844 2014 844 Doj Nij

American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI) E-Government Website Customer Satisfaction Surveys

2014 844 DOJ NIJ.xlsx

2014 842 Career State - 2014 863 NIH Grants

OMB: 1090-0008

Document [xlsx]
Download: xlsx | pdf


Current Model Qsts
Model Qsts (1-24-13)
Current CQs
CQs (8-22-14)
CQs (4-5-13)
CQs (1-24-13)
CQs (12-10-12)
CQs (11-14-12)
CQs (8-3-12)
CQs (1-18-12)

Sheet 1: Current Model Qsts

Model Instance Name:

NIJ v2

MID: sRtUsdwR1UQh9E5NlhsFBw==

Date: 2/22/2011

Model questions utilize ForeSee CXA methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)

Content (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Please rate the accuracy of information on this site. 21 (1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied) 24 How likely are you to return to this site?
2 Please rate the quality of information on this site.
What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Please rate the freshness of content on this site.
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds) 25 How likely are you to recommend this agency to someone else?

Search (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) 22 How well does this site meet your expectations?
Trust (1=Strongly Disagree, 10=Strongly Agree)
4 Please rate the relevance of search results on this site.
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close) 26 I can count on this agency to act in my best interests.
5 Please rate the organization of search results on this site. 23 How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website? 27 I consider this agency to be trustworthy.
6 Please rate how well the search results help you decide what to select.

28 This agency can be trusted to do what is right.
7 Please rate how well the search feature helps you to narrow the results to find what you want.

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

8 Please rate the visual appeal of this site.
9 Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site.
10 Please rate the readability of the pages on this site.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
11 Please rate how well the site is organized.

12 Please rate the options available for navigating this site.

13 Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you are looking for.

14 Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on this site.

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

15 Please rate how quickly pages load on this site.

16 Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site.

17 Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages on this site.

Online Transparency (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

18 Please rate how thoroughly this site discloses information about what this agency is doing.

19 Please rate how quickly agency information is made available on this site.

20 Please rate how well information about this agency's actions can be accessed by the public on this site.

Sheet 2: Model Qsts (1-24-13)

Model Instance Name:

NIJ v2

MID: sRtUsdwR1UQh9E5NlhsFBw==

Date: 2/22/2011

Model questions utilize the ACSI methodology to determine scores and impacts

ELEMENTS (drivers of satisfaction)

Content (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
Return (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
1 Please rate the accuracy of information on this site. 21 (1=Very Dissatisfied, 10=Very Satisfied) 24 How likely are you to return to this site?
2 Please rate the quality of information on this site.
What is your overall satisfaction with this site?
Recommend (1=Very Unlikely, 10=Very Likely)
3 Please rate the freshness of content on this site.
(1=Falls Short, 10=Exceeds) 25 How likely are you to recommend this site agency to someone else?

Search (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know) 22 How well does this site meet your expectations?
Trust (1=Strongly Disagree, 10=Strongly Agree)
4 Please rate the relevance of search results on this site.
(1=Not Very Close, 10=Very Close) 26 I can count on this agency to act in my best interests.
5 Please rate the organization of search results on this site. 23 How does this site compare to your idea of an ideal website? 27 I consider this agency to be trustworthy.
6 Please rate how well the search results help you decide what to select.

28 This agency can be trusted to do what is right.
7 Please rate how well the search feature helps you to narrow the results to find what you want.

Look and Feel (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

8 Please rate the visual appeal of this site.
9 Please rate the balance of graphics and text on this site.
10 Please rate the readability of the pages on this site.

Navigation (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)
11 Please rate how well the site is organized.

12 Please rate the options available for navigating this site.

13 Please rate how well the site layout helps you find what you are looking for.

14 Please rate the number of clicks to get where you want on this site.

Site Performance (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

15 Please rate how quickly pages load on this site.

16 Please rate the consistency of speed from page to page on this site.

17 Please rate the ability to load pages without getting error messages on this site.

Online Transparency (1=Poor, 10=Excellent, Don't Know)

18 Please rate how thoroughly this site discloses information about what this agency is doing.

19 Please rate how quickly agency information is made available on this site.

20 Please rate how well information about this agency's actions can be accessed by the public on this site.

Sheet 3: Current CQs

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

NIJ v2

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sRtUsdwR1UQh9E5NlhsFBw==


Date: 1/17/2012
blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer IDs (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label
How frequently do you visit this site?
First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

More than once a day


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

Which best describes you?
Agency administrator/ manager
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group DescribesYou

Law enforcement officer

Corrections officer

Officer of the Court

Trainer or educator

Behavioral/ social science researcher

Forensic Science Practitioner

Technology researcher/ developer

Elected/appointed official, or a member of their staffs


General Public

Other A

ACQCol0008523 A Please specify:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Describes You
What is the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session?
Guidance on a policy/practice decision or change
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group MainReason

