FRA F 222a NEC Future Internet Follow-up Survey

Survey of Northeast Regional and Intercity Household Travel Attitudes and Behavior

FRA Form F 222a NEC FUTURE Internet Follow-up Survey

Survey of Northeast Regional and Intercity Household Travel Attitudes and Behavior

OMB: 2130-0600

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Follow-Up Internet Survey

Paperwork Reduction Act Burden Statement

The US Department of Transportation, Federal Railroad Administration is conducting this survey to collect data on travel patterns along the Northeast Corridor. This information will be used to estimate a forecasting model of travel mode choice in the Northeast Corridor. . The information obtained will be used to provide guidance to future service planning. 49 USC 103 (j)(5) (6) authorizes collection of this information. A federal agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, nor shall a person be subject to a penalty for failure to comply with a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. The OMB Control Number for this information collection is 21XX-XXXX. Public reporting for this collection of information is estimated to be approximately 5 minutes per response for the first telephone survey. You may be asked to participate in a follow-up survey that is estimated to require 15 minutes per response for a total of 20 minutes. These time estimates, include the time for reviewing instructions and providing responses. All responses to this collection of information are voluntary. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, Federal Railroad Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, D.C. 20590.

INTRO: This is the follow-up survey for the U.S. Department of Transportation that you agreed to participate in during a recent telephone interview. Thank you very much for taking part in this survey. Your answers are very important and you will be sent $5 as a thank-you after the completion of this survey.

During the survey, please do not use your web browser’s FORWARD and BACK buttons. Instead, please use the “NEXT” and “BACK” buttons below to move forward and backward through the survey.

Simply click on the “NEXT” button below to begin the survey.

Programmer Note: Do not show “Don’t know” as an answer choice. If respondent clicks “Next” without answering, then show the following text and then allow to proceed with no answer (record as a “Don’t know” response for that question) to the following page after first showing text.

TEXT: We noticed that you did not answer the question below. We would be very grateful if you would be willing to provide your best answer, even if you're not completely sure. But if you really don’t know the answer, you can click ''Next.''

Note on Survey Version: This version as presented contains all questions for the Internet follow-up. The phone follow-up version will use the same web interface as the Internet version and is essentially the same with the following minor differences:

1) The phone version will include fewer questions; those questions already asked of /phone respondents in the recruit survey will be excluded (Q1, Q2, Q7, Q12A, Q13A, Q12B, Q13B, Q12C, Q25A, Q26A, Q25B, Q26B, Q25C, Q26C, Q25D, Q26D)

2) The phone version will reference travel scenarios mailed to respondents for relevant questions

3) In the phone version, answer choices will be read to respondents instead of shown

Provide As Link for “Privacy Statement”


Your name may be requested for follow up mailing purposes only. When analysis of the questionnaire is completed, all name and address files will be destroyed. Thus permanent data will be anonymous. The U.S. Department of Transportation privacy information can be found at

Specific One-Way Trip & Mode

Once again, please think about your most recent one-way [Chosen Mode] trip from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area] for [Trip Purpose].

Ask Q1 only if [Chosen Mode] = “Train” AND ([AcelaAvailable]=1 OR [CRAvailable]=1)

If [Chosen Mode] = “Train” AND ([AcelaAvailable]=0 AND [CRAvailable]=0), set Q1=2 and skip to Q2

(See reference Excel file; note that regular “non-Acela” Amtrak service is available in all markets to be surveyed)

(Not in phone follow-up version)

1. What was the primary type of train service you used to travel between [Origin Area] and [Destination Area]?

(Show text descriptions of available train services as needed) (See reference Excel file for [Amtrak Train Name])

1 An Amtrak Acela train (list only if [AcelaAvailable]=1)

2 An Amtrak [AmtrakTrainName] train (not Acela)

3 A [CROperator] train (list only if [CRAvailable]=1)

Do Not Initially Show

4 Don’t know/Not sure

(Not in phone follow-up version)

2. What specific city or town were you traveling from in [Origin Area]? (See reference Excel file for Town/City & State by Origin Area: ”PlacesNEC.xlsx”)


Town/City & State


3. Which of the following best describes the type of place you were coming from in [Origin Area]?

Were you coming from … (Show List)?

1 Your Home

2 Your Usual Place of Work

3 Your Hotel or Motel

4 Another Person’s Home

5 Other Place Worked/Business Meeting

6 School, College, or University

7 Retail Center or Store

8 Recreation/Attraction

9 Or some other place (Specify:)____________

Do Not Initially Show

99 Don’t know/Not sure

Skip to Q7 if [Chosen Mode] = “Passenger Car/Truck/Van”

Ask Q4A, Q5A & Q6A if [Chosen Mode]=”Train”

4A. At which station did you board the train (replace “train” with Q1 answer, if available) on your one-way trip from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area]? (Show List of Stations for [Origin Area]) (See reference Excel file) (Allow ONE Answer and set [Origin Station])

