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pdfU.S. Department of Housing
and Urban Development
Office of Public and Indian Housing
Site, Design and Cost Report
OMB No. 2577-0157 (Exp. 3/31/2010)
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 2.5 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions,
searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. This agency
may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete this form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number.
This collection of information is required for developing a public housing project pursuant to HUD regulations 24 CFR 94l. The information will be used
to provide HUDwith sufficient information to enable a determination that funds should or should not be reserved or a contractual commitment made. This
information collection is mandated pursuant to the U.S. Housing Act of l937. The information requested does not lend itself to confidentiality.
Prepare and submit in accordance with the Public Housing Development Regulation (24 CFR 941) and Handbook (747.1J1). A separate report is required
for each individual site or a site comprising several contiguous parcels having exhibits and information applicable to all parcels. A summary report is
required for the project as a whole. Where necessary, attach a continuation sheet identifying Part, Section and Items continued.
1. Name of PHA:
3. Project Number
5. Housing Type and Development Method
(1) Conventional
(2) Turnkey
2. Address of PHA:
4. This report is:
the Summary Report for
the project as whole; and/or
individual Site Report
Report No.
6. Community:
7. County or Other Similar Area
(3) Acquisition
(a) New Construction
(b) Rehabilitation
(c) Existing
8. Congressional
9. Census Tract(s)/
Enumeration District(s)
10. Locality Map: For the proposed project as a whole, a map of the locality
is attached identifying each proposed site and the percentage
of the population by race in the census tract. Also located on the map are existing and proposed: (a) public transportation lines serving the site,
(b) the principal industrial, commercial, or other areas proving employing opportunities for project residents, and (c) public schools, community,
recreation, health, shopping and other facilities adjacent to and serving the site.
11. Dwelling Units by Household Type and Structure.
Col. 1
Type 1/
Line 6
Col. 2
As appropriate, enter the number of dwelling units (DUs) proposed by number of bedrooms, structure and household type:
Column 3
No. of
Total DUs
Column 4
Number of Family and Large Family DUs
Column 5
Number of Elderly DUs
1/Structure Types are: D = Detached, SD = Semi-Detached, R = Row or Townhouse, W = Walk-up, and E = Elevator
12. Areas and Costs of Dwelling and Non-Dwelling Buildings or Spaces
Identify separately for family and for elderly dwelling and non-dwelling areas and
the costs attributable to the areas.
Gross Square Feet
Net Square Feet
Total Cost
(a) Dwelling Space
(b) Non-Dwelling Buildings or Spaces
(1) Management
(2) Maintenance
(3) Community
(4) Other (specify)
(5) Total Non-Dwelling Space
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form HUD-52651-A (5/94)
ref Handbook 7417.1
Report Number
Reports for Project Number:
13. Proposed Project Development Schedule
Schedule each processing step for
Number of Calendar Days
the proposed project in the appliTurnkey
cable column below.
Processing Steps
Column (1)
Column (2)
a. Site Documents Submission
14. Certification
Column (3)
b. Design Documents Submission
b. For the proposed project as a whole,
a plan is
attached including any experience, which addresses:
c. Construction Documents Submission
d. Contract Documents Submission
e. Construction Start
Construction Completion
g. PHA Acquisition of Existing
a. The PHA, and Developer if a turnkey project, certifies
that as applicable, the development and operation of the
project will be carried out in compliance with applicable
Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Requirements - - i.e.,
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Executive Order
11063, Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968. Section
504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Executive Order 11246 as amended by
Executive Order 11375, Section 3 of the HUD Act of 1963
and Executive Orders 11625 and 12138.
Section 3 of the HUD Act of 1968 - - providing
opportunities for training and employment of lowerincome residence of the unit of local government of the
metropolitan area (or non-metropolitan county, as
determined by HUD) in which the project is located and
awarding contracts for work in connection with the
project to business concerns which are located in or
owned in substantial part by persons residing in such
Executive Order 11625 and 12138 - - employ(2)
ment minority and women-owned business enterprises
to perform work in connection with the development
and operation of the project.