Guidance on developing/ changing a practice or intervention program

Guidance on using or buying technology/ equipment

Information for a technology development project

Apply for/ find information on available funding

Find or take training

Materials for a course I'm teaching

Materials for a course I'm taking

Information for a research project

Background information on a topic

List of resources on a topic

Other A

EDO08733 A Please describe what the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session was:

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS Group OE_MainReason
What prompted you to visit the NIJ site?
Search engine
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group PromptedYou

Another website/link B

Email C

A colleague or instructor

Prior use of the site


I don't remember

EDO08735 B Which website/link prompted you to visit?
Another DOJ site
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Website/Link

Another government site

An association site

A university or college site

A commercial site

Other D

EDO08736 D Please specify which other website/link:

Text area, no char limit Single N OPS Group OE_Other Website/Link
EDO08737 C Where was the email sent from?
From a colleague
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Email Origin

From NIJ

From another email service


Were you able to find what you were looking for?
I found the information, and it was VERY USEFUL A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Find

I found the information, but it was HARD TO UNDERSTAND A, C

I found the information, but it was TOO MUCH INFORMATION to be useful A, C

I found information related to what I was seeking, but it was NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION to be useful A, C

I was NOT able to find the information that I was looking for A,N

Not Applicable A

EDO08740 A How did you look for information on the site today?
I used the search box on this Web site.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group How Info Found

I browsed the content on this Web site.

I browsed the content and used the search box on this Web site.

I used a bookmark or link to go there directly.

I used a Web search engine, like Google or Bing.


EDO08741 B What will you do with the information you found on the site?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE_Do With Info
ACQCas0025177 C Please describe anything that you were looking for today that was insufficient or that you could not find:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Insufficient
ACQhar0019883 N What information were you looking for that you were not able to find?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Not Able
Did you use the search feature today?
Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search


EDO08743 A Were the search results helpful?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search results

No C

EDO08745 C Why were the search results not helpful? (Choose your primary reason)
It returned no useful results.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search Difficulties

It returned too many results.

Results links were broken.

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs.

Results showed old versions of pages/documents.

Search required too many attempts.

Results were too similar/redundant.

I was not sure what words to use in my search.

Search speed was too slow.

Other D

EDO08746 D Please describe the search difficulties you experienced:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other - Search Difficulties
If you could improve one thing about this website, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit
How likely are you to discourage someone from interacting with this agency? ACQCol0009751A01 1 = Very Unlikely
Radio button, scale, no don't know Single Y

ACQCol0009751A02 2

ACQCol0009751A03 3

ACQCol0009751A04 4

ACQCol0009751A05 5

ACQCol0009751A06 6

ACQCol0009751A07 7

ACQCol0009751A08 8

ACQCol0009751A09 9

ACQCol0009751A10 10 = Very Likely

Sheet 4: CQs (8-22-14)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

NIJ v2

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sRtUsdwR1UQh9E5NlhsFBw==


Date: 1/17/2012
blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer IDs (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label
How frequently do you visit this site?
First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

More than once a day


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

Which best describes you?
Agency administrator/ manager
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group DescribesYou

Law enforcement officer

Corrections officer

Officer of the Court

Trainer or educator

Behavioral/ social science researcher

Forensic Science Practitioner

Technology researcher/ developer

Elected/appointed official, or a member of their staffs


General Public

Other A

ACQCol0008523 A Please specify:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Describes You
What is the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session?
Guidance on a policy/practice decision or change
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group MainReason

Guidance on developing/ changing a practice or intervention program

Guidance on using or buying technology/ equipment

Information for a technology development project

Apply for/ find information on available funding

Find or take training

Materials for a course I'm teaching

Materials for a course I'm taking

Information for a research project

Background information on a topic

List of resources on a topic

Other A

EDO08733 A Please describe what the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session was:

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS Group OE_MainReason
What prompted you to visit the NIJ site?
Search engine
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group PromptedYou

Another website/link B

Email C

A colleague or instructor

Prior use of the site


I don't remember

EDO08735 B Which website/link prompted you to visit?
Another DOJ site
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Website/Link

Another government site

An association site

A university or college site

A commercial site

Other D

EDO08736 D Please specify which other website/link:

Text area, no char limit Single N OPS Group OE_Other Website/Link
EDO08737 C Where was the email sent from?
From a colleague
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Email Origin

From NIJ

From another email service


Were you able to find what you were looking for?
I found the information, and it was VERY USEFUL A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Find

I found the information, but it was HARD TO UNDERSTAND A, C

I found the information, but it was TOO MUCH INFORMATION to be useful A, C

I found information related to what I was seeking, but it was NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION to be useful A, C

I was NOT able to find the information that I was looking for A,N

Not Applicable A

EDO08740 A How did you look for information on the site today?
I used the search box on this Web site.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group How Info Found

I browsed the content on this Web site.

I browsed the content and used the search box on this Web site.