5A. Which ONE of the following best describes the MAIN form of transportation you used to get to [Origin Station] to board the train? Did you get to the train by … (Show List)? (Allow ONE Answer)

(Do Not Rotate)

2 Local Bus

3 Commuter rail

4 Subway

5 Private car - parked at station

6 Private car - dropped off at station

7 Taxi

8 Rental car

9 Walk

10 Or some other way (Specify:)____________

Do Not Initially Show

99 Don’t know/Not sure

6A. Approximately how much time did you spend at the station from the time you arrived at [Origin Station] to the time your train departed (Show List)? (Allow ONE Answer)

1 10 minutes or less

2 11-20 minutes

3 21-30 minutes

4 31-40 minutes

5 41-50 minutes

6 51-60 minutes (0:51-1:00)

7 61-75 minutes (1:01-1:15)

8 76-90 minutes (1:16-1:30)

9 91-105 minutes (1:31-1:45)

10 106-120 minutes (1:46-2:00)

11 over 2 hours

Do Not Initially Show

99 Don’t know/Not sure

Ask Q4B, Q5B & Q6B if [Chosen Mode]=”Plane”

4B. At which airport did you board the plane on your one-way trip from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area]? (Show List of Airports for [Origin Area]) (See reference Excel file) (Allow ONE Answer and set [Origin Airport])

5B. Which ONE of the following best describes the MAIN form of transportation you used to get to [Origin Airport] to board the plane? Did you get to the airport by … (Show List)? (Allow ONE Answer)

(Do Not Rotate)

1 Amtrak train (only display for [Origin Airport]=”Newark” OR “BWI”)

2 Local Bus

3 Commuter rail

4 Subway

5 Private car - parked at airport

6 Private car - dropped off at airport

7 Taxi

8 Rental car

9 Walk

10 Or some other way (Specify:)____________

Do Not Initially Show

99 Don’t know/Not sure

6B. Approximately how much time did you spend at the airport from the time you arrived at [Origin Airport] to the time your plane departed (Show List)? NOTE: This includes the time it took to pass through security. (Allow ONE Answer)

1 10 minutes or less

2 11-20 minutes

3 21-30 minutes

4 31-40 minutes

5 41-50 minutes

6 51-60 minutes (0:51-1:00)

7 61-75 minutes (1:01-1:15)

8 76-90 minutes (1:16-1:30)

9 91-105 minutes (1:31-1:45)

10 106-120 minutes (1:46-2:00)

11 over 2 hours

Do Not Initially Show

99 Don’t know/Not sure

Ask Q5C if [Chosen Mode]=”Bus”

5C. Which ONE of the following best describes the MAIN form of transportation you used to get to the bus terminal or stop serving [Origin Area] to board the bus on your one-way trip from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area]? Did you get to the terminal or stop by … (Show List)? (Allow ONE Answer)

(Do Not Rotate)

2 Local Bus

3 Commuter rail

4 Subway

5 Private car - parked at terminal/stop

6 Private car - dropped off at terminal/stop

7 Taxi

8 Rental car

9 Walk

10 Or some other way (Specify:)____________

Do Not Initially Show

99 Don’t know/Not sure

Ask All:

(Not in phone follow-up version)

7. What city or town were you going to in [Destination Area]? (See reference Excel file for Town/City & State by Destination Area: “PlacesNEC.xlsx”)


Town/City & State

8. Which of the following best describes where you were going to in [Destination Area]? Were you going to … (Show List)?

1 Your Home

2 Your Usual Place of Work

3 Your Hotel or Motel

4 Another Person’s Home

5 Other Place Worked/Business Meeting

6 School, College, or University

7 Retail Center or Store

8 Recreation/Attraction

9 Or some other place (Specify:)____________

Do Not Initially Show

99 Don’t know/Not sure

Skip to Q14A if [Chosen Mode] = “Passenger Car/Truck/Van”

Ask Q9A, Q10A, Q11A, Q12A & Q13A if [Chosen Mode]=”Train”

9A. At which station did you get off the train (replace “train” with Q1 answer, if available) on your one-way trip from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area]? (Show List of Stations for [Destination Area]) (See reference Excel file) (Allow ONE Answer and set [Destination Station])

10A. Which ONE of the following best describes the MAIN form of transportation you used to get from [Destination Station] to your final destination in [Destination Area]? Was it … (Show List)? (Allow ONE Answer)

(Do Not Rotate)

2 Local Bus

3 Commuter rail

4 Subway

5 Private car - parked at station

6 Private car - picked up at station

7 Taxi

8 Rental car

9 Walk

10 Or some other way (Specify:)____________

Do Not Initially Show

99 Don’t know/Not sure

11A. Did your one-way trip from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area] require that you connect from one train to another train at another station to complete the trip?

1 Yes

2 No

Do Not Initially Show

99 Don’t know/Not sure

(Not in phone follow-up version)

12A. What total fare do you remember paying for your trip by train from ([Q4A answer] in text) to ([Q9A answer] in text)? If you traveled with other people, please just provide the amount for your individual fare.