Part II - Proposed Site
1. Site Identification and Address
2. Closet Major Intersection
4. Dimensions
feet by
feet (b)
sq. fr. (c)
5. Zoning
(a) Identify existing zoning for the site:
Zoning recently changed, evidence is attached
Zoning is permissive:
Zoning is not permissive:
3. Source of Site or Property (Check as applicable and identify)
HUD (CDBG, U.R. 226, etc.) _______________________
Other Fed (VA, etc.) ______________________________
PHA Owned ____________________________________
City, County, State-Owned _________________________
Private-Owned __________________________________
Other (Identify) __________________________________
6. Site Control
Identify current site control and attach evidence
Form(s) HUD-51971 for conventional and
8. Site Survey
is attached
9. For conventional or acquisition projects PHA obtained
private owner’s offer to sell by:
PHA advertisement or invitation;
Owner’s advertisement or listing or other
voluntary action
acquisition projects or
(1) zoning required: ______________________
Other form(s) for turnkey projects (identify):
(c) Option expiration date ______________________
(2) source of insurance ___________________
Title Information
(3) party responsible for obtaining
To demonstrate that good title can be obtained,
required change:
attached are:
Title opinion or report and
Recordation plat.
10. Utilities
Explain Change
(a) Sanitary Sewer
(b) Water
(c) Gas
(d) Electricity
(e) Storm Sewer
(f) Access Street
(g) Boundary Streets
(h)Other (Identify)
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form HUD-52651-A (5/94)
ref Handbook 7417.1
Report Number
Reports for Project Number:
11. Site Grades: Indicate the Percent of Area for the Site for Each Grade Range
12. Rainfall: For Low-Lying and Flat Sites, Indicate Level of Rainfall
(a) _________ % area w/grades 0 through 1%
(c) _________ % area w/grades 6 through 10%
(b) _________ % area w/grades 2 through 5%
(d) _________ % area w/grades 11% and above.
13. Flood Hazards: Is the Site Within an Area Identified
Within an Area Identified by HUD as Having Special
Flood Hazards?
Yes (elaborate)
14. Earthslides: Does the Hazard of Earthslides Exist
Either on the Site or on Adjacent or Nearby Land?
Yes (elaborate)
16. Noise: Is the Site Exposed to Noise in Excess of HUD Standards?
Yes (elaborate)
Yes (elaborate)
17. History Similar: Is the Site Located Within a Historic District or Similar Location which
may be Subject to Special Environmental Treatment?
18. Other Environmental Consideration or Comments.A-95 Clearance Attached
15. Earthquakes: Is the Site a High Risk Area for Earth
Yes (elaborate)
19. Unusual, Existing Site Features
Poor Drainage
Retaining Walls
Rock Foundations
High Water Table
Other (specify)
20. Known Subsurface Conditions
21. Relocation
(c) Types of Occupants
(no displacement)
(d) Total Number
a statement is attached identifying each occupant by (1) name; (2) address; (3) whether owner or
tenant; (4) type of occupant; (5) length of occupancy; and (6) dwelling unit size requirements.
the PHA (or developer in the case of turnkey)
certifies that the informational and other notices to
occupants will be issued as required.
(1) Families
(2) Individuals
(e) Eligible for
Assisted Housing
(3) Business Concerns
22. Parcells Comprising Site
(a) Parcel
(b) Parcel Address/Identification
(c) Option
Exp. Date
(d) Area
(Square Feet)
Page 3 of 5
(e) Improvement
(1) Type
(2) Use
(f) Conditions
(g) Asking
form HUD-52651-A (5/94)
ref Handbook 7417.1
Report Number
Reports for Project Number:
23. Remarks
24. Area of site
(a) Area to be purchased
(b) Area to be donated
(c) Total Area of Site
(d) Deductions
(e) Net Buildable Area
25. Demolition Required
None Involved
Number of Dwelling Units _______________
Number of Nondwelling Structures ________
Part III - Proposed Design
Proposed Gross Density
2. No. of Parking Spaces
3. No. of Stories/Buildings
4. No. of Elevators
6. Floor System
7. Exterior Finish
8. Heating System
9. Air Conditioning
10. Type of Foundation
5. Structural System
(a) __________ DUs per Acre
(b) __________ Total Population/Acre
(c) __________ Number of Adults/Acre
(d) __________ Number of Minors/Acre
(e) __________ DUs
Slab or Grade
11. Depth of Detail: The attached project description exhibits fulfill public housing program requirements for (a)
or (c)
Crawl Space
Partial Basement
proposal submission; (b)
Full basement
design document submission;
construction document submission.
identical for and for and represent all sites in this proposed project; (b)
12. Attachment Identification: The attachments to this report are: (a)
proposed for this site; or (c)
limited only to the property
applicable to the various site as described in an attachments’ cover sheets.
is attached; (b)
13. Utility Combination: A revised Comparative Analysis of Utility Costs, form HUD-51994; (a)
14. New Construction Project: Attached are (a)
Outline Specification, form HUD-5087; (b)
15. Rehabilitation or Existing Housing Project: Attached are: (a)
Site Plan; and (c)
Preliminary Work Write-ups; (b)
Report, Form HUD-92800.3 (as applicable through Item 22); or (c) (2)
is not attached.