I used a bookmark or link to go there directly.

I used a Web search engine, like Google or Bing.


EDO08741 B What will you do with the information you found on the site?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE_Do With Info
ACQCas0025177 C Please describe anything that you were looking for today that was insufficient or that you could not find:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Insufficient
ACQhar0019883 N What information were you looking for that you were not able to find?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Not Able
Did you use the search feature today?
Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search


EDO08743 A Were the search results helpful?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search results

No C

EDO08745 C Why were the search results not helpful? (Choose your primary reason)
It returned no useful results.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search Difficulties

It returned too many results.

Results links were broken.

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs.

Results showed old versions of pages/documents.

Search required too many attempts.

Results were too similar/redundant.

I was not sure what words to use in my search.

Search speed was too slow.

Other D

EDO08746 D Please describe the search difficulties you experienced:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other - Search Difficulties
If you could improve one thing about this website, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit
Do you ever access the Internet using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes A, B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Access Mobile Internet


ACQinh0018577 A Which of the following devices do you have?
A SmartPhone W Check-box, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Phone or Tablet

A tablet X

None of these

ACQinh0018578 W Specifically, which type of mobile phone do you have?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Phone Type



Another phone

ACQinh0018579 X Specifically, which type of tablet do you have?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Tablet Type




Another tablet

ACQinh0018580 B Have you ever accessed ANY federal website using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Federal Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so

No, but I might in the future

No, and I don't plan to do so

ACQinh0018581 C Have you ever accessed NIJ's site using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes Y, Z Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so Z

No, but I might in the future Z

No, and I don't plan to do so

ACQinh0018582 Y What was the main reason you last visited NIJ using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Primary Mobile Reason
ACQinh0018583 Z What resources/additional resources might you want to access from NIJ using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Desired Resources
How likely are you to discourage someone from interacting with this agency? ACQCol0009751A01 1 = Very Unlikely
Radio button, scale, no don't know Single Y

ACQCol0009751A02 2

ACQCol0009751A03 3

ACQCol0009751A04 4

ACQCol0009751A05 5

ACQCol0009751A06 6

ACQCol0009751A07 7

ACQCol0009751A08 8

ACQCol0009751A09 9

ACQCol0009751A10 10 = Very Likely

Sheet 5: CQs (4-5-13)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

NIJ v2

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sRtUsdwR1UQh9E5NlhsFBw==


Date: 1/17/2012
blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer IDs (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label
How frequently do you visit this site?
First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

More than once a day


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

Which best describes you?
Agency administrator/ manager
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group DescribesYou

Law enforcement officer

Corrections officer

Officer of the Court

Trainer or educator

Behavioral/ social science researcher

Forensic Science Practitioner

Technology researcher/ developer

Elected/appointed official, or a member of their staffs


General Public

Other A

ACQCol0008523 A Please specify:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Describes You
What is the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session?
Guidance on a policy/practice decision or change
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group MainReason

Guidance on developing/ changing a practice or intervention program

Guidance on using or buying technology/ equipment

Information for a technology development project

Apply for/ find information on available funding

Find or take training

Materials for a course I'm teaching

Materials for a course I'm taking

Information for a research project

Background information on a topic

List of resources on a topic

Other A

EDO08733 A Please describe what the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session was:

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS Group OE_MainReason
What prompted you to visit the NIJ site?
Search engine
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group PromptedYou

Another website/link B

Email C

A colleague or instructor

Prior use of the site


I don't remember

EDO08735 B Which website/link prompted you to visit?
Another DOJ site
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Website/Link

Another government site

An association site

A university or college site

A commercial site

Other D

EDO08736 D Please specify which other website/link:

Text area, no char limit Single N OPS Group OE_Other Website/Link
EDO08737 C Where was the email sent from?
From a colleague
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Email Origin

From NIJ

From another email service


Were you able to find what you were looking for?
I found the information, and it was VERY USEFUL A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Find

I found the information, but it was HARD TO UNDERSTAND A,B, C

I found the information, but it was TOO MUCH INFORMATION to be useful A,B, C

I found information related to what I was seeking, but it was NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION to be useful A,B, C

I was NOT able to find the information that I was looking for A,N

Not Applicable

EDO08740 A How did you find what you were looking for today?How did you look for information on the site today?
I used the search box on this Web site.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group How Info Found

I browsed the content on this Web site.

I browsed the content and used the search box on this Web site.

I used a bookmark or link to go there directly.

I used a Web search engine, like Google or Bing.


EDO08741 B What will you do with the information you found on the site?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE_Do With Info

C Please describe anything that you were looking for today that was insufficient or that you could not find:

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Insufficient
ACQhar0019883 N What information were you looking for that you were not able to find?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Not Able
Did you use the search feature today?
Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search


EDO08743 A Were the search results helpful?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search results

No C

EDO08745 C Why were the search results not helpful? (Choose your primary reason)
It returned no useful results.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search Difficulties

It returned too many results.

