CS-15-462 GLDS Customer Satisfaction Survey

Voluntary Customer Surveys to Implement E.O. 12862 Coordinated by the Corporate Planning and Performance Division on Behalf of All IRS Operations Functions

CS-15-462 PGLDS Attachments

CS-15-462 GLDS Customer Satisfaction Survey

OMB: 1545-1432

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IRS Office of Governmental Liaison, Disclosure & Safeguards (GLDS)

Customer Satisfaction Evaluation


Primary Agency Liaison


Please respond by


For each question, please indicate your opinion by choosing a number from 1 to 5, “1” means Very Dissatisfied” and 5means Very Satisfied”


Your working relationship with your IRS GLDS primary contact

Please indicate your satisfaction with:




(2) Dissatisfied

(3) Neutral

(4) Satisfied





Your working relationship with your

IRS GLDS Primary Contact.


The understanding of your agency’s

needs shown by your IRS GLDS Primary Contact.


The responsiveness of your IRS

GLDS Primary Contact to your agency’s needs.


Your IRS GLDS Primary Contact support of your agency’s compliance1 activities.


The IRS GLDS communications and

assistance on special projects, e.g., Criminal Investigation MOU, Questionable Employment Tax Practices (QETP), State Audit Report Program (SARP).

Shape1 1 Compliance includes case assistance, requests for specific taxpayer records, joint projects and use of taxpayer data from Transcript Delivery

System (TDS) and Examination Operational Automation Database (EOAD) for tax compliance purposes.

IRS Program Implementation

We would like to determine, from your perspective, how well specific programs have been implemented. For the programs shown in the table below, please select the obstacles, if any, that you encountered during implementation.

(Please check all that apply Leave blank if not applicable)

Not Involved in this Program

Incomplete or

Unclear Direction & Program Guidance from IRS

Insufficient Resources / Staffing within my agency

Computer Capacity / IT Issues within my agency

Program has a low priority for our Agency






QETP (Questionable


Tax Practices)



(Disclosure of Information to Federal State and Local Agency)



(State Audit Report Program)





10. Please identify additional obstacles not listed above (Please specify program).

Safeguards / Security


Do you understand your responsibilities in reporting data breaches, to include lost and stolen federal tax information (Incident Reporting)?




Do you find the Safeguards Program website

useful (http://www.irs.gov/uac/Safeguards- Program )?



Never used or knew site



How useful have you found

the Safeguards Office Hours calls? (Offered once a

month for help with the SSR or to answer other specific technical topics)

Never used or

knew it existed

Not useful at





Very Useful


What resources for Safeguards information would you like to see improved? (Check all that apply)


Office Hours





Job aids

(training videos, report


PGLD Customer Satisfaction Evaluation

For Primary Agency Liaisons

OMB # 1545-1432

Respond by 10/ 09/2015

Page 4

Secure Data Transfer (SDT)

Please indicate your satisfaction with:




(2) Dissatisfied

(3) Neutral

(4) Satisfied





IRS clearly communicating your

responsibilities with regard to using SDT and how to meet technical and administrative requirements.


IRS clearly communicating

procedures for requesting customer support for SDT.

Overall Satisfaction




(2) Dissatisfied

(3) Neutral

(4) Satisfied





Overall, how satisfied are you with

the services and products provided by your IRS GLDS Primary


18. What is your official title?

19. Which agency do you represent?

20. How long have you worked in your current position?

(For Question 21, we are interested in any comments or suggestions you can provide, particularly those areas where your response was a 1 (Very Dissatisfied) or 2 (Dissatisfied).

21. How can your IRS GLDS Primary Contact improve services to your agency?

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice

The Paperwork Reduction Act requires IRS to display an OMB Control Number on all approved information requests. We are required to have approval from the Office of Mangement and Budget. Their approval number for this project is 1545-1432. About fifteen minutes will be needed to complete this voluntary questionnaire. Also if you have any comments regarding the time estimates associated with this study or suggestions on making the process simpler, please write to:

Internal Revenue Service

Tax Products Coordinating Committee

1111 Constitution Ave. NW


Washington, DC 20224

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service

Thank you for your time!

