Tech-renewal submission xls

tech-renewal submission 12-15-08.xls

Continuum of Care Homeless Assistance Grant Application-Technical Submission

Tech-renewal submission xls

OMB: 2506-0183

Document [xlsx]
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SRO-project budget
non-PHA agreement

Sheet 1: Common

2008 Technical Submission/Project Revision - Common to All Program Types

NOTE: This is a list of data elements to be included in 2008 technical submission/project revision in e-snaps. New SHP and SRO projects must complete a Technical Submission and New S+C, Renewal SHP and Renewal S+C complete project revision prior to grant execution. The order in which data elements appear on the screens in e-snaps may differ from the order presented here. Whenever possible, information will be brought forward from the SF-424 and Exhibit 2 submitted during the 2008 competition so that selectees will update information already provided.
Data Element/Question Response Categories/Type Sub-elements Response Categories/Type
Project Summary
Project Information -- brought forward from Exhibit 2 application
CoC Number and Name

Project Name

Project Number

Program Type SHP Component Type PH/SH/TH/HMIS/SSO


Section 8 SRO
Grant Term 1 2 3 5 10 years

Applicant/Selectee & Sponsor Information -- brought forward from SF-424 and Exhibt 2 application
Applicant Name
Does the applicant information need to be updated/corrected before grant agreement? Yes / No
Applicant/Selectee Contact Person First Name Does the applicant information need to be updated/corrected before grant agreement? Yes / No

Last Name


If yes, enter updated information


E-mail Address

Street Address

City, State, Zip

Applicant Authorized Representative First Name Does the applicant information need to be updated before grant agreement? Yes / No

Last Name

Title If yes, enter updated information



E-mail Address

Street Address

City, State, Zip

Sponsor Name
Does the sponsor information need to be updated/corrected before grant agreement? Yes / No / Not applicable

If yes, enter updated information
Sponsor Contact Person First Name Does the sponsor information need to be updated/corrected before grant agreement? Yes / No / Not applicable

Last Name


If yes, enter updated information


E-mail Address

Street Address

City, State, Zip

Assisted Number of Beds and Participants -- brought forward from Exhibit 2
Housing Type and Scale Barracks Number of Units

Dormitory Number of Bedrooms

Shared Housing Number of Beds

SRO Units

Clustered apartments

Scattered-site apartments

Single family homes/ townhouses/duplexes

Does the housing information need to be updated/corrected before grant agreement? Yes / No / Not applicable

If yes, enter updated information

Assisted Participants

Households without Dependent Children Current Level Number of Disabled Adults Chronically Homeless

New Effort or Change in Effort Number of Non-disabled Adults Severely Mentally Ill

Number of Disabled Unaccompanied Youth Chronic Subtance Abuse

Number of Non-disabled Unaccompanied Youth Veterans

Persons with HIV/AIDS

Domestic Violence
Households with Dependent Children Current Level Number of Disabled Adults Chronically Homeless

New Effort or Change in Effort Number of Non-disabled Adults Severely Mentally Ill

Number of Disabled Unaccompanied Youth Chronic Subtance Abuse

Number of Non-disabled Unaccompanied Youth Veterans

Persons with HIV/AIDS

Domestic Violence
Does the Assisted Participants information need to be update before grant agreement? Yes / No If yes, enteer updated information

Site Control Summary
Site Information & Schedule (for each site)

Address(es) of Structure(s) Site Name

Street Address

City, State, Zip

Do you need to update the site address before grant agreement? Yes/No If yes, complete threshold review.
Site Owner Applicant?



Site Contact Contact Person



E-mail Address

Street Address

City, State, Zip

Site Control & Review

Does the selectee or project sponsor have site control at this time Yes/No If yes, check the appropriate box to indicate the form of site control that the project sponsor has now Deed or other proof of ownership

Executed contract of sale

Pre-lease agreement

Executed lease agreement

Executed option to purchase land

List of potential units
Documentation attachment (NEW)
Certification attachment (Renewal)

If no, project sponsor has one year from ___________the date of HUD's letter to the selectee notifying it that it was conditionally selected to gain site control.

