Student Interview

2011-12 National Postsecondary Student Aid Study (NPSAS:12) Full Scale Lists and Contacting

Appendix H NPSAS12 FS Student Interview 020912

Student Interview

OMB: 1850-0666

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Appendix H

Revised Items from Field Test, TRP, and Cognitive Interviews................................................... 7
Full Facsimile of Full-Scale Interview........................................................................................ 43
Front End .............................................................................................................................. 43
END1TEXT ....................................................................................................................... 44
Enrollment ............................................................................................................................ 45
N12ELIG ........................................................................................................................... 45
N12EXPBA........................................................................................................................ 66
Education Experiences ......................................................................................................... 70
N12APIBCOLL .................................................................................................................. 71
N12DECIDEMAJ ............................................................................................................... 73
N12MJCHGNUM ............................................................................................................... 74
N12ONLINEPGM .............................................................................................................. 78
N12SRVUSE ..................................................................................................................... 80
N12SRVIMPT .................................................................................................................... 80
N12FUTRWAGES ............................................................................................................. 83
N12EDBENEFTS .............................................................................................................. 83
Financial Aid ......................................................................................................................... 84
N12REFUND1 ................................................................................................................... 88
N12REFUND2 ................................................................................................................... 88
N12OUTST ....................................................................................................................... 88
N12AVOIDLNS ................................................................................................................. 91
N12UNMETNEED ............................................................................................................. 91
N12NEEDAMTUG ............................................................................................................. 91
Current Employment ............................................................................................................. 96
N12PRVJOB ..................................................................................................................... 98
N12PRVWAGE ................................................................................................................. 99
N12PRVHRSWK ............................................................................................................... 99
N12PRVMTHYR................................................................................................................ 99
Income and Expenses ........................................................................................................ 101
N12PARHELP ................................................................................................................. 105
N12PARAMT................................................................................................................... 105
N12PARAMT2 ................................................................................................................. 105
N12FAMAMT .................................................................................................................. 106

Page 1

N12FAMAMT2 ................................................................................................................ 106
N12BANK1 ...................................................................................................................... 107
N12BANK2 ...................................................................................................................... 107
N12DSCT250 .................................................................................................................. 112
N12DSCT300 .................................................................................................................. 112
N12DSCT350 .................................................................................................................. 112
N12DSCT400 .................................................................................................................. 112
N12DSCT450 .................................................................................................................. 112
N12DSCT500 .................................................................................................................. 112
Background ........................................................................................................................ 112
N12MOMED .................................................................................................................... 116
N12DADED ..................................................................................................................... 117
N12SIBCL ....................................................................................................................... 117
N12MILIT ........................................................................................................................ 117
N12MAIN ........................................................................................................................ 118
N12EXTERNAL ............................................................................................................... 118
Locating .............................................................................................................................. 119
N12CELLPRO ................................................................................................................. 126
Incentives ........................................................................................................................... 127
EndSection ......................................................................................................................... 128
Help Text ............................................................................................................................ 128

Page 2

Table 1.

Summary of interview revisions





Front End

New: Added "other/specify" textbox to
END1TEXT for cell phone service provider not
in the dropdown list

Contacting information

Added "other/specify" textbox that will allow
respondents who have opted-in text message
recontacting to list their cell-phone carrier if not on
a pre-populated list


New: Added new study abroad response
option to N12ELIG

Enrollment at NPSAS during
NPSAS year

Added a response option to N12ELIG that allows
respondents to indicate they are studying abroad
for the entire 2011-2012 school year, appropriately
routing them through the interview.


N12NXTDEG, N12TRNLIKEB. Replaced with:

Bachelor's degree completion
for associate's degree

Replaced field test set of 4 questions with single
question for full scale

Education Experiences

Removed: N12AP1, N12AP2, N12AP3A,
N12AP3B, N12IB1, N12IB2, N12COLLCR.
Replaced with: N12APIBCOLL

AP/IB/College credit in high

Replaced field test set of 7 questions with single
question for full scale

Education Experiences


Decision on major

Added to improve interview experience. Asked of
students who report they have not yet officially
declared their major, N12DECIDEMAJ provides a
way to route students who are truly undecided
around the major coder while allowing other
respondents to report their intended major.

Education Experiences

Removed: N12FLDCOMB, N12MJ1COMB,
and N12MJ2COMB

Likelihood of completing degree
in major/field of study

Removed field test set of 3 questions

Education Experiences

Removed: N12MAJCHG and N12CHGNUM.
Replaced with: N12MJCHGNUM

Number of times changed major

Combined field test questions into a single question
for full scale

Education Experiences

Removed: N12CROWD1, N12CROWD2, and

Crowding out of classes

Removed field test set of 3 questions

Education Experiences

Returned to survey: N12ONLINEPGM

Entire degree program online

Item asked in NPSAS:08; added back to
NPSAS:12 full-scale

Education Experiences

Revised: N12SRVUSE

Services used at NPSAS school

Reduced and consolidated response options

Education Experiences

Revised: N12SRVIMPT

Importance of services used

Eliminated frequency variable for each service
used and consolidated response options to match

Page 3





Education Experiences

and N12OCCWAGEL. Replaced with:

Expected wage in future

Replaced 3 field test questions with single question
for full scale

Education Experiences

Removed: N12LIFECHNG and
N12CHNGWAYS. Replaced with:

Non-monetary benefits of

Replaced 2 field test questions with single question
for full scale

Financial Aid


NPSAS issued tuition refund

Added question per request from the Office of the
Under Secretary

Financial Aid


Refund cashed or deposited

Added question per request from the Office of the
Under Secretary

Financial Aid

Returned to survey: N12OUTST

Pay out-of-state or out-of-district

Item asked in NPSAS:08; added back to
NPSAS:12 full-scale

Financial Aid

Removed: N12TOINTEN and N12TOCOST.
Replaced with: N12AVOIDLNS

Loan avoidance

Replaced 2 field test questions with single question
for full scale

Financial Aid

Removed: N12DCLWHY, N12DCLN2K,
N12LN2KNO, N12LNED1K, and N12LNV1K.
Replaced with: N12UNMETNEED and

Unmet need and amount of
unmet need

Replaced 5 field test questions with 2 questions for
full scale

Financial Aid

Removed: N12CSTBKS

Cost of books and supplies

Removed question. Item asked in student records.

Financial Aid

Removed: N12CSTEXP

Expected cost of attendance

Removed field test question

Financial Aid

Removed: N12ASST, N12ASMAJR,

Undergraduate assistantship

Removed 8 field test questions

Current Employment

some respondents instead of asking them

Job prior to attending NPSAS

In the field test, all FTBS received the same jobs
questions. In the full scale, nontraditional FTBS will
be asked the set of "previous job" questions in
place of the "alternate job" questions asked of
traditional FTBs (which will also remain in the full
scale survey).

Current Employment


Effects of working during the
school year

Removed field test question

Income and Expenses

Removed: N12FLNUSETYP and

Categorization of federal and
private loan use

Removed 2 field test questions

Income and Expenses


Parent financial help for college

Added three questions to full scale in order to
distinguish parent help from help other family

Page 4





Income and Expenses

Removed: N12FAMHLPORD. Replaced with:

Financial assistance received
from family/friends

Added two simplified questions for full scale in
place of field test question

Income and Expenses

Removed: N12CCUSEORD

Categorization of credit card use

Removed field test question

Income and Expenses

New: N12BANK1

Checking/savings account

Added question per request from the Office of the
Under Secretary

Income and Expenses

New: N12BANK2

Checking/savings account name

Added question per request from the Office of the
Under Secretary

Income and Expenses

Removed: N12DISCOUNTA/B/C/D. Replaced
with: N12DSCT250-N12DSCT500.

Discount rate

Replaced 4 field test slider discount rate questions
with titration discount rate set


Removed: N12FFLANGB

Current foreign language use

Removed field test question


Removed: N12GUARDED. Replaced with:

Parents' highest level of

Revised field test question wording into two
separate questions for full scale and consolidated
and revised response options for parent
relationship to more closely match FAFSA and
NPSAS:08 survey questions


Returned to survey: N12SIBCL

Sibling in college first

Item asked in NPSAS:04; added back to
NPSAS:12 full scale


Revised: N12MILIT

Military status

Revised to include National Guard response option


Removed: N12MILST

Serving on active duty

Removed field test question


Removed: N12ACS17C and N12ACS18

Dressing/bathing and doing
errands alone disability items

Removed two field test questions


Returned to survey: N12MAIN

Main type of disability

Item asked in NPSAS:08; added back to
NPSAS:12 full scale


Added to survey: N12EXTERNAL

Participation in future studies

Item added to seek non-FTB respondents’ active
consent for re-contacting in the event NCES
authorizes a qualified external researcher to invite
sample members to participate in a follow-on study.



Verify parents' address

Item was added after field test but determined to
not be useful for full scale survey. Previous
methods of parent address collection are more

Page 5






New: Added "other/specify" textbox to
N12CELLPRO for cell phone service provider
not in the dropdown list

Contacting information

Added "other/specify" textbox that will allow
respondents who have opted-in text message
recontacting to list their cell-phone carrier if not on
a pre-populated list

Page 6

Revised Items from Field Test, TRP, and Cognitive Interviews
Original and Revised NPSAS:12 Student Interview Items

Green = Deleted item
Yellow = New or revised item

Section: Front End
Construct: Contacting information
New single “other/specify” item for full scale:
Question Name END1TEXT
Please provide a cell phone number and the name of your cell phone service provider
so that we can send you a text message reminder to complete the NPSAS survey.
Spec Name
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option

Cell phone number:
Response Option Details
Response Option Details
Response Option Details
Cell phone service provider:
Response Option Details
Please provide the name of your cell phone service provider:
Response Option Details

Section: Enrollment
Construct: Enrollment at NPSAS during NPSAS year
New item for study-abroad respondents:
Spec Name





[If T_B4JULY = 1] Have you attended [Y_NPSCHL] at any time between July 1, 2011
and today? (Select Yes if you have attended [Y_NPSCHL] at any time between July
2011 and today, even if you are not currently attending.) [else] Did you attend
[Y_NPSCHL] at any time between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012?


Spec Name
Item Name



Yes, but [if T_B4JULY=1: studying/else:
studied] abroad for the entire 2011-2012
school year
Yes, but also still attending high school
Don't know

Page 7

Section: Enrollment
Construct: Bachelor’s degree completion for associate’s degree respondents
Removed below 4 field test questions:
Question Name N12FINISH
Do you intend to complete your associate's degree at [Y_NPSCHL] or at another
Spec Name Value

Item Name N12FINISH
Response Code
At a school other than
I do not intend to complete my
associate's degree
Question Name N12DEGELSE
You indicated you do not intend to finish your associate's degree program. Do you
intend to complete a bachelor's degree program within a year?
Spec Name Value

Item Name N12DEGELSE
Response Code
Question Name N12NXTDEG
After completing your associate’s degree, do you intend to begin a bachelor’s degree
program within one year?
Spec Name Value

Item Name N12NXTDEG
Response Code
Question Name N12TRNLIKEB
On a scale from 0-10, how likely do you think it is that you will successfully transfer
from [Y_NPSCHL] to complete your [T_DEGREN]?
If you would like to, you can use a decimal value such as a 3.5 or a 6.5 to answer this
question or any question in the interview that is on a 0-10 scale.
Spec Name

Item Name
Item Name
Item Name

Response Option Details
Response Option Details
Page 8



New single replacement question for full scale:
Question Name N12EXPBA
Do you plan to continue on to a bachelor's degree program within five years from now?
(A bachelor's degree is usually awarded by a 4-year college or university and usually
requires at least 4 years of full-time, college-level work.)

Spec Name
Item Name



Section: Education Experiences
Construct: AP/IB/College credit in high school
Removed below 7 field test questions:
Question N12AP1

While in high school, did you take any Advanced Placement (AP) courses or Advanced
Placement exams?
(Advanced placement (AP) exams are those offered in specialized study areas such as
biology or chemistry, and credit earned by these exams may be accepted by colleges. We
will ask you about any credits earned in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program next.)


Spec Name
Item Name



Question N12AP2
Wording While in high school, how many...
(If you did not take any AP courses or exams while in high school, enter a "0" in each of the
boxes below.)

Spec Name
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option

AP courses did you take?
Response Option Details
AP exams did you score a 3 or greater on?
Response Option Details

Question N12AP3A
Wording For the AP exam on which you scored a 3 or greater, did [Y_NPSCHL]...
Spec Name
Item Name


Page 9

Item Name

Use it only to place you in a higher level course, but not give academic credit for it?
Award you academic credit?

Question N12AP3B
Wording For how many of the [N12APNUMEXM] AP exams on which you scored a 3 or greater did
Spec Name
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option

Place you in a higher level course, but not award you any academic credit
Response Option Details
Award you academic credit
Response Option Details
Neither place you in a higher level course nor award you any academic credit
Response Option Details
Response Option Details

Question N12IB1
Wording While in high school, did you participate in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma
Spec Name
Item Name



Question N12IB2
Wording Were you awarded the IB diploma?
Spec Name
Item Name



Question N12COLLCR
Wording While in high school, did you take any college-level courses for which you earned college
Spec Name
Item Name



New single replacement question for full scale:
Question Name N12APIBCOLL
While in high school, did you take any...
Page 10


Spec Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name

Advanced Placement (AP) courses?
International Baccalaureate (IB) courses?
College-level courses, not including AP or IB, for which you earned college credit?

Section: Education Experiences
Construct: Decision on major
New question for full scale:
Question Name N12DECIDEMAJ
Have you decided what your major will be?
Spec Name
Item Name




Section: Education Experiences
Construct: Likelihood of completing degree in major/field of study
Removed below 3 field test questions:



Spec Name




Spec Name



You just told [if web: us/if TIO: me] you were studying [T_CLSTY] during the most recent
term you attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2010-2011 school year. On a scale from 0-10, how
likely is it that you will finish a degree in [T_CLSTY]?

On a scale from 0-10, how likely is it that you will finish your [T_DEGREN] in your field of

Page 11


On a scale from 0-10, how likely is it that you will finish your [T_DEGREN] in your field of


Spec Name


Section: Education Experiences
Construct: AP/IB/College credit in high school
Removed below 2 field test questions:
Question N12MAJCHG
[If T_CURENR = 1]
Have you ever formally changed your major at [Y_NPSCHL]?
Did you ever formally change your major at [Y_NPSCHL]?
Spec Name
Item Name
Question N12CHGNUM
Have you changed your major...
Spec Name
Item Name
More than once

New single replacement question for full scale:
Question Name N12MJCHGNUM
[If T_CURENR = 1] How many times have you formally changed your major at
[Y_NPSCHL]? [else] How many times did you formally change your major at
Spec Name
Item Name


More than one

Section: Education Experiences
Construct: Crowding out of classes
Removed below 3 field test questions:
Wording In your first year at [Y_NPSCHL], were there any required classes you needed to take but

Page 12

couldn't because the classes were already full or not offered at all?

Spec Name
Item Name



Wording How many required classes were you unable to take?
Spec Name
Item Name
Response Option Response Option Details

Wording What changes did you make in your course schedule when you were unable to take the
required classes during your first year?
Spec Name
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option

Registered for a different required class
Response Option Details
Registered for a different class that was not a requirement
Response Option Details
Took fewer classes
Response Option Details
Response Option Details
Please specify:
Response Option Details

Section: Education Experiences
Construct: Entire degree program online
Question returned to survey from NPSAS:08 full scale:
Question Name N12ONLINEPGM
[If T_CURENR=1]: Is your entire [T_DEGREN] program at [Y_NPSCHL] online? [Else]:
When you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2011-2012 school year, was your
entire [T_DEGREN] program online?
Spec Name
Item Name



Section: Education Experiences
Construct: Services used at NPSAS school
Highlighted items from field test removed for full scale
Question N12SRVUSE
Page 13


Which of the following services at [Y_NPSCHL] did you use in the 2010-2011 school year?
(Visiting, emailing, or in any way communicating with and receiving information or help from
an office or department at [Y_NPSCHL] that offers a particular service counts as use of that


Spec Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name

Financial aid services
Academic support services (for example, tutoring or writing centers)
Academic advising
Career planning or job placement services
Personal counseling services
Student health services
Childcare services
Services for veterans
Other service not mentioned
Please specify:
Did not use any services

Revised version for full scale:
Question Name N12SRVUSE
Which of the following school services have you used in the 2011-2012 school year?
(Visiting, emailing, or in any way communicating with and receiving information or help
from a school office or department that offers a particular service counts as use of that
service. Do not include use of these services while in high school.)

Spec Name
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option

Financial aid counseling or advice
Response Option Details
Academic support services (for example, tutoring or writing centers)
Response Option Details
Academic advising (for example, guidance with planning for courses)
Response Option Details
Career planning or job placement services
Response Option Details
Student health services, including personal counseling services
Response Option Details
Did not use any services
Response Option Details

Page 14

Section: Education Experiences
Construct: Importance of services used
Highlighted items from field test removed for full scale:
Question N12SRVMATRX

How often did you use each of the following services, and how important was each of these
services in your decision to stay at [Y_NPSCHL]?


Spec Name
Item Name

Item Name

Item Name

Item Name

Item Name

Item Name

Financial aid services
-Select one1
Every term
-Select one1
Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
Academic support services (for example, tutoring or writing centers)
-Select one1
Every term
Academic advising

-Select oneNot at all important
Somewhat important
Very important



-Select oneOnce
Every term

Page 15


Item Name

Item Name

Item Name

Item Name

Item Name

Item Name

Item Name

-Select one1
Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
Career planning or job placement services
-Select one1
Every term
-Select one1
Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
Personal counseling services
-Select one1
Every term
-Select one1
Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
Student health services
-Select one1
Every term
Childcare services

-Select oneNot at all important
Somewhat important
Very important

-Select oneOnce
Every term

Page 16

Item Name

Item Name

Item Name



-Select one1
Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
Services for veterans
-Select one1
Every term

-Select oneNot at all important
Somewhat important
Very important

Revised version for full scale:
Question Name N12SRVIMPT
[If only one service chosen on N12SRVUSE] How important was this service in your
decision to stay in school? [else] How important was each of these services in your
decision to stay in school?
Spec Name
Item Name

Item Name

Item Name

Item Name

Financial aid counseling or advice
Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
Academic support services
Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
Academic advising
Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
Career planning or job placement services

Page 17


Item Name

Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important
Student health services (including personal counseling services)
Not at all important
Somewhat important
Very important

Section: Education Experiences
Construct: Expected wage in future occupation
Removed below 3 field test questions:
Wording How much do you think your yearly salary will be after you are finished with your education?
Provide your best guess if you are unsure of the amount.
Spec Name
Item Name
$ |.00 per year
Response Option Response Option Details

Wording What is the least amount of money you would reasonably expect to make each year when you
are finished with your education? (Provide your best guess if you are unsure of the amount.)
Spec Name
Item Name
$ |.00 per year
Response Option Response Option Details

Wording What is the most amount of money you would reasonably expect to make each year when you
are finished with your education? (Provide your best guess if you are unsure of the amount.)
Spec Name
Item Name
$ |.00 per year
Response Option Response Option Details

New single replacement question for full scale:
Question Name N12FUTRWAGES
[If N12INTENDJOB=1 and N12EXJBTL ne missing] or [if N12CMPDGN=1 and
N12EXJBTL ne missing]: [If TIO: I /else: We] have some questions about the range of
salary you expected to make once you began working in a(n) [N12EXJBTL] job. What

Page 18

was... [else if (N12INTENDJOB=1 and N12EXJBTL=missing) or (N12CMPDGN=1 and
N12EXJBTL=missing)]: [If TIO: I/else: We] have some questions about the range of
salary you expected to make once you finished your education. What was... [else if
N12EXJBTL ne missing]: [If TIO: I /else: We] have some questions about the range of
salary you expect to make once you begin working in a(n) [N12EXJBTL] job. What is...
[else] [If TIO: I/else: We] have some questions about the range of salary you expect
to make once you finish your education. What is...

Spec Name
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option

1. Your expected yearly salary: $|.00 per year
Response Option Details
2. Your highest expected yearly salary: $|.00 per year
Response Option Details
3. Your lowest expected yearly salary: $|.00 per year
Response Option Details

Section: Education Experiences
Construct: Non-monetary benefits of education
Removed below 2 field test questions:
Question N12LIFECHNG

Tell [if web: us/if TIO: me] how much you agree with this statement by providing a number
from 1 to 5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree." If you would like
to, you can use a decimal value such as a 2.5 or a 4.5 to answer this question. My life would
be better overall if I finished my [T_DEGREN].


Spec Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name


Question N12CHNGWAYS
Wording [If N12LIFECHNG in (3.5, 4, 4.5, 5)] In which of the following ways do you think your life
would be better if you finished your education? (Else) In which of the following ways do you
think your life would be worse if you finished your education?
Spec Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name

Choosing how and when you will complete important work tasks
Flexibility to make time for friends or family
Flexibility to make time for leisure pursuits
Being seen as an expert in your field
Helping others
Yearly income

Page 19

Item Name
Item Name

Other way not listed
Please tell us the other way:

Single replacement question for full scale:
Question Name N12EDBENEFTS
Salary may be only one part of why people choose a job. Compared to the salary, how
important is each of the following to you?
Spec Name
Item Name

Item Name

Item Name

Item Name

Item Name

Helping others as part of your job
Less important than salary
As important as salary
More important than salary
Being seen as an expert in your field
Less important than salary
As important as salary
More important than salary
Making your own decisions about how to get your work done
Less important than salary
As important as salary
More important than salary
Balancing work and leisure time
Less important than salary
As important as salary
More important than salary
Balancing work and family
Less important than salary
As important as salary
More important than salary

Section: Financial Aid
Construct: NPSAS issued tuition refund
New question for full scale:
Question Name N12REFUND1
[If N12RCVLN=0] After paying for your tuition and fees, did you or will you receive a
refund of any scholarships or grants from [Y_NPSCHL]? [Else]: After paying for your
tuition and fees, did you or will you receive a refund of any scholarships, grants, or
loans from [Y_NPSCHL]?
Spec Name
Item Name



Page 20

Section: Financial Aid
Construct: Refund cashed or deposited
New question for full scale:
Question Name N12REFUND2
Did you or will you...
Spec Name
Item Name




Ask your school to deposit the refund directly
to your bank or credit union account
Cash or deposit the refund check at a bank or
credit union yourself
Cash the refund check somewhere other than
a bank or credit union (example: a checkcashing business, grocery or convenience
Receive the refund on a prepaid debit card
Receive the refund through your student ID
Do something else not listed with the refund

Section: Financial Aid
Construct: Pay out-of-state or out-of-district tuition
Question returned to full scale survey from NPSAS:08 full scale survey:
Question Name N12OUTST
[If TCURENR = 1] At [Y_NPSCHL], are you charged for out-of-state or out-of-district
tuition or fees? [else] At [Y_NPSCHL], were you charged for out-of-state or out-ofdistrict tuition or fees?
Spec Name
Item Name



Section: Financial Aid
Construct: Loan avoidance
Removed below 2 field test questions:
Wording Did you choose to take fewer classes at [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2010-2011 school year as a
way to avoid taking out student loans?
Spec Name
Item Name



Page 21



Wording Did you choose to attend a school that cost you less as a way to avoid taking out student
Spec Name
Item Name



Single replacement question for full scale:
Question Name N12AVOIDLNS
[If N12FEDLN=1 or N12PRVLN=1] As a way to avoid taking out additional student
loans during the 2011-2012 school year, did you choose to... [else] As a way to avoid
taking out student loans during the 2011-2012 school year, did you choose to...
Spec Name
Item Name
Item Name
Item Name

Take fewer classes at [Y_NPSCHL]?
Attend a school that cost you less?
Get a job or work more hours?




Section: Financial Aid
Construct: Unmet need and amount of unmet need
Removed below 5 field test questions:
Wording Why were you concerned that you might not be able to repay the additional loan(s)?
Spec Name
Item Name






You aren't sure you'll finish your college
program, so you may not be able to get a job
that pays enough
You expect to finish your college program, but
you may not be able to find a job in your field
that pays enough
You expect to finish your college program, but
you worry that you won’t be able to find a job
in any field that pays enough
You expect to finish your college program, but
you don’t plan to work for pay after you're
You don’t yet know what you'll be doing after

Page 22

you finish college

Wording If you had been offered a $2,000 college loan, would you have accepted the loan?
Spec Name
Item Name



Wording What is the main reason why you wouldn't accept the additional loan?
Spec Name
Item Name


Your college costs are already covered with
money from other sources
You would be concerned that you might not be
able to repay the loan amount
You would not want more debt


Wording If you had been offered a $1,000 college loan to be used only for paying educational expenses
like tuition and books, would you have accepted the loan?
Spec Name
Item Name



Wording If you had been offered a $1,000 college loan to be used only for paying your living expenses
like food and rent, would you have accepted the loan?
Spec Name
Item Name



Two replacement questions for full scale:
Question Name N12UNMETNEED
[If N12RCVLN le 0]: Would you have borrowed money for the 2011-2012 school year if
you could have? [Else]: Would you have borrowed more money for the 2011-2012
school year if you could have?
Spec Name
Item Name



Question Name N12NEEDAMTUG
[If N12RCVLN le 0]: How much money would you have borrowed for the 2011-2012

Page 23

school year if you could have? [Else]: How much more money would you have
borrowed for the 2011-2012 school year if you could have?

Spec Name
Item Name


Less than $1,000
More than $4,000

Section: Financial Aid
Construct: Cost of books and supplies
Removed below field test question:
Wording [If T_AGE lt 24 and T_CURENR=1 ]
What was the total cost of your books and supplies for this term or semester at [Y_NPSCHL]?
Do not include the cost of tuition and fees in this number. (Report the total cost of all books
and supplies, even if someone else paid for your books and supplies. If you are unsure of the
amount, provide your best guess.)
[else if T_AGE lt 24 and T_CURENR=0 ]
What was the total cost of your books and supplies at [Y_NPSCHL] for the last term or
semester you attended there in the 2010-2011 school year? Do not include the cost of tuition
and fees in this number. (Report the total cost of all books and supplies, even if someone else
paid for your books and supplies. If you are unsure of the amount, provide your best guess.)
[else if T_CURENR=1]
What was the total cost of your books and supplies for this term or semester at [Y_NPSCHL]?
Do not include the cost of tuition and fees in this number. (If you are unsure of the amount,
provide your best guess.)
What was the total cost of your books and supplies at [Y_NPSCHL] for the last term or
semester you attended there in the 2010-2011 school year? Do not include the cost of tuition
and fees in this number. (If you are unsure of the amount, provide your best guess.)

Spec Name
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name
Response Option

$ |.00
Response Option Details
Cost of books and supplies were included in tuition
Response Option Details

Section: Financial Aid
Construct: Expected cost of attendance
Removed below field test question:
Page 24

Wording [If T_AGE lt 24 and T_CURENR=1]:
Overall, have you or your parents paid less, more, or about what you had planned on paying to
attend [Y_NPSCHL]?
[else if T_AGE lt 24 and T_CURENR=0 ]
Overall, did you or your parents pay less, more, or about what you had planned on paying to
attend [Y_NPSCHL] when you last attended there in the 2010-2011 school year?
[else if T_CURENR=1]
Overall, have you paid less, more, or about what you had planned on paying to attend
Overall, did you pay less, more, or about what you had planned on paying to attend
[Y_NPSCHL] when you last attended there in the 2010-2011 school year?

Spec Name
Item Name


Much less than expected
Less than expected
About what was expected
More than expected
Much more than expected

Section: Financial Aid
Construct: Undergraduate assistantship
Removed below 8 field test question:
Wording [if T_CURENR=1] During the 2010-2011 school year, have you had... [else] During the 20102011 school year, did you have... [All conditions include following definition] (An assistantship
is a school-related job for which you are paid, including such jobs as a research assistant or a
teaching assistant.)
Spec Name
Item Name
Item Name

A work-study job
An assistantship



Wording Create ltext fill: {if N12DBLMAJ = 3 or T_STAT = 3} ltext = coursework {else if N12DBLMAJ =
2} ltext = primary major or field of study {else} ltext = major or field of study [If N12DBLMAJ
= 3 or T_STAT = 3] [{If T_CURENR = 0} was {else} is] your assistantship related to your
coursework at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] [{If T_CURENR = 0} was {else} is] your assistantship
related to your [{If N12DBLMAJ = 2} primary] major or field of study at [Y_NPSCHL]?
Spec Name
Page 25

Item Name



Wording [If T_CURENR=1] Is your assistantship located primarily on or off campus? [else] Was your
assistantship located primarily on or off campus?
Spec Name
Item Name


On campus
Off campus
Both on and off campus

Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] Is your assistantship for [Y_NPSCHL] or for another institution or
organization? [else] Was your assistantship for [Y_NPSCHL] or for another institution or
Spec Name
Item Name


Another institution or organization

Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] How much do you earn from your assistantship while attending
[Y_NPSCHL] in the 2010-2011 school year? [else] How much did you earn from your
assistantship while you were attending [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2010-2011 school year?
Spec Name
Item Name
Response Option
Item Name