IRS Office of Governmental Liaison, Disclosure & Safeguards (GLDS)

Customer Satisfaction Evaluation


Users of IRS GLDS Services and



Please respond by


For each question, please indicate your opinion by choosing a number from 1 to 5, “1” means Very Dissatisfied” and 5means Very Satisfied”

~Leave blank if not applicable~



Please indicate your satisfaction with:




(2) Dissatisfied

(3) Neutral

(4) Satisfied





Materials developed by the IRS to help you understand and implement your Disclosure responsibilities. These materials include the Disclosure Awareness (Pub 4761) and a companion video product to that publication; video presentations on need and use; and Protecting Federal Tax Information: A Message From The IRS.


The availability of Disclosure Awareness resources posted to the IRS.gov page for Governmental Liaisons.

(URL: http://www.irs.gov/Government- Entities/Governmental-Liaisons)


The assistance IRS provides in response to your disclosure questions or concerns.


The accuracy of responses to your requests for federal tax returns or return information made using Form 8796 or specific requests.

Safeguards / Security


Do you understand your responsibilities in reporting data breaches, to include lost and stolen federal tax information (Incident Reporting)?




Do you find the Safeguards Program website useful (http://www.irs.gov/uac/Safeguards-

Program )?



Never used or knew site existed


How useful have you found the Safeguards Office Hours calls? (Offered once a

month for help with the SSR or to answer other specific technical topics)

Never used or knew it existed

Not useful at all


Somewhat useful

Very Useful


What resources for Safeguards information would you like to see improved? (Check all that apply)


Office Hours





Job aids

(training videos, report


Compliance Products and Services

The next five questions are about the compliance products and services provided by the IRS Governmental

Liaison and Disclosure office. Examples of these products and services include case assistance, requests for specific taxpayer records, joint projects, use of taxpayer data from the Transcript Delivery System (TDS) and from the Examination Operational Automation Database (EOAD).

If you are not a user please check here and skip to question 14.

Compliance Services do not apply

Please indicate your satisfaction with:




(2) Dissatisfied

(3) Neutral

(4) Satisfied





The timeliness of the information provided for your agency’s compliance program.


The format of the information

provided for your agency’s

compliance program.


The clarity of the information

provided for your agency’s

compliance program.


The adequacy (meets your needs)

of the information provided for your agency’s compliance program.


The accuracy of the information

provided for your agency’s

compliance program.

GL Data Exchange Program

The next six questions are about the Governmental Liaison Data Exchange Program (GLDEP) extracts

overseen by the IRS GLDS Data Services Office. This section is about the Customer Satisfaction with the timely delivery of extracts, specification books, and accuracy of extract information and/or updates provided (not Secure Data Transfer).

If you do not use this program, please check here and skip to question 20.

GLDEP does not apply

Please indicate your satisfaction

level with each of the following statements:

(1) Very


(2) Dissatisfied

(3) Neutral

(4) Satisfied

(5) Very



The GLDEP extracts are delivered as scheduled.


The format of the file matches the

record layout in the Specification



The Specification Books are understandable.


You are receiving the information for which youve enrolled.


The extracts provide information

that generates tax revenue for your agency.


The extract information is accurate.

PGLD Customer Satisfaction Evaluation

For Users of IRS GLD Services and Products

OMB # 1545-1432

Respond by 10/1/2012

Page 5

Secure Data Transfer (SDT)

Please indicate your satisfaction with:




(2) Dissatisfied

(3) Neutral

(4) Satisfied





The SDT Trading Partner Handbook.

I have Not used the Handbook.

Overall Satisfaction with IRS Products and Services




(2) Dissatisfied

(3) Neutral

(4) Satisfied





Overall, how satisfied are you with the services and products provided by your IRS GLDS Contact.

