Published 30 Day Federal Register Notice

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National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (EDMAP and STATEMAP)

Published 30 Day Federal Register Notice

OMB: 1028-0088

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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2012 / Notices
the wilderness recommendation, we
would propose reopening some
primitive routes for motorized vehicle
use. Several segments of existing and
recommended routes would be
realigned to reduce erosion and impacts
to riparian habitats. Alternative 2 would
result in the greatest improvements to
native habitat conditions throughout the
Refuge, would best meet the policy and
directives of the Service, is compatible
with the Refuge’s purposes, and would
maintain balance among the Refuge’s
varied management needs and
Alternative 3

Less Intensive


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[FR Doc. 2012–20843 Filed 8–23–12; 8:45 am]

Geological Survey

Agency Information Collection
Activity; National Cooperative
Geologic Mapping Program (EDMAP
United States Geological
Survey (USGS), Interior.
ACTION: Notice of an extension of a
currently approved collection (1028–

Under Alternative 3, we would restore
natural processes, to maintain, enhance,
and where possible, increase the
Refuge’s native fish, wildlife, and plant
diversity, representative of historical
conditions in the Great Basin. Emphasis
would be placed on improving shrubsteppe habitats, and restoring modified
and/or degraded habitats to more
natural conditions, while using less
intensive management actions where
appropriate. Habitat management
actions would include removing all feral
horses and burros from the Refuge
within 10 years, and creating conditions
where natural processes, such as fire,
could be allowed, with less dependence
on intensive management actions.
Opportunities for wildlife observation,
photography, hunting, and fishing
would continue at most current sites,
except that fish stocking at Big Spring
Reservoir would not occur.
Campgrounds would be consolidated
into fewer but larger developed
campgrounds, with better amenities. We
would recommend a smaller number of
acres for wilderness designation under
Alternative 3. As part of our wilderness
proposal, we would recommend
reopening some primitive routes for
motorized vehicle use, which would not
require intensive restoration or
management to minimize adverse

We solicited comments on the Draft
CCP/EIS in a Federal Register notice (76
FR 55937; September 9, 2011). We
received comments from 1,709 agencies,
organizations, and individuals. We
addressed the comments in the Final
CCP/EIS by making minor changes and
clarifications as appropriate. These
changes are explained in our responses
to public comments in Appendix N of
the Final CCP/EIS.

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Dated: June 21, 2012.
Richard R. Hannan,
Acting Regional Director, Pacific Region,
Portland, Oregon.

15:22 Aug 23, 2012

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To comply with the
Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995
(PRA), we are notifying the public that
we have submitted to the Office of
Management and Budget (OMB) a
request for an extension of a currently
approved information collection (IC) for
the National Cooperative Geologic
Mapping Program (NCGMP). The
NCGMP has two components:
Educational (EDMAP) and State
(STATEMAP). This notice provides the
public an opportunity to comment on
the paperwork burden of this collection
which is scheduled to expire on August
31, 2012.
DATES: You must submit comments on
or before September 24, 2012.
ADDRESSES: Please submit comments on
this information collection directly to
the Office of Management and Budget,
Office of Information and Regulatory
Affairs, Attention: Desk Officer for the
Department of the Interior, via email (
[email protected]) or fax
(202) 395–5806; and identify your
submission as 1028–0088.
Please also submit a copy of your
comments to the USGS Information
Collection Clearance Officer, U.S.
Geological Survey, 12201 Sunrise Valley
Drive, MS 807, Reston, VA 20192 (mail);
703–648–7199 (fax); or smbaloch@usgs.
gov (email). Please reference
Information Collection 1028–0088 in the
subject line.
Douglas A. Howard, Associate Program
Coordinator NCGMP (STATEMAP and
EDMAP), USGS Geological Survey,
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, MS 908,
20192 (mail); at 703–648–6978
(telephone); or [email protected]
(email). You may also find details on