$__ __ __ __ (001 – 997; 998=”$998 or more;” 999=DK)

Total Fare

(Not in phone follow-up version)

13A. Was the (Amount in Q12A) a one-way or round trip fare?

1 One-way fare

2 Round trip fare

Do Not Initially Show

3 Don’t know/Not sure

If Q13A=2, Set [Rail Fare] = Q12A / 2; otherwise set [Rail Fare] = Q12A

Ask Q9B, Q10B, Q11B, Q12B & Q13B if [Chosen Mode]=”Plane”

9B. At which airport did you get off the plane on your one-way trip from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area]? (Show List of Airports for [Destination Area]) (See reference Excel file) (Allow ONE Answer and set [Destination Airport])

10B. Which ONE of the following best describes the MAIN form of transportation you used to get from [Destination Airport] to your final destination in [Destination Area]? Was it … (Show List)? (Allow ONE Answer)

(Do Not Rotate)

1 Amtrak train (only display for [Destination Airport]=”Newark” OR “BWI”)

2 Bus

3 Commuter rail

4 Subway

5 Private car - parked at airport

6 Private car – picked up at airport

7 Taxi

8 Rental car

9 Walk

10 Or some other way (Specify:)____________

Do Not Initially Show

99 Don’t know/Not sure

11B. Did your one-way trip from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area] require that you connect from one plane to another plane at another airport to complete the trip?

1 Yes

2 No

Do Not Initially Show

3 Don’t know/Not sure

(Not in phone follow-up version)

12B. What total fare do you remember paying for your trip by plane from ([Q4B answer] in text) to ([Q9B answer] in text)? If you traveled with other people, please just provide the amount for your individual fare.

$__ __ __ __ (001 – 997; 998=”$998 or more;” 999=DK)

Total Fare

(Not in phone follow-up version)

13B. Was the (Amount in Q12B) a one-way or round trip fare?

1 One-way fare

2 Round trip fare

Do Not Initially Show

3 Don’t know/Not sure

If Q13B=2, Set [Air Fare] = Q12B / 2; otherwise set [Air Fare] = Q12B

Ask Q10C, Q11C & Q12C if [Chosen Mode]=”Bus”

10C. Which ONE of the following best describes the MAIN form of transportation you used after you got off the bus to get from the bus terminal or stop to your final destination in [Destination Area]? Was it … (Show List)? (Allow ONE Answer)

(Do Not Rotate)

2 Local Bus

3 Commuter rail

4 Subway

5 Private car - parked at terminal/stop

6 Private car - picked up at terminal/stop

7 Taxi

8 Rental car

9 Walk

10 Or some other way (Specify:)____________

Do Not Initially Show

99 Don’t know/Not sure

11C. Did your one-way trip from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area] require that you transfer from one bus to another bus in route to complete the trip?

1 Yes

2 No

Do Not Initially Show

3 Don’t know/Not sure

(Not in phone follow-up version)

12C. What total fare do you remember paying on your one-way trip by bus from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area]? If you traveled with other people, please just provide the amount for your individual fare.

$__ __ __ __ (001 – 997; 998=”$998 or more;” 999=DK)

Total Fare

Ask Q14A, Q14B, Q14C & Q14D if [Chosen Mode] = “Passenger Car/Truck/Van”

Lookup default auto times [Auto_Travel_Time_1], [Auto_Travel_Time_2], [Auto_Travel_Time_3] based on [Origin Zone] and [Destination Zone] in reference Excel file

14A. What do you estimate was your one-way travel time by passenger car/truck/van from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area]? Was it closest to (Show List. Allow One Answer)?


1 [Auto_Travel_Time_1]

2 [Auto_Travel_Time_2]

3 [Auto_Travel_Time_3]

Do Not Initially Show

4 Don’t know/Not sure

If [Q14A]=1, 4, 5 set [Auto_Travel_Time] = [Auto_Travel_Time_1]

If [Q14A]=2 set [Auto_Travel_Time] = [Auto_Travel_Time_2]

If [Q14A]=3 set [Auto_Travel_Time] = [Auto_Travel_Time_3]

14B. What do you estimate was the cost of your one-way trip by passenger car/truck/van from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area] …?

For Tolls $__ __ __ (000 – 997; 998=”$998 or more;” 999=DK)


14C. For Parking $__ __ __ (000 – 997; 998=”$998 or more;” 999=DK)


14D. For Fuel $__ __ __ (001 – 997; 998=”$998 or more;” 999=DK)


Ask All:

15. Which ONE of the following best describes the main purpose of your [Chosen Mode] trip from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area]? Please choose only one. Was it …? (Show List. Allow One Answer.)

