Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database

Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database

DSAID Report and Ad-Hoc Query Specification v1.6.3

Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database

OMB: 0704-0482

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Defense Sexual
Assault Incident
Database (DSAID)

Report and Ad-Hoc
Queries Specification

Version 1.6.3

DSAID Report and Ad-Hoc Queries Specification Document Version 1.6.3

Table of Contents



Intended Audience


Standard Report Requirements




RR7 Common Requirements
RR1 Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault in the Military Service
RR2 Restricted Reports of Sexual Assault in the Military Service
RR3 Victim Support Services In the Military Service
RR26Sexual Assaults In the Military Service - Combat Areas of Interest Reports
RR36 Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault in the US Military Service Academies
RR47 Restricted Reports of Sexual Assault in the US Military Service Academies
RR48 Victim Support Services – Military Service Academies

Ad-hoc Report Requirements


3.1 QR1 Common Requirement
3.2 QR3 Case Level Query
3.2.1 QR3.1 Query Description
3.2.2 QR3.2 Search Criteria
3.2.3 QR3.3 Query Result Display
3.3 QR4 Aggregate Query
3.3.1 QR4.1 Query Description
3.3.2 QR4.2 Search Criteria
3.3.3 QR4.3 Query Result Display
3.4 QR5 National Guard (NG) Aggregated Victim/Subject Count Query
3.4.1 QR5.1 Query Description
3.4.2 QR5.2 Search Criteria
3.4.3 QR5.5 Query Results Display
3.5 QR6 NG SARC Query
3.5.1 QR6.1 Query Description
3.5.2 QR6.2 Search Criteria
3.5.3 QR6.3 Query Results Display
3.6 QR7 NG Victim Advocate (VA) Query
3.6.1 QR7.1 Query Description
3.6.2 QR7.2 Search Criteria
3.6.3 QR7.3 Query Results Display
3.7 QR8 Unrestricted Cases Investigation Exception Query
3.7.1 QR8.1 Query Description
3.7.2 QR8.2 Query Search Criteria
3.7.3 QR8.3 Query Results Display





1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office (SAPRO) serves as the
Department of Defense (DoD) single point of responsibility for sexual assault prevention
and response policy and oversight. Section 577(f) of Public Law (PL) 108-375 requires
the DoD to submit an annual report on sexual assault in the Military Services and Military
Service Academies (MSAs) to Congress. Section 596 of PL 109-163 and section 583 of
PL 109-364 impose additional requirements for the report. Currently, the majority of
data captured in the annual report for both the Services and MSAs is aggregated by
hand, and has led to enormous analysis, accuracy, consistency and reporting
challenges. Section 563 of Public Law 110-417 requires the Secretary of Defense to
implement a centralized, case-level database for the collection and maintenance of
information regarding sexual assaults involving a member of the Armed Forces. This
database will be called the Defense Sexual Assault Incident Database (DSAID) and will
increase the accuracy and consistency of data reporting among all Services and MSAs.
The purpose of this document is to describe in detail all reporting items that are currently
delivered to Congress or that are captured in the latest Fiscal Year (FY) data call
template. It documents the data criteria necessary to create required reporting items
based on data attributes and appropriate formatted values. The categories of reporting
items include Restricted Reports, Unrestricted Reports, and Victim Support Services for
Service Reports and MSA Reports. The same reporting categories and items apply to
Combat Areas of Interest Unrestricted and Restricted Reports, Victims Support Services,
and Combat Areas of Interest Service Reports. Additionally, this document specifies
some proposed ad-hoc query specifications to support SAPRO’s ongoing data analysis
and trend identification.

1.2 Intended Audience
The intended audience of this document is the developer and implementer (D&I) that will
develop and implement the requirements documented within this document. These
requirements will lead to a set of queries to generate predetermined aggregated reports
and will allow DSAID users the capability to generate ad-hoc reports.

1.3 Assumptions
This document is developed with the assumption that the DoD centralized, case-level
database is developed and implemented based upon the documented sexual assault
data requirements. The criteria were written based on known data elements, data
usage, and data definitions, and was approved by SAPRO.

1.4 References
During FY08, the Department established an integrated Sexual Assault Prevention and
Response (SAPR) Data Collection and Reporting Working Group. The group included
members from all Services, Joint Chiefs of Staff/J-1, Reserve Affairs, Heath Affairs, and
SAPRO. The group worked to develop a basic concept design report for a Department-


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wide centralized, case-level database for the collection and maintenance of information
regarding sexual assaults involving members of the Armed Forces. The DoD SAPR
Data Collection & Reporting System Concept Design Report for the Defense Sexual
Assault Incident Database (DSAID) was delivered to Congress in January 2009.
This document also references the reporting items in the Calendar Year (CY) 2004,
CY2005, CY2006, and FY07, and FY08 DoD Standard Service Reports and MSA
Reports on Sexual Assault. The Section Numbers (ex: Section A, Section B, etc.) in the
subtitle of the following sections correspond to the section numbers in the FY10 Data
Call Templates.

2 Standard Report Requirements
2.1 RR7 Common Requirements

RR7.1 Service Member:
This section defines the Service member criteria for a victim or a subject to be
included in each level of Standard Reports, as specified in the Standard Report
Inclusion Criteria requirements documented in this section below.
RR7.1.1 DoD and Service Level Standard and MSA Reports (Army,
Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force)
Service member is defined as Victim or Subject Type that is “Military”,
excluding Victim or Subject whose National Guard Service is “Title 32” or
RR7.1.2 National Guard Report
To Be Determined (TBD)


RR7.2 Non-Service Member:
This section defines the non-service member criteria for a victim or a subject to
be included in each level of Standard Reports, as specified in the Standard
Report Inclusion Criteria requirements documented in this section below.
RR7.2.1 DoD and Service Level Standard and MSA Reports (Army,
Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force)
A victim or a subject is defined as a non-Service member where the
Victim or Subject Type is not “Military”, except when Victim or Subject
Type is "Military" or National Guard Service is "Title 32" or "State".
RR7.2.2 National Guard Report
To Be Determined (TBD)


RR7.3 Unrestricted report:


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Is defined as an incident when the Victim Report Type is “Unrestricted”. When
there is more than one victim involved in an incident, if Victim Report Type is
"Unrestricted" for at least one victim, the incident is "Unrestricted".

RR7.4 Restricted report:
Is defined as an incident when the Victim Report Type is “Restricted”.


RR7.5 Victim and Subject Gender Combination Categories:
Include Male on Female, Male on Male, Female on Male, Female on Female,
Unknown on Female, Unknown on Male, and Multiple Mixed Gender Assault,
according to Victim Gender and Subject Gender.
If there is more than one victim or more than one subject for an incident and
genders are different for victims or subjects, the system shall categorize the
incident as "Multiple Mixed Gender Assault".


RR7.6 Investigative Activity Completed:
Is defined when an incident’s Date Investigative Activity Opened and Date
Investigative Activity Completed fall into the reporting period.


RR7.8 Previous Report:
Is defined as any incident when the Incident's Date Investigative Activity Opened
is prior to the first day of the reporting period.


RR7.9 Previous Unrestricted Report with Investigative Activity Completed:
Is defined as any Unrestricted Report where the Incident's Date Investigative
Activity Opened is prior to the first day of the reporting period, the Investigative
Activity Completed is “Yes”, and the Date Investigative Activity Closed falls into
the reporting period.


RR7.10 Victim or Restricted Report Count:
The Victim Count or the Restricted Report Count for the reporting period is the
total count of victims or restricted reports when the Date of Report to DoD falls
within the reporting period.


RR7.11 Incident or Unrestricted Report Count:
The Incident Count or Unrestricted Reports count that are in the reporting period
is the count that includes all the Unrestricted Reports (incidents) in which the
incident's Date Investigative Activity Opened falls within the reporting period.


RR7.12 Combat Area of Interest Incident:
Is defined as either a Restricted or Unrestricted Report, where the country of the
Incident Location Code is one of the countries in the Combat Zone Definition that
is entered by DoD for the fiscal year in DSAID.


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The country for a Location Code is based upon the DSAID Location Code file
which at least entails Location Code, Location Name, City and State/Country (for
United States, only the State Name is listed in this attribute).

RR7.13 Cadet/Midshipman:
“Cadet” is defined as Victim or Subject Pay Grade between “C1” through “C4”,
inclusively. “Midshipman” is defined as Victim or Subject Pay Grade between
“M1” through “M4”, inclusively.


RR7.14 Reporting Category and Subcategory Total/Subtotal:
The total and subtotal for each reporting category and subcategory with a
reporting item must always equal the sum of numbers in each breakdown


RR7.15 Standard Report Inclusion Criteria:
This section defines the scope of victim cases, incidents, and subjects to be
included and counted for each reporting item (total and subtotals) based on the
level of Standard Reports.
RR7.15.1 DoD Reports:
DoD-Level Standard Reports shall include the total counts aggregated
from that of the same reporting line item in each Service Level Reports
which includes Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force Reports.

RR7.15.2 Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force Level Reports
The Army, Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force Level Reports shall include
victim, incident and subject counts for each section specified below.
RR7.15.2.1 Unrestricted Report Section
The Unrestricted Report Section shall include all the victims, incidents
(Unrestricted Reports) and subjects that are associated with the DSAID
victim cases that meet the following conditions:
* Currently assigned to the SARC(s) of that Service (except for
Unrestricted Report Section C, D, E and partially G. See these
subsections for detail). If an incident involves multiple victims and the
SARCs for these victims are affiliated with more than one Service, then
the Service Level Report should include the incident (the Unrestricted
Report), if it is investigated by an Investigative Agency of that same
* Date Investigative Activity Opened and Date Investigative Activity
Completed falls into the Reporting Period as specified by the report detail
criteria section.
* Exceptions are specified in the subsections


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RR7.15.2.2 Restricted Report Section
The Restricted Report Section shall include all the victims, incidents
(Restricted Reports) and subjects that are associated with the DSAID
victim cases that meet the following conditions:
* Currently assigned to the SARC(s) of that Service
* Date of Report to DoD falls within the reporting period

RR7.15.2.3 Referral Service Section
The Referral Service Section shall include all referral services or Military
Protective Orders that meet the following conditions:
* Associated with the DSAID Victim Cases currently assigned to the
SARC(s) of that Service
* Date of Referral falls within the reporting period
* Exceptions are specified in the subsections

RR7.15.2.4 Combat Area of Interest Reports Unrestricted Report,
Restricted Report and Referral Service Sections
The Combat Area of Interest Reports shall:
* Follow the same conditions as specified in the corresponding sections
of the standard Service Level Reports
* The Incident Location of the incidents to be included in the count falls
into the list of combat zone countries as defined in DSAID by DoD
* Exceptions are specified in the subsections

RR7.15.3 National Guard Level Report:

RR7.16 "N/A" Printed in Appropriate Sections:
If any reporting items or subcategories are not applicable to the selected
reporting period or level, the system shall document “N/A” as the reporting item
or subcategory value in the respective report.


RR7.17 Reporting Period:
The reporting period for a Standard Report and MSA report is defined as follows:


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Reporting Period for a standard DoD Level or a Service Level Report Is
defined as the Fiscal Year or the combination of a Fiscal Year and a
Period, covering Q1 through the selected Quarter cumulatively, that the
user specifies in the Year and/or Period criteria when requesting to
generate a DoD level or Service level Standard Report.

Reporting Period for a DoD level or Service MSA Report is defined as the
year starting from June 1 through May 31, that the user specifies in the
Year criteria when request to generate a DoD level or Service level MSA

RR7.18 MSA Report Inclusion Criteria:
This section defines the scope of victim cases, incidents, and subjects to be
included and counted for each reporting item (total and subtotals) based on the
level of MSA Reports.
RR7.18.1 DoD Level MSA Reports:
DoD Level MSA Reports shall include the total counts aggregated from
that of the same reporting line item in each Service Level MSA Report
from Army, DON (the Department of Navy) and Air Force Reports.

RR7.18.2 Service Level MSA Reports:
RR7.18.2 The scope for victim, incident and subject counts in the Army,
DON, and Air Force level Standard Reports shall include all the victims,
incidents and subjects that are associated with the DSAID victim cases
that meet the following conditions:
* Same as the conditions for Service Level Standard Reports
* Either a victim or a subject is “Cadet/Midshipman” or “Prep School
* Exceptions are specified in the subsections

RR7.19 Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date:
Is defined when an incident’s Date Investigative Activity Completed fall into the
reporting period.


RR7.20 Prep School Student:
Is defined as Victim or Subject whose Pay Grade is “Prep School Student”.


RR7.21 Order of Reporting Line Items in Each Section:


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The Reporting Line Items in each section in the final report shall follow the order
of line items specified in the report matrix template as provided by DoD SAPRO.

2.2 RR1 Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault in the Military
RR1.1 The system shall include the reporting items and their data criteria
and rules as listed below in each of the following subsections for this report:
RR1.2 Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assaults in the Military by or Against
Service Members (Section A)
This section includes the Unrestricted Reports associated with the DSAID
Victim Cases assigned to the Service's SARCs that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Opened falls within the Reporting Period, regardless of
whether the investigation is completed.
RR1.2.1 # of Victims in Unrestricted Reports Subsection
RR1.2.1.1 # Victims in Unrestricted Reports
Total number of victims who reported an incident as Unrestricted Report.
RR1.2.1.2 # Service Member Victims
Number of Service Member victims who reported an incident as
Unrestricted Report.

