Pre-Compliance Reporting (refiners and importers)

Fuel Quality Regulations for Diesel Fuel Sold in 2001 & Later Years; Tax-Exempt (Dyed) Highway Diesel Fuel; and Non-Road Locomotive & Marine Diesel Fuel (Renewal)

Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Sulfur Pre-Compliance Report Instruction

Pre-Compliance Reporting (refiners and importers)

OMB: 2060-0308

Document [pdf]
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Facility Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Sulfur Annual Report Instructions
OMB Control No. Pending Expires Pending

Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Sulfur Pre-Compliance Report
Report Form ID: DSF0900
Use Overhead ID: OH-DSF01

Issue Date: 04/17/2003

Use Spreadsheet Templates: DSF0900.xls, DSF0900.123
A separate Pre-Compliance report must be submitted for each facility refining or importing motor vehicle
diesel fuel after June 1, 2006. Additional information required under 40 CFR 80.594 must be submitted as
a supplement to this form – this includes information regarding engineering plans, permit status, small
refiner requirements, GPA refiner requirements, etc. To facilitate EPA’s report on generalized PADD
Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel data, please submit an electronic copy of this report via e-mail or on floppy
diskette or CD. Supplemental information also may be submitted electonically or it may be submitted in
hard copy. See contact and address information at the end of these instructions for a variety of
submission options.

Field Name


Field Formats, Codes, & Special Instructions


2006 Compliance
Period 15 ppm
Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. The 2006 compliance period is
from 6/1/2006 to 12/31/2006. Estimate Production/ Import
volume of 15 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel produced
from crude.


2007 Compliance
Period 15 ppm
Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. Estimate annual 2007 Production/
Import volume of 15 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel
produced from crude.


2008 Compliance
Period 15 ppm
Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. Estimate annual 2008 Production/
Import volume of 15 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel
produced from crude.


2009 Compliance
Period 15 ppm
Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. Estimate annual 2009 Production/
Import volume of 15 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel
produced from crude.


2010 Compliance
Period 15 ppm
Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. The 2010 compliance period is
from 1/1/2010 to 5/31/2010. Estimate Production/ Import
volume of 15 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel produced
from crude.


2006 Compliance
Period 15 ppm
non-Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. The 2006 compliance period is
from 6/1/2006 to 12/31/2006. Estimate Production/ Import
volume of 15 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel produced
from sources other than crude.


2007 Compliance
Period 15 ppm
non-Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. Estimate annual 2007 Production/
Import volume of 15 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel
produced from sources other than crude.


2008 Compliance
Period 15 ppm
non-Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. Estimate annual 2008 Production/
Import volume of 15 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel
produced from sources other than crude.

Page 1

Facility Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Sulfur Annual Report Instructions
OMB Control No. Pending Expires Pending

Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Sulfur Pre-Compliance Report
Report Form ID: DSF0900
Use Overhead ID: OH-DSF01

Issue Date: 04/17/2003


2009 Compliance
Period 15 ppm
non-Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. Estimate annual 2009 Production/
Import volume of 15 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel
produced from sources other than crude.


2010 Compliance
Period 15 ppm
non-Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. The 2010 compliance period is
from 1/1/2010 to 5/31/2010. Estimate Production/ Import
volume of 15 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel produced
from sources other than crude.


2006 Compliance
Period 500 ppm
Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. The 2006 compliance period is
from 6/1/2006 to 12/31/2006. Estimate Production/ Import
volume of 500 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel produced
from crude.


2007 Compliance
Period 500 ppm
Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. Estimate annual 2007 Production/
Import volume of 500 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel
produced from crude.


2008 Compliance
Period 500 ppm
Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. Estimate annual 2008 Production/
Import volume of 500 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel
produced from crude.


2009 Compliance
Period 500 ppm
Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. Estimate annual 2009 Production/
Import volume of 500 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel
produced from crude.


2010 Compliance
Period 500 ppm
Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. The 2010 compliance period is
from 1/1/2010 to 5/31/2010. Estimate Production/ Import
volume of 500 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel produced
from crude.


2006 Compliance
Period 500 ppm
non-Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. The 2006 compliance period is
from 6/1/2006 to 12/31/2006. Estimate Production/ Import
volume of 500 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel produced
from sources other than crude.


