Attachment 5_ EPIC-HHS-People-Locator-comments-FINAL

Attachment 5_ EPIC-HHS-People-Locator-comments-FINAL.pdf

NLM Lost People-Finder System

Attachment 5_ EPIC-HHS-People-Locator-comments-FINAL

OMB: 0925-0612

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[FR Doc. 2013-08788]
NLM People Locator System 0925-0612
Notice of Proposed Collection
June 14, 2013
By notice published April 15, 2013,1 in compliance with the Paperwork Reduction Act,
the National Library of Medicine (“NLM”), National Institutes of Health (“NIH”), of the
Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) has proposed a public data collection, the
People Locator System (“PLS”). The Paperwork Reduction Act mandates that, in connection with
federal information collections, agencies “assume responsibility and accountability” for Privacy
Act compliance and enforce privacy, confidentiality, and security “policies, procedures, standards,
and guidelines.”2 Accordingly, pursuant to NIH’s notice the Electronic Privacy Information
Center (“EPIC”) hereby submits these comments to address the substantial privacy and security
issues raised by the PLS and to urge NIH to address these issues by restricting the collection, use,
sharing, and retention of personally identifiable information (“PII”) in the PLS. Specifically,
EPIC recommends NIH: (1) limit the PLS information to relevant information, permit individuals


Notice of Proposed Data Collection: NLM People Locator System, 78 Fed. Reg. 22271 (proposed Apr. 15,
2013) [hereinafter PLS Notice].
44 U.S.C. § 3506(g).

EPIC Comments


National Institutes of Health
June 14, 2013

to amend their PLS records, and create a PLS auditing system; (2) implement access controls to
PLS data; (3) limit the circumstances under which the agency will collect information and define
a record retention and disposal schedule; (4) establish quality control standards; and (5) establish
guidelines, which adhere to the Fair Information Practices, for third party disclosure.
NIH should issue a revised notice of proposed collection after incorporating public
EPIC is a public interest research center in Washington, D.C., established in 1994 to
focus public attention on emerging civil liberties issues and to protect privacy, the First
Amendment, and constitutional values. Since 2005, EPIC has advocated for HHS to build strong
privacy protections into the systems it designs for individuals displaced or otherwise affected by
disasters. In its 2005 comments to HHS on the State Parent Locator Service (“SPLS”) for child
support enforcement, EPIC emphasized the importance of enforcing strong database access rules
and recommended requiring audit logs and accuracy provisions.3 To support its claims, EPIC
cited cases where innocent citizens were harmed as a result of unauthorized database use and
inaccurate data entry.4 In the 2007 comments to HHS on the National Disaster Medical System
(“NDMS”), EPIC called for a strong, meaningful, and enforceable privacy to be built into NDMS
in support of patient care and data integrity.5 EPIC also implored HHS to comport with
established medical privacy regulations and to protect the privacy of domestic violence
survivors.6 Among EPIC’s specific recommendations, EPIC encouraged HHS to create an opt-in
structure that would require patient notice and consent for any disclosure of location information.7


EPIC et al., Group Comments to HHS on “Parent Locator Databases” (Dec. 13, 2005), available at
EPIC, Comments to HHS on National Disaster Medical System (NDMS) Patient Treatment and Tracking
Records System (Docket No. HHS-2007-0159), at 3 (July 26, 2007), available at
Id. at 8-10.

