Application for Investment Assistance

Application for Investment Assistance

Schools Notice 9-9-11

Application for Investment Assistance

OMB: 0790-0006

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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 175 / Friday, September 9, 2011 / Notices
biobased preference regulations. The
Committee has determined that this
project meets all of the required criteria
for suitability, consistent with its
regulations, and will be provided by a
qualified nonprofit agency that must
employ people who are blind or
severely disabled for not less than 75%
for its direct labor hours each fiscal
year. Therefore, employment
opportunities for people who are blind
or severely disabled are maximized
through the addition of this project to
the Procurement List.
After consideration of the material
presented to it concerning capability of
qualified nonprofit agency to provide
the product and impact of the addition
on the current or most recent
contractors, the Committee has
determined that the product listed
below is suitable for procurement by the
Federal Government under 41 U.S.C.
46–48c and 41 CFR 51–2.4.
Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
I certify that the following action will
not have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
The major factors considered for this
certification were:
1. The action will not result in any
additional reporting, recordkeeping or
other compliance requirements for small
entities other than the small
organization that will furnish the
product to the Government.
2. The action will result in
authorizing the small entity to furnish
the product to the Government.
3. There are no known regulatory
alternatives which would accomplish
the objectives of the Javits-WagnerO’Day Act (41 U.S.C. 46–48c) in
connection with the product proposed
for addition to the Procurement List.
End of Certification

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Accordingly, the following product is
added to the Procurement List:
NSN: 7930–01–490–7301—Detergent,
Laundry, Biobased with Bleach,
NPA: Association for the Blind and Visually
Impaired—Goodwill Industries of
Greater Rochester, Rochester, NY.
Contracting Activity: General Services
Administration, Fort Worth, TX.
Coverage: A–List for the Total Government
Requirement as aggregated by the
General Services Administration.
Patricia Briscoe,
Deputy Director, Business Operations (Pricing
and Information Management).
[FR Doc. 2011–23107 Filed 9–8–11; 8:45 am]

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statement(s) underlying the certification
on which they are providing additional

Procurement List; Proposed Addition

End of Certification

Committee for Purchase From
People Who Are Blind or Severely
ACTION: Proposed Addition to the
Procurement List.

The following service is proposed for
addition to Procurement List for
production by the nonprofit agency


The Committee is proposing
to add a service to the Procurement List
that will be provided by the nonprofit
agency employing persons who are
blind or have other severe disabilities.
DATES: Comments must be received on
or before: 10/10/2011.
ADDRESSES: Committee for Purchase
From People Who Are Blind or Severely
Disabled, Jefferson Plaza 2, Suite 10800,
1421 Jefferson Davis Highway,
Arlington, Virginia, 22202–3259.

COMMENTS CONTACT: Patricia Briscoe,

Telephone: (703) 603–7740, Fax: (703)
603–0655, or e-mail
[email protected].
notice is published pursuant to 41 U.S.C
47(a)(2) and 41 CFR 51–2.3. Its purpose
is to provide interested persons an
opportunity to submit comments on the
proposed actions.


If the Committee approves the
proposed addition, the entity of the
Federal Government identified in this
notice will be required to procure the
service listed below from the nonprofit
agency employing persons who are
blind or have other severe disabilities.

Service Type: Rubbish Removal and
Recycling Service.
Locations: I.R.S. Offices at the following
Submission Processing Center & Tax Break
3651 S. IH–35, Austin, TX.
Connection Warehouse, 2021 East
Woodward, Austin, TX.
Southpark G (CSB), 1821 Directors Blvd.,
Austin, TX.
Southpark J, 2191 Woodward, Austin, TX.
Southpark K, 4175 Freidrich Lane, Austin,
South Tech. Bldg. 4, 2101 East Saint Elmo
Road, Austin, TX.
Child Development Center, 3651 South IH–
35, Austin, TX.
JJ Pickle Federal Building, 300 E. 8th St.,
Austin, TX .
Research Park, 2301 Research Blvd., Bldg.
4, Austin, TX.
Rundberg Building, 825 E. Rundberg Lane,
Austin, TX.
Southpark Office Center (SPOC), 5015 S.
IH–35, Austin, TX.
NPA: Austin Task, Inc., Austin, TX.
Contracting Activity: Dept. of Treasury,
Internal Revenue Service, Chicago, IL.
Patricia Briscoe,
Deputy Director, Business Operations (Pricing
and Information Management).
[FR Doc. 2011–23108 Filed 9–8–11; 8:45 am]