1 Daily commute to or from work

2 Business travel

3 Travel to or from school

4 Visit family or friends

5 Vacation where you’re away for about a week or more

6 Leisure/recreation such as dining, sporting events, theater or long weekend getaways

7 Personal or family business such as a wedding, funeral or medical trip

8 Shopping

9 Other (Specify)_______

Do Not Initially Show

99 Don’t know/Not sure

16. Did you travel alone or in a group on this [Chosen Mode] trip? “Group” means two or more people who planned to travel together on the same trip.

1 Alone Skip to Q20

2 In a group Ask Q17

Do Not Read

3 Don’t know/Not sure Skip to Q20

17. Which ONE of the following best describes the other people in your group? Please choose only one. (Show List. Allow One Answer) Show to Respondent: If your travel group included family along with friends/business associates, please select “Family”

1 Family

2 Friends

3 Business associates

Do Not Initially Show

4 Don’t know/Not sure

18. Including yourself, how many adults 18 or older were in the group?

# adults: __ __ [1-20; 20 = “20 or more”; 99=DK]

19. And, how many were children… (Read List)?

Under 6 years of age: __ __ [0-20; 20 = “20 or more”; 99=DK]

6-12 years: __ __ [0-20; 20 = “20 or more”; 99=DK]

13-17 years: __ __ [0-20; 20 = “20 or more”; 99=DK]

20. For your one-way [Chosen Mode] trip from [Origin Area] and [Destination Area], which would you say was more important to your overall schedule – your departure time from [Origin Area] or your arrival time at [Destination Area]?

  1. Departure time from [Origin Area]

  2. Arrival time at [Destination Area]

  3. Both were equally important

  4. Neither was particularly important

Do Not Initially Show

5 Don’t know/Not sure

If [Q20]=1, set [Trip End Importance] = 1

If [Q20]=2, set [Trip End Importance] = 2

If [Q20]>2, randomly set [Trip End Importance] = 1 OR 2

Ask Q21A, Q22A, Q23A only if [Trip End Importance]=1

21A. What was your ideal departure time from [Origin Area] for your one-way [Chosen Mode] trip to [Destination Area]?

Time: __:__ (01:00-12:59; 99:99=DK)

AM/PM (AM=1, PM=2, 9=DK)

22A. Were you able to leave [Origin Area] at this time?

1 Yes Skip to Q24

2 No Ask Q23A

Do Not Initially Show

3 Don’t know/Not sure Skip to Q24

23A. What was your actual departure time from [Origin Area] for your one-way [Chosen Mode] trip to [Destination Area]?

Time: __:__ (01:00-12:59; 99:99=DK)

AM/PM (AM=1, PM=2, 9=DK)

Ask Q21B, Q22B, Q23B only if [Trip End Importance]=2

21B. What was your ideal arrival time at [Destination Area] for your one-way [Chosen Mode] from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area]?

Time: __:__ (01:00-12:59; 99:99=DK)

AM/PM (AM=1, PM=2, 9=DK)

22B. Were you able to arrive at [Destination Area] at this time?

1 Yes Skip to Q24

2 No Ask Q23B

Do Not Initially Show

3 Don’t know/Not sure Skip to Q24

23B. What was your actual arrival time at [Destination Area] for your one-way [Chosen Mode] from [Origin Area] to [Destination Area]?

Time: __:__ (01:00-12:59; 99:99=DK)

AM/PM (AM=1, PM=2, 9=DK)

Ask All:

24. Was your one-way [Chosen Mode] trip part of a round trip between [Origin Area] and [Destination Area]?

1 Yes Ask Q24A

2 No Skip to Instructions before Q25A

Do Not Initially Show

3 Don’t know/Not sure Skip to Instructions before Q25A

24A. About how many nights were you away from home on your round trip?

__ [0-7; 8 = ”8 or more;” 9=DK]


If Q24A = 0, ask Q24B. Otherwise skip to instructions before Q25A

24B. Approximately how many hours did you spend at your away from home location, excluding travel time?

__ [0-7; 8 = ”8 or more;” 9=DK]

Number of Hours

Alternative Choices

Ask Q25A & Q26A only if [Chosen Mode]=”Passenger Car/Truck/Van”

(Not in phone follow-up version)

25A. If you were not able to travel by Passenger Car, Truck or Van, what would you have done? Would you say you would have …?

(Show text descriptions of available train services as needed) (See reference Excel file for [Amtrak Train Name])

1 Traveled on an Amtrak Acela train (list only if [AcelaAvailable]=1)

2 Traveled on an Amtrak [AmtrakTrainName] train (not Acela)

3 Traveled on a [CROperator] train (list only if [CRAvailable]=1)

5 Traveled by Plane (list only if [Air_Available]=1)

6 Traveled by Bus (list only if [Bus_Available]=1)

(Do NOT rotate)

7 Or would you have NOT made the trip at all Skip to next section

Do Not Initially Show

8 Don’t know/Not sure Skip to next section

Set [Second Mode] = [Q25A]

(Not in phone follow-up version)

26A. And if you also could not have ([Q25A answer] in text), what would you have done? Would you say you would have …?

Repeat same list from Q25A, excluding Q25A answer.

