FERC-717, (NOPR in RM11-24) Standards for Business Practices & Communication Protocols for Public Utilities

ICR 201207-1902-006

OMB: 1902-0173

Federal Form Document

Forms and Documents
Supplementary Document
Supplementary Document
Supporting Statement A
ICR Details
1902-0173 201207-1902-006
Historical Inactive 201004-1902-005
FERC-717, (NOPR in RM11-24) Standards for Business Practices & Communication Protocols for Public Utilities
Revision of a currently approved collection   No
Comment filed on proposed rule and continue 11/27/2012
Retrieve Notice of Action (NOA) 07/18/2012
OMB files this comment in accordance with 5 CFR 1320.11(c) of the Paperwork Reduction Act and is withholding approval of this collection at this time. This OMB action is not an approval to conduct or sponsor an information collection under the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995. The agency shall examine public comment in response to the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking and will include in the supporting statement of the next ICR, to be submitted to OMB at the final rule stage, a description of how the agency has responded to any public comments on the ICR. This action has no effect on any current approvals.
  Inventory as of this Action Requested Previously Approved
06/30/2013 36 Months From Approved 06/30/2013
534 0 534
183,716 0 183,716
27,432,374 0 27,432,374

[There will be 6 ICRs submitted with a consolidated supporting statement for the NOPR in RM11-24.] FERC-717 data and communications standards on OASIS are required to carry out the Commission's policies in accordance with the general authority in Sections 309 and 311, of the Federal Power Act of 1935 (FPA) (16 U.S.C. 825h) and 16 U.S.C. 825j). In this NOPR in Docket No. RM11-24, FERC seeks comment on a package of related proposals developed by FERC based on comments received in response to a Notice of Inquiry (NOI) issued on 6/16/2011. As noted in the NOI, there is growing interest in rate flexibility by both purchasers and sellers of ancillary services. A variety of resources are poised to provide ancillary services but may be frustrated from doing so by certain aspects of FERC's market-based rate policies. At the same time, transmission customers and sellers alike are seeking greater transparency with regard to reserve requirements for ancillary services, with a particular focus on Regulation and Frequency Response. As FERC has considered ways to foster transparency and competition in ancillary services markets, issues also have arisen related to accounting for and reporting of sales from energy storage devices that, if left unresolved, could impair the ability of these resources to participate in markets for ancillary services and other services subject to the Commission's jurisdiction. Based on the comments received in response to the NOI, FERC proposes to revise certain aspects of its market-based rate regulations, ancillary services requirements under the pro forma open-access transmission tariff (OATT), and accounting and reporting requirements. Specifically, FERC proposes to revise its Avista Corp. policy governing the sale of ancillary services at market-based rates to public utility transmission providers and reflect such reforms in Parts 35 and 37 of FERC's regulations. FERC also proposes to require each public utility transmission provider to include provisions in its OATT explaining how it will determine Regulation and Frequency Response service reserve requirements in a manner that takes into account the speed and accuracy of resources used. Finally, FERC proposes to revise certain accounting and reporting requirements under its Uniform System of Accounts for public utilities and licensees (USofA) and its forms, statements, and reports, contained in FERC Form No. 1 (Annual Report of Major Electric Utilities, Licensees and Others), FERC Form No. 1-F (Annual Report for Nonmajor Public Utilities and Licensees), and FERC Form No. 3-Q (Quarterly Financial Report of Electric Utilities, Licensees, and Natural Gas Companies), to better account for and report transactions associated with energy storage devices used in public utility operations.

US Code: 16 USC 824d Name of Law: Federal Power Act

1902-AE38 Proposed rulemaking 77 FR 40414 07/09/2012


Changing Regulations
For the 6 ICRs affected by the NOPR in RM11-24, the only changes in the burden are: (a) program increases in the estimated burden per response due to the new data requirements, (b) new one-time OATT filings under FERC-917 that accounts for one response from each of the existing 132 respondents, and (c) agency adjustments resulting from slight changes in the number of entities filing the forms including one additional filer of Form 1. The number of filers of Form 1-F and 3Q is unchanged. FERC is requesting comment on proposals developed as a result of comments received in response to a Notice of Inquiry (NOI) issued on June 16, 2011. The NOPR explains "there is growing interest in rate flexibility by both purchasers and sellers of ancillary services. A variety of resources are poised to provide ancillary services but may be frustrated from doing so by certain aspects of the Commission's market-based rate policies. At the same time, transmission customers and sellers alike are seeking greater transparency with regard to reserve requirements for ancillary services, with a particular focus on Regulation and Frequency Response. As the Commission has considered ways to foster transparency and competition in ancillary services markets, issues also have arisen related to accounting for and reporting of sales from energy storage devices that, if left unresolved, could impair the ability of these resources to participate in markets for ancillary services and other services subject to the Commission's jurisdiction.... Based on the comments received in response to the NOI, the Commission proposes to revise certain aspects of its market-based rate regulations, ancillary services requirements under the pro forma open-access transmission tariff (OATT), and accounting and reporting requirements. Specifically, the Commission proposes to revise its Avista Corp. policy governing the sale of ancillary services at market-based rates to public utility transmission providers and reflect such reforms in Parts 35 and 37 of the Commission's regulations. The Commission also proposes to require each public utility transmission provider to include provisions in its OATT explaining how it will determine Regulation and Frequency Response service reserve requirements in a manner that takes into account the speed and accuracy of resources used. Finally, the Commission proposes to revise certain accounting and reporting requirements under its Uniform System of Accounts for public utilities and licensees (USofA) and its forms, statements, and reports, contained in FERC Form No. 1 (Form No. 1), Annual Report of Major Electric Utilities, Licensees and Others, FERC Form No. 1-F (Form No. 1-F), Annual Report for Nonmajor Public Utilities and Licensees, and FERC Form No. 3-Q (Form No. 3-Q), Quarterly Financial Report of Electric Utilities, Licensees, and Natural Gas Companies, to better account for and report transactions associated with energy storage devices used in public utility operations."

Brian Holmes 202 219-2618


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