Regulatory Flexibility Act Certification
I certify that the following action will
not have a significant impact on a
substantial number of small entities.
The major factors considered for this
certification were:
1. If approved, the action will not
result in any additional reporting,
recordkeeping or other compliance
requirements for small entities other
than the small organization that will
provide the service to the Government.
2. If approved, the action will result
in authorizing small entities to provide
the service to the Government.
3. There are no known regulatory
alternatives which would accomplish
the objectives of the Javits-WagnerO’Day Act (41 U.S.C. 46–48c) in
connection with the service proposed
for addition to the Procurement List.
Comments on this certification are
invited. Commenters should identify the

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Office of the Secretary
Department of Defense Program for
Construction, Renovation, Repair or
Expansion of Public Schools Located
on Military Installations
Office of Economic Adjustment
(OEA), Department of Defense (DoD).



This notice describes a onetime DoD program, administered by
OEA, to distribute $250 million made
available by Congress to construct,
renovate, repair, or expand elementary
and secondary public schools on
military installations in order to address
capacity or facility condition
deficiencies at such schools.





Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 175 / Friday, September 9, 2011 / Notices

Not applicable. Funds will be
distributed as described in this notice
until exhausted.
ADDRESSES: Not applicable. Appropriate
information will be provided directly to
invited applicants.
David F. Witschi, OEA Associate
Director at (703) 604–6020 or
[email protected].
Secretary of Defense is authorized by
Section 8109 of Public Law 112–10, the
Department of Defense and Full-Year
Continuing Appropriations Act, 2011,
and is choosing to act through OEA, to
provide up to $250 million ‘‘to make
grants, conclude cooperative
agreements, or supplement other
Federal funds to construct, renovate,
repair, or expand elementary and
secondary public schools on military
installations in order to address capacity
or facility condition deficiencies at such
schools: Provided further, that in
making such funds available, OEA shall
give priority consideration to those
military installations with schools
having the most serious capacity or
facility condition deficiencies as
determined by the Secretary of
OEA is establishing a one-time noncompetitive program, as described in
this notice, to administer this

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1. Program for Construction,
Renovation, Repair, or Expansion of
Public Schools Located on Military
On July 19, 2011, DoD approved a
‘‘Public Schools on Military
Installations Priority List’’ (Priority List)
that represents the Department’s
prioritization of those public schools on
military installations with the most
serious capacity or facility condition
deficiencies. Using this list, those Local
Educational Agencies (LEA’s)
representing the schools with the most
serious capacity and facility condition
deficiencies will be invited to submit a
request for funding. DoD will conduct
an initial meeting with the invited LEAs
to discuss the specific deficiencies
noted for the affected school, the
purpose of the funding, the application
process including a proposal
submission timeline, and the minimum
required matching share. After an LEA
submits its proposal, a multi-disciplined
Federal evaluation team will review the
request and conduct a site visit to the
respective school and community/
installation prior to making a
recommendation to the decision official,
who is the OEA Director. A successful

