Form AMS-33 Agreement Face Sheet

Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program (FSMIP)


Federal State Marketing Improvement Prog. (State, Local, Tribal Gov't.)

OMB: 0581-0240

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United States Department of Agriculture
Agricultural Marketing Service
1. Accounting Code:
4. Agreement Number:

Amendment Number:

2. Vendor I.D. (EIN):

3. DUNS Number:

5. Type of Instrument:

6. CFDA Number:

7. Title of Agreement:
8. Objective:
9. Statement of Work:
This agreement shall be carried out by the organizational units or officials of the Federal Agency and the Grantee in the manner and subject to the conditions
provided in the Federal-State Marketing Improvement Terms and Conditions attached hereto and made a part of this agreement.
10. Legal Authority:
Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 – Section 204, 7 U.S.C. 1623(b) and Section 713 of Title VII (General Provisions) of Division A of Public Law 108-7.
11. Federal Agency (Name and Address):
Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program
Agricultural Marketing Service
United States Department of Agriculture
Washington, DC 20250

12. Grantee:

13. Federal Agency Project Manager:
Janise Zygmont, Staff Officer
Telephone: (202) 720-5024
[email protected]

14. Grantee Project Coordinator:

15. Period of Performance:
9/30/2013 through 9/29/201X

16. Federal Agency Funding Amount

Non-Federal Matching Amount:

This Grant Award incorporates the following:
1. The referenced 2013 FSMIP proposal including any mutually agreed upon changes and amendments thereto – incorporated by reference.
2. The Grantee wiill complete activities outlined in the 2013 FSMIP proposal submitted on May xx, 2013, and as amended on XXXXXXX, 2013.
3. Federal-State Marketing Improvement Program Terms and Conditions (dated xx/2013) – incorporated by reference and can be found at:
4. 7 CFR Part 3015, 7 CFR Part 3016, and 7 CFR Part 3019 – incorporated by reference.
5. The Approved Award Budget.
6. The obligation of funds may be terminated without further cause unless the grantee commences the timely drawdown of funds; initial drawdown must be
made within the first year of the grant period.

This agreement, subject to the provisions above, shall constitute an obligation of funds on behalf of the Government, unless amended or terminated by mutual
consent of the parties in writing, or terminated by either party upon 60 days notice in writing.
17. Federal Agency Representative Approval:

Deputy A dministrator
A gricultural Marketing Service

18. Grantee Representative Approval (Please Print):
19. Grantee Representative Approval Signature:


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collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0581-0248), Washington, DC 20503.
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OMB Number 0581-0240

File Typeapplication/pdf
File Modified2013-08-14
File Created2013-06-26

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