Set [Third Mode] = [Q26A]

Ask Q25B & Q26B only if [Chosen Mode]=”Train”

(Not in phone follow-up version)

25B. If you were not able to travel by train (replace “train” with Q4 answer, if Q1=1-3), what would you have done? Would you say you would have …?

(Show appropriate text descriptions of available train services as needed) (See reference Excel file for [Amtrak Train Name])

1 Traveled on an Amtrak Acela train (list only if [AcelaAvailable]=1 AND Q1≠1)

2 Traveled on an Amtrak [AmtrakTrainName] train (not Acela) (list only if Q1≠2)

3 Traveled on a [CROperator] train (list only if [CRAvailable]=1 AND Q1≠3)

4 Traveled by Passenger Car/Truck/Van

5 Traveled by Plane (list only if [Air_Available]=1)

6 Traveled by Bus (list only if [Bus_Available]=1)

(Do NOT rotate)

7 Or would you have NOT made the trip at all Skip to next section

Do Not Initially Show

8 Don’t know/Not sure Skip to next section

Set [Second Mode] = [Q25B]

(Not in phone follow-up version)

26B. And if you also could not have ([Q25B answer] in text), what would you have done? Would you say you would have …?

Repeat same list from Q25B, excluding Q25B answer.

Set [Third Mode] = [Q26B]

Ask Q25C & Q26C only if [Chosen Mode]=”Plane”

(Not in phone follow-up version)

25C. If you were not able to travel by Plane, what would you have done? Would you say you would have …?

(Show appropriate text descriptions of available train services as needed) (See reference Excel file for [Amtrak Train Name])

1 Traveled on an Amtrak Acela train (list only if [AcelaAvailable]=1)

2 Traveled on an Amtrak [AmtrakTrainName] train (not Acela)

3 Traveled on a [CROperator] train (list only if [CRAvailable]=1)

4 Traveled by Passenger Car/Truck/Van

6 Traveled by Bus (list only if [Bus_Available]=1)

(Do NOT rotate)

7 Or would you have NOT made the trip at all Skip to next section

Do Not Initially Show

8 Don’t know/Not sure Skip to next section

Set [Second Mode] = [Q25C]

(Not in phone follow-up version)

26C. And if you also could not have ([Q25C answer] in text), what would you have done? Would you say you would have …?

Repeat same list from Q25C, excluding Q25C answer.

Set [Third Mode] = [Q26C]

Ask Q25D & Q26D only if [Chosen Mode]=”Bus”

(Not in phone follow-up version)

25D. If you were not able to travel by Bus, what would you have done? Would you say you would have …?

(Show appropriate text descriptions of available train services as needed) (See reference Excel file for [Amtrak Train Name])

1 Traveled on an Amtrak Acela train (list only if [AcelaAvailable]=1)

2 Traveled on an Amtrak [AmtrakTrainName] train (not Acela)

3 Traveled on a [CROperator] train (list only if [CRAvailable]=1)

4 Traveled by Passenger Car/Truck/Van

5 Traveled by Plane (list only if [Air_Available]=1)

(Do NOT rotate)

7 Or would you have NOT made the trip at all Skip to next section

Do Not Initially Show

8 Don’t know/Not sure Skip to next section

Set [Second Mode] = [Q25C]

(Not in phone follow-up version)

26D. And if you also could not have ([Q25D answer] in text), what would you have done? Would you say you would have …?

Repeat same list from Q25D, excluding Q25D answer.

Set [Third Mode] = [Q26D]

Main Mode Choice Trade-Off Questions

Available modes include:

  • High Speed Train”

  • Regional Train”

  • Commuter Train” (only if [FutCRAvailable]=1)

  • Commuter Train connecting with a Regional Train”

  • Passenger Car/Truck/Van”

  • Plane” (only if [Air_Available]=1)

  • Bus” (only if [Bus_Available]=1)

Select three modes for trade-off questions

If [Chosen Mode] = “Passenger Car/Truck/Van” OR “Plane” OR “Bus”, Set [MODEA] = [Chosen Mode]

If [Q1] = 1, [MODEA] = “High Speed Train”

If [Q1] = 2, [MODEA] = “Regional Train”

If [Q1] = 3, [MODEA] = “Commuter Train”

If [Second Mode] = 1, [MODEB] = “High Speed Train”

If [Second Mode] = 2, [MODEB] = “Regional Train”

If [Second Mode] = 3, [MODEB] = “Commuter Train”

If [Second Mode] = 4, [MODEB] = “Passenger Car/Truck/Van”

If [Second Mode] = 5, [MODEB] = “Plane”

If [Second Mode] = 6, [MODEB] = “Bus”





Set base values for characteristics of each of the three modes. These values will be initially set based on [Origin Zone] and [Destination Zone] from lookup database, randomizing among lookup values provided, with modifications where respondent-provided data is available and reasonable. These characteristics include:

  • High Speed Train

    • Access Time

    • Departure Station Time

    • Line Haul Time

    • Connecting Station Time (if exists)

