Technical Assistance Guide For Competitive Grants Reporting--Program Year 2015

Appendix F PY-2015-Competitive-Grants-TAG.pdf

DOL Generic Solution for Solicitations for Grant Applications

Technical Assistance Guide For Competitive Grants Reporting--Program Year 2015

OMB: 1225-0086

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Technical Assistance Guide
Competitive Grants

PY 2015

Revised 04/02/2015


The following Technical Assistance Guide (TAG) for Competitive Grants Reporting provides useful
and necessary information for grantee personnel as well as VETS staff who are responsible for grant
oversight. VETS grant programs are required to collect and report program performance under a
Federal wide methodology called Common Measures. While not all of the data and information that
VETS collects is driven or required by this methodology, grantees must be familiar with the Common
Measure reporting concepts to ensure that their grant program complies with the laws and related
oversight that provide employment and training assistance to our nation’s veterans.
Common Measures reporting was instituted to evaluate the effectiveness of similar service programs
across different executive departmental level agencies for the purpose of improving the overall
management of the Federal Government. An important benefit of Common Measures reporting is that
it allows for grantees to account for all participants who were enrolled during any program year – both
those participants who were successfully placed and those who were not. VETS requires grantees to
report both placement and entered employment data to ensure that the Homeless Veterans’
Reintegration Program (HVRP) and Veterans’ Workforce Investment Program (VWIP) will be able to
compare current performance outcomes against historical outcomes as mandated by their authorizing
legislation. Implementing Common Measure benefits the VETS Competitive Grants program in these
specific ways:

Common Measures established a consistent methodology across all federal programs that allow
us to highlight our comparable successes. Our history of success, especially within the HVRP,
has lead to incremental increases in funding allocations since the inception of the program.


While VETS implements Common Measures, some of the pertinent “old” measures that were
previously used will continue to be reported to allow us to analyze trend data and compare future
results against current performance. This strategy also enables VETS to explain any declines in
future performance that may be result from the different manner in which Common Measure
methodology assesses program performance.


VETS expects that once Common Measures reporting is fully incorporated into all HVRP and
VWIP competitive grants, that the actual grantee performance levels for long-term employment
retention will increase. This result will add additional creditability to our claim of on going
program success.

The TAG is organized into four sections, including this introduction. The first section presents the Key
Concepts and Definitions that you must know to effectively report your grant’s performance. Section
II presents an overview of the Technical Performance Report (TPR). The TPR is a reporting tool that
was designed by VETS to assist grantees to properly prepare and provide their performance results for
input into the electronic reporting system called VOPAR.
Section III presents the detailed
Instructions for the PY 2012 Technical Performance Report (TPR). These instructions will help
grantees to better understand the VETS reporting requirements by explaining in a “step-by-step”
manner how to fill out the TPR and how to recognize common or frequent reporting related errors.

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Section I: Key Concepts and Definitions
To understand the overall VETS Competitive Grants Reporting requirements, grantees must
understand the key concepts and data element definitions being used by VETS to assess program
Most of these key concepts and definitions involve Common Measures reporting
methodology, but more importantly they all contribute to a strategy to accurately describe the
performance of each individual grantee as well as the collective competitive grant programs as a
whole. Below are the major definitions that will impact grantee performance reports:

Participant: An individual who is determined to be eligible to participate in the program and
who receives a service funded by the program. A Participant is equivalent to an Enrollee in


Placement Into Employment: Eligible Participants who secure or obtain employment as a
result of grantee provided services. Grantees are allowed to report and take credit for one (1)
placement per enrolled eligible participant per Program Year.
Note: Placement into
Employment is NOT a Common Measures reporting element, however, VETS tracks
placements to preserve consistency with prior year reporting and performance results.
Also, while you may only report one “official” placement per enrolled eligible participant
within the official reporting tools, you may track and report total placement “transactions”
(when a participant is placed into employment multiple times) within your narrative


Exiter: A participant who is placed or dropped during a quarter and has not received services
for 90 days and is not scheduled to receive future services. The following services do not count
as “future services”:

Additional Career Planning
Contacting the Employer
Assisting with Work-Related Problems
Peer Support Groups
Informational Mailings, and
Referral to Supportive Services.

