to improve www.fbi.gov?

Text area, no char limit Single N

What is your age? 17 and under
Drop down, select one Single Y






65 and over

I prefer not to respond

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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