Results links were broken.

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs.

Results showed old versions of pages/documents.

Search required too many attempts.

Results were too similar/redundant.

I was not sure what words to use in my search.

Search speed was too slow.

Other D

EDO08746 D Please describe the search difficulties you experienced:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other - Search Difficulties
If you could improve one thing about this website, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit
Do you ever access the Internet using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes A, B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Access Mobile Internet


ACQinh0018577 A Which of the following devices do you have?
A SmartPhone W Check-box, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Phone or Tablet

A tablet X

None of these

ACQinh0018578 W Specifically, which type of mobile phone do you have?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Phone Type



Another phone

ACQinh0018579 X Specifically, which type of tablet do you have?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Tablet Type




Another tablet

ACQinh0018580 B Have you ever accessed ANY federal website using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Federal Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so

No, but I might in the future

No, and I don't plan to do so

ACQinh0018581 C Have you ever accessed NIJ's site using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes Y, Z Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so Z

No, but I might in the future Z

No, and I don't plan to do so

ACQinh0018582 Y What was the main reason you last visited NIJ using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Primary Mobile Reason
ACQinh0018583 Z What resources/additional resources might you want to access from NIJ using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Desired Resources
How likely are you to discourage someone from interacting with this agency? ACQCol0009751A01 1 = Very Unlikely
Radio button, scale, no don't know Single Y

ACQCol0009751A02 2

ACQCol0009751A03 3

ACQCol0009751A04 4

ACQCol0009751A05 5

ACQCol0009751A06 6

ACQCol0009751A07 7

ACQCol0009751A08 8

ACQCol0009751A09 9

ACQCol0009751A10 10 = Very Likely

Sheet 6: CQs (1-24-13)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

NIJ v2

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sRtUsdwR1UQh9E5NlhsFBw==


Date: 1/17/2012
blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer IDs (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label
How frequently do you visit this site?
First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

More than once a day


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

Which best describes you?
Agency administrator/ manager
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group DescribesYou

Law enforcement officer

Corrections officer

Officer of the Court

Trainer or educator

Behavioral/ social science researcher

Forensic Science Practitioner

Technology researcher/ developer

Elected/appointed official, or a member of their staffs


General Public

Other A

ACQCol0008523 A Please specify:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Describes You
What is the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session?
Guidance on a policy/practice decision or change
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group MainReason

Guidance on developing/ changing a practice or intervention program

Guidance on using or buying technology/ equipment

Information for a technology development project

Apply for/ find information on available funding

Find or take training

Materials for a course I'm teaching

Materials for a course I'm taking

Information for a research project

Background information on a topic

List of resources on a topic

Other A

EDO08733 A Please describe what the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session was:

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS Group OE_MainReason
What prompted you to visit the NIJ site?
Search engine
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group PromptedYou

Another website/link B

Email C

A colleague or instructor

Prior use of the site


I don't remember

EDO08735 B Which website/link prompted you to visit?
Another DOJ site
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Website/Link

Another government site

An association site

A university or college site

A commercial site

Other D

EDO08736 D Please specify which other website/link:

Text area, no char limit Single N OPS Group OE_Other Website/Link
EDO08737 C Where was the email sent from?
From a colleague
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Email Origin

From NIJ

From another email service


Were you able to find what you were looking for?
I found the information, and it was VERY USEFUL A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Find

I found the information, but it was HARD TO UNDERSTAND A,B

I found the information, but it was TOO MUCH INFORMATION to be useful A,B

I found information related to what I was seeking, but it was NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION to be useful A,B

I was NOT able to find the information that I was looking for N

Not Applicable

EDO08740 A How did you find what you were looking for today?
I used the search box on this Web site.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group How Info Found

I browsed the content on this Web site.

I browsed the content and used the search box on this Web site.

I used a bookmark or link to go there directly.

I used a Web search engine, like Google or Bing.


EDO08741 B What will you do with the information you found on the site?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE_Do With Info
ACQhar0019883 N What information were you looking for that you were not able to find?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Not Able
Did you use the search feature today?
Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search


EDO08743 A Were the search results helpful?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search results

No C

EDO08745 C Why were the search results not helpful? (Choose your primary reason)
It returned no useful results.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search Difficulties

It returned too many results.

Results links were broken.

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs.

Results showed old versions of pages/documents.

Search required too many attempts.

Results were too similar/redundant.

I was not sure what words to use in my search.

Search speed was too slow.

