BTLS Survey Item Changes

BTLS Survey Item Changes from 7-22-09 to 12-21-10.xlsx

Beginning Teacher Longitudinal Study (BTLS) 2009-2012

BTLS Survey Item Changes

OMB: 1850-0868

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10-11 Source Code
*if item was deleted source code is from wave 3
09-10 Approved Question Wording 09-10 Approved Response Options 10-11 Question Wording 10-11 Response options Description of change

Respondents e-mail as entered into myprofile function write-in new item
UFRST Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP code. Teacher first name write-in Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP/Postal code. First name write-in Removed reference to teacher and added postal code.
UMIDL Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP code. Teacher middle name write-in Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP/Postal code. Middle name write-in Removed reference to teacher and added postal code.
ULAST Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP code. Teacher last name write-in Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP/Postal code. Last name write-in Removed reference to teacher and added postal code.
USUFF Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP code. Teacher suffix write-in Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP/Postal code. Suffix write-in Added postal code.
USTRT Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP code. Address write-in Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP/Postal code. Address write-in Added postal code.
UCITY Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP code. City write-in Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP/Postal code. City write-in Added postal code.
USTAT Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP code. State write-in Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP/Postal code. State/Province write-in Added postal code.
UZIP5 Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP code. Zip code write-in Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP/Postal code. Zip/Postal code write-in Added postal code.

Please correct any errors in name, address, and ZIP code. Country write-in new
W3REGCL Last school year(2008-09), did you teach any regularly scheduled class(es) in any of grades pre-K – 12? 1=Yes
2= No
Last school year (2009-10), did you teach any regularly scheduled class(es) in any of grades pre-K – 12?
*If you taught a particular specialty (e.g., reading specialist, special education teacher, art or music teacher, English as a Second Language teacher), include that time as a regularly scheduled class.

* If you worked as a library media specialist or librarian, do not include classes in which you taught students how to use the library (e.g., library skills or library research).
Updated date, added notes

Last school year (2009-10), were you teaching full-time or part-time? 1=Teaching full-time
2=Teaching part-time
new retro item; added to match wave 3 item
W3MOVYN Last school year(2008-09), were you still teaching at PRELOADED SASS SCHOOL? 1=Yes
2= No
Last school year (2009-10), were you still teaching at PRELOADED W2 SCHOOL? 1=Yes
2= No
updated year, and school reference
W3MVTYP Which of the following describes the change from your 2007-08 school to your 2008-09 school? (For this question, all charter and Bureau of Indian Education [BIE]-funded schools are considered public schools.) 1=Moved from a PUBLIC school to another PUBLIC school in the SAME SCHOOL DISTRICT
2=Moved from a PUBLIC school to another PUBLIC school in a DIFFERENT SCHOOL District
3=Moved from a PUBLIC school to a PRIVATE school
Which of the following describes the change from your 2008-09 school to your 2009-10 school? (For this question, all charter and Bureau of Indian Education [BIE]-funded schools are considered public schools.) 1=Moved from a PUBLIC school to another PUBLIC school in the SAME SCHOOL DISTRICT
2=Moved from one PUBLIC school district to ANOTHER PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT
3=Moved from a PRIVATE school to a PUBLIC school
4=Moved from one PRIVATE school to another PRIVATE school
5=Moved from a PUBLIC school to a PRIVATE school
year updated, added two answer options to be consistent with wave 3
W3OCCST What was your MAIN occupational status last year? 1=Working for a school or school district in a position in the field of K-12 education, but not as a K-12 classroom teacher
2= Working in a position in the field of pre-K or postsecondary education
3= Working in an occupation outside the field of education, including military service
4=Student at a college or university
5= Caring for family members
6= Retired
7= Disabled
8= Unemployed and seeking work
9= Other
What was your MAIN occupational status last year? 1=Working for a school or school district in a position in the field of K-12 education but not as a regular K-12 classroom teacher
2=Working in the field of pre-K or postsecondary education
3=Working outside the field of education, including military service
4=Student at a college or university
5=Caring for family members
simplified the second response option