EPIC Comments


National Institutes of Health
June 14, 2013

Scope of the Proposed Collection
PLS and a related mobile app, ReUnite™, aim to support “the reunification of family
members and friends who are separated during a disaster.”8 Both comprise NIH’s intramural Lost
Person Finder (“LPF”) R&D project.9 NIH hastened PLS development to assist with recovery
following the January 2010 earthquakes in Haiti.10 As proposed, PLS would compile a massive
database of information describing missing or found individuals. PLS would gather data from
“family members or loved ones”11 and “first responders, volunteers, and other relief workers.”12
With PLS the NIH would also share personal information with third parties, including Google
Person Finder, CNN, and the International Red Cross (“ICRC”).13 In the case of Google, during
the Haiti relief efforts, the PLS freely shared data with Google Person Finder “to ensure that users
of either system had access to as much relevant information as possible.”14
PLS allows third parties to enter highly sensitive information about each missing or
located individual, which in turn is accessed by the public. The system supports images, audio,
maps, structured data, and image tagging.15 Future planned changes include on-device data
encryption and facial recognition.16 Examples of disaster victims’ PII recorded in PLS include:
name, location, physical attributes, date of birth, race, religion, health status, address, photographs,
voice recordings, social media URLs, general notes and comments.17
Frequently, disaster victims are displaced, traumatized, and dependent on the government
for safety and basic necessities like food, water, shelter, and medical care. In this context, the


PLS Notice.
David H. Sharlip, National Library of Medicine, Supporting Statement A for NLM’s People Locator
System [DRAFT], Apr. 4, 2013 [hereinafter PLS Supporting Statement].
PLS Notice.
PLS Supporting Statement.
National Library of Medicine Creates Haiti Earthquake People Locator, U.S. National Library of
PLS Supporting Statement.
See, e.g., Department of Health and Human Services, NLM’s PEOPLE LOCATOR® Data Elements (Apr.
2, 2013) [hereinafter PLS Data Elements].

EPIC Comments


National Institutes of Health
June 14, 2013

timely exchange of accurate information among governmental and quasi-governmental relief
entities is critical, and some forms of technology-enabled collection and use of PII are helpful and
warranted. In many instances, however, particularly where private entities are involved, extensive
collection and use of PII during and after a disaster is inappropriate and can result in extreme
violation of victims’ privacy.
Such a violation can expose already vulnerable individuals to mistake, fraud, humiliation,
and abuse. Following Hurricanes Katrina and Sandy, domestic violence survivors, undocumented
immigrants, and patients with HIV and mental health disorders faced formidable challenges in
obtaining relief, sometimes electing to forego benefits in favor of safeguarding their own privacy
and personal security.18 Given such high stakes, NIH must carefully balance the need for
reunification with the need to protect individual disaster victims’ privacy interests.
With this proposed information collection, NIH invites public comment on “one or more
of the following points”:
(1) Whether the proposed collection of information is necessary for the proper
performance of the function of the agency, including whether the information
will have practical utility; (2) The accuracy of the agency's estimate of the burden
of the proposed collection of information, including the validity of the
methodology and assumptions used; (3) Ways to enhance the quality, utility, and
clarity of the information to be collected; and (4) Ways to minimize the burden of
the collection of information on those who are to respond, including the use of
appropriate automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection
techniques or other forms of information technology.19


See, e.g., Make the Road New York, Unmet Needs: Superstorm Sandy and Immigrant Communities in
the Metro New York Area, at 5, 20 (Dec. 2012), available at; Cynthia A. Bascetta, Director, Health Care, United
States Government Accountability Office, Testimony Before the Ad Hoc Subcommittee on Disaster
Recovery, Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate: Hurricane Katrina:
Barriers to Mental Health Services for Children Persist in Greater New Orleans, Although Federal Grants
Are Helping to Address Them, at 2 (July 13, 2009), available at; Tulane University, Newcomb College Center for Research on
Women, Katrina and the Women of New Orleans, at 66 (Dec. 2008), available at; Ryan Singel, Katrina Whips Up Data Storm,
Wired News, May 5, 2006,
PLS Notice.

