CS-14-449 Notice Effectiveness Web Survey

Voluntary Customer Surveys to Implement E.O. 12862 Coordinated by the Corporate Planning and Performance Division on Behalf of All IRS Operations Functions

CS-14-449 Copy of IRS_2014SimpLab Survey Attachments.xlsx

CS-14-449 Notice Effectiveness Web Survey

OMB: 1545-1432

Document [xlsx]
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Wave 1
Wave 2

Sheet 1: Invitation

Sheet 2: Wave 1

Notice CP91 LT11 LT27

Sample Size Total N=400 Total N=400 Total N=400

Intro Text We are conducting a web-based survey for the IRS to determine the effectiveness of its notices. The survey is voluntary, and your identity will remain anonymous. The survey will only take about 20 minutes to complete. It involves reading and answering questions about two notices; there are 7 pages in all. We are conducting a web-based survey for the IRS to determine the effectiveness of its notices. The survey is voluntary, and your identity will remain anonymous. The survey will only take about 20 minutes to complete. It involves reading and answering questions about two notices; there are 4 pages in all. We are conducting a web-based survey for the IRS to determine the effectiveness of its notices. The survey is voluntary, and your identity will remain anonymous. The survey will only take about 20 minutes to complete. It involves reading and answering questions about two notices; there are 7 pages in all.

Screeners & Demographics

PN: Ask everyone; Single response

QS1 What is your gender? Same Same

( ) Male

( ) Female

PN: Ask everyone; Single response Same Same

QS2 ( ) Under 18 (TERMINATE)

( ) 18–29

( ) 30–39

( ) 40–49

( ) 50–59

( ) 60+

PN: Ask everyone; Single response

QS3 What is your marital status? Same Same

( ) Married

( ) Single

( ) Divorced/Separated

( ) Widowed

PN: Ask everyone; Single response

QS4 Which of the following categories includes your annual household income? Same Same

( ) Under $25,000

( ) $25,000–$34,999

( ) $35,000–$49,999

( ) $50,000–$74,999

( ) $75,000–$99,999

( ) $100,000–$149,999

( ) $150,000 or more

( ) Prefer not to say

PN: Ask everyone; Single response

QS5 Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin (ethnicity)? Same Same

( ) Yes

( ) No

Which of the following best describes your race? Please select one or more. Are you… Same Same

Ask everyone; Multi-response

( ) White

( ) Black or African American

( ) Asian

( ) Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

( ) American Indian or Alaskan Native

PN: Ask everyone; Single response; Drop-down menu

QS6 In which state is your primary residence? Same Same

PN: Ask everyone; Single response

QS7 Have you filed a federal tax return in the past 5 years? Same Same

( ) Yes


Document review

Intro Text 2
(show before first doc)
Imagine you just received a notice in the mail from the IRS. We will ask you to review the notice and then answer questions about it. Same Same

Intro Text 3
(show before second doc)
Imagine you received a different version of the notice in the mail from the IRS. We will ask you to review the notice and then answer questions about it. Same Same

Directions for reading through document Read through the document; you must review all pages before you can move forward (click above to navigate through the pages). Use the scroll bar on the right to scroll through each page. Same Same

If you find a section confusing or hard to understand, click on it with your mouse to indicate that it’s confusing.

Once you’ve read all the pages, you’ll be asked a series of questions about what you just read.

PN: The participant reads (and clicks) through all pages. The first time the participant clicks on any section of the wireframe, a small pop-up notification will appear: "Please note that clicking a section of the document indicates that you feel it is confusing or hard to understand. A red check box will appear to indicate the section has been marked as confusing. Hit 'Next' to continue and begin clicking."
If the participant doesn’t click on anything, before advancing to the comprehension questions, a reminder will pop up:

“Do you want to mark anything as confusing or hard to understand? If you do, you can go back to any page and mark the document. Otherwise, you can continue to the questions.”

PN: If the participant has marked items, an open-ended question will appear:

QDOC1 You marked [X] section(s) as confusing or hard to understand. Describe what was most confusing to you. Please be as specific as possible in your response.

PN: Show wireframe document and allow respondent to click on only 1 section. Once clicked, a pop-up open-end text box will appear with that section.