Were you employed full-time or part-time? 1=Employed full-time
2=Employed part-time
new retro item; added to match wave 3 item
W3LCNYN Did you leave teaching after the 2007-08 school year because your contract was NOT renewed? 1=Yes
Did you leave teaching because your contract was NOT renewed?
*Report on the most recent time you left pre-K—12 teaching if you’ve left teaching more than once.
added a note
W3NRPER - W3NROTH Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to leave the position of a K-12 teacher after the 2007-08 school year. Because of personal life reasons (e.g., health reasons, to care for child(ren), time to retire, change in residence). 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your most recent decision to leave the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because of personal life reasons (e.g., health reasons, to care for child(ren), time to retire, change in residence).
1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
added phrase "your most recent decision" to overall question text; changed K-12 to pre-K-12; removed reference to 2007-08; some items are combinations of W3 leaver items to provide a shorter list of reasons.

Last school year (2009-10), were you teaching in a school OUTSIDE of the United States? 1=Yes
new retro item; added to match wave 3 item

to reduce respondent burden we added a "coder" where respondents can search for their school based on write-in variables such as city, state, county and school name. The data from this "coder" is from the CCD and PSS.

During the 2009-10 school year, did you work with a master or mentor teacher who was assigned by your school or district? 1=Yes
new retro item; added to match wave 3 item
REGCL Do you CURRENTLY TEACH any regularly scheduled class(es) in any of grades pre-K – 12? 1=Yes
2= No
Do you CURRENTLY TEACH any regularly scheduled class(es) in any of grades pre-K – 12?
*If you teach a particular specialty (e.g., reading specialist, special education teacher, art or music teacher, English as a Second Language teacher), include that time as a regularly scheduled class.

* If you work as a library media specialist or librarian, do not include classes in which you teach students how to use the library (e.g., library skills or library research).
added notes
POSSC How do you classify your position at your CURRENT school, that is, the activity at which you spend most of your time during this school year? 1= Regular teacher (full-time or part-time)
2= Itinerant teacher (i.e., your assignment requires you to provide instruction at more than one school)
3= Long-term substitute (i.e., your assignment requires that you fill the role of a regular teacher on a long-term basis, but you are still considered a substitute)
4= Administrator (e.g., principal, assistant principal, director, school head)
5= Library media specialist or librarian
6= Other professional staff (e.g., counselor, curriculum coordinator, social worker)
7= Support staff (e.g., secretary)
8= Short-term substitute.
9= Student teacher
10= Teacher aide
How do you classify your position at your CURRENT school, that is, the activity at which you spend most of your time during this school year (2010-11)? 1=Regular teacher (full-time or part-time)
2=Itinerant teacher (i.e., your assignment requires you to provide instruction at more than one school)
3=Long-term substitute (i.e., your assignment requires that you fill the role of a regular teacher on a long-term basis, but you are still considered a substitute)
4=Administrator (e.g., principal, assistant principal, director, school head)
5=Library media specialist or librarian
6=Other professional staff (e.g., counselor, curriculum coordinator, social worker)
7=Support staff (e.g., secretary)
8=Short-term substitute
9=Student teacher
10=Teacher aide
added year reference to question text
TREXP Last school year you reported teaching regularly scheduled classes. This school year you reported a transition to a teacher aide, student teacher or short-term substitute teacher. In 20 words or less please explain the reason for the change.

NOTE: For this survey, teacher aides, student teachers and short-term substitute teachers are not considered current regular classroom teachers. Please complete this Former Teacher Questionnaire as best as you can based on your experience of changing from a classroom teacher to a teacher aide, short-term substitute teacher or student teacher.
write-in Last school year (2009-10) you reported teaching regularly scheduled classes. This school year (2010-11) you reported a transition to a teacher aide, student teacher or short-term substitute teacher. In 20 words or less please explain the reason for the change.

