Postsecondary Education Complaint Intake System

Postsecondary Education Complaint Intake System

DRAFT DoD PECS user guide

Postsecondary Education Complaint Intake System

OMB: 0704-0501

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DoD Postsecondary
Education Complaint System
Draft User Guide
1 AUGUST 2013

Table of Contents
Getting Started ................................................................................................... 2
Managing Your PECS Profile ................................................................................ 3
View Pending Complaint Cases ........................................................................... 6
My Cases............................................................................................................. 8
Searching for Complaint Cases .......................................................................... 10
Taking Ownership of Complaint Cases .............................................................. 12
Take Over Ownership of an Active Complaint Case from another User ............. 14
Editing Complaint Cases .................................................................................... 15
Complaint Case Notes ....................................................................................... 16
Email a Complaint Case Note ............................................................................ 17
Reassigning Complaint Cases ............................................................................ 19
Transferring Complaint Cases............................................................................ 21
Closing Compliant Cases ................................................................................... 26
Escalating Complaint Cases to FTC for Further Action ....................................... 29
Complaint Case Log ........................................................................................... 31
Upload complaint cases via XML file ................................................................. 32
Complaint Case Reports .................................................................................... 35
Content Manage Complaint Intake Pages ......................................................... 39

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Getting Started
The DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (PECS) permits authorized personnel the ability to
track, manage and process formal complaints cases submitted by, or on behalf of, uniformed service
members, spouses and other family members when educational institutions fail to follow the Principles
of Excellence outlined in Executive Order 13607.
Users assigned to a Complaint Case Role of Level 1 (Field), Level 2 (Service Chief) or Level 3 (OSD) have
the ability to view and manage complaint cases. Additionally, PECS users have access to Complaint Case
reports. Complaint cases enter the DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System via submission of
the Online Intake Form or XML file upload.
All complaint cases, submitted via the online intake form, enter PECS in a Pending status and are
assigned to Level 2 (Service Chief) of the appropriate Department. When complaints are received, the
system will send a (Do Not Reply) email notification to all Level 2 Complaint System users assigned to
the complainant’s associated branch (Army, Marines, MyCAA, etc). Users must subscribe to receive
complaint system emails via their PECS profile.
The DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System and DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint
Intake are accessed via the following URLs:

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System:


DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint Intake:

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Managing Your PECS Profile
DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System users have the ability to manage their PECS profile.
Users have the ability to edit their contact information in addition to subscribing or unsubscribing to
complaint system emails. When subscribed to complaint system emails, users will receive notifications
when the following actions occur:

Complaint case enters the Pending Queue of the user’s assigned complaint system Level and
Complaint case is reassigned or transferred to the user

To View Your PECS Profile:
1. Hover over the Profile navigation bar option and select My Profile.

Your assigned
Case Role

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


To Edit Your PECS Profile:
1. Hover over the Profile navigation bar option and select My Profile.
2. Make the desired edit.
3. Click the Update Profile button.

NOTE: You are not permitted to edit your Complaint Case Role.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


To Subscribe or Unsubscribe to Complaint System Emails:
1. Hover over the Profile navigation bar option and select My Profile.
2. Mark the Subscribed checkbox (to receive complaint system emails), OR
3. Unmark the Subscribed checkbox (to NOT receive complaint system emails).

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


View Pending Complaint Cases
All users assigned to a Complaint System Role (Level 1, Level 2 or Level 3) have the ability to view
complaint cases. Level 1 and Level 2 users are restricted to viewing cases assigned to their Department
(i.e. Army, Navy, MyCAA). Level 3 (OSD) users can view ALL complaint cases.
To View Pending Complaint Cases
1. Hover over the Complaint Cases navigation menu option and select Cases, OR
2. Click the Count total from the Pending Cases dock.
3. Click the

icon to view the desired complaint case details.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


4. View the complaint case details

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


My Cases
Upon taking ownership of a complaint, the case will be assigned to you and will appear in your My Cases
area. Your cases can be accessed via the navigation bar or the My Cases dock.
To View Complaint Cases Assigned to You
1. Hover over the Complaint Cases navigation menu option and select My Cases, OR
2. Click the Count total from the My Cases dock.
3. Click the

icon to view the desired complaint case details.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


4. View complaint case details

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Searching for Complaint Cases
Users can search for specific complaint cases using various filter options.
To search for specific complaint cases that you own:

Access the My Cases area via the navigation bar menu, OR
Click the Count total from the My Cases dock.
Enter one or more search criteria
Click the Search button.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


