Julie Wise
DATE: June 23, 2012
TO: Julie Wise, OMB Desk Officer
THROUGH: Rachelle Ragland Greene, Information Clearance Officer; Ruth Brown,
OCIO Desk Officer
FROM: Cindy Long, Director, Child Nutrition Division; Eileen Ferruggiaro, Branch
Chief, NPTAB, Child Nutrition Division
RE: Change Justification Request for Approval to revise HealthierUS School
Challenge (HUSSC) Applications and Team Nutrition Enrollment Forms
under Approved Generic OMB Clearance No. 0584-0524
The Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) of the USDA Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services is requesting approval of two revised HealthierUS School Challenge (HUSSC) forms, (FNS-780 Bronze/Silver application and FNS-779 Gold/Gold Award of Distinction application) and one revised Team Nutrition Enrollment form under the FNS Generic OMB Clearance No. 0584-0524.
The priority of the Healthier US Schools Challenge by the First Lady’s, “Let’s Move” campaign necessitates an increased focus on HUSSC. FNS wishes to modify the HUSSC and Team Nutrition Enrollment forms based on the new meal patterns and to decrease burden hours to that project prior to April 30, 2013. The HUSSC initiative motivates and facilitates improvements in nutrition and physical activity in schools by collecting and sharing best practices and showcasing schools that have made positive steps in advancing implementation of wellness policies and the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. HUSSC supports the congressional mandate regarding school wellness including development and implementation of such policies.
The interim final rule 7CFR Part 210, Volume 77, Number 82, published Friday, April 27, 2012, amends National School Lunch Program regulations to conform to requirements contained in the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 regarding performance-based cash assistance for school food authorities certified compliant with meal pattern and nutrition standards. This rule requires State agencies to certify participating school food authorities (SFAs) that are in compliance with meal pattern and nutrition standard requirements as eligible to receive performance-based cash assistance for each reimbursable lunch served (an additional six cents per lunch available beginning October 1, 2012 and adjusted annually thereafter). As part of the certification process to receive an additional 6 cents, SFAs are required to submit a Menu Worksheet. This revision incorporates the use of the 6-cent Menu Worksheet that the SFA will have already prepared to become 6-cent certified.
will allow burden hours to decrease by reducing the amount of time
required to complete the application and will make the entire
application process more efficient. In addition, schools that have
received the Alliance for a Healthier Generation’s Healthy
School Program award may submit a copy of the award in lieu of
providing information related to nutrition education and physical
Additional changes to the Applications include: the addition of breakfast to the Menu Offerings section; the addition of a checklist for Other Criteria for Excellence; and the addition of questions related to the School Wellness policy. Each of these changes is estimated to have a negligible impact to burden.
Please see the following information for a detailed explanation regarding burden hours:
Number of Respondents: We anticipate that there will be a total of 1,000 HealthierUS School Challenge submitted applications (Attachments A and B) before the application expires April 30, 2013, and 2,000 Team Nutrition Enrollment forms (Attachment C) submitted, for a total of 3,000 respondents.
Time Needed per Response: For the application form for the HealthierUS School Challenge, approximately two hours is needed for either application form (FNS-780 Bronze/Silver or FNS-779 Gold/Gold Award of Distinction). For the Team Nutrition Enrollment form, approximately five minutes is needed.
Total Burden Hours on the Public: 2,166 hours total (2,000 hours for the HealthierUS School Challenge and 166 hours for Team Nutrition). Each HUSSC applicant will choose to complete only one of the application forms. Each of the forms will display the OMB control number, public burden statement and expiration date.
The Administration’s goal of ending childhood hunger by 2015 and childhood obesity within a generation has intensified efforts to provide more comprehensive and timely information to stakeholders. Successful and effective nutrition education and outreach methods, new or revised policies or changes in legislation, as well as, ways to make it easier for schools to apply for (HUSSC) status support these national goals of eliminating hunger and childhood obesity.
Those interested in submitting an application form can download them and either mail, email or fax them to a designated address or fax number. FNS reviews information submitted on the HUSSC applications to determine if the applicant meets specific criteria to qualify for an award certificate and banner. The data from both forms will be used for administrative purposes only.
HealthierUS School Challenge Bronze/Silver Application (see Attachment A)
HealthierUS School Challenge Gold/Gold Award of Distinction Application (see Attachment B)
Team Nutrition School Enrollment Form (see Attachment C)
Contact Information: Questions regarding this data collection request can be directed to: Eileen Ferruggiaro at 703-305-2575 or Ebony James at 703-305-2827.
Cynthia Long
Nutrition Division
File Type | application/msword |
Author | UserName |
Last Modified By | lywilliams |
File Modified | 2012-06-26 |
File Created | 2012-06-26 |