NOTE: For this survey, teacher aides, student teachers and short-term substitute teachers are not considered current regular classroom teachers. Please complete this Former Teacher Questionnaire as best as you can based on your experience of changing from a classroom teacher to a teacher aide, short-term substitute teacher or student teacher.
write-in added year references to question text
OCCST What is your current MAIN occupational status? 1=Working for a school or school district in a position in the field of K-12 education, but not as a regular K-12 classroom teacher
2= Working in a position in the field of pre-K or postsecondary education
3= Working in an occupation outside the field of education, including military service
4=Student at a college or university
5= Caring for family members
6= Retired
7= Disabled
8= Unemployed
9= Other
What is your current MAIN occupational status? 1=Working for a school or school district in a position in the field of K-12 education, but not as a regular K-12 classroom teacher
10=Working in the field of K-12 education but not in a school/district
2= Working in the field of pre-K or postsecondary education
3= Working outside the field of education, including military service
4=Student at a college or university
5=Caring for family members
simplified the second response option; added a 10th category
SCOCC Is your current main occupation a –
*If you have more than one position, mark (X) the position for which you spend the most time.
1= Principal/school head/dean
2= Assistant principal
3= School district administrator
4= Librarian
5= Library technician
6= Audio-visual collections specialist
7= Instructional coordinator
8= Teacher assistant
9= Counselor or school psychologist
10= Short-term substitute
11= Teacher aide
12= Other occupation
Is your current main occupation a –
*If you have more than one position, mark (X) the position for which you spend the most time.
1=Principal/school head/dean
2=Assistant principal
3=School district administrator
4=Librarian/Library technician
7=Instructional coordinator
13= Academic coach/specialist
8=Teacher assistant/aide
9=Counselor or school psychologist
10=Short-term substitute
12=Other occupation
combined librarian and library technician, removed audio-visual collections specialist, combined teacher assistant and teacher aide, added academic coach/specialist
OCCSA What are your estimated annual before-tax earnings at this job?
*If you are in the military service, report military earnings here.
*Include earnings from commissions, merit pay bonuses, and other bonuses from this job.
*Report earnings in whole dollars.
write-in What are your estimated annual before-tax earnings at this job?
*If you are in the military service, report military earnings here.
*Include earnings from commissions, merit pay bonuses, and other bonuses from this job.
*If this is a volunteer position with no annual earnings please record 0.
*Report earnings in whole dollars.
*Do not enter commas, periods, dollar signs, or other symbols.
write-in added notes for volunteer position and not entering symbols

What are your estimated annual before-tax earnings at this job?
*If you are in the military service, report military earnings here.
*Include earnings from commissions, merit pay bonuses, and other bonuses from this job.
1= less than $30,000
2= $30,000-34,999
3= $35,000-39,999
4= $40,000-44,999
5= $45,000-49,999
6= $50,000 or more
new; asked if respondent does not report actual before-tax earnings
LCNYN Did you leave teaching because your contract was NOT renewed? 1=Yes



Did you leave your pre-K-12 teaching position involuntarily (e.g., contract not renewed, laid off, school closed or merged)? 1=Yes
LCNRS Which of the following best describes the reason why your contract was not renewed? 1= I was laid off as part of a reduction in force
2= I did not meet Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirements
(Generally, to be Highly Qualified, teachers must 1) have a bachelor’s degree; 2) hold full state certification or licensure, including an "alternative certification"; and 3) demonstrate competency in the subject area(s) they teach. The HQT requirement is a provision under No Child Left Behind [NCLB].)
3= I was not given a reason for why my contract was not renewed
4= My contract was not renewed for other reason(s)

LCNSP Which of the following best describes the reason why your contract was not renewed? Other, please specify write-in



Which of the following best describes why you involuntarily left your pre-K-12 teaching position ? 1=Budget cuts or budget shortfalls
5=Reduced pupil enrollment
6=School and/or district merger
2=I did not meet Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirements
(Generally, to be Highly Qualified, teachers must 1) have a bachelor’s degree; 2) hold full state certification or licensure, including an "alternative certification"; and 3) demonstrate competency in the subject area(s) they teach. The HQT requirement is a provision under No Child Left Behind [NCLB].)
4=My contract was not renewed for other reason(s)


