
Attach B - FY 2012 Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, 3-23-2012.pdf

Ryan White CARE Act Title I Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) Report: Title I Report


OMB: 0915-0304

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Part A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI):
Program Reporting Instructions
Updated: March 2012

Health Resources and Services Administration

Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 Background Information ....................................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Updates and Reminders....................................................................................................................... 5
2 SUMMARY OF PART A MAI REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................... 7
2.1 Reporting Deadlines ............................................................................................................................. 7
2.2 Overview of Plan and Annual Report Components .............................................................................. 7
2.3 Part A MAI Report Electronic Submission Process .............................................................................. 8
3 DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE MAI PLAN...................................................................... 10
3.1 Start Submission in the EHBs ............................................................................................................ 10
3.2 Release Lock Function ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Data Entry - Complete MAI Report Data Collection Forms ................................................................ 10
3.4 Inserting Web Form Grantee Comments............................................................................................ 14
3.5 Upload MAI Annual Plan Narrative ..................................................................................................... 14
3.6 Validate Report................................................................................................................................... 14
3.7 Submit Report for Review .................................................................................................................. 15
3.8 Download MAI Plan for your record.................................................................................................... 15
4 DETAILED INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THE MAI ANNUAL REPORT ................................................ 16
4.1 Start Submission in the EHBs ............................................................................................................ 16
4.2 Release Lock Function ....................................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Complete MAI Report Data Collection Forms .................................................................................... 16
4.3.1 Grantee and Funding Information Web Form .............................................................................. 16
4.3.2 Service Categories Web Form ..................................................................................................... 17
4.3.3 Race/Ethnicity Service Group Web Form .................................................................................... 17
4.3.4 MAI Single Service Web Forms ................................................................................................... 17
4.3.5 Submitting Plan Revisions ........................................................................................................... 19
4.4 Inserting Web Form Grantee Comments............................................................................................ 19
4.5 Upload MAI Year-End Annual Report Narrative ................................................................................. 20
4.6 Validate Report................................................................................................................................... 20
4.7 Submit Report for Review .................................................................................................................. 20
4.8 Download MAI Annual Report for your records .................................................................................. 21
5 SELECTING CLIENT LEVEL OUTCOMES........................................................................................................... 22
6 APPENDIX I: CLIENT DEMOGRAPHIC DATA .................................................................................................... 23

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012



The Part A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI) originated in fiscal year (FY) 1999 when the Congress
directed that a portion of the Part A supplemental appropriation be used to address growing
disparities in access to care and health outcomes among minority populations disproportionately
impacted by the HIV/AIDS epidemic. The MAI continued in this way until the Ryan White HIV/AIDS
Treatment Modernization Act of December 2006, codified the MAI as a separate, competitive grant
program beginning in FY 2007 through FY 2009. Accordingly, following a competitive grant
application process in FY 2007, MAI grants were awarded to all 56 Part A eligible metropolitan areas
(EMAs) and transitional grant areas (TGAs) for a 3-year project period beginning August 1, 2007
through July 31, 2010. Non-competing continuation grants were awarded for FY 2008 and FY 2009.
However, with passage of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Treatment Extension Act of 2009, the Congress
enacted the following changes starting in FY 2010: a) the grant period is to be made "consistent" and
"synchronized" with the Part A program application/award schedule, and b) MAI funds will be
disbursed on a formula basis. 1 However, as a distinct component of the Part A Program, the MAI
purpose remains unchanged: to provide targeted resources that are focused on reducing disparities
in access and health outcomes in disproportionately impacted minority communities.
Therefore, since FY 2010, MAI funds have been awarded along with Part A Formula and
Supplemental funds to all EMAs/TGAs; and the MAI formula award amount is based on the
distribution of minority populations disproportionately impacted by HIV/AIDS.
The Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB), Division of
Service Systems (DSS), which administers the MAI, is issuing these Part A MAI Program Reporting
Instructions to assist Grantees in preparing and submitting the following required MAI reports.