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LEA will be asked to complete a formal
grant application. Grant awards will be
made to successful applicants until the
available funds are exhausted.
(a) Available Funds—Section 8109 of
Public Law 112–10 provides $250
million to construct, renovate, repair, or
expand elementary and secondary
public schools on military installations
in order to address capacity or facility
condition deficiencies at such schools.
Of this amount, OEA may enter into
reimbursable agreements with other
Federal entities, as OEA deems
necessary, to help carry out compliance
with the National Environmental Policy
Act, construction grant oversight, and
other activities on OEA’s behalf for the
effective implementation and
administration of this appropriation.
Funds not applied to such reimbursable
agreements are available for awards to
(b) Priority Consideration—Section
8109 of Public Law 112–10, requires
that in making such funds available,
OEA shall give priority consideration to
those military installations with schools
having the most serious capacity or
facility condition deficiencies as
determined by the Secretary of Defense.
On July 19, 2011, consistent with this
appropriation language, DoD approved a
Priority List that represents the
Department’s identification of those
public schools on military installations
with the most serious capacity or
facility condition deficiencies, and
which will be used to select the schools
towards which the funds will be
applied. A copy of the Department’s
Priority List may be viewed at http://
onbaseschools. All questions
concerning the Priority List should be
directed to the Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Readiness, attention: Russell Roberts,
Chief, Logistics Division, Department of
Defense Education Activity at (703)
588–3502 or
[email protected].
(c) Eligible Applicants—Only LEAs
that operate a public school on a
military installation, and receive a
written invitation from OEA, may
request funds under this program. OEA
will initially request LEAs with schools
having the most serious capacity or
facility condition deficiencies as
determined by DoD to submit proposals.
DoD will conduct an initial meeting
with representatives of the invited
LEAs, and representatives from their
respective installations and States, to
discuss the specific deficiencies noted
for the affected school, the purpose of
the funding, the application process,
and the matching share requirement. As

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decisions are made, additional LEAs on
the Priority List may be notified until all
funds are exhausted.
(d) Eligible Project Activities—Funds
must be used by the LEA within a
reasonable period of time to construct,
renovate, repair, or expand the public
school on a military installation as
identified in the OEA invitation letter.
The decision concerning whether new
construction, renovation, repair, or
expansion is the appropriate corrective
action, as well as the need for ancillary
facilities, such as recreation fields, etc.,
associated with the school project, will
be made by the LEA, subject to review
by OEA. Eligible project costs may
include project administration,
architectural/engineering, design,
preparation of environmental
documentation, inspection and testing,
construction, equipment and
furnishings, contingency costs,
demolition of the facilities being
replaced, renovated or repaired, and
costs for swing space, if required, to
implement the project. The LEA shall
ensure that the project is functional,
economical, and not elaborate in design
or extravagant in the use of materials,
compared with facilities of a similar
type in the State or other applicable
geographical area.
(e) Supplement—Not Supplant—
These funds may be used to supplement
other Federal or non-Federal funds, but
may not be used to supplant funds
previously committed to or available for
the project. LEA proposals must identify
any funding, regardless of source,
previously committed to or available for
the project. OEA reserves the right to
reduce an award by the amount of other
funds determined to have been
previously committed to the project.
(f) Matching Share—A matching
share, equal to not less than twenty (20)
percent of the total project cost is
required to be provided by the LEA. The
matching share may be cash, an in-kind
contribution, or a combination of both,
and LEAs must demonstrate that the
match is or will be available to permit
timely execution of the project. For the
purposes of this funding, LEAs may use
other Federal-sourced or non-Federal
funds (State, local or private
contributions) committed to or available
for the project to meet the matching
share requirement. LEAs will be
encouraged to seek State and other
funding, and to structure proposals to
take best advantage of other
contributions. OEA may waive part or
the entire matching share requirement
on a case-by-case basis of demonstrated
LEA inability to pay. In such cases, the
LEA will bear the burden of
demonstrating an inability to pay to the