Which of the following best describes why you involuntarily left your pre-K-12 teaching position? Other, please specify write-in new
LCRED What was the primary reason for this reduction in force? 1=Budget cuts or budget shortfalls
2=Reduced pupil enrollment
3=School and/or district merger
4=Reason unknown
5=Other reason

LCRSP What was the primary reason for this reduction in force? Other, please specify write-in


underlined "your decision"
LVHOM Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because I had a change in residence or wanted to take a job more convenient to my home. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I moved or wanted to take a job more conveniently located. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
changed reason from "Because I had a change in residence or wanted to take a job more convenient to my home."


Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because of other personal life reasons (e.g., health, pregnancy/childcare, caring for family). 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
LVCHI Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because I was pregnant or needed more time to raise my child(ren). 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

LVHEA Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because my health or the health of a loved one required that I leave the profession. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important



Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I was dissatisfied with my job description or assignment (e.g., responsibilities, grade level, or subject area). 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
LVDES Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because I was dissatisfied with changes in my job description or responsibilities at last year's school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

LVGSU Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because I was dissatisfied with the grade level or subject area I taught at last year's school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

LVSAL Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because my salary did not allow me to meet my financial obligations (e.g., rent, loans, credit card payments). 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important



Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I wanted or needed a higher salary. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
LVLIV Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because I wanted a higher standard of living than my salary provided. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

LVMST Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because I did not feel prepared to mainstream special needs (eg., disabled) students in my regular classes at last year's school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

LVINT Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because I felt that there were too many intrusions on my teaching time (i.e., time spent with students) at last year's school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I felt that there were too many intrusions on my teaching time at last year's school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
deleted example in question text
LVADM Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because I was dissatisfied with the administrator(s) at last year's school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important



Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I was dissatisfied with the administration at last year's school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
LVSUP Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because I was dissatisfied with the lack of support I received from the administration at last year's school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

LVAIM Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because I was dissatisfied with how student assessments and school accountability measures impacted my teaching at last year's school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important



Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your pre-K-12 teaching position. Because I was dissatisfied with how student assessments and school accountability measures impacted my teaching or curriculum at last year’s school, including lack of support for preparing students 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
LVASP Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because I was dissatisfied with the support I received for preparing my students for student assessments at last year's school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

LVACU Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because I was dissatisfied with the influence student assessments had on the curriculum at last year's school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

LVAOT Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave your K-12 teaching position. Because I was dissatisfied with other aspects of accountability measures not included above. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

APPYN Did you apply for the position of a K-12 teacher for the 2009-10 school year? 1= Yes
2= No
3= I’m on maternity or paternity leave, disability leave, or sabbatical
Did you apply for the position of a pre-K-12 teacher for the 2010-11 school year? 1=Yes
3=I’m on leave from last year's school (e.g., on maternity or paternity leave, disability leave, or sabbatical)
updated year reference, changed k-12 to pre-k-12, changed language on 3rd response option
RETYN Would you ever consider returning to the position of a K-12 teacher? 1=Yes
Would you ever consider returning to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher? 1=Yes
changed k-12 to pre-k-12,
RETWN How soon might you consider returning to the position of a K-12 teacher? 1=Later this school year (2009-10)
2=Next school year (2010-11)
3=After 2010-11 school year but before the 2014-15 school year
4=During the 2014-15 school year or later
How soon might you consider returning to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher? 1=Later this school year (2010-11)
2=Next school year (2011-12)
3=After the 2011-12 school year but before the 2015-16 school year
4=During the 2015-16 school year or later
changed k-12 to pre-k-12 and updated year reference in response options
RESAS You were teaching in PRELOADED SASS SCHOOL during the 2007-08 school year. Did you return to that school? 1=Yes
2= No

RECHA Has there been a change in the principal/school head in your school since the 2007-08 school year? 1=Yes
2= No

RESST Are you currently teaching in the SAME STATE as you were during the 2007-08 school year? 1=Yes
2= No


to reduce respondent burden we added a "coder" where respondents can search for their school based on write-in variables such as city, state, county and school name. The data from this "coder" is from the CCD and PSS.