MAI Annual Plan (Plan): June 1st, unless the Congressional budget for the FY is delayed
MAI Annual Reports (Annual Report):
 FY 2011 Annual Report deadline: January 31, 2013
 FY 2012 Annual Report deadline: January 31, 2014

The Plan details how the EMA/TGA will use the funds, including the unduplicated number of clients
expected to receive each service and planed client-level health outcomes. The Annual Report
documents expenditures, the number and demographics of clients served and outcomes achieved.
To prepare the Plan and Annual Report, Grantees must use the web-based MAI Report system
approved by the Office of Management and Budget, which is accessible through HRSA’s Electronic
Handbooks (EHBs). Both the Plan and Annual Report must be submitted via the EHBs by the
due date; no extensions are allowed.
The MAI Reporting Instructions are organized as follows.
• Summary of Reporting Requirements
• Overview of the Electronic Submission Process
• Line-by-line instructions for completing the Plan


Section 2693 (a)( b)(c) and (d)(1) of the Public Health Service (PHS) Act

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012



An outline of instructions for completing the Annual Report.

Please read the instructions carefully. If you have MAI program-related questions, please contact
your Project Officer. If you have questions regarding the EHB submission process, technical
assistance is available through the following resources:
• Online Help at: which includes a detailed
PowerPoint presentation with EHB and MAI screen shots.
• Contact the HRSA Call Center via email at [email protected] or by
telephone at: 1-877-Go4-HRSA (1.877.464.4772)

Background Information
HRSA recognizes that the MAI is not the sole source of Ryan White Program funds for addressing
the unmet HIV/AIDS service needs of minority communities living within an EMA/TGA. Indeed, in
order to establish priorities for the use of Part A formula and supplemental funds, each EMA/TGA
must take into consideration the size and demographics of the local HIV/AIDS epidemic, paying
particular attention to individuals who know their status but are not in care; to disparities in access
and services among affected subpopulations and historically underserved communities; and
beginning in FY 2010, also the identification of individuals who are unaware of their HIV status. 2
Therefore, EMAs/TGAs are expected to use—and do use—Part A Formula and Supplemental funds
as well as the MAI to address core medical and support services needs among disproportionately
impacted minority communities.
The overarching goal of the MAI is to improve health outcomes by preventing transmission or
slowing disease progression for disproportionately impacted communities by:

Getting persons living with HIV disease into care at an earlier stage in their illness,


Assuring access to treatments that are consistent with established standards of care, and


Helping individuals and families to remain in care.

In order for Grantees and HRSA to assess the effectiveness of the MAI Program in achieving these
goals, Grantees are required to document client-level health outcomes that are consistent with
HRSA guidelines. To do this, all Grantees:
1) Must ensure that MAI providers document and report client-level health outcomes and the
unduplicated numbers of clients receiving each service, broken out by race/ethnicity; and
2) Must use at least one HRSA recommended outcome measures for each funded service;
and all outcome measures used must be consistent with HRSA guidelines.
Reminder: The MAI Report system is designed so that ONE Web Form only can be used to
report required data for each service provided to each racial or ethnic minority community.


Section 2602(b)(4)(A)(B)(C) and (D) of the PHS Act

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012


If more than one provider/contractor will deliver a particular service to the same racial or ethnic
population, then it is critical that the Grantee ensure that each provider tracks and reports at
least one and preferably two client-level outcome measures that are the same across all
providers delivering a particular service. (The Web Forms provide fields for reporting up to three
client-level outcomes.) By doing so, the EMA/TGA also will be better able to assess service quality
and effectiveness in achieving planned goals and objectives.

Updates and Reminders
Below are several important reminders and updates regarding the web-based MAI Report system.
More detailed information is provided in appropriate sections of these Instructions.