EPIC Comments


National Institutes of Health
June 14, 2013

EPIC’s recommendations pertain to points 3 and 4 above because by protecting privacy and
information integrity, NIH can enhance the quality of information, as well as minimize the burden
on respondents.
PLS Raises Substantial Privacy Issues
While PLS contains promising features to support the timely reunification of individuals
after a disaster, it also raises many significant privacy issues that must be remedied as the agency
continues to collect sensitive, identifying information. In order to address the privacy concerns
that PLS data collection raises, EPIC recommends that NIH begin by adhering to the Privacy Act,
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (“HIPAA”), and Fair Information Practices
when developing a privacy framework for PLS. Adherence to these privacy laws and standards
will allow PLS to assist in the reunification of family members and friends during or after a
natural disaster, without encroaching on the privacy rights of those intended to benefit from the
PLS enables the collection, use, and public dissemination of an extraordinary array of
highly sensitive PII.20 Furthermore, NLM plans to incorporate add-on technologies that will make
the data even more powerful in the hands of those who possess it. Technologies for mapping,
facial recognition, crowdsourced tagging, and other information retrieval functions, make PLS
more than a simple bulletin board where people can post messages about their lost loved ones.
PLS’s data aggregation and processing capabilities exceed what is appropriate for a publicly
shared federal database.
It is particularly troubling that NIH has instituted no specific safeguards to protect the
privacy of vulnerable populations whose health, safety, or wellbeing might be inadvertently
compromised as a result of PLS and its lack of privacy protection. These include children,
survivors of domestic violence, patients with sensitive mental or physical health issues, and
citizens exercising their rights to public benefits or due process. The inclusion, and public


See, e.g.,PLS Data Elements.

EPIC Comments


National Institutes of Health
June 14, 2013

dissemination, of location and health information could particularly imperil such parties. By
definition, victims of disasters are in a state of heightened vulnerability. This state can be
compounded by and also aggravate other pre-existing issues. Thus, collection and use of PII from
vulnerable individuals necessitates special care and discretion.
Federal law recognizes the privacy interests inherent in such collection and use. For
example, the Privacy Act requires an agency, where practicable, to collect information directly
from an individual “when the information may result in adverse determinations about an
individual’s rights, benefits, and privileges under Federal programs.”21 In order to reinforce the
privacy standards outlined above when PLS is in operation, EPIC urges NLM to protect
vulnerable populations by implementing the protections described below.
1) NIH Should Limit PLS information to Relevant Information, Permit Individuals
to Amend their PLS Records, and Create a PLS Auditing System
The Privacy Act requires an agency to provide individuals opportunity to access and
request amendments to records pertaining to them.22 Because PLS data is entered by a wide array
of users, including volunteers and the public, people must be able to request that NIH amend or
delete records pertaining to them. NIH fails to specify how a party would make such a request. As
EPIC President and Executive Director Marc Rotenberg has stated, where PII is collected and
used absent a person’s informed consent, it is vital that rights and responsibilities for that data be
clearly allocated.23 NIH has failed to allocate clearly rights and responsibilities for PLS data.
Due to the wide scope, disclosure, and storage of information collected by PLS, EPIC
recommends that any personal data submitted to PLS without the explicit consent of the
individual it relates to, should be limited to information that is relevant to the purposes for which
it is to be used.


5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(2) (1974).
5 U.S.C. § 552a(d) (1974).
Marc Rotenberg, President, EPIC, Keynote Address at the Third International Summit on the Future of
Health Privacy: The Constitution & Privacy: Why the Supreme Court Cares (June 5, 2013).