Once a Participant Placed into Employment becomes an Exiter, the sequence for tracking
outcomes is determined by the Exit Quarter. Those Participants experiencing a gap in service of
90 days or more due to a delay before the beginning of training, a serious health/medical
condition; and/or temporary departure from the area such as for National Guard/Reserve duty
may be temporarily exempted from being exited for a portion of the grantee’s period of
performance. Note: Retention services, while extremely important, are not considered “active”
or pre-employment services that delay a Participant exit.
The general rule is that all Participants are to be exited by the end of 4th quarter of each Program
Year. Those participants who were exited because of the conclusion of the Program Year, and
still actively seeking services (i.e. they were not placed, were not terminated and did not drop
out), may be re-enrolled by the grantee in the next Program Year.

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Exit Quarter: The Exit Quarter represents the quarter in which the date of exit is recorded for
the individual. The Exit Quarter is defined retroactively as the quarter during which the
Participant received the last service. For Example: A Participant’s last date of service is during
the 1st grant quarter. During the 2nd quarter it is determined that he/she qualifies as an Exiter, so
the Exit Quarter is the 1st quarter but it is reported during the 2nd quarter. The first quarter
that Exiters are reported is in the 2nd quarter (for those who exited during the 1st quarter).


Entered Employment: The status of Participants who are employed (earning wages) in the first
quarter after the Exit Quarter. This is the most significant definitional change for HVRP and
VWIP under Common Measures.
The first quarter that a grantee can report any “Entered
Employments” is the 2nd quarter.


Entered Employment Quarter: The Entered Employment Quarter is the quarter after the Exit
Quarter or the quarter that the Participant becomes an Exiter.


Entered Employment Rate: The Number Employed in the Entered Employment Quarter divided
by Number of Exiters during the Exit Quarter. “Exit” is retroactive to the previous quarter. For
quarterly reporting, the Entered Employment Rate is the percentage of those employed in the
current quarter out of those who exited during the prior quarter. Note: The Entered Employment
Rate is automatically calculated within the TPR.


Employment Retention: Employment (any earned wages) in both quarters after the Entered
Employment Quarter (or all three quarters after the Exit Quarter). It does not have to be the same
employer or continuous employment, but the Participant must have had some earned wages in both
quarters after the Entered Employment Quarter. A point in time follow-up must be made and
documented in the case management file as to how many hours the person is working each week
and what is their current hourly wage. This information is entered into the spreadsheet provided.


Employment Retention Rate: The number of participants employed in both quarters after the
Entered Employment Quarter (all three quarters after the Exit Quarter) divided by the number who
Entered Employment in the Entered Employment Quarter. Note: The Employment Retention
Rate is automatically calculated within the TPR.


Average Earnings: This is based on all earnings during the two quarters after the Entered
Employment Quarter. It includes only those Participants who meet the Employment Retention
criteria. A Participant who Entered Employment but did not meet the Employment Retention
criteria should and will not be included in the Average Earnings. Note: The Average Earning is
automatically calculated within the TPR.
Average earnings is equal to the total earnings in the 2nd and 3rd quarters after exit for those
participants who earn wages in all three quarters after exit divided by the number of participants
who earn wages in all three quarters after exit, otherwise referred to as employment retentions.
Note: Grantees must verify and document participant wages in the appropriate participant case
management files.

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The following are approved methods of gathering and reporting Average Earnings:
1) Approved Supplemental Data sources include:
 Participant pay stubs;
 Employer confirmation of employment letters; and
 Documentation of grantee phone conversation(s) confirming employment with
participant and/or employer.
2) The Wage Record Interchange System (WRIS) and administrative records from the
U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM), the Department of Defense (DOD) or the
U.S. Postal Service also may be used, and
3) For HVRP/VWIP grantees, collecting and maintaining quarterly “pay stubs” from
Exiters is a suggested standard procedure to implement.
The following standard requirements, no matter which of the approved methods are applied,
1) All data sources and methods used must be documented and are subject to an audit.
2) A point in time follow-up must be made and documented in the case management file
during the 2nd and 3rd quarters following the exit quarter, and
3) Documentation as to how many hours the person is working a week and what their
current hourly wage is must be entered into the spreadsheet provided with supporting
documentation entered into their case management file.