To search for specific complaint cases you do NOT own:
1. Access the Pending Cases area via the navigation bar option or dock.
2. Enter one or more search criteria (i.e. Department, Case ID, Status).
3. Click the Search button.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Taking Ownership of Complaint Cases
Level 1 (Field) and Level 2 (Service Chief) users can only take ownership of Pending complaint cases that
are assigned to their Department. Level 3 (OSD) can take ownership of any Pending case. Additionally, a
user’s assigned complaint Case Role (Level 1, 2 or 3) determines which cases they can manage. A case’s
status will update to Active when ownership is taken and an email notification will be sent to the
complaint POC alerting them to the case status progression.

Level 1 users: can only take ownership of Pending, Level 1 cases assigned to their Department.


Level 2 users: can only take ownership of Pending, Level 1 and Level 2 cases assigned to their


Level 3 (OSD): can take ownership of all Pending complaint cases regardless of its Level or

To take ownership of a Pending complaint case:
1. Access the Pending Cases via the navigation bar menu or dock.
2. Click the

icon to view the desired complaint case details.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


3. Click the Take Ownership button.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Take Over Ownership of an Active Complaint Case from another User
Users have the option to take over ownership of Active complaint cases owned by another user.

Level 1: Users assigned to a Level 1 Complaint Case Role can take ownership of an Active
case owned by another Level 1 user in their Department only.


Level 2: Users assigned to a Level 2 Complaint Case Role can take ownership of an Active
case owned by another Level 1 or Level 2 user in their Department only.


Level 3: Users assigned to a Level 3 (OSD) Complaint Case Role can take ownership of any
Active case owned by another user.

To take over ownership of an Active case from another user:
1. Access an Active complaint case owned by another user
2. Click the Take Over Ownership button.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Editing Complaint Cases
Users have the ability to edit complaint cases that meet the following criteria:

User is the assigned case owner
Complaint case is in an Active status

To edit a complaint case:
1. Access a complaint case in an Active status (you must be the assigned case owner).
2. Make the desired edit.
3. Click the Update button.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Complaint Case Notes
Complaint System users can enter notes into complaint case records regardless of the case status
(Pending, Active or Closed). A case note’s author is permitted to edit or email a note to the complaint
To enter a complaint case note:

Access the desired complaint case.
Click the Notes tab.
Click the Add Note button.
Enter the desired note text.
Click the Add button.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Email a Complaint Case Note
The author of a complaint case note has the option to email a note to the complainant. Additionally, the
author has the option to include their contact information (Name, phone number and email address)
into the body of the email text. Contact information is pulled from the user’s profile.
To email a complaint case note (during note creation):

Access a case’s Note area and click Add Note.
Enter note text.
Mark the Email note to complaint case contact checkbox.
Mark the checkbox to include contact information (OPTIONAL)
Click the Add button.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


To email a complaint case note (after note has been created):

Case note’s author accesses the Note area of a complaint case.
Click the Email button associated to the desired note.
Mark the checkbox to include your contact information (OPTIONAL)
Click the Send button.

Click to view Notes section

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Reassigning Complaint Cases
A user can Reassign Active complaint cases they own to another user within the same Level and
Department. Reassigning ownership is a lateral movement of a case to another user that shares your
Level and Department.
To Reassign a complaint case:
1. View a complaint case that you own.
2. Click the Reassign Ownership button.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


3. Select the user to be reassigned the complaint case.
4. Enter a reassign reason note (required)
5. Click the Reassign button.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Transferring Complaint Cases
Users can transfer Active complaint cases they own to another Level, Department or User. Only Level 2
and Level 3 (OSD) users have the ability to transfer a case to another Department. Level 1 users are
restricted to transferring a case up one level and Level 2 users can transfer up or down one Level.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


To transfer a case to another Level:
Users assigned to a Level 2 or Level 3 (OSD) Complaint Case Role have the ability to transfer a case up or
down one level. Users must be the case owner to transfer a complaint.
1. View a complaint case that you own.
2. Click the Transfer Case option.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


3. Select the new Level you wish to transfer the complaint case.
4. Enter a transfer reason note (required)
5. Click the Transfer button.

Select new
case Level

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


To transfer a case to another Department:
Users assigned to a Complaint Case Role of Level 2 or Level 3 (OSD) have the ability to transfer a case to
another Department. Users must be the assigned case owner to transfer a complaint.
1. View a complaint case that you own.
2. Select the Department that you wish to transfer the complaint case.
3. Click the Transfer button.


DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


To transfer a case to another User:
Users have the ability to transfer their Active complaint cases to another user. A system generated (Do
Not Reply) email notification will be sent to the new owner when a case has been transferred to them.

Level 1 users can transfer cases to users that share their Level and Department only.
Level 2 users can transfer cases to specific Level 1 and Level 2 users.
Level 3 users can transfer cases to specific Level 2 and Level 3 (OSD) users.

To transfer a case to another user:
1. View a complaint case that you own.
2. Select the User that you wish to become the newly assigned case owner.
3. Click the Transfer button.

Select the
new case

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Closing Compliant Cases
Owners of Active complaint cases have the ability to close cases when deemed appropriate. When
closing cases, users must select a Close Reason and have the option to enter notes.
Level 1 and Level 2 users must select one of the following Close Reasons:


Level 3 (OSD) users must select one of the following Close Reasons:

Forwarded to FTC for action by Dept of Justice
Forwarded to FTC for action by Dept of Veterans Affairs
Forwarded to FTC for action by Dept of Education

To close a complaint case:
1. Access a complaint case you own via the navigation bar menu or My Cases dock.
2. Click the

icon to view the desired complaint case details.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


3. Click the Close Case option.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


4. Select a Close Reason.
5. Enter a Note (optional).
6. Click the Close button.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Escalating Complaint Cases to FTC for Further Action
Users assigned to a Level 3 (OSD) Complaint Case Role have the ability to forward complaint cases to the
FTC’s Consumer Sentinel Network system for further action by the Department of Justice, Veterans
Affairs or Education. Complaint cases are forwarded to FTC for further action by a Level 3 (OSD)
selecting the appropriate Close Reason. When a case is closed with a Forwarded to FTC reason, a
system generated (Do Not Reply) email is sent to the appropriate Department POC(s).
To escalate a case to FTC for further action:
1. Access an Active complaint case you own (You must be assigned to a Level 3 Complaint Case
2. Click the Close Case option.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


3. Select the appropriate Close Reason
4. Enter additional Notes (optional)
5. Click the Close button.

User has option to include their
Note in the body of the system
generated email.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Complaint Case Log
Each complaint case contains a Log that records specific case activity. A user accesses a complaint case
Log by viewing the desired complaint case and clicking the Log tab.
To view a complaint case’s Log:
1. Access a complaint case.
2. Select the Log tab.

Highlighted text
indicates updated
Click the Log tab

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Upload complaint cases via XML file
Level 1, Level 2 and level 3 (OSD) users have the option to upload complaint cases via XML file. Cases
uploaded to PECS must be in a Level 2, Pending or Closed, status. When cases are uploaded via XML file
a case will be created in PECS and assigned a unique Complaint System ID number. The Case Upload
area contains a Template, Reference Document & Example to guide a user through the upload process.
To upload complaint cases via XML file:
1. Hover over the Complaint Cases navigation bar option and select Case Upload.

2. Click the Browse button and select an XML file to upload.

User can access an
XML file example,
template and
Reference Document

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


3. Click the Upload Case Files button.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


4. Click the Insert Valid Records button.
5. Click OK on the confirmation messages.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Complaint Case Reports
Users have the ability to run complaint case related reports. Level 1 and Level 2 Complaint Case Role
users can run reports pertaining to their Department only. Level 3 (OSD) users can run reports for all
To run a complaint case report:
1. Hover over the Reports navigation bar option and select Complaint Case Reports.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


2. Establish desired report criteria (i.e. Date Range, Rank Group, Service).

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


3. Click the desired report title to run the report.

Click to sort
results by
column header

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


4. Select the

icon to export report results to an Excel document.

Click to return to
Complaint Case

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


Content Manage Complaint Intake Pages
Level 3 (OSD) Complaint Case Role users have the ability to content manage specific DoD Postsecondary
Education Complaint online intake form pages. The following complaint intake pages are content
manageable by Level 3 (OSD) users:

Veterans benefits question
Welcome page text
Complaint Intake FAQs

To content manage a complaint intake page:
1. Level 3 (OSD) user hovers over the Complaint Cases navigation bar option and selects Content

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


2. Select the
icon located to the right of the page to be content managed.
3. Enter desired page text.
4. Click Update.

DoD Postsecondary Education Complaint System (Draft)


File Typeapplication/pdf
AuthorJeremy Winters
File Modified2013-08-05
File Created2013-08-05

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