Does your school, district, or school system offer tenure? 1=Yes

Are you tenured at your current school? 1=Yes

How often are you INFORMALLY evaluated?
*Consider only INFORMAL evaluations in your answer to this question, not formal evaluations or observations.
1=Twice or more times per year
2=Once a year
3=Once every 2 years
4=Once every 3-4 years
5=Once every 5 or more years

How often are you FORMALLY evaluated?
*Consider only FORMAL evaluations in your answer to this question, not informal evaluations or observations.
1=Twice or more times per year
2=Once a year
3=Once every 2 years
4=Once every 3-4 years
5=Once every 5 or more years

changed all stems from "position of a K-12 teacher" to "position of a pre-K-12 teacher"

Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a K-12 teacher. Because I had a change in residence or wanted to take a job more convenient to my home. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because I moved or wanted to take a job more conveniently located. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
changed reason from "Because I had a change in residence or wanted to take a job more convenient to my home."
RECHI Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a K-12 teacher. Because my maternity/paternity leave ended or I no longer needed to stay at home with my children. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

REHEA Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a K-12 teacher. Because my health or the health of a loved one no longer required me to be out of teaching. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important



Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because of other personal life reasons (e.g. health, pregnancy/childcare, caring for family). 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
RESAL Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a K-12 teacher. Because I needed the income to meet my financial obligations (e.g., rent, loans, credit card payments). 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important



Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because I wanted or needed a higher salary. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
RELOA Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a K-12 teacher. Because my current school or district offered at least partial forgiveness of my student loans. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important


Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher.
Because I was offered a financial incentive to teach (e.g. signing bonus).
1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because some of my compensation, benefits, or rewards are tied to the performance of my students. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
RERET Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a K-12 teacher. Because I was previously retired and could continue receiving my teacher retirement benefits. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

REHOU Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a K-12 teacher. Because I was given a housing incentive by my current school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

RELIV Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a K-12 teacher. Because I wanted a higher standard of living. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

REPTT Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a K-12 teacher. Because a part-time teaching assignment became available. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

REDES Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a K-12 teacher. Because I obtained a position in a school with more desirable characteristics. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important



Indicate the level of importance each of the following played in your decision to return to the position of a pre-K-12 teacher. Because I wanted the opportunity to teach at my current school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
REMVT Which of the following describes the change from your 2007-08 school to your current school? (For this question, all charter and Bureau of Indian Education [BIE]-funded schools are considered public schools.) 1=Moved from a PUBLIC school to another PUBLIC school in the SAME SCHOOL DISTRICT
2=Moved from a PUBLIC school to another PUBLIC school in a DIFFERENT SCHOOL District
3=Moved from a PUBLIC school to a PRIVATE school



Did you change schools involuntarily (e.g., contract not renewed, laid off, school closed or merged)? 1=Yes
2= No


Which of the following best describes the reason why you changed schools involuntarily (e.g., contract not renewed, laid off, school closed or merged)? 1=Budget cuts or budget shortfalls
5=Reduced pupil enrollment
6=School and/or district merger or school closed
7=Transfer required by school or district
2=I did not meet Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirements
(Generally, to be Highly Qualified, teachers must 1) have a bachelor’s degree; 2) hold full state certification or licensure, including an "alternative certification"; and 3) demonstrate competency in the subject area(s) they teach. The HQT requirement is a provision under No Child Left Behind [NCLB].)
4=My contract was not renewed for other reason(s)


Which of the following best describes why you changed schools involuntarily--
please specify
write-in new
MCNYN Did you change schools because your contract was NOT renewed at last year's school? 1=Yes
2= No

