Construction Progress Reporting Surveys: Private Projects - C-700, Multi-Family Residential Projects - C-700(R), State and Local Government Projects - C-700(SL), and Federal Projects C-700(F)
ICR 201302-0607-011
OMB: 0607-0153
Federal Form Document
⚠️ Notice: This information collection may be outdated. More recent filings for OMB 0607-0153 can be found here:
Construction Progress
Reporting Surveys: Private Projects - C-700, Multi-Family
Residential Projects - C-700(R), State and Local Government
Projects - C-700(SL), and Federal Projects C-700(F)
Extension without change of a currently approved collection
Prior to the
commencement of the Construction Progress Reporting Surveys:
Private Projects - C-700, Multi-Family Residential Projects -
C-700(R), State and Local Government Projects - C-700(SL), and
Federal Projects C-700(F)forms distribution, the Census Bureau
shall provide on its Internet site prominent links to a set of
finalized survey forms, including instructions and cover letters,
comparable to those provided for the 2012 Economic Census report
forms. The final forms and letters shall reflect any changes in the
survey year, OMB number expiration date, and Census leadership from
those submitted for review.
Inventory as of this Action
Previously Approved
36 Months From Approved
The information collected on these
forms is used to publish estimates of the monthly value of
construction put in place (1) for nonresidential projects owned by
private companies or individuals; (2) for projects owned by state
and local government agencies; (3) for multifamily residential
building projects owned by private companies or individuals; and
(4) for projects owned by the federal government. These statistics
are used extensively by the Federal Government in making policy
decisions and become part of the gross domestic product. The
private sector uses the statistics for market analysis and other
On behalf of this Federal agency, I certify that
the collection of information encompassed by this request complies
with 5 CFR 1320.9 and the related provisions of 5 CFR
The following is a summary of the topics, regarding
the proposed collection of information, that the certification
(i) Why the information is being collected;
(ii) Use of information;
(iii) Burden estimate;
(iv) Nature of response (voluntary, required for a
benefit, or mandatory);
(v) Nature and extent of confidentiality; and
(vi) Need to display currently valid OMB control
If you are unable to certify compliance with any of
these provisions, identify the item by leaving the box unchecked
and explain the reason in the Supporting Statement.