Preparing Submissions: On or before the Grantee reporting deadline, data submitted by
Grantees in either the Plan or Annual Report Web Forms must be complete, pass HRSA’s
internal system validation checks, and be consistent with information provided in the Grantee’s
accompanying Plan or Annual Report narrative. Therefore, it is critical for Grantees to begin
working on each submission well before their respective deadlines.


Grantee Delays: Grantees that do not begin a required submission within 15 days of the
deadline will receive email reminders until they begin the submission process.


Revising an Approved MAI Plan: During the grant year, Grantees may request and receive
approval from their Project Officer to revise their Plan (e.g. due to receiving carryover or rebudgeting funds), via the EHBs. In addition, in the following two cases the Grantee will also
need to revise the MAI Plan Web Forms approximately 45-60 days in advance of the Annual
Report submission process.
1) If the EMA/TGA added an allowable service not previously included in their Plan.
2) If a service included in the Plan served one or more additional target populations. .
Note: See Section 4.3.5, page 18 for information on how to request a Plan Change.


Reminders for Other Types of Plan Changes:
o Reprogramming (reallocating) funds: HRSA grants policy requires Grantees to obtain
written approval from your Project Officer before reprogramming funds that involve 20
percent or more of your grant award in any given fiscal year. Such requests should be
submitted via email to your assigned Grants Specialist in the Division of Grants
Management Operations (the name and email address are listed on the most recent
Notice-of-Grant-Award); and a copy of that email should be sent to your Project Officer.
However, Grantees are not required to enter this type of budget change in the MAI Report
System Plan web-forms.
o MAI approved carryover: MAI funds approved for carryover are documented in the MAI
Report System when Grantees submit their MAI Annual Reports.
Please Note: All Part A and MAI carryover requests must be submitted via the EHB’s with
their Financial Status Reports (FSR) [or Federal Financial Report (FFR), which is due July
30th each year or within 30 days of submitting the final FFR (i.e., no later than August 30th).


Narratives: Before uploading a Plan or Annual Report Narrative, you must make sure it is
clearly identifiable. To do that, please include a:

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012


“Title Page” specifying the Grantee Name, Grant Number, Fiscal Year and type of
submission (i.e. Plan Narrative or Annual Report Narrative);
o Header on subsequent pages, with the Grantee Name and Grant Number; and
o Footer displaying page numbers, (i.e. "Page 1 of 4").



Recommended Service Unit Definitions: HRSA recommended definitions are provided in dropdown menus for each Part A service category. Grantees must use a recommended definition
for each service category. Exceptions will be made only in unusual circumstances, and must
be approved by your Project Officer.


Recommended Outcome Measures: Grantees must use at least one HRSA recommended
measure provided in the service-specific drop-down menus for each service category.


Correcting a Plan or Annual Report Submission: Grantees will receive an email notice
generated by the MAI Report System if a submission is returned because it is inconsistent
with their Narrative, incomplete, or not in compliance with HRSA Reporting Instructions.
o The email will specify the turn-around time for making requested corrections and
resubmitting the Plan or Report, usually within 3-5 working days.
o Grantees can view the problems specific to each worksheet in comments provided by your
Grantee. To view the comments, click the “Details of Report Sheet” link from the Summary
Page of your Plan or Annual Report.


Saving a Copy: Grantees may generate and save a copy of their entire Plan or Annual Report
submission in a PDF format (See Section 3.8 for further instructions.)


Comments: Grantee users can edit or delete any comments entered up until the report is
submitted. In addition, there is also a sort feature for viewing comments. Grantees will be able
to sort through comments by selecting from drop down menus consisting of the username in
which the comment was entered by and the type of comment.

