Project 142 QID 060112 |
OMB No. 0535-0039: Approval Expires 1/31/2010 |
2010 Hazelnut Tree Survey and 2009 Hazelnut Growers Disposition Inquiry
Oregon Field Office 1220 S.W. 3rd Ave. Room 1735 Portland, OR 97204, Phone 503-326-2131, Fax 503-326-2549 |
Please make corrections to name, address and Zip Code if necessary.
****Please return by May *****
Every 4 years, in cooperation with the Hazelnut Marketing Board, we ask for your help in providing up-to-date information on your hazelnut orchards. This information is important in making hazelnut crop production forecasts, planting decisions, and marketing plans during the next four years. Response to this survey is voluntary and not required by law; however your cooperation will help ensure accurate estimates. Your report will be kept confidential and used only in combination with other reports to compute county and state totals. For 2009, we combined the tree survey with the annual disposition inquiry to reduce your paperwork. Thank you for your help.
1. Do you own or operate a hazelnut orchard?
Please check one of the following and return
this form:
My orchard was removed
Never owned or operated an orchard
My orchard was sold to:
Name: _________________ Address: ____________________ Phone: ______________
I no longer lease the orchard(s) belonging to:
Name: _________________ Address: ____________________ Phone: ______________
For items 2 and 3, please report quantities in pounds of dry, unshelled, merchantable hazelnuts. If you have not yet received your
final figures, please estimate. Note: Merchantable weight may also be called “final pay weight”. It is the gross dry weight minus defects.
2. How many pounds of merchantable hazelnuts were harvested from your orchard(s) in 2009? ………. (001) ____________lbs.
Quantity |
Average price received |
3. Of the total quantity harvested, how much was: |
Pounds |
Dollars/Pound |
a. Sold and delivered unshelled to independent packers, co-ops, or commercial shellers? …… |
002 |
008 |
b. Sold unshelled to local stores, farmers markets, roadside stands, etc.? ………………………. |
003 |
009 |
c. Shelled or to be shelled on your farm for sale as meats? ………………………………………... |
004 |
d. Stored on your farm to be sold in the shell? ………………………………………………….……. |
005 |
e. Used at home or given away? …………………………………………………………………..…… |
006 |
Please complete the table on the reverse side of this form with information on all orchards you own and/or operate. An orchard is considered to be any contiguous block of trees planted the same year with the same tree spacing. It is very IMPORTANT that you include the name of the orchard operator or owner if different from you to avoid duplicating information. If year of planting is unknown, enter an approximate year or decade. If precise number of acres, spacing, or number of trees is unknown, enter your best estimate. If more than three varieties are planted in an orchard, please note the additional varieties in the margin.
Orchard |
Year Planted |
Area in trees (tenth acres) |
Tree spacing (ft x ft) |
Trees by variety |
County |
Town nearest orchard |
Exact location of orchard |
Type of operation check one: |
Name of operator, if other than you |
Name of owner, if other than you |
V |
Number |
1 |
1960 |
5.0 |
10x20 |
400 |
Clackamas |
Tigard |
1111 SE Filbert Rd. |
100 |
Reported by _____ Date Phone ____________________________
According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB number is 0535-0039. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 50 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.
2010 Hazelnut tree survey - detail by individual orchard
Orchard |
Year Planted |
Area in trees (tenth acres) |
Tree spacing (ft X ft) |
Trees by variety |
County |
Town nearest orchard |
Exact location of orchard |
Type of operation check one: |
Name of operator, if other than you |
Name of owner, if other than you |
Variety |
Number of trees |
1 |
X |
2 |
X |
3 |
X |
4 |
X |
5 |
X |
6 |
X |
7 |
X |
8 |
X |
File Type | text/rtf |
File Title | Project 142 QID 060112 |
Author | Robetest |
Last Modified By | David Hancock |
File Modified | 2010-01-08 |
File Created | 2009-09-29 |