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this information collection request at
Title: National Cooperative Geologic
Mapping Program (EDMAP and
OMB Control Number: 1028–0088.
Abstract: EDMAP is the educational
component of the NCGMP that is
intended to train the next generation of
geologic mappers. The primary objective
of the STATEMAP component of the
NCGMP is to establish the geologic
framework of areas that are vital to the
welfare of individual States.
The NCGMP EDMAP program
allocates funds to colleges and
universities in the United States and
Puerto Rico through an annual
competitive cooperative agreement
process. Every federal dollar that is
awarded is matched with university
Geology professors who are skilled in
geologic mapping request EDMAP
funding to support undergraduate and
graduate students at their college or
university in a one-year mentored
geologic mapping project that focuses
on a specific geographic area.
Only State Geological Surveys are
eligible to apply to the STATEMAP
component of the National Cooperative
Geologic Mapping Program pursuant to
the National Geologic Mapping Act
(Pub. L. 106–148). Since many State
Geological Surveys are organized under
a State university system, such
universities may submit a proposal on
behalf of the State Geological Survey.
Each fall, the program announcements
are posted to the Web site
and respondents are required to submit
applications (comprising of Standard
Form 424, 424A, 424B, Proposal
Summary Sheet, the Proposal, and
Budget Sheets. Additionally, EDMAP
proposal must include a Negotiated Rate
Agreement, and a Support letter from a
State Geologist or USGS Project Chief).
Since 1996, more than $5 million
from the NCGMP has supported
geologic mapping efforts of more than
1,000 students working with more than
244 professors at 148 universities in 44
states, the District of Columbia, and
Puerto Rico. Funds for graduate projects
are limited to $17,500 and
undergraduate project funds limited to
$10,000. These funds are used to cover
field expenses and student salaries, but
not faculty salaries or tuition. The
authority for both programs is listed in
the National Geologic Mapping Act
(Pub. L. 106–148).
Frequency of Collection: Annually.
Respondent’s Obligation: Voluntary
(necessary to receive funding).



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Federal Register / Vol. 77, No. 165 / Friday, August 24, 2012 / Notices

Estimated Number and Description of
Respondents: Approximately 50
University or College faculty annually
and approximately 45 State Geological
Annual Burden Hours: 5,220 hours.
Estimated Annual Reporting and
Recordkeeping ‘‘Hour’’ Burden: We
expect to receive approximately 50
applications for EDMAP and 45
applications for STATEMAP each year
which takes each applicant
approximately 36 hours to complete,
totaling 3,420 hours. This includes the
time for project conception and
development, proposal writing and
reviewing, and submitting a project
narrative through We expect
to issue 45 EDMAP and 45 STATEMAP
grants per year. The grant recipients are
also required to submit a final technical
report which takes each grant recipient
approximately 20 hours to complete,
totaling 1,800 hours.
Estimated Annual Reporting and
Recordkeeping ‘‘Non-Hour Cost’’: We
have not identified any ‘‘non-hour cost’’
burdens associated with this collection
of information.
Public Disclosure Statement: The PRA
(44 U.S.C. 3501, et seq.) provides that an
agency may not conduct or sponsor and
you are not required to respond to, a
collection of information unless it
displays a currently valid OMB control
Comments: To comply with the
public consultation process, on
February 27, 2012, we published a
Federal Register notice (77 FR 11565)
announcing our intent to submit this
information collection to OMB for
approval. In that notice we solicited
public comments for 60 days, ending on
April 27, 2012. The USGS received one
comment. The comment was a general
invective about the Federal government.
It did not address, and was not germane
to, this information collection.
Therefore, we have not changed the
collection in response to the comment.
We again invite comments concerning
this IC on: (a) Whether the proposed
collection of information is necessary
for the agency to perform its duties,
including whether the information is
useful; (b) the accuracy of the agency’s
estimate of the burden of the proposed
collection of information; (c) ways to
enhance the quality, usefulness, and
clarity of the information to be
collected; and (d) ways to minimize the
burden on the respondents, including
the use of automated collection
techniques or other forms of information
technology. Please note that any
comments submitted in response to this
notice are a matter of public record.
Before including your address, phone