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012



At the beginning of each fiscal year, Grantees submit a revised Plan based on their actual MAI
award amount. The Plan consists of a descriptive narrative that is uploaded to the MAI Report
system via the EHB, as well as quantitative data/information submitted through MAI Report Web
Forms. Web Form data includes: MAI allocations for Grantee Administration, Clinical Quality
Management, and each planned service; the racial/ethnic communities to be served; and for each
community to whom a service is directed, the amount budgeted, number of planned service units,
number of clients expected to be served, planned outcomes, and target percentage of clients
expected to achieve each outcome.
An Annual Report submitted in the same way at the end of each fiscal year. Grantees use MAI
Report Web Forms to document expenditures for each service delivered to each minority
community. For each community that received a given service, Grantees report: the unduplicated
number of total clients served; unduplicated numbers of women, infants, children and youth served;
the total number of service units provided; and the total number of clients that achieved each
planned outcome. Grantees also must upload an Annual Report narrative summarizing MAI
program accomplishments, challenges and lessons learned.


Reporting Deadlines
Below are the deadlines for Plans and Annual Reports for FY 2010 – FY 2012. Grantees will be able
to begin working on each submission in the EHBs at approximately 30 days before each deadline.
Note that there are two Plan submission deadlines: the initial submission due date, and a deadline
the next year for submitting any approved Plan revisions that were implemented during that year.
Reports are submitted to Project Officers for review. If your Project Officer requires changes or
clarification, you will receive an email notification directing you to make corrections to your initial
submission. You must return to the MAI web application through the EHB to make the corrections
by the date specified in the email, which will typically be within 5 work days.
Fiscal Year


Deadlines for submission of
MAI Plan

Deadlines for submission
of MAI Annual Report



Jan 31, 2012



Jan 31, 2013


June 1, 2012

Jan 31, 2014

Overview of Plan and Annual Report Components
The Plan and Annual Report contain two parts: (1) Web Forms to collect standardized quantitative
and qualitative information summarized above, and (2) an accompanying narrative report.

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012


2.2.1 Web Forms Overview
The Web Forms collect standardized quantitative and qualitative information describing how funds
are budgeted and spent in relation to each service, broken out by the racial and ethnic communities
served. For each service directed to each community this includes:
• The planned and actual numbers of service units, total unduplicated clients, and unduplicated
women, infants, children and youth receiving the service;
• Whether services represent a new, continuing or expanded initiative in relation to Part A and
MAI funded services provided the previous year (see page 9 for definitions); and
• Up to three planned client-level health outcomes, together with the actual results achieved.
2.2.2 Plan Narrative Overview
This is a 2 – 4 page description in which Grantees provide:
• Title Page: the Grantee Name, Grant Number, Fiscal Year, type of narrative (Plan);
• Header on subsequent pages with the Grantee Name and Grant Number;
• Footer on subsequent pages showing page numbers (i.e. "Page 1 of 4");
• Background information: provide an explanation of the data submitted in the Plan Web Forms;
• Summary of the Plan based on the actual award amount that addresses any service-related
capacity development activities and the timeline for disbursing funds. In addition, if the EMA/TGA
revised any planned services, allocation amounts or target communities after their grant
application was submitted, the changes must be highlighted and explained; and the Grantee’s
plan and timeline for documenting client-level outcome measures.
2.2.3 Annual Report Narrative Overview
This is a 2- 4-page document in which Grantees provide:
• Title Page: Grantee Name, Grant Number, Fiscal Year, and type of narrative (Annual Report);
• Header on subsequent pages with the Grantee Name and Grant Number;
• Footer on subsequent pages showing page numbers (i.e. "Page 1 of 4");
• Background information needed to explain data submitted in the Web Forms;
• Summary of Accomplishments, including:
o Progress toward achieving specific goals and objectives identified in the Grantee’s
approved MAI Plan for that fiscal year and in linking MAI services/activities to Part A and
other Ryan White Program services;
o Achievements in relation to client-level health outcomes and any capacity development or
provider-level technical assistance activities;
o Summary of challenges or barriers at the provider or Grantee levels, the strategies and/or
action-steps implemented to address them, and lessons learned; and
o Discussion of MAI technical assistance needs identified by the EMA/TGA.