Does the project meet the site and neighborhood standards detailed at 24 CFR 882.803(b)(2)? Yes/No/Not Applicable If no, provide brief explanation
Does the project exceed the per unit rehabilitation cost limitation? Yes/No/Not Applicable If no, provide brief explanation
Does the project require the minimum $3,000 rehab per unit? Yes/No/Not Applicable If no, provide brief explanation

Site Control Documentation Attachment of Site Control Documentation

Environmental Review Complete and attach form HUD 7015.15 or HUD 4128 or equivalent

Certification and Disclosure
Certification/Authentication of Responsible Entity Name, Title, Date I hereby certify that all the information stated herein is true and accurate. Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Convictioin may result in criminal and/or civil penalties. (18 U.S.C. 1001, 1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) check box indicating certification

Do you need to update form HUD 2880 before ACC/grant agreement? Attachment of Certification

Sheet 2: SHP

2008 Technical Submission/Project Revision for the Supportive Housing Program (SHP)
NOTE: This is a list of data elements to be included in 2008 technical submission/project revision in e-snaps. New SHP projects must complete a Technical Submission and Renewal SHP projects complete project revision prior to grant execution. The order in which data elements appear on the screens in e-snaps may differ from the order presented here. Whenever possible, information will be brought forward from the SF-424 and Exhibit 2 submitted during the 2008 competition so that selectees will update information already provided.
Data Element/Question Response Categories/Type Sub-elements Response Categories/Type
Project Summary
Project Milestones Expected completion date from execution of grant agreement

Closing on Purchase of land, structure, or execution of lease

Last unit leased (leasing scattered units)

Rehabilitation started

Rehabilitation completed

New construction started

New construction completed

Operations staff hired

Residents begin to occupy

Supportive services begin

Facility near 100% occupied

Enrollment in supportive services near 100% capacity

Implementation of your HMIS project

Program Goals Objectives to meet program goals Timeframe for meeting program objectives
Obtain and remain in permanent housing

Increase their skills and/or income

Achieve greater self-determination

Budget Information (brought forward from Exhibit 2)
Acquisition/New Construction/Rehabilitation Does the budget need to be updated before grant execution? Yes/No
If yes, enter update data

Real Property Leasing

FMR Area Leased Units Does the budget for Real Property Leasing need to be updated before grant execution? Yes/No

Leased Structures
If yes, enter update data
Indicate rent reasonable rent based on comparables listed Dollar Amount

Reasonable Rent Certification Attachment

Supportive Services Budget

Outreach Quantity

Case Management Yearly amount

Life Skills (outside of Case Mngmt) Yearly cash match amount

Alcohol & Drug Abuse Services

Mental Health & Counseling Svs.

HIV/AIDS Services

Health Related & Home Health

Education and Instruction

Employment Services

Child Care


Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)

HMIS Budget Equipment Central Server(s), Personal Computers and Printers, Networking, Security
Yearly Amount
Yearly cash match amount
Software Software/User Licensing, Software Installations, Support and Maintenance, Supporting Software Tools

Services Training by Third Parties, Hosting/Technical Services, Programming: Customization, Programming: System Interrface, Programming, Data Conversion, Security Assessment and Setup, On-line Connectivity, Facilitation, Disaster and Recovery

Personnel Project Management/Coordination, Data Analysis, Programming, Technical Assistance and Training, Administrative Support Staff

HMIS Space and Operations Space Costs, Operational Costs

Operations Budget Maintenance/Repar Quantity

Staff Yearly amount

Utilities Yearly cash match amount






Other (specify)

Other (specify)

Other (specify)


Adminstrative ActivityActivities Yearly Amount

Total Amount Requested Amount for selectee Amount for Project Sponsor

Distribution Plan for Admin Funds Brief narrative attachment (NEW)
Certification attachment (Renewal)

Summary Project Budget and Cash Match -- populates from sub-budgets



New Construction

Real Property Leasing

Supportive Services




Acquisition, Rehabilitation, New Construction, and Project Feasibility
Address of Structure Street Address Is this the same address provided in your original application to HUD yes/no

City, State, Zip

Site Control

Does the project sponsor have site control at this time yes/no If yes, select type of site control documentation Executed option to purchase

Deed or other proof of ownership

Executed contract of sale

Site Control Documentation Attachment

Zoning Attachment of Zoning Documentation

Acquisition Cost yes/no If Yes, cost of real property to be acquired from a person or entity other than the selectee or project sponsor Dollar amount

If Yes, cost of paying off the selectee or project sponsor's outstanding debt on a loan on real property to be used in the SHP project Dollar amount
Acquisition Cost Attachment

Rehabilitation and New Construction Cost yes/no Total Rehabilitation or construction cost for the structure/building based on the cost estimate -- brought forward from budget

For construction of a structure/building, describe how construction costs are substantially less than rehabilitating the structure/building

The total in-kind contributions (non-cash) to be made towards the rehabilitation or construction of the structure/building -- brought forward from budget
Rehabilitation and New Construction Cost Attachment Brief narrative

Attach a copy of the detailed construction budget, if applicable.