Other D

EDO08746 D Please describe the search difficulties you experienced:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other - Search Difficulties
If you could improve one thing about this website, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit
Do you ever access the Internet using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes A, B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Access Mobile Internet


ACQinh0018577 A Which of the following devices do you have?
A SmartPhone W Check-box, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Phone or Tablet

A tablet X

None of these

ACQinh0018578 W Specifically, which type of mobile phone do you have?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Phone Type



Another phone

ACQinh0018579 X Specifically, which type of tablet do you have?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Tablet Type




Another tablet

ACQinh0018580 B Have you ever accessed ANY federal website using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Federal Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so

No, but I might in the future

No, and I don't plan to do so

ACQinh0018581 C Have you ever accessed NIJ's site using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes Y, Z Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so Z

No, but I might in the future Z

No, and I don't plan to do so

ACQinh0018582 Y What was the main reason you last visited NIJ using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Primary Mobile Reason
ACQinh0018583 Z What resources/additional resources might you want to access from NIJ using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Desired Resources
How likely are you to discourage someone from interacting with this agency? ACQCol0009751A01 1 = Very Unlikely
Radio button, scale, no don't know Single Y

ACQCol0009751A02 2

ACQCol0009751A03 3

ACQCol0009751A04 4

ACQCol0009751A05 5

ACQCol0009751A06 6

ACQCol0009751A07 7

ACQCol0009751A08 8

ACQCol0009751A09 9

ACQCol0009751A10 10 = Very Likely

Sheet 7: CQs (12-10-12)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

NIJ v2

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sRtUsdwR1UQh9E5NlhsFBw==


Date: 1/17/2012
blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer IDs (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label

How likely are you to discourage someone from interacting with this agency? ACQCol0009751A01 1 = Very Unlikely
Radio button, scale, no don't know Single Y

ACQCol0009751A02 2

ACQCol0009751A03 3

ACQCol0009751A04 4

ACQCol0009751A05 5

ACQCol0009751A06 6

ACQCol0009751A07 7

ACQCol0009751A08 8

ACQCol0009751A09 9

ACQCol0009751A10 10 = Very Likely

How frequently do you visit this site?
First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

More than once a day


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

Which best describes you?
Agency administrator/ manager
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group DescribesYou

Law enforcement officer

Corrections officer

Officer of the Court

Trainer or educator

Behavioral/ social science researcher

Forensic Science Practitioner

Technology researcher/ developer

Elected/appointed official, or a member of their staffs


General Public

Other A

ACQCol0008523 A Please specify:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Describes You

What is the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session?
Guidance on a policy/practice decision or change
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group MainReason

Guidance on developing/ changing a practice or intervention program

Guidance on using or buying technology/ equipment

Information for a technology development project

Apply for/ find information on available funding

Find or take training

Materials for a course I'm teaching

Materials for a course I'm taking

Information for a research project

Background information on a topic

List of resources on a topic

Other A

EDO08733 A Please describe what the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session was:

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS Group OE_MainReason

What prompted you to visit the NIJ site?
Search engine
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group PromptedYou

Another website/link B

Email C

A colleague or instructor

Prior use of the site


I don't remember

EDO08735 B Which website/link prompted you to visit?
Another DOJ site
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Website/Link

Another government site

An association site

A university or college site

A commercial site

Other D

EDO08736 D Please specify which other website/link:

Text area, no char limit Single N OPS Group OE_Other Website/Link

EDO08737 C Where was the email sent from?
From a colleague
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Email Origin

From NIJ

From another email service


Were you able to find what you were looking for?
I found the information, and it was VERY USEFUL A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Find

I found the information, but it was HARD TO UNDERSTAND A,B

I found the information, but it was TOO MUCH INFORMATION to be useful A,B

I found information related to what I was seeking, but it was NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION to be useful A,B

I was NOT able to find the information that I was looking for N

Not Applicable

EDO08740 A How did you find what you were looking for today?
I used the search box on this Web site.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group How Info Found

I browsed the content on this Web site.

I browsed the content and used the search box on this Web site.

I used a bookmark or link to go there directly.

I used a Web search engine, like Google or Bing.


EDO08741 B What will you do with the information you found on the site?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE_Do With Info

N What information were you looking for that you were not able to find?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Not Able

ACQhar0014562 Did you experience any difficulties while navigating nij.gov today?
Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Navigation Difficulty


ACQhar0014563 C What type of navigation difficulty did you primarily experience?
Links often did not take me where I expected
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Which Navigation Difficulty

Had difficulty finding relevant information

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Too many links/navigational options to choose from

Could not navigate back to previous information

Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.) D

I had a navigation difficulty not listed above E

ACQhar0014564 D Please describe any specific broken links or other errors you encountered:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Nav errors

ACQhar0014565 E Please describe your other navigation difficulty:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE-Nav Other Difficulty

Did you use the search feature today?
Yes A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search


EDO08743 A Were the search results helpful?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search results

No C

EDO08744 B Was the search feature difficult to use?
Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Difficulty with Search


EDO08745 C Why was the search feature difficult to use were the search results not helpful? (Choose your primary reason)
It returned no useful results.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group What Search Difficulties

It returned too many results.

Results links were broken.

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs.

Results showed old versions of pages/documents.

Search required too many attempts.

Results were too similar/redundant.