22. What is your official title?

23. Which agency do you represent?

24. How long have you worked in your current position?

25. What do you think is a reasonable response time for requests of tax records from Disclosure?

(For Question 26, we are interested in any comments or suggestions you can provide, particularly those areas where your response was a 1 (Very Dissatisfied) or 2 (Dissatisfied).

26. How can IRS improve products and services provided by GLDS?

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice

The Paperwork Reduction Act requires IRS to display an OMB Control Number on all approved information requests. We are required to have approval from the Office of Mangement and Budget. Their approval number for this project is 1545-1432. About fifteen minutes will be needed to complete this voluntary questionnaire. Also if you have any comments regarding the time estimates associated with this study or suggestions on making the process simpler, please write to:

Internal Revenue Service

Tax Products Coordinating Committee

1111 Constitution Ave. NW


Washington, DC 20224

Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service

Thank you for your time!

IRS Office of Governmental Liaison Disclosure & Safeguards (GLDS)

Customer Satisfaction Evaluation


Data Services



Please respond by


For each question below, please indicate your opinion by choosing a number from

1 to 5, 1” means Very Dissatisfied” and 5” means Very Satisfied”


IRS Disclosure of Information to Federal, State and Local Agencies (DIFSLA) Program Implementation

Please indicate your satisfaction with:




(2) Dissatisfied

(3) Neutral

(4) Satisfied





The timeliness of the information

provided for your agency’s computer matching program.


The clarity of the information

provided for your agency’s computer matching program.


What is your overall

satisfaction with the DIFSLA

computer matching program?

Secure Data Transfer (SDT)

4. Is the IRS clearly communicating procedures for requesting customer support for SDT?

Yes No

Please indicate your satisfaction with the following statements:




(2) Dissatisfied

(3) Neutral

(4) Satisfied





The language in the DIFSLA Handbook is easy to understand.


The technical requirements ( e.g. naming conventions) in the DIFSLA Handbook are easy to follow.


The timetables in the DIFSLA Handbook are clear.

8. Do you understand your agency’s obligations under the DIFSLA Computer Matching Agreement?



If 8. is No, How can IRS Data Services better explain your agency’s obligations?

9. Do you understand your agency’s obligations under the DIFSLA Reimbursables Agreement?



Shape2 If 9. is No, How can IRS Data Services better explain your agency’s obligations?

(For Question 10, we are interested in any comments or suggestions you can provide, particularly those areas where your response was a

1 (Very Dissatisfied) or 2 (Dissatisfied).

Shape3 10. How can the DIFSLA program be improved?

11. How long have you worked in your current position?

12. How can your IRS Data Services Contact improve service to your agency?

Paperwork Reduction Act Notice

The Paperwork Reduction Act requires IRS to display an OMB Control Number on all approved information requests. We are required to have approval from the Office of Mangement and Budget. Their approval number for this project is 1545-1432. About fifteen minutes will be needed to complete this voluntary questionnaire. Also if you have any comments regarding the time estimates associated with this study or suggestions on making the process simpler, please write to:

Internal Revenue Service

Tax Products Coordinating Committee

1111 Constitution Ave. NW


Washington, DC 20224

Shape4 Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service

Thank you for your time!

Cover Letter to Participating Agencies:

To evaluate IRS Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards support, services and products we’re asking for feedback from individuals who have firsthand knowledge or experience with GLDS programs.  

You may have participated in a similar evaluation in 2012, or this may be the first time you receive this survey for your agency. We will send you the evaluation form in two parts by Friday, Sept. 4, 2015. The first part is for you, as a primary liaison with IRS, the second part is for you and anyone else in your agency who uses GLDS products and services. Participation in the survey is voluntary and should only take about 15 minutes of your time.

An IRS research organization is conducting the survey using a unique email address. All responses go directly to them. We will not share individual responses and only aggregate results will go to the IRS office of Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards.

Your participation is important. GLDS is always looking to improve its products and services. Based on results from the previous survey GLDS implemented several improvements. For example:

  • The revised electronic Publication 1075, now clarifies key definitions, requirements and timelines. It also includes quick reference charts as well as enhanced/bookmarked cross-references for improved navigation.