Part A MAI Report Electronic Submission Process
Part A MAI Grantees are required to submit their MAI Plan and Annual Report electronically each
fiscal year. Like the Ryan White Program Services Report (RSR), the MAI Report is a deliverable in
HRSA’s Electronic Handbooks (EHBs).

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012


Please visit for instructions about registering in the
EHBs and accessing the Part A MAI Plan and/or Annual Report web application.

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012




Start Submission in the EHBs
Below are the steps for navigating to the MAI Web Application and starting the Plan.
1. Log in to the EHBs
2. Click the “View Portfolio” link in the left menu
3. Locate the Part A Grant in the Grants Portfolio and click the “Open Grant Handbook” link
4. Click the “Other Submissions” link in the left menu
5. Locate the Part A MAI Report and click the “Start Submission” link
6. The MAI Web Application will open in a new window with your selected Plan open.


Release Lock Function
In some cases, if another user from your organization has started working on the report, you may
receive a message stating: “Report available as ‘Read Only. Changes can only be made by
‘UserName:J2Doe’ (i.e., another user in your organization).” If you receive this message, please
ask the user listed with that username to log into the system and click “Release Lock” under the leftside administration menu. If you are unsure who the user is, please contact the HRSA Call Center
for further assistance.

3.3 Data Entry - Complete MAI Report Data Collection Forms
3.3.1 Grantee and Funding Information Web Form
Question 1A: Grantee Information
Prepared By: This field will be pre-populated with the name provided in your EHB Profile. Make sure it is
up to date. HRSA will contact you if questions arise about information after it has been submitted.
Title: Your job title as the person preparing the report.
E-Mail Address & Telephone: Your e-mail address and phone number will be pre-populated with
information in your EHBs Profile. If the information is incorrect, you may update it in this Web Form.
Question 1B: Funding Information
Part A MAI Award: Enter the amount of MAI funds awarded the EMA/TGA for the current fiscal year.
MAI $$ (funds) Approved for Carryover: This field will be disabled in the Plan section of the MAI
Report; carryover funds will be reported when you submit your Annual Report.
MAI Funds to be used for Grantee Administration: Enter the amount of the FY MAI award
allocated for Grantee administration. The amount cannot exceed ten percent of the total FY MAI
Award. Once you enter this value, the percentage will be calculated and displayed.
MAI Funds to be used for Clinical Quality Management: Enter the amount of the FY MAI award
allocated for clinical quality management. The amount cannot exceed 5 percent of the total MAI
award. Once you enter this value, the percentage will be calculated and displayed.

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012


3.3.2 Service Categories Web Form
This form will display all service categories eligible under the Part A MAI Grant Program. Select each
service category to be funded during the fiscal year. See Appendix II for a list of allowable Part A
Core Medical and Support Service categories.

3.3.3 Race/Ethnicity Service Group Web Form
This form will display, in read-only mode, the services the EMA/TGA selected in the Service
Categories Web Form (item 3.3.2 above). (If you notice an error, return to the previous Web Form to
make corrections.) For each planned service category and race/ethnicity listed, select the level of
effort: New, Continuing, or Expanded. Once you select the level of effort, the budget field will
become enabled. Enter the budget planned for each service and race/ethnicity combination. See
Appendix I for the list of racial and ethnic communities contained on the Plan Web Form.
New: A service planned for the reporting FY that was not provided the previous year to the particular
racial/ethnic population using either MAI or Part A funds.
Continuing: A service provided last year to the particular racial/ethnic population using MAI and/or
Part A funds that will be continued wholly or in part with MAI funds for the reporting FY.
Expanded: A service provided last year to a racial/ethnic population using MAI and/or Part A funds
that will be expanded wholly or in part in the reporting FY using MAI funds in order to serve an
expanded geographical area, serve additional clients, or provide additional units of services.