$ Response Option Details N12ASERNT Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label Per year Per term or semester Per month Per week Per hour QuestionN12ASERNS Name Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] In the 2010-2011 school year, how many [{if N12ASERNT = 2} terms {if N12ASERNT = 3} months {else}weeks] will you have worked in your assistantship by the end of the school year? [else] During the 2010-2011 school year, how many [{if N12ASERNT = 2} terms {if N12ASERNT = 3} months {else}weeks] did you work in your assistantship? [If Y_CALSYS=0 and N12ASERNT in (missing, 4,5)] then provide the following instruction]: A typical semester =15 weeks. A typical quarter or trimester=10 weeks. Spec Name Value Item Item Name N12ASERNS Wording [If N12ASERNT = 2] term(s) [else if N12ASERNT = 3] month(s) [else] week(s) Response Option Response Option Details QuestionN12ASHRS Name 12/19/11 Page 26 Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] During the 2010-2011 school year, how many hours, on average, do you work per week in your assistantship? [else] During the 2010-2011 school year, how many hours, on average, did you work per week in your assistantship? Spec Name Value Item Item Name N12ASHRS Wording | hours per week Response Option Response Option Details QuestionN12ASWEEK Name Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] For your assistantship, would you say you have worked during all the weeks you attended [Y_NPSCHL], most of them, half of them, or less than half? [else] For your assistantship, would you say you worked during all the weeks you attended [Y_NPSCHL], most of them, half of them, or less than half? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12ASWEEK Code 1 2 3 4 Label All Most Half Less than half Section: Current Employment Construct: Job prior to attending NPSAS school Four new (alternate) questions for full scale: QuestionN12PRVJOB Name Wording Before the 2011-2012 school year began, how many jobs for pay were you usually working at one time? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 0 1 2 Label None One More than one QuestionN12PRVWAGE Name Wording Create T_JOBFILL: [If N12PRVJOB > 1] then T_JOBFILL = "from all jobs", [else] T_JOBFILL = blank How much did you usually earn [T_JOBFILL] before the 2011-2012 school year began? Spec Name Value Item Wording $ Response Option Wording Response Option 1 2 3 4 Code Label Per year Per month Per week Per hour QuestionN12PRVHRSWK Name Wording Create T_JOBFILL :[If N12PRVJOB > 1] then T_JOBFILL = "at all jobs together", [else] T_JOBFILL = blank. On average, how many hours per week did you work [T_JOBFILL] before the 2011-2012 school year began? 12/19/11 Page 27 Item Spec Name Wording | hour(s) per week Response Option Value QuestionN12PRVMTHYR Name Wording How many months of the year did you work between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011? Spec Name Value Item Wording | month(s) Response Option Above questions asked in full scale for some respondents in place of below questions (also in full scale and asked in the field test): QuestionN12WRKPAY Name Wording If you had not attended college at all in 2011-2012, which of the following would you most likely have done? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12WRKPAY Code 1 2 3 4 Label Work for pay Work, but not be paid Not work (for any reason) Enter the military QuestionN12ALTNUMJOB Name Wording If you had not attended college at all in 2011-2012, how many jobs for pay do you think you would have held at one time? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12ALTNUMJOB Code 1 2 Label One job at a time Two or more jobs at a time QuestionN12ALTSCHED Name Wording If you had not attended college at all in 2011-2012, would you have worked full time (40 hours per week) for the full year (12 months out of the year)? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item N12ALTSCHED Code Label 1 Yes 0 No Spec Name Value Item Name N12ALTMTHYR Wording | month(s) Response Option Response Option Details QuestionN12ALTWAGE1 Name Wording [If N12WRKPAY=4] How much do you think you would have earned if you had entered the military instead of attending college in the 2011-2012 school year? Provide your best guess if you are unsure of the amount. 12/19/11 Page 28 [Else]: How much do you think you would have earned from working if you had not attended college at all in the 2011-2012 school year? Provide your best guess if you are unsure of the amount. [All get the following instruction]: (Tip: The average minimum wage is $7.75 per hour.) Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12ALT1AMT $|(enter an amount per hour or an amount per year) Response Option Details N12ALT1TIM Code 1 2 Label Per hour Per year QuestionN12ALTWAGE2 Name Wording How much do you think you would have earned at all your jobs together if you had not attended college in the 2011-2012 school year? Provide your best guess if you are unsure of the amount. (Tip: The average minimum wage is $7.75 per hour.) Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12ALT2AMT $|.00 (enter an amount per week, per month, or per year) Response Option Details N12ALT2TIM Code 1 2 3 Label Per week Per month Per year Section: Current Employment Construct: Effects of working during the school year Removed below field test question: Question Name Wording Item N12WRKLIMITS [If T_B4JULY=1] Has working during the 2011-2012 school year... [Else] Did working during the 2011-2012 school year... Spec Name Value Item Name N12LIMNUMCL Wording [If T_B4JULY=1]: Limited the number of classes you could take? [Else]: Limit the number of classes you could take? Response Code Label Option 1 Yes 0 No Item Name N12LIMSCHED Wording [If T_B4JULY=1]: Made it difficult to schedule your classes? [Else]: Make it difficult to schedule your classes? Response Code Label Option 1 Yes 0 No Item Name N12LIMFAC Wording [If T_B4JULY=1]: Limited your access to campus facilities or services? [Else]: Limit your access to campus facilities or services? Response Code Label Option 1 Yes 0 No 12/19/11 Page 29 Section: Income and Expenses Construct: Categorization of federal and private loan use Removed below 2 field test questions: QuestionN12FLNUSETYP Name Wording The next several questions focus on how you have paid for your expenses while you have attended [Y_NPSCHL]. In the 2010-2011 school year, have you used more than $1,000 of your federal student loans to pay for: Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12FLNUSETUI Tuition, fees, and other educational expenses Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12FLNUSELIV Create: {if N12DEP2=1} t_fill1=child {else} t_fill1=children [If N12MARR=2 and N12DEP2 gt 0] Basic living expenses such as rent and food for you and your spouse and t_fill1 [Else if N12MARR=2] Basic living expenses such as rent and food for you and your spouse [Else if N12DEP2 gt 0] Basic living expenses such as rent and food for you and your t_fill1 [Else] Basic living expenses such as rent and food Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12FLNUSEEXP Create: {if N12DEP2=1} t_fill1=child {else} t_fill1=children [If N12MARR=2 and N12DEP2 gt 0] All other expenses you may have including expenses for you and your spouse and t_fill1 [Else in N12MARR=2] All other expenses you may have including expenses for you and your spouse [Else if N12DEP2 gt 0] All other expenses you may have including expenses for you and your t_fill1 [Else] All other expenses you may have Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12FLNUSEOTH The expenses of others, such as your parents or guardians and other relatives Code Label 1 Yes 0 No QuestionN12PLNUSETYP Name Wording In the 2010-2011 school year, have you used more than $1,000 of your private student loans to pay for: Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording N12PLNUSETUI Tuition, fees, and other educational expenses Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12PLNUSELIV Create: {if N12DEP2=1} t_fill1=child {else} t_fill1=children [If N12MARR=2 and N12DEP2 gt 0] 12/19/11 Page 30 Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Basic living expenses such as rent and food for you and your spouse and t_fill1 [Else if N12MARR=2] Basic living expenses such as rent and food for you and your spouse [Else if N12DEP2 gt 0] Basic living expenses such as rent and food for you and your t_fill1 [Else] Basic living expenses such as rent and food Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12PLNUSEEXP Create: {if N12DEP2=1} t_fill1=child {else} t_fill1=children [If N12MARR=2 and N12DEP2 gt 0] All other expenses you may have including expenses for you and your spouse and t_fill1 [Else in N12MARR=2] All other expenses you may have including expenses for you and your spouse [Else if N12DEP2 gt 0] All other expenses you may have including expenses for you and your t_fill1 [Else] All other expenses you may have Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12PLNUSEOTH The expenses of others, such as your parents or guardians and other relatives Code Label 1 Yes 0 No Section: Income and Expenses Construct: Parent financial help for college Three new questions for full scale: Question Name N12PARHELP Wording [If T_B4JULY=1] Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011June 30, 2012), will your parents (or guardians) have helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you are enrolled in school? [Else]: Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), did your parents (or guardians) help you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12PARAMT Wording [If T_B4JULY=1] Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, about how much will your parents (or guardians) have helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you are enrolled in school? Is it... [Else]: Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, about how much did your parents (or guardians) help you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school? Was it... Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Label Less than $250 $250-$500 $501-$1,000 $1,001-$1,500 $1,501-$2,000 More than $2,000 12/19/11 Page 31 Question Name N12PARAMT2 Wording [If T_B4JULY=1]: OK. Is the amount your parents (or guardians) will have helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses through the end of the 2011-2012 school year... [Else]: OK. Was the amount your parents (or guardians) helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school through the end of the 2011-2012 school year... Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Label $2,001-$5,000 $5,001-$10,000 $10,001-$15,000 $15,001-$20,000 $20,001-$25,000 More than $25,000 Section: Income and Expenses Construct: Financial assistance received from family/friends Removed below field test question: Question N12FAMHLPORD Name Wording [If N12MARR=2] Of the money received from family or friends other than your spouse, about how much do you use each term or semester to pay for: [Else] Of the money received from family or friends, about how much do you use each term or semester to pay for: Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording N12FAMORDTUI Tuition, fees, and other educational expenses Code Label 0 $0 1 $1 to $500 2 $501 to $1,000 3 $1,001 to $1,500 4 $1,501 to $2,000 5 More than $2,000 N12FAMORDLIV Create: {if N12DEP2=1} t_fill1=child {else} t_fill1=children [If N12MARR=2 and N12DEP2 gt 0] Basic living expenses such as rent and food (or room and board) for you and your spouse and t_fill1 [Else if N12MARR=2] Basic living expenses such as rent and food (or room and board) for you and your spouse [Else if N12DEP2 gt 0] Basic living expenses such as rent and food (or room and board) for you and your t_fill1 [Else] Basic living expenses such as rent and food (or room and board) Code Label 0 $0 1 $1 to $500 2 $501 to $1,000 3 $1,001 to $1,500 4 $1,501 to $2,000 5 More than $2,000 N12FAMORDEXP Create: {if N12DEP2=1} t_fill1=child {else} t_fill1=children 12/19/11 Page 32 Response Option [If N12MARR=2 and N12DEP2 gt 0] All other expenses you may have including expenses for you and your spouse and t_fill1 [Else in N12MARR=2] All other expenses you may have including expenses for you and your spouse [Else if N12DEP2 gt 0] All other expenses you may have including expenses for you and your t_fill1 [Else] All other expenses you may have Code Label 0 $0 1 $1 to $500 2 $501 to $1,000 3 $1,001 to $1,500 4 $1,501 to $2,000 5 More than $2,000 Replaced with two new simplified questions for full scale: Question Name N12FAMAMT Wording [If T_B4JULY=1] Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, about how much will these family or friends have helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you are enrolled in school? Is it... [Else]: Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, about how much did these family or friends help you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school? Was it... Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Label Less than $250 $250-$500 $501-$1,000 $1,001-$1,500 $1,501-$2,000 More than $2,000 Question Name N12FAMAMT2 Wording [If T_B4JULY=1]: OK. Is the amount these family or friends will have helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses through the end of the 20112012 school year... [Else]: OK. Was the amount these family or friends helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses through the end of the 2011-2012 school year... Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Label $2,001-$5,000 $5,001-$10,000 $10,001-$15,000 $15,001-$20,000 $20,001-$25,000 More than $25,000 Section: Income and Expenses Construct: Categorization of credit card use Removed below field test question: Question N12CCUSEORD Name Wording About how much have you charged on your credit cards each term or semester to pay for: 12/19/11 Page 33 Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12CCTUIORD Tuition, fees, and other educational expenses Code Label 0 $0 1 $1 to $500 2 $501 to $1,000 3 $1,001 to $1,500 4 $1,501 to $2,000 5 More than $2,000 N12CCLIVORD Create: {if N12DEP2=1} t_fill1=child {else} t_fill1=children [If N12MARR=2 and N12DEP2 gt 0] Basic living expenses such as rent and food for you and your spouse and t_fill1 [Else if N12MARR=2] Basic living expenses such as rent and food for you and your spouse [Else if N12DEP2 gt 0] Basic living expenses such as rent and food for you and your t_fill1 [Else] Basic living expenses such as rent and food Code Label 0 $0 1 $1 to $500 2 $501 to $1,000 3 $1,001 to $1,500 4 $1,501 to $2,000 5 More than $2,000 N12CCEXPORD Create: {if N12DEP2=1} t_fill1=child {else} t_fill1=children [If N12MARR=2 and N12DEP2 gt 0] All other expenses you may have including expenses for you and your spouse and t_fill1 [Else in N12MARR=2] All other expenses you may have including expenses for you and your spouse [Else if N12DEP2 gt 0] All other expenses you may have including expenses for you and your t_fill1 [Else] All other expenses you may have Code Label 0 $0 1 $1 to $500 2 $501 to $1,000 3 $1,001 to $1,500 4 $1,501 to $2,000 5 More than $2,000 N12CCOTHORD The expenses of others, such as your parents or guardians and other relatives Code Label 0 $0 1 $1 to $500 2 $501 to $1,000 3 $1,001 to $1,500 4 $1,501 to $2,000 5 More than $2,000 Section: Income and Expenses Construct: Checking/savings account New question for full scale: Question Name N12BANK1 Wording Do you have a checking or savings account at a bank or credit union? Spec Name Value Item 12/19/11 Page 34 Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Section: Income and Expenses Construct: Checking/savings account name New question for full scale: Question Name N12BANK2 Wording Is your primary checking or savings account... Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 Label In your name only, or Shared between you and someone else Section: Income and Expenses Construct: Discount rate Removed below 4 field test questions: Question N12DISCOUNTA Name Wording Imagine you have a choice between receiving $750 in one month, or $1500 one year from today. This gift is guaranteed to be paid whether you would choose to take the $750 in one month or wait to receive $1500 one year from today. Would you prefer... Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12DISCOUNTA Code 750 1500 Label $750 one month from today $1500 one year from today Question N12DISCOUNTB Name Wording You just said you would wait a year to receive $1500 rather than take $750 in one month. Starting with $750, what’s the least amount of money you’d be willing to wait a year for? Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Value N12DISCOUNTB Least amount of money you would wait a year for: N12DISCOUNTB_min 750 N12DISCOUNTB_max 1500 Question N12DISCOUNTC Name Wording Imagine you have a choice between receiving $750 in one month, or $1125 six months from today. This gift is guaranteed to be paid whether you would choose to take the $750 in one 12/19/11 Page 35 month or wait to receive $1125 six months from today. Would you prefer... Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12DISCOUNTC Code 750 1125 Label $750 one month from today $1125 six months from today Question N12DISCOUNTD Name Wording You just said you would wait six months to receive $1125 rather than take $750 one month from today. Starting with $750, what’s the least amount of money you’d be willing to wait six months for? Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Value N12DISCOUNTD Least amount of money you would wait a year for: N12DISCOUNTD_min 750 N12DISCOUNTD_max 1125 Replaced with 6 simplified questions for full scale: Question Name N12DSCT250 Wording Now [If web mode: we/else: I] have a series of quick "what-if" scenarios for you about money. Imagine you have a choice between receiving $250 today, or $250 in one year. This gift is guaranteed whether you choose to take the $250 today, or $250 in one year. Would you prefer... Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 Label $250 today $250 in one year Question Name N12DSCT300 Wording Thanks. What about... Spec Name Item Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 Label $250 today $300 in one year Question Name N12DSCT350 Wording OK. What about... Spec Name Item Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 Label $250 today $350 in one year Question Name N12DSCT400 Wording OK. What about... Spec Name Item Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 Label $250 today $400 in one year 12/19/11 Page 36 Question Name N12DSCT450 Wording OK. What about... Spec Name Item Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 Label $250 today $450 in one year Question Name N12DSCT500 Wording Finally, how about... Spec Name Item Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 Label $250 today $500 in one year Section: Background Construct: Current foreign language use Removed below field test question: QuestionN12FFLANGB Name Wording [If N12FLANG in (2, 3)] Today, how often do you interact with others in Spanish? [Else] Today, how often do you interact with others in your non-English language? Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12FFLANGB Code 0 1 2 3 4 Label Never Sometimes About half of the time Most of the time Always Section: Background Construct: Parents' highest level of education Removed below field test question: Question N12GUARDED Name Wording For each of your parents or guardians, describe their relationship to you (for example, "mother") and the highest level of education they have completed. Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12GUARDREL1 Code -9 1 2 3 4 Label -Select OneMother Father Stepmother Stepfather 12/19/11 Page 37 Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N12GUARDHED1 Grandmother Grandfather Aunt Uncle Sister Brother Other person Code -9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N12GUARDREL2 Label -Select oneDid not complete high school High school diploma or equivalent Vocational/technical training Less than 2 years of college Associate's degree 2 or more years of college but no degree Bachelor's degree Master's degree or equivalent Professional degree (law or medicine) Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.) Don't know Code -9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 N12GUARDHED2 Label -Select OneMother Father Stepmother Stepfather Grandmother Grandfather Aunt Uncle Sister Brother Other person Code Label -9 -Select one1 Did not complete high school 2 High school diploma or equivalent 3 Vocational/technical training 4 Less than 2 years of college 5 Associate's degree 6 2 or more years of college but no degree 7 Bachelor's degree 8 Master's degree or equivalent 9 Professional degree (law or medicine) 10 Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.) 11 Don't know N12GUARDNO Only wish to identify one parent/guardian Replaced with below two questions for full scale: Question Name N12MOMED Wording What is the highest level of education your mother completed? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Code Label 12/19/11 Page 38 Option 1 2 3 6 5 7 8 9 Did not complete high school High school diploma or equivalent Vocational/technical training Some college but no degree Associate's degree (usually a 2-year degree) Bachelor's degree (usually a 4-year degree) Master's degree or equivalent Professional degree (chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, podiatry, or veterinary medicine) Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.) Don't know 10 11 Question Name N12DADED Wording What is the highest level of education your father completed? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 6 5 7 8 9 10 11 Label Did not complete high school High school diploma or equivalent Vocational/technical training Some college but no degree Associate's degree (usually a 2-year degree) Bachelor's degree (usually a 4-year degree) Master's degree or equivalent Professional degree (chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, podiatry, or veterinary medicine) Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.) Don't know Section: Background Construct: Sibling in college first Question returned to full scale survey from NPSAS:04 full scale survey: Question Name N12SIBCL Wording Do you have any brothers or sisters who went to college before you did? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Section: Background Construct: Military status Question revised for full scale to include highlighted item: Question Name N12MILIT Wording Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, or are you currently serving in the Armed Forces either on active duty, in the reserves, or in the National Guard? 12/19/11 Page 39 Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Wording Response Option Wording Response Option Value Veteran Code 1 0 Active duty Code 1 0 Reserves Code 1 0 National Guard Label Yes No Label Yes No Label Yes No Wording Response Option Wording None of the above Response Code Label Option 1 None of the above 0 No Section: Background Construct: Serving on active duty Removed below field test question: Question N12MILST Name Wording Have you ever served on active duty during a military operation, such as a war or national emergency? Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12MILST Code 1 0 Label Yes No Section: Background Construct: Dressing/bathing and doing errands alone disability items Removed below 2 field test questions: QuestionN12ACS17C Name Wording Do you have difficulty dressing or bathing? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12ACS17C Code 1 0 Label Yes No QuestionN12ACS18 Name Wording Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping? Spec Name Value Item Item Name N12ACS18 12/19/11 Page 40 Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Section: Background Construct: Main type of disability Question returned to full scale survey from NPSAS:08 full scale survey: Question Name N12MAIN Wording What is the main type of condition or impairment that you have? (Please choose only one.) Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Label Hearing impairment (for example, deaf or hard of hearing) Blindness or visual impairment that cannot be corrected by wearing glasses Speech or language impairment Orthopedic or mobility impairment Specific learning disability or dyslexia Attention deficit disorder (ADD) Health impairment or problem Mental, emotional or psychiatric condition Depression Developmental disability Brain injury Other Section: Background Construct: Participation in future studies New question for full scale: Question Name N12EXTERNAL Wording We are almost done with this survey. But first, I want to let you know that some students may be invited to participate in follow-up studies to learn more about their education and employment experiences after completing this survey. These follow-up studies will be led by external researchers not affiliated with the Department of Education. We would like to seek your permission to allow RTI to re-contact you on behalf of one of the external researchers. Your participation in future studies is completely voluntary, but there is no substitute for your response. Are you willing to be contacted about these future studies? Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12EXTERNAL Code 1 0 Label Yes No 12/19/11 Page 41 Section: Locating Construct: Verify parents’ address Removed question (added after field test; removed before full-scale): Question Name Wording Item N12VERLOCPAR Which of the following is where your parent(s) or guardian(s) currently live? Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12VERLOCPAR Code 1 2 3 Label [fill Y_LOC1AD] [fill N12LOCADR] Parent(s)/Guardian(s) live at a different address Section: Locating Construct: Contacting information New single “other/specify” item for full scale: Question Name N12CELLPRO Wording Please provide the name of your cell phone service provider. Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Wording Response Option Code Label -9 -Select one1 Alltel 2 AT&T 3 Boost Mobile 4 Cellular One 5 Cricket 6 Metro-PCS 7 Nextel 8 Qwest 9 Sprint 10 Straight Talk 11 T-Mobile 12 Tracfone 13 US Cellular 14 Verizon 15 Virgin Mobile 16 Other Please provide the name of your cell phone service provider: 12/19/11 Page 42 Full Facsimile of Full-Scale Interview Front End Spec Name Value Question Name N12RESPCONF Wording Before we begin, it is important to verify that we are surveying the correct person. Are you the [Y_FNAME] [Y_MNAME] [Y_LNAME] [Y_SNAME], who was enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2011-2012 school year? If you are not [Y_FNAME] [Y_MNAME] [Y_LNAME] [Y_SNAME], please log out and call 1-877-NPSAS-NOW (1-877-677-2766) to reach our Help Desk and get your correct Study ID. Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12RESPCONF Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12CONSENT Wording [If Y_MINOR=3] Recently, we sent material to you and your parents about a study we are conducting for the U.S. Department of Education about how students and their families pay for education beyond high school. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive a [INC_AMOUNT] check once you complete the survey. Your parents have reviewed the material and given permission for you to participate in this study. Have you had a chance to read the material? [Else] Recently, we sent you material about a study we are conducting for the U.S. Department of Education about how students and their families pay for education beyond high school. As a token of our appreciation, you will receive a [INC_AMOUNT] check once you complete the survey. Have you had a chance to read the material? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12CONSENT Code 1 0 Label Yes, I have read the material No, I have not read the material Question Name INFCON1 Wording Great. If you have any questions about this study, you may contact the study's director, Dr. Jennifer Wine, at 1-877-225-8470. For questions about your rights as a study participant, you may contact RTI’s Office of Research Protection toll free at 1-866-2142043. To review the letter that we mailed, click here (PDF letter, 36KB). To review the study brochure, click here (PDF brochure, 839KB). On average, the survey takes about 25 minutes. You may decline to answer any question or stop the survey at any time. Do you want to begin the survey now? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response INFCON1 Code Label 12/19/11 Page 43 Option 1 2 Yes, I agree to participate now Not now, but I want to participate at a later time No, I do not want to participate at all 0 Question Name INFCON2 Wording The survey takes about 25 minutes. Your responses, combined with student record information, may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed, or used, in personally identifiable form for any other purpose, except as required by law (20 U.S.C. § 9573). You are one of approximately 125,000 students who will be taking part in this study. In addition to your survey responses, we collect financial aid, student records and related information from your institution and sources such as student loan databases and admissions testing agencies. Some students, such as those who enrolled in college for the first time between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012, and other special groups, may be selected for follow-up studies in later years to learn more about their education and employment experiences since completing this 2012 survey. Your participation is voluntary and will not affect any aid or other benefits that you may receive. You may decline to answer any question or stop the survey at any time. The risk of participating in this study is small and relates to data security. However, your information will be kept in secure and protected data files. If you have any questions about the study, you may contact the study's director, Dr. Jennifer Wine, at 1-877-2258470. For questions about your rights as a study participant, please contact RTI’s Office of Research Protection toll free at 1-866-214-2043. Please call the NPSAS Help Desk at 1-877-NPSAS-NOW (1-877-677-2766) if you would like to have the materials sent to you. To review the letter that we mailed, click here. (PDF letter, 36KB) To review the study brochure, click here. (PDF brochure, 839KB) Do you want to begin the survey now? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option INFCON2 Code 1 2 0 Label Yes, I agree to participate now Not now, but I want to participate at a later time No, I do not want to participate at all Question Name END1 Wording Thank you. We look forward to your participation. We will send you a reminder message in a few weeks if you have not yet completed your NPSAS survey. We can send you an email message and a text message reminder. Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Value END1_EMAIL Please provide your email address: Response Option Details END1_TEXT Select this box if you would like us to send you a text message reminder. Response Option Response Option Details Question Name END1TEXT Wording Please provide a cell phone number and the name of your cell phone service provider so that we can send you a text message reminder to complete the NPSAS survey. Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name END1TEXTTL1 Cell phone number: Response Option Details END1TEXTTL2 Response Option Details END1TEXTTL3 12/19/11 Page 44 Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Response Option Details END1TEXTPRO Cell phone service provider: Response Option Details END1TEXTOTH Please provide the name of your cell phone service provider: Response Option Details Question Name END2 Wording We hope you will reconsider participating in this important education study, for which we are offering a $[INC_AMOUNT] incentive. Your participation is vital to the success of this study. If you decide you would like to participate, click “Next” to continue with the survey, or call 1-877-NPSAS-NOW (1-877-677-2766). If you still decide not to participate, please help us to improve our survey by telling us more (in the box below) about your reasons for choosing not to participate. Item Spec Name Item Name END2 Wording Response Option Response Option Details Value Question Name RETRNFRM Wording You can return to the study website, to participate. If you would like to continue with the survey, click the “Next” button. To exit the survey, simply close your browser. Item Enrollment Spec Name Value Question Name N12ELIG Wording [If T_B4JULY = 1] Have you attended [Y_NPSCHL] at any time between July 1, 2011 and today? (Select Yes if you have attended [Y_NPSCHL] at any time between July 2011 and today, even if you are not currently attending.) [else] Did you attend [Y_NPSCHL] at any time between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012? Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12ELIG Code 1 4 3 0 2 Label Yes Yes, but [if T_B4JULY=1: studying/else: studied] abroad for the entire 2011-2012 school year Yes, but also still attending high school No Don't know Question Name N12CURENR Wording Are you currently attending [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Item Item Name Wording Value N12CURENR 12/19/11 Page 45 Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12NOATT Wording Why are you not currently attending [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12NOATT Code 6 1 2 3 4 5 Label On break (for example, on summer break) Completed course or program at [Y_NPSCHL] Withdrew from [Y_NPSCHL] Attending a different school, but still enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL] (including studying abroad) Taking a leave of absence from [Y_NPSCHL] Other reason Question Name N12DRP Wording [If T_B4JULY = 1] When did you last attend [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] When did you last attend [Y_NPSCHL] between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12DRPMM Month: Code -9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 N12DRPYY Year: Code -9 2011 2012 Label -Select oneJanuary February March April May June July August September October November December Label -Select one2011 2012 Question Name N12DRPTM Wording [If (N12ELIG=1 and (N12DRPMM blank or N12DRPYY blank)) or (N12ELIG ne 1 and (N12LASTMM blank or N12LASTYY blank))] When you last attended [Y_NPSCHL], did you leave at the end of the term, or did you leave before the term ended? [else if N12ELIG=1] Is that date ([N12DRPMM/N12DRPYY]) at the end of the term, or did you leave before the term ended? [else] Is that date ([N12LASTMM/N12LASTYY]) at the end of the term, or did you leave before the term ended? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12DRPTM Code 1 Label Left at the end of the term, or still enrolled as 12/19/11 Page 46 of June 30, 2012 Left before the term ended 2 Question Name N12DRPRF Wording Did you receive a full refund of your tuition when you left? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12DRPRF Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12DRPCMP Wording [If T_B4JULY=1]: Have you completed a course [if Y_CALSYS=0: or term] at [Y_NPSCHL] at any time since July 1, 2011? [else]: Did you complete a course [if Y_CALSYS=0: or term] at [Y_NPSCHL] at any time between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12DRPCMP Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12DRPOK Wording [if Y_CALSYS=1] Because you left [Y_NPSCHL], some questions in this survey may seem awkward. Please answer the questions as best you can. Your answers will help us to better understand why people leave school. [Else]: Because you left [Y_NPSCHL] before completing the term, some questions in this survey may seem awkward. Please answer the questions as best you can. Your answers will help us to better understand why people leave school. Item Question Name N12EVREN Wording Have you ever attended [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12EVREN Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12LAST Wording In what month and year did you last attend [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12LASTMM Month: Code -9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 N12LASTYY Year: Code Label -Select oneJanuary February March April May June July August September October November December Label 12/19/11 Page 47 -9 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 -Select one2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 Before 2000 Question Name N12WHYSM Wording [If T_B4JULY = 1] Our records seem to be in error. Do you know why you were listed as having attended [Y_NPSCHL] at any time between July 1, 2011 and today? (Please enter any information in the textbox below.) [else] Our records seem to be in error. Do you know why you were listed as having attended [Y_NPSCHL] between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012? (Please enter any information in the textbox below.) Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording N12WHYSM Question Name N12BACHENR Wording [If T_CURENR=1]: Are you in a bachelor's degree program at [Y_NPSCHL]? [Else]: Were you in a bachelor's degree program during your most recent term of enrollment at [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012)? [All get the following instruction]: (A bachelor's degree is usually awarded by a 4-year college or university and usually requires at least 4 years of full-time, college-level work.) Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12BACHENR Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12DEGREE Wording [If Y_NPLEVL = 3 and T_CURENR = 1 and TIO mode] Are you currently working on an associate's degree, or on an undergraduate certificate or diploma including those leading to a license, or are you taking courses but not enrolled in a certificate or degree program at [Y_NPSCHL]? [Else if Y_NPLEVL = 3 and T_CURENR = 1] Which of the following are you currently working on at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else if Y_NPLEVL = 3 and T_CURENR=0 and TIO mode] Were you working on an associate's degree, or on an undergraduate certificate or diploma including those leading to a license, or were you taking courses but not enrolled in a certificate or degree program during your most recent term of enrollment at [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012)? [else if Y_NPLEVL = 3 and T_CURENR=0] Which of the following were you working on during your most recent term of enrollment at [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012)? [else if Y_NPLVL=2 and T_CURENR = 1] What degree or certificate are you currently working on at [Y_NPSCHL]? Please indicate only the degree or certificate programs for which you are currently enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL]. Do not indicate any degree or certificate programs in which you plan to enroll at a future date. For example, if you are earning your associate’s degree but intend to later earn a bachelor’s degree, you would indicate only the associate’s degree here. [else If Y_NPLVL=2 and T_CURENR=0] What degree or certificate were you working on during your most recent term of enrollment at [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012)? Please indicate only the degree or certificate programs for 12/19/11 Page 48 which you were enrolled during your most recent term at [Y_NPSCHL] in 2011-2012. For example, if you were in an associate’s degree program during your last term at [Y_NPSCHL] but were planning to enroll in a bachelor’s degree program, you would indicate only the associate’s degree here. [else if T_CURENR = 1] What degree or certificate are you currently working on at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] What degree or certificate were you working on during your most recent term of enrollment at [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 - June 30, 2012)? [All TIO receive the following] (I'll ask about your major or field of study later in the survey.) Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12DGAS Associate's degree (usually a 2-year degree) Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12DGBA Bachelor's degree (usually a 4-year degree) Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12DGMA Master's degree Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12DGDRR Doctoral degree--research/scholarship (for example, PhD, EdD, etc.) Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12DGDRPP Doctoral degree--professional practice (including: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, podiatry, or veterinary medicine) Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12DGDROT Doctoral degree--other Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12DGCE Undergraduate certificate or diploma (usually less than 2 years), including those leading to a license (example: cosmetology) Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12DGPB Post-baccalaureate certificate Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12DGPM Post-master's certificate Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12DGUND Undergraduate level classes Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12DGGNG Graduate level classes Code Label 1 Yes 12/19/11 Page 49 0 No Question Name N12UGSTATVER Wording Are you primarily an undergraduate working toward a bachelor's degree? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12UGSTATVER Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12ASSOC Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] What type of associate's degree are you working on at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] What type of associate's degree were you working on when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12ASSOC Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Label AA, Associate of Arts AS, Associate of Science AAS, Associate of Applied Science AGS, Associate of General Studies AGE, Associate of General Education Other type of Associate's degree designed for transfer Other type of technical or occupational Associate's degree Other Associate's degree not listed Question Name N12DGMS Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] What specific master's degree are you working on at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] What specific master's degree were you working on when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12DGMS Master's degree Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Label Master of Science (MS) Master of Arts (MA) Master of Education (MEd) or Teaching (MAT) Master of Business Administration (MBA) Master of Public Administration (MPA) Master of Social Work (MSW) Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Master of Public Health (MPH) Other Master's degree not listed Question Name N12DGD Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] What specific doctoral degree are you working on at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] What specific doctoral degree were you working on when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year?" Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12DGD Doctoral degree Code 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Label Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Doctor of Education (EdD) Doctor of Science (DSc/ScD) or Engineering (DEng) Doctor of Psychology (PsyD) Doctor of Business or Public Administration (DBA/DPA) Doctor of Fine Arts (DFA) Doctor of Divinity/Theology (ThD) 12/19/11 Page 50 18 Other Doctoral degree not listed Question Name N12DGPP Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] What specific degree are you working on at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] What specific degree were you working on when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12DGPP Professional degree Code Label 1 Chiropractic (DC/DCM) 2 Dentistry (DDS/DMD) 3 Law (JD/LLB) 4 Medicine (MD) or osteopathic medicine (DO) 5 Ministry or divinity (DMin) 6 Optometry (OD) 7 Pharmacy (PharmD) 8 Podiatry (DPM/DP/PodD) 9 Veterinary medicine (DVM) 10 Other professional practice doctoral degree not listed Question Name N12CKHOUR Wording [If T_CURENR=1] Does your certificate or diploma program require at least 3 months or 300 hours of instruction? [else] Did your certificate or diploma program require at least 3 months or 300 hours of instruction? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12CKHOUR Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12RMCRD Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] While you are attending [Y_NPSCHL], are you taking only remedial or developmental classes? (Remedial or developmental courses are used to strengthen your skills before you take your first college-level course in math, reading, or other subjects. Students are usually assigned to these courses on the basis of a placement test taken before the school year begins. Often, these courses do not count for credit toward graduation.) [else] When you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year, were you taking only remedial or developmental classes? (Remedial or developmental courses are used to strengthen your skills before you take your first college-level course in math, reading, or other subjects. Students are usually assigned to these courses on the basis of a placement test taken before the school year begins. Often, these courses do not count for credit toward graduation.) Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12RMCRD Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12ELCRD Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] Are you taking at least one course for credit at [Y_NPSCHL] that could be applied toward fulfilling the requirements for an academic degree? [else] When you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year, were you taking at least one course for credit that could be applied toward fulfilling the requirements for an academic degree? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response N12ELCRD Code Label 12/19/11 Page 51 Option 1 0 Yes No Question Name N12NPELG Wording Item Question Name N12BYE Wording Based on your responses, it seems you may not be eligible for this study. We will review your responses and we may need to contact you again. Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Response Option N12BYEEM Please provide your e-mail address: N12BYEAD Please provide an address where you can be contacted: Street Address: N12BYECY City N12BYEZP Zip Code N12BYEST State Code Label -9 -Select oneAL Alabama AK Alaska AZ Arizona AR Arkansas CA California CO Colorado CT Connecticut DE Delaware DC District of Columbia FL Florida GA Georgia HI Hawaii ID Idaho IL Illinois IN Indiana IA Iowa KS Kansas KY Kentucky LA Louisiana ME Maine MD Maryland MA Massachusetts MI Michigan MN Minnesota MS Mississippi MO Missouri MT Montana NE Nebraska NV Nevada NH New Hampshire NJ New Jersey NM New Mexico NY New York NC North Carolina ND North Dakota OH Ohio OK Oklahoma OR Oregon PA Pennsylvania RI Rhode Island SC South Carolina 12/19/11 Page 52 SD South Dakota TN Tennessee TX Texas UT Utah VT Vermont VA Virginia WA Washington WV West Virginia WI Wisconsin WY Wyoming AS American Samoa FM Fed State Micronesia GU Guam MH Marshall Islands MP Northern Mariana Isl PW Palau PR Puerto Rico VI U.S. Virgin Islands FC FOREIGN COUNTRY -1 DON'T KNOW Item Name N12BYETL1 Wording Phone number: Response Option Response Option Details Item Name N12BYETL2 Wording Response Option Response Option Details Item Name N12BYETL3 Wording Response Option Response Option Details Item Name N12BYEAD2 Wording Response Option Response Option Details Item Name N12BYEFAD Wording Foreign Address: Response Option Response Option Details Item Name N12BYEFS Wording Foreign State/Province: Response Option Response Option Details Item Name N12BYEFCY Wording Foreign City: Response Option Response Option Details Item Name N12BYEFZ Wording Foreign Zip/Postal Code: Response Option Response Option Details Item Name N12BYEFC Wording Foreign Country: Response Option Response Option Details Item Name N12BYEFOR Wording Please check here if the address is an international address. Response Option Response Option Details Question Name N12DIPL Wording Which of the following best describes your high school completion? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12DIPL Code 1 2 3 4 6 5 Label Received a high school diploma Received a GED (General Educational Development) certificate or other equivalent credential Received a high school completion certificate Attended a foreign high school Home schooled Did not complete high school or a high school equivalency program Question Name N12HSGRAD Wording [If N12DIPL=4] 12/19/11 Page 53 In what month and year did you complete high school? [else if N12DIPL= 1] In what month and year did you receive your high school diploma? [else if N12DIPL= 3] In what month and year did you receive your high school certificate? [else if N12DIPL= 2] In what month and year did you receive your GED? [else] In what month and year did you complete high school? Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12HSMM Month: Code -9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 N12HSYY Year: Code -9 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 Label -Select oneJanuary February March April May June July August September October November December Label -Select one2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 12/19/11 Page 54 1980 1979 1980 Before 1980 Question Name N12HSCMP Wording [If T_B4JULY = 1] Were you completing high school requirements for the entire time you attended [Y_NPSCHL] since July 1, 2011? [else] Were you completing high school requirements for the entire time you attended [Y_NPSCHL] between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12HSCMP Code 1 0 2 Label Yes No Don't know Question Name N12PRDG Wording [If N12DIPL=5] Have you earned any degrees or certificates since high school? (Only include degrees or certificates earned through a college, university, or trade school.) [else if T_DEGREE in (1 5)] Have you earned any degrees or certificates since you completed your high school requirements? (Only include degrees or certificates earned through a college, university, or trade school.) [else] Other than the [T_DEGREN] that you [{if T_CURENR=1} are {else} were] working on at [Y_NPSCHL], have you earned any other degrees or certificates since you completed your high school requirements? (Only include degrees or certificates earned through a college, university, or trade school.) Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12PRDG Code 1 0 2 Label Yes No Don't know Question Name N12OTDG Wording Other than the [T_DEGREN] that you [{if T_CURENR=1} are {else} were] working on at [Y_NPSCHL], what other degrees or certificates have you already earned since completing your high school requirements? (Only include degrees or certificates earned through a college, university, or trade school.) Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording N12OTCE Undergraduate certificate or diploma (usually less than 2 years), including those leading to a license (example: cosmetology) Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12OTAS Associate's degree (usually a 2-year degree) Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12OTBA Bachelor's degree (usually a 4-year degree) Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12OTPB Post-baccalaureate certificate Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12OTMA Master's degree 12/19/11 Page 55 Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12OTPM Post-master's certificate Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12OTDRR Doctoral degree--research/scholarship (includes PhD, Ed.D., etc.) Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12OTDRPP Doctoral degree--professional practice (including: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, podiatry, or veterinary medicine) Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12OTDROT Doctoral degree--other Code Label 1 Yes 0 No Question Name N12PRBDAT Wording In what month and year was your bachelor's degree awarded? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12PRBMM Month: Code -9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 N12PRBYY Year: Code -9 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 Label -Select oneJanuary February March April May June July August September October November December Label -Select one2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 12/19/11 Page 56 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 Before 1980 Question Name N12NFST Wording Was [Y_NPSCHL] the first college, university, or trade school you attended after completing your high school requirements? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12NFST Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12FSTSTR Wording In which month and year did you first attend any college, university, or trade school after completing your high school requirements? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12FSTMM Month: Code -9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 N12FSTYY Year: Code -9 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 Label -Select oneJanuary February March April May June July August September October November December Label -Select one2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 12/19/11 Page 57 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 Before 1980 Question Name N12SCHSTR Wording In which month and year did you first attend [Y_NPSCHL] after completing your high school requirements? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12DGBMM Month: Code -9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 N12DGBYY Year: Code -9 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 Label -Select oneJanuary February March April May June July August September October November December Label -Select one2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 12/19/11 Page 58 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 Before 1980 Question Name N12CDTCHK Wording Did you first attend [Y_NPSCHL] on or after July 1, 2011? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12CDTCHK Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12PGMST Wording When did you begin your [T_DEGREN] at [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12PGMSMM Month: Code -9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 N12PGMSYY Year: Code -9 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 Label -Select oneJanuary February March April May June July August September October November December Label -Select one2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 12/19/11 Page 59 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 Before 1993 Question Name N12NENRL Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] Between July 2011 and June 2012, in which months have you attended, or do you expect to attend [Y_NPSCHL]? Please do your best to predict your attendance through June 30, 2012. Do not include any months during which you are not taking classes, such as summer break. (If you have attended or will attend [Y_NPSCHL] for only a portion of any month, please include that month.) [else] Between July 2011 and June 2012, in which months did you attend [Y_NPSCHL]? [{if T_B4JULY=1} If you plan to attend [Y_NPSCHL] before June 30, 2012, please indicate the months you plan to attend.] Do not include any months during which you were not taking classes, such as summer break. (If you attended [Y_NPSCHL] for only a portion of any month, please include that month.) Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording N12NEN11YR 2011 N12NEN01 July Code 0 1 N12NEN02 August Code 0 1 N12NEN03 September Code 0 1 N12NEN04 October Code 0 1 N12NEN05 November Code 0 1 N12NEN06 December Code 0 1 N12NEN12YR 2012 N12NEN07 January Code 0 1 N12NEN08 February Code 0 1 N12NEN09 March Label Not enrolled Enrolled Label Not enrolled Enrolled Label Not enrolled Enrolled Label Not enrolled Enrolled Label Not enrolled Enrolled Label Not enrolled Enrolled Label Not enrolled Enrolled Label Not enrolled Enrolled 12/19/11 Page 60 Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Code 0 1 N12NEN10 April Code 0 1 N12NEN11 May Code 0 1 N12NEN12 June Code 0 1 N12NENDK Don't know Code 1 0 Label Not enrolled Enrolled Label Not enrolled Enrolled Label Not enrolled Enrolled Label Not enrolled Enrolled Label Yes No Question Name N12STST Wording [If T_CURENR=1] For the period of time you have been attending [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2011-2012 school year, have you been mainly a full-time or part-time student, or an equal mix of both? [else] For the period of time you were attending [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2011-2012 school year, were you mainly a full-time or part-time student, or an equal mix of both? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12STST Code 1 2 3 Label Full-time Part-time Equal mix of full-time and part-time Question Name N12PGMFT Wording Since the time that you first started working on your [T_DEGREN] prior to the 20112012 school year, were you mainly a full-time or part-time student, or an equal mix of both? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12PGMFT Code 1 2 3 Label Full-time Part-time Equal mix of full-time and part-time Question Name N12NEW01 Wording [If T_B4JULY = 1] Have you attended any other colleges, universities, or trade schools besides [Y_NPSCHL] since July 1, 2011? [Else] Did you attend any other colleges, universities, or trade schools besides [Y_NPSCHL] between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012? [Instruction if N12BPSELG=1]: (If you were in high school during the 2011-2012 school year, answer Yes only if you attended any other colleges, universities, or trade schools after completing your high school requirements.) Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12NEW01 Code Label 12/19/11 Page 61 1 0 Yes No Question Name N12SCH01 Wording [IF WEB MODE] What other school did you attend between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012? [ELSE] What other school did you attend, and in what city and state is it located? Please bear with me as I code this. Spec Name Value Item School Data Source: IPEDS: Integrated Postsecondary Data Education (“IPEDS”) Coder System (NCES) Question Name N12ENRL01 Wording [If T_B4JULY= 1] Between July 2011 and June 2012, which months did you attend, or do you expect to attend [{If N12SCH01 = blank} the other school you went to {else} [N12SCH01]]? Please do your best to predict your attendance through June 30, 2012. Do not include any months during which you are not taking classes, such as summer break. (If your attendance covers only a portion of any month, please include that month.) [else] Between July 2011 and June 2012, which months did you attend, or do you expect to attend [{If N12SCH01 = blank} the other school you went to {else} [N12SCH01]]? Do not include any months during which you are not taking classes, such as summer break. (If you attended for only a portion of any month, please include that month.) Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code Label Months of July 2011 through June 2012 Question Name N12STS01 Wording [If T_CURENR=1] For the period of time you have attended [{If N12SCH01 = blank} the other school you went to {else} [N12SCH01]] during the 2011-2012 school year, have you been mainly a full-time or part-time student, or an equal mix of both? [else] For the period of time you attended [{If N12SCH01 = blank} the other school you went to {else} [N12SCH01]] during the 2011-2012 school year, were you mainly a full-time or part-time student, or an equal mix of both? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 Label Full-time Part-time Equal mix of full-time and part-time Question Name N12NEW02 Wording [If T_B4JULY = 1] You already told [if web: us/if TIO: me] that you have attended the following schools since July 1, 2011: [List schools] Have you attended any other colleges, universities, or trade schools since July 1, 2011? [else] You already told [if web: us/if TIO: me] that you have attended the following schools between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012: [List schools] Did you attend any other colleges, universities, or trade schools between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12ATTOTHSCH Wording Have you ever attended another college, university, or trade school besides [Y_NPSCHL] since completing your high school requirements? 12/19/11 Page 62 Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12ATTOTHSCH Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12EVR4YR Wording Since completing your high school requirements, have you attended a four-year college or university? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12EVR4YR Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12EVRCC Wording Since completing your high school requirements, have you attended a community college? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12EVRCC Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12CMPDGN Wording [If N12NOATT = 1] Earlier you indicated that you are no longer attending [Y_NPSCHL] because you completed the requirements for your [T_DEGREN] at [Y_NPSCHL]. Is that correct? [else] Have you completed all the requirements for your [T_DEGREN] at [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12CMPDGN Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12DGN Wording In what month and year were you awarded your [T_DEGREN] from [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name N12DGNMM Month: Code -9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 N12DGNYY Year: Code -9 2011 2012 N12DGNNO Label -Select oneJanuary February March April May June July August September October November December Label -Select one2011 2012 12/19/11 Page 63 Wording Have not yet been awarded [T_DEGREN] Response Option Response Option Details Question Name N12UGYR Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] Based on the number of credits you've already earned, what is your year or level at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] Based on the number of credits you earned, what was your year or level when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year?" Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12UGYR Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Label First year or freshman Second year or sophomore Third year or junior Fourth year or senior Fifth year or higher undergraduate Unclassified undergraduate Graduate student taking undergraduate classes Question Name N12CLKNUM Wording How many months, or hours of instruction, have you already completed at [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12CLKNUM |(enter number of months or hours of instruction) Response Option Details N12CLKTYP Code 1 2 Label month(s) hour(s) of instruction Question Name N12REASON Wording [If T_CURENR=1] Which of these reasons best describes why you are enrolled in classes at [Y_NPSCHL]? [Else]: Which of these reasons best describes why you were last enrolled in classes at [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012)? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12REASON Code 1 2 3 4 Label To prepare to earn a degree later To prepare for a job certification or license To gain job or occupational skills To take courses solely for recreation, selfimprovement, or personal interest Question Name N12GRYR Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] What year of your [T_DEGREN] are you working on at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] What year of your [T_DEGREN] were you working on when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12GRYR Code 8 9 10 11 12 13 Label First year Second year Third year Fourth year Fifth year Sixth year or higher Question Name N12EXPN Wording In what month and year do you expect to complete the requirements for your 12/19/11 Page 64 [T_DEGREN]? Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12EXNMM Month: Code -9 -Select one1 January 2 February 3 March 4 April 5 May 6 June 7 July 8 August 9 September 10 October 11 November 12 December Item Name N12EXNYY Wording Year: Response Code Option -9 -Select one2012 2012 2013 2013 2014 2014 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2017 2018 2018 2019 2019 2020 2020 2021 2021 2022 After 2021 Item Name N12EXPN Wording Will not finish the [T_DEGREN] Response Code Option 1 Yes 0 No Item Name N12EXPDK Wording Don't know Response Option Response Option Details Label Label Label Question Name N12EXNCONF Wording [If N12EXPDK=1] or [if N12EXNYY=missing and N12EXPN ne 1 and N12EXPDK ne 1] On a scale from 0-10, how likely is it you will finish your [T_DEGREN] within five years from today? [else if N12EXNMM gt 0 and N12EXNYY gt 0 and lt 2022] On a scale from 0-10, how likely is it you will finish your [T_DEGREN] by [N12EXNMM] [N12EXNYY]? [else] On a scale from 0-10, how likely is it you will finish your [T_DEGREN] by [T_EXNYY]? [Instructions for all If TIO mode]: A "0" means "no chance at all" and a "10" means "absolutely certain." Spec Name Value Item Slider 0-10 Question Name N12EXNCONF2 Wording [If N12EXNMM gt 0 and N12EXNYY gt 0 and lt 2022] On a scale from 0-10, how likely is it you will finish your [T_DEGREN], even if it is not by [N12EXNMM] [N12EXNYY]? [else if N12EXNYY gt 0 and lt 2022] On a scale from 0-10, how likely is it you will finish your [T_DEGREN], even if it is not by [T_EXNYY]? [else] On a scale from 0-10, how likely is it you will finish your [T_DEGREN]? [Instructions for all If TIO mode]: (A "0" means "no chance at all" and a "10" means "absolutely certain.") Spec Name Value Item Slider 0-10 Question Name N12ENRNEXT 12/19/11 Page 65 Wording [If Y_CALSYS=1 and T_CURENR=1] On a scale from 0-10, how likely is it you will still be enrolled for your [T_DEGREN] four months from today? [Else if Y_CALSYS=1] On a scale from 0-10, how likely is it you will be enrolled for your [T_DEGREN] four months from today? [else if T_CURENR=1] On a scale from 0-10, how likely is it you will still be enrolled for your [T_DEGREN] next term or semester? [else] On a scale from 0-10, how likely is it you will be enrolled for your [T_DEGREN] next term or semester? [Instructions for all If TIO mode]: (A "0" means "no chance at all" and a "10" means "absolutely certain.") Item Spec Name Slider Value 0-10 Question Name N12EXPBA Wording Do you plan to continue on to a bachelor's degree program within five years from now? (A bachelor's degree is usually awarded by a 4-year college or university and usually requires at least 4 years of full-time, college-level work.) Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12EXPBA Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12DOB Wording So that we can customize your interview, in what month and year were you born? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12DOBMM Month: Code -9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 N12DOBYY Year: Code -9 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 Label -Select oneJanuary February March April May June July August September October November December Label -Select one1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 12/19/11 Page 66 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 1975 1974 1973 1972 1971 1970 1969 1968 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 1958 1957 1956 1955 1954 1953 1952 1951 1950 1949 1948 1947 1946 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 1938 1937 1936 1935 1934 1933 1932 1931 1930 1929 1928 1927 1926 1925 1924 1923 1922 1921 1920 Question Name N12LT30 Wording What is your age range? Are you... 12/19/11 Page 67 Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12LT30 Code 4 1 2 3 Label Under 18 18-23 24-29 30 or older Question Name N12MINOK Wording Have you already turned 18? Spec Name Item Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12MINOK Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12MINOR Wording [If Y_MINOR = 2] According to our information, you are under the age of 18. We will need to contact a parent or guardian to obtain consent before we can conduct an interview with you. Please provide the following information. [else] According to the information you just provided, you are under the age of 18. We will need to contact a parent or guardian to obtain consent before we can conduct an interview with you. Please provide the following information. Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Response Option N12MINEM Email: N12MINFN Parent (or guardian) first name N12MINLN Parent (or guardian) last name N12MINAD Address: N12MINCY City N12MINZP Zip code N12MINST State Code Label -9 -Select oneAL Alabama AK Alaska AZ Arizona AR Arkansas CA California CO Colorado CT Connecticut DE Delaware DC District of Columbia FL Florida GA Georgia HI Hawaii ID Idaho IL Illinois IN Indiana IA Iowa KS Kansas KY Kentucky LA Louisiana ME Maine MD Maryland 12/19/11 Page 68 Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY AS FM GU MH MP PW PR VI FC -1 N12MINAD2 Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming American Samoa Fed State Micronesia Guam Marshall Islands Northern Mariana Isl Palau Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands FOREIGN COUNTRY DON'T KNOW Response Option Details N12MINFAD Foreign Address: Response Option Details N12MINFCY Foreign City: Response Option Details N12MINFS Foreign State/Province: Response Option Details N12MINFZ Foreign Zip/Postal Code: Response Option Details N12MINFC Foreign Country: Response Option Details N12MINFOR Please check here if the address is an international address. Response Option Details Question Name N12MARR Wording [If Y_DOB ne blank] So that we can customize your interview, please answer the following questions. What is your current marital status? [else] What is your current marital status? 12/19/11 Page 69 Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12MARR Code 1 2 6 3 4 5 Label Single, never married Married Living with partner Separated Divorced Widowed Question Name N12GENDR Wording Are you male or female? Spec Name Item Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12GENDR Code 1 2 Label Male Female Education Experiences Spec Name Value Question Name N12HSTYP Wording Was the last high school you attended public or private? Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12HSTYP Code 1 2 3 4 Label Public Private Last attended a foreign high school Home schooled Question Name N12HSCDR Wording [If WEB mode] What is the name of the high school? [Else] What is the name of the high school and in what city and state is it located? Spec Name Value Item High school coder Item Name Wording Response Option Data Sources: CCD: Common Core of Data and PSS: Private School University Survey (NCES) N12HSTYPE Code 1 2 3 4 5 Item Name Wording Response Option 6 N12HSGRDL Label A public school operated by a school/county district A private Catholic school A private school--other religious affiliation A private school--no religious affiliation A public school operated by state/federal agency (ex: BIA, DOD, prison school) Other (charter school, hospital school) Code -9 8 Label -SelectOneEighth grade 12/19/11 Page 70 Item Name Wording Response Option 9 10 11 12 N12HSGRDH Ninth grade Tenth grade Eleventh grade Twelfth grade Code -9 8 9 10 11 12 Label -SelectOneEighth grade Ninth grade Tenth grade Eleventh grade Twelfth grade Question Name N12HSGPES Wording Which of the following would you say best describes your high school grades overall (unweighted)? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12HSGPES Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Label Mostly A's A's and B's Mostly B's B's and C's Mostly C's C's and D's Mostly D's or below Don't know Question Name N12MATHHT Wording What was the highest math course you took in high school? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12MATHHT Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Label Algebra 1 or Geometry Algebra 2 Trigonometry/Pre-Calculus Calculus Math beyond calculus None of these Question Name N12APIBCOLL Wording While in high school, did you take any... Spec Name Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12AP Advanced Placement (AP) courses? Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12IB International Baccalaureate (IB) courses? Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12COLL College-level courses, not including AP or IB, for which you earned college credit? Code Label 1 Yes 0 No Question Name N12ACTSAT Wording Did you take... Spec Name Item Item Name Value N12SAT 12/19/11 Page 71 Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option The SAT? Code 1 0 N12ACT The ACT? Code 1 0 Label Yes No Label Yes No Question Name SUPINSTRUCT Wording Please use a number from 1 to 5 to answer the next few questions. One means "strongly disagree" and five means "strongly agree." Item Question Name N12PARSUPP Wording [If T_CURENR=1]: My parents (or guardians) encourage me to stay in college. [Else]: My parents (or guardians) encouraged me to stay in college. Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12PARSUPP Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label 1 (Strongly disagree) 2 (Somewhat disagree) 3 (Neither disagree nor agree) 4 (Somewhat agree) 5 (Strongly agree) Question Name N12PARDED Wording Spec Name Item Value Item Name N12PARDED Wording Parents or guardians are deceased Response Option Response Option Details Question Name N12SPPSUPP Wording [If T_CURENR=1]: My spouse encourages me to stay in college. [Else]: My spouse encouraged me to stay in college. Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12SPPSUPP Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label 1 (Strongly disagree) 2 (Somewhat disagree) 3 (Neither disagree nor agree) 4 (Somewhat agree) 5 (Strongly agree) Question Name N12FSSUPP Wording [If T_AGE gt 30] My friends from [Y_NPSCHL] [if T_CURENR=1: encourage/else: encouraged] me to stay in college. (When thinking about your friends, do not include family members or other relatives in your answer.)" [else] My friends from [Y_NPSCHL] [if T_CURENR=1 encourage/else: encouraged] me to stay in college. Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12FSSUPP Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label 1 (Strongly disagree) 2 (Somewhat disagree) 3 (Neither disagree nor agree) 4 (Somewhat agree) 5 (Strongly agree) Question Name N12FHSUPP Wording If T_AGE gt 30] My friends from home [if T_CURENR=1: encourage/else: encouraged] 12/19/11 Page 72 me to stay in college. (When thinking about your friends, do not include family members or other relatives in your answer.) [Else] My friends from home [if T_CURENR=1: encourage/else: encouraged] me to stay in college. Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12FHSUPP Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label 1 (Strongly disagree) 2 (Somewhat disagree) 3 (Neither disagree nor agree) 4 (Somewhat agree) 5 (Strongly agree) Question Name SUPPORTEND Wording I am now finished asking you this set of questions that use a 1-5 scale. There will be others in the survey, but I will let you know when they come up. Item Question Name N12DBLMAJ Wording [If N12CMPDGN=1 and T_HIGHEST in (2, 3)] Did you declare a major or field of study when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? [Else if N12CMPDGN=1] Did you declare a major when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? [If T_CURENR=1 and T_HIGHEST in (2, 3)] Have you declared a major or field of study at [Y_NPSCHL]? [If T_CURENR=1] Have you declared a major at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else if T_CURENR=0 and T_HIGHEST in (2, 3)] Had you already declared a major or field of study when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? [else] Had you already declared a major when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12DBLMAJ Code 1 2 3 Label [If T_CURENR=1 and T_HIGHEST in (2, 3)]: Yes, I have declared a major or field of study. [else if T_CURENR] Yes, I have declared a major. [Else if T_CURENR=0 and T_HIGHEST in (2, 3)]: Yes, I had declared a major or field of study. [Else] Yes, I had declared a major. Yes, I [have/had] declared a double major No Question Name N12DECIDEMAJ Wording Have you decided what your major will be? Spec Name Item Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12DECIDEMAJ Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12CLSTY Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] What is the primary field or subject you have been studying during the 2011-2012 school year? [else] What was the primary field or subject you were studying when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12CLSTY Code 8 1 10 9 5 Label Arts and humanities Business/marketing Career and technical education Communications Computer and information sciences 12/19/11 Page 73 3 4 12 2 7 6 11 13 Education/teaching Engineering and engineering technology General education Healthcare Natural sciences and mathematics Social sciences University transfer Other Question Name N12MAJ1 Wording [If T_CURENR=1 and N12DBLMAJ=2] What is your first major or field of study at [Y_NPSCHL]? Since you have a double-major, please indicate only one major here. You will have an opportunity next to provide your other major. [else If T_CURENR=1] What is your [{if N12DBLMAJ=3} intended]major or field of study at [Y_NPSCHL]? [If N12DBLMAJ=3]:(If you intend to double-major, tell [if TIO: me/else: us] only about the major most closely related to the job you hope to have after college.) [else If T_CURENR=0 and N12DBLMAJ=2] What was your first major or field of study when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? Since you had a double-major, please indicate only one major here. You will have an opportunity next to provide your other major. [else] What was your [{if N12DBLMAJ=3} intended] major or field of study when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? [If N12DBLMAJ=3] (If you intended to double-major, tell [if TIO: me/else: us] only about the major most closely related to the job you hope to have after college.) Spec Name Value Item Major (“CIP”) Coder: Data Source: CIP: Classification of Instructional Programs (NCES) Question Name N12MAJ2 Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] What is your second major or field of study at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] What was your second major or field of study when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Major (“CIP”) Coder: Data Source: CIP: Classification of Instructional Programs (NCES) Question Name N12MJCHGNUM Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] How many times have you formally changed your major at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] How many times did you formally change your major at [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12MJCHGNUM Code 0 1 2 Label None One More than one Question Name N12OMJ1A Wording What was your original declared major at [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Item Value Major (“CIP”) Coder: Data Source: CIP: Classification of Instructional Programs (NCES) Question Name N12PREACDEFF Wording [if Web mode] For the next few questions, please tell us how much you agree with each statement by providing a number from 1 to 5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree." Before I attended [Y_NPSCHL], I was confident I had the ability to succeed there as a student. [Else]: For the next few questions, please tell me how much you agree with each statement by providing a number from 1 to 5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree." Before I attended [Y_NPSCHL], I was confident I had the ability to succeed there as a student. Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response N12PREACDEFF Code Label 12/19/11 Page 74 Option 1 2 3 4 5 1 (Strongly disagree) 2 (Somewhat disagree) 3 (Neither disagree nor agree) 4 (Somewhat agree) 5 (Strongly agree) Question Name N12CURACDEFF Wording [If T_CURENR=1] After having been at [Y_NPSCHL] for a while, I am confident that I have the ability to succeed there as a student. [else] After having been at [Y_NPSCHL] for a while, I was confident that I had the ability to succeed there as a student. Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12CURACDEFF Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label 1 (Strongly disagree) 2 (Somewhat disagree) 3 (Neither disagree nor agree) 4 (Somewhat agree) 5 (Strongly agree) Question Name N12FACULTY Wording [T_CURENR=1]: My interactions with my teachers at [Y_NPSCHL] are more positive than negative. [else]: My interactions with my teachers at [Y_NPSCHL] were more positive than negative. Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12FACULTY Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label 1 (Strongly disagree) 2 (Somewhat disagree) 3 (Neither disagree nor agree) 4 (Somewhat agree) 5 (Strongly agree) Question Name N12ACDSATIS Wording [T_CURENR=1]: I’m satisfied with my studies at [Y_NPSCHL]. [else]: I was satisfied with my studies at [Y_NPSCHL]. Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12ACDSATIS Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label 1 (Strongly disagree) 2 (Somewhat disagree) 3 (Neither disagree nor agree) 4 (Somewhat agree) 5 (Strongly agree) Question Name N12KNOWCLAS Wording I know the requirements needed to complete my [T_DEGREN] program at [Y_NPSCHL]. Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12KNOWCLAS Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label 1 (Strongly disagree) 2 (Somewhat disagree) 3 (Neither disagree nor agree) 4 (Somewhat agree) 5 (Strongly agree) Question Name SCLENDSET Wording I am now finished asking you this set of questions that use a 1-5 scale. There will be others in the survey, but I will let you know when they come up. Item Question Name N12GPATYP 12/19/11 Page 75 Wording [If T_CURENR=1] Is your grade point average (GPA) at [Y_NPSCHL] measured on a 4.00 scale? [else] Was your grade point average (GPA) at [Y_NPSCHL] measured on a 4.00 scale? Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12GPATYP Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label Yes [If T_CURENR=1] No, it is measured on another grading scale (for example, percentages) [else] No, it was measured on another grading scale (for example, percentages) [If T_CURENR=1] No, the school does not award grades [Else] No, the school did not award grades [If T_CURENR=1] No, it is pass/fail [Else] No, it was pass/fail Don't know Question Name N12GPA Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] What is your cumulative GPA in all classes at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] What was your cumulative GPA in all classes at [Y_NPSCHL] through the end of your most recent term there? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Response Option N12GPA Range: 0.00 to 4.00: N12GPANO Not applicable, have not yet earned GPA Response Option Details Question Name N12GPAEST Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] Overall, which best describes your grades at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] Overall, which best describes your grades at [Y_NPSCHL] when you last attended there in the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12GPAEST Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Label Mostly A's A's and B's Mostly B's B's and C's Mostly C's C's and D's Mostly D's or below Don't know my grades I would describe my grades differently than what is listed here Question Name N12REMEVER Wording Since you completed high school [if T_B4JULY=0: and through June 30, 2012, did you take/else: have you taken] any remedial or developmental courses to improve your basic skills in English, math, reading, or writing? (Remedial or developmental courses are used to strengthen your skills before you take your first college-level course in math, reading, or other subjects. Students are usually assigned to these courses on the basis of a placement test taken before the school year begins. Often, these courses do not count for credit toward graduation.) Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12REMEVER Code Label 12/19/11 Page 76 1 0 Yes No Question Name N12REMSY Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] Have you taken any remedial or developmental courses during the 2011-2012 school year? (If you are currently taking a remedial or developmental course, please answer "yes." [if N12BPSELG=1]: Remedial or developmental courses are used to strengthen your skills before you take your first college-level course in math, reading, or other subjects. Students are usually assigned to these courses on the basis of a placement test taken before the school year begins. Often, these courses do not count for credit toward graduation.) [else]: Did you take any remedial or developmental courses during the 2011-2012 school year? [If N12BPSELG=1]: (Remedial or developmental courses are used to strengthen your skills before you take your first college-level course in math, reading, or other subjects. Students are usually assigned to these courses on the basis of a placement test taken before the school year begins. Often, these courses do not count for credit toward graduation.) Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12REMSY Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12REMTYPNUM Wording In the 2011-2012 school year, how many times did you take remedial or developmental courses in each of the following subjects ... [If N12RMCRD=1:] (Remedial or developmental courses are used to strengthen your skills before you take your first college-level course in math, reading, or other subjects. Students are usually assigned to these courses on the basis of a placement test taken before the school year begins. Often, these courses do not count for credit toward graduation.) Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12REMENGL English? Code 0 1 2 3 N12REMMATH Math? Code 0 1 2 3 N12REMREAD Reading? Code 0 1 2 3 N12REMWRITE Writing? Code 0 1 2 3 Label Never One time Two times Three or more times Label Never One time Two times Three or more times Label Never One time Two times Three or more times Label Never One time Two times Three or more times Question Name N12ALTGATE Wording [If T_CURENR=1] Have any of the classes you have taken at [Y_NPSCHL] during the 12/19/11 Page 77 2011-2012 school year been taught only online, at night, or on the weekend (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012)? [else] Were any of the classes you were taking at [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2011-2012 school year taught only online, at night, or on the weekend (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012)? [All get the following instruction]: (Night courses start after 6:00 p.m. on Monday through Thursday nights. Weekend courses are courses that start after 6:00 p.m. on Friday or take place any time on Saturday or Sunday.) Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12ALTGATE Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12ALTCRS Wording [If T_CURENR=1] Have all, some, or none of the classes you have taken at [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2011-2012 school year been taught... [else] Were all, some, or none of the classes you took at [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year taught… Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12ALTONLINE Only online Code Label 1 All 2 Some 3 None N12ALTNIGHT At night, not online (starting after 6:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday) Code Label 1 All 2 Some 3 None N12ALTWKND On the weekend, not online (starting after 6:00 p.m. Friday or any time Saturday or Sunday) Code Label 1 All 2 Some 3 None Question Name N12ONLINEPGM Wording [If T_CURENR=1]: Is your entire [T_DEGREN] program at [Y_NPSCHL] online? [Else]: When you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2011-2012 school year, was your entire [T_DEGREN] program online? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12ONLINEPGM Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12ONLINE Wording [If N12ONLINEPGM=1]: If an online degree program was not available would you still have attended college in the 2011-2012 school year? [Else]: Would you still have attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year if online classes had not been available? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12ONLINE Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12ATNIGHT Wording Would you still have attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year if night classes had not been available? 12/19/11 Page 78 Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12ATNIGHT Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12ONWKND Wording Would you still have attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year if weekend classes had not been available? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12ONWKND Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12SCALEINT Wording For the next few questions, please tell [if web: us/if TIO: me] how much you agree with each statement by providing a number from 1 to 5, with 1 being "strongly disagree" and 5 being "strongly agree." Item Question Name N12PEERINT Wording [If T_CURENR=1]: My interactions with other [Y_NPSCHL] students are more positive than negative. [else]: My interactions with other [Y_NPSCHL] students were more positive than negative. Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12PEERINT Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label 1 (Strongly disagree) 2 (Somewhat disagree) 3 (Neither disagree nor agree) 4 (Somewhat agree) 5 (Strongly agree) Question Name N12SENSBELNG Wording [If T_CURENR=1]: I feel that I am a part of [Y_NPSCHL]. [else]: I felt that I was a part of [Y_NPSCHL]. Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12SENSBELNG Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label 1 (Strongly disagree) 2 (Somewhat disagree) 3 (Neither disagree nor agree) 4 (Somewhat agree) 5 (Strongly agree) Question Name N12SOCSATIS Wording [If T_CURENR=1]: I’m satisfied with my social experience at [Y_NPSCHL]. [else]: I was satisfied with my social experience at [Y_NPSCHL]. Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12SOCSATIS Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label 1 (Strongly disagree) 2 (Somewhat disagree) 3 (Neither disagree nor agree) 4 (Somewhat agree) 5 (Strongly agree) Question Name SCLLASTSET Wording I am now finished asking you all questions in the survey that use a 1 to 5 scale. 12/19/11 Page 79 Item Question Name N12SRVUSE Wording Which of the following school services have you used in the 2011-2012 school year? (Visiting, emailing, or in any way communicating with and receiving information or help from a school office or department that offers a particular service counts as use of that service. Do not include use of these services while in high school.) Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12FINAIDUSE Financial aid counseling or advice Response Option Details N12ACSPUSE Academic support services (for example, tutoring or writing centers) Response Option Details N12ACADUSE Academic advising (for example, guidance with planning for courses) Response Option Details N12CPPUSE Career planning or job placement services Response Option Details N12HLTHUSE Student health services, including personal counseling services Response Option Details N12NOSRV Did not use any services Response Option Details Question Name N12SRVIMPT Wording [If only one service chosen on N12SRVUSE] How important was this service in your decision to stay in school? [else] How important was each of these services in your decision to stay in school? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response N12FINAIDIMP Financial aid counseling or advice Code Label 1 Not at all important 2 Somewhat important 3 Important 4 Very important N12ACSIMP Academic support services Code Label 1 Not at all important 2 Somewhat important 3 Important 4 Very important N12ACADIMP Academic advising Code Label 1 Not at all important 2 Somewhat important 3 Important 4 Very important N12CPPIMP Career planning or job placement services Code Label 1 Not at all important 2 Somewhat important 3 Important 4 Very important N12HLTHIMP Student health services (including personal counseling services) Code Label 12/19/11 Page 80 Option 1 2 3 4 Not at all important Somewhat important Important Very important Question Name N12EXPEVR Wording What is the highest level of education you ever expect to complete at any school? (Provide your best guess even if you are not sure.) Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12EXPEVR Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Label Undergraduate level courses, no undergraduate degree or certificate expected Undergraduate certificate or diploma (usually less than 2 years), including certificates leading to a license (example: cosmetology) Associate's degree (usually a 2-year degree) Bachelor's degree (usually a 4-year degree) Graduate level courses, no graduate degree or certificate expected Post-baccalaureate certificate Master’s degree Post-master's certificate Doctoral degree, research/scholarship (including: PhD, EdD, etc.) Professional doctoral degree (including: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, etc.) Question Name N12PRFDOCTYP Wording What specific degree do you expect to complete? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12PRFDOCTYP Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Label Chiropractic (DC/DCM) Dentistry (DDS/DMD) Law (JD/LLB) Medicine (MD) or osteopathic medicine (DO) Ministry or divinity (MDiv/DMin/MHL/BD/ordination) Optometry (OD) Pharmacy (PharmD) Podiatry (DPM/DP/PodD) Veterinary medicine (DVM) Other degree not listed Question Name N12OCCINTRO Wording [IF N12CMPDGN=1 and N12EXPEVR lt = T_DEGREE]: For the next few questions, think back to when you first started your [T_DEGREN]. [else if N12CMPDGN=1 and N12EXPEVR gt T_DEGREE and N12EXPEVR=10]: For the next few questions, assume you that you continue on in school and complete your [T_PRFDOC] degree. [else if N12CMPDGN=1 and N12EXPEVR gt T_DEGREE]: For the next few questions, assume that you continue on in school and complete your [T_EXPEVR]. [else if N12EXPN=1 and N12EXPEVR le T_DEGREE]: Earlier, you told us you don't plan on finishing your [T_DEGREN]. For the next few questions, imagine you don't finish your [T_DEGREN], and that it is five years from now. [else if N12EXPN=1 and N12EXPEVR =10]: Earlier, you told us you don't plan on finishing your [T_DEGREN], but that, in the future, you expect to complete your [T_PRFDOC] degree. For the next few questions, imagine you complete your [T_PRFDOC] degree. [else if N12EXPN=1 and N12EXPEVR gt T_DEGREE]: Earlier, you told us you don't plan on finishing your [T_DEGREN], but that, in the future, you expect to complete your [T_EXPEVR]. For the next few questions, imagine you 12/19/11 Page 81 complete your [T_EXPEVR]. [else if N12EXPEVR=T_DEGREE and N12DBLMAJ in (1, 3) and N12MAJ1 ne missing]: For the next few questions, assume you complete your [T_DEGREN] in [N12MAJ1]. [else if N12EXPEVR gt T_DEGREE and N12EXPEVR=10 and N12DBLMAJ in (1, 3) and N12MAJ1 ne missing]: For the next few questions, assume you complete your [T_DEGREN] in [N12MAJ1] and that you continue on in school and complete your [T_PRFDOC] degree. [else if N12EXPEVR=T_DEGREE] For the next few questions, assume you complete your [T_DEGREN] in your field of study. [else if N12EXPEVR gt T_DEGREE and N12DBLMAJ in (1, 3) and N12MAJ1 ne missing]: For the next few questions, assume you complete your [T_DEGREN] in [N12MAJ1] and that you continue on in school and complete your [T_EXPEVR]. [else if N12EXPEVR gt T_DEGREE and N12EXPEVR=10]: For the next few questions, assume you complete your [T_DEGREN] in your field of study and that you continue on in school and complete your [T_PRFDOC] degree. [else if N12EXPEVR gt T_DEGREE]: For the next few questions, assume you complete your [T_DEGREN] in your field of study and that you continue on in school and complete your [T_EXPEVR]. [Else]: For the next few questions assume you complete your [T_DEGREN] in your field of study. If you plan on completing another degree after your [T_DEGREN], assume you continue on in school and complete that degree too. Item Question Name N12EXOCC Wording [If N12CMPDGN=1 and N12EXPEVR lt =T_DEGREE] When you started your [T_DEGREN] program, what were the title and duties of the job you intended to hold once you finished your education? [else if N12EXPN=1 and N12EXPEVR le T_DEGREE] What do you think the job title and duties of the occupation you intend to hold will be five years from now? [else if N12EXPEVR=T_DEGREE and N12DBLMAJ in (1, 3) and N12MAJ1 ne missing] What do you think the job title and duties of the occupation you intend to hold will be after having completed your [T_DEGREN] in [N12MAJ1]? [else if N12EXPEVR=T_DEGREE] What do you think the job title and duties of the occupation you intend to hold will be after having completed your [T_DEGREN] in your field of study? [else if N12EXPEVR gt T_DEGREE and N12EXPEVR=10]: What do you think the job title and duties of the occupation you intend to hold will be after having completed your [T_PRFDOC] degree? [else if N12EXPEVR gt T_DEGREE] What do you think the job title and duties of the occupation you intend to hold will be after having completed your [T_EXPEVR]? [else] What do you think the job title and duties of the occupation you intend to hold will be after having completed your education? Spec Name Value Item Occupation Coder Data Source: O*Net: Occupational Information Network (U.S. Department of Labor) Question Name N12OCCCOM Wording [IF N12CMPDGN=1 and N12EXPEVR lt =T_DEGREE and N12EXJBTL ne missing]: On a scale from 0-10, how likely do you think it is that you will hold a(n) [N12EXJBTL] job? [else If N12EXPN=1 and N12EXPEVR le T_DEGREE]: On a scale from 0-10, how likely do you think it is that, five years from now you will you will hold your intended occupation? [If N12EXPEVR=T_DEGREE and N12EXJBTL ne missing] On a scale from 0-10, how likely do you think it is that, after having completed your [T_DEGREN], you will hold a(n) [N12EXJBTL] job? [else if N12EXPEVR gt T_DEGREE and N12EXPEVR=10 and N12EXJBTL ne missing]: On a scale from 0-10, how likely do you think it is that, after having completed your [T_PRFDOC] degree, you will hold a(n) [N12EXJBTL] job? [else if N12EXPEVR gt T_DEGREE and N12EXPEVR=10]: On a scale from 0-10, how likely do you think it is that, after having completed your [T_PRFDOC] degree, you will hold your intended occupation? [else if N12EXPEVR gt T_DEGREE and N12EXJBTL ne missing]: On a scale from 0-10, how likely do you think it is that, after having completed your [T_EXPEVR], you will hold a(n) [N12EXJBTL] job? [else if N12EXPEVR gt T_DEGREE]: On a scale from 0-10, how likely do you think it is that, after having completed your 12/19/11 Page 82 [T_EXPEVR], you will hold your intended occupation? [else if N12EXJBTL ne missing]: On a scale from 0-10, how likely do you think it is that, after having completed your education, you will hold a(n) [N12EXJBTL] job? [else] On a scale from 0-10, how likely do you think it is that, after having completed your education, you will hold your intended occupation? Item Spec Name Slider Value 0-10 Question Name N12INTENDJOB Wording Spec Name Item Value Item Name N12INTENDJOB Wording Already hold intended job Response Option Response Option Details Question Name N12FUTRWAGES Wording [If N12INTENDJOB=1 and N12EXJBTL ne missing] or [if N12CMPDGN=1 and N12EXJBTL ne missing]: [If TIO: I /else: We] have some questions about the range of salary you expected to make once you began working in a(n) [N12EXJBTL] job. What was... [else if (N12INTENDJOB=1 and N12EXJBTL=missing) or (N12CMPDGN=1 and N12EXJBTL=missing)]: [If TIO: I/else: We] have some questions about the range of salary you expected to make once you finished your education. What was... [else if N12EXJBTL ne missing]: [If TIO: I /else: We] have some questions about the range of salary you expect to make once you begin working in a(n) [N12EXJBTL] job. What is... [else] [If TIO: I/else: We] have some questions about the range of salary you expect to make once you finish your education. What is... Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12EXPWAGE 1. Your expected yearly salary: $|.00 per year Response Option Details N12HIWAGE 2. Your highest expected yearly salary: $|.00 per year Response Option Details N12LOWAGE 3. Your lowest expected yearly salary: $|.00 per year Response Option Details Question Name N12EDBENEFTS Wording Salary may be only one part of why people choose a job. Compared to the salary, how important is each of the following to you? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12HLPOTH Helping others as part of your job Code Label 1 Less important than salary 2 As important as salary 3 More important than salary N12EXPFLD Being seen as an expert in your field Code Label 1 Less important than salary 2 As important as salary 3 More important than salary N12WRKTSKS Making your own decisions about how to get your work done Code Label 1 Less important than salary 2 As important as salary 3 More important than salary N12LEISTIME Balancing work and leisure time Code Label 1 Less important than salary 12/19/11 Page 83 Item Name Wording Response Option 2 As important as salary 3 More important than salary N12FAMTIM Balancing work and family Code Label 1 Less important than salary 2 As important as salary 3 More important than salary Financial Aid Spec Name Value Question Name N12OTGRNTAID Wording For the 2011-2012 school year, did you receive any... Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12VETBEN Veteran's education benefits? Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12EMPGRNT [If T_AGE lt 24]: Grants or scholarships from your employer or from your parents' or guardians' employer? [Else] Grants or scholarships from your employer? Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12PRVGRNT Grants or scholarships from a private organization such as a church, PTA, fraternity/sorority, or foundation? Code Label 1 Yes 0 No Question Name N12OTGRNTAMT Wording What was the total amount you received for the 2011-2012 school year in... (If you are unsure of the amounts, please provide your best guess.) Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12VETBENAMT Veteran's education benefits $|.00 Response Option Details N12EMPGRTAMT Employer grants or scholarships $|.00 Response Option Details N12PRVGRTAMT Private organization grants or scholarships $|.00 Response Option Details Question Name N12RCVLN Wording Did you take out any student loans for the 2011-2012 school year? By student loans, we mean any money borrowed for school that you will have to pay back to a federal or state government, to a private financial institution, or to [Y_NPSCHL]. Do not include parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or any money borrowed from family or friends. 12/19/11 Page 84 Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12RCVLN Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12APPAID Wording Did you apply for financial aid for the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12APPAID Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12NOAPP Wording Please indicate whether the following were reasons you did not apply for financial aid. Was it because you… Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12NODEBT Did not want to take on debt Code Label 1 Yes 0 No Item Name N12NONEED Wording Could afford to go to school without financial aid Response Code Label Option 1 Yes 0 No Item Name N12THKEL Wording Thought you would be ineligible Response Code Label Option 1 Yes 0 No Item Name N12HSAPP Wording Did not have enough information about how to apply for financial aid Response Code Label Option 1 Yes 0 No Item Name N12FMCON Wording Thought the application forms were too much work or too time-consuming Response Code Label Option 1 Yes 0 No Item Name N12APOTH Wording Other reason not listed Response Option Response Option Details Question Name N12FEDLN Wording Did you take out any federal loans, such as a Stafford Loan, for the 2011-2012 school year? (Federal student loans include: subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Perkins Loans, and graduate and professional student PLUS Loans. Do not include parent PLUS Loans.) Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12FEDLN Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12PRVLN Wording Did you take out any private or alternative loans from a financial institution or state 12/19/11 Page 85 for the 2011-2012 school year? Some examples of commonly used private loans include: • • • • • Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan Chase Select Loan Loans from credit unions Loans from states such as NYHELPs Private loans are loans that usually require a co-signer and have market interest rates based on credit history. Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12PRVLN Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12PRVAMT Wording How much did you borrow in private or alternative loans for the 2011-2012 school year? Do not include any money borrowed in federal loans or any money borrowed from family or friends in your answer. (If you are unsure of the amount of your private loans, please provide your best guess.) Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Value N12PRVAMT $|.00 Question Name N12PRVEST Wording For the 2011-2012 school year, please indicate the range for how much you borrowed in alternative or private loans. Would you say it was... Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12PRVEST [If Y_DEP = 1] $0 Less than $3,000 $3,000-$5,999 $6,000-$8,999 $9,000-$11,999 $12,000-$14,999 $15,000-$17,999 $18,000-$20,999 $21,000-$22,999 $23,000 or more Don't Know [else if Y_DEP = 2 and T_STAT in (1 3)] $0 Less than $6,000 $6,000-$11,999 $12,000-$17,999 $18,000-$12,999 $24,000-$29,999 $30,000-$35,999 $36,000-$41,999 $42,000-$45,999 $46,000 or more Don't Know [else] (T_STAT in (2 4)) $0 Less than $15,000 $15,000-$29,999 $30,000-$44,999 $45,000-$59,999 $60,000-$74,999 $75,000$89,999 $90,000-$104,999 $105,000-$119,999 $120,000-$138,499 $138,500 or more Don't Know Code Label 1 Less than $3,000 2 $3,000 - $5,999 3 $6,000 - $8,999 4 $9,000 - $11,999 5 $12,000 - $14,999 6 $15,000 - $17,999 7 $18,000 or more 8 Don't know Question Name N12UGLNNPSYR Wording What is the total amount of money you borrowed in student loans for the 2011-2012 school year only (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012)? Please include all federal, private, state, and school loans. Do not include parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or any money borrowed from family or friends in your answer. (If you are unsure of the amount, please provide your best guess.) Item Spec Name Item Name Value N12UGLNNPSYR 12/19/11 Page 86 Wording $|.00 Response Option Response Option Details Question Name N12UGLNYEST Wording The NPSAS interview is designed to help us better understand how students and their families pay for college expenses through savings, financial aid, and work. Please consider answering this important question. For the 2011-2012 school year only (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), would you say that you borrowed... Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12UGLNYEST Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Label $0 Less than $3,500 $3,500 - $5,499 $5,500 - $7,499 $7,500 - $9,499 $9,500 - $12,499 $12,500 - $14,999 $15,000 or more Don't know Question Name N12GRLNNPSYR Wording What is the total amount of money you borrowed in student loans for your graduate education for the 2011-2012 school year only (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012)? Please include all federal, private, state, and school loans. Do not include any grants or scholarships or any money borrowed from family or friends in your answer. (If you are unsure of the amount, please provide your best guess.) Item Spec Name Item Name N12GRLNNPSYR Wording $|.00 Response Option Response Option Details Value Question Name N12GRLNYEST Wording The NPSAS interview is designed to help us better understand how students and their families pay for college expenses through savings, financial aid, and work. Please consider answering this important question. For your graduate education for the 2011-2012 school year only (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), would you say that you borrowed... Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12GRLNYEST Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Label $0 Less than $8,500 $8,500 - $14,999 $15,000 - $20,499 $20,500 - $29,999 $30,000 - $39,999 $40,000 - $49,999 $50,000 or more 12/19/11 Page 87 8 Don't know Question Name N12REFUND1 Wording [If N12RCVLN=0] After paying for your tuition and fees, did you or will you receive a refund of any scholarships or grants from [Y_NPSCHL]? [Else]: After paying for your tuition and fees, did you or will you receive a refund of any scholarships, grants, or loans from [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12REFUND1 Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12REFUND2 Wording Did you or will you... Spec Name Item Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12REFUND2 Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Label Ask your school to deposit the refund directly to your bank or credit union account Cash or deposit the refund check at a bank or credit union yourself Cash the refund check somewhere other than a bank or credit union (example: a checkcashing business, grocery or convenience store) Receive the refund on a prepaid debit card Receive the refund through your student ID card Do something else not listed with the refund Question Name N12OUTST Wording [If TCURENR = 1] At [Y_NPSCHL], are you charged for out-of-state or out-of-district tuition or fees? [else] At [Y_NPSCHL], were you charged for out-of-state or out-ofdistrict tuition or fees? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12OUTST Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12UGLN Wording [If Y_NPLEVL = 3 and T_B4JULY=1] Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, how much will you have borrowed in student loans for your entire college or vocational education? [Else if If Y_NPLEVL = 3 and T_B4JULY=0] Through the end of the 20112012 school year, how much did you borrow in student loans for your entire college or vocational education? [Else if T_B4JULY=1] Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, how much will you have borrowed in student loans for your entire undergraduate education? [Else] Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, how much did you borrow in student loans for your entire undergraduate education? [all get the following instruction]: Please include all federal, private, state, and school loans. Do not include Parent PLUS loans, grants or scholarships, or any money borrowed from family or friends. (If you are unsure of the amount, please provide your best guess. If you have never taken out any student loans for your [If T_STAT in (2, 4): undergraduate] education enter "0" in the box.) 12/19/11 Page 88 Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Value N12UGLN $|.00 Question Name N12ULNEST Wording [All get the following instruction]: The NPSAS interview is designed to help us better understand how students and their families pay for college expenses through savings, financial aid, and work. Please consider answering this important question. [If Y_NPLEVL = 3 and T_B4JULY=1] For your entire college or vocational education through the end of the 2011-12 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), would you say that you will have borrowed... [Else If Y_NPLEVL = 3 and T_B4JULY=0] For your entire college or vocational education through the end of the 2011-12 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), would you say that you borrowed... [Else if T_B4JULY=1] For your entire undergraduate education through the end of the 2011-12 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), would you say that you will have borrowed... [Else] For your entire undergraduate education through the end of the 2011-12 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), would you say that you borrowed... Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12ULNEST Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Label $0 Less than $5,000 $5,000 - $9,999 $10,000 - $14,999 $15,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $34,999 $35,000 - $49,999 $50,000 or more Don't know Question Name N12UGOWE Wording [If N12BPSELG=1] Do you owe all, some, or none of the total student loans that you took out for the 2011-2012 school year? [Else]: Do you still owe all, some, or none of the total student loans that you took out for your undergraduate education? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12UGOWE Code 1 2 0 Label All Some None Question Name N12GRLN Wording [T_B4JULY=1]: Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, how much will you have borrowed in student loans for your entire graduate education? [Else]: Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, how much did you borrow in student loans for your entire graduate education? [all get the following instruction]: Please include all federal, private, state, and school loans. Do not include any grants or scholarships or any money borrowed from family or friends in your answer. (If you are unsure of the amount, please provide your best guess. If you have never taken out any student loans for your graduate education, enter "0" in the box.) Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording N12GRLN $|.00 Question Name N12GLNEST Wording [All get the following instruction]: The NPSAS interview is designed to help us better understand how students and their families pay for college expenses through savings, financial aid, and work. Please consider answering this important question. [If T_B4JULY=1] For your entire graduate education through the end of the 2011-12 school 12/19/11 Page 89 year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), would you say that you will have borrowed... [Else] For your entire graduate education through the end of the 2011-12 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), would you say that borrowed... Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12GLNEST Code 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Label $0 Less than $15,000 $15,000 - $24,999 $25,000 - $39,999 $40,000 - $69,999 $70,000 - $99,999 $100,000 - $149,999 $150,000 or more Don't know Question Name N12GROWE Wording Do you still owe all, some, or none of that amount (that you borrowed for your graduate education)? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12GROWE Code 1 2 0 Label All Some None Question Name N12DCLN Wording When you were deciding how to pay for college for the 2011-2012 school year, were you offered any federal student loans that you chose not to accept? (Please do not include loans offered by family or friends in your answer.) Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12DCLN Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12DCMAXLN Wording Of the federal student loans you received, did you choose to take the maximum amount of money offered by the government? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12DCMAXLN Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12DCLRSN Wording [If N12DCLN = 1 and N12DCMAXLN = 0] What was your main reason for choosing not to accept the [If N12RCVLN=1: additional] loan(s) and the full amount of money you were offered? [Else if N12DCLN = 0 and N12DCMAXLN = 0] What was your main reason for choosing not to accept the full amount of money you were offered? [Else] What was your main reason for choosing not to accept the [if N12RCVLN=1: additional] loan(s)? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12DCLRSN Code 1 2 Label Your college costs were already covered with money from other sources You were concerned that you might not be 12/19/11 Page 90 able to repay the additional loan amount You did not understand the terms of the loan, so you thought it safer to turn down the money You did not like the terms of the loan (for example, the interest rate or having the interest grow while you are still attending school) You did not want more debt 3 4 5 Question Name N12AVOIDLNS Wording [If N12FEDLN=1 or N12PRVLN=1] As a way to avoid taking out additional student loans during the 2011-2012 school year, did you choose to... [else] As a way to avoid taking out student loans during the 2011-2012 school year, did you choose to... Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12FEWCLSES Take fewer classes at [Y_NPSCHL]? Code 1 Yes 0 No N12CSTLESS Attend a school that cost you less? Code 1 Yes 0 No N12WRKMORE Get a job or work more hours? Code 1 Yes 0 No Label Label Label Question Name N12UNMETNEED Wording [If N12RCVLN le 0]: Would you have borrowed money for the 2011-2012 school year if you could have? [Else]: Would you have borrowed more money for the 2011-2012 school year if you could have? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12UNMETNEED Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12NEEDAMTUG Wording [If N12RCVLN le 0]: How much money would you have borrowed for the 2011-2012 school year if you could have? [Else]: How much more money would you have borrowed for the 2011-2012 school year if you could have? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12NEEDAMTUG Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Label Less than $1,000 $1,000-$2,000 $2,001-$3,000 $3,001-$4,000 More than $4,000 $0 Question Name N12REPAY Wording [If N12MARR = 2 and N12PARDED=1]: Do you expect that anyone other than your spouse, such as your other family members or friends, will help you repay your student loans? [Else if N12MARR = 2]: Do you expect that anyone other than your spouse, such as your parents or other family members or friends, will help you repay your student loans? [else if N12PARDED=1]: Do you expect that anyone, such as your family members or friends, will help you repay your student loans? [else]: Do you expect that anyone, such as your parents or other family members or friends, will help you repay 12/19/11 Page 91 your student loans? Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value N12REPAY Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12GRDASTJOB Wording [If T_CURENR=1] In the 2011-2012 school year, have you had a graduate assistantship? [Else] In the 2011-2012 school year, did you have a graduate assistantship? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12GRDASTJOB Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12GRAST Wording [If T_CURENR=1] In the 2011-2012 school year, have you had a graduate teaching assistantship, a graduate research assistantship, or another type of graduate assistantship? [Else] In the 2011-2012 school year, did you have a graduate teaching assistantship, a graduate research assistantship, or another type of graduate assistantship? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12GRTA Graduate teaching assistantship Response Option Details N12GRRA Graduate research assistantship Response Option Details N12GROTH Other graduate assistantship Response Option Details Question Name N12TUITN Wording Did you receive a tuition waiver or any other form of full or partial tuition assistance through your graduate school job(s)? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12TUITN Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12HINS Wording As part of your graduate school job(s), did you receive health insurance? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12HINS Code 1 2 3 Label Yes No, because did not want it or need it No, because it was not offered Question Name N12GRTAAMT Wording [If T_CURENR=1] What is the amount of your graduate teaching assistantship for the 2011-2012 school year? [Else] What was the amount of your graduate teaching assistantship for the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name N12GRTAAMT Wording $|.00 Response Option Response Option Details 12/19/11 Page 92 Question Name N12GRRAAMT Wording [If T_CURENR=1] What is the amount of your graduate research assistantship for the 2011-2012 school year? [Else] What was the amount of your graduate research assistantship for the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name N12GRRAAMT Wording $|.00 Response Option Response Option Details Question Name N12GROTHAMT Wording [If N12GRTA=1 or N12GRRA=1]: What [if T_CURENR=1: is/else: was] the amount of your other graduate assistantship for the 2011-2012 school year? Do not include the amount of any graduate assistantship you've already told [if WEB: us/else: me] about. [else] What [if T_CURENR=1: is/else: was] the amount of your graduate assistantship for the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name N12GROTHAMT Wording $|.00 Response Option Response Option Details Question Name N12CONTAC Wording Which of the following activities [{If T_CURENR = 1} do {else} did] you perform as a teaching assistant during the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option Item Name Wording Response Option N12CLSHRS [{if T_CURENR=1} Assume {else} Assumed] teaching responsibility for one or more courses Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12DISHRS [{if T_CURENR=1} Lead {else} Led] discussion sections for faculty -taught courses Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12LABHRS [{if T_CURENR=1} Supervise {else} Supervised] lab sections for faculty-taught courses Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12GRAHRS [{if T_CURENR=1} Assist {else} Assisted] faculty with grading or other instruction - related activities Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12MSGHRS [{if T_CURENR=1} Assist {else} Assisted] faculty with answering student e-mail messages Code Label 1 Yes 0 No N12OFFHRS [{if T_CURENR=1} Hold {else} Held] office hours Code Label 1 Yes 0 No Question Name N12GRFELL Wording [If T_CURENR=1] In the 2011-2012 school year, have you had a graduate fellowship? [Else] In the 2011-2012 school year, did you have a graduate fellowship? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12GRFELL Code 1 Label Yes 12/19/11 Page 93 0 No Question Name N12GRFELLAMT Wording [If T_CURENR=1] What is the amount of your graduate fellowship for the 2011-2012 school year? [Else] What was the amount of your graduate fellowship for the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name N12GRFELLAMT Wording $|.00 Response Option Response Option Details Question Name N12GRTRNSHP Wording [If T_CURENR=1] In the 2011-2012 school year, have you had a traineeship? [Else] In the 2011-2012 school year, did you have a traineeship? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12GRTRNSHP Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12GRTRNAMT Wording [If T_CURENR=1] What is the amount of your traineeship for the 2011-2012 school year? [Else] What was the amount of your traineeship for the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name N12GRTRNAMT Wording $|.00 Response Option Response Option Details Question Name N12GRHRS Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] During the 2011-2012 school year, how many hours, on average, do you work per week in your graduate school job(s)? [else] During the 2011-2012 school year, how many hours, on average, did you work per week in your graduate school job(s)? Spec Name Value Item Item Name N12GRHRS Wording | hours per week Response Option Response Option Details Question Name N12GRWEEK Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] For your graduate school job(s), would you say you have worked during all the weeks you attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year, most of them, half of them, or less than half? [else] For your graduate school job(s), would you say you worked during all the weeks you attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year, most of them, half of them, or less than half? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12GRWEEK Code 1 2 3 4 Label All Most Half Less than half Question Name N12SCHJOB Wording [if T_CURENR=1] During the 2011-2012 school year, have you had a work-study job at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] During the 2011-2012 school year, did you have a work-study job at [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12SCHJOB Code 1 0 Label Yes No 12/19/11 Page 94 Question Name N12WSMAJR Wording Create ltext fill: {if N12DBLMAJ = 3 or T_STAT = 3} ltext = coursework {else if N12DBLMAJ = 2} ltext = primary major or field of study {else} ltext = major or field of study [If N12DBLMAJ = 3 or T_STAT = 3] {If T_CURENR = 0} Was {else} Is] your work-study job related to your coursework at [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] {If T_CURENR = 0} Was {else} Is] your work-study job related to your [{If N12DBLMAJ = 2} primary] major or field of study at [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12WSMAJR Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12WSONOF Wording [If T_CURENR=1] Is your work-study job located primarily on or off campus? [else] Was your work-study job located primarily on or off campus? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12WSONOF Code 1 2 3 Label On campus Off campus Both on and off campus Question Name N12WSEMP Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] Is your work-study job for [Y_NPSCHL] or for another institution or organization? [else] Was your work-study job for [Y_NPSCHL] or for another institution or organization? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Response Option N12WSEMP Code 1 2 Label [Y_NPSCHL] Another institution or organization Question Name N12WAEARN Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] How much do you earn from your work-study job while attending [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? [else] How much did you earn from your work-study job while you were attending [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording Item Name Wording Response Option N12WAAMT $ N12WAERNT Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label Per year Per term or semester Per month Per week Per hour Question Name N12WAERNS Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] In the 2011-2012 school year only, how many [{if N12WAERNT = 2} terms {if N12WAERNT = 3} months {else}weeks] will you have worked in your workstudy job by the end of the school year? [else] During the 2011-2012 school year, how many [{if N12WAERNT = 2} terms {if N12WAERNT = 3} months {else}weeks] did you work in your work-study job? [If Y_CALSYS=0 and N12WAERNT in (missing, 1, 4,5)] then provide the following instruction]: A typical semester =15 weeks. A typical quarter or trimester=10 weeks. Spec Name Value Item Item Name N12WAERNS 12/19/11 Page 95 Wording [If N12WAERNT = 2] term(s) [else if N12WAERNT = 3] month(s) [else] week(s) Question Name N12WAHRS Wording [If T_CURENR = 1] During the 2011-2012 school year, how many hours, on average, do you work per week in your work-study job? [else] During the 2011-2012 school year, how many hours, on average, did you work per week in your work-study job? Spec Name Value Item Item Name Wording N12WAHRS | hours per week Current Employment Spec Name Value Question N12ANYJOB Name Wording [If (N12GRTA in (0, blank) and N12GRRA in (0, blank) and N12GROTH in (0, blank) and N12GRFELL in (0, blank) and N12GRTRNSHP in (0, blank) and N12SCHJOB ne 1)]: [If T_B4JULY=1: Have/ELSE: Did] you [If T_B4JULY=1: held/ELSE: hold] any jobs during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012)? Do not include any jobs you held when you were not enrolled in school, such as jobs held only during summer break. [Else]: Other than your [school_job1 + school_job2 + school_job3 + school_job4], [If T_B4JULY=1: have/ELSE: Did] you [If T_B4JULY=1: held/ELSE: hold] any other jobs during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012)? Do not include any jobs you held when you were not enrolled in school, such as jobs held only during summer break. Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Value Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question N12NUMJOB Name Wording [If T_B4JULY=1 and (N12GRTA in (0, blank) and N12GRRA in (0, blank) and N12GROTH in (0, blank) and N12GRFELL in (0, blank) and N12GRTRNSHP in (0, blank) and N12SCHJOB ne 1)] During the 2011-2012 school year, how many jobs for pay have you usually held at one time? [else if T_B4JULY = 1] Not including your [school_job1 + school_job2 + school_job3 + school_job4], how many jobs for pay have you usually held at one time during the 2011-2012 school year? [else if T_B4JULY=0 and (N12GRTA in (0, blank) and N12GRRA in (0, blank) and N12GROTH in (0, blank) and N12GRFELL in (0, blank) and N12GRTRNSHP in (0, blank) and N12SCHJOB ne 1)] During the 2011-2012 school year, how many jobs for pay did you usually hold at one time? [else] Not including your [school_job1 + school_job2 + school_job3 + school_job4], how many jobs for pay did you usually hold at one time during the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 Label One More than one 12/19/11 Page 96 Question N12SEARN Name Wording [if T_B4JULY = 1 and (N12GRTA=1 or N12GRRA=1 or N12GROTH=1 or N12GRFELL=1 or N12GRTRNSHP=1 or N12SCHJOB=1)] During the 2011-2012 school year, how much have you usually earned from working? Do not include any money earned from your [school_job1 + school_job2 + school_job3 + school_job4] or any money earned when you were not enrolled in school, such as money earned during summer break. [else if T_B4JULY = 1] During the 2011-2012 school year, how much have you usually earned from working? Do not include any money earned when you were not enrolled in school, such as money earned during summer break. [else if T_B4JULY = 0 and (N12GRTA=1 or N12GRRA=1 or N12GROTH=1 or N12GRFELL=1 or N12GRTRNSHP=1 or N12SCHJOB=1)] During the 2011-2012 school year, how much did you usually earn from working? Do not include any money earned from your [school_job1 + school_job2 + school_job3 + school_job4] or any money earned when you were not enrolled in school, such as money earned during summer break. [else] During the 2011-2012 school year, how much did you usually earn from working? Do not include any money earned when you were not enrolled in school, such as money earned during summer break. Spec Name Value Item Wording Wording Response Option $ Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label For the entire school year Per term or semester Per month Per week Per hour Question N12SEARNS Name Wording [If T_B4JULY = 1 and (N12GRTA = 1 or N12GRRA = 1 or N12GROTH = 1 or N12GRFELL = 1 or N12GRTRNSHP = 1 or N12SCHJOB = 1)] During the 2011-2012 school year only, and not including your [school_job1 + school_job2 + school_job3 + school_job4], how many [t_fill2] will you have worked by the end of the school year? Do not include any [t_fill2] worked when you were not enrolled in school. [else if T_B4JULY=1] During the 2011-2012 school year only, how many [t_fill2] will you have worked by the end of the school year? Do not include any [t_fill2] worked when you were not enrolled in school. [else if T_B4JULY = 0 and (N12GRTA = 1 or N12GRRA = 1 or N12GROTH = 1 or N12GRFELL = 1 or N12GRTRNSHP = 1 or N12SCHJOB = 1)] Not including your [school_job1 + school_job2 + school_job3 + school_job4], how many [t_fill2] did you work during the 2011-2012 school year? Do not include any [t_fill2] worked when you were not enrolled in school. [else] During the 20112012 school year only, how many [t_fill2] did you work? Do not include any [t_fill2] worked when you were not enrolled in school. [If Y_CALSYS=0 and N12SERNTIM in (missing,1,4,5) then provide the following instruction]: (Tip: One semester usually has 15 weeks. One quarter or trimester usually has 10 weeks.) Spec Name Value Item Wording [if N12SERNTIM = 2] term(s) [else if N12SERNTIM = 3] month(s) [else] week(s) Question N12SBHRS Name Wording [If T_B4JULY= 1 and (N12GRTA=1 or N12GRRA=1 or N12GROTH=1 or N12GRFELL=1 or N12GRTRNSHP=1 or N12SCHJOB=1)] How many hours have you usually worked per week during the 2011-2012 school year? Do not include hours worked at your [school_job1 + 12/19/11 Page 97 school_job2 + school_job3 + school_job4] or any hours worked when you were not enrolled in school, such as during summer break. [else if T_B4JULY = 1] How many hours have you usually worked per week during the 2011-2012 school year? Do not include any hours worked when you were not enrolled in school, such as during summer break. [else if T_B4JULY = 0 and (N12GRTA=1 or N12GRRA=1 or N12GROTH=1 or N12GRFELL=1 or N12GRTRNSHP=1 or N12SCHJOB=1)] How many hours did you usually work per week during the 2011-2012 school year? Do not include hours worked at your [school_job1 + school_job2 + school_job3 + school_job4] or any hours worked when you were not enrolled in school, such as during summer break. [else] How many hours did you usually work per week during the 2011-2012 school year? Do not include any hours worked when you were not enrolled in school, such as during summer break. Item Spec Name Wording | hour(s) per week Response Option Value Question N12ONOFF Name Wording [If N12NUMJOB = 1 and If T_B4JULY=1]: Is this job located on or off campus? [If N12NUMJOB=1 and T_B4JULY=0]: Was that job located on or off campus? [else If N12NUMJOB gt 1 and T_B4JLULY=1]: Are these jobs all located on campus, all located off campus, or located both on and off campus? [else if N12NUMJOB gt 1 and T_B4JLULY=0]: Were these jobs all located on campus, all located off campus, or located both on and off campus? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option [If N12NUMJOB=1] Primarily on campus [else] Jobs were all on campus Code Label 1 [If N12NUMJOB=1]: Primarily on campus [Else]: Jobs all on campus 2 [If N12NUMJOB=1]: Primarily off campus [Else]: Jobs all off campus 3 Both on and off campus jobs Question N12ENRWRK Name Wording During the 2011-2012 school year, would you say you were primarily... Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 Label A student working to meet expenses, or An employee who decided to enroll in school Question N12PRVJOB Name Wording Before the 2011-2012 school year began, how many jobs for pay were you usually working at one time? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 0 1 2 Label None One More than one Question N12POCC Name Wording [If N12PRVJOB=1]: What were the title and duties of that job? [Else]: What were the title and duties of the job where you worked the most hours in the year before the 2011-2012 school year began? Spec Name Value Item Occupation Coder Data source: O*NET: Occupational Information Network (U.S. Department of Labor) Question N12SAMEJOB 12/19/11 Page 98 Name Wording Item [If N12PJBTL ne missing]: [If T_CURENR=1: Are/Else: Were] you still working in a [N12PJBTL] job [if T_CURENR=0: during the most recent term you attended school in the 2011-2012 school year? [Else] [If T_CURENR=1: Are/else: Were] you still working in that job [if T_CURENR=0: during the most recent term you attended school in the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Wording Response Option Value Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question N12POCCTIM Name Wording [If N12SAMEJOB=1] Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, for how long [if T_B4JULY=1: will you have worked/else: had you worked] in [if N12PJBTL ne missing: a [N12PJBTL]/else: that] job? [Else] For how long did you work at [if N12PJBTL ne missing: your [N12PJBTL]/else: that] job? Spec Name Value Item Wording |(Enter a number here and choose a unit of time below) Response Option Wording Response Code Label Option 1 Day(s) 2 Week(s) 3 Month(s) 4 Year(s) Question N12PRVWAGE Name Wording Create T_JOBFILL: [If N12PRVJOB > 1] then T_JOBFILL = "from all jobs", [else] T_JOBFILL = blank How much did you usually earn [T_JOBFILL] before the 2011-2012 school year began? Spec Name Value Item Wording $ Response Option Wording Response Option 1 2 3 4 Code Label Per year Per month Per week Per hour Question N12PRVHRSWK Name Wording Create T_JOBFILL :[If N12PRVJOB > 1] then T_JOBFILL = "at all jobs together", [else] T_JOBFILL = blank. On average, how many hours per week did you work [T_JOBFILL] before the 2011-2012 school year began? Spec Name Value Item Wording | hour(s) per week Response Option Question N12PRVMTHYR Name Wording How many months of the year did you work between July 1, 2010 and June 30, 2011? Spec Name Value Item Wording | month(s) Response Option Question N12WRKPAY Name Wording If you had not attended college at all in 2011-2012, which of the following would you most likely have done? 12/19/11 Page 99 Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 3 4 Label Work for pay Work, but not be paid Not work (for any reason) Enter the military Question N12ALTNUMJOB Name Wording If you had not attended college at all in 2011-2012, how many jobs for pay do you think you would have held at one time? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 Label One job at a time Two or more jobs at a time Question N12ALTSCHED Name Wording If you had not attended college at all in 2011-2012, would you have worked full time for the full year? (Full time is at least 35 hours per week. The full year is 12 months out of the year.) Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Value Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question N12ALTHRSWK Name Wording If you had not attended college at all in 2011-2012, on average how many hours per week would you have worked? Spec Name Value Item Wording | hour(s) per week Response Option Question N12ALTMTHYR Name Wording If you had not attended college at all in 2011-2012, how many months out of the year would you have worked? Spec Name Value Item Wording | month(s) Response Option Question N12ALTWAGE1 Name Wording [If N12WRKPAY=4]: How much do you think you would have earned if you had entered the military instead of attending college in the 2011-2012 school year? Provide your best guess if you are unsure of the amount. [Else]: How much do you think you would have earned from working if you had not attended college at all in the 2011-2012 school year? Provide your best guess if you are unsure of the amount. [All get the following instruction]: (Tip: The average minimum wage is $7.75 per hour.) Spec Name Value Item Wording $|(enter an amount per hour or an amount per year) Response Option Wording Response Code Label Option 1 Per hour 2 Per year Question N12ALTWAGE2 12/19/11 Page 100 Name Wording How much do you think you would have earned at all your jobs together if you had not attended college in the 2011-2012 school year? (Provide your best guess if you are unsure of the amount.) Item Spec Name Value Wording $|.00 (enter an amount per week, per month, or per year) Response Option Wording Response Code Label Option 1 Per week 2 Per month 3 Per year Income and Expenses Spec Name Value Question Name N12INCINTRO Wording The next set of questions will help us to better understand how the financial circumstances of students may affect their ability to attend college. Item Question Name N12INCOM Wording What was your income for calendar year 2011, prior to taxes and deductions? (Calendar year 2011 includes January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011. Include all income you paid taxes on, including work, investment income, or alimony. Do not include [if N12MARR=2: your spouse's income,] any grants or loans you may have used to pay for school, or any money given to you by your family.) Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Label No income Less than $1,000 $1,000-$2,499 $2,500-$4,999 $5,000-$9,999 $10,000-$14,999 $15,000-$19,999 $20,000-$29,999 $30,000-$49,999 $50,000 and above Don't know Question Name N12INCSP Wording What was your spouse's income for calendar year 2011, prior to taxes and deductions? (Calendar year 2011 includes January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011. Include all income your spouse paid taxes on. Do not include any grants or loans your spouse may have used to pay for school, or any money given to your spouse by family.) Spec Name Value Item Wording 12/19/11 Page 101 Response Option Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Label No income Less than $1,000 $1,000-$2,499 $2,500-$4,999 $5,000-$9,999 $10,000-$14,999 $15,000-$19,999 $20,000-$29,999 $30,000-$49,999 $50,000 and above Don't know Question Name N12DEPS Wording Next [if Web mode: we/else: I] have some questions that will help us understand how students' family situations affect how they pay for college. Do you have any children you [if T_B4JULY=1: support/else: supported] financially [if T_B4JULY=0] during the 2011-2012 school year]? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12DEP2 Wording [If T_B4JULY = 1] How many children do you support financially? [else] How many children did you support financially during the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Wording | child(ren) Question Name N12OTDEPS Wording Create t_fill1, t_fill2, t_fill3, t_fill4, and t_fill5: {if T_B4JULY=1} t_fill1=are {else} t_fill1=were {if T_B4JULY=1} t_fill2=Are {else} t_fill2=were {if N12DEP2=1} t_fill3=child {else} t_fill3=children {if T_B4JULY=1} t_fill4=no words {else} t_fill4=during the 2011-2012 school year {if N12DEP2=1} t_fill5=no words {else} t_fill5=[N12DEP2] [If N12MARR=2 and N12DEPS in (0, blank) or (N12MARR=2 and N12DEPS=1 and N12DEP2 in (0, blank)] Other than your spouse, [t_fill1] you financially supporting anyone else [t_fill4]? [else if N12MARR=2 and N12DEP2 gt 0] Other than your spouse and your [t_fill5][t_fill3], [t_fill1] financially supporting anyone else [t_fill4]? [else if N12MARR ne 2 and N12DEP2 gt 0] Other than your [t_fill5][t_fill3], [t_fill1] you financially supporting anyone else [t_fill4]? [else] [t_fill2] you financially supporting anyone else [t_fill4]? Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Value Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12OTDEPS2 Wording Create t_fill1, t_fill2, t_fill3, and t_fill4: {if T_B4JULY=1} t_fill1=are {else} t_fill1=were {if N12DEP2=1} t_fill2=child {else} t_fill2=children {if T_B4JULY=1} t_fill3=no words {else} t_fill3=during the 2011-2012 school year? {if N12DEP2=1} t_fill4=no words {else} t_fill4=[N12DEP2] [If N12MARR=2 and N12DEPS in (0, blank) or (N12MARR=2 and N12DEPS=1 and N12DEP2 in (0, blank)] Other than your spouse, how many others [t_fill1] you financially supporting [t_fill3]? [else if N12MARR=2 and N12DEP2 gt 0] Other than your 12/19/11 Page 102 spouse and your [t_fill4][t_fill2], how many others [t_fill1] you financially supporting [t_fill3]? [else if N12MARR ne 2 and N12DEP2 gt 0] Other than your [t_fill4][t_fill2], how many others [t_fill1] you financially supporting [t_fill3]? [else] How many others [t_fill1] you financially supporting [t_fill3]? Item Spec Name Wording |other(s) Response Option Value Question Name N12OTDEPAMT Wording Create: {if T_B4JULY=1} t_fill1=do {else} t_fill1=did Create: {if N12DEP2=1} t_fill2=child {else} t_fill2=children Create: {if N12OTDEPS2=1} t_fill3=this other person {else} t_fill3=these [N12OTDEPS2] other people {if T_B4JULY=1} t_fill4=no words {else} t_fill4=during the 2011-2012 school year? Create: {if N12DEP2=1} t_fill5=no words {else} t_fill5=[N12DEP2] [If N12MARR=2 and N12DEP2 gt 0] In an average month, how much [t_fill1] you spend supporting [t_fill3] [t_fill4]? (Do not include any money spent to support your spouse or your [t_fill5][t_fill2].) [else if N12MARR=2] In an average month, how much [t_fill1] you spend supporting [t_fill3] [t_fill4]? (Do not include any money spent to support your spouse.) [else if N12MARR ne 2 and N12DEP2 gt 0]: In an average month, how much [t_fill1] you spend supporting [t_fill3] [t_fill4]? (Do not include any money spent to support your [t_fill5][t_fill2].) [else] In an average month, how much [t_fill1] you spend supporting [t_fill3] [t_fill4]? Item Spec Name Wording $|.00 Response Option Value Question Name N12DAGE Wording [If N12DEP2= 1] How old is your child? [else] How old is your youngest dependent child? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Age of child: Code -9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Label -Select oneLess than one year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 or older 12/19/11 Page 103 Question Name N12CARE Wording [If T_B4JULY = 1 and N12MARR=2]: How many of your dependent children are in childcare that you and your spouse pay for? [else if T_B4JULY= 1]: How many of your dependent children are in childcare that you pay for? [else if N12MARR=2]: How many of your dependent children were in childcare that you and your spouse paid for during the 2011-2012 school year? [else]: How many of your dependent children were in childcare that you paid for during the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option |child(ren) Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12CARE1 Wording [If T_B4JULY= 1 and N12MARR=2] Is your child in childcare that you and your spouse pay for? [else if T_B4JULY = 1] Is your child in childcare that you pay for? [else if N12MARR=2] Was your child in childcare that you and your spouse paid for during the 2011-2012 school year? [else] Was your child in childcare that you paid for during the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12DAYCST Wording [If T_B4JULY= 1 and N12MARR=2]: How much (on average) do you and your spouse pay each month for childcare? Indicate only the amount for which you and your spouse are responsible each month. Indicate "0" if someone else pays all of your childcare costs for you. [else if T_B4JULY= 1] How much (on average) do you pay each month for childcare? Indicate only the amount for which you are responsible each month. Indicate "0" if someone else pays all of your childcare costs for you. [else if T_B4JULY=0 and N12MARR=2]: In the 2011-2012 school year, how much (on average) did you and your spouse pay each month for childcare? Indicate only the amount for which you and your spouse were responsible each month. Indicate "0" if someone else paid all of your childcare costs for you. [else]: In the 2011-2012 school year, how much (on average) did you pay each month for childcare? Indicate only the amount for which you were responsible each month. Indicate "0" if someone else paid all of your childcare costs for you. Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option $|.00 per month Code 1 Label {Continuous} Question Name N12KIDCOL Wording [If T_B4JULY = 1] How many of your dependents have attended a college, university, or trade school in the 2011-2012 school year? [else] How many of your dependents attended a college, university, or trade school in the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Wording | dependent(s) Question Name N12KIDCOL1 Wording [If T_B4JULY = 1] Has your dependent attended a college, university, or trade school in the 2011-2012 school year? [else] Did your dependent attend a college, university, or trade school in the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No 12/19/11 Page 104 Question Name N12COLCOST Wording [If N12MARR=2 and (N12KIDCOL=1 or N12KIDCOL1=1)]: Not including any loans, how much did you and your spouse contribute to the cost of your dependent's college expenses in the 2011-2012 school year? [Else if N12MARR=2]: Not including any loans, how much did you and your spouse contribute to the cost of these [N12KIDCOL] dependents' college expenses in the 2011-2012 school year? [Else if N12KIDCOL=1 or N12KIDCOL1=1]: Not including any loans, how much did you contribute to the cost of your dependent's college expenses in the 2011-2012 school year? [Else]: Not including any loans, how much did you contribute to the cost of these [N12KIDCOL] dependents' college expenses in the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Wording $|.00 Response Option Question Name N12PARHELP Wording [If T_B4JULY=1] Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), will your parents (or guardians) have helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you are enrolled in school? [Else]: Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), did your parents (or guardians) help you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12PARAMT Wording [If T_B4JULY=1] Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, about how much will your parents (or guardians) have helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you are enrolled in school? Is it... [Else]: Through the end of the 20112012 school year, about how much did your parents (or guardians) help you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school? Was it... Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Label Less than $250 $250-$500 $501-$1,000 $1,001-$1,500 $1,501-$2,000 More than $2,000 Question Name N12PARAMT2 Wording [If T_B4JULY=1]: OK. Is the amount your parents (or guardians) will have helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses through the end of the 2011-2012 school year... [Else]: OK. Was the amount your parents (or guardians) helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school through the end of the 2011-2012 school year... Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Label $2,001-$5,000 $5,001-$10,000 $10,001-$15,000 $15,001-$20,000 $20,001-$25,000 More than $25,000 Question Name N12FAMHELP Wording [If T_B4JULY=1 and N12PARDED=1]: Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year 12/19/11 Page 105 [if N12MARR=2:, and not including your spouse], will [if N12MARR=2: other] family members or friends have helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you are enrolled in school? [else if T_B4JULY=0 and N12PARDED=1]: Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year [If N12MARR=2:, and not including your spouse], did [if N12MARR=2: other] family members or friends help you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school? [If N12MARR=2 and T_B4JULY=1] Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, and not including your spouse or your parents (or guardians), will other family members or friends have helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you are enrolled in school? [else if N12MARR=2] Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, and not including your spouse or your parents (or guardians), did other family members or friends help you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school? [else if T_B4JULY=1] Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, and not including your parents (or guardians), will other family members or friends have helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you are enrolled in school? [else] Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, and not including your parents (or guardians), did other family members or friends help you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school? Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Value Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12FAMAMT Wording [If T_B4JULY=1] Through the end of the 2011-2012 school year, about how much will these family or friends have helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you are enrolled in school? Is it... [Else]: Through the end of the 20112012 school year, about how much did these family or friends help you pay for any of your education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school? Was it... Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Label Less than $250 $250-$500 $501-$1,000 $1,001-$1,500 $1,501-$2,000 More than $2,000 Question Name N12FAMAMT2 Wording [If T_B4JULY=1]: OK. Is the amount these family or friends will have helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses through the end of the 2011-2012 school year... [Else]: OK. Was the amount these family or friends helped you pay for any of your education and living expenses through the end of the 2011-2012 school year... Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Label $2,001-$5,000 $5,001-$10,000 $10,001-$15,000 $15,001-$20,000 $20,001-$25,000 More than $25,000 Question Name N12NUMCRD Wording Excluding debit or ATM cards, how many credit cards do you have in your own name that are billed to you? (Indicate "0" if you do not have any credit cards.) 12/19/11 Page 106 Item Spec Name Wording Value | credit card(s) Question Name N12CARRYBAL Wording [If N12NUMCRD=1]: Do you usually carry a balance over on your credit card from month to month? [else]: Do you usually carry a balance over on your credit cards from month to month? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12CRDBAL Wording [If N12NUMCRD gt 1]: What was the balance on all your credit cards combined according to your last statements? [else] What was the balance on your credit card according to your last statement? Spec Name Value Item Wording $|.00 Question Name N12CCUSE Wording [If N12NUMCRD=1] Did you use your credit card to pay for any of your tuition and fees in the 2011-2012 school year? [Else] Have you used your credit cards to pay for any of your tuition and fees in the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12CCREASON Wording [If N12NUMCRD=1] Did you charge your tuition and fees using your credit card because that was the only way you could afford to pay for those expenses? [else] Did you charge your tuition and fees using your credit card(s) because that was the only way you could afford to pay for those expenses? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12BANK1 Wording Do you have a checking or savings account at a bank or credit union? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12BANK2 Wording Is your primary checking or savings account... Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 Label In your name only, or Shared between you and someone else Question Name N12SCHRES Wording [If T_CURENR=1 and web mode] Where are you living during the 2011-2012 school year while attending [Y_NPSCHL]? (If you have lived in more than one residence, choose the place where you have lived for the longest period of time.) [else If T_CURENR = 1] While attending [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2011-2012 school year, are you living in college-owned housing, with your parent(s) or guardian(s), or some place else? (If you have lived in more than one residence, choose the place where you have 12/19/11 Page 107 lived for the longest period of time.) [else if T_CURENR=0 and web mode] Where were you living during the 2011-2012 school year while attending [Y_NPSCHL]? (If you lived in more than one residence, choose the place where you lived for the longest period of time.) [else] While attending [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2011-2012 school year, did you live in college-owned housing, with your parent(s) or guardian(s), or some place else? (If you lived in more than one residence, choose the place where you lived for the longest period of time.) Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 3 Label On campus or in college-owned housing (for example, a dorm or a residence hall) With parent(s) or guardian(s) Off campus (not college-owned housing) Question Name N12DISTHDAYS Wording [If T_CURENR=1]: On average, how many days per week (or per month) do you travel between where you live and [Y_NPSCHL]? [else]: In the 2011-2012 school year, how many days per week on average (or per month) did you travel between where you lived and [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Value Item Wording |day(s) Response Option Wording Response Code Label Option 1 per week 2 per month Wording [If T_CURENR=1]: Do not travel between where you live and [Y_NPSCHL] [else]: Did not travel between where you lived and [Y_NPSCHL] Response Option Question Name N12DISTHMINS Wording [If T_CURENR=1] On an average day, how much time does it take for you to get from where you live to [Y_NPSCHL]? [else] On an average day in the 2011-2012 school year, how much time did it take for you to get from where you lived to [Y_NPSCHL]? Spec Name Value Item Wording |(enter number of minutes or hours) Response Option Wording Minute(s) per day Response Code Option 1 Minute(s) 2 Hour(s) Label Question Name N12DISTWKDAY Wording [If T_CURENR=1 and N12NUMJOB=2] How many days in an average week do you usually travel from where you live to the job where you work the most hours? [else if T_CURENR=1] How many days in an average week do you usually travel from where you live to work? [else if T_CURENR=0 and N12NUMJOB=2] How many days in an average week did you usually travel from where you lived to the job where you worked the most hours during the most recent term you attended school in the 2011-2012 school year? [else] How many days in an average week did you usually travel from where you lived to work during the most recent term you attended school in the 20112012 school year? [All get the following instruction]: (By "travel" we mean get from home to work by car, bus, walking, etc.) Spec Name Value Item Wording | day(s) per week Wording Zero days (no travel to work) Response Option Question Name N12DISTWKTIM Wording [If T_CURENR=1 and If N12NUMJOB=2]: On an average day, how much time does it usually take you to get from where you live to the job where you work the most hours? 12/19/11 Page 108 [Else if T_CURENR=1]: On an average day, how much time does it usually take you to get from where you live to work? [If N12NUMJOB=2]: How much time did it usually take for you to get from where you lived to the job where you worked the most hours on an average day during the most recent term you attended school in the 2011-2012 school year?" [Else]: How much time did it usually take for you to get from where you lived to work on an average day during the most recent term you attended school in the 2011-2012 school year? Item Spec Name Wording |(enter number of minutes or hours) Response Option Wording Response Code Option 1 Minute(s) 2 Hour(s) Value Label Question Name N12HOME Wording Do you own a home or pay a mortgage on a home? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12RNTAMT Wording [If T_CURENR = 1 and N12HOME=1] While attending school during the 2011-2012 school year, how much (on average) is your monthly mortgage payment? Please indicate only the amount that you ([if N12MARR=2] and your spouse/[else if N12MARR=6] and your partner) are responsible for paying. If someone else pays your mortgage on your behalf, please indicate "0." [else if T_CURENR=0 and N12HOME=1] While you were attending school during the 2011-2012 school year, how much (on average) was your monthly mortgage payment? Please indicate only the amount that you ([if N12MARR=2] and your spouse/[else if N12MARR=6] and your partner) were responsible for paying. If someone else paid your mortgage on your behalf, please indicate "0." [else if T_CURENR=1 and N12HOME=0] While attending school during the 2011-2012 school year, how much (on average) is your monthly rent payment? Please indicate only the amount that you ([if N12MARR=2] and your spouse/[else if N12MARR=6] and your partner) are responsible for paying. If you do not have a rent payment or someone else pays your rent on your behalf, please indicate "0." [else if T_CURENR=0 and N12HOME=0] While you were attending school during the 20112012 school year, how much (on average) was your monthly rent payment? Please indicate only the amount that you ([if N12MARR=2] and your spouse/[else if N12MARR=6] and your partner) were responsible for paying. If you did not pay rent or if someone else paid your rent on your behalf, please indicate "0." [else if T_CURENR=1] While attending school during the 2011-2012 school year, how much (on average) is your monthly rent or mortgage payment? Please indicate only the amount that you ([if N12MARR=2] and your spouse/[else if N12MARR=6] and your partner) are responsible for paying. If someone else pays your rent or mortgage on your behalf, please indicate "0." [else] While you were attending school during the 2011-2012 school year, how much (on average) was your monthly rent or mortgage payment? Please indicate only the amount that you ([if N12MARR=2] and your spouse/[else if N12MARR=6] and your partner) were responsible for paying. If you did not pay rent or a mortgage or if someone else paid your rent or mortgage on your behalf, please indicate "0." Spec Name Value Item Wording $|.00 Question Name N12UNTAX Wording [IF T_AGE ge 24 or N12MARR=2 or N12DEP2 gt 0 or N12OTDEPS2 gt 0] Between July 12/19/11 Page 109 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012, did you [if N12MARR=2 or N12DEP2 gt 0 or N12OTDEPS2 gt 0: or anyone in your household] receive any of the following benefits? (Bulleted list) Supplemental Security Income (SSI), SNAP (the Food Stamp Program), TANF (the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program), [if N12DAGE LT 19 ]: The Free and Reduced Price School Lunch Program, [if N12DAGE LT 6]: WIC (the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) [else] Between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012, did you or anyone in your parent or guardian’s household receive any of the following benefits? [Bulleted list) Social Security, SNAP (the Food Stamp Program), TANF (the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program), The Free and Reduced Price School Lunch Program, WIC (the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Value Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12PARST Wording What is the current marital status of your parents or guardians? If your parents are divorced, please answer this question about the marital status of the parent or guardian whom you lived with most during the past 12 months. (If you did not live with one parent more than the other, answer about the parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months, or during the most recent year that you received support from a parent.) Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label Married or remarried Single Divorced or separated Widowed None of the above - Both parents or guardians are deceased Question Name N12PARNC Wording [If N12PARST=1] What was your parents' or guardians' combined income in calendar year 2011 (January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011)? (If your parents are divorced and the parent you lived with more during the past 12 months is remarried, tell us about the combined income of that parent and the person he or she is married to.) [Else if N12PARST = 2] What was your parent or guardian's income in calendar year 2011 (January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011)? Would you say it was.. (Tell us about the parent or guardian whom you lived with most during the past 12 months. If you did not live with one parent more than the other, answer about the parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months, or during the most recent year that you received support from a parent.) [Else if N12PARST = 4] What was your parent or guardian's income in calendar year 2011 (January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011)? Would you say it was.. [Else] In calendar year 2011 (January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2011), what was the income of the parent or guardian whom you lived with most in the past 12 months? Would you say it was.. (If you did not live with one parent more than the other, answer about the parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months, or during the most recent year that you received support from a parent.) Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 Label Under $30,000 12/19/11 Page 110 Wording Response Option 2 $30,000 to $59,999 3 $60,000 to $89,999 4 $90,000 to $119,999 5 $120,000 and above 6 Don't know Parents (or guardians) are deceased Question Name N12PRHSD Wording [If N12PARST=1 and T_CURENR=1]: Not including yourself or your parents or guardians, how many people (for example, brothers or sisters or grandparents) have your parents or guardians been supporting financially since July 1, 2011? (If your parents are divorced and the parent you lived with more during the past 12 months is remarried, tell us about the number of people that parent and the person he or she is married to, are supporting.) [Else if N12PARST=1 and T_CURENR=0] Not including yourself or your parents or guardians, how many people (for example, brothers or sisters or grandparents) did your parents or guardians support financially during the most recent term you attended school in the 2011-2012 school year? (If your parents are divorced and the parent you lived with more during the past 12 months is remarried, tell us about the number of people that parent and the person he or she is married to, are supporting.) [Else If N12PARST in (2,4) and T_CURENR=1]: Not including yourself or your parent or guardian, how many people (for example, brothers or sisters or grandparents) has your parent or guardian been supporting financially since July 1, 2011? [If N12PARST=2]: (Tell us about the parent or guardian whom you lived with most during the past 12 months. If you did not live with one parent more than the other, answer about the parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months, or during the most recent year that you received support from a parent.) [Else if N12PARST in (2,4) and T_CURENR=0] Not including yourself or your parent or guardian, how many people (for example, brothers or sisters or grandparents) did your parent or guardian support financially during the most recent term you attended school in the 2011-2012 school year? [If N12PARST=2]: (Tell us about the parent or guardian whom you lived with most during the past 12 months. If you did not live with one parent more than the other, answer about the parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months, or during the most recent year that you received support from a parent.) [Else if T_CURENR=1] Not including yourself or the parent or guardian whom you lived with most in the past 12 months, how many people (for example, brothers or sisters or grandparents) has this parent or guardian been supporting financially since July 1, 2011? (If you did not live with one parent more than the other, answer about the parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months, or during the most recent year that you received support from a parent.) [else] Not including yourself or the parent or guardian whom you lived with most in the past 12 months, how many people (for example, brothers or sisters or grandparents) did this parent or guardian support financially during the most recent term you attended school in the 2011-2012 school year? (If you did not live with one parent more than the other, answer about the parent who provided more financial support during the last 12 months, or during the most recent year that you received support from a parent.) Spec Name Value Item Wording | individual(s) Question Name N12DPNUM Wording [If N12PARST=1 and T_CURENR=1]: Not including yourself or your parents or guardians, how many of the people financially supported by your parents or guardians have attended a college, university, or trade school since July 1, 2011? [else if N12PARST=1 and T_CURENR=0] Not including yourself or your parents or guardians, how many of the people financially supported by your parents or guardians attended a college, university, or trade school during the most recent term you attended school in 12/19/11 Page 111 the 2011-2012 school year? [else if T_CURENR=1] Not including yourself or your parent or guardian, how many of the people financially supported by your parent or guardian have attended a college, university, or trade school since July 1, 2011? [else] Not including yourself or your parent or guardian, how many of the people financially supported by your parent or guardian attended a college, university, or trade school during the most recent term you attended school in the 2011-2012 school year? Item Spec Name Wording Value | individual(s) Question Name N12DSCT250 Wording Now [If web mode: we/else: I] have a series of quick "what-if" scenarios for you about money. Imagine you have a choice between receiving $250 today, or $250 in one year. This gift is guaranteed whether you choose to take the $250 today, or $250 in one year. Would you prefer... Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 Label $250 today $250 in one year Question Name N12DSCT300 Wording Thanks. What about... Spec Name Item Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 Label $250 today $300 in one year Question Name N12DSCT350 Wording OK. What about... Spec Name Item Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 Label $250 today $350 in one year Question Name N12DSCT400 Wording OK. What about... Spec Name Item Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 Label $250 today $400 in one year Question Name N12DSCT450 Wording OK. What about... Spec Name Item Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 Label $250 today $450 in one year Question Name N12DSCT500 Wording Finally, how about... Spec Name Item Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 Label $250 today $500 in one year Background 12/19/11 Page 112 Spec Name Value Question Name INTBCK Wording Finally, [if TIO: I/else: we] have a few additional questions to ask that will help us better understand the college experiences of students from different backgrounds. Item Question Name N12STATE Wording Of which state are you a legal resident? Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Value Code -9 AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD Label -Select oneAlabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota 12/19/11 Page 113 TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY AS FM GU MH MP PW PR VI FC -1 Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming American Samoa Fed State Micronesia Guam Marshall Islands Northern Mariana Isl Palau Puerto Rico U.S. Virgin Islands FOREIGN COUNTRY DON'T KNOW Question Name N12DISTNC Wording [If T_CURENR=1] What is the 5-digit ZIP code of your permanent address? Your permanent address is usually your legal residence, such as where you maintain your driver’s license or are registered to vote. [else] What was the 5-digit ZIP code of your permanent address when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year? Your permanent address is usually your legal residence, such as where you maintain your driver’s license or are registered to vote. Spec Name Value Item Wording Wording Check here instead if permanent address is outside the United States Response Option Question Name N12USBORN Wording Were you born in the United States (including Puerto Rico or another U.S. territory)? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Question Name N12CITZN Wording Are you a U.S. citizen? Spec Name Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 Label Yes No Value Label Yes No - Resident alien, permanent resident, or other eligible non-citizen; hold a temporary resident's card or other eligible non-citizen temporary resident's card No - Student visa, in the country on an F1 or F2 visa, or on a J1 or J2 exchange visitor visa Question Name N12IMGRAGE Wording How old were you when you came to the United States? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Wording Response Option | year(s) old Code Label 1 Younger than 6 2 Between 6 and 12 3 Between 13 and 17 4 Older than 17 Don't know exact age 12/19/11 Page 114 Question Name N12IMGEST Wording When you came to the United States would you say you were... Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Label 5 years old or younger 6 to 8 years old 9 to 11 years old 12 to 14 years old 15 to 17 years old 18 years or older Question Name N12FLANG Wording What was the first language you learned to speak as a child? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label English Spanish English and Spanish equally Another language (other than English or Spanish) An equal mix of English and another language (other than Spanish) Question Name N12FFLANGA Wording [If N12FLANG in (2, 3)] How often did you speak Spanish with your mother or primary caregiver when you started high school? [Else] How often did you speak your nonEnglish language with your mother or primary caregiver when you started high school? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 0 1 2 3 4 Label Never Sometimes About half of the time Most of the time Always Question Name N12PARUS Wording Were your parents born in the United States (including Puerto Rico or another U.S. territory)? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 2 1 0 Label Yes, both parents Yes, one parent No Question Name N12HISP Wording Are you of either Hispanic or Latino origin? Spec Name Item Wording Response Option Question Name N12HISTYP Wording Are you of... Spec Name Item Wording Response Option Wording Response Code 1 0 Value Label Yes No Value Cuban descent Code Label 1 Yes 0 No Mexican, Mexican-American, or Chicano descent Code Label 12/19/11 Page 115 Option Wording Response Option Wording Response Option 1 Yes 0 No Puerto Rican descent Code Label 1 Yes 0 No Some other Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino origin Code Label 1 Yes 0 No Question Name N12RAC1 Wording What is your race? Choose one or more. Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Wording Response Option Wording Response Option Wording Response Option Wording Response Option Value White Code Label 1 Yes 0 No Black or African American Code Label 1 Yes 0 No Asian Code Label 1 Yes 0 No American Indian or Alaska Native Code Label 1 Yes 0 No Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Code Label 1 Yes 0 No Question Name N12TRIBE Wording Are you enrolled in a state- or federally-recognized tribe? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12SPCOL Wording Has your spouse attended a college, university, or trade school during the 2011-2012 school year? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 0 Label Yes, full time Yes, part time No Question Name N12MOMED Wording What is the highest level of education your mother completed? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 6 5 Label Did not complete high school High school diploma or equivalent Vocational/technical training Some college but no degree Associate's degree (usually a 2-year degree) 12/19/11 Page 116 7 8 9 Bachelor's degree (usually a 4-year degree) Master's degree or equivalent Professional degree (chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, podiatry, or veterinary medicine) Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.) Don't know 10 11 Question Name N12DADED Wording What is the highest level of education your father completed? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 6 5 7 8 9 10 11 Label Did not complete high school High school diploma or equivalent Vocational/technical training Some college but no degree Associate's degree (usually a 2-year degree) Bachelor's degree (usually a 4-year degree) Master's degree or equivalent Professional degree (chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, pharmacy, podiatry, or veterinary medicine) Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.) Don't know Question Name N12SIBCL Wording Do you have any brothers or sisters who went to college before you did? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12MILIT Wording Are you a veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces, or are you currently serving in the Armed Forces either on active duty, in the reserves, or in the National Guard? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Wording Response Option Wording Response Option Veteran Code 1 0 Active duty Code 1 0 Reserves Code 1 0 National Guard Label Yes No Label Yes No Label Yes No Wording Response Option Wording None of the above Response Code Label Option 1 None of the above 0 No Question Name N12ACS16A Wording These last few questions will help us better understand the educational services available for people with disabilities. Are you deaf or do you have serious difficulty hearing? Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Value Code Label 12/19/11 Page 117 1 0 Yes No Question Name N12ACS16B Wording Are you blind or do you have serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12ACS17A Wording Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, do you have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12ACS17B Wording Do you have serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12MAIN Wording What is the main type of condition or impairment that you have? (Please choose only one.) Item Spec Name Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Label Hearing impairment (for example, deaf or hard of hearing) Blindness or visual impairment that cannot be corrected by wearing glasses Speech or language impairment Orthopedic or mobility impairment Specific learning disability or dyslexia Attention deficit disorder (ADD) Health impairment or problem Mental, emotional or psychiatric condition Depression Developmental disability Brain injury Other Question Name N12EXTERNAL Wording We are almost done with this survey. But first, I want to let you know that some students may be invited to participate in follow-up studies to learn more about their education and employment experiences after completing this survey. These follow-up studies will be led by external researchers not affiliated with the Department of Education. We would like to seek your permission to allow RTI to re-contact you on behalf of one of the external researchers. Your participation in future studies is completely voluntary, but there is no substitute for your response. Are you willing to be contacted about these future studies? Item Spec Name Value Item Name N12EXTERNAL Wording Response Code Label 12/19/11 Page 118 Option 1 0 Yes No Question Name N12MENTH Wording In general, how is your mental health? Spec Name Item Wording Response Option Value Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label Excellent Very good Good Fair Poor Question Name N12MISSH Wording In the past 30 days, how often did a physical or mental health concern cause you to miss a day of school or work? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 4 5 Label Never A few times About once a week Almost every day Every day Locating Spec Name Value Question Name N12LINTRO Wording In about 2 years, we would like to be able to get in touch with you again to see what you’re doing and what has changed in your life. To find you then, we need to collect some address information. This information will be kept in secure and protected data files, and will be separate from the responses you've already provided in your interview. Item Question Name N12NAME Wording We currently have your name as follows: (Make any necessary corrections, then select Next.) Item Spec Name Wording Wording Wording Value First name: Middle name: Last name: Question Name N12VERLOC Wording Do you consider the following address to be your local address? Spec Name Value Item Wording 12/19/11 Page 119 Response Option Code 1 2 Label [fill Y_LOC1AD] Local address is different from above Question Name N12LOCADR Wording [If web mode] Please provide your local address. [else] What is your local address? Spec Name Value Item Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Response Option Street Address: City: State: Zip Code: Foreign Phone: Foreign Country: Cell Phone: Home phone: Foreign State/Province: Foreign Zip/Postal Code: Foreign Address: Foreign City: Please check here if the address is an international address. Question Name N12P1AD1 Wording [If N12PARST in (2, 3, 4)]: Please provide contact information for the parent whom you lived with most during the past 12 months. You will have the opportunity to provide contact information for other parents or guardians who live at a different address next. [Else]: Please provide contact information for your parent(s) or guardian(s) who live together at the same address. You will have the opportunity to provide contact information for other parents or guardians who live at a different address next. Spec Name Value Item Wording Wording Wording Response Option Wording Wording Wording Response Option Wording Wording Wording Response Option (Parent 1) Last Name: (Parent 1) First Name: (Parent 1) Relationship: Code Label 2 Father/Male guardian 1 Mother/Female guardian -9 -Select one(Parent 2) Last Name: (Parent 2) First Name: (Parent 2) Relationship: Code Label -9 -Select one1 Mother/Female guardian 2 Father/Male guardian Street Address: Zip Code: State: Code Label -9 -Select oneAL Alabama AK Alaska AZ Arizona AR Arkansas CA California CO Colorado CT Connecticut DE Delaware DC District of Columbia FL Florida GA Georgia HI Hawaii ID Idaho IL Illinois IN Indiana 12/19/11 Page 120 Wording Wording Wording Wording Response Option Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording IA Iowa KS Kansas KY Kentucky LA Louisiana ME Maine MD Maryland MA Massachusetts MI Michigan MN Minnesota MS Mississippi MO Missouri MT Montana NE Nebraska NV Nevada NH New Hampshire NJ New Jersey NM New Mexico NY New York NC North Carolina ND North Dakota OH Ohio OK Oklahoma OR Oregon PA Pennsylvania RI Rhode Island SC South Carolina SD South Dakota TN Tennessee TX Texas UT Utah VT Vermont VA Virginia WA Washington WV West Virginia WI Wisconsin WY Wyoming AS American Samoa FM Fed State Micronesia GU Guam MH Marshall Islands MP Northern Mariana Isl PW Palau PR Puerto Rico VI U.S. Virgin Islands FC FOREIGN COUNTRY -1 DON'T KNOW City: Foreign Country: Foreign Phone: Both parents deceased Code Label 1 Yes 0 No (Parent 1) Cell Phone: (Parent 2) Cell Phone: Home phone: (Street Address 2:) Please check here if the address is an international address. (Parent 1) E-mail Address 1: (Parent 1) E-mail Address 2: (Parent 2) E-mail Address 1: (Parent 2) E-mail Address 2: Foreign State/Province: Foreign Zip/Postal Code: Foreign Address: Foreign City: 12/19/11 Page 121 Response Option Question Name N12P2SAME Wording [If N12P1DS=1] Is there another guardian for whom you would like to provide contact information? [else] Is there another parent or guardian for whom you would like to provide contact information? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 0 Label Yes No Question Name N12P2AD2 Wording [If N12P1DS=1] Please provide contact information for your other guardian(s). [Else] Please provide contact information for your other parent(s) or guardian(s). Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Wording Response Option Wording Response Option (Parent 1) First Name: (Parent 1) Last Name: (Parent 1) Relationship: Code Label 1 Mother/Female guardian 2 Father/Male guardian -9 -Select one(Parent 2) First Name: Wording Response Option Wording (Parent 2) Last Name: Response Option Wording (Parent 2) Relationship: Response Code Label Option 1 Mother/Female guardian 2 Father/Male guardian -9 -Select oneWording Street Address: Wording Zip Code: Wording City: Wording State: Wording Foreign Country: Wording Foreign Phone: Wording (Parent 1) Cell Phone: Wording (Parent 2) Cell Phone: Wording Home Phone: Wording Please check here if the address is an international address. Wording (Parent 1) E-mail Address 1: Wording (Parent 1) E-mail Address 2: Wording (Parent 2) E-mail Address 1: Wording (Parent 2) E-mail Address 2: Wording Foreign State/Province: Wording Foreign Zip/Postal Code: Wording Foreign Address: Wording Foreign City: Response Option Question Name N12OTINFO Wording Please provide the name, address, and telephone number for someone else [{if N12MARR=2}, other than your spouse,] who will always know how to contact you. Spec Name Value Item Wording Wording Wording Response Option Last Name: First Name: Relationship: Code 7 8 1 2 -9 4 Label Mother/Female guardian Father/Male guardian Sister/brother Spouse -Select oneGrandmother/Grandfather 12/19/11 Page 122 Wording Response Option Wording Wording Wording Response Option 3 6 5 9 10 E-mail Address 1: Street Address: City: State: Code -9 AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT DE DC FL GA HI ID IL IN IA KS KY LA ME MD MA MI MN MS MO MT NE NV NH NJ NM NY NC ND OH OK OR PA RI SC SD TN TX UT VT VA WA WV WI WY AS Friend Aunt/Uncle Mother-in-law/Father-in-law Child Other Label -Select oneAlabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming American Samoa 12/19/11 Page 123 FM Fed State Micronesia GU Guam MH Marshall Islands MP Northern Mariana Isl PW Palau PR Puerto Rico VI U.S. Virgin Islands FC FOREIGN COUNTRY -1 DON'T KNOW Zip Code: Foreign Country: Foreign Phone: Cell Phone: Home Phone: E-mail Address 2: Foreign State/Province: Foreign Zip/Postal Code: Foreign Address: Foreign City: Please check here if the address is an international address. Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Response Option Wording Title: Response Option -9 1 2 3 4 Code Label -Select oneMr. Mrs. Miss Ms. Question Name N12SPS Wording What is your spouse's full name (including previous last name, if applicable)? Spec Name Value Item Wording Wording Wording First Name: Last Name: Previous Last Name (if applicable): Question Name N12VERPRM Wording [If only 1 address is preloaded] Do you consider the following address to be your permanent or primary address? [else] Which of the following do you consider to be your permanent or primary address? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 Label [fill Y_PRMADD] [fill N12P1AD1] [fill N12P2AD2] [fill N12OTINFO] [fill N12LOCADR] Permanent address is different from above. Question Name N12PRMADR Wording Please provide your permanent or primary address. Spec Name Value Item Wording Wording Wording Response Option Street Address: City: State: Code -9 AL AK AZ AR CA CO CT Label -Select oneAlabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut 12/19/11 Page 124 DE Delaware DC District of Columbia FL Florida GA Georgia HI Hawaii ID Idaho IL Illinois IN Indiana IA Iowa KS Kansas KY Kentucky LA Louisiana ME Maine MD Maryland MA Massachusetts MI Michigan MN Minnesota MS Mississippi MO Missouri MT Montana NE Nebraska NV Nevada NH New Hampshire NJ New Jersey NM New Mexico NY New York NC North Carolina ND North Dakota OH Ohio OK Oklahoma OR Oregon PA Pennsylvania RI Rhode Island SC South Carolina SD South Dakota TN Tennessee TX Texas UT Utah VT Vermont VA Virginia WA Washington WV West Virginia WI Wisconsin WY Wyoming AS American Samoa FM Fed State Micronesia GU Guam MH Marshall Islands MP Northern Mariana Isl PW Palau PR Puerto Rico VI U.S. Virgin Islands FC FOREIGN COUNTRY -1 DON'T KNOW Zip Code: Foreign Phone: Foreign Country: Cell Phone: Home Phone: Foreign State/Province: Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Response Option Wording Foreign Zip/Postal Code: Response Option Wording Foreign Address: Response Option 12/19/11 Page 125 Wording Foreign City: Response Option Wording Please check here if the address is an international address. Response Option Question Name N12EMAIL Wording [If web] Please provide your e-mail address. If you have more than one e-mail address, please provide those as well. (Please provide the e-mail addresses you're likely to have in 2 years when we will want to contact you again.) [else] What is your e-mail address? If you have more than one email address, please provide those as well. (Please provide the e-mail addresses you're likely to have in 2 years when we will want to contact you again.) Item Spec Name Wording Wording Wording Wording Value E-Mail Address 1: E-Mail Address 2: E-Mail Address 3: E-Mail Address 4: Question Name N12TEXT Wording May we contact you next year by sending a text message to your cell phone? Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Code 1 2 3 0 Label Yes, to [if N12PRMCTL1 = blank and N12PRMCTL2 = blank and N12PRMCTL3 = blank, then display Y_PRMCTL else display N12PRMCTL1 - N12PRMCTL2 N12PRMCTL3] Yes, to [N12LOCCTL1 - N12LOCCTL2 N12LOCCTL3] Yes, to the following number: No Wording Question Name N12CELLPRO Wording Please provide the name of your cell phone service provider. Spec Name Value Item Wording Response Option Wording Response Option Code Label -9 -Select one1 Alltel 2 AT&T 3 Boost Mobile 4 Cellular One 5 Cricket 6 Metro-PCS 7 Nextel 8 Qwest 9 Sprint 10 Straight Talk 11 T-Mobile 12 Tracfone 13 US Cellular 14 Verizon 15 Virgin Mobile 16 Other Please provide the name of your cell phone service provider: 12/19/11 Page 126 Question Name N12SSNINF Wording What is your Social Security number? (This information will be kept in secure and protected data files, and will be separate from the responses you've already provided in your interview. All individually identifiable information supplied by individuals or institutions to a federal agency may be used only for statistical purposes and may not be disclosed or used in identifiable form for any other purpose, except as required by law (20 U.S.C. § 9573). However, giving us your Social Security number is completely voluntary and there is no penalty for not disclosing it.) (Please enter the number without any dashes.) Item Spec Name Wording Value Incentives Spec Name Value Question Name INCENT Wording To show our appreciation for completing the survey today, we would like to send you a $[INC_AMOUNT] check. Please select the address to which you would like the check mailed. Allow 4 weeks for delivery. Item Spec Name Item Name Wording Response Option Value INCENT Code 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Question Name Wording Label [fill N12LOCADR] [fill N12PRMADR] Parent 1 Address Parent 2 address [fill N12OTINFO] Another address or Provide address if no preloaded or locating information available No thanks. I decline the $[INC_AMOUNT] incentive. INCENTADDR [If INCENT=6 or missing] Please provide the address to which you would like the check mailed. (Allow 4 weeks for delivery.) [else] To show our appreciation for completing the interview today, we would like to send you a $[INC_AMOUNT] check. Please provide the address to which you would like the check mailed. Allow 4 weeks for delivery. Item Spec Name Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Wording Value First Name: Last Name: Please check here if the address is an international address. Address (street address or PO box): Address Line 2: City: State: Zip code: Foreign Address: Foreign City: 12/19/11 Page 127 Wording Wording Wording Wording Foreign State/Province: Foreign Country: Foreign Zip/Postal Code: I decline the incentive: EndSection Spec Name Value QuestionName END Wording [If END_FLAG=1] Thank you. [Else] On behalf of the U.S. Department of Education, thank you for your time and cooperation. We greatly appreciate your participation in this study. Help Text Spec Name Value Question Name N12RESPCONF Help Text Answer Yes if this is your name and you attended the institution mentioned in the question during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Question Name N12CONSENT Help Text The material we sent you includes information about the study and your rights as a participant. You may have received the material through the mail or in an email. If you received the information, and read it, indicate Yes, I have read the material. If you did not receive the material, or received it but did not read it, it will be available to you on the next screen once you indicate No, I have not read the material. Question Name INFCON1 Help Text If you wish to participate in the survey, but do not have time right now, choose Not now, but I want to participate at a later time. Otherwise, indicate whether you would like to participate in this survey. Question Name INFCON2 Help Text If you wish to participate in the survey, but do not have time right now, choose Not now, but I want to participate at a later time. Otherwise, indicate whether you would like to participate in this survey. 