QDOC1a Now, please click on ONE section of the entire document that you found to be the most useful in terms of the information and content it provided. Why was this section the most useful?

PN: Show wireframe document and allow respondent to click on only 1 section. Once clicked, a pop-up open-end text box will appear with that section.

QDOC1b And now please click on ONE section of the entire document that you found to be the least useful in terms of the information and content it provided. Why was this section the least useful?

Comprehension questions

PN: For Q1–Q6, display this instruction on top of the document viewer: "Please answer the following questions related to the document. You may click on any page for reference as you consider the questions." Same Same

PN: Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Multi-response Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Multi-response Ask everyone, Radio buttons, Randomize statements; Multi-response
Q1 Why did the IRS send you this notice? Mark all that apply Why did the IRS send you this notice? Mark all that apply Why have you received this notice? Mark all that apply.

( ) The IRS made changes to my tax return (X) To warm me of the intent to seize my property or rights to property ( ) The IRS made changes to my tax return

(X) To request payment (X) To request payment ( ) I've been been approved for an installment agreement

(X) To warn me of the intent to seize Social Security benefits ( ) To request that I resubmit my return (X) [BEFORE: I contacted the IRS because I couldn't pay my taxes in full] [AFTER: I requested an installment agreement]

( ) To request additional information from me ( ) To request additional information from me (X) The IRS is awaiting additional information from me

PN: Ask everyone, Radio buttons, Randomize statements; Single response Ask everyone, Radio buttons, Randomize statements; Single response Ask everyone, Radio buttons, Randomize statements; Single response

Q2 Why is there an intent to seize your Social Security benefits? Why is there an intent to seize your property or rights to property? Why does the IRS need more information?

(X) I have unpaid federal taxes (X) I have unpaid taxes (X) To assess whether I qualify for an installment agreement

( ) The IRS has lost my return ( ) The IRS has lost my return ( ) To recalculate the amount due on my account

( ) I failed to file a tax return ( ) I failed to file a tax return ( ) I failed to file a tax return

( ) The tax information on my return was incomplete ( ) The tax information on my return was incomplete ( ) The tax information on my return was incomplete

PN: Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Multi-response Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Multi-response Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Multi-response

Q3 What happens if you do not contact the IRS or pay the amount due? Mark all the apply. What happens if you do not take action by June 1? Mark all that apply. What happens if you do not contact the IRS or pay the amount due? Mark all that apply.

(X) The IRS may seize funds from my Social Security account (X) The IRS may file a Notice of Tax Lien ( ) The IRS will cancel my installment agreement

( ) I will be charged a $200 failure-to-pay penalty ( ) I'll be taken to court for a Collection Due Process hearing (X for BEFORE) The IRS may seize my property

( ) Social Security will cease contributions to my account (X) The IRS may seize my property (X for AFTER) I will be charged additional interest and penalties

( ) Nothing ( ) Nothing ( ) Nothing

Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Single response Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Single response Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Single response

Q4 What is a Low Income Taxpayer Clinic? What's the difference between a lien and a levy? If you qualify, when will you receive your installment agreement?

( ) A branch of the Social Security Administration that helps people pay their taxes (X) A lien is a claim against your property, while a levy is the seizure of your property ( ) I already have an installment agreement in place

(X) An organization that helps people resolve their tax issues with the IRS ( ) A lien is a warning, while a levy is the final notice ( ) By June 1, 2014

( ) A branch of the IRS that provides options to paying taxes ( ) A lien is based on interest charges, while a levy is based on penalty charges (X) After I submit Form 433F

( ) A branch of the IRS that helps people pay their taxes ( ) Nothing ( ) After I pay the amount due in full

PN: Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Multi-response Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Single response Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Multi-response

Q5 What action does the notice instruct you to take? Mark all the apply. What action does the notice instruct you to take? What do you need to do to be considered for an installment agreement? Mark all that apply.

(X) Pay the amount due (X) Pay the amount due ( ) I don't need to do anything

( ) File an amended return ( ) File an amended return ( ) File an amended return

( ) Contact the Social Security Administration ( ) Turn over my levied property or rights to property to the IRS (X) Pay as much as I can

(X) Call the IRS if I can't pay the amound due ( ) I don't need to take any action (X) Submit Form 433F

PN: Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Multi-response Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Multi-response Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Single response

Q6 What should you do if you are unable to pay the full amount due? Mark all that apply. What should you do if you are unable to pay the full amount due? Mark all that apply. What happens if you're approved for an installment agreement?