3.3.4 MAI Report Sheet Web Forms
After completing the steps above, your Plan will contain separate Web Forms for each racial and
ethnic client group to whom a service/activity will be directed. This does NOT mean that Grantees
should prepare an individual Web Form for each service provider. Information from multiple
providers delivering the same service to the same ethnic/racial group should be consolidated into a
single Web Form. If you need technical assistance with this requirement, contact the HRSA Call
Center at 1-877-Go4HRSA.
The information fields described below are required for each service Web Form; i.e. for each
service/activity to be provided to each racial/ethnic community.
Service Information: This information will be pre-populated on each service Web Form.
1. Service or Activity
2. Ethnicity and Race of Client Group to Receive This Service
Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012


3. New, Continuing or Expanded Effort.
Budget Information: 4.a, b. and c. are pre-populated from information in your Plan in step 3.2.3 above
4. Planned Budget and Expenditures for This Ethnic/Racial Group
a. MAI Funds Budgeted for this Service to this Client Group: The amount will be pre-populated.
b. MAI Carryover from Prior Year Budgeted for this Service to this Group: The carryover field
will be disabled, as carryover into the next fiscal year will be reported in your Annual Report.
c. Total MAI Funds Budgeted for this Service to this Group: This field will be pre-populated with
the value entered in item 4a above.
Service Units: Follow the instructions below to enter required information for service units.
5. Service Unit Name and Definition: Service unit definitions must be consistent with the type of service
and HRSA recommended Service Category Definition in Appendix IV. For these reasons and also to
enable aggregate analysis of data across Grantees, you must select a HRSA recommended Service
Unit Definition from the service-specific drop-down menus provided. (Note: All Service Unit
Definitions are listed in Appendix II.) If needed, provide clarification about the definition in a Web Form
comment and/or in your Plan Narrative, e.g. with respect to amount or time duration. Examples:

For Outpatient/ Ambulatory Medical Care, 1 unit = 1 Visit is most consistent with the Service
Category Definition. In the Plan Narrative or a comment, a Grantee might specify that visits will be
documented and billed in 30-minute increments.


For Case Management (non-Medical), 1 unit = 1 Non-medical Case Management Encounter is
most consistent with the Service Category Definition; and in the Plan Narrative or a comment, a
Grantee might specify they will be documented in 15-minute increments.

If the Grantee thinks local circumstances warrant using a locally established Service Unit Definition,
then you must first check with your Project Officer to explain and receive approval. To enter an
alternative, local definition:
a. Choose “Other”, and type the definition in the text box provided; and
b. Provide an explanation of the rationale for using the local Service Unit Definition, using the

Web Form “Comments” function. To insert a comment, click on the “Add comment to this
report sheet” link located near the top of the Report Sheet (with the clipboard icon).

Important: Your Project Officer must approve locally established Service Unit Definitions.
6. Record of Service Units Provided: Enter the number of service units you plan to provide in the
reporting FY.

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012


Record of Clients Served: Follow the instructions below to enter required information for clients expected
to be served in the coming year.
7. Planned and Actual Total Number of Clients Served: Use fields 7a – 7e to enter the
unduplicated number of clients planned to be served for this ethnic/racial community.
a. Total Unduplicated Number of Clients: The total number of clients planned for this
b. Total Unduplicated Number of Women: The unduplicated total number of women (25 years
or older) planned for this community.
c. Total Unduplicated Number of Infants: The unduplicated total number of infants (< 2 years)
planned for this community.
d. Total Unduplicated Number of Children: The unduplicated total number of children (2-12
years) planned for this community.
e. Total Unduplicated Number of Youth: The unduplicated total number of youth (13-24 years)
planned for this community.
8. 8A. Planned Client Level Outcome(s): Grantees are expected to use at least one HRSArecommended, service-specific Client Level Outcome for each MAI-funded service. You may
select up to three Planned Client Level Outcomes for each service report sheet Web Form.
a. Click on the drop-down menu containing HRSA-recommended outcomes measures to select
each Planned Client Level Outcome. You MUST choose at least one HRSA-recommended
measure for each service category/population Web Form.
b. Grantees may also select “Other” from the drop-down list to enter a locally defined Client Level
Outcome using the text box provided, provided it is consistent with HRSA guidelines.
c. For each Planned Client Level Outcome chosen, enter the target number/percentage of clients
served who are expected to achieve the outcome during the year.
• The Plan Narrative must include a Title Page identifying the Grantee Name, Grant
Number and fiscal year, and specifying that it is a Plan Narrative. On subsequent pages,
include a header with the Grantee Name and Number and a footer showing page numbers.