EPIC Comments


National Institutes of Health
June 14, 2013

Additionally, EPIC recommends that PLS protect personal information, especially the
data that it shares among partner organizations, with reasonable security safeguards against such
risks as unauthorized use, disclosure, modification, or destruction. Details about the privacy
framework protecting personal data in the PLS should be made available to the public. Further,
NIH should include an auditing system where an individual would be able to request to see who
has accessed his or her information in the PLS system, similar to the auditing system EPIC
proposed in 2005 in comments regarding NIH’s State Parent Locator Service.24 Additionally,
NIH should provide an opportunity for individuals to amend or remove any of their identifying
2) NIH Should Implement Access Controls to PLS Data
PLS is designed for use by two distinct groups of users: community laypersons—
including family members and loved ones of missing individuals; and first responders, volunteers
and other relief workers assisting in the disaster recovery effort.25 Both groups have the ability to
create new personal records, although it is unclear what specific permissions each group
possesses, e.g., who among them can modify, delete, or view full or restricted records. It is also
unclear who manages those permissions and what qualifies a person for specific permissions.
Particularly problematic is the fact that any member of the public with access to the Internet can
view personal records.
The data access, oversight and accountability parameters expressed by NIH in its notice
are unacceptably vague. Without more explicitly defined protocols, this essentially grants both
read and write access to sensitive information to non-administrative users and is therefore
excessively broad. EPIC urges NIH to clarify and narrow these parameters.


EPIC et al., supra note 3.
Privacy Office, Health and Human Services, Privacy Impact Assessment for NIH/NLM/iTunes/ReUnite,
Aug. 9, 2011, available at

EPIC Comments


National Institutes of Health
June 14, 2013

For example, NIH must explicitly define who has membership to which groups and what
their permissions are. NIH should segment data and structure in different tiers of access to PII
collected by PLS. Such tiers should include giving volunteers and the general public read-only
access to broad, non-sensitive data, and giving only licensed healthcare providers and/or relief
workers read and write access to sensitive data. Additionally, NIH should implement a
verification process for individuals who access the database’s records. Such verification should
then be cross-referenced with a municipal database of domestic violence complaints, in order to
protect the privacy and safety of individuals in those situations.
3) NIH Should Limit the Circumstances Under Which it will Collect Information
and Define a Record Retention and Disposal Schedule
NIH states that the system will “be activated only during times of declared emergencies,
training and demonstration support activities, and would operate in declared emergencies until
relief efforts have ceased in response to a particular disaster.”26 NIH must clearly define how and
when an emergency is declared, as well as how and when relief efforts have ceased. In order to
ensure that PLS does not become an overbroad collection of sensitive information, EPIC urges
NIH to include in the operational guidelines a definition of “declared emergency.” This definition
is important to understand the scope of the proposed information collection.
Additionally, NIH does not specify how long records will be retained in PLS or in the
systems of third parties. Long-term or indefinite retention of PII, particularly without notice or
consent, would be inappropriate. Because many records will be created or updated without notice
or consent, it would be inappropriate to retain data for any longer than necessary, even if for
research purposes ordinarily authorized under HIPAA. NIH’s ambiguity is problematic and must
be clarified to prohibit record retention by any entities beyond a clearly defined period of disaster
recovery. The privacy concerns implicated by the storing of nonconsensual health information far


PLS Notice.

EPIC Comments


National Institutes of Health
June 14, 2013

outweigh the research benefits that could be achieved, especially because there are other,
consensual, ways to obtain such information.
4) NIH Should Establish Quality Control Standards
Under the Privacy Act, NIH has a responsibility to make reasonable efforts to assure that
any records it provides to non-agency entities are “accurate, complete, timely, and relevant” for
its purposes.27 PLS includes some structured data fields.28 These can afford greater data accuracy
and consistency than free-text fields. However, it is unclear whether PLS has sufficient quality
control standards for data. Because accountability for data entry and management is unclear, and
because the system accommodates free text and multimedia files, NIH must define and enforce
more explicit quality control protocols.
5) NIH Should Establish Guidelines, Which Adhere to the FIPS, for Third Party
The Privacy Act29 and the ICRC30 discourage third party sharing of PII without an
individual’s informed consent. The ICRC specifies that without consent or a substantial public or
individual interest, data should not be “used, disclosed, or transferred for purposes other than
those for which they were collected without the consent of the person concerned.”31 PLS shares
data with partners like Google Person Finder and ICRC, and it does not specify how it or its
partners will collect, use, or share the information they gather, now or in the future. Nor does it
clarify whether its partners follow FIPS.
Sharing data with third parties, particularly nongovernmental entities, exposes individuals
to greater risk that their data will be out in the world and out of their control. EPIC finds troubling