I was not sure what words to use in my search.

Search speed was too slow.

Other D

EDO08746 D Please describe the search difficulties you experienced:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other - Search Difficulties

If you could improve one thing about this website, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit

Do you ever access the Internet using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes A, B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Access Mobile Internet


ACQinh0018577 A Which of the following devices do you have?
A SmartPhone W Check-box, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Phone or Tablet

A tablet X

None of these

ACQinh0018578 W Specifically, which type of mobile phone do you have?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Phone Type



Another phone

ACQinh0018579 X Specifically, which type of tablet do you have?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Tablet Type




Another tablet

ACQinh0018580 B Have you ever accessed ANY federal website using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Federal Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so

No, but I might in the future

No, and I don't plan to do so

ACQinh0018581 C Have you ever accessed NIJ's site using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes Y, Z Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so Z

No, but I might in the future Z

No, and I don't plan to do so

ACQinh0018582 Y What was the main reason you last visited NIJ using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Primary Mobile Reason

ACQinh0018583 Z What resources/additional resources might you want to access from NIJ using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Desired Resources

Sheet 8: CQs (11-14-12)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

NIJ v2

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sRtUsdwR1UQh9E5NlhsFBw==


Date: 1/17/2012
blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer IDs (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label

How likely are you to discourage someone from interacting with this agency? ACQCol0009751A01 1 = Very Unlikely
Radio button, scale, no don't know Single Y

ACQCol0009751A02 2

ACQCol0009751A03 3

ACQCol0009751A04 4

ACQCol0009751A05 5

ACQCol0009751A06 6

ACQCol0009751A07 7

ACQCol0009751A08 8

ACQCol0009751A09 9

ACQCol0009751A10 10 = Very Likely

How frequently do you visit this site?
First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

More than once a day


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

Which best describes you?
Agency administrator/ manager
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group DescribesYou

Law enforcement officer

Corrections officer

Officer of the Court

Trainer or educator

Behavioral/ social science researcher

Forensic Science Practitioner

Technology researcher/ developer

Elected/appointed official, or a member of their staffs


General Public

Other A

ACQCol0008523 A Please specify:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Describes You

What is the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session?
Guidance on a policy/practice decision or change
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group MainReason

Guidance on developing/ changing a practice or intervention program

Guidance on using or buying technology/ equipment

Information for a technology development project

Apply for/ find information on available funding

Find or take training

Materials for a course I'm teaching

Materials for a course I'm taking

Information for a research project

Background information on a topic

List of resources on a topic

Other A

EDO08733 A Please describe what the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session was:

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS Group OE_MainReason

What prompted you to visit the NIJ site?
Search engine
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group PromptedYou

Another website/link B

Email C

A colleague or instructor

Prior use of the site


I don't remember

EDO08735 B Which website/link prompted you to visit?
Another DOJ site
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Website/Link

Another government site

An association site

A university or college site

A commercial site

Other D

EDO08736 D Please specify which other website/link:

Text area, no char limit Single N OPS Group OE_Other Website/Link

EDO08737 C Where was the email sent from?
From a colleague
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Email Origin

From NIJ

From another email service


Were you able to find what you were looking for?
I found the information, and it was VERY USEFUL A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Find

I found the information, but it was HARD TO UNDERSTAND A,B

I found the information, but it was TOO MUCH INFORMATION to be useful A,B

I found information related to what I was seeking, but it was NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION to be useful A,B

I was NOT able to find the information that I was looking for

Not Applicable

EDO08740 A How did you find what you were looking for today?
I used the search box on this Web site.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group How Info Found

I browsed the content on this Web site.

I browsed the content and used the search box on this Web site.

I used a bookmark or link to go there directly.

I used a Web search engine, like Google or Bing.


EDO08741 B What will you do with the information you found on the site?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE_Do With Info

ACQhar0014562 Did you experience any difficulties while navigating nij.gov today?
Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Navigation Difficulty


ACQhar0014563 C What type of navigation difficulty did you primarily experience?
Links often did not take me where I expected
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Which Navigation Difficulty

Had difficulty finding relevant information

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Too many links/navigational options to choose from

Could not navigate back to previous information

Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.) D

I had a navigation difficulty not listed above E

ACQhar0014564 D Please describe any specific broken links or other errors you encountered:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Nav errors

ACQhar0014565 E Please describe your other navigation difficulty:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE-Nav Other Difficulty

Did you use the search feature today?
Yes A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search


EDO08743 A Were the search results helpful?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search results


EDO08744 B Was the search feature difficult to use?
Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Difficulty with Search


EDO08745 C Why was the search feature difficult to use? (Choose your primary reason)
It returned no useful results.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group What Search Difficulties

It returned too many results.

Results links were broken.

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs.

Results showed old versions of pages/documents.

Search required too many attempts.

Results were too similar/redundant.

I was not sure what words to use in my search.

Search speed was too slow.