    • Second Line Haul Time (if exists)

    • Arrival Station Time

    • Egress Time

    • Total Time (sum of above)

    • Total Cost

    • Schedule Delay

    • 20% Delay Time

  • Regional Train

    • Access Time

    • Departure Station Time

    • Line Haul Time

    • Connecting Station Time (if exists)

    • Second Line Haul Time (if exists)

    • Arrival Station Time

    • Egress Time

    • Total Time (sum of above)

    • Total Cost

    • Schedule Delay

    • 20% Delay Time

  • Commuter Train

    • Access Time

    • Departure Station Time

    • Line Haul Time

    • Connecting Station Time (if exists)

    • Second Line Haul Time (if exists)

    • Arrival Station Time

    • Egress Time

    • Total Time (sum of above)

    • Total Cost

    • Schedule Delay

    • 20% Delay Time

  • Commuter Train Connecting with Regional Train

    • Access Time

    • Departure Station Time

    • Line Haul Time

    • Connecting Station Time

    • Second Line Haul Time

    • Arrival Station Time

    • Egress Time

    • Total Time (sum of above)

    • Total Cost

    • Schedule Delay

    • 20% Delay Time

  • Plane

    • Access Time

    • Departure Airport Time

    • Line Haul Time

    • Connecting Airport Time (if exists)

    • Second Line Haul Time (if exists)

    • Arrival Airport Time

    • Egress Time

    • Total Time (sum of above)

    • Total Cost

    • Schedule Delay

    • 20% Delay Time

  • Bus

    • Access Time

    • Departure Terminal Time

    • Line Haul Time

    • Connecting Terminal Time (if exists)

    • Second Line Haul Time (if exists)

    • Arrival Terminal Time

    • Egress Time

    • Total Time (sum of above)

    • Total Cost

    • Schedule Delay

    • 20% Delay Time

  • Car

    • Total Time

    • Total Cost

    • 20% Delay Time

For chosen rail/air/bus mode, use respondent-provided terminal times and fares if within a reasonable range of database values. For chosen car mode, use respondent-provided travel time and total cost

Randomly assign respondent to one of five sub-groups which will see variations in:

  1. travel time and cost

  2. travel time and schedule (use travel time and cost for auto)

  3. cost and schedule (use travel time and cost for auto)

  4. travel time and reliability

  5. cost and reliability

Use base values for other variables that will not change across trade-off questions. Set high and low values for variable that change as follows:

  • Total Travel Time High: randomize among +15%, +30% over base values

  • Total Travel Time Low: randomize among -15%, -30% under base values

  • Total Cost High: randomize among +15%, +30% over base values

  • Total Cost Low: randomize among -15%, -30% under base values

  • Delay High: randomize among +25%, +50% over base values

  • Delay Low: randomize among -25%, -50% under base values

  • Schedule High: randomize among +15 minutes, +30 minutes, +45 minutes over base values

  • Schedule Low: randomize among -15 minutes, -30 minutes (only if base > 30 minutes), 45 minutes (only if base > 45 minutes)

Instructions to respondent:

In the next series of questions, you will be asked to choose from among the following choices for your trip from [Q2] to [Q7]:

  • [MODE1]

  • [MODE2]

  • [MODE3].

Show text describing the general characteristics of each of the three available mode choices.

Now, please review the first situation shown on the screen (respondent will see information presented as shown in the attached file:SampleSurveyScreens.pptx”). As you see, each of these three choices provides a different travel time, total cost (including the fare, gas, parking, and transportation to or from airport/station/terminal), schedule, and potential delay, which are summarized in the boxes along the left side of the screen. Please look at these summary boxes first. Then please look at the diagrams to the right of the summary boxes; these show of how long each part of the trip would take.

Note that, if the trip is made by train, plane or bus, it will include time spent:

  • getting from your origin to the departure station/airport/terminal and at the departure station/airport/terminal, including clearing security at airports;

  • on the main mode of travel from the departure station/airport/terminal to the arrival station/airport/terminal;

  • at stations/airports/terminals where a transfer is required between trains, planes, or buses; and

  • at the arrival station/airport/terminal and getting from the arrival station/airport/terminal to your destination.

27. Please consider the situation shown on the screen. Under these conditions, and assuming these were the only choices available, what do you think you would chose for your trip from [Q2A] to [Q7]?

1 [MODE 1]

2 [MODE 2]

3 [MODE 3]

4 Would not make the trip at all

Do Not Initially Show

8 Don’t know/Not sure

Q28-Q38 repeat the question for different variable values as shown in table below. Schematic will highlight which values change and which are held constant (note that Q27-Q32 use the same values for [Var5] & [Var6] and Q33-Q38 use the same values for [Var3] & [Var4]




[Var1 Label]

[Var2 Label]

[Var3 Label]

[Var4 Label]

[Var5 Label]

[Var6 Label]





















































































Pivot Questions

There will be three (3) different sets of the following questions, addressing the impact of Transfers, Station/Airport availability, and access mode availability. Respondents will be randomly assigned to one of these sets. If respondent only selected “Car” among Q27-Q38, skip to D-1

Transfer Questions (33% of sample) – randomly select from the prior questions, Q27-Q38, where train, plane, or bus were chosen. Set [Pivot Mode] = Selected Question Response ([Q27], [Q28], [Q29], [Q30], [Q31], [Q32], [Q33], [Q34], [Q35], [Q36], [Q37], or [Q38]). Show respondent the schematic from the selected question.