Rehabilitation and new construction cost estimate attachment

Project Feasility Total Cash Needed to complete acquisition, rehabilitation or construction of all structures/buildings in project

Cash Resources Name of the Organization providing the cash resource

Amount of resource

Type of Activity for which the funds are being requested

Name of the project sponsor organization that the resource will be contributed to and/or the name of the project

The date the funds will be available
Attachment of Restrictive Covenant

Cash Match
Cash Match Documentation for Year 1 Name Documentation attachment(s)


Type of activity for which funds will be used

The name of the project sponsor to which the cash will be constributed and/or the name of the project

The date the funds will be available

Job Descriptions
Narrative/Job Description attachment (s) (NEW)
Certification attachment (Renewal)

HMIS Dedicated Projects
List of CoC Shelter Resources and Schedule for Participation Types of Shelter Resources

Emergency Beds/Unit Capacity

Transitional Schedule for participation in HMIS

McKinney Vento Permanent Hsg.

HMIS Software Vendor

System Type

Types of Activities to be performed

Leveraged Resources Copy of Written Agreement

Type and Value of Contribution

Name of the Project Sponsor Organization

Name of Project for which the Resource will be Contributed

Leveraging Documentation Attachment of Leveraging Documentation

Sheet 3: S+C

2008 Project Revision for the Shelter Plus Care porgram - except the SRO component.

NOTE: This is a list of data elements to be included in 2008 project revision in e-snaps. New and renewal S+C projects (except New SRO component) complete a project revision prior to grant execution. The order in which data elements appear on the screens in e-snaps may differ from the order presented here. Whenever possible, information will be brought forward from the SF-424 and Exhibit 2 submitted during the 2008 competition so that selectees will update information already provided.

CoC Competition (Technical Submission) Response Categories/Type Sub-elements Response Categories/Type

Site Control Summary
Is selectee the PHA? Yes / No If no, attachment of formal agreement

If yes, PHA contact information brought
forward from Exhibit 2

PHA Contact Person First Name Does the PHA information need to be updated before grant agreement? Yes/No/Not applicable

Last Name




E-mail Address

Street Address

City, State, Zip

List PHA Information Name of PHA



Inspection of units and final feasibility analysis detailed work write-ups and cost estimates Date completed from award announcement

Firm commitments of financing and loan closing Date completed from award announcement

Project Revison Approval Date completed from award announcement

Execution of grant greement Date completed from award announcement

Start of rehabilitation activities Date completed from award announcement

Completion of rehabilitation activities Date completed from award announcement

Supportive services begin Date completed from operating start

Enrollment in supportive services near 100% capacity Date completed from operating start

Last unit leased, if leasing scattered units Date completed from operating start

Facility near 100% occupied Date completed from operating start

Matching Requirements for Supportive Services
Documentation of Match for Year 1 Name of the Source

Source Type Loans, Grants, Owner's Cash, Tax Credit, Other

Total Dollar Amount

Amount available for HUD Use Only

The date the funds will be available

Attachment of Source Documentation

Rehabilitation and Financing Costs (for each site)
Rehabilitation Description Brief narrative

Do you need to update this description before grant agreement? Yes/No

Cost of Rehabilitation Total Dollar Amount

Rehabilitation and Financing Documentation (for each site)
Source of Rehabilitation Funds Documentation Attachment of Source Documentation

(multiple sources allowed) Name of the Organization

Source Type Loans, Grants, Owner's Cash, Tax Credit, Other

Type of Activity for which the funds will be used

The date the funds will be available

Total Dollar Amount

Amount available for HUD Use Only

Rent Reasonableness Documentation (for each site)
Indicate rent reasonable rent based on comparables listed
Dollar Amount
Attachment of reasonable comparable

Rental Assistance Budget (for each site)
Indicate FMR Area Area names from FMR table

Units to be Assisted Indicate number of units by unit size and rent amount SRO Current

0 bedroom units New effort or change

1 bedroom units

2 bedroom units

3 bedroom units

4 bedroom units

5 bedroom units

6 bedroom units

7 bedroom units

8 bedroom units

Total Units

Other Technical Submission Requirements (when HUD is approving)
Schedule of Allowances for Tenant Furnished Utilities and Other Services Attachment of form HUD 52667