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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 175 / Friday, September 9, 2011 / Notices
satisfaction of OEA. Requests for waiver
of the matching share requirement will
be subject to an assessment conducted
by OEA, in concert with other Federal
agency participation as needed, to
ensure that funds are used to
supplement and not supplant other
available funds, and to determine an
appropriate matching contribution. In
any case, projects must be completed
with the amount of funds provided
(together with other Federal or nonFederal funds, if necessary) and result
in a complete and usable project.
(g) Project Proposal and Preliminary
Engineering Information—LEAs that are
invited to apply will be asked to submit
a project proposal within 90 days, and
an OEA staff member will be assigned
to work with the LEA as a resource to
answer any questions about the
proposal process. If a proposal cannot
be completed within 90 days, the LEA
should submit a status report and
alternate timeline for its completion.
The following proposal information will
assist OEA in determining compliance
with legal and programmatic
• A general description of project
components and preliminary
engineering report;
• Sketches or schematics showing
general layout and location of existing
site conditions and the proposed
• A feasibility analysis that supports
the preferred alternative (replacement,
renovation, repair or expansion) to
address the school’s capacity and/or
facility condition deficiencies;
• Any structural or soils reports or
other studies used in the analysis of the
proposed project design decision;
• A current cost estimate, including
the estimated cost for architectural/
engineering design and inspection,
environmental compliance,
construction, demolition, any
equipment that is moveable or is not
built-in to the project, and swing space
requirements, if included in the project.
Provide the basis for the determination
of construction contingencies;
• A comparison to costs and
construction standards used at other
LEA-owned schools located off the
• A list of permits required for the
proposed project and their current
• An estimated time schedule for
design, permitting, bidding and award
of contracts and construction;
• A statement of support for the
proposal from the host installation that
confirms that the project is compatible
with the installation operations, airfield
or land use plans;

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• A statement that the project is not
located in a FEMA-identified special
flood hazard area;
• A letter from the LEA stating that
the matching funds are committed and
readily available and will not be
conditioned or encumbered in any way
that would preclude their use for the
• Environmental information
sufficient to evaluate all reasonable
alternatives to the proposed project, the
direct and indirect environmental
impacts, as well as the cumulative
impacts on the environment as defined
in the Council on Environmental
Quality’s regulations for implementing
the National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA), set out at 40 CFR 1500–1508;
• Financial information for the last
four (4) operating cycles of the LEA
demonstrating financial wherewithal to
support the proposal, that available
funds are not being supplanted and,
where necessary, justifying any
matching share waiver request.
(h) Federal Evaluation Team—The
OEA Director will designate a multidisciplined Federal Evaluation Team to
review each LEA request for funding
and conduct a site visit to the respective
school and community. The scope of the
Team’s review will be uniform for all
proposals evaluated. Composition of the
Team may include participation,
including financial underwriting
expertise, from the Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Personnel and
Readiness, the Military Services, the
U.S. Department of Education, and other
Federal agencies as needed. The Team
will evaluate the appropriateness of the
LEA’s proposed method of corrective
action, i.e., new construction,
renovation, repair, or expansion, and
the project’s responsiveness to the
Department’s Priority List. In the event
the LEA requests a waiver of the
matching share requirement, the Team
will also assess the waiver request and
identify an appropriate matching share
for the project. The Team will make its
recommendation to the decision official,
who is the OEA Director.
(i) NEPA—Awards are subject to
compliance with NEPA and the Council
on Environmental Quality NEPA
regulations. Preparation of an
appropriate environmental impact
analysis for selected projects is the
responsibility of the successful
applicant in coordination with the
respective installation. OEA will notify
the Commanding Officer of the military
installation on which the school is
located that the LEA has been invited to
request funding for an on-installation
school construction, renovation, repair
or expansion project, and request that