Employment Retention and Average Earnings Quarters: The Employment Retention and
Average Earnings Quarters are the two quarters after the Entered Employment Quarter. Those
two quarters provide the basis for measuring both Employment Retention and Average Earnings.

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Section II: The Technical Performance Report (TPR)
Certain information must be gathered for reporting and assessment purposes.
The Technical
Performance Report (TPR) is an Excel workbook tool that was developed by the VETS National
Office to assist grantees to manage their reporting process and to help them in providing the required
quarterly data that is submitted into VOPAR. The TPR file is available at:
The TPR contains the following worksheets or tabs, in the order in which they appear in the workbook:
1) Participants Tab – provides 1000 rows for entering demographic and other information related to
the grantee’s program participants.
2) VOPAR Reporting Tab – summarizes information entered on the Participants tab and the Exit
Quarter tabs. The grantee also directly enters Assessments, Training Activities and Expenditures on
this tab.
3) VOPAR Demographics Summary Tab – summarizes the demographic and Green Jobs
information entered on the Participants Tab. The enrollment and placement information on this tab
is entered into VOPAR during the first four quarters of the grant period, or during the “active”
Note: Quarterly sums for enrollments and placements have been added for the Gender, Ethnic
Background, Age and Last Military Service demographic categories. These values should match
your quarterly enrollments and placements that appear on the VOPAR Reporting Tab. If they
do not, you haven’t completed the Participants Tab correctly.
4) Exited Q2 – contains 200 rows for exiting participants and providing entered employment and
employment retention information for those exiters, when applicable. Those participants whose
exit quarter is the 1st quarter are entered here.
5) Exited Q3 – contains 200 rows for exiting participants and providing entered employment and
employment retention information for those exiters, when applicable. Those participants whose
exit quarter is the 2nd quarter are entered here.
6) Exited Q4 – contains 200 rows for exiting participants and providing entered employment and
employment retention information for those exiters, when applicable. Those participants whose
exit quarter is the 3rd quarter are entered here.
7) Exited Q5 – contains 400 rows for exiting participants and providing entered employment and
employment retention information for those exiters, when applicable. Those participants whose
exit quarter is the 4th quarter are entered here. That includes all remaining participants that haven’t
been exited previously.
Note: For the four Exit Quarter tabs above, if you enter a 0 in column C, D or H, indicating
that the participant didn’t earn wages in that quarter after exit, the rest of the row should be left
blank. You may continue to track the participant but this is not part of the reporting..

Revised 04/02/2015


Section III: Instructions for the PY 2012 Technical Performance Report (TPR)
The following instructions provide a step-by-step process for entering data into the PY 2012 Technical
Performance Report (TPR):
Please note the following:
 All areas in GREY are locked and are automatically calculated from data entered on the same tab
or a different tab.
 All figures are entered NON-Cumulatively by quarter. Please refer to the glossary of terms for
bolded terms.

Basic Requirements
To be entered once on the VOPAR Reporting Tab:

Enter the Grantee Name
Enter the Grant #
Enter the Period of Performance
Enter the Total Grant Award Amount

Quarterly Requirements
To be entered in each of the first four quarters of the grant, those “active” quarters in which you are
allowed to enroll and provide training and services to participants.
On the VOPAR Reporting Tab:
 Enter the # of assessments conducted during the quarter
 Enter the number of participants who received the following training during the quarter (rows 2935):

On-the-Job Training
Occupational Skills Training
Apprenticeship Training
Upgrading and Retraining
Life Skills and Money Management
Other Training