12/19/11 Page 128 Question Name END1 Help Text Please provide an e-mail address so that we can send you a reminder message about taking the survey at a later time. If you would like to receive a text message reminder, check the box and you will be taken to a screen to collect the name of your cell phone provider and your cell phone number. Your participation is very important to the success of this study. Question Name END1TEXT Help Text Please provide both the name of your cell phone service provider and your cell phone number. We will be unable to send you a text message reminder to complete the survey without both of these pieces of information. Question Name END2 Help Text Your participation is very important to the success of this study. If you would like to reconsider taking the survey now, you can still hit "Next" and continue on to take the survey. Otherwise, any information you can provide in the textbox for your reasons for choosing not to participate in the study, will help us to improve our study for future participants. Question Name RETRNFRM Help Text This is an informational screen only. (Click the Next button.) Question Name N12ELIG Help Text Indicate whether you attended [Y_NPSCHL] at any time between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. Answer Yes if you are enrolled and actively working on something for credit at [Y_NPSCHL] like a thesis or field work, even if you do not currently attend classes at [Y_NPSCHL]. If you attended [Y_NPSCHL] for any part of the year answer Yes even if you were studying abroad for part of the year. However, if you were studying abroad for the entire year, but [Y_NPSCHL] still considered you to be a student and you are or were enrolled there, answer Yes, enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL] but studying/studied abroad for the entire 2011-2012 school year. If you are still considered to be a student at any high school and have not earned a high school diploma or equivalency answer Yes, but also still attending high school. Question Name N12CURENR Help Text Indicate whether you are currently attending [Y_NPSCHL]. 12/19/11 Page 129 Answer No if you are on a break between semesters, terms, or quarters, such as on summer break, and not currently attending classes. Answer Yes if you are on a spring or fall break in the middle of the term or semester. Answer Yes if you are enrolled and actively working on something for credit at [Y_NPSCHL] like a thesis or field work, even if you do not currently attend classes at [Y_NPSCHL]. Answer No if you are currently studying abroad. Question Name N12NOATT Help Text Indicate the reason that best describes why you are not currently attending [Y_NPSCHL]. Indicate On break if you are on a break between semesters, terms, or quarters and not currently attending classes. Indicate Completed course or program at [Y_NPSCHL] if you have completed all the requirements for a particular course or for a program. Indicate Withdrew from [Y_NPSCHL] if you withdrew from [Y_NPSCHL] at some point after July 1, 2011 and are no longer an enrolled student at [Y_NPSCHL]. Indicate Attending a different school, but still enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL] (including studying abroad) if you are still an enrolled student at [Y_NPSCHL] and are attending a different school for a specific amount of time, but you are still earning credits towards your program at [Y_NPSCHL]. Indicate Taking a leave of absence from [Y_NPSCHL] if you are not attending [Y_NPSCHL] for a specific amount of time but you intend to return to [Y_NPSCHL]. Indicate Other Reason if none of the other options describe why you are not currently attending [Y_NPSCHL]. Question Name N12DRP Help Text Indicate the month and year that you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. If you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] before July 1, 2011, please use the PREVIOUS button to back up to the first question in the survey and indicate that you have not attended [Y_NPSCHL] at any time since July 1, 2011. Question Name N12DRPTM Help Text Indicate whether you completed the term and then left [Y_NPSCHL], or if you left before the term ended. Question Name N12DRPRF Help Text Indicate whether you (or your parents) received a full refund of tuition when you left [Y_NPSCHL]. A full refund occurs when all tuition money paid for that term is refunded to you (or your parents). 12/19/11 Page 130 Question Name N12DRPCMP Help Text Indicate whether you completed at least one course or term of enrollment at [Y_NPSCHL] at any time between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. Question Name N12DRPOK Help Text This is an informational screen only. (Click the Next button.) Question Name N12EVREN Help Text Indicate whether you have ever attended [Y_NPSCHL]. To determine your eligibility for participation in this study, it is necessary to verify whether you attended [Y_NPSCHL]. Question Name N12LAST Help Text Indicate the month and year that you last attended or were enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL] and [Y_NPSCHL] considered you to be a student there. Question Name N12WHYSM Help Text Our records indicate that you attended [Y_NPSCHL] at some time between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. Please try to specify a reason why your name could have been associated with [Y_NPSCHL]. Question Name N12BACHENR Help Text Please indicate if you are or were in a bachelor’s degree program at [Y_NPSCHL] between July 2011 and June 2012. A bachelor's degree is usually awarded by a 4-year college or university and usually requires at least 4 years of full-time, college-level work. If you are unsure if you are or were in a bachelor's degree program at [Y_NPSCHL], do not answer this question and move on to the next question which has more program options and definitions. Question Name N12DEGREE Help Text Degrees: An associate's degree normally requires at least 2, but less than 4 years, of full-time equivalent college work. A bachelor's degree is usually awarded by a 4-year college or university and usually requires at least 4 years of full-time, college-level work. A master's degree usually requires at least 2 years of full-time graduate-level work and may require a thesis or a practicum. A doctoral degree-research/scholarship is a Ph.D. or other doctor's degree that 12/19/11 Page 131 requires advanced work beyond the master's level, including the preparation and defense of a dissertation based on original research, or the planning and execution of an original project demonstrating substantial artistic or scholarly achievement. Some examples of this type of degree may include Ed.D., D.M.A., D.B.A., D.Sc., D.A., or D.M., and others, as designated by the awarding institution. A doctoral degree-professional practice is a doctor's degree that is conferred upon completion of a program providing the knowledge and skills for the recognition, credential, or license required for professional practice. The degree is awarded after a period of study such that the total time to the degree, including both pre-professional and professional preparation, equals at least six full-time equivalent academic years. Some of these degrees include: chiropractic (D.C., or D.C.M.); dentistry (D.D.S. or D.M.D.); law (L.L.B. or J.D.); medicine (M.D.); optometry (O.D.), osteopathic medicine (D.O.); pharmacy (Pharm.D.); podiatry (D.P.M., Pod.D., D.P.); or veterinary medicine (D.V.M.), and others, as designated by the awarding institution. A doctoral degree-other is a doctor's degree that does not meet the definition of a doctor's degree-research/scholarship or a doctor's degree-professional practice. Certificates and Diplomas: Undergraduate certificates or diplomas usually take less than two years to complete and are usually designed to equip people with the skills needed for direct entry to employment or to earn a license such as a cosmetology license. Other examples include certificates in administrative support, computer programming, and medical records. A post-baccalaureate certificate provides students who already hold a bachelor's degree with new or additional training in an area of specialization. Certificates typically require fewer course hours than do master's or doctoral degrees, and do not require a thesis or dissertation. Examples of this include certificates in accounting, computer science, and human resource management. A post-master's certificate usually requires completion of 24 semester credit hours beyond the master's degree but does not meet the requirements of academic degrees at the doctoral level. Not enrolled for a degree or certificate: Undergraduate level classes means taking courses at the undergraduate level but not formally enrolling in a degree or certificate program of any sort. Graduate level classes are for students who already hold an undergraduate degree or certificate and who are enrolled in graduate-level courses beyond a bachelor's degree, but who are not formally enrolled in a graduate degree program. Question Name N12UGSTATVER Help Text You have indicated being enrolled in a bachelor's degree program and a graduate degree program at [Y_NPSCHL] at the same time. If that is not correct, please back up to the previous question and correct your answer. Answer Yes to this question if the majority of your coursework is still undergraduatelevel coursework in a bachelor’s degree program and you have not yet completed the requirements to be awarded your bachelor's degree. A bachelor’s degree is considered an undergraduate degree and is usually awarded by a 4-year college or university and usually requires at least 4 years of full-time, college-level work. Question Name N12ASSOC 12/19/11 Page 132 Help Text The AA (Associate of Arts) degree typically requires 2 years of study and is designed for persons planning traditional liberal arts education in such fields as art, English, and history. The AS (Associate of Science) degree typically requires 2 years of study and is designed for persons planning professional careers in mathematics, science, engineering, or health. The AAS (Associate of Applied Science) degree usually requires 2 years of study and is designed for persons who desire training for specific occupations or technical careers. The AGS (Associate of General Studies) and AGE (Associate of General Education) degrees are intended for students who wish to earn an associate's degree with no specific major or pattern of courses. As a result, it provides students with the flexibility to design their program of study either for upgrading skills for a job or occupation, or for transfer to a 4-year school. If your associate's degree type is not listed choose among the most appropriate Other options. Question Name N12DGMS Help Text The most common master's degrees are listed by name and abbreviation. If your master's degree is not listed, choose Other master's degree not listed. Question Name N12DGD Help Text The most common doctoral degrees are listed by name and abbreviation. If your doctoral degree is not listed, choose Other Doctoral degree not listed. Question Name N12DGPP Help Text The most common professional practice doctoral degrees are listed by name and abbreviation. If your degree is not listed, choose Other professional practice doctoral degree not listed. Question Name N12CKHOUR Help Text Indicate whether your program at [Y_NPSCHL] requires a total of at least 3 months or 300 hours of instruction for you to be awarded your certificate or diploma. This information is important in determining your eligibility for this study. Question Name N12RMCRD Help Text Sometimes remedial classes are also called developmental classes, pre-curriculum classes, basic skills classes, or have other names as designated by the school. If you have taken only these types of courses in the 2011-2012 school year at [Y_NPSCHL] answer Yes. Question Name N12ELCRD 12/19/11 Page 133 Help Text Courses for credit are those that could be applied to a formal degree program. Do not count courses taken purely for personal interest or recreation. Question Name N12BYE Help Text We apologize for any inconvenience. We will review your responses and will contact you if we determine that you are eligible to participate in this survey. Please call our help desk at 1-877-677-2766 if you have any questions. Question Name N12DIPL Help Text A high school diploma is awarded to students after successful completion of the required courses at a high school. This category also includes Adult High School Diplomas. The GED (General Educational Development) certificate or other equivalent credential allows those who did not finish high school to earn the equivalent of a high school diploma by completing classes and passing required exams. A high school completion certificate indicates that you attended high school for the minimum number of days required for completion but did not complete all graduation requirements (for example, did not pass the number of courses required for a diploma). If you completed high school in a country other than the United States, indicate attended a foreign high school. If you did not attend a traditional public or private high school but instead were taught at home by a parent or some other individual, indicate home schooled. If you have not yet completed high school, indicate Did not complete high school or a high school equivalency program. Question Name N12HSGRAD Help Text Indicate the month and year in which you completed high school, a GED, or a high school equivalency program. If you are unsure, provide your best guess of the date. Question Name N12HSCMP Help Text Indicate whether you were completing high school requirements for the entire time you attended [Y_NPSCHL] since July 1, 2011. If you completed your high school requirements at some point between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012 and then continued attending [Y_NPSCHL], answer No. Question Name N12PRDG Help Text Tell us about any degrees or certificates that you've already earned from any college, university, or trade school, including [Y_NPSCHL], since high school. For example, if you are currently working on a graduate degree and have already earned a bachelor's degree, answer Yes. Or, if you are currently working on a bachelor's degree and have already earned an associate's degree, answer Yes. 12/19/11 Page 134 Question Name N12OTDG Help Text An undergraduate certificate or diploma usually takes less than two years and is usually designed to equip people with the skills needed for direct entry to employment or to earn a license such as a cosmetology license. Other examples include certificates in administrative support, computer programming, and medical records. An associate's degree (AA, AS, AAS, AGE, etc.) normally requires at least 2, but less than 4 years, of full-time equivalent college work. A bachelor's degree is usually awarded by a 4-year college or university and usually requires at least 4 years of full-time, college-level work. A post-baccalaureate certificate provides students who already hold a bachelor's degree with new or additional training in an area of specialization. Certificates typically require fewer course hours than do master's or doctoral degrees, and do not require a thesis or dissertation. Examples of this include certificates in accounting, computer science, and human resource management. A master's degree (MA, MS, MBA, MFA, etc.) usually requires at least 2 years of full-time graduate-level work and may require a thesis or a practicum. A post-master's certificate usually requires completion of 24 semester credit hours beyond the master's degree but does not meet the requirements of academic degrees at the doctoral level. A doctoral degree-research/scholarship is a Ph.D. or other doctoral degree that requires advanced work beyond the master's level, including the preparation and defense of a dissertation based on original research, or the planning and execution of an original project demonstrating substantial artistic or scholarly achievement. Some examples of this type of degree may include Ed.D., D.M.A., D.B.A., D.Sc., D.A., or D.M., and others, as designated by the awarding institution. A doctoral degree-professional practice is a doctoral degree that is conferred upon completion of a program providing the knowledge and skills for the recognition, credential, or license required for professional practice. The degree is awarded after a period of study such that the total time to the degree, including both pre-professional and professional preparation, equals at least six full-time equivalent academic years. Some of these degrees include: chiropractic (D.C., or D.C.M.); dentistry (D.D.S. or D.M.D.); law (L.L.B. or J.D.); medicine (M.D.); optometry (O.D.), osteopathic medicine (D.O.); pharmacy (Pharm.D.); Podiatry (D.P.M., Pod.D., D.P.); or veterinary medicine (D.V.M.), and others, as designated by the awarding institution. A doctoral degree-other is a doctoral degree that does not meet the definition of a doctoral degree-research/scholarship or a doctoral degree-professional practice. Question Name N12PRBDAT Help Text Indicate the month and year in which you completed your bachelor's degree. If you've already been awarded more than one bachelor's degree, tell us about the date you received your first bachelor's degree. If you are unsure, provide your best estimate of the date. Question Name N12NFST Help Text If you began attending [Y_NPSCHL] in the same month and year that you began attending a different college, university, or trade school after completing your high school requirements, answer Yes. 12/19/11 Page 135 A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Question Name N12FSTSTR Help Text Indicate the month and year that you first attended any college, university or trade school. If you are unsure of the date, provide your best guess. A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Question Name N12SCHSTR Help Text Indicate the month and year that you first attended [Y_NPSCHL] after completing your high school requirements. Indicate the date that you first attended [Y_NPSCHL] even if that was not in the 2011-2012 school year. If you are unsure of the date, provide your best guess. Question Name N12CDTCHK Help Text Knowing if you first attended [Y_NPSCHL] on or after July 1, 2011 will help us ask you the proper questions in this interview. If you attended [Y_NPSCHL] at any time after completing your high school requirements and before July 1, 2011 answer No. Question Name N12PGMST Help Text Indicate the month and year that you first began your [T_DEGREN] at [Y_NPSCHL] even if you did not begin in the 2011-2012 school year. If you are unsure, provide your best guess of the date. Question Name N12NENRL Help Text Indicate all months of your attendance at [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year, not just the beginning and ending months. (Leave a box for a month blank if you did not attend during any part of that month at all. If you attended [Y_NPSCHL] for all months in the year, click the Check All Months button. If you attended [Y_NPSCHL] for most months in the year you can click the Check All Months button and uncheck any month you did not attend by clicking on the box for that month once it is checked.) Question Name N12STST Help Text The following are examples of standard full-time loads and may vary by school. Students who are enrolled as a full-time student typically carry at least: • 12 semester or quarter hours per term at the undergraduate level or 9 credit hours per term at the graduate level; • 24 semester hours or 36 quarter hours per academic year for an educational program using credit hours for a program of less than one academic year; or 12/19/11 Page 136 • 24 clock hours per week for an educational program using clock hours Question Name N12PGMFT Help Text The following are examples of standard full-time loads and may vary by institution. Students who are enrolled as a full-time student typically carry at least: • 9 credit hours per term at the graduate level; • 24 semester hours or 36 quarter hours per academic year for an educational program using credit hours for a program of less than one academic year; or • 24 clock hours per week for an educational program using clock hours Question Name N12NEW01 Help Text Indicate whether you have attended any other colleges, universities, or trade schools-not including [Y_NPSCHL]--between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Question Name N12SCH01 Help Text Do not type [Y_NPSCHL] into the textbox, or the name of a high school. Only colleges, universities, and trade schools within the United States and Puerto Rico are included in the database. To indicate a foreign school, provide the name of the school in the textbox, select "FOREIGN COUNTRY" in the dropdown box, click Enter, and then provide the requested information. For all other schools: First type the school name into the textbox, then choose the state where the school is located from the dropdown box and type in the city of the school or choose a city by clicking on List Cities. Last click Enter and a list of schools matching your responses will be displayed. From the responses displayed, click Select next to the name and location of the school and click Ok on the confirmation box if this is the school. You will then be taken to the next question in the survey. Click Cancel on the confirmation box if this is not the school you wish to choose and review the other options that were returned. If the school you entered in the textbox is not listed at all, try the search again, this time removing the city name. If the school is still not listed, click None of the above at the bottom of the list of schools and provide the requested information. Question Name N12ENRL01 Help Text Check all months of your attendance at this school in the 2011-2012 school year, not just the beginning and ending months. (Leave a box for a month blank if you did not attend during any part of that month at all. If you attended this school for all months in the year, click the Check All Months button. If you attended this school for most months in the year you can click the Check All Months button and uncheck any month you did not attend by clicking on the box for that month once it is checked.) 12/19/11 Page 137 Question Name N12STS01 Help Text The following are examples of standard full-time loads and may vary by school. Students who are enrolled as a full-time student typically carry at least: • 12 semester or quarter hours per term at the undergraduate level or 9 credit hours per term at the graduate level; • 24 semester hours or 36 quarter hours per academic year for an educational program using credit hours for a program of less than one academic year • 24 clock hours per week for an educational program using clock hours Question Name N12NEW02 Help Text Indicate whether you have attended any other colleges, universities, or trade schools-other than those already listed--between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Question Name N12ATTOTHSCH Help Text Indicate whether you have ever attended another college, university or trade school besides [Y_NPSCHL] for any period of time since you completed your high school requirements. A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Question Name N12EVR4YR Help Text Indicate whether, after completing your high school requirements, you have ever attended a four-year college or university. Community colleges and trade schools are not usually four-year schools. Answer No if you have only attended two-year or less-than-two-year schools, even if you have attended those schools for a total of four years or more. Question Name N12EVRCC Help Text Community colleges are public two-year schools that primarily offer certificates and associate's degrees, as well as non-credit courses. A few community colleges also offer bachelor's degrees. Answer Yes if you have attended a community college at any time after completing your high school requirements. Question Name N12CMPDGN Help Text If you have not yet completed your degree requirements but will complete them soon, answer No. A later question will ask when you expect to complete your degree requirements. 12/19/11 Page 138 Question Name N12DGN Help Text Select the month and year in which you were awarded your [T_DEGREN] from [Y_NPSCHL]. If you completed your requirements on one date and were awarded your [T_DEGREN] at a later date, indicate the later date when you were awarded your degree. If you are unsure of the date, provide your best guess. Question Name N12UGYR Help Text Report your class level or year at [Y_NPSCHL]. Your level is based on the number of credits completed and not on the amount of time you have spent in the program. If you are no longer attending [Y_NPSCHL], indicate your level when you were last there. For example, if you have been enrolled for 2 years but have not yet earned enough credits to be classified as a sophomore, indicate First year or freshman. Likewise, if you are in your first year at [Y_NPSCHL] but you have transferred enough credits from another school that [Y_NPSCHL] considers you to be a junior or third year student, indicate Third year or junior. If you are earning your associate's degree, remember that in your second year you are considered a Second year or sophomore, not a senior. Question Name N12CLKNUM Help Text Indicate the total number of months or hours of instruction, whichever is more relevant to your program, that you have already completed at [Y_NPSCHL]. Include any months or hours of instruction in your program that you may have completed at [Y_NPSCHL] prior to the 2011-2012 school year, and up through today. Question Name N12REASON Help Text From the options provided, please indicate the one reason that best describes why you decided to enroll in classes at [Y_NPSCHL]. Question Name N12GRYR Help Text Report how much time you have spent working on your [T_DEGREN]. If you are no longer enrolled, indicate how much time you had spent when you were last enrolled. Question Name N12EXPN Help Text Indicate the month and year that you expect to complete the requirements for your [T_DEGREN]. This date may or may not be the same date you expect to be awarded your [T_DEGREN]. If you do not expect to ever complete the requirements for your [T_DEGREN], indicate Will not finish the [T_DEGREN]. Indicate Don't know if you cannot provide your best guess of the date when you 12/19/11 Page 139 expect to finish your [T_DEGREN]. Question Name N12EXNCONF Help Text Choose a value between 0 and 10 to indicate how likely it is that you think you will finish your [T_DEGREN] by the date indicated, where a 0 means that there is "no chance at all" that you will finish your [T_DEGREN] by the date indicated and a 10 means you are "absolutely certain" you will finish your [T_DEGREN] by the date indicated. You do not have to consider whether you will finish your [T_DEGREN] at [Y_NPSCHL] when answering this question. Question Name N12EXNCONF2 Help Text Choose a value between 0 and 10 to indicate how likely it is that you think you will finish your [T_DEGREN] at all, where a 0 means that there is "no chance at all" that you will finish your [T_DEGREN] and a 10 means you are "absolutely certain" you will finish your [T_DEGREN]. You do not have to consider whether you will finish your [T_DEGREN] at [Y_NPSCHL] when answering this question. Question Name N12ENRNEXT Help Text Choose a value between 0 and 10 to indicate how likely it is that you will be enrolled for your [T_DEGREN] next term, where a 0 means that there is "no chance at all" that you will enrolled for your [T_DEGREN] next term and a 10 means you are "absolutely certain" that you will be enrolled for your [T_DEGREN] next term. You do not have to consider whether you will be enrolled for your [T_DEGREN] at [Y_NPSCHL] when answering this question. Question Name N12EXPBA Help Text Answer Yes if you think there is any possibility you will continue on to a bachelor’s degree program wihin the next five years, even if you will work on a bachelor's degree program at a different school than [Y_NPSCHL]. Question Name N12DOB Help Text Please indicate the month and year that you were born. This information will help us to ask you appropriate questions in the interview. Question Name N12LT30 Help Text Please indicate the category in which your age fits. This information will help us to ask you appropriate questions in the interview. 12/19/11 Page 140 Question Name N12MINOK Help Text Please indicate whether or not you have turned 18 years old as of today. Question Name N12MINOR Help Text Please provide the requested contact information for a parent (or guardian) so we may contact him or her for consent to conduct an interview with you. Verify the spelling of all contact information provided. (The zip code can be used to automatically fill in the city and state associated with that zip code. To do this, first enter the zip code and then click Automatically fill city and state from zip code). Question Name N12MARR Help Text Indicate your current marital status. If you are not currently married, please indicate whether you are Single, never married; Living with partner; Separated; Divorced; or Widowed. This information will help us to ask you appropriate questions in the interview. Question Name N12GENDR Help Text Please indicate your gender. This item is critical to helping us better understand who enters and completes education beyond high school. Question Name N12HSTYP Help Text Public high schools are supported by tax money collected from federal and local government systems. Private high schools are tuition-based. For example, students who attend must pay tuition, or their tuition is paid through some private type of assistance. If you attended high school outside the United States or Puerto Rico, indicate Last attended a foreign high school. While most charter high schools are public schools, some are private. Question Name N12HSCDR Help Text First type the high school name into the textbox, then choose the state where the high school is located from the dropdown box and type in the city of the school or choose a city by clicking on List Cities. Last click Enter and a list of schools matching your responses will be displayed. From the responses displayed, click Select next to the name and address of your school and click Ok on the confirmation box if this is your high school. You will then be taken to the next question in the survey. Click Cancel on the confirmation box if this is not your high school and review the other options that were returned. If your school is not listed at all, try the search again, this time removing the city name. If the school is still not listed, click None of the above at the bottom of the list 12/19/11 Page 141 of schools and provide the requested information. Question Name N12HSGPES Help Text Estimate your overall grades by indicating what letter grades you usually received in your courses in high school. Although some schools provide weighted grades for honors, Advanced Placement (AP), or International Baccalaureate (IB) classes, please respond based on the unweighted grades you received. Question Name N12MATHHT Help Text Math courses are usually taken in a sequence with ideas in early courses required for more complicated work in later courses. Indicate the highest math course you took in high school. If you did not take any math courses in high school or if the highest math course you took is not provided, indicate None of these. Question Name N12APIBCOLL Help Text Advanced placement (AP) courses offer students the opportunity to study a subject area in greater depth than is provided in a standard high school course. The AP course prepares the student to take a standardized AP test. Answer Yes if you took any AP courses even if you did not take the AP exams or took the exams but did not earn college credit from the score. Answer Yes if you participated in the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program, which is normally offered over the course of two years in high school. In order to participate in the IB Diploma Program, you must have attended a World School authorized by the IB organization to offer the Diploma Program. Answer Yes if you took any IB courses even if you did not take the IB exam or earn the IB diploma. Students can also earn college credit during high school by taking other college-level courses such as through a dual-enrollment program with a college. Do not include any AP or IB courses in this answer. Question Name N12ACTSAT Help Text The SAT and ACT are college entrance exams designed to assess high school students' general educational development and their ability to complete college-level work. The SAT (SAT Reasoning Test, formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test) is a standardized test for college admissions. The SAT consists of three major sections: Critical Reading, Mathematics, and Writing. Each section receives a score on the scale of 200 to 800 with a maximum total score of 2400. The ACT is divided into four multiple choice subject tests: English, mathematics, reading, and science reasoning, with an optional writing section. Subject test scores range from 1 to 36. Question Name SUPINSTRUCT 12/19/11 Page 142 Help Text This is an informational screen only. (Click the Next button.) Question Name N12PARSUPP Help Text On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question. Base your response on encouragement from your parents for you to stay in college in general during the 2011-2012 school year, rather than their encouragement for you to stay at a particular college. By "college" we mean a university, college, or trade school that you attend after high school. A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Question Name N12PARDED Help Text On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question. Base your response on encouragement from your parents for you to stay in college in general during the 2011-2012 school year, rather than their encouragement for you to stay at a particular college. By "college" we mean a university, college, or trade school that you attend after high school. A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Question Name N12SPPSUPP Help Text On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question. Base your response on your spouse's encouragement for you to stay in college in general during the 2011-2012 school year, rather than his or her encouragement for you to stay at a particular college. By "college" we mean a university, college, or trade school that you attend after high school. A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Question Name N12FSSUPP Help Text On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question. When thinking about friends from [Y_NPSCHL], do not include family members or other relatives, even if they also attend [Y_NPSCHL]. If you do not consider any of your classmates at [Y_NPSCHL] to be your friends, base your response on the students at [Y_NPSCHL] with whom you interact the most. Base your response on the encouragement of these friends from [Y_NPSCHL] for you to stay in college in general during the 2011-2012 school year, rather than their encouragement for you to stay at a particular college. By "college" we mean a university, college, or trade school that you attend after high school. A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Question Name N12FHSUPP 12/19/11 Page 143 Help Text On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question. When thinking about your friends from home for this question, do not include family members or other relatives. Base your response on the encouragement of these friends from home for you to stay in college in general during the 2011-2012 school year, rather than their encouragement for you to stay at a particular college. By "college" we mean a university, college, or trade school that you attend after high school. A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Question Name SUPPORTEND Help Text This is an informational screen only. (Click the Next button.) Question Name N12DBLMAJ Help Text Indicate whether or not you have already declared a major (or field of study) at [Y_NPSCHL]. If you have more than one declared major (or field of study), indicate Yes, I have/had declared a double major. Indicate No if you have not yet declared your major, even if you know what you would like to major in. Question Name N12DECIDEMAJ Help Text If you know what your major will be, even though you have not officially declared your major, answer Yes. You will be asked in the next question to tell us what that intended major is. If you don't know what your major will be, answer No. Question Name N12CLSTY Help Text Please indicate your primary field or subject at [Y_NPSCHL]. If you have taken more than one primary field or subject, please indicate the field or subject in which you have taken the most courses. If you are unable to categorize your courses into a primary field or subject because all of your courses are or were meant for transfer to another school, indicate University transfer. For any field or subject not listed, indicate Other. Question Name N12MAJ1 Help Text Please do not enter a minor or concentration in the textbox. To enter your major (or field of study): First type your major at [Y_NPSCHL] into the textbox, then click "Enter" and a list of majors that most closely match your entry will be displayed. From the responses displayed, click "Select" next to the major that most closely matches your entry and click "Ok" on the confirmation box if this is your major. You will then be taken to the next question in the survey. 12/19/11 Page 144 Click "Cancel" on the confirmation box if the description of the major does not closely match the major you entered and review the other options that were returned. If your major is not listed in the list of majors displayed, click "None of the above" at the bottom of the list of majors and as best you can, choose descriptions of the major from the dropdown boxes that appear. If you indicated earlier that you have formally declared a double major, enter only one major here. You will have an opportunity to provide your other major next. If you intend to have a double major but have not yet declared any major, choose only one intended major to tell us about. Question Name N12MAJ2 Help Text Because you indicated earlier that you have a double major (or field of study), enter only one major (or field of study) here. You should have already entered your other major (or field of study) in a previous question. Please do not enter a minor or concentration in the textbox. To enter your second major (or field of study): First type your second major at [Y_NPSCHL] into the textbox, then click "Enter" and a list of majors that most closely match your entry will be displayed. From the responses displayed, click "Select" next to the major that most closely matches your entry and click "Ok" on the confirmation box if this is your major. You will then be taken to the next question in the survey. Click "Cancel" on the confirmation box if the description of the major does not closely match the major you entered and review the other options that were returned. If your second major is not listed in the list of majors displayed, click "None of the above" at the bottom of the list of majors and as best you can, choose descriptions of your second major from the dropdown boxes that appear. Question Name N12MJCHGNUM Help Text Formally changing your major typically involves submitting a form, either on paper or online, to the registrar or dean to change your declared major. Question Name N12OMJ1A Help Text Do not enter your current major. If you have changed your major more than once at [Y_NPSCHL], enter your first declared major at [Y_NPSCHL]. To enter your original major: First type your original declared major at [Y_NPSCHL] into the textbox, then click Enter and a list of majors that most closely match your entry will be displayed. From the responses displayed, click Select next to the major that most closely matches your entry and click Ok on the confirmation box if this is your original declared major. You will then be taken to the next question in the survey. Click Cancel on the confirmation box if the description of the major does not closely match the major you entered and review the other options that were returned. If your original declared major is not listed in the list of majors displayed, click None of the above at the bottom of the list of majors and as best you can, choose descriptions of the major from the dropdown boxes that appear. Question N12PREACDEFF 12/19/11 Page 145 Name Help Text On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question. "Success as a student" may involve a variety of factors, such as doing well in your classes and improving your skills. Question Name N12CURACDEFF Help Text On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question. "Success as a student" may be defined in a number of ways including, but not limited to, doing well in your classes and/or your level of comfort with what you are learning. Question Name N12FACULTY Help Text On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question. Interactions with your teachers can include all types of communication. You may interact with your teachers in class, during office hours, through email, through an oncampus job or student group, or in other ways. Question Name N12ACDSATIS Help Text On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question. By "satisfied with my studies" we mean the degree to which the content and quality of your classes at [Y_NPSCHL] meet or met your expectations. Question Name N12KNOWCLAS Help Text On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question. When answering this question, consider your understanding of the coursework and any other requirements [Y_NPSCHL] has for you to finish your [T_DEGREN] program. Question Name SCLENDSET Help Text This is an informational screen only. (Click the Next button.) Question Name N12GPATYP Help Text Please indicate whether your grade point average (GPA) at [Y_NPSCHL] is measured on a 4.00 scale (where A=4.00, B=3.00, C=2.00, D=1.00, and F=0.00). If you have not received grades yet, but you know how your GPA is measured at [Y_NPSCHL], select the appropriate option from the list. 12/19/11 Page 146 If you do not know how your GPA is measured at [Y_NPSCHL], select Don't know. Question Name N12GPA Help Text Report your numeric overall GPA in all classes at [Y_NPSCHL] through the end of your most recent term there in the 2011-2012 school year. You may enter your GPA using two decimal places (for example, 3.25). In general, a 4.00 is an A average, a 3.00 is a B average, a 2.00 is a C average, and a 1.00 is a D average. If you have not received grades yet, do not report a GPA, instead indicate Not applicable, have not yet earned GPA. Question Name N12GPAEST Help Text Select the letter grade or grades that you usually receive in your courses. If the letter grades listed do not describe the type of grades you earn at [Y_NPSCHL], choose I would describe my grades differently than what is listed here. If you are unable to provide letter grades and there is no different description of your grades at [Y_NPSCHL], choose Don't know my grades. Question Name N12REMEVER Help Text Sometimes remedial classes are also called developmental classes, pre-curriculum classes, basic skills classes, or have other names as designated by the school. If you failed a course in the standard curriculum and had to take the same course over again, do not count this course as a remedial course. You do not have to consider whether you took remedial classes at [Y_NPSCHL] only when answering this question. Answer Yes if you took any remedial courses at any schools since you completed high school. Question Name N12REMSY Help Text Remedial or developmental courses are used to help strengthen your skills before you take your first college-level course in math, reading, or other subjects. Students are usually assigned to remedial courses on the basis of a placement test taken before the school year begins. Often, remedial courses do not count for credit toward graduation. Sometimes remedial classes are also called developmental classes, pre-curriculum classes, basic skills classes, or have other names as designated by the school. If you failed a course in the standard curriculum and had to take the same course over again, do not count this course as a remedial course. You do not have to consider whether you took remedial classes at [Y_NPSCHL] only when answering this question. Answer Yes if you took any remedial courses at any schools during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Question Name N12REMTYPNUM 12/19/11 Page 147 Help Text Remedial or developmental courses are used to help strengthen your skills before you take your first college-level course in math, reading, or other subjects. Students are usually assigned to remedial courses on the basis of a placement test taken before the school year begins. Often, remedial courses do not count for credit toward graduation. Sometimes remedial classes are also called developmental classes, pre-curriculum classes, basic skills classes, or have other names as designated by the school. You do not have to consider whether you took remedial classes at [Y_NPSCHL] only when answering this question. Count the number of times you took remedial courses in each of these topic areas at any schools during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Count each remedial course you have taken in only one topic area. For example, count a course in either the Reading OR Writing category, but do not count one course in BOTH the Reading and Writing categories. If a course had aspects of more than one topic area in the curriculum, count it under the topic area that received the most focus during the course. English –Topics may include, but are not limited to, general English language skills. Math –Topics may include, but are not limited to, pre-algebra and elementary algebra. Reading –Topics may include, but are not limited to, reading comprehension and vocabulary. Writing –Topics may include, but are not limited to, grammar, word choice, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and composition. Question Name N12ALTGATE Help Text When answering this question, consider only the course sections in which you are or were enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), rather than all sections that were available. Only online courses have no in-person components; students access their instruction over the Internet. Night courses start after 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday nights. Weekend courses are courses that start after 6:00 p.m. on Friday or take place any time on Saturday or Sunday. Question Name N12ALTCRS Help Text When answering this question, consider only the course sections in which you are or were enrolled at [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), rather than all sections that were available. Online only courses have no in-person components; students access their instruction over the Internet. Night courses start after 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday nights. Courses starting after 6:00 p.m. on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday nights are considered weekend courses and should not be included in the At night courses category. Weekend courses are courses that start after 6:00 p.m. on Friday or take place any time on Saturday or Sunday. If any of your classes have an at night or weekend component, you can answer Some for that category. If you answered All for any of the three categories, you should select it for only one of the categories. 