5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(6) (1974).
PLS Data Elements.
See 5 U.S.C. § 552a (1974).
Int’l Comm. of the Red Cross, Recommendations for the Development of a Domestic Law on the Missing
and Their Families, in The Missing and their Families: Summary of the Conclusions arising from the
Events held prior to the International Conference of Governmental and Non-Governmental Experts (Feb.
19-21, 2003), reprinted in Joel R. Reidenberg et al., Privacy and Missing Persons after Natural Disasters,
at 96, Ctr. on Law and Info. Policy, Fordham Univ. Sch. of Law and the Woodrow Wilson Int’l Ctr. for
Scholars (2013) [hereinafter ICRC Report].
ICRC Report at 96.

EPIC Comments


National Institutes of Health
June 14, 2013

the absence of clear guidelines for current and future use of PII by PLS and its partners. PLS is a
reunification service, not a direct provider of emergency medical care or disaster relief. As
mentioned previously, it does not provide notice to individuals in its database. Thus, there is no
compelling justification for it to share its data so freely.
The privacy issues raised above concerning PLS information collection, disclosure, and
storage extend to the PLS partnerships with third parties such as Google, CNN, and the ICRC.32
Therefore, EPIC urges NIH to require its partners to follow FIPS, which include the same privacy
safeguards listed above, such as information collection with informed consent, 33 limited scope of
information collection,34 and prompt deletion of stored information after the emergency situation
has ended.35
EPIC also urges NIH to include parameters as to the purposes for which personal data are
collected, not later than at the time of data collection. The subsequent use of any collected
information should then be limited to the fulfillment of those express purposes or such others as
are not incompatible with those purposes and as are specified on each occasion of change of
purpose.36 This allows those disclosing personal data to know exactly for what purposes it will be
used and also allows for a more comprehensible understanding of what data is relevant to the
purposes of the collection. Additionally, personal data should not be disclosed, made available or
otherwise used for purposes other than those specified in accordance with specified purpose,
except with the explicit consent of the data subject or by the authority of law.
EPIC commends NIH for opening this discussion on the PLS and recognizes the utility of
such a program. However, as outlined above, there are particular privacy interests that are


National Library of Medicine Creates Haiti Earthquake People Locator, U.S. National Library of
Federal Trade Commission, Fair Information Practice Principles, available at
5 U.S.C. § 552a(e)(10)(b) (1974).

EPIC Comments


National Institutes of Health
June 14, 2013

implicated when personal data is being shared and stored, especially sensitive health and
locational information. Therefore, to deal with these issues preemptively, EPIC recommends with
this information collection, NIH, at a minimum: (1) limit its PLS information to relevant
information, permit individuals to amend their PLS records, and create a PLS auditing system; (2)
implement access controls to PLS data; (3) limit the circumstances under which it will collect
information and define a record retention and disposal schedule; (4) establish quality control
standards; and (5) establish Guidelines, which adhere to the Fair Information Practices, for third
party disclosure.

Respectfully submitted,
Marc Rotenberg, EPIC President and Executive Director
Khaliah Barnes, EPIC Administrative Law Counsel
Elizabeth Hempowicz, EPIC Law Clerk
Heather Nodler, EPIC Law Clerk
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)
1718 Connecticut Avenue, NW Suite 200
Washington, DC 20009
(202) 483-1140 (tel)
(202) 483-1248 (fax)	

EPIC Comments


National Institutes of Health
June 14, 2013

File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitleMicrosoft Word - EPIC-HHS-People-Locator-comments-FINAL.docx
AuthorKhaliah Barnes
File Modified2013-06-24
File Created2013-06-14

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