Other D

EDO08746 D Please describe the search difficulties you experienced:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other - Search Difficulties

If you could improve one thing about this website, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit

Do you ever access the Internet using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes A, B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Access Mobile Internet


A Which of the following devices do you have?
A SmartPhone W Check-box, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Phone or Tablet

A tablet X

None of these

W Specifically, which type of mobile phone do you have?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Phone Type



Another phone

X Specifically, which type of tablet do you have?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Tablet Type




Another tablet

B Have you ever accessed ANY federal website using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Federal Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so

No, but I might in the future

No, and I don't plan to do so

C Have you ever accessed NIJ's site using a mobile phone or tablet?
Yes Y, Z Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Mobile Site Usage

No, but I plan to do so Z

No, but I might in the future Z

No, and I don't plan to do so

Y What was the main reason you last visited NIJ using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Primary Mobile Reason

Z What resources/additional resources might you want to access from NIJ using a mobile phone or tablet?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group Desired Resources

Sheet 9: CQs (8-3-12)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

NIJ v2

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sRtUsdwR1UQh9E5NlhsFBw==


Date: 1/17/2012
blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer IDs (DOT ONLY) Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label

How likely are you to discourage someone from interacting with this agency? ACQCol0009751A01 1 = Very Unlikely
Radio button, scale, no don't know Single Y

ACQCol0009751A02 2

ACQCol0009751A03 3

ACQCol0009751A04 4

ACQCol0009751A05 5

ACQCol0009751A06 6

ACQCol0009751A07 7

ACQCol0009751A08 8

ACQCol0009751A09 9

ACQCol0009751A10 10 = Very Likely

How frequently do you visit this site?
First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

More than once a day


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

Which best describes you?
Agency administrator/ manager
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group DescribesYou

Law enforcement officer

Corrections officer

Officer of the Court

Trainer or educator

Behavioral/ social science researcher

Forensic Science Practitioner

Technology researcher/ developer

Elected/appointed official, or a member of their staffs


General Public

Other A

ACQCol0008523 A Please specify:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Describes You

What is the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session?
Guidance on a policy/practice decision or change
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group MainReason

Guidance on developing/ changing a practice or intervention program

Guidance on using or buying technology/ equipment

Information for a technology development project

Apply for/ find information on available funding

Find or take training

Materials for a course I'm teaching

Materials for a course I'm taking

Information for a research project

Background information on a topic

List of resources on a topic

Other A

EDO08733 A Please describe what the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session was:

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS Group OE_MainReason

What prompted you to visit the NIJ site?
Search engine
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group PromptedYou

Another website/link B

Email C

A colleague or instructor

Prior use of the site


I don't remember

EDO08735 B Which website/link prompted you to visit?
Another DOJ site
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Website/Link

Another government site

An association site

A university or college site

A commercial site

Other D

EDO08736 D Please specify which other website/link:

Text area, no char limit Single N OPS Group OE_Other Website/Link

EDO08737 C Where was the email sent from?
From a colleague
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Email Origin

From NIJ

From another email service


Were you able to find what you were looking for?
I found the information, and it was VERY USEFUL A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Find

I found the information, but it was HARD TO UNDERSTAND A,B

I found the information, but it was TOO MUCH INFORMATION to be useful A,B

I found information related to what I was seeking, but it was NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION to be useful A,B

I was NOT able to find the information that I was looking for

Not Applicable

EDO08740 A How did you find what you were looking for today?
I used the search box on this Web site.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group How Info Found

I browsed the content on this Web site.

I browsed the content and used the search box on this Web site.

I used a bookmark or link to go there directly.

I used a Web search engine, like Google or Bing.


EDO08741 B What will you do with the information you found on the site?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE_Do With Info

Did you experience any difficulties while navigating nij.gov today?
Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Navigation Difficulty


C What type of navigation difficulty did you primarily experience?
Links often did not take me where I expected
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Which Navigation Difficulty

Had difficulty finding relevant information

Links/labels are difficult to understand

Too many links/navigational options to choose from

Could not navigate back to previous information

Had technical difficulties (error messages, broken links, etc.) D

I had a navigation difficulty not listed above E

D Please describe any specific broken links or other errors you encountered:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Nav errors

E Please describe your other navigation difficulty:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE-Nav Other Difficulty

Did you use the search feature today?
Yes A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search


EDO08743 A Were the search results helpful?
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search results


EDO08744 B Was the search feature difficult to use?
Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Difficulty with Search


EDO08745 C Why was the search feature difficult to use? (Choose your primary reason)
It returned no useful results.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group What Search Difficulties

It returned too many results.

Results links were broken.

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs.

Results showed old versions of pages/documents.

Search required too many attempts.

Results were too similar/redundant.

I was not sure what words to use in my search.

Search speed was too slow.