RR1.2.1.3 # Non-Service Member Victims
Number of Non-Service member victims who reported an incident as
Unrestricted Report.
RR1.2.2 # of Unrestricted Reports Involving Service Members as Victims
and/or Subjects of Sexual Assault Subsection
RR1.2.2.1 # Unrestricted Reports Involving Service Member as
Victims and/or Subjects
Total number of all Unrestricted Reports regardless whether subject(s)
and/or victim(s) are a Service member or Non-Service member.
RR1.2.2.2 # Service Member on Service Member
Number of Unrestricted Reports where at least one subject is a Service
member and at least one victim is a Service member.
RR1.2.2.3 # Service Member on Non-Service Member
Number of Unrestricted Reports where at least one subject is a Service
member and all victim(s) are Non-Service members.


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RR1.2.2.4 # Non-Service Member on Service Member
Number of Unrestricted Reports where all subject(s) are Non-Service
members and at least one victim is a Service member.
RR1.2.2.5 # Unidentified Subject on Service Member
Number of Unrestricted Reports where subject(s) are unidentified and at
least one victim is a Service member.
RR1.2.2.6 # Non-Service Member on Non-Service Member
Number of Unrestricted Reports where all subject(s) are Non-Service
members and all victim(s) are Non-Service members.

RR1.2.2.7 # Unidentified Subject on Non-Service Member
Number of Unrestricted Reports where subject(s) are unidentified and all
victim(s) are Non-Service members.
RR1.2.3 # of Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault Occurring On/Off
Installation Subsection
RR1.2.3.1 # Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault Occurring
Total number of Unrestricted Reports.
RR1.2.3.2 # On Military Installation
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Location is “On
Military Installation/Ship (Other than academy grounds)” or "On Academy
RR1.2.3.3 # Off Military Installation
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Location is “Off
Military Installation/Ship/Academy Grounds”.
RR1.2.3.4 # Unidentified Location
Total number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Location is
RR1.2.4 # of Unrestricted Reports in Investigative Activity Subsection
RR1.2.4.1 # Investigation as of the End of the Reporting Period
Total number of all Unrestricted Reports for the current reporting period.


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RR1.2.4.2 # Pending Completion as of the End of the Reporting
Number of Unrestricted Reports where an incident’s Date Investigative
Activity Opened falls into the reporting period and "Investigative Activity
Completed?" is "No".
RR1.2.4.3 # Completed as of the End of the Reporting Period
Number of Unrestricted Reports with Investigative Activity Completed
(with Date Investigative Activity Completed within the Reporting Period).
RR1.2.5 # of Restricted Reports Subsection
RR1.2.5.1 # Restricted Reports
Total number of all incidents that were originally reported as Restricted
RR1.2.5.2 # Converted From Restricted Report to Unrestricted
Number of Unrestricted Reports whose value for the Victim Report Type
was converted from “Restricted” to “Unrestricted”.
RR1.2.5.3 # Restricted Reports Remaining Restricted
Number of Restricted Reports whose value for the Victim Report Type is
"Restricted" and remained as Restricted Reports.
RR1.2.5.4 Mean # of Days Taken to Change to Unrestricted
Mean value for the number of days between the Date of Report to DoD
and the Date Victim Signed Form Electing to Move for each conversion
from Restricted Report to Unrestricted Report.

RR1.2.5.5 Standard Deviation of the Mean For Days Taken to Change
to Unrestricted
Standard Deviation of the mean for the number of days between the Date
of Report to DoD and the Date Victim Signed Form Electing to Move for
each conversion from Restricted Report to Unrestricted Report.

RR1.2.5.6 Mode # of Days Taken to Change to Unrestricted
Mode value for the number of days between the Date Reported to DoD
and the Date Victim Signed Form Electing to Move for each conversion
from Restricted Report to Unrestricted Report.

RR1.3 Incident Details of Unrestricted Report in Current Reporting
Period (Section B)

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This section includes the Unrestricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases assigned to the Service's SARCs that the
Incident's Date of Investigative Activity Opened falls within the
Reporting Period, regardless of whether the investigation is
RR1.3.1 Length of Time Between Sexual Assault and Unrestricted Report
RR1.3.1.1 Length of Time Between Sexual Assault and Unrestricted
Total number of all Unrestricted Reports.
RR1.3.1.2 # Reports Made Within 3 Days of Sexual Assault
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Date of Report to DoD for the
incident is within 3 days from the Date of Incident.
RR1.3.1.3 # Reports Made Within 4 to 30 Days After Sexual Assault
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Date of Report to DoD for the
incident is between 4 to 30 days from the Date of Incident.
RR1.3.1.4 # Reports Made Within 31 to 365 Days After Sexual
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Date of Report to DoD for the
incident is between 31 to 365 days from the Date of Incident.
RR1.3.1.5 # Reports Made Longer Than 365 Days After Sexual
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Date of Report to DoD for the
incident is greater than 365 days from the Date of Incident.
RR1.3.1.6 # Unknown
Number of Unrestricted Reports that do not fall into any of the categories
RR1.3.2 Time of Sexual Assault Subsection
RR1.3.2.1 Time of Sexual Assault
Total number of all Unrestricted Reports.

RR1.3.2.2 # Midnight to 6 am
Number of Unrestricted Reports where Incident time of day is "Midnight to
6 am".


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RR1.3.2.3 # 6 am to 6 pm
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Time of Day is "6 am
to 6 pm".
RR1.3.2.4 # 6 pm to Midnight
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Time of Day is "6 pm
to Midnight".
RR1.3.2.5 # Unknown
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Time of Day is
RR1.3.3 Day of Sexual Assault Subsection
RR1.3.3.1 Day of Sexual Assault
Total number of all Unrestricted Reports.
RR1.3.3.2 # Sunday
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
RR1.3.3.3 # Monday
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
RR1.3.3.4 # Tuesday
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
RR1.3.3.5 # Wednesday
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is

RR1.3.3.6 # Thursday
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is

RR1.3.3.7 # Friday
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is


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RR1.3.3.8 # Saturday
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
RR1.3.3.9 # Unknown
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is

RR1.4 Summary of Investigations of Unrestricted Reports Completed
In Current Reporting Period (Section C)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's
Data Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, and the current
Investigative Activity is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.4.1 # of Completed Investigations In Current Reporting Period
RR1.4.1.1 # Investigations Completed
Number of Unrestricted Report with Investigative Activity Completed
Regardless of Investigation Open Date.
RR1.4.1.2 # Investigations With More Than One Victim, Subject, or
Number of Unrestricted Reports with Investigative Activity Completed
Regardless of Investigation Open Date and the number of subjects or the
number of victims associated with the incident, is greater than one.
RR1.4.2 # of Subjects in the Completed Investigations Subsection
RR1.4.2.1 # SUBJECTS in the Completed Investigations
Total number of subjects in the Unrestricted Reports with Investigative
Activity Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date.
RR1.4.2.2 # Service Member Subjects Investigated By Their Own
Number of Service member subjects in the Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date,
where the Subject Affiliation is the same as the current Investigating
Agency Service Affiliation in DSAID.
Example: For Air Force Level Report, the current Investigation Agency is
"AF OSI". If the subject's Service Affiliation is "Air Force", it will be
counted in this category.


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RR1.4.2.3 # Service Member Subjects From Other Services
Number of Service member subjects in the Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date,
where the Subject Affiliation is not the same as the current Investigation
Agency Service Affiliation in DSAID.
Example: For Air Force Level Report, the current Investigation Agency is
"AF OSI". If the subject's Service Affiliation is "ARMY" "Navy" or "Marine
Corps", it will be counted in this category.
RR1.4.2.4 # Non-Service Member Subjects in DoD Investigations
Number of subjects in the Unrestricted Reports with Investigative Activity
Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date, where the Subject is a
Non-Service member.
RR1.4.2.5 # Unidentified Subjects in DoD Investigations
Number of Unrestricted reports with Investigative Activity Completed
Regardless of Investigation Open Date, where the Subjects are not
RR1.4.3 # of Victims in the Completed Investigations Subsection
RR1.4.3.1 # VICTIMS in the Completed Investigations
Total number of victims in the Unrestricted Reports with Investigative
Activity Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date.

RR1.4.3.2 # Service Member Victims In Own Service Investigations
Number of Service member victims in the Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of Investigation open Date,
where the Victim Affiliation is the same as the current Investigating
Agency Service Affiliation in DSAID.
RR1.4.3.3 # Service Member Victims From Other Services
Number of Service member victims in the Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date,
where the Victim Affiliation is not the same as the current Investigating
Agency Service Affiliation in DSAID.
RR1.4.3.4 # Non-Service Member Victims in DoD Investigations
Number of Non-Service member victims in the Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date.
RR1.4.3.5 # Unknown Victims in DoD Investigations


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Number of Service member victims that do not fall into any of the
categories above.

RR1.5 Final Dispositions For Subjects in Current Reporting Period
Investigations (Section D)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's
Date Investigative Activity Opened and Date Investigative Activity
Completed both fall within the Reporting Period and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.5.1 # of Final Dispositions Subjects in Current Reporting Period
RR1.5.1.1 # of Subjects in Completed Investigations for Current
Reporting Period
Total number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed
Unrestricted Reports.
RR1.5.1.18 # Total DoD Action Precluded
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s DoD Action Precluded is “Yes”.
RR1. # Unknown Subjects
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s DoD Action Precluded is “Yes” and DoD
Action Precluded Reason is “Offender Unknown”.
RR1. # Unfounded by Investigative Agency
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s DoD Action Precluded is “Yes” and DoD
Action Precluded Reason is “Unfounded”.
RR1. # Civilian or Foreign Authority Prosecutions of
Persons Subject to the UCMJ
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s DoD Action Precluded is “Yes” and DoD
Action Precluded Reason is “Civilian/Foreign Authority Prosecutions of
Persons Subject to the UCMJ”.
RR1. # Civilian or Foreign Authority Prosecutions of
Persons NOT subject to the UCMJ
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s DoD Action Precluded is “Yes” and DoD
Action Precluded Reason is “Civilian/Foreign Authority Prosecutions of
Persons Not Subject to the UCMJ”.
RR1.5.1.19 # Total Command Action Precluded or Declined For
Sexual Assault
Total number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed
Unrestricted Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or
Declined for Sexual Assault is “Yes”.


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RR1. # Probable Cause For Only Non-Sexual Assault
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “Yes” and Command Action Precluded/Declined
Reason for Sexual Assault is “Probable Cause for Only Non-Sexual
Assault Offense”.
RR1. # Subject Deceased or Deserted
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “Yes” and Command Action Precluded/Declined
Reason for Sexual Assault is “Subject Deceased or Deserted”.
RR1. # Victim Deceased
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “Yes” and Command Action Precluded/Declined
Reason for Sexual Assault is “Victim Deceased”.
RR1. # Victim Declined to Participate in the Military Justice
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “Yes” and Command Action Precluded/Declined
Reason for Sexual Assault is “Victim Declined to Participate in Military
Justice Action”.
RR1. # Insufficient Evidence of Any Offense
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “Yes” and Command Action Precluded/Declined
Reason for Sexual Assault is “Insufficient Evidence of Any Offense”.
RR1. # Statute of limitations Had Expired
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “Yes” and Command Action Precluded/Declined
Reason for Sexual Assault is “Statute of limitations Had Expired”.
RR1. # Unfounded by Command
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “Yes” and Command Action Precluded/Declined
Reason for Sexual Assault is “Unfounded by Command”.
RR1. # Commander Declined Action Pursuant to UCMJ
Rules of Courts-Martial 306(c)(1)
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “Yes” and Command Action Precluded/Declined
Reason for Sexual Assault is “Commander Declined Action pursuant to
UCMJ Rules of Courts-Martial 306(c)(1)”.

RR1.5.1.20 # Subjects Still Awaiting Command Action
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for


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Sexual Assault is “No” and there is no value in the Commander Action
Date, or there is no value in Command Action Precluded or Declined.

RR1.5.1.21 # Subjects for Whom Command Action Was Completed
as of the End of the Reporting Period
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “No” and there is a value in the Commander Action
RR1.5.2 # of Evidence Supports Command Action for Sexual Assault
Subjects in Current Reporting Period Subsection
RR1.5.2.1 # Evidence Supports Command Action for Sexual Assault
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “No” and there is a value in the Commander Action
RR1.5.2.2 # Courts-Martial Charge Preferred (Initiated)
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “No” and Commander Action is “Court-Martial Charge
Preferred (Initiated)”.
RR1.5.2.3 # Nonjudicial Punishments (Article 15 UCMJ)
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “No” and Commander Action is “Nonjudicial Punishment
(Article 15, UCMJ)”.
RR1.5.2.4 # Administrative Discharges
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “No” and Commander Action is “Administrative
RR1.5.2.5 # Other Administrative Actions
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “No” and Commander Action is “Other Administrative
Action” or "Cadet Disciplinary System Action".