Schematic drawings to identify proposed typical features.
Photographs and (c) (1)
For one-to-four family properties, Underwriting
for a property of five more units, Outline Specification, form HUD-5087.
16. Rehabilitation or Existing Housing Project: The following shows the annual income for the property, which includes the indicated equipment and services, over the last twelve
16 (a) “As Is” or Before Rehabilitation (Annual Income Last 12 Months)
(1) Number
of each
type of
(2) Living
(Square Ft)
(3) Composition
of Units
16 (b) Equipment and Services included in Rent.
(4) Monthly
per Unit
Annual Rent
(5) Income
(6) Received
in full
Other Items Included in Rent:
(1) Range (Gas or Electricity)
(2) Refrigerator (Gas or Electricity)
(3) Attic Fan
(4) Laundry Facilities
(5) Venetian Blinds
(6) Water (Cold)
(7) Water (Hot)
(8) Gas
(9) Electricity
(10) Space Heat
(a) Total Rentals Eamily Units
(11) Janitor Service
Other Income (Specify)
(12) Air Conditioning
(13) Ground Maintenance
(14) Garbage or Rubbish Removal
Total Other Income
(15) Other (Specify)
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form HUD-52651-A (5/94)
ref Handbook 7417.1
Report Number
Reports for Project Number:
Part IV - Proposed Construction Cost/Price
Section A. Construction Cost/Developer’s Price Description
1. Applicability: The cost/price in this part: (a)
proposed project as a whole; or (b)
2. Identification: The cost/price is: (a)
date or (2)
is the Summary Report for Project Number __________ and shows the total construction cost or developer’s price for the
applies only to individual site Report Number __________ of __________ Reports for Project Number __________.
for a new construction or rehabilitation project and is based on construction costs as of which is: (1)
the deadline date specified in the turnkey request for proposals; or (b)
the PHA proposal submission
for acquisition of existing units.
Section B. Construction Cost/Developer’s Price Statement (The following is a statement of proposed construction cost/developer’s price.)
(a)Develpoer's Price
(b) PHA Cost
(c) Total Cost
Site Improvements
1. Unusual Site Improvements
2. Normal Site Improvements
3. Total Site Improvements (Account 1450)
Structures and Equipment
4. Dwelling Structure (Account 1460)
5. Dwelling Equipment (Account 1460)
6. Subtotal D, C and E
7. Non-Dwelling Structures (Account 1470)
8. Non-Dwelling Equipment (Account 1475)
9. Subtotal Non-Dwelling Structures and Equipment
10. Total Structures and Equipment (Sum of Lines 6 and 9)
11. Total Construction Cost (Sum of Lines 3 and 10)
12. Architect’s fee - Design at ________ percent.
13. Architect’s Fee Developer at ________ percent.
Supervisory: PHA at ________ percent.
14. Total for all Improvements
(Sum of Lines 11, 12 and 13)
15. Cost per Gross Square Foot
16. Estimated Construction Time
per sq. ft.
Other (Turnkey only)
17. Construction Financing:
Interest on $
% for
18. State or Local Taxes
19. Title and Recording Fees
20. Closing Costs
21. Developer’s Fee and Overhead
22. Total for Other
Site Acquisition
________ square feet
23. Site/Existing Property (Account 1440.1) $ ________ per sq. ft.
24. Total Construction Cost/Price
25. Average Cost per Dwelling Unit (LIne 24 divided by Number of Dwelling Units)
Part V - Signature
The information contained herein and in any attachments is true and correct and to the best knowledge of the signatory entities.
Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802)
Prepared for PHA: (1)
as Turnkey proposal; pr (2)
Name & Address of Entity:
Typed Name & Title of Authorized PHA Official:
by PHA Architect/Other (Specify) _____________________________
Name & Title of Authorized Representative:
Signature of Representative & Date:
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form HUD-52651-A (5/94)
ref Handbook 7417.1
Instructions for Form HUD-52651-A: Site, Design and Cost Report
1. Purpose: When the PHA is preparing to submit a PHA Proposal for a Public
Housing Project (PHA Proposal), Form HUD-52483-A, the Site, Design and
Cost Report, Form HUD-52651-A, is the principal attachment used to delineate components of the proposed project. This form is also used to
summarize the submission of site documents when the project involves 1-4
family properties under the conventional or acquisition developmental methods.
Item 10 A locality map which identifies the items listed should be attached to the
summary report only.
Item 11 Complete the table as appropriate to indicate the number of dwelling
units (DU’s) proposed for the site by structure type, household type and
number of bedrooms. Also show the number of buildings for each
structure type. The sums of family units (Column 4) and those for the
elderly (Column 5) should be stated as totals in Column 3 as appropriate.
The grand totals should be shown on Line 6. Line 7 should show the
number of units included on line 6 for occupancy by the handicapped.
2. Prepared by: Form HUD-52651-A Site, Design and Cost Report, is prepared
by the PHA and its architect under the conventional and acquisition methods.
Under the turnkey method, Form HUD-52651-A is initially prepared by
prospective developers as part of their turnkey proposal. By signing the form,
the PHA formally incorporates it into its PHA proposal which is submitted to
HUD. Only one turnkey proposal is permitted for each PHA proposal.
The structure types are defined as follows: (a) Detached (D): A structure which
consists of a single living unit and is surrounded by permanent open spaces;
(b) Semi-Detached (SD): A structure containing two living units separated by
a common vertical wall: (c) Row (R): A structure containing three or more living
units, each separated by vertical walls, and generally having individual
entrances and interior stairs; (d) Walk-up (W): A multi-level low-rise structure
containing two or more living units, each separated horizontally (ceiling/floor)
and by vertical walls; (e) Elevator (E): Any high-rise structure for which an
elevator is required under the Minimum Property Standards (MPS) or local
building codes.
3. Number: Original and one more copies. (Note: The Form HUD-52651-A, itself,
calls for attachments).
4. Distribution: A turnkey developer shall submit the original and at least one
copy of Form HUD-52651-A to the PHA with all attachments as part of a
turnkey proposal. The Developer’s Packet may specify a greater number of
copies to be submitted to the PHA. A PHA shall attach the original to the
original of its PHA Proposal which is submitted to the applicable HUD Field
Office and shall retain the copy with a copy of its PHA Proposal in its files. A
PEA may also be requested by the Field Office to submit additional copies of
its proposal. If the Field Office plans to request any additional copies of the
proposal form the PHA, the Field Office should advise the PHA to specify a
sufficient number of turnkey proposals in the Developer’s Packet.
The summary report must indicate the sum total of the dwelling units from all
the individual reports.
Item 12. Identify the areas for each of the space types listed. The summary report
must indicate the sum total of the areas from all of the individual reports.
Item 13. Enter the estimated number of calendar days in each box depending on
the development method. The summary report shall indicate the time
estimate which is the longest of the individual reports. Any estimates in
excess of the amounts established as Standard Processing Times
(SPTs) shall be accompanied by a jurisdiction of the extra time required.
5. Instructions for Preparation: The Site, Design and Cost Report (Form HUD52651-A) is to be prepared in accordance with the public housing development regulation (24 CFR-941) and Handbook 7417.1 by either the PHA
(Conventional and Acquisition methods) of the turnkey developer (Turnkey
method). Except for conventional or acquisition projects involving 1-4 family
properties, a separate Form and HUD-52651-A is to be submitted for each
individual site or a site comprising several contiguous parcels having common
exhibits or other information. In addition, a Form HUD-52651-A (Parts I,IV and
V) is to be submitted summarizing the project as a whole.
a. Turnkey. The turnkey developer shall enter estimates in column (1). The
PHA shall complete the estimate by entering the number of days to
complete its part of the processing in column (2). The PHA shall enter the
total of columns (1) and (2) in column (3). Enter the information on each
lime as follows:
Line a. No entries are made on this line for the turnkey method.