 Enter actual expenditures for the following (rows 46-48):
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o Participant services
o Administrative costs
o Stand-Down event costs
Note: You must obligate 100% of all funds by the end of the 6th quarter (December 31, 2012)
and “liquidate” or “zero out” all unliquidated obligations by the end of the 7th quarter (March
30, 2013) for the final financial report. Don’t forget to obligate enough funds for all follow-up
On the Participants Tab:
 Enter participants enrolled in your program during the quarter (columns A-C) along with the
demographic information (columns F-T) for these participants. For Yes/No questions, you only
have to enter Yes values. Note: It is important that all enrollments are entered, that the
demographics are collected at the time of enrollment, and that the values entered are not
changed after the quarterly data have been reported in VOPAR. Changes made in later quarters
will cause inconsistencies in the data. Any request to change previously reported data, must be
requested and approved through your GOTR and the Competitive Grants Lead at the VETS
National Office.
 Update all participants who have attained initial employment in the quarter by selecting the quarter
number in Column D and entering the hourly wage at placement in Column E.
 If the participant is placed in a Green Job, select the appropriate green jobs sector and/or industry
(listed below) in Column AD.
1) Energy-efficient building, construction, and retrofits industries;
2) Renewable electric power industry;
3) Energy efficient and advanced drive train vehicle industry;
4) Bio-fuels industry;
5) Deconstruction and materials use industries;
6) Energy efficiency assessment industry serving the residential, commercial, or industrial
sectors; and
7) Manufacturers that produce sustainable products using environmentally sustainable
processes and materials.
8) Other (Describe in TPN)
 Update all participants who were placed in transitional or permanent housing during the quarter in
Column U.
 Update all participants who were referred to the VA for benefits during the quarter in Column V.
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 Update all participants who were provided training, for the first time, during the quarter in Column
 Update all participants who were provided the specific support service, for the first time, during the
quarter in Columns X - AC.
 Optionally, update all participants who were exited from the program during the quarter and select
the appropriate quarter as their “Quarter Exited” in Column AE. By denoting the “Quarter Exited”
for each participant on this tab, a subtotal of participants exited in each quarter will be calculated
for you and displayed on the Exited Q2-Q5 tabs in the first row. This is intended to assist you in
making sure that participants are entered on the appropriate Exit tab.

Additional 2nd Quarter Requirements
On the Exited Q2 Tab:
 Enter the Participant # and/or Name of those that exited the program during the 1st quarter.
 In Column C (“Earned Wages in 1st qtr after exit”), enter a 1 for Yes or a 0 for No, indicating
whether or not the exited participant was employed and earned wages during the 2nd quarter. Note:
If you enter a 0 in Column C, the rest of the row on the TPR should be left blank. You may
continue to track the participant but not for reporting.

Additional 3rd Quarter Requirements
On the Exited Q2 Tab:
 For only those exiters who earned wages during the 1st quarter after exit (i.e., 1 in Column C),
perform follow-up activities during the 3rd quarter or shortly thereafter to determine if the exiters
earned wages in the 3rd quarter (2nd quarter after exit.). If they did, obtain the number of hours
worked per week and the hourly wage. In Column D (“Earned Wages in 2nd qtr after exit”), enter
a 1 for Yes or a 0 for No. If you enter a 1 in Column D, enter the hours and wage information in
Columns E and F. Note: If you enter a 0 in Column D, the rest of the row on the TPR should be
left blank. You may continue to track the participant, but not for reporting.
On the Exited Q3 Tab:
 Enter the Participant # and/or Name of those that exited the program during the 2nd quarter.
 In Column C (“Earned Wages in 1st qtr after exit”), enter a 1 for Yes or a 0 for No, indicating
whether or not the exited participant was employed and earned wages during the 3rd quarter. Note:
If you enter a 0 in Column C, the rest of the row on the TPR should be left blank. You may
continue to track the participant, but not for reporting.

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Additional 4th Quarter Requirements
On the Exited Q2 Tab:
 For only those exiters who earned wages during the 1st and 2nd quarters after exit (i.e., 1 in
columns C and D), perform follow-up activities during the 4th quarter or shortly thereafter to
determine if the exiters earned wages in the 4th quarter (3rd quarter after exit.). If they did, obtain
the number of hours worked per week and the hourly wage. In column H (“Earned Wages in 3rd
qtr after exit”), enter a 1 for Yes or a 0 for No. If you enter a 1 in column H, enter the hours and
wage information in columns I and J. Note: If you enter a 0 in column H, the rest of the row on
the TPR should be left blank. You may continue to track the participant but not for reporting.
On the Exited Q3 Tab:
 For only those exiters who earned wages during the 1st quarter after exit (i.e., 1 in Column C),
perform follow-up activities during the 4th quarter or shortly thereafter to determine if the exiters
earned wages in the 4th quarter (2nd quarter after exit.). If they did, obtain the number of hours
worked per week and the hourly wage. In Column D (“Earned Wages in 2nd qtr after exit”), enter
a 1 for Yes or a 0 for No. If you enter a 1 in Column D, enter the hours and wage information in
Columns E and F. Note: If you enter a 0 in Column D, the rest of the row on the TPR should be
left blank. You may continue to track the participant but not for reporting.
On the Exited Q4 Tab:
 Enter the Participant # and/or Name of those that exited the program during the 3rd quarter.
 In Column C (“earned wages in 1st qtr after exit”), enter a 1 for Yes or a 0 for No, indicating
whether or not the exited participant was employed and earned wages during the 4th quarter. Note:
If you enter a 0 in Column C, the rest of the row on the TPR should be left blank. You may
continue to track the participant but not for reporting.