12/19/11 Page 148 Question Name N12ONLINEPGM Help Text Indicate whether your [T_DEGREN] program is or was an entirely online program when you last attended [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June, 30, 2012). In online programs students access all of their coursework over the Internet. Question Name N12ONLINE Help Text Indicate whether the availability of online classes (or an online program) had an important effect on your decision to enroll at [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). In online courses (or programs) students access their instruction over the Internet. Question Name N12ATNIGHT Help Text Indicate whether the availability of night classes had an important effect on your decision to attend [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Night courses start after 6:00 p.m. on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday nights. Courses starting after 6:00 p.m. on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday nights are considered weekend courses and should not be considered in your answer. Question Name N12ONWKND Help Text Indicate whether the availability of weekend classes had an important effect on your decision to attend [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Weekend courses are courses that start after 6:00 p.m. on Friday or take place any time on Saturday or Sunday. Question Name N12SCALEINT Help Text This is an informational screen only. (Click the Next button.) Question Name N12PEERINT Help Text On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question. Refer to the 2011-2012 school year when answering the question. Interactions with other [Y_NPSCHL] students include all opportunities for communication. You may interact with other [Y_NPSCHL] students in class, socially, in dormitories or dining facilities, through email or online discussion forums, through a student group or athletic team, or in other ways. Question Name N12SENSBELNG 12/19/11 Page 149 Help Text On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question. Refer to the 2011-2012 school year when answering the question. Consider such factors as participation in school activities, feeling valued and accepted by others at [Y_NPSCHL], and sharing common goals and values with others at [Y_NPSCHL]. Question Name N12SOCSATIS Help Text On a scale from 1 to 5, indicate your level of agreement with the statement in the question. Refer to the 2011-2012 school year when answering the question. Your social experience may involve participation in formal student groups, informal social activities and events, online social networking and other online communication, or other activities. Question Name SCLLASTSET Help Text This is an informational screen only. (Click the Next button.) Question Name N12SRVUSE Help Text Indicate each type of school service that you have used during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). You do not have to consider whether you used these services at [Y_NPSCHL] only when answering this question. Indicate the services you used at any schools (since high school) that you attended in the 2011-2012 school year. Receiving financial aid in itself would not be considered use of financial aid counseling or advice at a school, but receiving guidance on the financial aid process from the financial aid office would. Similarly, having health insurance would not be considered using student health services, but visiting the health clinic at a school would. If you did not use any services at any schools (since completing high school) in the 2011-2012 school year, answer Did not use any services. Question Name N12SRVIMPT Help Text For each service listed, indicate how important that particular service was in your decision to stay in school. Question Name N12EXPEVR Help Text Indicate the highest level of education that you ever expect to complete at any school. If you do not plan to pursue any education beyond what you are currently working on, enter your current degree or program. Undergraduate level courses, no undergraduate degree or certificate expected means taking courses at the undergraduate level but not expecting to formally enroll in a degree or certificate program of any sort. Undergraduate certificates or diplomas usually take less than two years to complete and are usually designed to equip people with the skills needed for direct 12/19/11 Page 150 entry to employment or to earn a license such as a cosmetology license. Other examples include certificates in administrative support, computer programming, and medical records. An associate's degree normally requires at least 2, but less than 4 years, of full-time equivalent college work. A bachelor's degree is usually awarded by a 4-year college or university and usually requires at least 4 years of full-time, college-level work. Graduate level courses, no graduate degree or certificate expected means already holding an undergraduate degree or certificate and enrolling in graduate-level courses beyond a bachelor's degree, but not expecting to formally enroll in a graduate degree program. A post-baccalaureate certificate provides students who already hold a bachelor's degree with new or additional training in an area of specialization. Certificates typically require fewer course hours than do master's or doctoral degrees, and do not require a thesis or dissertation. Examples of this include certificates in accounting, computer science, and human resource management. A master's degree usually requires at least 2 years of full-time graduate-level work and may require a thesis or a practicum. A post-master's certificate usually requires completion of 24 semester credit hours beyond the master's degree but does not meet the requirements of academic degrees at the doctoral level. A doctoral degree, research/scholarship is a Ph.D. or other doctor's degree that requires advanced work beyond the master's level, including the preparation and defense of a dissertation based on original research, or the planning and execution of an original project demonstrating substantial artistic or scholarly achievement. Some examples of this type of degree may include Ed.D., D.M.A., D.B.A., D.Sc., D.A., or D.M., and others, as designated by the awarding institution. A professional doctoral degree is a doctor's degree that is conferred upon completion of a program providing the knowledge and skills for the recognition, credential, or license required for professional practice. The degree is awarded after a period of study such that the total time to the degree, including both pre-professional and professional preparation, equals at least six full-time equivalent academic years. Some of these degrees include: chiropractic (D.C., or D.C.M.); dentistry (D.D.S. or D.M.D.); law (L.L.B. or J.D.); medicine (M.D.); optometry (O.D.), osteopathic medicine (D.O.); pharmacy (Pharm.D.); Podiatry (D.P.M., Pod.D., D.P.); or veterinary medicine (D.V.M.), and others, as designated by the awarding institution. Question Name N12PRFDOCTYP Help Text Indicate which specific degree you expect to complete someday. Answer Other degree not listed if you expect to complete a degree that is not in the list provided. Question Name N12OCCINTRO Help Text Imagine the scenario described in the question wording when answering the next few questions. You can use your best guess to answer these questions. 12/19/11 Page 151 Question Name N12EXOCC Help Text First type the job title of the job you expect to have into the first textbox, then type a couple words to describe some expected job duties of this job into the second textbox. Last click Enter and a list of jobs that most closely match your entries will be displayed. From the responses displayed, click Select next to the job that most closely matches your entry and click Ok on the confirmation box if this is your intended job. You will then be taken to the next question in the survey. Click Cancel on the confirmation box if the job listed does not closely match the job you entered and review the other options that were returned. If your intended job is not listed in the list of jobs displayed, click None of the above at the bottom of the list of jobs and as best you can, choose descriptions of the job from the dropdown boxes that appear. Please only select Don't know occupation if you are unable to provide your best guess of your intended job. Question Name N12OCCCOM Help Text Choose a value between 0 and 10 to indicate how likely is it that you will hold your intended job at the time period indicated in the question, where a 0 means that there is "no chance at all" that you will hold this job and a 10 means you are "absolutely certain" that you will hold this job. If you already hold the job described in the question, indicate Already hold intended job and do not answer with a value from 0 to 10. (Then, hit Next to continue to the next question in the survey.) Question Name N12INTENDJOB Help Text Choose a value between 0 and 10 to indicate how likely is it that you will hold your intended job at the time period indicated in the question, where a 0 means that there is "no chance at all" that you will hold this job and a 10 means you are "absolutely certain" that you will hold this job. If you already hold the job described in the question, indicate Already hold intended job and do not answer with a value from 0 to 10. (Then, hit Next to continue to the next question in the survey.) Question Name N12FUTRWAGES Help Text For your expected yearly salary, indicate your average expected yearly salary. For your highest expected yearly salary, imagine the most money you think you could make. For your lowest expected yearly salary, imagine the least amount of money you think you could make. Provide your answer in terms of current dollars; ignore the impact of inflation. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12EXPWGABB 12/19/11 Page 152 Help Text Indicate your average expected yearly salary once you finish your education. Provide your answer in terms of current dollars; ignore the impact of inflation. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12EDBENEFTS Help Text For each item listed, indicate how important you think each one is compared to salary when choosing a job. Leisure means doing things that you think are fun or relaxing, either with friends or on your own. Question Name N12OTGRNTAID Help Text Indicate whether you received benefits, grants or scholarships in any of the specific categories listed for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Include benefits, grants, or scholarships you received for all schools you attended in 20112012. The below types of aid may come to you directly or may be given to the financial aid office at your school. Grants and scholarships are types of money that you receive for school that do not have to be repaid. Veteran's education benefits include programs administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, including such programs as the GI Bill (for example, Post-9/11 GI Bill, Montgomery GI Bill) and the Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP). Some employers offer grants or scholarships as a possible benefit to employees and their dependents. Employer-sponsored tuition reimbursement is one form this benefit can take. A variety of private organizations award grants or scholarships. Examples include the UNCF, National Merit Scholarship Corporation, corporate foundations (for example, Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation), and civic and religious organizations. Do not report grants or scholarships received from [Y_NPSCHL] or other schools you may have attended in the 2011-2012 school year in this question, even if these schools are private institutions. Also do not include any student loan amounts here; there are separate questions that ask about student loans. Question Name N12OTGRNTAMT Help Text Provide the total amount you received for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011June 30, 2012) for each type of benefit, grant or scholarship listed. Include benefits, grants, or scholarships you received for all schools you attended in 2011-2012. The below types of aid may come to you directly or may be given to the financial aid office at your school. Grants and scholarships are types of money that you receive for school that do not have to be repaid. Veteran's education benefits include programs administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, including such programs as the GI Bill (for example, Post-9/11 GI Bill, Montgomery GI Bill) and the Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP). Some employers offer grants or scholarships as a possible benefit to employees and their dependents. Employer-sponsored tuition reimbursement is one form this benefit 12/19/11 Page 153 can take. A variety of private organizations award grants or scholarships. Examples include the UNCF, National Merit Scholarship Corporation, corporate foundations (for example., Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation), and civic and religious organizations. Do not report grants or scholarships received from [Y_NPSCHL] or other schools you may have attended in the 2011-2012 school year in this question, even if these schools are private institutions. Also do not include any student loan amounts here; there are separate questions that ask about student loans. Question Name N12RCVLN Help Text Indicate whether you received any student loans for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Include money borrowed for all schools you attended in 20112012. Student loans are money that you borrowed for school that you will have to repay. Student loans can be from either government or private sources, including [Y_NPSCHL]. Examples of federal student loans are subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Perkins Loans, and graduate and professional student PLUS Loans. Some examples of commonly used private loans include Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan, Chase Select Loan, loans from credit unions, and loans from states such as NYHELPs. Question Name N12APPAID Help Text Indicate whether you applied for financial aid for any portion of the 2011-2012 school year by completing application forms such as the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) or those required by a state agency, private organization, private lender, by [Y_NPSCHL], or by any other schools you attended in 2011-2012 (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Question Name N12NOAPP Help Text Indicate whether any of the reasons provided were reasons you did not apply for financial aid in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). If there is another reason why you did not apply for financial aid that is not already provided, answer Other reason not listed. Question Name N12FEDLN Help Text Indicate whether you received any federal loans for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Include federal loans for all schools you attended in 2011-2012. A federal Stafford loan is an educational loan borrowed directly from the federal government (Direct Loans), with an interest rate and other terms that are set by the federal government. Students must file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in order to be considered for Stafford loan eligibility. Undergraduate and graduate level students are eligible to receive Stafford loans, which can be either subsidized or unsubsidized. The Perkins Loan is awarded to undergraduate and graduate students with exceptional financial need. This is a campus-based loan program, with the school 12/19/11 Page 154 acting as the lender using a limited pool of funds provided by the federal government. A federal Graduate and Professional PLUS loan is an educational loan borrowed directly from the federal government (Direct Loans), with an interest rate and other terms that are set by the federal government. Students must file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Only graduate level students are eligible to receive Graduate and Professional PLUS loans, which are unsubsidized. Students also must show they are creditworthy or have a cosigner. Note that Parent PLUS loans are not included in this category, as they are loans that only parents can take out. Question Name N12PRVLN Help Text Indicate whether you received any type of private or alternative loans from a financial institution or state during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Include private loans for all schools you attended in 2011-2012. Private loans, also known as alternative loans, are offered by private lenders. There are no federal application forms to complete. Some students and parents use private loans as a supplement when their federal loans do not provide enough money or when they need more flexible repayment options. Private loans can have higher interest rates than federal loans and don't offer repayment options such as deferments or discharges. Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit based and therefore often require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history. Home equity loans are not considered private loans. Question Name N12PRVAMT Help Text Indicate the amount that you borrowed in private or alternative loans for the 20112012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Include the private loan amount borrowed for all schools you attended in 2011-2012. Private loans, also known as alternative loans, are offered by private lenders. There are no federal application forms to complete. Some students and parents use private loans as a supplement when their federal loans do not provide enough money or when they need more flexible repayment options. Private loans can have higher interest rates than federal loans and don't offer repayment options such as deferments or discharges. Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit based and therefore often require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history. Home equity loans are not considered private loans. Some examples of commonly used private loans include: • Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan • Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan • Chase Select Loan • Loans from credit unions • Loans from states such as NYHELPs If you are unsure of the amount of your private loans, provide your best guess. Question Name N12PRVEST 12/19/11 Page 155 Help Text Choose the option that best describes the amount you borrowed in alternative or private loans for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Include the private loan amount borrowed for all schools you attended in 2011-2012. Private loans, also known as alternative loans, are offered by private lenders. There are no federal application forms to complete. Some students and parents use private loans as a supplement when their federal loans do not provide enough money or when they need more flexible repayment options. Private loans can have higher interest rates than federal loans and don't offer repayment options such as deferments or discharges. Unlike federal student loans, private loans are credit based and therefore often require a cosigner if the student does not have an established credit history. Home equity loans are not considered private loans. Some examples of commonly used private loans include: • Sallie Mae Smart Option Loan • Wells Fargo Collegiate Loan • Chase Select Loan • Loans from credit unions • Loans from states such as NYHELPs Do not include any amount borrowed in federal loans or money borrowed from family and friends. Question Name N12UGLNNPSYR Help Text Indicate the total amount of money you borrowed in student loans for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Only include student loans for the 2011-2012 school year in your answer. Include the total amount of any federal, private, state, and school loans, and include money borrowed for all schools you attended in 2011-2012. Federal student loans include: subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans and Perkins Loans. Private loans are loans that usually require a co-signer and have market interest rates based on credit history. Home equity loans are not considered private loans. School loans are loans for which your school-rather than the Federal government, state government, or another private organization-is the lender. School loans are sometimes restricted to individuals meeting certain qualifications. State education loans, offered through state-funded programs in certain states, typically require the borrower to be a state resident or attend an approved school within the state. Interest rates and repayment terms for state education loans vary from state to state. Do not include parent PLUS Loans. Question Name N12UGLNYEST Help Text Choose the option that best describes the amount you borrowed in student loans for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Only include student loans for the 2011-2012 school year in your answer. Include the total amount of any federal, private, state, and school loans, and include money borrowed for all schools you attended in 2011-2012. Federal student loans include: subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans and Perkins Loans. Private loans are loans that usually require a co-signer and have market interest rates based on credit history. Home equity loans are not considered private loans. School loans are loans for which your school-rather than the Federal government, 12/19/11 Page 156 state government, or another private organization-is the lender. School loans are sometimes restricted to individuals meeting certain qualifications. State education loans, offered through state-funded programs in certain states, typically require the borrower to be a state resident or attend an approved school within the state. Interest rates and repayment terms for state education loans vary from state to state. Do not include parent PLUS Loans. Question Name N12GRLNNPSYR Help Text Indicate the total amount of money you borrowed in graduate student loans for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Only include graduate student loans for the 2011-2012 school year in your answer. Include the total amount of any federal, private, state, and school loans, and include money borrowed for all schools you attended in 2011-2012. Federal student loans include: subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Perkins Loans, and graduate and professional student PLUS Loans. Private loans are loans that usually require a co-signer and have market interest rates based on credit history. Home equity loans are not considered private loans. School loans are loans for which your school-rather than the Federal government, state government, or another private organization-is the lender. School loans are sometimes restricted to individuals meeting certain qualifications. State education loans, offered through state-funded programs in certain states, typically require the borrower to be a state resident or attend an approved school within the state. Interest rates and repayment terms for state education loans vary from state to state. Question Name N12GRLNYEST Help Text Choose the option that best describes the amount you borrowed in graduate student loans for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Only include graduate student loans for the 2011-2012 school year in your answer. Include the total amount of any federal, private, state, and school loans, and include money borrowed for all schools you attended in 2011-2012. Federal student loans include: subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Perkins Loans, and graduate and professional student PLUS Loans. Private loans are loans that usually require a co-signer and have market interest rates based on credit history. Home equity loans are not considered private loans. School loans are loans for which your school-rather than the Federal government, state government, or another private organization-is the lender. School loans are sometimes restricted to individuals meeting certain qualifications. State education loans, offered through state-funded programs in certain states, typically require the borrower to be a state resident or attend an approved school within the state. Interest rates and repayment terms for state education loans vary from state to state. Question Name N12REFUND1 12/19/11 Page 157 Help Text A refund or disbursement of aid may occur when the amount of money required for tuition and fees is less than the amount promised to you in scholarships, grants, or loans. Question Name N12REFUND2 Help Text Please indicate how you did or will receive the refund. If none of these options describe how the refund was or will be given to you, choose Do something else not listed with the refund. Question Name N12OUTST Help Text Out-of-state and out-of-district tuition or fees refer to tuition and fees assessed for students who do not meet the legal residency requirements for the state or district in which they attend school. These students are generally not eligible for reduced in-state student tuition at public colleges and universities in the state, or for in-district tuition and fees at community colleges. If you are paying out-of-state tuition at a public college or university, or if you are paying out-of-district fees at a community college, answer Yes even if your tuition is paid by a scholarship or other form of financial aid. Question Name N12UGLN Help Text Indicate the total amount that you have borrowed to pay for your undergraduate education through the end of the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Include money borrowed for each year of your enrollment as an undergraduate student. Also include money borrowed for all schools that you have attended as an undergraduate student. Include the total amount of any federal, private, state, and school loans. Federal student loans include: subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans and Perkins Loans. Private loans, also known as alternative loans, are offered by private lenders. Private loans usually require a co-signer and have market interest rates based on credit history. Home equity loans are not considered private loans. School loans are loans for which your school-rather than the Federal government, state government, or another private organization-is the lender. School loans are sometimes restricted to individuals meeting certain qualifications. State education loans, offered through state-funded programs in certain states, typically require the borrower to be a state resident or attend an approved school within the state. Interest rates and repayment terms for state education loans vary from state to state. Do not include money borrowed for the 2012-2013 school year (July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013). Question Name N12ULNEST Help Text Choose the option that best describes the total amount that you have borrowed to pay for your undergraduate education through the end of the 2011-2012 school year 12/19/11 Page 158 (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Include money borrowed for each year of your enrollment as an undergraduate student. Also include money borrowed for all schools that you have attended as an undergraduate student. Include the total amount of any federal, private, state, and school loans. Federal student loans include: subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans and Perkins Loans. Private loans, also known as alternative loans, are offered by private lenders. Private loans usually require a co-signer and have market interest rates based on credit history. Home equity loans are not considered private loans. School loans are loans for which your school-rather than the Federal government, state government, or another private organization-is the lender. School loans are sometimes restricted to individuals meeting certain qualifications. State education loans, offered through state-funded programs in certain states, typically require the borrower to be a state resident or attend an approved school within the state. Interest rates and repayment terms for state education loans vary from state to state. Do not include money borrowed for the 2012-2013 school year (July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013). Question Name N12UGOWE Help Text Indicate whether you still owe all, some, or none of the total amount you borrowed in federal, private, state, or school undergraduate loans through the end of the 20112012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Federal student loans include: subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans and Perkins Loans. Private loans, also known as alternative loans, are offered by private lenders. Private loans usually require a co-signer and have market interest rates based on credit history. Home equity loans are not considered private loans. School loans are loans for which your school-rather than the Federal government, state government, or another private organization-is the lender. School loans are sometimes restricted to individuals meeting certain qualifications. State education loans, offered through state-funded programs in certain states, typically require the borrower to be a state resident or attend an approved school within the state. Interest rates and repayment terms for state education loans vary from state to state. Do not include Parent Plus loans or any money borrowed from family or friends. Also, do not consider any amount borrowed for the 2012-2013 school year (July 1, 2012June 30, 2013). Question Name N12GRLN Help Text Indicate the total amount that you have borrowed to pay for your graduate education through the end of the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Include money borrowed for each year of your enrollment as a graduate student. Also include money borrowed for all schools that you have attended as a graduate student. Include the total amount of any federal, private, state, and school loans. Federal student loans include: subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Perkins Loans, and graduate and professional student PLUS Loans. Private loans, also known as alternative loans, are offered by private lenders. Private loans usually require a co-signer and have market interest rates based on credit 12/19/11 Page 159 history. Home equity loans are not considered private loans. School loans are loans for which your school-rather than the Federal government, state government, or another private organization-is the lender. School loans are sometimes restricted to individuals meeting certain qualifications. State education loans, offered through state-funded programs in certain states, typically require the borrower to be a state resident or attend an approved school within the state. Interest rates and repayment terms for state education loans vary from state to state. Do not include money borrowed for the 2012-2013 school year (July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013). Question Name N12GLNEST Help Text Choose the option that best describes the total amount that you have borrowed to pay for your graduate education through the end of the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Include money borrowed for each year of your enrollment as a graduate student. Also include money borrowed for all schools that you have attended as a graduate student. Include the total amount of any federal, private, state, and school loans. Federal student loans include: subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Perkins Loans, and graduate and professional student PLUS Loans. Private loans, also known as alternative loans, are offered by private lenders. Private loans usually require a co-signer and have market interest rates based on credit history. Home equity loans are not considered private loans. School loans are loans for which your school-rather than the Federal government, state government, or another private organization-is the lender. School loans are sometimes restricted to individuals meeting certain qualifications. State education loans, offered through state-funded programs in certain states, typically require the borrower to be a state resident or attend an approved school within the state. Interest rates and repayment terms for state education loans vary from state to state. Do not include money borrowed for the 2012-2013 school year (July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013). Question Name N12GROWE Help Text Indicate whether you still owe all, some, or none of the total amount you borrowed in federal, private, state, or school graduate loans through the end of the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Federal student loans include: subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans, Perkins Loans, and graduate and professional student PLUS Loans. Private loans, also known as alternative loans, are offered by private lenders. Private loans usually require a co-signer and have market interest rates based on credit history. Home equity loans are not considered private loans. School loans are loans for which your school-rather than the Federal government, state government, or another private organization-is the lender. School loans are sometimes restricted to individuals meeting certain qualifications. State education loans, offered through state-funded programs in certain states, typically require the borrower to be a state resident or attend an approved school within the state. Interest rates and repayment terms for state education loans vary 12/19/11 Page 160 from state to state. Do not include any money borrowed from family or friends. Also, do not consider any amount borrowed for the 2012-2013 school year (July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013). Question Name N12DCLN Help Text Indicate whether you were offered any federal student loans in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012) that you chose not to accept. If you were offered a federal loan and decided not to take it out, answer Yes. If you were not offered any federal loans, or if you took out every federal loan you were offered, answer No. Federal student loans include subsidized and unsubsidized Stafford Loans and Perkins Loans. To receive offers of student loans from the federal government you first have to complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid). Do not include parent PLUS loans, private loans, or loans offered by family or friends in your answer. Question Name N12DCMAXLN Help Text You indicated that you received federal student loans in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Indicate whether you chose to take the maximum amount of money offered by the federal government in either subsidized or unsubsidized Stafford Loans or Perkins Loans. If the amount in federal student loans that you accepted was less than the amount offered to you by the government, answer No. Question Name N12DCLRSN Help Text Indicate your main reason for choosing not to accept the maximum federal student loan(s) that were offered to you. Question Name N12AVOIDLNS Help Text Indicate whether you chose to do any of the listed options to avoid taking out (additional) student loans during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Question Name N12UNMETNEED Help Text Indicate whether you would have borrowed (more) money during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012) if the option had been available to you. Question Name N12NEEDAMTUG Help Text Indicate how much (more) money you would have borrowed for the 2011-2012 school year if you had the option. Do not include money that you actually borrowed; only include the (additional) amount you would have borrowed if you could have. 12/19/11 Page 161 Question Name N12REPAY Help Text Indicate whether you think anyone (other than a spouse) will help you repay all or part of your student loans. Question Name N12GRDASTJOB Help Text Indicate whether you had a graduate assistantship in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Graduate assistantships are work appointments that provide financial support for graduate studies. Examples of graduate assistantships include graduate teaching assistantships and graduate research assistantships. In return for their work, graduate assistants receive stipends, tuition waivers, fee waivers, or other forms of financial support. Question Name N12GRAST Help Text Indicate which type(s) of graduate assistantship(s) you had in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). (If you had more than one type of graduate assistantship in the 2011-2012 school year, check all that apply.) Graduate teaching assistants work under the supervision of professors and other instructors by providing support for academic instruction. Examples of graduate teaching assistant duties include supervised teaching, leading discussion or laboratory sections, and grading examinations and papers. Graduate research assistants conduct scholarly research under the direction of faculty members or other investigators. Research conducted as a graduate research assistant sometimes contributes to a student’s thesis or dissertation. Other graduate assistantships include a variety of positions that are not classified as teaching assistantships or research assistantships. Some other graduate assistants primarily provide administrative or professional support to offices and departments. Question Name N12TUITN Help Text Indicate whether your tuition was waived, or paid partially or in full by an assistantship in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). A tuition waiver (or tuition remission) occurs when you do not have to pay part or all of your tuition because your school has waived the requirement. Tuition waivers are sometimes offered to qualified graduate students--particularly out-of-state students--as part of assistantship packages. Question Name N12HINS Help Text Some graduate assistantships provide health insurance as a benefit to students. Answer Yes if you received the health insurance benefits offered through your graduate assistantship in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Question Name N12GRTAAMT 12/19/11 Page 162 Help Text Indicate the dollar amount of your graduate teaching assistantship for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Only include the amount for your graduate teaching assistantship here; there is a separate question for each graduate assistantship type (research or other assistantship) if you have more than one. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12GRRAAMT Help Text Indicate the dollar amount of your graduate research assistantship for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Only include the amount for your graduate research assistantship here. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12GROTHAMT Help Text Indicate the dollar amount of your graduate assistantship for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). If you are unsure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12CONTAC Help Text Indicate which of the following activities you are required to perform as part of your teaching assistantship during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Assume full teaching responsibility: You are solely responsible for teaching an entire course. Lead discussion sections: You are in charge of discussion sessions for a course taught by a faculty member. Supervise lab sections: You are responsible for the lab section of a course that is taught by a faculty member. Assist faculty with grading: You help the professor with grading papers, exams, homework, and projects. Assist faculty with answering student e-mail messages: You help the professor respond to questions from students through e-mail. Hold office hours: You are available for scheduled periods of time when students may come and ask questions or get help with the material covered in the course. Question Name N12GRFELL Help Text Indicate whether you had a graduate fellowship in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Graduate fellowships, which may be based on merit, are a form of financial support that usually has no specific service requirement from the recipient. Question Name N12GRFELLAMT Help Text Indicate the dollar amount of your graduate fellowship for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). 12/19/11 Page 163 If you are unsure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12GRTRNSHP Help Text Indicate whether you had a traineeship in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011June 30, 2012). A traineeship is a form of financial support, and requirements vary by the particular traineeship program. Many traineeships include individualized mentoring and training experiences. Question Name N12GRTRNAMT Help Text Indicate the dollar amount of your traineeship for the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). If you are unsure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12GRHRS Help Text Indicate the number of hours you worked in an average week in your graduate school job(s) during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Graduate school jobs include graduate research, teaching, or other assistantships, graduate fellowships, and traineeships. Question Name N12GRWEEK Help Text Graduate school jobs include graduate research, teaching, and other assistantships, graduate fellowships, and traineeships. Question Name N12SCHJOB Help Text Indicate whether you had a work-study job at [Y_NPSCHL] at any time during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 -June 30, 2012). Federal work-study jobs are offered to undergraduate students with financial need, allowing them to work part-time to earn money to help pay their education expenses. Students must file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) in order to be considered for the Federal Work-Study (FWS) program. Work-study jobs are often located on the campus of a student's school and may or may not be related to a student's course of study. Question Name N12WSMAJR Help Text Indicate whether your work-study job in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012) was related to your major or field of study at [Y_NPSCHL]. Your work-study job is related to your major or field of study if it requires skills related to your primary coursework, or if it is similar in content to your primary coursework. Question N12WSONOF 12/19/11 Page 164 Name Help Text Indicate whether your work-study job was located mostly on or off the campus of [Y_NPSCHL] in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Respond by thinking about the location where you worked the most for your work-study job. On campus means your work-study job was located physically within the boundaries of the official campus of [Y_NPSCHL]. Off campus means your work-study job was located physically outside the boundaries of the official campus of [Y_NPSCHL]. Question Name N12WSEMP Help Text Indicate whether your work-study job in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012) was through [Y_NPSCHL] or some other organization. Your answer should depend on the source of your paycheck. If you were paid by [Y_NPSCHL], then your work-study job was through [Y_NPSCHL]. If you were paid by another organization, then your work-study job was through another organization. Question Name N12WAEARN Help Text Indicate how much you earned from your work-study job while you were attending [Y_NPSCHL] during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). You can choose whichever unit of time you prefer (per year, term or semester, month, week, or hour) to report the amount of your work-study earnings. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12WAERNS Help Text Indicate the amount of time worked in your work-study job through the end of the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Do not include time worked in the summer unless you attend school during summer break. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12WAHRS Help Text Indicate the number of hours that you worked at your work-study job in an average week in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Do not include summer hours unless you attend school during summer break. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12ANYJOB Help Text Indicate whether you held a job during the 2011-2012 school year. Only include paid jobs. Do not include any work-study jobs, assistantships, fellowships, or traineeships, or jobs held only during a school break, unless you were attending school during the break. 12/19/11 Page 165 Question Name N12NUMJOB Help Text Only include paid jobs. Do not include any work-study jobs, assistantships, fellowships, or traineeships in this total, or jobs held only during a school break, unless you were attending school during the break. Question Name N12SEARN Help Text Indicate how much you usually earned from all jobs (not including work-study, assistantships, fellowships, or traineeships) held during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Indicate the unit of time that corresponds to the amount of earnings that you reported. Do not include earnings from work done during a school break, unless you were attending school during the break. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12SEARNS Help Text Indicate how much time you will have worked at all jobs (not including work-study, assistantships, fellowships, or traineeships) by the end of the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Do not include work done during a school break, unless you will be attending school during the break. For reference, rough conversions are shown below: 1 semester=15 weeks 1 quarter=10 weeks 1 trimester=10 weeks If you are unsure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12SBHRS Help Text Indicate the average number of hours worked per week at all jobs (not including workstudy, assistantships, fellowships, or traineeships) during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Do not include an average week worked during a school break if you do not attend school during the break. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12ONOFF Help Text On campus refers to any job located physically within the boundaries of the official campus of your school. Off campus refers to any job located physically outside the boundaries of the official campus of your school. Only include paid jobs. Do not include any work-study jobs, assistantships, fellowships, or traineeships, or jobs held only during a school break, unless you were attending 12/19/11 Page 166 school during the break. Question Name N12ENRWRK Help Text An example of a student working to meet expenses would be someone who is enrolled full time but also holds a job to earn additional money. An example of an employee who decided to enroll in school is someone who considers his or her primary focus to be work but is attending school to further his or her career or for personal betterment. Please try to choose the answer that most closely reflects your primary focus for working while enrolled in school. Question Name N12PRVJOB Help Text Consider any jobs you were usually working for pay at one time in the year before the 2011-2012 school year began. The 2011-2012 school year began July 1, 2011. You may have held these jobs for a long time and may still be working at these jobs. Do not include volunteer jobs or unpaid jobs you held in 2010-2011. Question Name N12POCC Help Text The 2011-2012 school year began July 1, 2011. To find your job in our database: First type the job title of the job into the first textbox, then type the job duties of this job into the second textbox. Last click Enter and a list of jobs that most closely match your entries will be displayed. From the responses displayed, click Select next to the job that most closely matches your entry and click Ok on the confirmation box if this is the job you would like to select. You will then be taken to the next question in the survey. Click Cancel on the confirmation box if the job listed does not closely match the job you entered and review the other options that were returned. If your job is not listed in the list of jobs displayed, click None of the above at the bottom of the list of jobs and as best you can, choose descriptions of the job from the dropdown boxes that appear. Question Name N12SAMEJOB Help Text Indicate whether during the most recent term you attended school in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012) you continued working in the type of job indicated in the question. If you had a different employer, but the job title and duties were the same, answer Yes. Question Name N12POCCTIM 12/19/11 Page 167 Help Text Indicate how long you worked in this type of job through the end of the 2011-2012 school year. You may provide your answer in days, weeks, months, or years. If you did not work at this type of job consecutively, you can answer by adding up the amount of time you worked in this type of job. Question Name N12PRVWAGE Help Text Indicate how much you usually earned in the year before the 2011-2012 school year began. The 2011-2012 school year began July 1, 2011. Question Name N12PRVHRSWK Help Text Indicate how many hours you usually worked per week on average in the year before the 2011-2012 school year began. The 2011-2012 school year began July 1, 2011. Question Name N12PRVMTHYR Help Text Indicate how many months you worked in the year before the 2011-2012 school year began. The 2011-2012 school year began July 1, 2011. Question Name N12WRKPAY Help Text Volunteer activities are classified under Work, but not be paid. If you would have done some work for pay and some unpaid work, indicate Work for pay. Question Name N12ALTNUMJOB Help Text Count the jobs based on the number of separate employers you would have had. For example, if would have been a waiter or waitress at two different restaurants, answer Two or more jobs at a time. Question Name N12ALTSCHED Help Text Provide your best guess about whether you would have worked for pay full time, or less than that, if you had not attended college at all in 2011-2012 (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). If you would have worked full time, but for less than 12 months of the year answer No. Also answer No if you would have worked part time for all 12 months of the year. If you would have worked at more than one job, consider whether you would have worked full time when you combine the hours and months worked from all jobs together. Question N12ALTHRSWK 12/19/11 Page 168 Name Help Text Provide your best guess about how many hours, on average, you would have worked for pay per week if you had not attended college at all in 2011-2012 (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). If you think you would have worked for pay full time in some months, and part time in other months, provide an average number of weekly hours worked across the total months you would have worked. If you would have worked at more than one job, consider how many hours, on average, you would have worked when you combine the hours worked from all jobs together. Question Name N12ALTMTHYR Help Text Provide your best guess about how many months of the year you would have worked for pay, if you had not attended college at all in 2011-2012 (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Include all months that you would have worked for pay, even if you think you would only have worked part time in any or all months of the year. If you would have worked at more than one job, consider how many months you would have worked when you combine the months worked from all jobs together. Question Name N12ALTWAGE1 Help Text Provide the hourly wage or yearly salary you would have earned at the job you think you would have had if you had not attended college at all in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). You can include any tips or bonuses you think you would have received in your answer. You can also provide the amount before taxes are taken out (your gross earnings). If you are unsure of the amount you would have earned, provide your best guess. Question Name N12ALTWAGE2 Help Text Provide the weekly, monthly, or yearly salary you would have earned at the jobs you think you would have had if you had not attended college at all in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). You can include any tips or bonuses you think you would have received in your answer. You can also provide the amount before taxes are taken out (your gross earnings). If you are unsure of the amount you would have earned, provide your best guess. Question Name N12INCINTRO Help Text This is an informational screen only. (Click the Next button.) Question Name N12INCOM Help Text Estimate your gross income from the entire 2011 calendar year (January 1, 2011December 31, 2011). Do not include any income earned during 2012. Your gross 12/19/11 Page 169 income is the full amount before taxes, Social Security, and other deductions are taken out. Include wages from off-campus jobs, on-campus jobs, work-study jobs, assistantships, fellowships, traineeships, summer jobs, or any other source. Also include income received from a trust fund. Do not include scholarships, grants or loans, or any money given to you by your family. If you are unsure what your income in 2011 was, provide your best guess. Question Name N12INCSP Help Text Estimate your spouse's gross income from the entire 2011 calendar year (January 1, 2011-December 31, 2011). Do not include any income earned during 2012. Gross income is the full amount before taxes, Social Security, and other deductions are taken out. Include wages from any work-study jobs, assistantships, fellowships, traineeships, or any other source of income for your spouse. Also include income received from a trust fund. Do not include scholarships, grants or loans, or any money given to your spouse by family. If you are unsure what your spouse's income in 2011 was, provide your best guess. Question Name N12DEPS Help Text Answer Yes if you have a child or children who received more than half of their financial support from you during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), even if these children did not live with you. Foster children are not considered dependents for this question. Question Name N12DEP2 Help Text Report the number of children who received more than half of their financial support from you in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012), even if these children did not live with you. Foster children are not considered dependents for this question. Question Name N12DAGE Help Text Indicate the age of your child, or your youngest child. Dependent children are any of your children who received more than half of their financial support from you, even if they did not live wih you. Foster children are not considered dependent children for this question. Question Name N12CARE Help Text Indicate the number of dependent children that were in paid childcare in the 20112012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Dependent children are any of your children who received more than half of their 12/19/11 Page 170 financial support from you, even if they did not live wih you. Foster children are not considered dependent children for this question. Indicate the number of children for whom you (and your spouse, if applicable) paid for childcare. If your children were not in childcare that you paid for, or if someone else paid for the childcare for your children, answer 0. Childcare includes any form of paid care such as a day care, after school care, or in-home care at your home or someone else's home. Question Name N12CARE1 Help Text Indicate whether your child was in paid childcare in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Answer Yes if you (and your spouse, if applicable) paid for childcare for your child. If your child was not in childcare, or if someone else paid for the childcare for your child, answer No. Childcare includes any form of paid care such as a day care, after school care, or in-home care at your home or someone else's home. Question Name N12DAYCST Help Text Indicate the average monthly amount that you (or your spouse, if applicable) paid for childcare in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Childcare includes any form of paid care such as a day care, after school care, or in-home care at your home or someone else's home. If you are not sure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12OTDEPS Help Text Indicate whether you provided more than half the financial support for anybody other than a spouse or children in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012), who lived in your household. Examples of other dependents might include parents, grandparents, other relatives, or anybody else for whom you provided more than half their financial support. Foster children are not considered dependents for this question. Do not include yourself, a spouse, or any children as other dependents in this question. Question Name N12OTDEPS2 Help Text Indicate how many other dependents who lived in your household received more than half their financial support from you in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Examples of other dependents might include parents, grandparents, other relatives, or anybody else for whom you provided more than half their financial support. Foster children are not considered dependents for this question. Do not count yourself, a spouse, or any children as other dependents in this question. Question Name N12OTDEPAMT 12/19/11 Page 171 Help Text Indicate the average monthly amount that you (or your spouse, if applicable) paid for these others that lived in your household in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Examples of other dependents might include parents, grandparents, other relatives, or anybody else who lived in your household and for whom you provided more than half their financial support. Foster children are not considered dependents for this question. Do not count expenses paid for yourself, a spouse, or any children in this question. If you are not sure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12KIDCOL Help Text Indicate how many of your dependents attended a college, university or trade school in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Dependents include your children, who need not live with you, and others who live in your household who receive more than half of their financial support from you. Foster children are not considered dependent children for this question. A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Question Name N12KIDCOL1 Help Text Indicate whether your dependent attended a college, university or trade school in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Dependents include your children, who need not live with you, and others who live in your household who receive more than half of their financial support from you. Foster children are not considered dependent children for this question. A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Question Name N12COLCOST Help Text Do not include any loans such as parent PLUS loans, private loans, or home equity loans that you may have taken out to pay for these college expenses in your answer. College expenses can refer to tuition and fees, school books, or any other expenses your dependent(s) had while attending a college, university, or trade school during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Dependents include your children, who need not live with you, and others who live in your household who receive more than half of their financial support from you. Foster children are not considered dependent children for this question. If you are not sure of the amount, provide your best guess. Question Name N12PARHELP Help Text Indicate whether your parents (or guardians) paid for any education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Tuition and fees or school books are examples of education expenses. Rent and food are examples of living expenses. Question N12PARAMT 12/19/11 Page 172 Name Help Text Indicate the amount your parents (or guardians) paid for any education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Tuition and fees or school books are examples of education expenses. Rent and food are examples of living expenses. If you are not sure of the amount, provide your best guess. Question Name N12PARAMT2 Help Text Indicate the amount your parents (or guardians) paid for any education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Tuition and fees or school books are examples of education expenses. Rent and food are examples of living expenses. If you are not sure of the amount, provide your best guess. Question Name N12FAMHELP Help Text Indicate whether any family members or friends paid for any education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Tuition and fees or school books are examples of education expenses. Rent and food are examples of living expenses. Do not include any assistance from your parents (or guardians) or a spouse. Question Name N12FAMAMT Help Text Indicate the amount your family or friends paid for any education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Tuition and fees or school books are examples of education expenses. Rent and food are examples of living expenses. Do not include any assistance from your parents (or guardians) or a spouse. If you are not sure of the amount, provide your best guess. Question Name N12FAMAMT2 Help Text Indicate the amount your family or friends paid for any education and living expenses while you were enrolled in school in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Tuition and fees or school books are examples of education expenses. Rent and food are examples of living expenses. Do not include any assistance from your parents (or guardians) or a spouse. If you are not sure of the amount, provide your best guess. Question Name N12NUMCRD 12/19/11 Page 173 Help Text Credit cards allow cardholders to carry debt from month to month. Examples of credit cards to include in your answer are VISA, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, retail store credit cards, gas cards, etc. Do not include: • Cards that have your name on them but the account has been issued to a parent, spouse, or other relative, or the bill is paid by someone else. • Debit cards or ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) cards. Debit cards are tied directly to a checking or savings account so that the amount charged is taken directly out of the account. • Company cards that are billed directly to a department within a business or organization. If you are unsure, provide your best guess. Question Name N12CARRYBAL Help Text A balance on your credit card(s) means that there is an amount owed on your credit card(s) that is not usually paid off in full each month. Question Name N12CRDBAL Help Text Estimate the current outstanding balance--the total amount that you owe from your most recent statements--on all credit cards in your name. Credit cards allow cardholders to carry debt from month to month. Examples of amounts on credit cards to include in your answer are balances on VISA, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, retail store credit cards, gas cards, etc. If you are unsure of the amount, provide your best guess. Do not include the following amounts on... Cards that have your name on them but the account has been issued to a parent, spouse, or other relative, or the bill is paid by someone else. Debit cards or ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) cards. Debit cards are tied directly to a checking or savings account so that the amount charged is taken directly out of the account. Company cards that are billed directly to a department within a business or organization. Question Name N12CCUSE Help Text Indicate whether you used your credit card(s) to help pay for tuition and fees in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). Credit cards allow cardholders to carry debt from month to month. Examples of credit cards to include in your answer are VISA, Mastercard, Discover, American Express, retail store credit cards, gas cards, etc. Answer No if you used any of the following types of cards to pay for tuition and fees: Cards that have your name on them but the account has been issued to a parent, 12/19/11 Page 174 spouse, or other relative, or the bill is paid by someone else. Debit cards or ATM (Automatic Teller Machine) cards. Debit cards are tied directly to a checking or savings account so that the amount charged is taken directly out of the account. Company cards that are billed directly to a department within a business or organization. Question Name N12CCREASON Help Text Indicate whether you used credit cards in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012) because they were the only way you had to pay for tuition and fees. If you had other sources of funds but used credit cards because they were convenient or because you earned rewards by using credit cards, answer No. Question Name N12BANK1 Help Text A checking account allows the holder of the account to withdraw their money using a personal check, debit card, or withdrawal, including ATM withdrawals. Money in a checking account usually does not gain interest. Saving accounts earn interest but usually do not have check writing or debit cards associated with the account. Membership in a credit union is limited to certain individuals (and often their family members), such as employees of particular companies or residents of a certain geographic region. Question Name N12BANK2 Help Text Checking and saving accounts can be held by one person alone or held jointly with another person, such as a parent or spouse. If your name appears on the account statements with another person, such as your parent or spouse, indicate Shared between you and someone else. Question Name N12SCHRES Help Text Indicate where you lived during the last term you attended school in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). College-owned housing means that your rent is paid to the school, even if that housing is not on the campus of the school. Question Name N12DISTHDAYS Help Text Indicate the number of days per week (or per month) that you traveled between where you lived in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012) and [Y_NPSCHL]. For this question, refer to the place where you lived in the 2011-2012 school year, which may differ from your permanent residence. Your permanent residence is typically defined as the residence where you are registered to vote, where you pay your local and state taxes, and where you maintain your driver's license and car registration. If 12/19/11 Page 175 you are under 24 years of age, or are dependent on parental support, your permanent residence is usually the residence of your parents or legal guardians. (If you did not commute to [Y_NPSCHL] indicate the checkbox for that item.) Question Name N12DISTHMINS Help Text Indicate the number of minutes (or hours) it took you to travel on an average day from where you lived in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012) to [Y_NPSCHL]. Include only the average one-way travel time per day. Report the actual time it took to arrive at [Y_NPSCHL]. For example, if traffic or other factors made your commute longer on an average day, include those factors in the amount of time you report. For this question, refer to the place where you lived in the 2011-2012 school year, which may differ from your permanent residence. Your permanent residence is typically defined as the residence where you are registered to vote, where you pay your local and state taxes, and where you maintain your driver's license and car registration. If you are under 24 years of age, or are dependent on parental support, your permanent residence is usually the residence of your parents or legal guardians. Question Name N12DISTWKDAY Help Text Indicate how many days you traveled from where you lived to work in an average week during the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). If you worked more than one job during the school year, answer about the job where you worked the most hours. For this question, refer to the place where you lived in the 2011-2012 school year, which may differ from your permanent residence. Your permanent residence is typically defined as the residence where you are registered to vote, where you pay your local and state taxes, and where you maintain your driver's license and car registration. If you are under 24 years of age, or are dependent on parental support, your permanent residence is usually the residence of your parents or legal guardians. If your job did not require a commute, answer only Zero days (no travel to work). Question Name N12DISTWKTIM Help Text Indicate the number of minutes (or hours) it took you to travel from where you lived to work on an average day in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). If you worked more than one job during the school year, answer about the job where you worked the most hours. Include only the average one-way travel time per day. Report the actual time it took to arrive at work. For example, if traffic or other factors made your commute longer on an average day, include those factors in the amount of time you report. For this question, refer to the place where you lived in the 2011-2012 school year, which may differ from your permanent residence. Your permanent residence is typically defined as the residence where you are registered to vote, where you pay your local and state taxes, and where you maintain your driver's license and car registration. If you are under 24 years of age, or are dependent on parental support, your permanent residence is usually the residence of your parents or legal guardians. Question N12HOME 12/19/11 Page 176 Name Help Text Answer Yes whether you own a home outright (the home is paid for in full), or purchased the house but you are still making payments on a mortgage. Also answer Yes whether you own a house, town house, or condominium. Do not include your parents' home. Question Name N12RNTAMT Help Text Indicate your average monthly rent or mortgage payment while you were attending school in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). If you shared a residence with other people, indicate only the amount that you were responsible for paying. For example, if you shared an apartment with one other person and you share the rent evenly, only report the amount that you paid to cover your half. If someone else paid your rent or mortgage for you every month, or if you owe nothing on a home you own and have paid for it in full, indicate "0." Do not include money for any other living expenses, such as food, utilities, transportation, etc. in your answer. If you are unsure of the amount, provide your best guess. Question Name N12UNTAX Help Text Answer Yes if you or anyone in your family household received any of the following benefits between July 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012: The Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program pays benefits to disabled adults and children who have limited income and resources. It is designed to help aged, blind, and disabled people who have little or no income and provides cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter. The federal Food Stamp Program was renamed Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP). Some state program names may vary. States typically issue SNAP benefits through electronic benefit transfer (EBT) cards that are used to purchase eligible food in authorized retail food stores, farmers' markets, etc. EBT cards work like debit cards. TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families) payments provide financial assistance to families with limited resources. The assistance is time-limited (typically a maximum of 60 months). Household size and family income are used to determine eligibility for free or reduced price school lunches in the Free and Reduced Price School Lunch program. WIC (the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children) is an assistance program for low-income pregnant women or new mothers, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk. WIC provides nutrition education, supplemental foods, health screenings, and health care referrals. Question Name N12PARST Help Text Indicate the option which best describes the current marital status of your parent(s) or guardian(s). For example... Indicate Married or remarried if your parents are married to each other, or if your parents are divorced, but the parent you lived with most is now remarried. 12/19/11 Page 177 Indicate Single if your parents were never married. If your parents were never married and you do not live with both of them, answer single if the parent you lived with most is not married. Indicate Divorced or separated if your parents are divorced, and the parent you lived with most has not remarried. Indicate Widowed if your parents were married, and your surviving parent is not remarried. Question Name N12PARNC Help Text Estimate your parents'/guardians' gross income from calendar year 2011 (January 1, 2011 - December 31, 2011) based on the ranges listed, even if your parents do not provide you with any financial assistance for your education. Gross income is the full amount before taxes, Social Security, and other deductions are taken out. lf you are unsure of the amount, make your best guess. Question Name N12PRHSD Help Text Indicate the number of people whom your parents (or guardians) financially supported during the most recent term you attended school in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011-June 30, 2012). Include brothers and sisters, grandparents, or anybody else to whom your parents provided financial support. Do not include yourself or your parents in the total. Question Name N12DPNUM Help Text Indicate the number of people supported financially by your parent(s) or guardian(s), who attended a college, university or trade school during the most recent term you attended school in the 2011-2012 school year (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012). A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Do not include yourself or your parents (or guardians) in the total. Question Name N12DSCT250 Help Text Indicate whether, if somebody gave you the choice, you would prefer to receive a gift of $250 today, or a gift of $250 one year from today. In this imaginary situation you would not have to pay this money back whether you took the $250 today or in one year. Question Name N12DSCT300 Help Text In the previous question you indicated you would prefer to receive $250 today rather than take $250 in one year. Now indicate whether if somebody gave you the choice, you would prefer to receive a gift of $250 today or a gift of $300 one year from today. In this imaginary situation you would not have to pay this money back whether you took the $250 today or $300 in one year. 12/19/11 Page 178 Question Name N12DSCT350 Help Text In the previous question you indicated you would prefer to receive $250 today rather than take $300 in one year. Now indicate whether if somebody gave you the choice, you would prefer to receive a gift of $250 today or a gift of $350 one year from today. In this imaginary situation you would not have to pay this money back whether you took the $250 today or $350 in one year. Question Name N12DSCT400 Help Text In the previous question you indicated you would prefer to receive $250 today rather than take $350 in one year. Now indicate whether if somebody gave you the choice, you would prefer to receive a gift of $250 today or a gift of $400 one year from today. In this imaginary situation you would not have to pay this money back whether you took the $250 today or $400 in one year. Question Name N12DSCT450 Help Text In the previous question you indicated you would prefer to receive $250 today rather than take $400 in one year. Now indicate whether if somebody gave you the choice, you would prefer to receive a gift of $250 today or a gift of $450 one year from today. In this imaginary situation you would not have to pay this money back whether you took the $250 today or $450 in one year. Question Name N12DSCT500 Help Text In the previous question you indicated you would prefer to receive $250 today rather than take $450 in one year. Now indicate whether if somebody gave you the choice, you would prefer to receive a gift of $250 today or a gift of $500 one year from today. In this imaginary situation you would not have to pay this money back whether you took the $250 today or $500 in one year. Question Name INTBCK Help Text This is an informational screen only. (Click the Next button.) Question Name N12STATE Help Text (In the dropdown box, select the state in which you legally reside.) Your legal residence is typically defined as the residence where you are registered to vote, where you pay your local and state taxes, and where you maintain your driver's license and car registration. If you are under 24 years of age, or are dependent on parental support, your legal 12/19/11 Page 179 residence is usually the residence of your parents or legal guardians. If you live outside of the United States, indicate FOREIGN COUNTRY (from the dropdown list). Question Name N12DISTNC Help Text Your permanent address is usually your legal residence, which is typically defined as the residence where you are registered to vote, where you pay your local and state taxes, and where you maintain your driver's license and car registration. If you are under 24 years of age, or are dependent on parental support, your legal residence is usually the residence of your parents or legal guardians. (If your permanent address is outside the United States, select only the displayed checkbox.) Question Name N12USBORN Help Text If you were born on a U.S. military base outside of the U.S., answer Yes. United States territories and outlying areas include American Samoa, the Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Midway Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. If you were born in any of these locations, answer Yes. Question Name N12CITZN Help Text Indicate your citizenship status. If you are a U.S. citizen or U.S. national, select Yes. If you are a U.S. permanent resident with a Permanent Resident Card (I-551), sometimes called a Green Card, or an eligible noncitizen with an Arrival-Departure Record (I-94), or an eligible noncitizen with a Temporary Resident Card (I-688), select No - Resident alien, permanent resident, or other eligible non-citizen; hold a temporary resident's card or other eligible non-citizen temporary resident's card. If you are in the U.S. under any of the following, please select No - Student visa, in the country on an F1 or F2 visa, or on a J1 or J2 exchange visitor visa. • F1 visa - an alien having residence in a foreign country which he/she has no intention of abandoning, who is a bona fide student qualified to pursue a full course of study and who seeks to enter the United States temporarily and solely for the purpose of pursuing such a course of study at an educational institution in the United States. • F2 visa- For a spouse and/or dependent children of a student with an F1 visa to enter the U.S. • J1 visa- an alien having residence in a foreign country which he/she has no intention of abandoning who is a bona fide student, scholar, trainee, teacher, professor, research assistant, specialist, or leader in a field of specialized knowledge or skill, or other person of similar description, who is coming temporarily to the United States as a participant in a program for the purpose of teaching, instructing or lecturing, studying, observing, conducting research, consulting, demonstrating special skills, or receiving training. • J2 visa- For a spouse and/or dependent children of a person with a J1 visa to enter the U.S. Question N12IMGRAGE 12/19/11 Page 180 Name Help Text Tell us how you old you were when you first moved to the United States. Question Name N12IMGEST Help Text Please indicate the range that best estimates your age when you first moved to the United States. Question Name N12FLANG Help Text Indicate the language(s) you first learned to speak. If you spoke one language more than another, indicate the language that you spoke more. If you spoke two languages equally as much, indicate that option. Question Name N12FFLANGA Help Text A primary caregiver is the person who has the main responsibility for a child's health, development, shelter, and overall well-being. Question Name N12PARUS Help Text If a parent was born on a U.S. military base outside of the U.S., please indicate that this parent was born in the United States. United States territories and outlying areas include American Samoa, the Federated States of Micronesia, Guam, Midway Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. If a parent were born in any of these locations, indicate that this parent was born in the United States. Question Name N12HISP Help Text In compliance with federal standards for collecting race and ethnicity, Hispanic or Latino refers to a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. Question Name N12HISTYP Help Text In compliance with federal standards for collecting race and ethnicity, Hispanic or Latino refers to a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race. Examples of Some other Spanish, Hispanic, or Latino origin include, but are not limited to, persons of Argentinean, Colombian, Dominican, Nicaraguan, or Salvadoran descent. If you are of more than one Hispanic/Latino origin, indicate all of those with which you identify. Question N12RAC1 12/19/11 Page 181 Name Help Text Please indicate all of the categories that best describe your race. In compliance with federal standards for collecting race and ethnicity, the following are descriptions of the race categories: White: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. Black or African American: A person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa. Asian: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia, or the Indian subcontinent including, for example, Cambodia, China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan, the Philippine Islands, Thailand, and Vietnam. American Indian or Alaska Native: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of North and South America (including Central America), and who maintains tribal affiliation or community attachment. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander: A person having origins in any of the original peoples of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands. (Hispanic or Latino background is considered an ethnicity rather than a race. People of Hispanic or Latino origin may be of any race.) Question Name N12TRIBE Help Text Tribes are recognized by state and federal governments in accordance with treaty, executive order, or legislation. Not every tribe is recognized by a state or the federal government. If your tribe is still in the process of seeking recognition but is not yet officially recognized, answer No. Examples of federally-recognized tribes include the Seminole Tribe of Florida, the Cherokee Nation, and the Navajo Nation of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah. Question Name N12SPCOL Help Text Answer Yes if your spouse attended a college, university, or trade school for any part or all of the 2011-2012 school year. The 2011-2012 school year is from July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012. A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Question Name N12MOMED Help Text Indicate the highest level of education that your mother ever completed. If your mother was in school for a particular degree but has not completed that degree, choose the option for the highest completed degree or level of education. High school: Completion of the secondary level of education, usually in the form of a high school diploma, high school completion certificate, or General Educational Development (GED) equivalency exam. Vocational/technical training: Prepares learners for careers that are based in manual or practical activities, traditionally non-academic and related to a specific trade, occupation or vocation. Associate's Degree: An award that normally requires at least 2 but less than 4 years of full-time equivalent college work. Bachelor's Degree: A degree, usually awarded by a 4-year college or university, that 12/19/11 Page 182 usually requires at least 4 years of full-time college-level work. Master's degree (MA, MS, MBA, MFA, etc.): A university-awarded degree that usually requires at least 2 years of full-time graduate-level work, and may require a thesis or a practicum. Professional degree: A formal award certifying the satisfactory completion of a postsecondary education program in any of the following professional fields: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, divinity/theology, or veterinary medicine. Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.): A university-awarded degree that usually requires at least 4 years of full-time graduate-level work and usually requires a dissertation. Question Name N12DADED Help Text Indicate the highest level of education that your father ever completed. If your father was in school for a particular degree but has not completed that degree, choose the option for the highest completed degree or level of education. High school: Completion of the secondary level of education, usually in the form of a high school diploma, high school completion certificate, or General Educational Development (GED) equivalency exam. Vocational/technical training: Prepares learners for careers that are based in manual or practical activities, traditionally non-academic and related to a specific trade, occupation or vocation. Associate's Degree: An award that normally requires at least 2 but less than 4 years of full-time equivalent college work. Bachelor's Degree: A degree, usually awarded by a 4-year college or university, that usually requires at least 4 years of full-time college-level work. Master's degree (MA, MS, MBA, MFA, etc.): A university-awarded degree that usually requires at least 2 years of full-time graduate-level work, and may require a thesis or a practicum. Professional degree: A formal award certifying the satisfactory completion of a postsecondary education program in any of the following professional fields: chiropractic, dentistry, law, medicine, optometry, osteopathic medicine, pharmacy, podiatry, divinity/theology, or veterinary medicine. Doctoral degree (PhD, EdD, etc.): A university-awarded degree that usually requires at least 4 years of full-time graduate-level work and usually requires a dissertation. Question Name N12SIBCL Help Text Answer Yes if you have any brother or sisters who attended a college, university, or trade school before you did. A trade school offers instruction in skilled trades. It is not a high school. Question Name N12MILIT Help Text The U.S. Armed Forces include the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and the Coast Guard. A veteran is someone who has served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces in the past. Active duty means full-time employment in the uniformed service as an officer or enlisted person. Civilian employees of the military are not included. 12/19/11 Page 183 In this question, Reserves refers to part-time employment in the Army Reserve, Navy Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Air Force Reserve, or Coast Guard Reserve. These reserve components are administered and trained by the corresponding service branch. In this question, National Guard refers to part-time employment in the Army National Guard or Air National Guard. National Guard personnel operate under a state governor, except when called into federal service. Question Name N12ACS16A Help Text Answer Yes if you are deaf or if you have a hearing impairment that makes it very difficult to hear what is said in a conversation with another person or very difficult to hear what is said in a telephone or radio broadcast. Question Name N12ACS16B Help Text Answer Yes if you are blind or if you have a vision impairment that makes it very difficult to do things that other people of the same age do, such as read a newspaper or book, watch television, or drive a car, even while wearing glasses or other corrective lenses. Question Name N12ACS17A Help Text Answer Yes if it is sometimes or always very difficult or impossible to remember or concentrate, if you forget to eat, forget to take medication, if you have Alzheimer's disease or dementia, or if you have a serious learning disability. Question Name N12ACS17B Help Text Answer Yes if it is sometimes or always very difficult or impossible to walk three city blocks or to climb a flight of stairs. Question Name N12MAIN Help Text From the options provided, indicate which you consider to be your main type of condition or impairment. Select the option that has the most significant effect on your daily activities. Question Name N12EXTERNAL Help Text With the permission of NPSAS project staff, qualified external researchers may be permitted to work with RTI to invite some students to participate in future studies to learn more about their experiences after completing this survey. Your responses to the NPSAS survey will always remain confidential, because your privacy is protected by federal law and information we have collected cannot be disclosed or used in identifiable form, except as required by law (20 U.S.C. § 9573). 12/19/11 Page 184 Your participation in any future studies is completely voluntary, but there is no substitute for your response. It does not affect the token of appreciation you will receive from your participation in the NPSAS study. If you do elect to participate in future studies, their sponsor is required to inform you of the study’s purpose, how your data will be used, and how it will be protected. Question Name N12PHYSH Help Text Please describe your general level of physical health. Physical health concerns can include illness and injury to the body. Question Name N12MENTH Help Text Please describe your general level of mental health. Examples of mental health concerns include depression, anxiety, loss of emotional control and lack of psychological well-being. Question Name N12MISSH Help Text Physical health concerns can include illness and injury to the body. Examples of mental health concerns include depression, anxiety, loss of emotional control and lack of psychological well-being. Question Name N12LINTRO Help Text This is an informational screen only. (Click the Next button.) Question Name N12NAME Help Text Verify that your name is correct and make any necessary changes. Question Name N12VERLOC Help Text Indicate which address is your local address. If your local address is not one of the addresses displayed or if you need to correct the spelling of the street or city, indicate Local address is different from above. Your local address is usually where you reside while you are attending [Y_NPSCHL]. Question Name N12LOCADR Help Text Please provide the information for your local address. Verify all spelling. (Your zip code can be used to automatically fill in the city and state associated with that zip code. To do this, first enter your zip code and then click Automatically fill city and state from zip code). Your local address is typically where you reside while you are attending [Y_NPSCHL]. 12/19/11 Page 185 Question Name N12P1AD1 Help Text Provide information for your parent(s) or legal guardian(s). Verify the spelling of names, and the street and city where they live. (The zip code can be used to automatically fill in the city and state associated with that zip code. To do this, first enter your zip code and then click Automatically fill city and state from zip code). This information will help us locate you when we are conducting the follow-up survey about 2 years from now. Question Name N12P2SAME Help Text Answer Yes if you'd like to provide another parent's contact information. Your parents' contact information will help us locate you when we are conducting the follow-up survey about 2 years from now. Question Name N12P2AD2 Help Text Provide information for your other parent(s) or legal guardian(s). Verify the spelling of names, and the street and city where they live. (The zip code can be used to automatically fill in the city and state associated with that zip code. To do this, first enter your zip code and then click Automatically fill city and state from zip code). This information will help us locate you when we are conducting the follow-up survey about 2 years from now. Question Name N12OTINFO Help Text Provide the requested information for your other contact. Please do not provide information for someone with whom you currently live. Verify the spelling of his or her name, street, and city. (The zip code can be used to automatically fill in the city and state associated with that zip code. To do this, first enter your zip code and then click Automatically fill city and state from zip code). This information will help us locate you when we are conducting the follow-up survey about 2 years from now. Question Name N12SPS Help Text Provide your spouse's first name, last name, and previous last name (if applicable). Verify that the spelling is correct. Question Name N12VERPRM Help Text Indicate which address is your permanent address. Your permanent address is usually your legal residence, which is typically defined as the residence where you are registered to vote, where you pay your local and state taxes, and where you maintain your driver's license and car registration. If you are under 24 years of age, or are dependent on parental support, your legal residence is usually the residence of your 12/19/11 Page 186 parents or legal guardians. Check your permanent address information for the correct spelling of street and city. If the address needs correction, indicate Permanent address is different from above. Also indicate Permanent address is different from above if your permanent address is not one of the addresses provided. Question Name N12PRMADR Help Text Provide the information for your permanent address. Verify the spelling of the street and city. (Your zip code can be used to automatically fill in the city and state associated with that zip code. To do this, first enter your zip code and then click Automatically fill city and state from zip code). Your permanent address is usually your legal residence, which is typically defined as the residence where you are registered to vote, where you pay your local and state taxes, and where you maintain your driver's license and car registration. If you are under 24 years of age, or are dependent on parental support, your legal residence is usually the residence of your parents or legal guardians. This information will help us locate you when we are conducting the follow-up survey about 2 years from now. Question Name N12EMAIL Help Text This information will help us locate you when we are conducting the follow-up survey about 2 years from now. Question Name N12TEXT Help Text If you would like to be sent a text message reminder about the follow-up survey, indicate the number provided if it is correct, or provide the correct number. Question Name N12CELLPRO Help Text Tell us who your cell phone service provider is so that we can contact you for the follow-up survey. If your provider is not listed, select the Other option. Question Name N12SSNINF Help Text Your Social Security number will be used to locate you for the purpose of a follow-up interview. Question Name INCENT Help Text Check the address information for the correct spelling of street and city. If the address you would like the incentive check mailed to needs correction, select Another address (so we can collect the corrected address on the next screen.) 12/19/11 Page 187 If you would like your incentive check mailed to an address that is not provided, select Another address or Provide address. If you do not want to receive the incentive check, indicate No thanks. I decline the incentive. Question Name INCENTADDR Help Text Provide the requested information for the address to which you would like the incentive check mailed. Verify the spelling of the street and city. (Your zip code can be used to automatically fill in the city and state associated with that zip code. To do this, first enter your zip code and then click Automatically fill city and state from zip code). If you do not want to receive the incentive check, indicate I decline the incentive. Question Name END Help Text This is an informational screen only. (Click the Finish button.) 12/19/11 Page 188
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