  • Safeguards continues to closely monitor their electronic mailbox to timely address any technical inquiries from agencies.

  • Governmental Liaison created educational opportunities for IRS and State Departments of Revenue nationwide through periodic conference calls.

  • Disclosure launched new awareness products for state agencies.

We look forward to getting your feedback to help IRS evaluate and improve its Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards support, services, and products. 

Thank you in advance for your time and attention.

Edward Killen

Director, Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards

Cover Letter to Primary Liaisons:

We recently contacted you about helping IRS evaluate our Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards support, services and products. Now we’re asking for your help to gather information about your agency’s work with GLDS. We appreciate your input, as well as input from others in your agency.

There are two parts in the GLDS evaluation.

  • The attached, Customer Satisfaction Evaluation for Primary Agency Liaison 2015, is for you as an agency liaison.

  • We will send you the second part, Customer Satisfaction Evaluation for Users of IRS GLDS Services and Products, separately with instructions for distributing it to other product users.

As a primary liaison with the IRS, you can provide important feedback to help improve the services provided by your GLDS primary contact, as well as improving the data exchange program. Your help gathering information during the second part of the process will help us improve the products and services used by your agency.

Please complete the attached evaluation and send it *IRS GLDS Agency Partner Survey by Oct. 9, 2015.

The IRS Research organization will analyze the evaluation responses. We will not share individual responses and only aggregate results will go to the IRS office of Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and should only take about 15 minutes of your time. Please don’t take the survey more than once.

If you have any questions concerning the evaluation, please contact Melissa Dedrick at 303.603.4887. Contact LaShaunda Love-Smith at 615.250.5458 with any questions concerning the evaluation content.  

Thank you for your help with the 2015 evaluation of GLDS services. We appreciate your time and assistance in providing this valuable feedback.

Thank you,

Edward Killen

Director, Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards

Cover Letter to Participating Agencies of Product and Services Users Survey:

This is the second part of a request for your help to gather information about your agency’s work with IRS Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards. We would like your input, as well as input from others in your agency.

Please review the attached Customer Satisfaction Evaluation for Users of IRS GLDS Services and Products and

  • forward the evaluation to personnel in your agency who receive any of the IRS Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards services or products addressed in the evaluation (you may need to forward multiple copies if the services and products are used by different people), and

  • ask those completing the evaluation to respond to all relevant questions and include comments if needed, and

  • when appropriate, complete the evaluation yourself, including comments.

Feedback from key personnel will help us determine how to improve services and products provided by Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards.

After completing the evaluation please ask participants to send them to *IRS GLDS Agency Partner Survey by Oct. 9, 2015.

The IRS Research organization will analyze the evaluation responses. We will not share individual responses and only aggregate results will go to the IRS office of Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and should only take about 15 minutes of your time. Please don’t take the survey more than once.

If you have any questions concerning the evaluation, please contact Melissa Dedrick at 303.603.4887. Contact LaShaunda Love-Smith at 615.250.5458 with any questions concerning the evaluation content.

Thank you for your help with the 2015 evaluation of GLDS services. We appreciate your time and assistance in providing this valuable feedback.

Thank you,

Edward Killen

Director, Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards

Introductory Letter to Data Services Customers:

A survey from the IRS Disclosure of Information to Federal State and Local Agencies program is comng soon. The IRS Office of Data Services is evaluating the DIFSLA Program and is asking for feedback from you and others who have firsthand knowledge or experience with DIFSLA.  

Completing the survey is voluntary and should only take 15 minutes of your time.

An IRS research organization is conducting the evaluation using a unique email address.  All responses go directly to them and they will analyze the responses. We will not share individual responses and only aggregate results will go to the IRS office of Data Services.

Your participation in this evaluation is important. IRS Office of Data Services is always working to improve its products and services.

We look forward to your input and help evaluating and improving the DIFSLA Program.  We appreciate your time and assistance in providing this valuable feedback.