Page 18 of 77

RR1.6 Final Dispositions for Subjects in Previous Unrestricted
Reports that were Completed in Current Reporting Period (Section E)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's
Date Investigative Activity Opened is prior to the first day of the
Reporting Period and, the Incident's Date Investigative Activity
Completed falls within the Reporting Period, and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.6.1 # of Investigations Pending From Previous Reports that were
Completed or Still Pending as of the End of the Reporting Period
RR1.6.1.1 # Investigative Activity Pending From Previous Reports
The sum of the total number of Pending Completion as of the End of the
Reporting Period and the total number of Previous Reports Investigations
Still Pending Completion, as reported in the two categories below from
the following two breakdown categories.
RR1.6.1.2 # Previous Reports Investigations Still Pending
Completion as of the End of the Reporting Period
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Date Investigative Activity
Opened is prior to the first day of the reporting period, and the
"Investigative Activity Completed?" is “No” at the end of the reporting
period. If the "Investigative Activity Completed?" is “Yes”, then the Date
Investigative Activity Completed must be after the end of the reporting
RR1.6.1.3 # Previous Reports Investigations Completed at the End of
the Reporting Period
Number of Previous Unrestricted Reports with Investigative Activity
RR1.6.2 # of Subjects From Previous Reports Investigations Completed by
the End of the Reporting Period Subsection
RR1.6.2.1 # Subjects from previous reports investigations
completed by end of reporting period
Total number of subjects associated with the Previous Unrestricted
Reports with Investigative Activity Completed.
RR1.6.3 # of Final Dispositions for Subjects From Previous Reports and
Investigative Activity that were Completed in the Reporting Period
RR1.6.3.1 # Final Dispositions for SUBJECTS


Page 19 of 77

Total number of subjects associated with the Previous Unrestricted
Reports with Investigative Activity Completed.

RR1.6.3.17 # Total DoD Action Precluded
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed and where the subject’s DoD Action
Precluded is “Yes”,
RR1. # Unknown Subjects
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject’s DoD Action
Precluded is “Yes”, and DoD Action Precluded Reason is “Unknown
RR1. # Unfounded by Investigative Agency
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject’s DoD Action
Precluded is “Yes”, and DoD Action Precluded Reason is “Unfounded
by Investigative Agency”.
RR1. # Civilian or Foreign Authority Prosecutions of
Persons subject to the UCMJ
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject’s DoD Action
Precluded is “Yes”, and DoD Action Precluded Reason is “Civilian or
Foreign Authority Prosecutions of Persons subject to the UCMJ”.
RR1. # Civilian or Foreign Authority Prosecutions of
Persons NOT subject to the UCMJ
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, the subject’s DoD Action Precluded is
“Yes”, and DoD Action Precluded Reason is “Civilian or Foreign
Authority Prosecutions of Persons NOT subject to the UCMJ”.
RR1.6.3.18 # Total Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed and where the Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is “Yes”.
RR1. # Probable Cause for Only Non-Sexual Assault
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject's Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is "Yes", and Command
Action Precluded/Declined Reason for Sexual Assault is “Probable
Cause for Only Non-Sexual Assault Offense”.
RR1. # Subject Deceased or Deserted
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject's Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is "Yes" and Command Action
Precluded/Declined Reason for Sexual Assault is “Subject Deceased or
RR1. # Victim Deceased


Page 20 of 77

Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject's Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is "Yes", and Command
Action Precluded/Declined Reason for Sexual Assault is “Victim
RR1. # Victim Declined to Participate in the Military Justice
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject's Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is "Yes" and Command Action
Precluded/Declined Reason for Sexual Assault is “Victim Declined to
Participate in Military Justice Action”.
RR1. # Insufficient Evidence of Any Offense
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, the subject's Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is "Yes" and Command Action
Precluded/Declined Reason for Sexual Assault is “Insufficient Evidence
of Any Offense”.
RR1. # Statute of limitations Had Expired
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject's Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is "Yes" and Command Action
Precluded/Declined Reason for Sexual Assault is “Statute of limitations
Had Expired”.
RR1. # Unfounded
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject's Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is “Yes” and Command Action
Precluded/Declined Reason for Sexual Assault is “Unfounded by
RR1. # Commander Declined Action pursuant to UCMJ
Rules of Courts-Martial 306(c)(1)
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject's Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is “Yes” and Command Action
Precluded/Declined Reason for Sexual Assault is “Commander
Declined Action pursuant to UCMJ Rules of Courts-Martial 306(c)(1)”.
RR1.6.3.19 # Subjects Still Awaiting Command Action as of the End
of the Reporting Period
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject’s Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is “No” and there is no value in
the Commander Action.
RR1.6.3.20 # Subjects From Previous Reporting Periods for Whom
Command Action was Completed as of the End of the Reporting


Page 21 of 77

Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject’s Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is “No” and there is a value in
the Commander Action.
RR1.6.4 # of Evidence Supports Command Action for Sexual Assault
Subjects (Previous Reports and Commander Action Completed in the
Reporting Period)
RR1.6.4.1 # Evidence Supports Command Action for Sexual Assault
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject’s Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is “No” and there is a value in
the Commander Action.
RR1.6.4.2 # Courts-Martial Charge Preferred (Initiated)
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject's Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is "No" and Commander Action
is “Court-Martial Charge Preferred (Initiated)”.
RR1.6.4.3 # Nonjudicial Punishments (Article 15 UCMJ)
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports where with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject's Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is "No" and Commander Action
is “Nonjudicial Punishment (Article 15, UCMJ)”.
RR1.6.4.4 # Administrative Discharges
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject's Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is "No" and Commander Action
is “Administrative Discharge”.
RR1.6.4.5 # Other Administrative Actions
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed, where the subject's Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is "No" and Commander Action
is “Other Administrative Action” or "Cadet Disciplinary System Action".

RR1.7 Reported Sexual Assaults Involving Service Members (by or
Against Service Members) In the Categories Below for All
Investigations Initiated in Current Reporting Period (Section F)


Page 22 of 77

This section includes the Unrestricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases assigned to the Service's SARCs that the
Incident's Date Investigative Activity Opened falls within the Reporting
Period, regardless of whether the investigation is completed.
RR1.7.1 # of Unrestricted Reports Breakdown by Victim and Subject
Service Member/Non-Service Member Category and Subjects/Victims
Gender Combination Category Subsection
RR1.7.1.1 # Service Member on Service Member Breakdown by Each
Victim and Subject Gender Combination Category
Number of Unrestricted Reports where at least one subject is a Service
member and at least one victim is a Service member, according to the
RR1.7.1.2 # Service Member on Non-Service Member Breakdown by
Each Victim and Subject Gender Combination Category
Number of Unrestricted Reports where at least one subject is a Service
member and all victim(s) are Non-Service members, according to the
RR1.7.1.3 # Non-Service Member on Service Member Breakdown by
Each Victim and Subject Gender Combination Category
Number of Unrestricted Reports where all subject(s) are Non-Service
member(s) and at least one victim is a Service member, according to the
RR1.7.1.4 # Unidentified Subject on Service Member Breakdown by
Each Victim and Subject Gender Combination Category
Number of Unrestricted Reports where no subject is identified and at least
one victim is a Service member, according to the breakdown.

RR1.7.1.6 # Non-Service Member on Non-Service Member
Breakdown by Each Victim and Subject Gender Combination
Number of Unrestricted Reports where all subject(s) are Non-Service
members and all victim(s) are Non-Service members, according to the
RR1.7.1.7 Unidentified Subject on Non-Service Member Breakdown
by Each Victim and Subject Gender Combination Category
Number of Unrestricted Reports where subject(s) are unidentified and all
victim(s) are Non-Service members, according to the breakdown.


Page 23 of 77

RR1.7.1.8 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.

RR1.8 Reported Sexual Assaults Involving Service Members (by or
Against Service Members) in the Categories Below for All
Investigations Specified Below (Section G)
RR1.8.1 Total # of Unrestricted Reports Involving Service members by
Victim and Subject Service Member/Non-Service Member Category
Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and Grouped by
Date of Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases assigned to the Service's SARCs that the Incident's
Date Investigative Activity Opened falls within the Reporting Period,
regardless of whether the investigation is completed.
RR1.8.1.1 # Service Member on Service Member
Number of Unrestricted Reports where at least one subject is a Service
member and at least one victim is a Service member, according to the

RR1.8.1.2 # Service Member on Non-Service Member
Number of Unrestricted Reports where at least one subject is a Service
member and all victim(s) are Non-Service members, according to the
RR1.8.1.3 # Non-Service Member on Service Member
Number of Unrestricted Reports where all subject(s) are Non-Service
member(s) and at least one victim is a Service member, according to the

RR1.8.1.4 # Unidentified Subject on Service Member
Number of Unrestricted Reports where no subject(s) are identified and at
least one victim is a Service member, according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.1.6 # Non-Service Member on Non-Service Member
Number of Unrestricted Reports where all subject(s) are Non-Service
members and all victim(s) are Non-Service members, according to the
RR1.8.1.7 Unidentified Subject on Non-Service Member
Number of Unrestricted Reports where subject(s) are unidentified and all
victim(s) are Non-Service members, according to the breakdown.


Page 24 of 77

RR1.8.1.8 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.
RR1.8.2 # Service Member Victims by Victims Gender Subsection,
Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and Grouped by Date of
Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases assigned to the Service's SARCs that the Incident's
Date Investigative Activity Opened falls within the Reporting Period,
regardless of whether the investigation is completed.
RR1.8.2.1 # Total Service Member Victim
Total number of Service member victims, regardless of the Victim Gender
in the Unrestricted Reports, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.2.2 # Service Member Female Victims
Number of Service member victims in the Unrestricted Reports where the
Victim Gender is "Female", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.2.3 # Service Member Male Victims
Number of Service member victims in the Unrestricted Reports where the
Victim Gender is "Male", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.2.4 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.
RR1.8.3 # of Unrestricted Reports for All Investigation by Time of Sexual
Assault Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and
Grouped by Date of Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases assigned to the Service's SARCs that the Incident's
Date Investigative Activity Opened falls within the Reporting Period,
regardless of whether the investigation is completed.
RR1.8.3.1 # Midnight to 6 am
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Time of Day is
"Midnight to 6 am", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.3.2 # 6 am to 6 pm
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Time of Day is "6 am
to 6 pm", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.3.3 # 6 pm to Midnight


Page 25 of 77

Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Time of Day is "6 pm
to Midnight", according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.3.4 # Unknown
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Time of Day is
"Unknown", according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.3.5 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.
RR1.8.4 # of Unrestricted Reports by Day of Sexual Assault Subsection,
Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and Grouped by Date of
Incident (Pre- Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases assigned to the Service's SARCs that the Incident's
Date Investigative Activity Opened falls within the Reporting Period,
regardless of whether the investigation is completed.
RR1.8.4.1 # Sunday
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
"Sunday", according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.4.2 # Monday
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
"Monday", according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.4.3 # Tuesday
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
"Tuesday”, according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.4.4 # Wednesday
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
"Wednesday", according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.4.5 # Thursday
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
"Thursday", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.4.6 # Friday
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
"Friday", according to the breakdown.


Page 26 of 77

RR1.8.4.7 # Saturday
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
"Saturday", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.4.8 # Unknown
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
"Unknown", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.4.9 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.
RR1.8.5 Victims for Reports with Investigative Activity Completed
Regardless of Investigation Open Date by Victim Gender Subsection,
Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and Grouped by Date of
Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.8.5.1 # Male
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Gender is
"Male", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.5.2 # Female
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Gender is
"Female", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.5.3 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.
RR1.8.6 Victims for Reports with Investigative Activity Completed
Regardless of Investigation Open Date by Age Range Subsection,
Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and Grouped by Date of
Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.8.6.1 # 15 and Under


Page 27 of 77

Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is "15 and Under", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.6.2 # 16-19
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is between "16 and 19", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.6.3 # 20-24
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is between 20 and 24, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.6.4 # 25-34
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is between 25 and 34, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.6.5 # 35-49
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is between 35 and 49, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.6.6 # 50-64
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is between 50 and 64, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.6.7 # 65 and Older
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is 65 and Older, according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.6.10 # Unknown
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is not known, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.6.11 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.


Page 28 of 77

RR1.8.7 Service Member victims for Reports with Investigative Activity
Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date by Victim Pay Grade
Range Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and
Grouped by Date of Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.8.7.1 # E1-E4
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Pay
Grade is between "E1" and "E4" inclusively, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.7.2 # E5-E9
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Pay
Grade is between "E5" and "E9" inclusively, according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.7.3 # WO1-WO5
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Pay
Grade is between "W1" and "W5" inclusively, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.7.4 # O1-O3
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Pay
Grade is between "O1" and "O3" inclusively, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.7.5 # O4-O10
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Pay
Grade is between "O4" and "O10" inclusively, according to the
RR1.8.7.6 # Cadet/Midshipman
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the victim is a
Cadet/Midshipman, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.7.9 # Prep School Student
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim is a Prep
School Student, according to the breakdown.