(X) Pay as much as I can now (X) Pay as much as I can now (X) I get charged a fee as part of my first installment payment

(X) Make payment arrangements that allow me to pay off the rest over time (X) Make payment arrangements that allow me to pay off the rest over time ( ) I can indefinitely delay payment to the IRS

( ) Wait to contact the IRS until I can pay in full ( ) Wait to contact the IRS until I can pay in full ( ) My failure-to-pay penalty is waived

(X) Contact the IRS to discuss my options (X) Contact the IRS to discuss my options ( ) The IRS will amend my tax return

Simplicity Index Questions

PN: Ask everyone; Radio buttons, 1–5; Randomize statements

QDOC2 Based on the document you just reviewed, please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements, where 5 is “Strongly agree” and 1 is “Strongly disagree.” Same Same


The notice is well organized Same Same

It is easy for me to understand the content and wording in the notice

The notice is visually clear

The typeface and type size are easy to read

The notice helps me understand my situation


The tone of the notice is better than I expected Same Same

The tone of the notice is respectful

The notice looks better than I expected


The notice is straightforward Same Same

The notice explains the IRS’s decisions and the reasoning behind them


The notice helps me understand what actions I can take next Same Same

The notice anticipates my questions

The notice provides an appropriate level of detail

The notice provides factual information for me to base my decision on


The notice makes me feel that the IRS wants me to be well informed Same Same

The notice makes me feel like I can contact the IRS for help if I need it

Behavioral questions

PN: Ask everyone; Radio buttons

QDOC3 To what extent does the presentation and tone of the notice make you more likely to read the entire document? Same Same

( ) Much more likely

( ) Somewhat more likely

( ) No difference

( ) Somewhat less likely

( ) Much less likely

PN: Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements

QDOC4 If you received this notice, what would you do? The more honest you can be about your response, the more it will help us create effective communications. Mark all that apply: If you received this notice, what would you do? The more honest you can be about your response, the more it will help us create effective communications. Mark all that apply: If you received this notice, what would you do? The more honest you can be about your response, the more it will help us create effective communications. Mark all that apply:

( ) Not open it immediately; wait a few days/weeks until I had the time to focus on it ( ) Not open it immediately; wait a few days/weeks until I had the time to focus on it ( ) Not open it immediately; wait a few days/weeks until I had the time to focus on it

( ) Contact an accountant for help ( ) Contact an accountant for help ( ) Contact an accountant for help

( ) Contact the IRS to ask a question ( ) Contact the IRS to ask a question ( ) Contact the IRS to ask a question

( ) Go to the IRS website (www.irs.gov) for help ( ) Go to the IRS website (www.irs.gov) for help ( ) Go to the IRS website (www.irs.gov) for help

( ) Find an IRS publication for an explanation ( ) Find an IRS publication for an explanation ( ) Find an IRS publication for an explanation

( ) Find an IRS tax clinic ( ) Find an IRS tax clinic ( ) Find an IRS tax clinic

( ) Wait to see if I receive another notice ( ) Wait to see if I receive another notice ( ) Wait to see if I receive another notice

( ) I wouldn't do anything ( ) I wouldn't do anything ( ) I wouldn't do anything

( ) Other (please specify) [OE] ( ) Other (please specify) [OE] ( ) Other (please specify) [OE]

( ) Submit payment ( ) Submit payment ( ) Submit payment

( ) Contact the IRS to discuss my options ( ) Contact the IRS to discuss my options ( ) Submit the requested information

( ) Contact the IRS to discuss my options

PN: Repeat all questions from after the screener for the other version (Before or After). Repeat all questions from after the screener for the other version (Before or After). Repeat all questions from after the screener for the other version (Before or After).

Preference questions

PN: Show the wireframe document and allow the respondent to click on only one document. Same Same

QDOC5 Click on the notice you preferred.

PN: Ask everyone; Open-ended text box Same Same

QDOC6 What is it about this notice that you preferred?

PN: Ask everyone; Open-ended text box Same Same

QDOC7 Is there any other information that was left out of the document, but would have helped you understand your situation and/or respond? If so, please describe.