2007 Compliance
Period 500 ppm
non-Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. Estimate annual 2007 Production
/Import volume of 500 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel
produced from sources other than crude.


2008 Compliance
Period 500 ppm
non-Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. Estimate annual 2008 Production/
Import volume of 500 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel
produced from sources other than crude.


2009 Compliance
Period 500 ppm
non-Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. Estimate annual 2009 Production/
Import volume of 500 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel
produced from sources other than crude.

Page 2

Facility Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Sulfur Annual Report Instructions
OMB Control No. Pending Expires Pending

Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Sulfur Pre-Compliance Report
Report Form ID: DSF0900
Use Overhead ID: OH-DSF01

Issue Date: 04/17/2003


2010 Compliance
Period 500 ppm
non-Crude Volume


9999999999; Number. The 2010 compliance period is
from 1/1/2010 to 5/31/2010. Estimate Production/ Import
volume of 500 ppm Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel produced
from sources other than crude.


2006 Credit


999999999; Number. If participating in the Temporary
Compliance Option, Estimate Credits Generated during
the 2006 compliance period. The 2006 compliance period
is from 6/1/2006 to 12/31/2006.


2007 Credit


999999999; Number. If participating in the Temporary
Compliance Option, Estimate Credits Generated during
the 2007 compliance period.


2008 Credit


999999999; Number. If participating in the Temporary
Compliance Option, Estimate Credits Generated during
the 2008 compliance period.


2009 Credit


999999999; Number. If participating in the Temporary
Compliance Option, Estimate Credits Generated during
the 2009 compliance period.


2006 Credit Use


999999999; Number. If participating in the Temporary
Compliance Option, Estimate Credits Used during the
2006 compliance period. The 2006 compliance period is
from 6/1/2006 to 12/31/2006.


2007 Credit Use


999999999; Number. If participating in the Temporary
Compliance Option, Estimate Credits Used during the
2007 compliance\ period.


2008 Credit Use


999999999; Number. If participating in the Temporary
Compliance Option, Estimate Credits Used during the
2008 compliance period.


2009 Credit Use


999999999; Number. If participating in the Temporary
Compliance Option, Estimate Credits Used during the
2009 compliance period.


2010 Credit Use


999999999; Number. If participating in the Temporary
Compliance Option, Estimate Credits Used during the
2010 compliance period. The 2010 compliance period is
from 1/1/2010 to 5/31/2010.

Electronic Submission Sample Record:

Page 3

Facility Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Sulfur Annual Report Instructions
OMB Control No. Pending Expires Pending

Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Sulfur Pre-Compliance Report
Report Form ID: DSF0900
Use Overhead ID: OH-DSF01

Issue Date: 04/17/2003

Contact Information and Submitting Motor Vehicle Diesel Fuel Sulfur Pre-Compliance Reports
Submissions via e-mail, please send electronic reports to:
Chris McKenna
[email protected]
Submissions via U.S. mail, please send to:
MVDF Pre-Compliance Reporting (6406J)
1200 Pennsylvania Ave. NW
Washington, DC 20460
Submissions via overnight or courier service, please send to:
Attn: MVDF Pre-Compliance Reporting - Chris McKenna
Rm. 5402F
Phone: (202) 564-9037
501 Third Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001

Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
The public reporting and recordkeeping burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 30
minutes per response. Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources expended by persons to
generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the
time needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize technology and systems for the
purposes of collecting, validating, and verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and
disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to comply with any previously applicable
instructions and requirements; train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; search
data sources; complete and review the collection of information; and transmit or otherwise disclose the
information. An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a
collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
Send comments on the Agency's need for this information, the accuracy of the provided burden estimates,
and any suggested methods for minimizing respondent burden, including through the use of automated
collection techniques to the Director, Collection Strategies Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(2822), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Washington, D.C. 20460. Include the OMB control number in any
correspondence. Do not send the completed form to this address.

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleF:\EPA\FlatFile\HighwayDieselSulfur\DSF0900.wpd
File Modified2003-04-24
File Created2003-04-24

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