National Survey of Miners' Voice in the Workplace

Pilot Surveys of Employee Voice in the Coal Mining Industry


Pilot Survey of Miners' Voice in the Workplace

OMB: 1219-0149

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National Survey of Miners’ Voice in the Workplace
Implementation Mode: Self-Administered
The following survey is the self-administered version. This version will be implemented by distributing
paper copies of the instrument to miners attending state grantee training sessions. Recruitment
will be done through MSHA state grantee coordinators, state grantee program representatives, and
training session instructors. This version includes skip patterns and visual elements (font size and
color, pictures) to help respondents understand and respond to the questions.

National Survey of Miners’ Voice in the Workplace – Self-Administered


National Survey of Miners’ Voice in the Workplace
OMB Control No. xxxx-xxxx. Expires xx/xx/2014

Thank you for answering some questions about mine safety and health!
•	 Your honest answers are very important.
They will help MSHA promote safe work practices in mines.
•	 Individual responses to these surveys will not be shared with any employer,
union, government agency. We will protect your privacy to the extent allowed by
law. Please do not provide your name or any other identifying information.
•	 If you have any questions about this survey:
Call Eastern Research Group, Inc. (ERG) at 1-877-xxx-xxxx. Or ask the person who
gave you the survey.

To report a safety or other problem: Call MSHA’s Hotline at 1-800-746-1553.
Acoording to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, no persons are required to respond to a collection of information unless such collection displays a valid OMB control number. Public reporting burden for this collection
of information is estimated to average 25 minutes per response, including time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The obligation to respond to this collection is voluntary. Send comments regarding the
burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the U.S. Department of Labor-OASP, Chief Evaluation Office, Room S-2312, 200 Constitution Avenue,
N.W., Room N-1301, Washington, DC 20210. Note: Please do not return the completed survey to this address.


Please answer these questions to see if you can take this survey.
a) I work in coal mining or I have worked in coal mining in the last 2 years.
__ Yes	

Go to question b) below.

__ No	

You are all done! Please put the survey in the envelope and then put
the envelope in the box.	

b) I am a: (please select only one)
__ Miner		

Please go to next page to begin the survey.

__ Front Line Supervisor or Foreman	
__ Mine Manager 	

Please go to next page to begin the

You are all done! Please put the survey in the envelope
and then put the envelope in the box.	

Your answers are anonymous.


1. I work in a union mine.
__Don’t know

2. I belong to a union.

Go to Question 4
Go to Question 3

3. I belonged to a union within the last 2 years.
__ Yes
__ No

“Safety hazard” means a condition or practice that, if not fixed, could cause a serious accident, injury,
illness, or death.
“My mine” means the mine site where you work (or where you last worked).
4. Please tell us how much you agree with these statements:





I trust my mine management to
provide a safe workplace.






My mine is a safe mine.






If I point out a safety hazard,
my mine management fixes the






I can point out a safety hazard
without worrying about the






If I could, I would leave my job to
work at a different mine.






Your answers are anonymous.


5. I can tell my mine management about a safety concern by using our: (check all that apply)
__ Suggestion system
__ Regular meetings with supervisors
__ Hotline
__ Other: (please specify) _____________________________________
__ None of the above

6. My mine management gives me information about my mine safety rights by: (check all that
__ Posting information on a bulletin board
__ Providing or paying for safety training
__ Holding regular meetings to discuss safety issues
__ Other: (please explain) _____________________________________
__ None of the above

7. Please tell us how much you agree with these statements:





I know where to get information
about my mine safety rights.






I know enough about the Mine Act to
recognize a violation when it happens.






Your answers are anonymous.


8. If I wanted to learn more about my mine safety rights, I would:





Ask a coworker.






Ask my supervisor.






Ask someone in mine






Ask the safety committee.






Ask someone at the mine office.






Ask a miners’ representative.






Ask a union representative.






Talk to a state or federal mine






Read a brochure or poster at my






Visit the MSHA website. (www.






Your answers are anonymous.


Please tell us what you think about these MSHA materials.
A Guide to Miners' Rights and Responsibilities under the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977
9. Have you seen it?
 Yes
 No Go to next picture
10. Have you read it?
 Yes
 No Go to next picture

11. Would you recommend it?
 Yes
 No

Miners’ Rights
(Trifold pamphlet)
12. Have you seen it?
 Yes
 No Go to next picture
13. Have you read it?
 Yes
 No Go to next picture
14. Would you recommend it?
 Yes
 No

Your answers are anonymous.


Miners’ Rights (Small Card)
15. Have you seen it?
 Yes
 No Go to next picture

16. Have you read it?
 Yes
 No Go to next picture

17. Would you recommend it?
 Yes
 No

One Call Does it All (Telephone Hotline)
18. Have you heard of it?
 Yes
 No Go to next picture
19. Have you called it?
 Yes
 No Go to next picture

20. Would you recommend it?
 Yes
 No

Your answers are anonymous.