Thank you screen

Disclaimer The Paperwork Reduction Act requires that the IRS display an OMB Control Number on all public information requests. The OMB Control Number for this study is 1545-1432. Also, if you have any comments regarding the time estimates associated with this study or suggestions on making this process simpler, please write to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax Products Coordinating Committee, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20224. Same Same

Sheet 3: Wave 2

Notice CP207

Sample Size Total N=400

Intro Text We are conducting a web-based survey for the IRS to determine the effectiveness of its notices. The survey is voluntary, and your identity will remain anonymous. The survey will only take about 20 minutes to complete. It involves reading and answering questions about two notices; there are 7 pages in all.

Screeners & Demographics

PN: Ask everyone; Single response

QS1 What is your gender?

( ) Male

( ) Female

PN: Ask everyone; Single response

QS2 ( ) Under 18 (TERMINATE)

( ) 18–29

( ) 30–39

( ) 40–49

( ) 50–59

( ) 60+

PN: Ask everyone; Single response

QS3 What is your marital status?

( ) Married

( ) Single

( ) Divorced/Separated

( ) Widowed

PN: Ask everyone; Single response

QS4 Which of the following categories includes your annual household income?

( ) Under $25,000

( ) $25,000–$34,999

( ) $35,000–$49,999

( ) $50,000–$74,999

( ) $75,000–$99,999

( ) $100,000–$149,999

( ) $150,000 or more

( ) Prefer not to say

PN: Ask everyone; Single response

QS5 Are you of Hispanic or Latino origin (ethnicity)?

( ) Yes

( ) No

Which of the following best describes your race? Please select one or more. Are you…

Ask everyone; Multi-response

( ) White

( ) Black or African American

( ) Asian

( ) Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander

( ) American Indian or Alaskan Native

PN: Ask everyone; Single response; Drop-down menu

QS6 In which state is your primary residence?

PN: Ask everyone; Single response; Randomize

QS7 In the past 5 years, have you been employed in any of the following capacities? Mark all that apply.

( ) CFO or Treasurer for a company

( ) Small business owner

( ) Internal or Management Accountant (for a company)

( ) Public Accountant (self-employed or for an accounting firm)

( ) None of the above (EXCLUSIVE, TERMINATE)

PN: Ask everyone; Single response

QS8 Have you filed a federal tax return on the behalf of a business in the past 5 years?

( ) Yes


Document review

Intro Text 2
(show before first doc)
Imagine you just received a notice in the mail from the IRS. We will ask you to review the notice and then answer questions about it.

Intro Text 3
(show before second doc)
Imagine you received a different version of the notice in the mail from the IRS. We will ask you to review the notice and then answer questions about it.

Directions for reading through document Read through the document; you must review all pages before you can move forward (click above to navigate through the pages). Use the scroll bar on the right to scroll through each page.

If you find a section confusing or hard to understand, click on it with your mouse to indicate that it’s confusing.

Once you’ve read all the pages, you’ll be asked a series of questions about what you just read.

PN: The participant reads (and clicks) through all pages. The first time the participant clicks on any section of the wireframe, a small pop-up notification will appear: "Please note that clicking a section of the document indicates that you feel it is confusing or hard to understand. A red check box will appear to indicate the section has been marked as confusing. Hit 'Next' to continue and begin clicking."
If the participant doesn’t click on anything, before advancing to the comprehension questions, a reminder will pop up:

“Do you want to mark anything as confusing or hard to understand? If you do, you can go back to any page and mark the document. Otherwise, you can continue to the questions.”

PN: If the participant has marked items, an open-ended question will appear:

QDOC1 You marked [X] section(s) as confusing or hard to understand. Describe what was most confusing to you. Please be as specific as possible in your response.

PN: Show wireframe document and allow respondent to click on only 1 section. Once clicked, a pop-up open-end text box will appear with that section.

QDOC1a Now, please click on ONE section of the entire document that you found to be the most useful in terms of the information and content it provided. Why was this section the most useful?

PN: Show wireframe document and allow respondent to click on only 1 section. Once clicked, a pop-up open-end text box will appear with that section.

QDOC1b And now please click on ONE section of the entire document that you found to be the least useful in terms of the information and content it provided. Why was this section the least useful?