For convential or acquisition projects involving 1-4 family properties, a Form
HUD-52651-A with Part I, Items 1-11, Part IV and Part V completed shall be
submitted summarizing the site documents for each group of properties being
proposed. Each part should indicate the total of all properties approved or
submitted to date. The following attachments are required with each group of
properties submitted to HUD for approval:
Line b. No entries are made on this line if this stage is to be bypassed; i.e., the
design documents are being incorporated with the proposal or the
construction documents. Otherwise enter the number of days required
form HUD approval of the PHA proposal to developer submission of the
design documents to HUD (Col. 2). (The Total (Col. 3) should not exceed
the SPT of 60 days).
a. Offers of Sale of Real Property and Purchase Agreements (executed
Forms HUD-51971-I and II).
Line c. Enter the number of days from HUD approval of the design documents
(or PHA proposal if the design documents stage is to be bypassed) to
turnkey developer submission of the construction documents to the PHA
(Col. 1) and PHA submission of the construction documents to HUD
(Col.2) (The Total (Col. 3) should not exceed the SPT of 90 or 120 days).
b. Neighborhood Map designating properties previously approved by HUD
and acquired by the PHA and the properties currently being submitted for
HUD approval.
c. Appraisal (Form HUD-92800-3)
Line d. The PHA (Col. 3) shall enter the number of days from HUD approval of
the construction documents to the date of the contract of sale conference
(SPT 30 days).
d. Work write-ups for properties to be rehabilitated and repair descriptions for
those requiring only minor repairs.
e. A statement of how each property was identified and whether it is currently
occupied by an owner or tenant.
Line e. The developer shall enter the number of days from execution of the
Contract of Sale to start of construction (Col. 1) The PHA shall enter the
number of days from the contract of sale conference to execution of the
Contract of Sale, if not signed at contract of sale conference, (Col. 2).
Specific instructions for completing each item follow. If there is insufficient
space on the form, a continuation sheet may be used which clearly identifies
the material by Part, Section, and item number.
The PHA shall transfer only the number of days in Col. (2) to Col. (3). There
are no SPTs for these actions because the Contract of sale is presumed to be
executed at the contract of sale conference and construction start is presumed at the execution of the Contract of Sale.
Part I-General
Item 1. State the legal name of the PHA.
Item 2. State the complete mailing address of the PHA.
Line f.
Item 3. Complete the project number, if known.
Item 4. Check the box which indicates that this is an individual and/or a summary
report, and complete the data.
The turnkey developer shall enter the number of days required from
execution of the Contract of Sale to completion of construction or
rehabilitation. (Cols. 1 and 3). (No SPT)
Line g. No entries are made on this line for the turnkey method.
Item 5. Check only one box to identify the proposed housing type and selected
development method for the proposed project.
Line h. The PHA shall enter the sum of the horizontal totals in column (3) only.
b. Conventional. The PHA shall enter estimates for each processing stage
in column (3) only:
Item 6. State the name of the community in which the project is proposed to be
located. A community (formerly referred to as a locality) is defined as
municipality or other general purpose political subdivision below the
country level (e.g., city, town, township).
Line a. Enter the number of days from HUD approval of the PHA proposal to
submission of the site documents.
Line b. No entries are made on this line if design documents are being incorporated with the PHA proposal or construction documents (design document stage bypassed). Otherwise enter the number of days required
from HUD approval of the PHA proposal to submission of the design
documents. (SPT 60 days)
Item 7. State the name of any applicable county or similar area of jurisdiction
(broader than the community) in which the project is proposed to be
Item 8. If known, identify each Congressional district within which the project will
be located.
Item 9. If known, identify each Census Tract or Enumeration District within which
the project will be located.
Page i
form HUD-52651-A (5/94)
ref Handbook 7417.1
Line c. Enter the number of days from HUD approval of the design documents
(or PHA proposal if the design document stage is to be bypassed) to
submission of the construction documents. (SPT 90 or 120 days)
Item 9. For conventional or acquisition projects only, explain how site was
located. Check the appropriate box and if lines (a) and (b) are not
appropriate, explain the circumstances on line (c).
Line d. Enter the number of days required from HUD approval of the construction
documents to PHA submission of the contact award documents. (SPT 60
Item 10. Explain the status of utility services to the site. Check the appropriate box
to indicate if the service is presently available (show ”Not Applicable” if
appropriate). If a change to the existing status will be required i.e.,
extension, relocation, improvement or increased capacity, explain the
change and attach a written assurance from the responsible local
agency that funds are available and the work will be completed in time
to serve the proposed project.
Line e. Enter the number of days required from HUD approval of the contract
award documents to issuance of the Notice to Proceed. (No SPT
established for this step)
Line f.