Other D

EDO08746 D Please describe the search difficulties you experienced:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other - Search Difficulties

Are you interested in reading NIJ materials on an electronic reader? ACQWro0010345A01 Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Reader

ACQWro0010345A02 No

ACQWro0010310 A Which electronic reader are you likely to use to read NIJ materials? ACQWro0010310A01 Amazon Kindle
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Which Reader

ACQWro0010310A02 Apple Ipad

ACQWro0010310A03 Barnes and Noble Nook

ACQWro0010310A04 Smart Phone

ACQWro0010310A05 Sony Reader

ACQWro0010310A06 Other B

ACQWro0010311 B Which other electronic reader do you own are would be likely to use?

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Which Reader

If you could improve one thing about this website, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit

Sheet 10: CQs (1-18-12)

Model Instance Name:

red & strike-through: DELETE

NIJ v2

underlined & italicized: RE-ORDER

MID: sRtUsdwR1UQh9E5NlhsFBw==


Date: 1/17/2012 blue + -->: REWORDING


(Group ID)
Skip Logic Label Question Text Answer Choices
(limited to 50 characters)
Skip to Type (select from list) Single or Multi Required
Special Instructions 25 character limit. Leave blank if you want DOT to fill this part out. CQ Label

How likely are you to discourage someone from interacting with this agency? 1 = Very Unlikely
Radio button, scale, no don't know Single Y









10 = Very Likely

How frequently do you visit this site? First time
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y
Visit Frequency

More than once a day


About once a week

About once a month

Every 6 months or less

Which best describes you? Agency administrator/ manager
Drop down, select one Single Y Skip Logic Group DescribesYou

Law enforcement officer

Corrections officer

Officer of the Court

Trainer or educator

Behavioral/ social science researcher

Forensic Science Practitioner

Technology researcher/ developer

Elected/appointed official, or a member of their staffs


General Public

Other A

ACQCol0008523 A Please specify:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Describes You

What is the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session? Guidance on a policy/practice decision or change
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group MainReason

Guidance on developing/ changing a practice or intervention program

Guidance on using or buying technology/ equipment

Information for a technology development project

Apply for/ find information on available funding

Find or take training

Materials for a course I'm teaching

Materials for a course I'm taking

Information for a research project

Background information on a topic

List of resources on a topic

Other A

EDO08733 A Please describe what the main reason for your visit to NIJ this session was:

Text field, <100 char Single N OPS Group OE_MainReason

What prompted you to visit the NIJ site? Search engine
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group PromptedYou

Another website/link B

Email C

A colleague or instructor

Prior use of the site


I don't remember

EDO08735 B Which website/link prompted you to visit? Another DOJ site
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Website/Link

Another government site

An association site

A university or college site

A commercial site

Other D

EDO08736 D Please specify which other website/link:

Text area, no char limit Single N OPS Group OE_Other Website/Link

EDO08737 C Where was the email sent from? From a colleague
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y OPS Group Email Origin

From NIJ

From another email service


Were you able to find what you were looking for? I found the information, and it was VERY USEFUL A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Find

I found the information, but it was HARD TO UNDERSTAND A,B

I found the information, but it was TOO MUCH INFORMATION to be useful A,B

I found information related to what I was seeking, but it was NOT ENOUGH INFORMATION to be useful A,B

I was NOT able to find the information that I was looking for

Not Applicable

EDO08740 A How did you find what you were looking for today? I used the search box on this Web site.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group How Info Found

I browsed the content on this Web site.

I browsed the content and used the search box on this Web site.

I used a bookmark or link to go there directly.

I used a Web search engine, like Google or Bing.


EDO08741 B What will you do with the information you found on the site?

Text area, no char limit Single N Skip Logic Group OE_Do With Info

Did you use the search feature today? Yes A,B Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search


EDO08743 A Where the search results helpful? -->: Were the search results helpful? Yes
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Search results


EDO08744 B Was the search feature difficult to use? Yes C Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Difficulty with Search


EDO08745 C Why was the search feature difficult to use? (Choose your primary reason) It returned no useful results.
Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group What Difficulties

It returned too many results.

Results links were broken.

Results were not relevant to my search terms or needs.

Results showed old versions of pages/documents.

Search required too many attempts.

Results were too similar/redundant.

I was not sure what words to use in my search.

Search speed was too slow.

Other D

EDO08746 D Please describe the search difficulties you experienced:

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group Other - Difficulties

Are you interested in reading NIJ materials on an electronic reader? Yes A Radio button, one-up vertical Single Y Skip Logic Group Reader


A Which electronic reader are you likely to use to read NIJ materials? Amazon Kindle
Radio button, one-up vertical Multi Y Skip Logic Group Which Reader

Apple Ipad

Barnes and Noble Nook

Smart Phone

Sony Reader

Other B

B Which other electronic reader do you own are would be likely to use

Text area, no char limit
N Skip Logic Group OE_Which Reader

If you could improve one thing about this website, what would it be?

Text area, no char limit

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created0000-00-00

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