Proposed variations to the acceptability criteria of the Physical Condition Standards (PCS) Attachment of variations

Fire and building codes applicable to each project Attachment codes

Administrative Plan Provide description Procedures for establishing tenant outreach;

A mechanism to monitor the provision of supportive services; and

A HUD approved policy governing relocation.
Environmental Review Attach HUD Form 7015.15

Sheet 4: SRO

2008 Technical Submission for the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (SRO) Program and S+C SRO projects

NOTE: This is a list of data elements to be included in 2008 project revision in e-snaps. New S+C SRO and SRO projects must complete a technical submission prior to grant execution. The order in which data elements appear on the screens in e-snaps may differ from the order presented here. Whenever possible, information will be brought forward from the SF-424 and Exhibit 2 submitted during the 2008 competition so that selectees will update information already provided.

CoC Competition (Technical Submission) Response Categories/Type Sub-elements Response Categories/Type

Is selectee the PHA? Yes / No If no, attachment of formal agreement

If yes, PHA contact information brought
forward from Exhibit 2

List PHA Information Name of PHA Does the PHA information need to be updated before grant agreement? Yes / No

If yes, enter updated information
PHA Contact Person First Name

Last Name




E-mail Address

Street Address

City, State, Zip

Inspection of units and final feasibility analysis detailed work write-ups and cost estimates Date completed from award announcement

Determination of initial base and contract rents Date completed from award announcement

Firm commitments of financing and loan closing Date completed from award announcement

Technical Submission Approval Date completed from award announcement

Execution of Annual Contributions Contract (ACC) Date completed from award announcement

Execution of Agreement to Enter Into a Housing Assistance Payments Contract (AHAP) Date completed from execution of ACC

Start of rehabilitation activities Date completed from execution of ACC

Completion of rehabilitation activities Date completed from ACC execution

Execution of HAP contract (not to exceed 365 days after ACC execution) Date completed from execution of ACC

Rehabilitation and Financing Costs (for each site)
Rehabilitation Description Brief narrative

Do you need to update this description before ACC? Yes/No

Use of Funds - Acquisition/Rehabilitation Budget

Acquisition Costs Total

Hard Costs Ineligible

Soft Costs Eligible


Project Budget Attach a copy of the detailed project budget.

Construction Budget CONSTRUCTION COSTS Total




Construction Budget Attach a copy of the detailed construction budget, if applicable.

Rehabilitation and Financing Documentation (for each site)
Source of Rehabilitation Funds Documentation Attachment of Source Documentation

(multiple sources allowed) Name of the Organization

Source Type Loans, Grants, Owner's Cash, Tax Credit, Other

Type of Activity for which the funds will be used

The date the funds will be available

Total Dollar Amount

Amount available for HUD Use Only

Rent Reasonableness Documentation (for each site)

Reasonable rent certiciation

Indicate rent reasonable rent based on comparables listed
Dollar Amount
Reasonable Rent Certification Attachment of Certification

Rental Assistance Budget (for each site)
FMR Area Rental Assistance budget brought forward from Exhibit 2

Units to be Assisted
Does the rental assistance budget
need to be updated before grant
If yes, enter updated information
Units in the Property Indicate number of units by unit size and rent amount SRO

0 bedroom units

1 bedroom units

2 bedroom units

3 bedroom units

4 or more bedroom units

Total Units

Purpose of the Calculations Agreement Rents, HAP Contract Rents, Other (specify), Preliminary Feasibility (application 2nd submission)

Base and Contract Rent Calculation (for each site)
Base rent Calculation

Calculate monthly base rent 1. Reasonable rent (based on Rent Reasonableness Documentation)
2. Tenant-paid utility allowance
3. Total (line 1 minus line 2)
4. OBR FMR X .75 minus tenant paid utilities, if any
5. Monthly Base Rent for Assisted units (lesser amount of line 3 or 4)

Maximum Contract Rent Calculation

Calculate maximum monthly contract rent 6. 0BR FMR X .75
7. Multiply line 6 X 1.2
8. Tenant-paid utilities, if any
9. Line 7 minus 8 (The "Monthly Contract Rent for Assisted Units" may not exceed this amount)

Actual Contract Rent Calculation

Calculate actual monthly contract rent 10. Total Eligible Rehab Costs including soft costs
(from Rehabilitation and Financing Costs section)
11. Sources of Funds for Eligible Rehab Costs and Monthly Debt Service. Complete the chart below to indicate the total amount, rate, term, and monthly debt service for each source of funding for eligible rehabilitation costs.

h22372: page 17 of operating instructions Indicate the total amount, rate, term, and monthly debt service for each source of funding for eligible rehabilitation costs.