5th Quarter (Follow-Up) Requirements
On the Exited Q3 Tab:
 For only those exiters who earned wages during the 1st and 2nd quarters after exit (i.e., 1 in
Columns C and D), perform follow-up activities during the 5th quarter or shortly thereafter to
determine if the exiters earned wages in the 5th quarter (3rd quarter after exit.). If they did, obtain
the number of hours worked per week and the hourly wage. In Column H (“earned wages in 3rd
qtr after exit”), enter a 1 for Yes or a 0 for No. If you enter a 1 in Column H, enter the hours and
wage information in Columns I and J. Note: If you enter a 0 in column H, the rest of the row on
the TPR should be left blank. You may continue to track the participant but not for reporting.
On the Exited Q4 Tab:
 For only those exiters who earned wages during the 1st quarter after exit (i.e., 1 in Column C),
perform follow-up activities during the 5th quarter or shortly thereafter to determine if the exiters
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earned wages in the 5th quarter (2nd quarter after exit.). If they did, obtain the number of hours
worked per week and the hourly wage. In Column D (“earned wages in 2nd qtr after exit”), enter a
1 for Yes or a 0 for No. If you enter a 1 in Column D, enter the hours and wage information in
Columns E and F. Note: If you enter a 0 in Column D, the rest of the row on the TPR should be
left blank. You may continue to track the participant, but not for reporting.
On the Exited Q5 Tab:
 Enter the Participant # and/or Name of those that exited the program during the 4th quarter. Note:
All participants not previously exited must be exited on this tab so that the total number of
exiters (Cell I17 on the VOPAR Reporting Tab) matches the total number of participants on that
Tab (Cell I10). If it doesn’t, either one of your participants entered on the Participants Tab isn’t
entered on one of the Exit Tabs, or you have a participant entered on one of the Exit Tabs that
isn’t on the Participants Tab, or you have one or more duplicates.
 In Column C (“earned wages in 1st qtr after exit”), enter a 1 for Yes or a 0 for No, indicating
whether or not the exited participant was employed and earned wages during the 5th quarter. Note:
If you enter a 0 in Column C, the rest of the row on the TPR should be left blank. You may
continue to track the participant but not for reporting.

6th Quarter (Follow-Up) Requirements
On the Exited Q4 Tab:
 For only those exiters who earned wages during the 1st and 2nd quarters after exit (i.e., 1 in
Columns C and D), perform follow-up activities during the 6th quarter or shortly thereafter to
determine if the exiters earned wages in the 6th quarter (3rd quarter after exit.). If they did, obtain
the number of hours worked per week and the hourly wage. In Column H (“earned wages in 3rd
qtr after exit”), enter a 1 for Yes or a 0 for No. If you enter a 1 in Column H, enter the hours and
wage information in Columns I and J. Note: If you enter a 0 in column H, the rest of the row on
the TPR should be left blank. You may continue to track the participant but not for reporting.
On the Exited Q5 Tab:
 For only those exiters who earned wages during the 1st quarter after exit (i.e., 1 in Column C),
perform follow-up activities during the 6th quarter or shortly thereafter to determine if the exiters
earned wages in the 6th quarter (2nd quarter after exit.). If they did, obtain the number of hours
worked per week and the hourly wage. In Column D (“earned wages in 2nd qtr after exit”), enter a
1 for Yes or a 0 for No. If you enter a 1 in Column D, enter the hours and wage information in
Columns E and F. Note: If you enter a 0 in column D, the rest of the row on the TPR should be
left blank. You may continue to track the participant but not for reporting.