Page 29 of 77

RR1.8.7.10 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.
RR1.8.8 Service Member Victims for Reports with Investigative Activity
Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date by Service Affiliation
Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and Grouped by
Date of Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.8.8.1 # Army
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Affiliation
is "Army", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.8.2 # Navy
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Affiliation
is "Navy", according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.8.3 # Marines
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Affiliation
is "Marine Corps", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.8.4 # Air Force
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Affiliation
is "Air Force", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.8.5 # Coast Guard
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Affiliation
is "Coast Guard", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.8.6 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.
RR1.8.9 Service Member Victims for Reports with Investigative Activity
Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date by Duty Status


Page 30 of 77

Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and Grouped by
Date of Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.8.9.1 # Active Duty
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Type is
"Military" and Victim Duty Status is "Active Duty", excluding: Cadet and
Midshipman, and Victims whose Victim Assigned Location Code is one of
the Academy Prep School Location Codes, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.9.2 # Reserve (Activated)
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Type is
"Military" and the Victim Duty Status is "Reserve", according to the
RR1.8.9.3 # National Guard (Activated - Title 10)
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Type is
"Military", the Victim Duty Status is "National Guard" and the Victim
National Guard Service is “Title 10”, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.9.4 # Cadet/Midshipman
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the victim is a
Cadet/Midshipman, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.9.6 # Prep School Student
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim is a Prep
School Student, according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.9.7 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.
RR1.8.10 Victims for Reports with Investigative Activity Completed
Regardless of Investigation Open Date by Victim Type Subsection,
Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and Grouped by Date of
Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period


Page 31 of 77

regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.8.10.1 # Service Member
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim is a
Service Member, according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.10.2 # DoD Civilian
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Type is
"DoD Civilian", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.10.3 # DoD Contractor
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Type is
"DoD Contractor ", according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.10.4 # Other Government Civilian
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Type is
"Other Government Civilian", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.10.5 # US Civilian (Including NG Title 32 and State)
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Type is
"US Civilian", or National Guard Service is "Title 32" or "State", according
to the breakdown.
RR1.8.10.6 # Foreign National
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Type is
"Foreign National", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.10.8 # Foreign Military
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Victim Type is
"Foreign Military", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.10.9 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.


Page 32 of 77

RR1.8.11 Subjects for Reports With Investigative Activity Completed
Regardless of Investigation Open Date by Subject Gender Subsection,
Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and Grouped by Date of
Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
Date Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.8.11.1 # Male
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Gender
is "Male", according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.11.2 # Female
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Gender
is "Female", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.11.5 # Unknown
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Report where the Subject Gender is
"Unknown", according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.11.6 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.
RR1.8.12 Subjects for Reports With Investigative Activity Completed
Regardless of Investigation Open Date by Subject Age Range Subsection,
Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and Grouped by Date of
Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.8.12.1 # 15 and Under
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Age at
the Time of Incident is "15 and Under", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.12.2 # 16-19
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Age at
the Time of Incident is between "16 and 19", according to the breakdown.


Page 33 of 77

RR1.8.12.3 # 20-24
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Age at
the Time of Incident is between 20 and 24, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.12.4 # 25-34
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Age at
the Time of Incident is between 25 and 34, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.12.5 # 35-49
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Age at
the Time of Incident is between 35 and 49, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.12.6 # 50-64
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Age at
the Time of Incident is between 50 and 64, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.12.7 # 65 and Older
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Age at
the Time of Incident is 65 and Older, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.12.8 # Unknown
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Age at
the Time of Incident is Unknown, according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.12.9 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.
RR1.8.13 Service Member Subjects for Reports With Investigative Activity
Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date by Subject Pay Grade
Range Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and
Grouped by Date of Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.8.13.1 # E1-E4


Page 34 of 77

Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Pay
Grade is between "E1" and "E4" inclusively, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.13.2 # E5-E9
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Pay
Grade is between "E5" and "E9" inclusively, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.13.3 # WO1-WO5
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Pay
Grade is between "W1" and "W5" inclusively, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.13.4 # O1-O3
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Pay
Grade is between "O1" and "O3" inclusively, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.13.5 # O4-O10
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Pay
Grade is between "O4" and "O10" inclusively, according to the
RR1.8.13.6 # Cadet/Midshipman
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the subject is a
Cadet/Midshipman, according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.13.9 # Prep School Student
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject is a Prep
School Student, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.13.10 # Unknown
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the subject(s) are
not identified, according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.13.11 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.


Page 35 of 77

RR1.8.14 Service Member Subjects for Reports With Investigative Activity
Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date by Service Affiliation
Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and Grouped by
Date of Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident’s Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.8.14.1 # Army
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject
Affiliation is "Army", according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.14.2 # Navy
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject
Affiliation is "Navy", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.14.3 # Marines
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject
Affiliation is "Marine Corps", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.14.4 # Air Force
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject
Affiliation is "Air Force", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.14.5 # Coast Guard
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject
Affiliation is "Coast Guard", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.14.6 # Unknown
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where subject(s) are not
identified, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.14.7 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.


Page 36 of 77

RR1.8.15 Service Member Subjects for Reports With Investigative Activity
Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date by Duty Status
Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and Grouped by
Date of Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.8.15.1 # Active Duty
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Type is "Military", the Subject Duty Status is
"Active Duty", excluding: Cadet and Midshipman, and Subjects whose
Subject Assigned Location Code is one of the Academy Prep School
Location Codes, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.15.2 # Reserve (Activated)
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Type is "Military" and the Subject Duty Status
is "Reserve", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.15.3 # National Guard (Activated - Title 10)
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Type is "Military", the Subject Duty Status is
"National Guard" and the Subject National Guard Service is “Title 10”,
according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.15.4 # Cadet/Midshipman
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject is a Cadet/Midshipman, according to the

RR1.8.15.7 # Prep School Student
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject is a Prep
School Student, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.15.8 # Unknown
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where subject(s) are not identified, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.15.9 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.


Page 37 of 77

RR1.8.16 Subjects for Reports With Investigative Activity Completed
Regardless of Investigation Open Date by Subject Type Subsection,
Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and Grouped by Date of
Incident (Pre-Current FY and Current FY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report.
RR1.8.16.1 # Service Member
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject is a
Service member, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.16.2 # DoD Civilian
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Type is
"DoD Civilian", according to the breakdown.

RR1.8.16.3 # DoD Contractor
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Type is
"DoD Contractor", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.16.4 # Other Government Civilian
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Type is
"Other Government Civilian", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.16.5 # US Civilian (Including NG Title 32 and State)
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Type is
"US Civilian", or Subject National Guard Service is "Title 32" or "State",
according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.16.6 # Foreign National
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Type is
"Foreign National", according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.16.9 # Foreign Military
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the Subject Type is
"Foreign Military", according to the breakdown.


Page 38 of 77

RR1.8.16.10 # Unknown
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Regardless of
Investigation Open Date Unrestricted Reports where the subject(s) are
not identified, according to the breakdown.
RR1.8.16.11 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.

2.3 RR2 Restricted Reports of Sexual Assault in the Military Service
RR2.1 The system shall include the reporting items and their data
criteria as listed below in each of the following subsections for this
RR2.2 Restricted Reports of Sexual Assaults in the Military (Section A)
This section includes the Restricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases that are assigned to the Service's SARCs and the
Date of Report to DoD falls within the Reporting Period.
RR2.2.1 # Victims in Restricted Reports Subsection
RR2.2.1.1 # Victims in Restricted Reports
Total number of all victims in Restricted Reports.
RR2.2.1.2 # Converted from Restricted to Unrestricted Report
Number of Unrestricted Reports whose value for the Victim Report Type
was converted from “Restricted” to “Unrestricted”.
RR2. # Service Member Converted
Number of Unrestricted Reports whose value for the Victim Report Type
was converted from “Restricted” to “Unrestricted” and are Service
RR2. # Non-Service Member Converted
Number of Unrestricted Reports whose value for the Victim Report Type
was converted from “Restricted” to “Unrestricted” and are Non-Service
RR2.2.1.3 # Restricted Reports Remaining Restricted in Current
Reporting Period
Number of Restricted Reports whose value for the Victim Report Type is
"Restricted" and remained as Restricted Reports.
RR2.2.2 # Restricted Reports Against Service Member Victims and NonService Member Victims Subsection
RR2.2.2.1 # Victims Reported Sexual Assault
Total number of victims in Restricted Reports.


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RR2.2.2.2 # Service Member on Service Member
Number of Restricted Reports where the victim is a Service member and
at least one subject is a Service member.
RR2.2.2.3 # Non-Service Member on Service Member
Number of Restricted Reports where the victim is a Service member and
all subject(s) are Non-Service member(s).
RR2.2.2.4 # Unidentified Subject on Service Member
Number of Restricted Reports where the victim is a Service member and
no subject(s) are identified.
RR2.2.2.5 # Service Member on Non-Service Member
Number of Restricted Reports where all victim(s) are Non-Service
member(s) and at least one subject is a Service member.
RR2.2.2.6 # Non-Service Member on Non-Service Member
Number of Restricted Reports where all victim(s) are Non-Service
member(s) and all Subject(s) are Non-Service member(s).
RR2.2.2.7 # Unidentified Subject on Non-Service Member
Number of Restricted Reports where all victim(s) are Non-Service
member(s) and no subject(s) are identified.
RR2.2.3 # Restricted Reports Occurring On/Off Installation Subsection
RR2.2.3.1 # Restricted Reports of Sexual Assault Occurring
Total number of Restricted Reports.
RR2.2.3.2 # On Military Installation
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Location is “On Military
Installation/Ship (Other than academy grounds)” or "On Academy
RR2.2.3.3 # Off Military Installation
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Location is “Off Military
RR2.2.3.4 # Unidentified Location
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Location is

RR2.3 Incident Details (Section B)
This section includes the Restricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases that are assigned to the Service's SARCs and the
Date of Report to DoD falls within the Reporting Period.
RR2.3.1 # Length of Time Between Sexual Assault and Restricted Report


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RR2.3.1.1 Length of Time Between Sexual Assault and Restricted
Total number of Restricted Reports.
RR2.3.1.2 # Reports Made Within 3 Days of Sexual Assault
Number of Restricted Reports where the Date of Report to DoD is within
3 days from the Date of Incident.
RR2.3.1.3 # Reports Made Within 4 to 30 Days After Sexual Assault
Number of Restricted Reports where the Date of Report to DoD is
between 4 to 30 days from the Date of Incident.
RR2.3.1.4 # Reports Made Within 31 to 365 Days After Sexual
Number of Restricted Reports where the Date of Report to DoD is
between 31 to 365 days from the Date of Incident.
RR2.3.1.5 # Reports Made Longer Than 365 Days After Sexual
Number of Restricted Reports where the Date of Report to DoD is greater
than 365 days from the Date of Incident.
RR2.3.1.6 # Unknown
Number of Restricted Reports that do not fall into any of the categories
RR2.3.2 Time of Sexual Assault Subsection
RR2.3.2.1 Time of Sexual Assault
Total number of all Restricted Reports.
RR2.3.2.2 # Midnight to 6 am
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Time of Day is
"Midnight to 6 am".
RR2.3.2.3 # 6 am to 6 pm
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Time of Day is "6 am to
6 pm".
RR2.3.2.4 # 6 pm to Midnight
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Time of Day is "6 pm to
RR2.3.2.5 # Unknown
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Time of Day is
RR2.3.3 Day of Sexual Assault Subsection
RR2.3.3.1 Day of Sexual Assault
Total number of all Restricted Reports.


Page 41 of 77

RR2.3.3.2 # Sunday
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
RR2.3.3.3 # Monday
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
RR2.3.3.4 # Tuesday
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
RR2.3.3.5 # Wednesday
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
RR2.3.3.6 # Thursday
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
RR2.3.3.7 # Friday
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is “Friday”.
RR2.3.3.8 # Saturday
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is
RR2.3.3.9 # Unknown
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Day of Week is

RR2.4 Restricted Reporting – Service Member Victim Service
Affiliation (Section C)
This section includes the Restricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases that are assigned to the Service's SARCs and the
Date of Report to DoD falls within the Reporting Period.
RR2.4.1 # Service Member Victims in Restricted Reports Subsection
RR2.4.1.1 # Service Member VICTIMS
Total number of Service member victims in Restricted Reports.
RR2.4.1.2 # Army
Number of Service member victims in Restricted Reports where the
Victim Type is "Military" and the Victim Affiliation is “Army”.
RR2.4.1.3 # Navy
Number of Service member victims in Restricted Reports where the
Victim Type is "Military" and the Victim Affiliation is “Navy”.