Enter the estimated number of days from issuance of the Notice to
Proceed to completion or rehabilitation.
Line g. No entries are made on this line for the conventional method.
Line h. Enter the total of all amounts in column (3) except line a.
c. Acquisition. The PHA shall enter estimates for each processing stage in
column (3) only:
Line a. Enter the number of days from HUD approval of the PHA proposal to
submission of the site documents. Omit this line if the project involves 14 family (single-family) units.
Line b-e. No entries required on these lines for the acquisiton method.
Line f.
Enter the number of days from HUD approval of the last site document
to completion of repair work on the last unit.
Line g. for projects involving 1-4 family units, enter number of days required to
submit site documents on all properties. (SPT is one year to acquire all
Line h. Enter the total of all amounts in column (3) including line a.
Item 14. By signing this Report, the PHA (all methods) and the turnkey developer
(Turnkey method) each certifies as started; and to the summary report
each shall attach the plan addressing the two areas described.
Part II-Proposed Site
Indicate the report number and project number (if known) at the top of each page.
Item 1. Enter the address of the site or other descriptive information especially
if the site is located in a rural area.
Item 2. Major intersecting streets or roads may provide further identification of
the site.
Item 3. Check the appropriate box which identifies the present owner of the site.
Item 4. Enter the dimensions if known or an estimate. If dimensions are
inappropriate, enter irregular. Calculate the total square foot and acres
in the site.
Item 5. Identify the current zoning of the site and check the box indicating
whether the zoning was recently changed (if so, attach the evidence) and
whether the zoning will permit the intended use or not. If not, indicate the
zoning required, the basis for believing that proper zoning can be
secured, and the party responsible for obtaining it.
Item 6. Check the appropriate box and attach form HUD-51971-II or other
evidence of control or ownership depending on development method.
enter the option expiration date or the earliest date if there is more than
one parcel involved.
Item 7. Check the two boxes as a reminder that the two pieces of title information
are to be attached. Title information shall be in the form of a title opinion
or report and a recordation plat to demonstrate that good title can be
obtained and that there will be no encumbrances which would interfere
with the development of the proposed project. At the time of transfer, title
must be good and marketable, and free of any mortgage, lease, lien or
other ecumbrances, such as use or building restrictions, zoning ordinances, easements, or rights-of-way which would affect the value or
proposed use of site.
Item 8. Check the box as a reminder to submit a survey of the site (to Include all
the parcels in this report). A ”transit survey“ shall be prepared by a
surveyor or engineer, drawn to a scale of one inch to forty feet (1” = 40'
) or larger, showing;
a. the North point, property lines, and dimensions;
b. the community, county, and State in which the property is located, and the
lot and block number of the property and adjacent properties;
c. the location and dimensions of all fights-of-way easements;
d. contours indicating current grades;
e. an outline and dimensions of any existing structures;
the location and size of utilities; and
Item 11. Complete as applicable.
Item 12. Complete as applicable indicating whether any special drainage, etc.
requirements are anticipated.
Item 13-17 If any of these conditions are present, explain the circumstances,
extent or source of the hazard and what steps will be taken to mitigate
potential damaging effects on the project, residents or the environment.
Item 18. Indicate any other environmental considerations applicable to the site
and any state or local restrictions above and beyond HUD requirements.
Provide a similar as in items 13-17. Attach A-95 clearance if obtained.
Advance A-95 clearance is recommended, but not required. HUD will
obtain it during its processing if it is not attached.
Item 19. Check the appropriate box (or boxes) which describes any unusual site
features. If none, check box (a). Use box (e) to list others not shown such
as surface rock, creeks, heavily forested, steep slopes, or power lines.
Item 20. Where any problems are known or suspected, describe the problem and
the results of any preliminary examination indicating that the adverse
conditions can be overcome. State the nature and extent of required
corrective actions.
Item 21. If the site is vacant, check the box (a) and proceed to item 22. If the site
is occupied, check the box (b) and provide additional information.
Indicate the total number of various types of occupants which would
need to be relocated. for purposes of this Report, individuals are single
persons without dependents and are not considered families. Indicate
“Not Applicable” if any occupant type is not present on this site.
Indicating the number of families and individuals in box (e) which are
eligible for assisted housing provides a means to estimate relocation
expenses without violating their privacy. Check box (f) as a reminder to
attach the information statement with the required elements. By checking box (g) the PHA or turnkey developer recognizes the obligation to
provide the appropriate notifications to occupants as required by HUD.