7th Quarter (Follow-Up) Requirements
On the Exited Q5 Tab:

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 For only those exiters who earned wages during the 1st and 2nd quarters after exit (i.e., 1 in
Columns C and D), perform follow-up activities during the 7th quarter or shortly thereafter to
determine if the exiters earned wages in the 7th quarter (3rd quarter after exit.). If they did, obtain
the number of hours worked per week and the hourly wage. In Column H (“Earned Wages in 3rd
qtr after exit”), enter a 1 for Yes or a 0 for No. If you enter a 1 in Column H, enter the hours and
wage information in Columns I and J. Note: If you enter a 0 in Column H, the rest of the row on
the TPR should be left blank. You may continue to track the participant but not for reporting.

Additional Data Entry Tips
1) Do not cut and paste within the spreadsheet. This will cause problems with the formulas used
for automatic calculations. Instead, first cop y the information you’d li ke to move and
then use Edit/Paste Special/Values from the top menu. Then clear out the copied information
using your Delete key.
2) If a cell in your TPR displays REF$, this means that one of the formulas has been overwritten
due to cutting and pasting. In that case, forward your TPR directly to [email protected]
with a brief description of the problem. Your TPR will be fixed and sent back to you. Do not
continue working on your TPR while it is being fixed because it is important to resume using the
repaired TPR once you receive it.
3) When entering data on the TPR, if a value shows up in red with a line through it, the data is
incorrect and you will need to review the directions and/or seek assistance from your
DVET/GOTR for clarification.
4) If a cell in your TPR displays #VALUE!, this means that something you entered in one of the
cells on that row is interfering with a calculation. Clear the invalid entry or entries and reenter
the data.
5) All data should be entered non-cumulatively. On the VOPAR Reporting Tab, only enter “actual”
performance and expenditure data for each quarter. Column I is the total column.
6) Automated calculations are performed in areas shaded in gray - Do not attempt to directly
update any of the data that is shaded in gray!
On the VOPAR Reporting Tab, all values
associated with performance measures in Column A that are shaded gray are calculated from values
entered elsewhere in the workbook, either on the same tab or from a different tab.
7) Training Activities will be reported in an UN-DUPLICATED count. Below the Training
Activities, there is a breakdown of the type of training that was provided. This count may be
duplicated depending upon the types of training provided to each participant. Many training
activity categories were deleted from the previous report to simplify training activities. If not
listed, place that count in the “Other Training” category. Note: That 80% of all participants
MUST have received some form of training listed.
8) Supportive Services are reported in an UN-DUPLICATED count. Each participant will only
be counted once for each of the Supportive Services. This means you count them once in the Job
Search Assistance and once in the Tools/Fees, and once in the Other Supportive Services, etc. It
does not mean that you can only give them one service in the group nor only provide them that
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service once. You may provide them these services multiple times and continually. It does mean
that you only annotate that they did get the service listed once. Note: The total for each
supportive service line item on the right side of the form may not be higher than the total
number of Participants.
9) If a participant exits and then returns at a later date, the participant may be re-enrolled into the

Some Example Scenarios
Refer to the following to assist in illustrating certain Common Measure concepts:
1) What if you record a placement, but the participant does not earn wages during the next
 If participant returns for services, grantee should continue serving participant without exiting
 If participant does not return for services within 90 days, grantee should exit participant. In
both cases, the grantee takes credit for the placement, but not for an entered employment.
2) What if a participant earns wages during the quarter after exit, but then loses his/her job
Answer: The participant is exited from the program; grantee is given credit for the entered
employment. Additionally:
 If the participant attains additional employment, earning wages during the second and third
quarter after exit, then the grantee takes credit for employment retention. The participant’s
employment does not have to be continuous or with the same employer;
 If the participant does not attain additional employment and returns for additional service, the
grantee may reenroll the individual and restart the process;
 If the participant does not attain employment and never returns for services, then he/she is
counted as an exiter AND as an entered employment, but NOT as employment retention.
3) When do we exit a participant?
 When a participant is placed and earns wages in the following quarter. In that situation,
the exit quarter is the one in which the participant was placed;
 If a participant is placed, loses his position within the same quarter, and does not return for
additional training and/or services within 90 days;
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 If a participant does not return for training and/or services within 90 days.
Note: Providing post-employment/retention services does not prevent a participant from
being exited

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File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2015-04-02
File Created2015-04-02

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