Page 42 of 77

RR2.4.1.4 # Marines
Number of Service member victims in Restricted Reports where the
Victim Type is "Military" and the Victim Affiliation is "Marine Corps".
RR2.4.1.5 # Air Force
Number of Service member victims in Restricted Reports where the
Victim Type is "Military" and the Victim Affiliation is "Air Force".
RR2.4.1.6 # Coast Guard
Number of Service member victims in Restricted Reports where the
Victim Type is "Military" and the Victim Affiliation is "Coast Guard".
RR2.4.1.7 # Unknown
Number of victims where the Victim Type is "Military" and have no Service

RR2.5 Victim Demographics for Restricted Reporting of Sexual
Assault in the Current Reporting Period (Section D)
This section includes the Restricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases that are assigned to the Service's SARCs and the
Date of Report to DoD falls within the Reporting Period.
RR2.5.1 Gender of Victims Subsection
RR2.5.1.1 Gender of VICTIMS
Total number of victims in Restricted Reports.
RR2.5.1.2 # Male
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Gender is
RR2.5.1.3 # Female
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Gender is
RR2.5.1.4 # Unknown
Number of victims that do not fall into any of the categories above.
RR2.5.2 Age of Victims at the Time of Incident Subsection
RR2.5.2.1 Age of VICTIMS
Total number of victims in the Restricted Reports.
RR2.5.2.2 # 15 and Under
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is 15 and Under.
RR2.5.2.3 # 16-19


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Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is between 16 and 19.
RR2.5.2.4 # 20-24
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is between 20 and 24.
RR2.5.2.5 # 25-34
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is between 25 and 34.
RR2.5.2.6 # 35-49
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is between 35 and 49.
RR2.5.2.7 # 50-64
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is between 50 and 64.
RR2.5.2.8 # 65 and Older
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is 65 and Older.
RR2.5.2.9 # Unknown
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Age at the
Time of Incident is Unknown.
RR2.5.3 Grade of Service Member Victims Subsection
RR2.5.3.1 Grade of Service Member VICTIMS Subsection
Total number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports.
RR2.5.3.2 # E1-E4
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
Victim Pay Grade is between "E1" and "E4" inclusively.
RR2.5.3.3 # E5-E9
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
Victim Pay Grade is between "E5" and "E9" inclusively.
RR2.5.3.4 # WO1-WO5
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
Victim Pay Grade is between "W1" and "W5" inclusively.
RR2.5.3.5 # O1-O3
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
Victim Pay Grade is between "O1" and "O3" inclusively.
RR2.5.3.6 # O4-O10
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
Victim Pay Grade is between "O4" and "O10" inclusively.


Page 44 of 77

RR2.5.3.7 # Cadet/Midshipman
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
Victim Pay Grade is between “C1” and “C4” or between “M1” and “M4”,
RR2.5.3.8 # Prep School Student
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
Victim is a Prep School Student.
RR2.5.3.9 # Unknown
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
Victim Type is "Military" and Pay Grade is not known.
RR2.5.4 Duty Status of Service Member Victims Subsection
RR2.5.4.1 Status of Service Member VICTIMS
Total number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports.
RR2.5.4.2 # Active Duty
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
Victim Duty Status is "Active Duty", excluding: Cadet and Midshipman,
and Victims whose Victim Assigned Location Code is one of the Academy
Prep School Location Codes.
RR2.5.4.3 # Reserve (Activated)
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
Victim Duty Status is "Reserve”.
RR2.5.4.4 # National Guard (Activated - Title 10)
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
Victim Duty Status is "National Guard” and the Victim National Guard
Service is “Title 10”.
RR2.5.4.5 # Cadet/Midshipman
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
victim is a Cadet/Midshipman.
RR2.5.4.6 # Prep School Student
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
Victim is a Prep School Student.
RR2.5.4.7 #Unknown
Number of Service member victims that do not fall into any of the
RR2.5.5 Victim Type Of Victims Subsection
RR2.5.5.1 Victim Type
Total number of victims in the Restricted Reports.


Page 45 of 77

RR2.5.5.2 # Service Member
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim is a Service
RR2.5.5.3 # DoD Civilian
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Type is
"DoD Civilian”.
RR2.5.5.4 # DoD Contractor
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Type is
"DoD Contractor”.
RR2.5.5.5 # Other Government Civilian
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Type is
"Other Government Civilian”.
RR2.5.5.6 # US Civilian (Including NG Title 32 and State)
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Type is "US
Civilian”, or National Guard Service is “Title 32” or “State”.
RR2.5.5.7 # Foreign National
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Type is
"Foreign National”.
RR2.5.5.8 # Foreign Military
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Type is
"Foreign Military".
RR2.5.5.9 # Unknown
Number of victims in the Restricted Reports where the Victim Type does
not fall into any of the categories.

2.4 RR3 Victim Support Services In the Military Service
RR3.1 The system shall include the reporting items and their data
criteria and rules as listed below in each of the following subsections
for this report:
RR3.2 Support Service Referrals to Service Member Victims from
Unrestricted Reports (Section A)
This section includes the referral services associated with the DSAID
Victim Cases that are assigned to the Service's SARCs and the Date of
Referral falls into the Reporting Period, regardless of the Date of
Report to DoD or the Date Investigation Activity Opened.
RR3.2.1 # of Support Service Referrals for Service Member Victims
RR3.2.1.1 # MILITARY Resources


Page 46 of 77

Total number of support service referrals for Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military",
regardless of the Type of Referral Support or the Date of Report to DoD,
as long as the Date of Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.2 # Medical (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military", the
Type of Referral Support is “Medical”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.3 # Mental Health (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military", the
Type of Referral Support is “Mental Health”, and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.4 # Legal (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral resource Type is "Military", the
Type of Referral Support is “Legal”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.5 # Chaplain/Spiritual Support (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military", the
Type of Referral Support is “Chaplain/Spiritual Support”, and the Date of
Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.6 # Rape Crisis Center (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military", the
Type of Referral Support is “Rape Crisis Center”, and the Date of Referral
falls within the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.7 # Other (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military", the
Type of Referral Support is “Other”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.8 # CIVILIAN Resources (Referred by DoD)
Total number of support service referrals for Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where Referral Resource Type is "Civilian",
regardless of the Type of Referral Support, or the Date of Report to DoD,
as long as the Date of Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.9 # Medical (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian", the
Type of Referral Support is “Medical”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.10 # Mental Health (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian", the
Type of Referral Support is “Mental Health", and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.11 # Legal (CIVILIAN Resources)


Page 47 of 77

Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Civilian”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Legal”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.12 # Chaplain/Spiritual Support (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian", the
Type of Referral Support is “Chaplain/Spiritual Support”, and the Date of
Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.13 # Rape Crisis Center (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian", the
Type of Referral Support is “Rape Crisis Center", and the Date of Referral
falls within the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.14 # Other (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian", the
Type of Referral Support is “Other”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.15 # Cases Where SAFEs Were Conducted
Number of Service member victims in the Unrestricted Reports where the
Incident's Date Investigative Activity Opened falls within the reporting
period, Forensic Exam Completed? is "Yes" and the Date of Forensic
Exam falls within the reporting period. (This is an exception to the general
criteria specified in Section A heading requirement).
RR3.2.1.16 # Cases Where SAFE Kits or Other Needed Supplies
Were Not Available at Time of Victim's Exam
Number of Service member victims in the Unrestricted Reports where the
Incident's Date Investigative Activity Opened falls within the reporting
period, Forensic Exam Completed? is "No", and, If Forensic Exam Not
Completed, Was it because SAFE Kit and/or other needed supplies not
available at Time of Exam? is "Yes". (This is an exception to the general
criteria specified in Section A heading requirement).
RR3.2.1.17 # Service Member Victims Making an UR That Received
Service Referrals for an Incident That Occurred Prior to Military
Number of Service member victims in the Unrestricted Reports where any
Date of Referral for the victim falls within the reporting period and Victim
Type is “Military” and Was Victim in Military at the Time of Assault? is
RR3.2.1.18 # Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim Advocate (MILITARY
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Military”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim Advocate",
and the Date of Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.2.1.19 # DoD Safe Helpline (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Military”, the
Type of Referral Support is “DoD Safe Helpline", and the Date of Referral
falls within the reporting period.


Page 48 of 77

RR3.2.1.20 # Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim Advocate (CIVILIAN
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Civilian”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim Advocate",
and the Date of Referral falls within the reporting period.

RR3.3 Support Service Referrals for Service Member Victims in
Restricted Reports (Section B)
This section includes the referral services associated with the DSAID
Victim Cases that are assigned to the Service's SARCs and the Date of
Referral falls into the Reporting Period, regardless of the Date of
Report to DoD or the Date Investigation Activity Opened.
RR3.3.1 # Support Service Referrals for Service Member Victims
RR3.3.1.1 # MILITARY Resources
Total number of support service referrals for Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military",
regardless of the Type of Referral Support, or when the victim reported
the incident to DoD, as long as the Date of Referral falls within the
reporting period.
RR3.3.1.2 # Medical (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military", the
Type of Referral Support is “Medical”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.3.1.3 # Mental Health (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military", the
Type of Referral Support is “Mental Health”, and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.3.1.4 # Legal (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military", the
Type of Referral Support is “Legal”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.3.1.5 # Chaplain/Spiritual Support (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military", the
Type of Referral Support is “Chaplain/Spiritual Support”, and the Date of
Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.3.1.6 # Rape Crisis Center (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military", the
Type of Referral Support is “Rape Crisis Center”, and the Date of Referral
falls within the reporting period.
RR3.3.1.7 # Other (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military", the


Page 49 of 77

Type of Referral Support is “Other”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.3.1.8 # Cases Where SAFEs Were Conducted
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
incident's Date of Report to DoD falls within the reporting period.
"Forensic Exam Completed?" is “Yes” and the Date of Forensic Exam
falls within the reporting period. (This is an exception to the general
criteria specified in Section A heading requirement).
RR3.3.1.9 # CIVILIAN Resources (Referred by DoD)
Total number of support service referrals for Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian",
regardless of the Type of Referral Support, or when the victim reported
the incident to DoD, as long as the Date of Referral falls within the
reporting period.
RR3.3.1.10 # Medical (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Civilian", the
Type of Referral Support is “Medical”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.3.1.11 # Mental Health (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian", the
Type of Referral Support is “Mental Health”, and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.3.1.12 # Legal (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian", the
Type of Referral Support is “Legal”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.3.1.13 # Chaplain/Spiritual Support (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian", the
Type of Referral Support is “Chaplain/Spiritual Support", and the Date of
Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.3.1.14 # Rape Crisis Center (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian", the
Type of Referral Support is “Rape Crisis Center", and the Date of Referral
falls within the reporting period.
RR3.3.1.15 # Other (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian", the
Type of Referral Support is “Other”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.3.1.16 # Cases Where SAFE Kits or Other Needed Supplies
Were Not Available at Time of Victim's Exam
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where the
incident's Date of Report to DoD falls within the reporting period,
"Forensic Exam Completed?" is "No", If Forensic Exam Not Completed,
Was it because SAFE Kit and/or other needed supplies not available at


Page 50 of 77

Time of Exam? is "Yes" . (This is an exception to the general criteria
specified in Section A heading requirement).
RR3.3.1.17 # Service Member Victims Making a RR That Received
Service Referrals for an Incident That Occurred Prior to Military
Number of Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where any
Date of Referral for the victim falls within the reporting period and Victim
Type is “Military” and Was Victim in Military at the Time of Assault is “No”.
RR3.3.1.18 # Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim Advocate (Military
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Military”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim Advocate”,
and the Date of Referral falls within the reporting period
RR3.3.1.19 # DoD Safe Helpline (Military Resources)
Number of support services for Service member victims in the Restricted
Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military", the Type of
Referral Support is "DoD Safe Helpline", and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.3.1.20 # Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim Advocate (CIVILIAN
Number of support service referrals for Service member victims in the
Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian", the
Type of Referral Support is "Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim Advocate",
and the Date of Referral falls within the reporting period.

RR3.4 Support Service Referrals to Non-Service Members (DoD
Civilians, Contractors, etc.) Victims (Section C)
This section includes the referral services associated with the DSAID
Victim Cases that are assigned to the Service's SARCs and the Date of
Referral falls into the Reporting Period, regardless of the Date of
Report to DoD or the Date Investigation Activity Opened.
RR3.4.1 # Support Service Referrals for Non-Service Member Victims In
Unrestricted Reports Subsection
RR3.4.1.1 # MILITARY Resources
Total number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims
in the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is
"Military", regardless of the Type of Referral Support, or when the victim
reported the incident to DoD, as long as the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.2 # Medical (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military",
the Type of Referral Support is “Medical”, and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.3 # Mental Health (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military",


Page 51 of 77

the Type of Referral Support is “Mental Health”, and the Date of Referral
falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.4 # Legal (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military",
to the Type of Referral Support is “Legal”, and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.5 # Chaplain/Spiritual Support (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military",
the Type of Referral Support is “Chaplain/Spiritual Support”, and the Date
of Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.6 # Rape Crisis Center (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military",
the Type of Referral Support is “Rape Crisis Center”, and the Date of
Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.7 # Other (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military",
the Type of Referral Support is “Other”, and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.8 # CIVILIAN Resources (Referred by DoD)
Total number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims
in the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is
"Civilian", regardless of the Type of Referral Support, or when the victim
reported the incident to DoD, as long as the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.9 # Medical (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral resource Type is "Civilian",
the Type of Referral Support is “Medical”, and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.10 # Mental Health (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian",
the Type of Referral Support is “Mental Health”, and the Date of Referral
falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.11 # Legal (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian",
the Type of Referral Support is “Legal”, and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.12 # Chaplain/Spiritual Support (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian",
the Type of Referral Support is "Legal”, and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.13 # Rape Crisis Center (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian",


