Susan Harwood Training Grant Program Supplemental Justification

2014 Harwood Grants Justification05~12~14.doc

DOL Generic Solution for Solicitations for Grant Applications

Susan Harwood Training Grant Program Supplemental Justification

OMB: 1225-0086

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Solicitation for Grant Applications,

Susan Harwood Training Grant Program

Supplemental Justification

Supplemental Supporting Statement A: Justification

This request seeks OMB approval under the Paperwork Reduction Act for the unique information collection requirements in the Susan Harwood Training Grant Program Solicitation for Grant Applications (SGA). The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), U.S. Department of Labor, will announce the availability of approximately $10.6 million in grant funds authorized by Section 21 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (the “OSH Act”) (29 U.S.C. 670). We expect to fund approximately 80 grants, ranging from $50,000 to $165,000 each. Applicants may apply for up to $165,000 depending on the type of grant.

Three separate solicitations will be made under the Susan Harwood Training grant program. The first two solicitations will be announced simultaneously for Targeted Topic Training and Capacity Building grants. The third solicitation for Capacity Building Developmental Follow-on grants will be issued as a closed solicitation. Only grantees eligible for a FY 2014 Capacity Building Developmental Follow-on grant with satisfactory performance will be eligible to apply.

The purpose of the Susan Harwood Training Grant program is to provide funding to nonprofit organizations to provide training and education programs for workers and employers on the recognition, avoidance, abatement, and prevention of safety and health hazards in the workplace, and to inform workers of their rights and employers of their responsibilities under Section 21 of the Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSH Act). Target audiences for the training and education programs include small businesses and underserved, low-literacy, and temporary workers in high-hazard industries.

Applications will include the following information collections:

  1. Form SF-424 – Application for Federal Assistance (Separately approved under control number 4040-0004)

  2. Application Summary

  3. Program Abstract

  4. Technical Proposal

  5. Organizational Chart

  6. Other Narrative Attachments

  7. Detailed Project Budget

  8. Accounting System Certification

  9. Indirect Cost Allocation Agreement

  10. Evidence of Non-Profit Status

  11. Non-federal Resource Contribution

  12. Form SF-424B – Assurances – Non-Construction Programs

  13. Combined Assurance (ED-80-0013)

  14. Project/Performance Site Location(s)

Electronic availability:

These grant solicitations will be available on the Web site. Electronic submission of grant applications is required. Therefore, 100 percent of responses will be submitted electronically.

Small Entities:

This information collection will not have a significant impact on a substantial number of small entities.

Assurances of confidentiality:

These grant solicitations do not offer applicants assurances of confidentiality.

Special circumstances:

These SGAs imply no special circumstances.


During the last three years, OSHA has received an average of 213 grant applications a year under these grant programs. The Agency estimates that it takes staff members for each applicant organization 56 hours to complete an application, including the narrative and budget components. OSHA divides the 56 hours per application between professional staff and clerical staff as follows:

Average Number of Applications 2011-2013: 213

Professional Staff

Clerical Staff

Combined Totals

Burden Hours




Wage Rates1






Total Burden Hours (x 213)




Total Cost ( Total Cost x 213)




OSHA associates no other burden costs with this information collection. In addition to the application, each grantee will be required to submit quarterly financial and program reports to OSHA. Those information collection requirements will be cleared under a separate control number.

Therefore, the annual burden hours and cost of this paperwork requirement are:

Burden Hours: 11,928 hours

Cost: $533,991

Supplemental Supporting Statement B: Statistical Methods

This information collection does not employ statistical methods.

1The Agency is using the same wage rates of certain employees employed under the Federal Government’s General Schedule (see footnote 3).

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File Typeapplication/msword
Last Modified BySmyth, Michel - OASAM OCIO
File Modified2014-05-22
File Created2014-05-22

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