Thank you,

Edward Killen

Director, Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards

Cover Letter to Data Services Customers:

Recently, we contacted you about the IRS Disclosure of Information to Federal State and Local Agencies program evaluation process. At this time we are asking for your help to gather information about your agency’s work with the IRS Office of Data Services. We would like your input, as well as input from others in your agency.

This is your opportunity to provide important feedback and help improve the DIFSLA data exchange program.

Please complete the attached evaluation and send it to *IRS GLDS Agency Partner Survey by Oct. 9, 2015.

The IRS Research organization will analyze the evaluation responses. We will not share individual responses and only aggregate results will go to the IRS office of Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and should only take about 15 minutes of your time. Please don’t take the survey more than once.

If you have any questions concerning the evaluation, please contact Melissa Dedrick at 303.603.4887. Contact LaShaunda Love-Smith at 615.250.5458 with any questions concerning the evaluation content.

Thank you for your help with the 2015 evaluation of GLDS services. We appreciate your time and assistance in providing this valuable feedback.

Thank you,

Edward Killen

Director, Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards

Reminder Letter to Primary Liaisons:

Recently, we sent you the IRS Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards Customer Satisfaction evaluation. Our objective is to survey as many participants as possible who are familiar with the services provided by the GLDS organization.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and should only take about 15 minutes of your time.

Your feedback is important to us. If you have not already sent in your evaluation, please send it to *IRS GLDS Agency Partner Survey no later than Oct. 9, 2015.  We will use your input to improve our services and products. We appreciate you taking the time to complete the evaluation.

 We will not share individual responses and only aggregate results will go to the IRS office of Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards.

If you have any questions concerning the evaluation, please contact Melissa Dedrick at 303.603.4887. Contact LaShaunda Love-Smith at 615.250.5458 with any questions concerning the evaluation content. Thank you for your help with the 2015 evaluation. We appreciate your help in providing this valuable feedback.

Thank you,

The IRS GLDS Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Team

Reminder Letter to Users of Products and Services:

Last week, we sent you a request to forward the PGLDS Users of Products and Services survey to personnel within your agency who receive the IRS Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards services or products addressed in the evaluation. We greatly appreciate your input, as well as input from others in your agency.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and should only take about 15 minutes of your time.

Your feedback is important to us. If you have not already sent in your evaluation, please send it to *IRS GLDS Agency Partner Survey no later than Oct. 9, 2015.  We will use it to improve the services and products we provide to you. We appreciate you taking the time to complete the evaluation.

We will not share individual responses and only aggregate results will go to the IRS office of Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards.

If you have any questions concerning the evaluation, please contact Melissa Dedrick at 303.603.4887. Contact LaShaunda Love-Smith at 615.250.5458 with any questions concerning the evaluation content.

Thank you for helping us with the 2015 evaluation of GLDS services. We appreciate your time and assistance in providing this valuable feedback.

Thank you,

The IRS GLDS Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Team

Reminder Letter to Data Services Customers:

Recently, we sent you an evaluation for the IRS Disclosure of Information to Federal State and Local Agencies program. Our goal is to include as many responses as possible from participants familiar with the services provided by Data Services.

Participation in the survey is voluntary and should only take about 15 minutes of your time.

If you have not already sent in your evaluation, please send it to *IRS GLDS Agency Partner Survey no later than Oct. 9, 2015.  We appreciate you taking the time to complete the evaluation and help us improve the DIFSLA Program.

We will not share individual responses and only aggregate results will go to the IRS office of Governmental Liaison, Disclosure and Safeguards.

If you have any questions concerning the evaluation, please contact Melissa Dedrick at 303.603.4887. Contact LaShaunda Love-Smith at 615.250.5458 with any questions concerning the evaluation content. We appreciate your time and assistance in providing this valuable feedback.

Thank you,

The IRS GLD Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Team

GLDS Customer Satisfaction Evaluation

For Primary Agency Liaison

Respond by 10/09/2015

Page 2

OMB # 1545-1432

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleIRS Office of Governmental Liaison & Disclosure (GLD)
AuthorCait DeStefano
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-30

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