MCNRS Which of the following best describes the reason why your contract was not renewed? 1= I was laid off as part of a reduction in force
2= I did not meet Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) requirements
(Generally, to be Highly Qualified, teachers must 1) have a bachelor’s degree; 2) hold full state certification or licensure, including an "alternative certification"; and 3) demonstrate competency in the subject area(s) they teach. The HQT requirement is a provision under No Child Left Behind [NCLB].)
3=I was not given a reason for why my contract was not renewed
4=My contract was not renewed for other reason(s)

MCNSP My contract was not renewed for other reason(s)--
please specify

MCRED What was the primary reason for this reduction in force? 1=Budget cuts or budget shortfalls
2=Reduced pupil enrollment
3=School and/or district merger
4=Reason unknown
5=Other reason

MCRSP What was the primary reason for this reduction in force? Other, please specify write-in

MVHOM Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL: Because I had a change in residence or wanted to work in a school more convenient to my home. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I moved or wanted to take a job more conveniently located. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
changed reason from "Because I had a change in residence or wanted to take a job more convenient to my home."
MVHEA Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL: Because my health or the health of a loved one required that I change schools. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important



Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because of other personal life reasons (e.g., health, pregnancy/childcare, caring for family). 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important


Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I was dissatisfied with my job description or assignment (e.g., responsibilities, grade level, or subject area). 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
MVITR Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR'S SCHOOL: Because I was being involuntarily transferred and did not want the offered assignment. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

MVDES Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL: Because I was dissatisfied with changes in my job description or responsibilities at last year’s school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

MVGSU Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL: Because I was dissatisfied with the grade level or subject area I taught at last year’s school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

MVSAL Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL: Because my salary did not allow me to meet my financial obligations (e.g., rent, loans, credit card payments). 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important



Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I wanted or needed a higher salary. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
MVLIV Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL: Because I wanted a higher standard of living than my salary provided. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

MVMST Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL: Because I did not feel prepared to mainstream special needs (e.g., disabled) students in my regular classes at last year’s school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

MVINT Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL: Because I felt that there were too many intrusions on my teaching time (i.e., time spent with students) at last year’s school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I felt that there were too many intrusions on my teaching time at last year’s school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
deleted example in question text

Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I wanted the opportunity to teach at my current school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
MVADM Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL: Because I was dissatisfied with the administrator(s) at last year’s school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important



Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I was dissatisfied with the administration at last year's school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
MVSUP Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL: Because I was dissatisfied with the lack of support I received from the administration at last year’s school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

MVAIM Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL: Because I was dissatisfied with how student assessments and school accountability measures impacted my teaching at last year’s school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important



Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL. Because I was dissatisfied with how student assessments/school accountability measures impacted my teaching or curriculum at last year's school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important
MVACU Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL: Because I was dissatisfied with the influence student assessments had on the curriculum at last year’s school. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

MVAOT Indicate the level of importance EACH of the following played in your decision to leave LAST YEAR’S SCHOOL: Because I was dissatisfied with other aspects of accountability measures at last year’s school not included above. 1=Not at all important
2=Slightly important
3=Somewhat important
4=Very important
5=Extremely important