A-8 (Website)
21. Have you heard of it?
 Yes
 No Go to next picture
22. Have you visited it?
 Yes
 No Go to next picture
23. Would you recommend it?
 Yes
 No

Miners Rights (Poster)

24. Have you seen it?
 Yes
 No Go to Question 10

25. Have you read it?
 Yes
 No

Go to Question 10

26. Would you recommend it?
 Yes
 No

Your answers are anonymous.


The following questions ask about your knowledge of your rights under the Mine Safety and Health
Act. This is not a test. Your answers will help MSHA know how to tell miners about their rights.
“Fully aware” means you knew about the right. You would not need to ask.
27. Before taking this survey, I was fully aware that I have the legal right to:
Yes, I was

No, I was not

Make a complaint about a possible danger or safety violation
to my mine management.



Tell MSHA or a state agency about a possible safety hazard.



Choose a representative to participate in all aspects of a
mine inspection.



Get an X-ray for signs of Black Lung, paid for by my employer.



Ask to transfer to a less dusty job if I am diagnosed with
Black Lung.



Refuse to operate equipment I am not trained to use,
and tell my supervisor.



Refuse to work in conditions I believe to be unsafe.



Complain to MSHA if I have been retaliated against
for exercising my rights under the Mine Act.



Your answers are anonymous.


“Comfortable” means that you could exercise the right without fearing retaliation or negative
28. At my mine, I would feel comfortable:





Making a complaint about a possible
danger or safety violation – to my mine






Telling MSHA or a state agency about a
possible safety hazard.






Choosing a representative to participate
in all aspects of a mine inspection.






Getting an X-ray for signs of Black Lung,
paid for by my employer.






Asking for a transfer to a less dusty job
if I am diagnosed with Black Lung.






Refusing to operate equipment I am
not trained to use, and telling my






Refusing to work in conditions I believe
to be unsafe.






Complaining to MSHA if I have been
retaliated against for exercising my
rights under the Mine Act.






Your answers are anonymous.


“Safety hazard” means: A condition or practice that, if not fixed, could cause a serious accident, injury,
illness, or death.
29. If I saw a safety hazard, I would:







Fix the hazard myself.






Tell someone outside the mine.






Tell a coworker.






Tell a union representative.






Tell a miner’s representative.






Tell my supervisor.






Tell my mine management.






Tell the mine inspector next time they
come to the mine.






Call MSHA’s hotline.






Call MSHA’s field or district office.






Tell a state agency.






Not say anything.






Do something else? (please describe) _____________________________________________


Your answers are anonymous.


“Safety hazard” means: A condition or practice that, if not fixed, could cause a serious accident,
injury, illness, or death.
30. The last time I saw a safety hazard, I told someone at my mine or a Federal or state agency:
__ Yes	 Go to question 32
__ No	
Go to question 31
__ I have never seen a safety hazard.	 Go to question 38

31. I did not tell anyone about the safety hazard because: (check all that apply)
__ Someone else told before I had the chance.
__ The hazard was fixed before I could tell anyone.
__ The hazard was going to be fixed whether I told someone or not.
__ I didn’t know who to tell.
__ I didn’t know how to tell someone.
__ I was concerned about being treated differently by my:
__ Mine management
__ Supervisor
__ Coworkers
__ I was concerned that it might close the production area and cost time off the job.
__ Other: (please describe) _____________________________________
Now go to question 38

32. I told: (check all that apply)
__ Someone outside the mine
__ A coworker
__ My supervisor
__ Some other supervisor or person in a position of authority.
__ A union representative
__ A miner’s representative
__ A mine inspector
__ MSHA field or district office
__ MSHA hotline
__ State government agency
__Other: (please describe) ________________________________________

Your answers are anonymous.


33. After I reported the hazard: (check all that apply)
__ I’m not sure what happened.
__ The hazard was fixed.
__ The hazard was not fixed.
__ Someone was injured.
__ That section of the mine was closed for a while.
__ The mine operator got a citation for a safety violation.
__ Other: (please describe) _____________________________________

34. After I reported the hazard, I felt some negative reaction from my coworkers:
__ Yes 	
__ No		

Go to question 35
Go to question 36

35. The negative reaction from my coworkers included: (check all that apply)
__ “Silent treatment.”
__ Left out of social get-togethers outside of work.
__ Lost friendships.
__ Criticism or teasing.
__ Mild threats.
__ Other (please describe):________________________________

36. After I reported this hazard, I felt some negative reaction from management.
__ Yes	
__ No	

Go to question 37
Go to question 38

37. The negative reaction from management included: (check all that apply)
__ Lost my job.
__ Lost work hours.
__ Lost “perks” (such as time off for personal matters, use of company vehicle, etc.).
__ Transfer to a worse job.
__ Reassignment to another shift, or rotated between shifts.
__ Lost pay, or had pay cut due to work reassignment.
__ Lower raise or lower bonus than expected.
__ More frequent on-the-job discipline or criticism.
__ Unexpected drug/alcohol test.
__ Other: (please describe) _______________________________

Your answers are anonymous.