12. Total Monthly Debt Service per month (11b divided by the number of assisted units)

13. Monthly Contract Rent for Assisted Units
a. Monthly Base Rent (from line C5)

b. Monthly Debt Service per unit (from line 12)

c. Monthly Contract Rent for Assisted Units (line 13a + 13b)
This amount may not exceed the amount on line D9

HUD field office Public Housing Certification for More than 50 unit Structure Attachment of Certification

SRO Disclosure Requirements
Do you need to update form HUD 2880 before ACC? Attachment of Certification

Pecuniary Interest and Identity of Interest Disclose any pecuniary interest and any identity of interest relationship Name


Role developer, contractor, subcontractor, consultant, management agent, tax credit investor, equity interest (individual), equity interest (entity), material supplier, lender, or other

Street Address

City, State, Zip

Amount Earning for Project
Pecurinary Interest Non-Disclosure

Tax Credit Certification (Non-Use of LIHTC or HTC programs) Yes/No Name of person certifying

Other Technical Submission Requirements (when HUD is approving)
Schedule of Allowances for Tenant Furnished Utilities and Other Services Attachment of form HUD 52667

Proposed variations to the acceptability criteria of the Physical Condition Standards (PCS) Attachment of variations

Fire and building codes applicable to each project Attachment codes

Administrative Plan Provide description Procedures for establishing tenant outreach;

A mechanism to monitor the provision of supportive services; and

A HUD approved policy governing relocation.

Sheet 5: SRO-project budget



Purchase Price

Other expenses

Total Acquisition Costs 0 0 0 0

Hard Costs


Site work (including landscaping)

Off-site improvements

Construction costs (including equipment)

Hard cost contingency

Builder’s overhead

Builder’s profit

General requirements

Bond premium

Total Hard Costs 0 0 0 0

Soft Costs



Construction interest

Insurance (construction)

Taxes (construction)

Title and recording

Permits and fees


Soft cost contingency

Legal (specify)


Developer’s fee

Operating reserve


Working capital reserve

Syndication expenses (legal, accounting, fees)


Total Soft Costs 0 0 0 0


Sheet 6: non-PHA agreement





Project Number_____________________

This Agreement dated _____________________, entered into by and between ________________________ (Name of Recipient) and ____________________________ (Name of Housing Authority).

WHEREAS, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded funds to the Recipient for rental assistance under the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation Single Room Occupancy (SRO) program, and

WHEREAS, the PHA has agreed to administer the rental assistance award approved by HUD for the Recipient's SRO grant.

NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:

1. The PHA will receive an administrative fee not to exceed an amount specified by HUD to administer the rental assistance for the SRO program.

2. The PHA will administer the rental assistance under the SRO program in accordance with HUD requirements.

3. The PHA will enter into an Annual Contributions Contract with HUD to administer the rental assistance under the SRO program for the Recipient in accordance with the Recipient’s application for the SRO program and HUD requirements.



Signature and Title of Authorized Official




Signature and Title of Authorized Official




Project Number_____________________

This Agreement dated _____________________, entered into by and between ________________________ (Name of Recipient) and ____________________________ (Name of Housing Authority).

WHEREAS, the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has awarded funds to the Recipient for rental assistance under the Section 8 Moderate Rehabilitation for Single Room Occupancy Dwellings component of the Shelter Plus Care (S+C/SRO) program; and

WHEREAS, HUD requires states and units of general local government to enter into an agreement with a public housing authority to administer the rental assistance and PHA is willing to administer the rental assistance.


1.      The PHA will receive an administrative fee not to exceed an amount specified by HUD to administer the rental assistance for the S+C/SRO program.

2.      The PHA will administer the rental assistance grant under the S+C/SRO program in accordance with HUD requirements.

3.      The PHA will enter into an ACC with HUD to administer the rental assistance for the Recipient in accordance with Recipient’s application for assistance and HUD requirements.

Recipient PHA


Authorized Official Authorized Official

Title Title

Date Date

File Typeapplication/
AuthorPreferred User
Last Modified ByJulie Hovden
File Modified2008-12-15
File Created2008-09-09

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