Now, please think again about the situation shown on the screen for a trip from [Q2] to [Q7]. You selected [Pivot Mode]. Now please consider two variations. In the first situation, your trip will require a transfer between [Pivot Mode] in route, (say “as shown in the diagram”, if this is the case), in order to complete your trip. In the second situation, you will be able to complete the same trip on the same through [Pivot Mode] (say “as shown in the diagram”, if this is the case) without transferring. Both of these situations would provide the same total travel time.

[Programmer: Show text description for first situation with Q39A]

39A. Under the first situation, requiring a transfer, how likely would you be to take [Pivot Mode]? Would you say you…? (Read List)

5 Definitely would use [Pivot Mode]

4 Probably would use [Pivot Mode]

3 Might or might not use [Pivot Mode]

2 Probably would not use [Pivot Mode]

1 Definitely would not use [Pivot Mode]

Do Not Initially Show

6 Don’t know/Not sure

[Programmer: Show text description for second situation with Q40A]

40A. And then under the second situation, where the trip would be completed on a single through [Pivot Mode] without transferring, how likely would you be to take [Pivot Mode]? Would you say you…? (Read List)

5 Definitely would use [Pivot Mode]

4 Probably would use [Pivot Mode]

3 Might or might not use [Pivot Mode]

2 Probably would not use [Pivot Mode

1 Definitely would not use [Pivot Mode]

Do Not Initially Show

6 Don’t know/Not sure

Skip to D-1.

Station/Airport/Terminal Questions (33% of sample) – randomly select from the prior questions, Q27-Q38, where train, plane, or bus were chosen. Set [Pivot Mode] = Selected Question Response ([Q27], [Q28], [Q29], [Q30], [Q31], [Q32], [Q33], [Q34], [Q35], [Q36], [Q37], or [Q38]). Show respondent the schematic from the selected question.

Now, please think again about the situation shown on the screen for a trip from [Q2] to [Q7]. You selected [Pivot Mode]. Now please consider two variations. In the first situation, your trip will be as shown in the diagram. In the second situation, however, you would need to use a station/airport/terminal 15 minutes further away from (randomize from among: [Q2] or [Q7]), but your total travel time by [Pivot Mode] would remain the same.

[Programmer: Show text description for first situation with Q39B]

39B. Under the first situation, as shown, how likely would you be to take [Pivot Mode]? Would you say you…? (Read List)

5 Definitely would use [Pivot Mode]

4 Probably would use [Pivot Mode]

3 Might or might not use [Pivot Mode]

2 Probably would not use [Pivot Mode]

1 Definitely would not use [Pivot Mode]

Do Not Initially Show

6 Don’t know/Not sure

[Programmer: Show text description for second situation with Q40B]

40B. And then under the second situation, where you would instead need to use a station/airport/terminal 15 minutes further away from ([Q2] or [Q7] as selected in Q39B), but your total travel time would remain the same, how likely would you be to take [Pivot Mode]? Would you say you…? (Read List)

5 Definitely would use [Pivot Mode]

4 Probably would use [Pivot Mode]

3 Might or might not use [Pivot Mode]

2 Probably would not use [Pivot Mode]

1 Definitely would not use [Pivot Mode]

Do Not Initially Show

6 Don’t know/Not sure

Skip to D-1.

Station/Airport/Terminal Access Questions (33% of sample) – randomly select from the prior questions, Q27-Q38, where train, plane, or bus were chosen. Set [Pivot Mode] = Selected Question Response ([Q27], [Q28], [Q29], [Q30], [Q31], [Q32], [Q33], [Q34], [Q35], [Q36], [Q37], or [Q38]). Show respondent the schematic from the selected question.

39C. Now, please think again about the situation shown on the screen for a trip from [Q2] to [Q7]. You selected [Pivot Mode]. Which form of transportation would you prefer to use to get (randomize from among: “from where you started your one-way trip to your departure station/airport/terminal” or “from your arrival station/airport/terminal to where you ended your one-way trip”)? (Show List)? (Allow ONE Answer)

1 Local Transit (Rail or Bus)

2 Private car - parked at station/airport/terminal

3 Private car – picked up/dropped off at station/airport/terminal

4 Taxi or Rental Car

5 Or some other way (Specify:)____________

Do Not Initially Show

8 Don’t know/Not sure (skip to D-1)

Now please consider two variations. In the first situation, your trip will be as shown in the diagram and you would be able to use [Q39C] to get (“from where you started your one-way trip to your departure station/airport/terminal” or “from your arrival station/airport/terminal to where you ended your one-way trip” as selected in Q39C). In the second situation, however, you would need to use a different form of transportation to get (“from where you started your one-way trip to your departure station/airport/terminal” or “from your arrival station/airport/terminal to where you ended your one-way trip” as selected in Q39C).