Item 22. If the site consists of more than one parcel, devise a number system to
identify each parcel on a separate line in column (a). Provide further
identification of each parcel in column (b) such as street address,
owner‘s name, or an obvious physical feature and, for properties to be
acquired ”as is” or rehabilitated, show the year built in column (b). Insert
the option expiration date in column (c) calculated from the information
on the site control document. Show the total square foot area for each
parcel in column (d). In column (e) indicate the types of improvements
and future use of any improvements on each parcel by the following
codes: In column (e) (1) Type, show D = Dwelling or N = Nondwelling; In
column (e) (2) Use, show V = Vacant land (no improvements) A = Use
as is, D = will be demolished, R = will be rehabilitated. Enter one or more
code letters for each parcel in columns (e) (1) and (e) (2). Indicate by
checking column (f) that there are special conditions involving the
acquisition of the parcel such as title problems, condemnation expected,
relocation involved or any unusual situation, such as currently owned by
PHA. Explain the condition in Item 23. Insert the asking price in column
(g) from the site control document. If the parcel will be donated, indicate
this in column (g) also.
Item 23. Cite any state, local or regional plans (including Housing Assistance
Plans) which served as the basis for selecting the proposed site. Also
state the reason for recommending exclusion of any parcels from the site
and any other acquisition difficulties or conditions. Identify any proposed
condition of purchase which should be included in the Purchase agreement, Form HUD-51971-II.
Item 24. Indicate the total square feet and acres acquired by the various means
listed. Acquisition by condemnation should be shown as a purchase.
Vacated area owned by a public entity should be shown as a donation.
The total area of the site should not be greater than the total of lines (a)
and (b), and should be the same as the total area of the parcels identified
in Item 22, as well as streets, easements and unbuildable land. The
result of subtracting line (d) from Line (c) is the net buildable are of the
g. the location of any known subsurface conditions.
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form HUD-52651-A (5/94)
ref Handbook 7417.1
Item 25. Summarize any demolition by checking the appropriate box and indicating the total number of dwelling units or non-dwelling structures to be
Part III-Proposed Design
Item 1. Enter the various density factors requested based on the dwelling units
planned for this site only.
Items 2-10. Provide the information requested for the building or units on this site
Item 11. Check the appropriate box which will indicate if design or construction
documents are included as part of the proposal instead of schematics.
If (b) or (c) is checked, attach the documents required by Handbook
7417.1, complete items 12 and 13 only and proceed to Part V.
c. Acquisition method. The PHA shall enter its costs in column (c). Line 11
should not be more than 10% of the estimated total development cost of
the project. No entries should be made for items under ”Other“.
2. The amounts for items 1 through 11 are based on the prevailing Davis-Bacon
wage rates and include any applicable social security and sales taxes,
insurance and bond premiums, and a pro rata share of the contractor’s fee
(profit and overhead). The cost/price should be stated in terms of actual cost,
without contingency, since an amount for contingency will be included in the
Development Cost Budget provided to the PHA by the area Office with the
proposal approval letter.
3. The ”Other“ items are to be calculated as follows for turnkey projects only:
a. Construction Financing. Indicate the amount of the Construction loan,
the interest rate and the number of months of construction time and enter
in column (a) the amount for construction financing.
Item 12. If the plans, specifications and other attachments are identical for all
sites, they need only be attached to the first report. If they are applicable
to some sites but not all, enclose a cover sheet identifying each site and
they need not be attached to more than one report.
b. State or local taxes. Enter an anticipated amount for any state or local
taxes except real property taxes. The turnkey price at settlement will be
adjusted for any real property taxes paid by the developer during construction.
Item 13. If the prepared Form HUD-51994, Analysis of Utility costs, is not to be
used, a revised one must be attached and the box checked.
Item 14. For new construction projects only, check the boxes as a reminder to
attach the three items shown;
c. Title and recording fees, closing costs, and developer’s fee. The
amount for these items shall be entered as appropriate.
a. a completed Outline Specification (Form HUD-5087)
4. Enter the amount for site acquisition. Since this amount is subject to HUD
appraisal, it may be the asking price or an estimate of value.
b. a site plan (schematic drawing) based on available topographical information and known subsurface soil conditions which identifies:
5. The following is a brief description of the accounts relating to construction
(1) the outline and dimensions of each structure (dwelling and non-dwelling);
a. Site Acquisition (Account 1440.1). The account includes the amounts
for land and existing improvements. Any amounts for condemnation and
for the value of property donated are also included.