TEMAC This school year, what is your MAIN teaching assignment field at your CURRENT school? Code enter code from Table 1 This school year (2010-11), what is your MAIN teaching assignment field at your CURRENT school? Code enter code from Teaching Assignment Field table added year reference
TEMAN This school year, what is your MAIN teaching assignment field at your CURRENT school? Field enter field from Table 1 This school year (2010-11), what is your MAIN teaching assignment field at your CURRENT school? Field enter field from Teaching Assignment Field table added year reference
TEMAN This school year, what is your MAIN teaching assignment field at your CURRENT school? Other, please specify write-in This school year (2010-11), what is your MAIN teaching assignment field at your CURRENT school? Other, please specify write-in added year reference
TEGPK - TEGUG Do you TEACH students in this grade at your CURRENT school? 1=Yes
Do you TEACH students in the following grades at your CURRENT school? 1=Yes
changed from "in this grade" to "in the following grades"
TEHQT This school year, are you a Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) according to your state’s requirements? (Generally, to be Highly Qualified, teachers must 1) have a bachelor’s degree; 2) hold full state certification or licensure, including an "alternative certification"; and 3) demonstrate competency in the subject area(s) they teach. The HQT requirement is a provision under No Child Left Behind [NCLB].) 1=Yes
2= No
This school year (2010-11), are you a Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT) according to your state’s requirements? (Generally, to be Highly Qualified, teachers must 1) have a bachelor’s degree; 2) hold full state certification or licensure, including an "alternative certification"; and 3) demonstrate competency in the subject area(s) they teach. The HQT requirement is a provision under No Child Left Behind [NCLB].) 1=Yes
added year references to question text
TEQTA Do you meet your state’s requirements for a Highly Qualified Teacher in at least one subject that you teach this school year? 1=Yes
2= No
Do you meet your state’s requirements for a Highly Qualified Teacher in at least one subject that you teach this school year (2010-11)? 1=Yes
added year references to question text
ACTCO During this school year, will you (or have you) - Coach a sport? 1=Yes
During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Coach a sport? 1=Yes
added year references to question text
ACTSG During this school year, will you (or have you) - Sponsor any student groups, clubs, or organizations? 1=Yes
During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Sponsor any student groups, clubs, or organizations? 1=Yes
added year references to question text
ACTDP During this school year, will you (or have you) - Serve as a department lead or chair? 1=Yes
During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Serve as a department lead or chair? 1=Yes
added year references to question text
ACTCM During this school year, will you (or have you) - Serve on a school-wide or district-wide committee or task force? 1=Yes
During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Serve on a school-wide or district-wide committee or task force? 1=Yes
added year references to question text
ACTSU During this school year, will you (or have you) - Serve as a coach/consultant in a particular subject? 1=Yes
During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Serve as a coach/consultant in a particular subject? 1=Yes
added year references to question text
ACTMN During this school year, will you (or have you) - Serve as a mentor coordinator in your school or district? 1=Yes
During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Serve as a mentor coordinator in your school or district? 1=Yes
added year references to question text
ACTUN During this school year, will you (or have you) - Serve in a teacher union leadership position? 1=Yes
During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Serve in a teacher union leadership position? 1=Yes
added year references to question text
ACTPR During this school year, will you (or have you) - Give a presentation at a professional conference? 1=Yes
During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Give a presentation at a professional conference? 1=Yes
added year references to question text
ACTLD During this school year, will you (or have you) - Participate in any other leadership activity at your school or district? 1=Yes
During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Participate in any other leadership activity at your school or district? 1=Yes
added year references to question text
ACTSP During this school year, will you (or have you) - Participate in any other leadership activity? Other, please specify write-in During this school year (2010-11), will you (or have you) - Participate in any other leadership activity? Other, please specify write-in added year references to question text
CERTI After December 31, 2008, did you complete a teacher preparation program leading to your initial teaching certificate? 1=Yes
2= No
Have you completed a teacher preparation program leading to your initial teaching certificate? 1=Yes, completed the program
2=No, currently enrolled in the program
3=No, left the program before completing it
removed reference to date; changed response categories from yes/no