Comprehension questions

PN: For Q1–Q6, display this instruction on top of the document viewer: "Please answer the following questions related to the document. You may click on any page for reference as you consider the questions."

PN: Ask everyone, Radio buttons, Randomize statements; Multi-response
Q1 Why have you received this notice? Mark all that apply.

( ) I filed the required deposits late

(X) I filed an incomplete or inaccurate Record of Federal Tax Liability

( ) I need to submit a payment

(X) The IRS is awaiting additional information from me

PN: Ask everyone, Radio buttons, Randomize statements; Single response

Q2 Why does the IRS need additional information?

( ) To calculate my penalty

( ) To average my total tax liability and distributing it equally throughout the tax period

(X) To verify whether I made my deposits correctly and on time

( ) To determine my total tax liability

PN: Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Multi-response

Q3 What happens if you do not take action by June 1? Mark all that apply.

( ) I'll incur additional tax liabilities

( ) I'll have to reapply my deposits and payments in date order

(X) I'll receive a penalty

( ) Nothing

Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Single response

Q4 What tax period does this notice apply to?

( ) May 1, 2014

( ) June 1, 2014

(X) March 31, 2014

( ) The notice doesn't say

PN: Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Single response

Q5 What action does the notice instruct you to take?

( ) Pay the amount due

( ) File an amended return

(X) Submit Schedule B

( ) I don't need to take any action

PN: Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements; Single response

Q6 What should you do to ensure your Schedule B is accepted? Mark all that apply.

(X) Report each tax liability

(X) Apply any negative amounts to later liability amounts

(X) List total liability amounts according the right deposit schedule

( ) Include my deposits

Simplicity Index Questions

PN: Ask everyone; Radio buttons, 1–5; Randomize statements

QDOC2 Based on the document you just reviewed, please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements, where 5 is “Strongly agree” and 1 is “Strongly disagree.”


The notice is well organized

It is easy for me to understand the content and wording in the notice

The notice is visually clear

The typeface and type size are easy to read

The notice helps me understand my situation


The tone of the notice is better than I expected

The tone of the notice is respectful

The notice looks better than I expected


The notice is straightforward

The notice explains the IRS’s decisions and the reasoning behind them


The notice helps me understand what actions I can take next

The notice anticipates my questions

The notice provides an appropriate level of detail

The notice provides factual information for me to base my decision on


The notice makes me feel that the IRS wants me to be well informed

The notice makes me feel like I can contact the IRS for help if I need it

Behavioral questions

PN: Ask everyone; Radio buttons

QDOC3 To what extent does the presentation and tone of the notice make you more likely to read the entire document?

( ) Much more likely

( ) Somewhat more likely

( ) No difference

( ) Somewhat less likely

( ) Much less likely

PN: Ask everyone; Radio buttons; Randomize statements

QDOC4 If you received this notice, what would you do? The more honest you can be about your response, the more it will help us create effective communications. Mark all that apply:

( ) Not open it immediately; wait a few days/weeks until I had the time to focus on it

( ) Contact an accountant for help

( ) Contact the IRS to ask a question

( ) Go to the IRS website (www.irs.gov) for help

( ) Find an IRS publication for an explanation

( ) Find an IRS tax clinic

( ) Wait to see if I receive another notice

( ) I wouldn't do anything

( ) Other (please specify) [OE]

( ) Submit payment

( ) Submit the requested information

( ) Contact the IRS to discuss my options

PN: Repeat all questions from after the screener for the other version (Before or After).

Preference questions

PN: Show the wireframe document and allow the respondent to click on only one document.

QDOC5 Click on the notice you preferred.

PN: Ask everyone; Open-ended text box

QDOC6 What is it about this notice that you preferred?

PN: Ask everyone; Open-ended text box

QDOC7 Is there any other information that was left out of the document, but would have helped you understand your situation and/or respond? If so, please describe.

Thank you screen

Disclaimer The Paperwork Reduction Act requires that the IRS display an OMB Control Number on all public information requests. The OMB Control Number for this study is 1545-1432. Also, if you have any comments regarding the time estimates associated with this study or suggestions on making this process simpler, please write to the Internal Revenue Service, Tax Products Coordinating Committee, SE:W:CAR:MP:T:T:SP, 1111 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20224.

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