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the installation cooperate with the LEA
in the preparation of an appropriate
environmental impact analysis. Based
on an independent evaluation of the
environmental impact analysis prepared
by the applicant, a pre-award NEPA
determination (e.g., FONSI) will be
made by OEA. The applicant’s cost for
preparing the NEPA documentation is a
reimbursable project expense.
(j) Sequence of Funding Decisions—
The OEA Director will make funding
decisions generally according to the
DoD Priority List. That is, the OEA
Director will generally make funds
available first to the schools with the
most serious capacity or facility
condition deficiencies before making
funds available to schools with less
serious capacity or facility condition
deficiencies. To expedite this process,
OEA will invite an initial group of the
schools designated as having the most
serious deficiencies to concurrently
submit their respective project
proposals. Once decisions are reached
for this initial group, the next group(s)
will be invited to apply, to the extent
funds remain available.
(k) Final Application—Once a project
scope has been finalized and the OEA
Director has made a decision on an LEA
proposal, the LEA will be invited to
complete an eGrant application (Office
of Management and Budget Standard
Form 424) under Catalog of Federal
Domestic Assistance Number: 12.600.
Subject to receipt of a complete
application and completion of the NEPA
process, the LEA will receive a notice of
award in the form of a Grant Agreement,
signed by the OEA Director (Grantor),
on behalf of DoD. The Grant Agreement
will be transmitted electronically.
(l) Site Control and Post Award
Responsibilities—While most public
schools on military installations are
owned by the LEAs that operate them,
some of these public schools, although
operated by an LEA, are currently
owned by the U.S. Government (U.S.
Department of Education or the U.S.
Army). OEA will require, as a condition
of receiving assistance under this
program, that the LEA evidence:
Adequate site control to permit
necessary construction, renovation,
repair, expansion, demolition and/or
swing space activities; beneficial
ownership of the new, expanded, or
renovated facility; and responsibility for
operation and maintenance of the new,
renovated, or expanded facility for the
remainder of its useful life in
accordance with Federal, State and local
requirements, including at a minimum,
maintaining previous levels of operation
and maintenance funding. The Grantee
may not charge students or school



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Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 175 / Friday, September 9, 2011 / Notices

personnel for the ordinary use of
facilities, furnishing, or equipment
purchased with grant funds. The
Grantee shall administer and supervise
implementation of the project,
maintaining competent architectural
supervision and inspection at the
project site to ensure the work conforms
to the approved drawings and
(m) Administrative and National
Policy Requirements—The Grantee and
any consultant/contractor operating
under the terms of a grant shall comply
with all Federal, State, and local laws
applicable to its activities including the
following: National Environmental
Policy Act; National Historic
Preservation Act; 32 CFR part 33,
‘‘Uniform Administrative Requirements
for Grants and Cooperative Agreements
to State and Local Governments’’; OMB
Circulars A–87, ‘‘Cost Principles for
State and Local Governments’’ and the
revised A–133, ‘‘Audits of States, Local
Governments and Non-Profit
Organizations’’; 32 CFR part 25,
‘‘Government-wide Debarment and
Suspension (Non-procurement)’’; 32
CFR part 26,’’Drug-free Workplace’’; and
32 CFR part 28, ‘‘New Restrictions on
Lobbying (Grants).’’
(n) Reporting—OEA requires interim
performance reports and one final
performance report for each award. The
performance reports will contain
information on the following:
• A comparison of actual
accomplishments to the objectives
established for the reporting period;
• Reasons for any slippage and
proposed plan to mitigate;
• Additional pertinent information
when appropriate;
• A comparison of actual and
projected expenditures for the period;
• The amount of awarded funds on
hand at the beginning and end of the
reporting period.
The final performance report must
contain a summary of activities for the
entire award period. An SF 425,
‘‘Financial Status Report,’’ must be
submitted to OEA within ninety (90)
days after the end date of the award.
Any grant funds actually advanced and
not needed for grant purposes shall be
returned immediately to the Office of
Economic Adjustment.
OEA will provide a schedule for
reporting periods and report due dates
in the Award Agreement.
2. Agency Contacts
For further information, to answer
questions regarding this notice, or for
help with problems, contact: David F.
Witschi, OEA Associate Director,
telephone: (703) 604–6020, e-mail:

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[email protected] or regular
mail at 400 Army Navy Drive, Suite 200,
Arlington, VA 22202–4704. Specific
questions concerning the Department’s
Public Schools on Military Installations
Priority List should be directed to the
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense
for Personnel and Readiness, attention:
Russell Roberts, Chief, Logistics
Division, Department of Defense
Education Activity at (703) 588–3502 or
[email protected].
3. Other Information
The OEA Internet address is http://
Dated: September 6, 2011.
Aaron Siegel,
Alternate OSD Federal Register Liaison
Officer, Department of Defense.
[FR Doc. 2011–23065 Filed 9–8–11; 8:45 am]

Office of the Secretary
Selection Criteria—Transportation
Infrastructure Improvements
Associated With Medical Facilities
Related to Recommendations of the
2005 Defense Base Closure and
Realignment Commission
Office of Economic Adjustment
(OEA), Department of Defense (DoD).
ACTION: Final notice.

This notice responds to
comments on the selection criteria to be
used to select grant applicants for
funding from the Office of Economic
Adjustment (OEA) for construction of
Transportation Infrastructure
Improvements associated with medical
facilities related to recommendations of
the 2005 Defense Base Closure and
Realignment Commission. The July 21,
2011, Federal Register notice
announced proposal requirements, the
deadline for submitting proposals, and
the criteria that will be used to select
proposals. Because this is a new onetime program, however, the July 21,
2011, notice also requested comments
on the proposed selection criteria for
these grants, as provided in Section V,
paragraph 1, of that notice. This notice
responds to the comments that were
received and issues the final selection
criteria for the program.
David F. Witschi, Associate Director,
OEA, telephone: (703) 604–6020, e-mail:
[email protected].
Funding Opportunity Title:
Transportation Infrastructure

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Improvements associated with medical
facilities related to recommendations of
the 2005 Defense Base Closure and
Realignment Commission.
Announcement Type: Federal
Funding Opportunity.
Catalog of Federal Domestic
Assistance (CFDA) Number: 12.600.
Background—Funding Opportunity
OEA, a DoD Field Activity, is
authorized by Section 8110 of Public
Law 112–10, the Department of Defense
and Full-Year Continuing
Appropriations Act, 2011, to provide up
to $300 million ‘‘for transportation
infrastructure improvements associated
with medical facilities related to
recommendations of the Defense Base
Closure and Realignment Commission.’’
On July 21, 2011, OEA issued a Federal
Funding Opportunity notice for these
funds in the Federal Register that
announced proposal requirements, the
deadline for submitting proposals, and
the criteria that will be used to select
proposals. Because this is a new onetime program, however, the July 21,
2011, notice also requested comments
on the proposed selection criteria for
these grants. This notice responds to
comments that were received and issues
the final selection criteria for the
program (Section V, paragraphs 1.(a)
through 1.(d) of the July 21, 2011
notice). All other information, including
the proposal submission date and
application and submission information
announced in the July 21, 2011, notice,
remains unchanged. The 30-day
comment period for the selection
criteria ended on August 19, 2011.
Comments and Responses—Seven
respondents provided a total of four
different comments. The public
comments were considered by OEA in
determining the final selection criteria
for the program.
Comment 1: One commenter agreed
with the selection criteria and proposed
no changes.
Comment 2: One commenter
proposed no changes to the selection
criteria, but requested additional
information regarding the disbursement
process to be used both for direct OEA
grants and if the funds are to be passed
through another Federal agency for
Response: For direct OEA
construction grants, disbursement to the
grantee will be by the reimbursement
method. In the event OEA chooses to
enter into an interagency agreement
with another Federal agency to
implement a particular project, OEA
will transfer those funds directly to the



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File Modified2011-09-09
File Created2011-09-09

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