Did you complete this teacher preparation program after December 31, 2009? 1=Yes
CERFI For your main teaching assignment have you-
--Received an in-state teaching certificate in this field?
For your main teaching assignment have you-
--Received an in-state teaching certificate in this field?
3=Not applicable, I'm a private school teacher
added option for private school teachers in response options
RENCT After December 31, 2008 did you
-- Renew your teaching certificate?
Between December 31, 2009 and December 31, 2010 did you
-- Renew your teaching certificate?
3=Not applicable
restricted year reference to 1 year
ENDOR After December 31, 2008 did you
--Add a content area, field, or grade levels to your teaching certificate?
(These additions to existing, valid certifications may be termed endorsements, authorizations, additional areas, or extensions.)
Between December 31, 2009 and December 31, 2010 did you
--Add a content area, field, or grade levels to your teaching certificate?
(These additions to existing, valid certifications may be termed endorsements, authorizations, additional areas, or extensions.)
restricted year reference to 1 year
ADDEG After December 31, 2008 did you
--Complete a master’s degree, educational specialist degree or professional diploma, doctoral degree (Ph.D., Ed.D), or professional degree (M.D., J.D., D.D.S.)?
Between December 31, 2009 and December 31, 2010 did you
--Complete a master’s degree, educational specialist degree or professional diploma, doctoral degree (Ph.D., Ed.D), or professional degree (M.D., J.D., D.D.S.)?
restricted year reference to 1 year

to reduce respondent burden we added a "coder" where respondents can search for their college based on write-in variables such as city, state, county and school name. The data from this "coder" is from IPEDS.
ENCOU During the summer of 2009 or the 2009-10 school year, have you enrolled in any individual courses that are not part of a program leading to a degree or certificate at a college or university? 1=yes



After the 2009-10 school year, have you enrolled in any courses (degree program, certificate, or non-degree) at a college or university? 1=Yes
REACO Which of the following best describes the reason you enrolled in these courses? 1=To obtain or for use in a K-12 teaching position
2=To obtain or for use in a position in the FIELD OF EDUCATION but NOT AS A K-12 TEACHER
3=To obtain or for use in a position OUTSIDE THE FIELD OF EDUCATION
4= For reasons unrelated to obtaining or using in a job (e.g., personal fulfillment)
Which of the following best describes the reason you completed a degree or enrolled in courses (degree program, certificate, or non-degree)? 1=To obtain or for use in a pre-K-12 teaching position
2=To obtain or for use in a position in the FIELD OF EDUCATION but NOT AS A PRE-K-12 TEACHER
3=To obtain or for use in a position OUTSIDE THE FIELD OF EDUCATION
4=For reasons unrelated to obtaining or using in a job (e.g., personal fulfillment)
added examples

DURING THE CURRENT SCHOOL YEAR, what is your academic year base teaching salary? 1= less than $30,000
2= $30,000-34,999
3= $35,000-39,999
4= $40,000-44,999
5= $45,000-49,999
6= $50,000 or more
new item asked of respondents who refuse to report exact salary
BIRTM Please correct any errors in your year of birth and provide the month and day. Month write-in

BIRTD Please correct any errors in your year of birth and provide the month and day. Day write-in


Are you male or female? 1 = Male
2 = Female
SPYOU How many people did you (and your spouse/partner) support between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010?
*Please include yourself, spouse/partner, and those who received more than half of their support from you.
*If none, please mark (X) the “None” box.
pre-filled - 1

SPSPO How many people did you (and your spouse/partner) support between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010?
*Please include yourself, spouse/partner, and those who received more than half of their support from you.
*If none, please mark (X) the “None” box.
Your spouse/partner, including former spouses that you support
0=none or write-in number

SPLT5 How many people did you (and your spouse/partner) support between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010?
*Please include yourself, spouse/partner, and those who received more than half of their support from you.
*If none, please mark (X) the “None” box.
Children younger than 5 years of age
0=none or write-in number

SP518 How many people did you (and your spouse/partner) support between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010?
*Please include yourself, spouse/partner, and those who received more than half of their support from you.
*If none, please mark (X) the “None” box.
Children ages 5 through 17
0=none or write-in number

SP18P How many people did you (and your spouse/partner) support between July 1, 2009 and June 30, 2010?
*Please include yourself, spouse/partner, and those who received more than half of their support from you.
*If none, please mark (X) the “None” box.
Children/parents/others 18 years of age or older not already counted
0=none or write-in number


Including yourself, how many family members were living in your household or were financially dependent on you (or your spouse) during 2010? write-in new

How many family members counted in the previous item were 4 years of age or younger? write-in new
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