38. I trust MSHA to:





Stand up for my rights as a miner.






Keep what I tell them confidential
(not tell my employer).






39. In the past two years, I had at least one mining-related injury or illness that needed medical
attention beyond first aid:

Go to question 40
Go to question 42

40. I told my mine management about the last injury or illness I had that needed medical attention?
__ Yes		
__ No		

Go to question 42
Go to question 41

41. I did not report the injury or illness because I did not want to: (check all that apply)
__Lose a bonus or prize for myself.
__Lose a bonus or prize for coworkers.
__Face discipline or criticism.
__Face a drug/alcohol test.
__Break the mine’s record for low numbers of reportable or lost-time accidents.
__Be seen as an accident-prone or careless worker.
__Go through a workers’ compensation investigation.
__Other: (please describe) _____________________________________

42. How free do you feel to exercise your rights in your mine without fear of retaliation?
Not Free At All


Extremely Free




Your answers are anonymous.



To finish this survey, please tell us a little more about you and your mine.
We do not ask for your name. We will protect your privacy to the greatest extent allowed by law.
43. What is the name of the mine you currently work in?
________________________Mine Name		
__ I don’t know					
__ I do not want to name my mine.			

Go to question 56
Go to question 44
Go to question 44

44. I work in:
__ Underground - Coal
__ Surface - Coal

45. I work for a contractor.

46. My job title/role is:
__ Beltman/Boom Operator
__ Car Dump/Grizzly/Screen
__ Cleanup/Ventilation
__ Electrician
__ Haul, Dump
__ Hoist/Cage/Skip
__ Laborer
__ Loading Machine Operator
__ Mechanic/Maintenance

__ Mining Machine Operator
__ Powderman/Blaster
__ Rail Transportation And Hauling
__ Rock/Roof Bolter
__ Supervisor/Foreman
__ Technical/Professional/Clerical
__ Timberman/Jacksetter
__ Truck Driver
__ Welder/Machinist

__ Other: (please describe) _____________________________________

47. Every year, my mine produces: (please estimate)
__ Less than 50,000 tons of coal
__ 50,000 – 100,000 tons of coal
__ 100,000 – 500,000 tons of coal
__ 500,000 – 750,000 tons of coal
__ 750,000 – 1,000,000 tons of coal
__ 1,000,000 or more tons of coal	
__ Don’t know.

Your answers are anonymous.


48. The total number of workers at my mine is: (please estimate)
__ 1 to 9
__ 10 to 19
__ 20 to 34
__ 35 to 99
__ 100 to 249
__ 250 or more
__ Don’t know.
49. The total number of workers at all mine sites managed by my mine company is: (please
__ 1 to 19
__ 20 to 99
__ 100 to 249
__ 250 to 500
__ 500 to 1,000
__ 1,000 to 3,000
__ 3,000 or more
__Don’t know	

50. I have worked for my current employer for:

51. I have worked at my current location for:
___ years

52. I have worked with my current supervisor or foreman for:

___ years

53. The highest level of education that I have completed is:

__Some High School
__High School degree or GED
__Associates degree
__Trade, technical, or vocational education
__College degree
__Postgraduate degree

Your answers are anonymous.


54. Are you, yourself, of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent, such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban,
or other Spanish background?
__ Yes, I am of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent.
__ No, I am not of Hispanic or Latino origin or descent.

55. What is your race? (please select one or more)
__ American Indian or Alaska Native
__ Asian
__ Black or African American
__ Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
__ White

56. Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your freedom to exercise your rights
in your workplace? (please describe in the space below and do not include your name or other
identifying information)

Your answers are anonymous.


Thank you!
Please put your survey in the envelope. Then put it in the survey box.
The results of this survey will help MSHA give coal miners better information about their rights.

To report a safety or other problem:
Call MSHA’s Hotline at 1-800-746-1553.

If you have any questions about this survey, please call ERG at 1-877-xxx-xxxx.
Who is ERG? ERG is a private consulting firm (website: hired by the Department
of Labor to conduct this survey. ERG will keep all information from this survey anonymous. The
Department of Labor will never see the names of people who complete this survey.
This survey is estimated to take 25 minutes to complete.


File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2012-12-17
File Created2012-12-17

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