[Programmer: Show text description for first situation with Q40C]

40C. Under the first situation, how likely would you be to take [Pivot Mode]? Would you say you…? (Read List)

5 Definitely would use [Pivot Mode]

4 Probably would use [Pivot Mode]

3 Might or might not use [Pivot Mode]

2 Probably would not use [Pivot Mode]

1 Definitely would not use [Pivot Mode]

Do Not Initially Show

6 Don’t know/Not sure

[Programmer: Show text description for second situation with Q41C]

41C. And then under the second situation, where you would not be able to use [Q39C] and would instead need to use a different form of transportation to get (“from where you started your one-way trip to your departure station/airport/terminal” or “from your arrival station/airport/terminal to where you ended your one-way trip” as selected in Q39C), , how likely would you be to take [Pivot Mode]? Would you say you…? (Read List)

5 Definitely would use [Pivot Mode]

4 Probably would use [Pivot Mode]

3 Might or might not use [Pivot Mode]

2 Probably would not use [Pivot Mode]

1 Definitely would not use [Pivot Mode]

Do Not Initially Show

6 Don’t know/Not sure

[Programmer: Show text description for second situation with Q42C]

42C. And, under the second situation, which form of transportation would you instead use to get (“from where you started your one-way trip to your departure station/airport/terminal” or “from your arrival station/airport/terminal to where you ended your one-way trip” as selected in Q39C)? (Show List)? (Allow ONE Answer)

1 Local Transit (Rail or Bus) (not available if selected in [Q39C])

2 Private car - parked at station/airport/terminal (not available if selected in [Q39C])

3 Private car – picked up/dropped off at station/airport/terminal (not available if selected in [Q39C])

4 Taxi or Rental Car (not available if selected in [Q39C])

5 Or some other way (Specify:)____________

Do Not Initially Show

8 Don’t know/Not sure


Ask All

The last few questions are for classification purposes only.

D-1. Into which of the following categories does your age fall?

1 18-24

2 25-34

3 35-44

4 45-54

5 55-64

6 65 or older

Do Not Initially Show

8 Don’t know/Not sure

D-2. What is your gender?

1 Male

2 Female

D-3. How many people, including yourself, live in your household?

__ __ __ __ __ (1-10; 10==”10 or more;” 99=DK)

D-4. How many motor vehicles are owned, leased, or available for regular use by the people who currently live in your household?

__ __ __ __ __ (1-10; 10==”10 or more;” 99=DK)

D-5. What is your 5-digit home zip code?

__ __ __ __ __

D-6. What is the last grade of school you completed?

1 Grade school or less

2 Some high school

3 High school graduate

4 Technical/training beyond high school

5 Some college

6 College graduate

7 Graduate school

Do Not Initially Show

8 Don’t know/Not sure

D-7. What is your current employment status?

1 Employed full-time

2 Employed part-time

3 A student

4 Retired

5 A homemaker, or

6 Not employed

7 Other (Specify)____

Do Not Initially Show

8 Don’t know/Not sure

D-8. What is the total annual income of your household, before taxes?

1 Less than $25,000

2 $25,000 - $49,999

3 $50,000 - $74,999

4 $75,000 - $99,999

5 $100,000 - $149,999

6 $150,000 - $199,999

7 $200,000 - $249,999

8 $250,000 or over

Do Not Initially Show

9 Don’t know/Not sure

D-9. Are you of Spanish, Hispanic or Latino origin?

1 Yes

2 No

Do Not Initially Show

3 Don’t know/Not sure

D-10. What is your race and ethnicity? Would you say...?

1 White

2 Black/African American

3 Asian

4 Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, or

5 American Indian, Alaska native

Do Not Initially Show

8 Don’t know/Not sure


D-11. Now thinking about your telephone use, do you have a working cell phone? [INTERVIEWER: THIS INCLUDES SHARED CELL PHONES.]

1 Yes

2 No

Do Not Initially Show

3 Don’t know/Not sure


D-12. Now thinking about your telephone use, in addition to the cell phone, do you also have a regular phone that you use to make and receive calls where you currently live? [IF NEEDED: A regular telephone is sometimes called a landline or phone that is wired to a jack in the wall.]

1 Yes

2 No

Do Not Initially Show

3 Don’t know/Not sure


Thank you very much for your time! Please provide your name and mailing address to make sure we send the five dollar “thank-you” check to the right address. Again, all information you give are kept strictly private.

[Note: The U.S. Department of Transportation privacy information can be found at]

(Record Address):


Street Address:




(Declines Incentive)


FRA F 222a

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-30

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