Page 52 of 77

the Type of Referral Support is “Rape Crisis Center”, and the Date of
Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.14 # Other (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian",
the Type of Referral Support is “Other", and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.15 # Cases Where SAFEs Were Conducted
Number of Non-Service member victims in the Unrestricted Reports
where the incident's Date Investigative Activity Opened falls within the
reporting period, "Forensic Exam Completed?" is “Yes” and the Date of
Forensic Exam falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.16 # Cases Where SAFE Kits or Other Needed Supplies
Were Not Available at Time of Victim's Exam
Number of Non-Service member victims in the Unrestricted Reports
where the incident's Date Investigative Activity Opened falls within the
reporting period, "Forensic Exam Completed?" is “No”, If Forensic Exam
Not Completed, Was it because SAFE Kit and/or other needed supplies
not available at Time of Exam? is "Yes". (This is an exception to the
general criteria specified in Section A heading requirement).
RR3.4.1.17 # Non-Service Member Victims Making UR That Received
Service Referrals for an Incident That Occurred While in Military
Number of non-Service member victims in the Unrestricted Reports
where any Date of Referral for the victim falls within the reporting period
and Victim Type is "DoD Civilian", "DoD Contractor", "Other Government
Civilian", or "US Civilian", and Was Victim in Military at the Time of
Assault is "Yes".
RR3.4.1.19 # Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim Advocate (MILITARY
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military",
the Type of Referral Support is "Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim
Advocate", and the Date of Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.20 # DoD Safe Helpline (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Military",
the Type of Referral Support is "DoD Safe Helpline", and the Date of
Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.1.21 # Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim Advocate (CIVILIAN
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Unrestricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is "Civilian",
the Type of Referral Support is "Other", and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.4.2 # Support Service Referrals for Non-Service Member Victims in
Restricted Reports Subsection
RR3.4.2.1 # MILITARY Resources
Total number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims
in the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Military”,


Page 53 of 77

regardless of the Type of Referral Support, or when the victim reported
the incident to DoD, as long as the Date of Referral falls within the
reporting period.
RR3.4.2.2 # Medical (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Military”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Medical”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.3 # Mental Health (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Military”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Mental Health”, and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.4 # Legal (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Military”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Legal”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.5 # Chaplain/Spiritual Support (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Military”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Chaplain/Spiritual Support”, and the Date of
Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.6 # Rape Crisis Center (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Military”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Rape Crisis Center”, and the Date of Referral
falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.7 # Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim Advocate (MILITARY
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Military”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim Advocate",
and the Date of Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.8 # DoD Safe Helpline (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Military”, the
Type of Referral Support is “DoD Safe Helpline", and the Date of Referral
falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.9 # Other (MILITARY Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Military”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Other”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.10 # CIVILIAN Resources (Referred by DoD)
Total number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims
in the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Civilian”,
regardless of the Type of Referral Support, or when the victim reported
the incident to DoD, as long as the Date of Referral falls within the
reporting period.
RR3.4.2.11 # Medical (CIVILIAN Resources)


Page 54 of 77

Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Civilian”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Medical”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.12 # Mental Health (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Civilian”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Mental Health”, and the Date of Referral falls
within the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.13 # Legal (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Civilian”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Legal”, and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.14 # Chaplain/Spiritual Support (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Civilian”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Chaplain/Spiritual Support”, and the Date of
Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.15 # Rape Crisis Center (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Civilian”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Rape Crisis Center”, and the Date of Referral
falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.16 # Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim Advocate (CIVILIAN
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Civilian”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Victim Advocate/Uniformed Victim Advocate",
and the Date of Referral falls within the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.17 # Other (CIVILIAN Resources)
Number of support service referrals for Non-Service member victims in
the Restricted Reports where the Referral Resource Type is “Civilian”, the
Type of Referral Support is “Other", and the Date of Referral falls within
the reporting period.
RR3.4.2.18 # Cases Where SAFEs Were Conducted
Number of Non-Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where
the incident’s Date of Report to DoD falls within the reporting period,
"Forensic Exam Completed?" is “Yes” and the Date of Forensic Exam
falls within the reporting period. (This is an exception to the general
criteria specified in Section A heading requirement).
RR3.4.2.19 # Cases Where SAFE Kits or Other Needed Supplies
Were Not Available at Time of Victim's Exam
Number of Non-Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where
the incident’s Date of Report to DoD falls within the reporting period,
"Forensic Exam Completed?" is “No”, If Forensic Exam Not Completed,
Was it because SAFE Kit and/or other needed supplies not available at
Time of Exam? is “Yes”. (This is an exception to the general criteria
specified in Section A heading requirement).


Page 55 of 77

RR3.4.2.20 # Non-Service Member Victims Making RR That Received
Service Referrals for Incident That Occurred While in Military
Number of non-Service member victims in the Restricted Reports where
any Date of Referral for the victim falls within the reporting period and
Victim Type is "DoD Civilian", "DoD Contractor", "Other Government
Civilian", or "US Civilian", and Was Victim in Military at the Time of
Assault is "Yes".

RR3.5 Military Protective Orders (MPO) in Current Reporting Period
(Section D)
This section includes the MPOs associated with the DSAID Victim
Cases that are assigned to the Service's SARCs and the MPO Effective
Date falls into the Reporting Period, regardless of the Date of Report
to DoD or the Date Investigation Activity Opened.
RR3.5.1 Total number of MPOs issued during the current reporting period
for Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault, where MPO Effective Date falls
in the current reporting period.
RR3.5.2 Total number of MPO violations for Unrestricted Reports with the
issued MPOs Effective Date of Military Protective Order falls into the
current reporting period, and Military Protective Order Violated? is “Yes”
for that issued MPO.
RR3.5.2.1 # Reported MPO Violations by Subjects
Total number of MPO violations that fit in the criteria in the parent
requirement and If Yes, Whom? (Military Protective Order) is “Subject” for
that issued MPO.
RR3.5.2.2 # Reported MPO Violations by Victims of Sexual Assault
Total number of MPO violations that fit in the criteria in the parent
requirement and If Yes, Whom? (Military Protective Order) is “Victim” for
that issued MPO.
RR3.5.2.3 # Reported MPO Violations by Both
Total number of MPO violations that fit in the criteria in the parent
requirement and If Yes, Whom? (Military Protective Order) is “Both” for
that issued MPO.

2.5 RR26Sexual Assaults In the Military Service - Combat Areas of
Interest Reports
RR26.1 The system shall include the same sections (Unrestricted
Reports, Restricted Reports, and Service Referrals), subsections and
their associated reporting items in the Combat Area of Interest
Reports as specified for the standard Service Reports, based on the
Incident Location and their associated victims and subjects.


Page 56 of 77

RR26.2 Location of Combat Areas of Interest Unrestricted Reports
Breakdown by Type of Offense Reported in the Reporting Period
(Section H of Unrestricted Reports)
This section includes the Unrestricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases that are assigned to the Service's SARCs,
occurred in the location of Combat Areas of Interest and, the incident's
Date Investigative Activity Opened falls within the Reporting Period,
regardless of the Date Investigative Activity Closed and Incident Date.
RR26.2.1 # Combat Areas of Interest Unrestricted Reports Breakdown by
Country and Type of Offense Investigated Subsection
RR26.2.1.1 # Combat Areas of Interest Unrestricted Reports
The number of Unrestricted Reports in each Combat Area of Interest
country breakdown by the Type of Offenses Investigated, and the precurrent reporting period and the current reporting period based upon
Incident Date (example: Pre-Current FY and Current FY based upon
Incident Date). The list of Combat Area of Interest countries is defined by
Combat Zones input as entered by DoD SAPRO in DSAID for the Fiscal
RR26.2.1.2 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.

RR26.3 Location of Combat Areas of Interest Restricted Reports
(Section E of Restricted Reports)
This section includes the Restricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases that are assigned to the Service’s SARCs,
occurred in the location of Combat Areas of interest and, the Date of
Report to DoD falls within the Reporting Period, regardless of the
Incident Date.
RR26.3.1 # Combat Areas of Interest Restricted Reports Breakdown by
Country Subsection
RR26.3.1.1 # Combat Areas of Interest Restricted Reports
The number of Restricted Reports in each Combat Area of Interest
country. The list of Combat Area of Interest country is defined by Combat
Zones input as entered by DoD SAPRO in DSAID for the Fiscal year.
RR26.3.1.2 Total and Subtotal
Total and subtotal from the subcategories mentioned above.


RR36 Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault in the US Military
Service Academies


Page 57 of 77

RR36.1 The system shall include the reporting items and their data
criteria and rules as listed below in each of the following subsections
for this report:
RR36.4 Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assaults in the US Military
Service Academies by or Against Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School
Student (Section A)
This section includes the Unrestricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases assigned to the Service's SARCs that the
Incident's Date Investigative Activity Opened falls within the Reporting
Period, regardless of whether the investigation is completed and, the
incident involves Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim
or subject.
RR36.4.1 All reporting items and their criteria shall match those in Section
A of the Service Unrestricted Report except for the following items:
The reporting item names shall contain cadet/midshipman/Prep School
Student instead of service member as applicable.
# of Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault Occurring On/Off Academy
Grounds Subsection
RR36. # Unrestricted Reports of Sexual Assault Occurring
Total number of Unrestricted Reports.
RR36. # On Academy Grounds
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Location is “On
Academy Grounds.”
RR36. # Off Academy Grounds
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Location is “Off
Military Installation/Ship/Academy Grounds” or "On Military
Installation/Ship (Other than academy grounds)".
RR36. # Unidentified Location
Number of Unrestricted Reports where the Incident Location is

RR36.5 Details of Unrestricted Reports in Current Reporting Period
(Section B)
This section includes the Unrestricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases assigned to the Service's SARCs that the
Incident's Date Investigative Activity Opened falls within the Reporting
Period, regardless of whether the investigation is completed and, the
incident involves Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim
or subject.
RR36.5.1 All reporting items and their criteria shall match those in Section
B of the Service Unrestricted Report.


Page 58 of 77

RR36.6 Summary of Investigations of Unrestricted Reports Completed
in Current Reporting Period (Section C)
This section includes the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, the incident involves
Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim or subject, and the
current Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the
RR36.6.1 All reporting items and their criteria shall match those in Section
C of the Service Unrestricted Report except for the following line items:
RR36.6.1.1 # of Subjects in the Completed Investigations
Total number of subjects in the Unrestricted Reports with Investigative
Activity Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date.
RR36. # Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School Student Subjects
Number of subjects in the Unrestricted Reports with Investigative Activity
Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date, where the subject is a
Cadet/Midshipman or a Prep School Student.
RR36. # Service Member Subjects
Number of subjects in the Unrestricted Reports with Investigative Activity
Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date, where the subject is a
Service member but, not a Cadet/Midshipman or a Prep School Student.
RR36. # Non-Service Member Subjects
Number of subjects in the Unrestricted Reports with Investigative Activity
Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date, where the subject is a
Non-Service member.
RR36. # Unidentified Subjects
Number of Unrestricted Reports with Investigative Activity Completed
Regardless of Investigation Open Date, where the subjects are not
RR36.6.1.6 # VICTIMS in the Completed Investigations
Total number of victims in the Unrestricted Reports with Investigative
Activity Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date.
RR36. # Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School Student Victims
Number of victims in the Unrestricted Reports with Investigative Activity
Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date, where the victim is a
Cadet/Midshipman or a Prep School Student.
RR36. # Service Member Victims
Number of victims in the Unrestricted Reports with Investigative Activity
Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date, where the victim is a
Service member but not a Cadet/Midshipman or a Prep School Student.
RR36. # Non-Service Member Victims
Number of victims in the Unrestricted Reports with Investigative Activity
Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date, where the victim is a
Non-Service member.
RR36. # Unknown


Page 59 of 77

Number of victims in the Unrestricted Reports with Investigative Activity
Completed Regardless of Investigation Open Date, where the victim does
not fall into any of the categories above.

RR36.7 Final Dispositions for Subjects in Current Reporting Period
Investigations (Section D)
This section includes the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Opened and Date Investigative Activity
Completed both fall within the Reporting Period, the incident involves
Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim or subject, and the
current Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the
RR36.7.1 All reporting items and their criteria shall match those in Section
D of the Service Unrestricted Report, except for the following line items.
RR36.7.1.1 # Other Administrative Actions
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “No” and Commander Action is “Other Administrative
RR36.7.1.2 # Cadet Disciplinary System Action
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject’s Command Action Precluded or Declined for
Sexual Assault is “No” and Commander Action is “Cadet Disciplinary
System Action”.

RR36.8 Final Dispositions for Subjects in Previous Unrestricted
Reports that were Completed in Current Reporting Period (Section E)
This section includes the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Opened prior to the first day of the Reporting
Period, the incident involves Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student
as victim or subject , and, the Incident's Date Investigative Activity
Completed falls within the Reporting Period, and the current
Investigation Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report
RR36.8.1 All reporting items and their criteria shall match those in Section
E of the Service Unrestricted Report, except for the following line items.
RR36.8.1.1 # Other Administrative Actions
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed where the subject’s Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is “No” and Commander Action
is “Other Administrative Action”.
RR36.8.1.2 # Cadet Disciplinary System Action
Number of subjects in the Previous Unrestricted Reports with
Investigative Activity Completed where the subject’s Command Action
Precluded or Declined for Sexual Assault is “No” and Commander Action
is “Cadet Disciplinary System Action”.