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15:22 Aug 23, 2012

Jkt 226001

number, email address or other personal
identifying information in your
comment, you should be aware that
your entire comment including your
personal identifying information, may
be made publically available at any
time. While you can ask OMB in your
comment to withhold your personal
identifying information from public
review, we cannot guarantee that will be
Dated: August 20, 2012.
Douglas A. Howard,
Associate Program Coordinator, National
Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program.
[FR Doc. 2012–20878 Filed 8–23–12; 8:45 am]

Bureau of Indian Affairs
Notice of Intent To Prepare an
Environmental Impact Statement for
the Proposed Pokagon Band Tribal
Village Fee-to-Trust Acquisition and
Casino Project in the City of South
Bend, St. Joseph County, IN
Bureau of Indian Affairs,
ACTION: Notice.

This notice advises the public
that the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA),
in cooperation with the Pokagon Band
of Potawatomi Indians (Tribe), intends
to gather the information necessary for
preparing an Environmental Impact
Statement (EIS) for the conveyance into
trust of 164.22 acres of land currently
held by the Tribe in the City of South
Bend, Indiana. The purpose of the
proposed action is to help create a tribal
land base and to meet the Tribe’s
economic development needs in
Indiana. The Tribe is federally
recognized, but does not currently have
a federally protected reservation or have
land that is held in trust for the Tribe
by the United States in the State of
This notice also announces a public
scoping meeting to identify potential
issues, alternatives, and content for
inclusion in the EIS.
DATES: The public scoping meeting will
be held on September 27, 2012, and will
begin at 6 p.m. and last until the last
public comment is received. Written
comments on the scope of the EIS or
implementation of the proposal must
arrive by October 9, 2012.
ADDRESSES: The public scoping meeting
will be held at the South Bend Century
Center, 120 South Saint Joseph Street,
South Bend, Indiana 46601. The
meeting will be co-hosted by the BIA

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and the Tribe. You may mail, hand
deliver, or telefax written comments to
Diane Rosen, Regional Director,
Midwest Regional Office, Bureau of
Indian Affairs, 5600 West American
Boulevard, Suite 500, Bloomington, MN
55437; Telefax (612) 713–4401. Please
include your name, return address and
the caption specifying ‘‘Scoping
Comments for Proposed Pokagon Band
Tribal Village’’ on the first page of your
written comments.
Scott Doig, Regional Environmental
Protection Specialist, Midwest Regional
Office, Bureau of Indian Affairs, 5600
West American Boulevard, Suite 500,
Bloomington, MN 55437; telephone:
(612) 725–4514; email:
[email protected].
proposes to take into trust 164.22 acres
of land located within the municipal
limits of the City of South Bend, Indiana
pursuant to Section 6 of the Pokagon
Restoration Act (25 U.S.C. 1300j–5). The
proposed trust acquisition of the
property is for the development of a
Tribal Village, which will include 44
housing units, a multi-purpose facility,
health service and other tribal
government facilities. Proposed
development for the property also
includes a Class III gaming facility with
a hotel, restaurants, meeting space, and
a parking garage.
The property is located approximately
5.25 miles from Interstate 80/90 and
approximately 2.5 miles southwest of
downtown South Bend and consists of
17 contiguous parcels of land that are
bounded on the northwest by Indiana
State Road 23, on the southwest by U.S.
Highway 31/20, and on the east by
Locust Street. The site of the gaming
facility is proposed to be accessible from
Indiana State Road 23 and the Tribal
Village is proposed to be accessible from
Locust Road.
The purpose of the proposed action is
to improve access to essential tribal
government services, provide housing,
economic development, and
employment opportunities for the
Pokagon Band tribal community
residing in northern Indiana. Areas of
environmental concern so far identified
that the EIS will address include soils
and geology, air quality, water supply,
wastewater and storm water, biological
resources, traffic and transportation,
cultural and historic resources,
socioeconomics, public health and
safety, noise, and visual resources/
aesthetics. Alternatives identified for
analysis include the proposed action, a
no-action alternative, a non-gaming
alternative, and an alternate gaming site



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File Modified2012-08-24
File Created2012-08-24

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