(2) the existing and proposed locations of streets, easements, and utilities
(e.g. telephone, water, sewerage, gas, electric);
(3) the distance of utilities from the site boundary;
b. Site Improvements (Account 1450). This account includes the amount
for normal site improvements (e.g., demolition, grading, utility installation,
streets, parking and other paved areas, structural playground facilities and
landscaping) and the amount for any special improvements required
because of unusual site conditions (e.g., abnormal excavation resulting
from unusual subsoil conditions, and excess foundation work such as
pilings, caissons and underpinnings).
(4) proposed foundations, building grades, drainage swales, and extent of
grading required; and
(5) the proposed placement of trees and shrubs, and primary land uses such
as placement of buildings, play fields, tot lots, conversational groupings
and parking or other paved areas.
c. schematic drawings which identify:
c. Dwelling Construction (Account 1460). This account includes the cost
for normal foundations, structural framing and interior and exterior finish,
closets, other occupant storage areas, and certain common spaces such
as entrances, corridors, lobbies, janitorial closets, and laundry, heating
and equipment spaces. Costs of major systems and equipment such as
plumbing, electrical heating and air conditioning within units are included
as well as the cost of elevators and related equipment. Built in equipment
such as counters, cabinets, cupboards and shelving are also included.
(1) typical building elevations;
(2) typical building floor plans for each structure type, showing the gross
square feet of floor area, and the area for each type of non-dwelling space;
(3) typical floor and wall sections, mechanical features and equipment; and
(4) typical unit floor plans for each size and structure type.
Item 15. For rehabilitation and acquisition of existing housing projects, check the
boxes as a reminder to attach the three items shown:
d. Dwelling Equipment (Account 1465). This account includes the cost of
ranges, refrigerators, shades, screens or similar equipment provided in
dwelling structures.
a. preliminary work write-ups to describe the extent and nature of work
required to rehabilitate or repair each property.
e. Nondwelling Construction (Account 1470). This account includes the
costs for management, maintenance and community space or structures.
Community space includes social, recreational, health and child care
facilities. All necessary built in equipment and plumbing, heating, ventilating and electrical systems are included in these costs.
b. photographs of typical interior and exterior buildings and units to illustrate
the extent of rehabilitation or repairs required.
c. for one-to-four family properties, Form HUD-92800-3 (as applicable through
item 22), or for rehabilitation of properties of 5 or more units, a completed
Outline Specification, form HUD-5087.
Item 16. Complete the information requested for each property ”as is“. Composition refers to number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms, variations in
size or other features which may vary the existing rent structure. Check
the items of equipment and services included in the existing monthly
Nondwelling Equipment (Account 1475). This account costs for all movable
equipment required for management, maintenance, and community spaces.
Part V-Signature
Part IV-Proposed Construction Cost/Price
1. If the form was prepared for the PHA by the turnkey developer or PHA architect
or development manager, the preparer shall complete the entity and representative identification and sign and date the form.
Section A: Construction Cost/Developer's Price Descriptipon
2. The PHA official shall provide name, title, signature and date as requested.
Item 1. Indicate whether this is the summary or an individual site report by
checking the appropriate box and completing the data. If only one site is
involved, a summary report is not necessary.
3. The signatories complete these entries with full knowledge of the certification
being provided and the penalties which may be imposed on persons or
organizations for improper or false statements or information.
Item 2. Check the appropriate box and enter the appropriate date.
Section B: Construction Cost/Developer's Price Statement
1. Enter estimated cost amounts for each line item based on the development
method as follows:
a. Turnkey method. The turnkey developer shall enter amounts in column (a)
for costs which will incur. The PHA shall enter its costs over and above the
turnkey developer’s costs in column (b). The PHA shall total the amounts
in (a) and (b) for each item and enter it in column (c).
b. Conventional method. The PHA shall enter the estimated costs it will incur
for each item in column (c). No entries should be made for items under
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form HUD-52651-A (5/94)
ref Handbook 7417.1
File Type | application/pdf |
File Title | 52651-a |
Subject | 52651-a |
Author | RSV |
File Modified | 2007-03-13 |
File Created | 2001-08-09 |