Page 60 of 77

RR36.9 Reported Sexual Assaults Involving Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep
School Student (by or Against Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School
Student) In the Categories Below for All Investigations Initiated in
Current Reporting Period (Section F)
This section includes the Unrestricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases assigned to the Service's SARCs that the
Incident's Date Investigative Activity Opened falls within the Reporting
Period, regardless of whether the investigation is completed and, the
incident involves Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim
or subject.
RR36.9.1 All reporting items and their criteria shall match those in Section
F of the Service Unrestricted Report except for the following line items:
The reporting item names shall contain “Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School
Student” instead of “service member” as applicable.
The reporting items shall exclude “Non-Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School
Student on Non-Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School Student” and
“Unidentified Subjects on Non-Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School Student”

RR36.10 Reported Sexual Assaults Involving Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep
School Student (by or Against Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School
Student) in the Categories Below for All Investigations as Specified
Below (Section G)
RR36.10.1 Unrestricted Reports Involving Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School
Student by Victim and Subject Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School Student and
Non-Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School Student Category Subsection,
Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and Grouped by Date of
Incident (Pre-Current APY and Current APY)
This section includes the Unrestricted Reports associated with the DSAID
Victim Cases assigned to the Service's SARCs that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Opened falls within the Reporting Period, regardless
of whether the investigation is completed and, the incident involves
Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim or subject.
All reporting items in this subsection shall match those in the subsection
of Section G of the Service Unrestricted Report except for the following
line items:
The reporting item names shall contain “Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School
Student” instead of “service member” as applicable.


Page 61 of 77

The reporting items shall exclude “Non-Cadet/Midshipman on NonCadet/Midshipman/Prep School Student” and “Unidentified Subjects on
Non-Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School Student” breakdown.
RR36.10.2 Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School Student Victims by Victims
Gender Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and
Grouped by Date of Incident (Pre-Current APY and Current APY)
This section includes the Unrestricted Reports associated with the DSAID
Victim Cases assigned to the Service's SARCs that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Opened falls within the Reporting Period, regardless
of whether the investigation is completed and, the incident involves
Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim or subject.
All reporting items in this subsection shall match those in the subsection
of Section G of the Service Unrestricted Report except for the following
line items:
The reporting item names shall contain “cadet/midshipman” instead of
“service member” as applicable.
RR36.10.3 Unrestricted Reports for All Investigation by Time of Sexual
Assault Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and
Grouped by Date of Incident (Pre-Current APY and Current APY)
This section includes the Unrestricted Reports associated with the DSAID
Victim Cases assigned to the Service's SARCs that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Opened falls within the Reporting Period, regardless
of whether the investigation is completed and, the incident involves
Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim or subject.
All reporting items in this subsection shall match those in the subsection
of Section G of the Military Service Report.
RR36.10.4 Unrestricted Reports for All Investigation by Day of Sexual
Assault Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and
Grouped by Date of Incident (Pre-Current APY and Current APY)
This section includes the Unrestricted Reports associated with the DSAID
Victim Cases assigned to the Service's SARCs that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Opened falls within the Reporting Period, regardless
of whether the investigation is completed and, the incident involves
Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim or subject.
All reporting items in this subsection shall match those in the subsection
of Section G of the Service Unrestricted Report.
RR36.10.5 Victims for Reports with Investigative Activity Completed by
Victim Gender Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated
and Grouped by Date of Incident (Pre-Current APY and Current APY)


Page 62 of 77

This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, the current Investigation
Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report, and incident
involves Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim or subject.
All reporting items in this subsection shall match those in the subsection
of Section G of the Service Unrestricted Report.
RR36.10.6 Service Member Victims for Reports with Investigative Activity
Completed by Victim Grade/Status Subsection, Breakdown by Type of
Offenses Investigated and Grouped by Date of Incident (Pre-Current APY
and Current APY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, the current Investigation
Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report, and incident
involves Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim or subject.
RR36.10.6.1 # Prep School Student
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim is a Prep School Student, according to the
RR36.10.6.2 # 1st Year
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim Pay Grade is “C1” or “M1”, according to the
RR36.10.6.3 # 2nd Year
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim Pay Grade is “C2” or “M2”, according to the
RR36.10.6.4 # 3rd Year
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim Pay Grade is “C3” or “M3” according to the
RR36.10.6.5 # 4th Year
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim Pay Grade is “C4” or “M4”, according to the
RR36.10.6.7 # Active Duty Service Member
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim Type is "Military" and either Victim Duty Status
is "Active Duty", or Victim National Guard Service is "Title 10", but is
neither a Cadet/Midshipman nor a Prep School Student.
RR36.10.7 Victims for Reports with Investigative Activity Completed by
Victim Type Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and
Grouped by Previous Reporting Period and Current Reporting Period
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period


Page 63 of 77

regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, the current Investigation
Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report, and incident
involves Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim or subject.
RR36.10.7.1 # Cadet/Midshipman
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the victim is a Cadet/Midshipman, according to the
RR36.10.7.2 # Prep School Student
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim is a Prep School Student, according to the
RR36.10.7.3 # Active Duty Member
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim Type is "Military" and either Victim Duty Status
is "Active Duty", or "Reserve", or Victim National Guard Service is "Title
10", but is neither a Cadet/Midshipman nor a Prep School Student
according to the breakdown.
RR36.10.7.4 # DoD Civilian
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim Type is “DoD Civilian”, according to the
RR36.10.7.5 # DoD Contractor
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim Type is “DoD Contractor”, according to the
RR36.10.7.6 # Other Government Civilian
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim Type is “Other Government Civilian”, according
to the breakdown.
RR36.10.7.7 # US Civilian
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim Type is “US Civilian”, according to the
RR36.10.7.8 # Foreign National
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim Type is “Foreign National”, according to the
RR36.10.7.9 # Foreign Military
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim Type is “Foreign Military”, according to the
RR36.10.7.10 # Unknown
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the victim does not fall into any of the categories above.
RR36.10.7.13 # Other Military Member
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Victim Type is "Military" and, Victim national Guard
Service is "Title 32" or "State", according to the breakdown.


Page 64 of 77

RR36.10.8 Subjects for Reports With Investigative Activity Completed by
Subject Gender Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated
and Grouped by Date of Incident (Pre-Current APY and Current APY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, the current Investigation
Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report, and incident
involves Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim or subject.
All reporting items in this subsection shall match those in the subsection
of Section G of the Service Unrestricted Report.
RR36.10.9 Service Member Subjects for Reports with Investigative Activity
Completed by Subject Grade/Status Subsection, Breakdown by Type of
Offenses Investigated and Grouped by Date of Incident (Pre-Current APY
and Current APY)
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, the current Investigation
Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report, and incident
involves Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim or subject.
RR36.10.9.1 # Prep School Student
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject is a Prep School Student, according to the
RR36.10.9.2 # 1st Year
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Pay Grade is “C1” or “M1”, according to the
RR36.10.9.3 # 2nd Year
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Pay Grade is “C2” or “M2”, according to the
RR36.10.9.4 # 3rd Year
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Pay Grade is “C3” or “M3” according to the
RR36.10.9.5 # 4th Year
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Pay Grade is “C4” or “M4”, according to the
RR36.10.9.7 # Active Duty Service Member
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Type is "Military" and, either Subject Duty
Status is "Active Duty" or Subject National Guard Service is "Title 10", but
is neither a Cadet/Midshipman, nor a Prep School Student, according to
the breakdown.


Page 65 of 77

RR36.10.10 Subjects for Reports with Investigative Activity Completed by
Subject Type Subsection, Breakdown by Type of Offenses Investigated and
Grouped by Previous Reporting Period and Current Reporting Period
This section includes all the Unrestricted Reports that the Incident's Date
Investigative Activity Completed falls within the Reporting Period
regardless of Date Investigative Activity Opened, the current Investigation
Agency is affiliated with the same Service of the report, and incident
involves Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as victim or subject.
RR36.10.10.1 # Cadet/Midshipman
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject is a Cadet/Midshipman, according to the
RR36.10.10.2 # Prep School Student
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject is a Prep School Student, according to the
RR36.10.10.3 # Active Duty Member
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Type is "Military" and either Subject Duty
Status is "Active Duty" or "Reserve", or Subject National Guard Service is
"Title 10", but is neither a Cadet/Midshipman nor a Prep School Student,
according to the breakdown.
RR36.10.10.4 # DoD Civilian
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Type is “DoD Civilian”, according to the
RR36.10.10.5 # DoD Contractor
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Type is “DoD Contractor”, according to the
RR36.10.10.6 # Other Government Civilian
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Type is “Other Government Civilian”,
according to the breakdown.
RR36.10.10.7 # US Civilian
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Type is “US Civilian”, according to the
RR36.10.10.8 # Foreign National
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Type is “Foreign National”, according to the
RR36.10.10.9 # Foreign Military
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Type is “Foreign Military”, according to the
RR36.10.10.10 # Unknown
Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the subject does not fall into any of the categories above.
RR36.10.10.11 # Other Military Member


Page 66 of 77

Number of subjects in the Investigative Activity Completed Unrestricted
Reports where the Subject Type is "Military" and, Subject National Guard
Service is “Title 32” or “State”, according to the breakdown.

2.7 RR47 Restricted Reports of Sexual Assault in the US Military
Service Academies
RR47.1 The system shall include the reporting items and their data
criteria as listed below in each of the following subsections for this
RR47.2 Restricted Reports of Sexual Assaults in the US Military
Service Academies (Section A)
This section includes the Restricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases that are assigned to the Service's SARCs, the
Date of Report to DoD falls within the Reporting Period, and the
incident involves Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as a victim.
RR47.2.1 All reporting items and their criteria shall match those in Section
A of the Service Restricted Report except for the following line items:
The reporting item names shall contain "Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School
Student" instead of "Service Member" as applicable. Restricted Reports in
MSA report shall only involve Prep School and Cadet/Midshipman
# of Restricted Reports of Sexual Assault Occurring On/Off Academy
Grounds Subsection
RR47. # Restricted Reports of Sexual Assault Occurring
Total number of Restricted Reports.
RR47. # On Academy Grounds
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Location is "On
Academy Grounds."
RR47. # Off Academy Grounds
Total number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Location is "Off
Military Installation/Ship/Academy Grounds" or "On Military
Installation/Ship (other than academy grounds).
RR47. # Unidentified location
Number of Restricted Reports where the Incident Location is

RR47.3 Details of Restricted Report in Current Reporting Period
(Section B)
This section includes the Restricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases that are assigned to the Service's SARCs, the
Date of Report to DoD falls within the Reporting Period, and the
incident involves Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as a victim.
RR47.3.1 All reporting items and their criteria shall match those in Section
B of the Service Restricted Report.


Page 67 of 77

RR47.4 Victim Demographics for Restricted Reporting of Sexual
Assault in the Current Reporting Period (Section C)
This section includes the Restricted Reports associated with the
DSAID Victim Cases that are assigned to the Service's SARCs, the
Date of Report to DoD falls within the Reporting Period, and the
incident involves Cadets/Midshipmen/Prep School Student as a victim.
RR47.4.1 Gender of Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School Student Victims
All reporting items in this subsection shall match those in the subsection
of Section D - Gender of Victim in the Standard Service Restricted
RR47.4.2 Grade/Status of Cadet/Midshipman/Prep School Student VICTIMS
RR47.4.2.1 # Prep School Student
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Restricted
Reports where the Victim is a Prep School Student, according to the
RR47.4.2.2 # 1st Year
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Restricted
Reports where the Victim Pay Grade is “C1” or “M1” according to the
RR47.4.2.3 # 2nd Year
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Restricted
Reports where the Victim Pay Grade is “C2” or “M2”, according to the
RR47.4.2.4 # 3rd Year
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Restricted
Reports where the Victim Pay Grade is “C3” or “M3” according to the
RR47.4.2.5 # 4th Year
Number of victims in the Investigative Activity Completed Restricted
Reports where the Victim Pay Grade is “C4” or “M4” according to the

2.8 RR48 Victim Support Services – Military Service Academies
RR48.1 The system shall include the reporting items and their data
criteria and rules as listed below in each of the following subsections
for this report:
RR48.2 Support Service Referrals to Military Service Academies
Victims from Unrestricted Reports (Section A)


Page 68 of 77

This section includes the referral services associated with a
cadet/midshipman/Prep School Student victim and the DSAID Victim
Case that is assigned to the Service's SARCs and the Date of Referral
falls into the Reporting Period, regardless of the Date of Report to DoD
or the Date Investigation Activity Opened.
RR48.2.1 All reporting items and their criteria shall match those in Section
A of the Service Unrestricted Report.
RR48.2.2 The reporting item names shall contain “Cadet/Midshipman/Prep
School Student” instead of “Service Member” as applicable.

RR48.3 Support Service Referrals to Military Service Academies
Victims in Restricted Reports (Section B)
This section includes the referral services associated with a
cadet/midshipman/Prep School Student victim and the DSAID Victim
Case that is assigned to the Service's SARCs and the Date of Referral
falls into the Reporting Period, regardless of the Date of Report to DoD
or the Date Investigation Activity Opened.
RR48.3.1 All reporting items and their criteria shall match those in Section
B of the Service Restricted Report.
RR48.3.2 The reporting item names shall contain “Cadet/Midshipman/Prep
School Student” instead of “Service Member” as applicable.

RR48.4 Military Protective Orders (MPO) in Current Reporting Period
(Section C)
This section includes MPO associated with a cadet/midshipman/Prep
School Student victim and the DSAID Victim Case that is assigned to
the Service's SARCs and the MPO Effective Date falls into the
Reporting Period, regardless of the Date of Report to DoD or the Date
Investigation Activity Opened.
RR48.4.1 All reporting items and their criteria shall match the “Military
Protective Orders (MPO) in Current Reporting Period” section in Section D
of the Service Victim Support Services Report.

3 Ad-hoc Report Requirements
3.1 QR1 Common Requirement
QR1.1 The system shall support a query capability for all data elements captured


Page 69 of 77

QR1.2 The system shall allow the user to specify the data attributes to be used in
the criteria and the data attributes to be displayed in the query results, as well as,
the breakdown category.
QR1.3 The system shall support a wild card search function.

3.2 QR3 Case Level Query
3.2.1 QR3.1 Query Description
QR3.1.1 This query will retrieve the victim case profile, associated
incident and subject information based on the combination of user
specified search criteria.

3.2.2 QR3.2 Search Criteria
QR3.2.1 The system shall allow the user to search based upon the
following options.
QR3.2.1.1 Victim Last Name
Victim First Name
Victim Identification Number
Subject Last Name
Subject First Name
Subject Identification Number
DSAID Control Number
DSAID Case Status
Victim Reporting Type
Investigative Case Number

3.2.3 QR3.3 Query Result Display
QR3.3.1 The system shall display the following information for each
record matching all of the user specified condition(s).
QR3.3.1.1 DSAID Control Number
Victim Name
Victim Reporting Type
Investigative Case Number
Subject Name (multiple occurrences is possible)
QR3.3.1.2 The system shall allow the user to view combined or
separately the Victim Case Profile detail, the Incident Detail, and
the Subject detail from each record in the search result.
QR3.3.1.3 The system shall sort by the DSAID Control Number in
descending order.
QR3.3.1.4 The system shall indicate as such, if no record matches
with all the specified conditions in the criteria.


Page 70 of 77

3.3 QR4 Aggregate Query
3.3.1 QR4.1 Query Description
QR4.1.1 This query will retrieve aggregated victim, subject, and case
related count based on the combination of the user specified search

3.3.2 QR4.2 Search Criteria
QR4.2.1 The system shall allow the user to search based upon the
following options.
QR4.2.1.1 Date Investigative Activity Opened Range
Date of Report to DoD Range
Location Type
Location Codes
QR4.2.2 The system shall allow the user to specify the breakdown in the
query results based on the following options.
QR4.2.2.1 By Services
By Victim Reporting Type
By Location Codes

3.3.3 QR4.3 Query Result Display
QR4.3.1 The system shall display the following information based upon
all of the user specified condition(s) and breakdown.
QR4.3.1.1 # of Victims
# of Service Member Victims
# of Non-Service Member Victims
# of Subjects
# of Service Member Subjects
# of Non-Service Member Subjects
# of Incidents
# of Incidents with Investigative Activity Completed

3.4 QR5 National Guard (NG) Aggregated Victim/Subject Count
3.4.1 QR5.1 Query Description
QR5.1.1 This query will retrieve the number of National Guard victims or
the number of National Guard subjects based on the combination of the
user specified search criteria.

3.4.2 QR5.2 Search Criteria
QR5.2.1 The system shall allow the user to specify one or more of the
following search criteria.
QR5.2.1.1 Victim/Subject: The valid values for these criteria are
"Victim" or "Subject".


Page 71 of 77

Date Range for Date of Report to DoD (Start Date and End Date):
This is applicable only if "Victim" is selected for the criteria of
Date Range for Incident Date (Start Date and End Date): This is
applicable for both "Victim" and "Subject" selected for the criteria
of Victim/Subject.
Victim/Subject Type: The valid values for the criteria are specified
in the Victim Type and Subject Type data requirement.
Victim/Subject Affiliation: The valid values for the criteria are
"Army" and "Air Force".
Victim/Subject Duty Status: The criteria shall default to "National
Victim/Subject National Guard Service: The valid values for the
criteria are specified in the Victim National Guard Service and the
Subject National Guard Service data requirement.
Victim/Subject NG State Affiliation: The valid values for the criteria
are specified in the Victim NG State Affiliation and the Subject NG
State Affiliation data requirement.
Victim/Subject NG Title 10 Category: The valid values for the
criteria are specified in the Victim NG Title 10 Category and the
Subject NG Title 10 Category data requirement.
Victim/Subject NG Title 32 Category: The valid values for the
criteria are specified in the Victim NG Title 32 Category and the
Subject NG Title 32 Category data requirement.
Victim/Subject NG State Status: The valid values for the criteria
are specified in the Victim NG State Status and the Subject NG
State Status data requirement.
Victim/Subject Assigned Location Code.
Victim/Subject Assigned Location Name.
NG Victim Recruit/Training Status: The valid values for the criteria
are specified in the NG Victim Recruit/Training Status data
requirement. This is applicable only if "Victim" is selected for the
criteria of Victim/Subject.
Incident Occurred on Deployment?: The valid values for the
criteria are specified in the Incident Occurred on Deployment data
requirement. This is applicable only if "Victim" is selected for the
criteria of Victim/Subject.


Page 72 of 77

Incident Occurred on TDY?: The valid values for the criteria are
specified in the Incident Occurred on TDY? data requirement. This
is applicable only if "Victim" is selected for the criteria of
Incident Occurred on Leave?: The valid values for the criteria are
specified in the Incident Occurred on Leave? data requirement.
This is applicable only if "Victim" is selected for the criteria of
Did Assault Occur Before Victim's Entry Into Military Service?: The
valid values for the criteria are specified in the Did Assault Occur
Before Victim's Entry Into Military Service? data requirement. This
is applicable only if "Victim" is selected for the criteria of
LOD Initiated?: The valid values for the criteria are specified in the
LOD Initiated? data requirement. This is applicable only if "Victim"
is selected for the criteria of Victim/Subject.
Military Protective Order Offered: The valid values for the criteria
are specified in the Military Protective Order Offered data
requirement. This is applicable only if "Victim" is selected for the
criteria of Victim/Subject.
Military Protective Order Requested: The valid values for the
criteria are specified in the Military Protective Order Requested
data requirement. This is applicable only if "Victim" is selected for
the criteria of Victim/Subject.
Civilian Protective Order Offered: The valid values for the criteria
are specified in the Civilian Protective Order Offered data
requirement. This is applicable only if "Victim" is selected for the
criteria of Victim/Subject.
Civilian Protective Order Requested: The valid values for the
criteria are specified in the Civilian Protective Order Requested
data requirement. This is applicable only if "Victim" is selected for
the criteria of Victim/Subject.
NG Subject Recruit/Training Status: The valid values for the
criteria are specified in the NG Subject Recruit/Training Status
data requirement. This is applicable only if "Subject" is selected for
the criteria of Victim/Subject.
Subject Duty Assignment: The valid values for the criteria are
specified in the Subject Duty Assignment data requirement. This
is applicable only if "Subject" is selected for the criteria of


Page 73 of 77

QR5.2.2 The system shall require the user to select only one value in the
Victim/Subject criteria.
QR5.2.3 The system shall allow the user to search by “Location Code” or
“Location Name” when specifying these selection criteria.
QR5.2.4 The system shall populate the “Location Code” and “Location
Name” criteria based on the user selection in the search result.
QR5.2.5 If Location Name” is specified by the user, the system shall
validate the input by searching the matching “Location Name”.
QR5.2.6 The system shall require the user to select one “Location Name”
from the validation search results and populate “Location Code” and
“Location Name” criteria based on the user selection.

3.4.3 QR5.5 Query Results Display
QR5.5.1 The system shall display to the user the specified selection
criteria for the query.
QR5.5.2 The system shall display the number of victims or the number of
subjects based upon the combination of the selection criteria specified.

3.5 QR6 NG SARC Query
3.5.1 QR6.1 Query Description
QR6.1.1 This query will retrieve the matching SARC Information based on
the combination of the user specified search criteria.

3.5.2 QR6.2 Search Criteria
QR6.2.1 The system shall allow the user to specify one or more of the
following search criteria.
QR6.2.1.1 SARC Type: The valid values for the criteria are
specified in the SARC Type data requirement.
SARC Affiliation: The valid values for the criteria are “Army” and
“Air Force”.
SARC Duty Status: The criteria shall default to “National Guard”.
SARC NG State Affiliation: The valid values for the criteria are
specified in the SARC NG State Affiliation data requirement.
SARC Location Code
SARC Location Name
QR6.2.2 The system shall allow the user to search by “SARC Location
Code” or “SARC Location Name” when specifying these selection criteria.
QR6.2.3 The system shall populate the “SARC Location Code” and
“SARC Location Name” criteria based on the user selection in the search


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QR6.2.4 If “SARC Location Code” or “SARC Location Name” is specified
by the user, the system shall validate the input by searching the matching
“SARC Location Code” or “SARC Location Name”.
QR6.2.5 The system shall require the user to select one “SARC Location
Name” from the validation search results and populate “SARC Location
Code” and “SARC Location Name” criteria based on the user selection.

3.5.3 QR6.3 Query Results Display
QR6.3.1 The system shall list the following information for each SARC
found in the search results based upon the combination of the selection
criteria specified.
QR6.3.1.1 SARC Last Name
SARC First Name
SARC Middle Name
SARC Assigned Unit UIC
SARC Assigned Unit Name
SARC NG State Affiliation
SARC Phone Number
QR6.3.2 The system shall sort the SARC(s) in the search results by
SARC Assigned Unit UIC and SARC Last Name in ascending order.

3.6 QR7 NG Victim Advocate (VA) Query
3.6.1 QR7.1 Query Description
QR7.1.1 This query will retrieve the matching VA Information based on
the combination of the user specified search criteria.

3.6.2 QR7.2 Search Criteria
QR7.2.1 The system shall allow the user to specify one or more of the
following search criteria.
QR7.2.1.1 VA Type: The valid values for the criteria are specified
in the VA Type data requirement.
VA Affiliation: The valid values for the criteria are “Army” and “Air
VA Duty Status: The criteria shall default to “National Guard”.
VA National Guard Service: The valid values for the criteria are
specified in the VA National Guard Service data requirement.
VA NG State Affiliation: The valid values for the criteria are
specified in the VA NG State Affiliation data requirement.
VA Location Code


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VA Location Name
QR7.2.2 The system shall allow the user to search by “VA Location Code”
or “VA Location Name” when specifying these selection criteria.
QR7.2.3 The system shall populate the “VA Location Code” or “VA
Location Name” criteria based on the user selection in the search result.
QR7.2.4 If “VA Location Code” or “VA Location Name” is specified by the
user, the system shall validate the input by searching the matching “VA
Location Code” or “VA Location Name”.
QR7.2.5 The system shall require the user to select one “VA Location
Name” from the validation search results and populate “VA Location
Code” and “VA Location Name” criteria based on the user selection.

3.6.3 QR7.3 Query Results Display
QR7.3.1 The system shall list the following information for each VA found
in the search results based upon the combination of the selection criteria
QR7.3.1.1 VA Last Name
VA First Name
VA Middle Name
VA Assigned Unit UIC
VA Assigned Unit Name
VA NG State Affiliation
VA Phone Number
VA Cell Number
QR7.3.2 The system shall sort the VA in the search results by VA
Assigned Unit UIC and VA Last Name in ascending order.

3.7 QR8 Unrestricted Cases Investigation Exception Query

QR8.1 Query Description
QR8.1.1 This query will provide the user the ability to identify Unrestricted
DSAID cases that are not being investigated by investigative agencies for
Air Force and National Guard.


QR8.2 Query Search Criteria
QR8.2.1 The system shall allow the user to specify one or more of the
following search criteria.
QR8.2.1.1 Services: The valid values for the criteria are "National
Guard" and "Air Force". If “National Guard” is selected, the
system shall identify cases that are assigned to a SARC whose
Duty Status is “National Guard”. If “Air Force” is selected, the
system shall identify cases that are assigned to a SARC whose
Service Affiliation is “Air Force” and Duty Status is “Active Duty”.
Date Range for DSAID Case Open Date (Start Date and End


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DSAID Case Status: The valid values for the criteria are “Open”,
“Close” and “Both”.


QR8.3 Query Results Display
QR8.3.1 The system shall display the following information for each
unrestricted DSAID case found, that is not being investigated by
investigative agencies based upon the combination of the selection
criteria specified.
QR8.3.1.1 DSAID Case Number
DSAID Case Open Date
Victim Last Name
Victim First Name
Victim Service Affiliation
Victim Duty Status
Victim National Guard Service
Reason (Investigative case not opened)
If Other, Specify (Investigative Case File Opened?)
QR8.3.2 The system shall sort the search results by Case Open Date and
DSAID Case Number in ascending order.


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File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - DSAID Report and Ad-Hoc Query Specification v1.6.3.doc
File Modified2011-09-19
File Created2011-09-19

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