Use the Plan Narrative to provide information to explain or describe outcome measures.


Using HRSA-recommended service-specific client level health outcomes will enable Grantees
and HRSA to better assess program performance in improving access to care for minority
communities, retaining clients in care, and preventing or slowing disease progression. Please
refer to Section 5 for more information about selecting outcomes and technical assistance
resources; and to Appendix III for a list of HRSA recommended outcome measures.

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012



Inserting Web Form Grantee Comments
Grantees may insert a comment on each Web Form/Report Sheet if needed to provide additional
information about the data entered on each service Report Sheet, e.g. with respect to the Service
Unit Definition and/or planned Client Level Outcomes. To enter a comment:
1. Go to the Web Form (Report Sheet) on which you want to insert a comment
2. Click the icon in the top right corner that says “Add comment to this report sheet”.
3. Type your comments in the text box provided, indicate if you would like to apply this comment
to all other race/ethnicity sheets receiving the same service, and click the Submit button.
4. Your comment is saved.
5. To review all comments, both at the MAI Report and Report Sheet levels, click the “View
Comments” link under the left-side administration menu. All comments will be listed
chronologically with the most recent comment at the top of the page. If you would like to sort
through the comments, you can sort by the user that entered the comment or by the
type of comment that was entered.
6. If you would like to edit or delete a comment, click “View Comments” under the left-side
administration menu. Each comment listed will have a comment ID. Click on the comment ID,
and you will then have the option to delete or edit that comment. Please note that you may
only edit or delete comments that you have entered, and this may only be done up until
the point that the report is submitted.


Upload MAI Annual Plan Narrative
Upload the MAI Plan Narrative via the EHB into HRSA’s Part A MAI Report system.
1. Click the “Upload Narrative” link under the left-side administration menu.
2. Browse to locate and select the Plan Narrative file (Microsoft Word or WordPerfect files only)
and then click the Upload File button.
3. The system will confirm that the file was uploaded successfully by refreshing the upload
window and displaying the following confirmation message in red type:
File uploaded and processed successfully.
Thank you for uploading Narrative document. Your document
has been successfully uploaded to our database!


Validate Report
As you continue through your report, the system will be automatically performing validation checks that
will check for any errors. There are two types of validation checks.
• Page-Level Validation: This occurs when you click “Save” or “Next Page” on a data entry
screen of the report, and the system will display any errors thus far in the report. Page-Level
validation does not display warnings.

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012



Report-Level Validation: This occurs when you click “Validate” under the left-side
administration menu. The entire report will validate, and the system will display all errors and
warnings in the entire report.

Types of failed system-check messages:
• Data Errors: Grantees must correct all data errors before you can submit the Plan for review
(e.g. the sum budgeted amounts cannot exceed the amount of service dollars available.)
• Data Warnings: Grantees are encouraged to correct any data warnings before submitting the
Plan for review. If you do not correct it, a comment explaining the reason for the warning is
required in order to submit the Plan.

Submit Report for Review
Once you have completed all Web Forms for each service provided to each racial/ethnic group, the
data entered has passed validation, and you have uploaded your MAI Narrative, you will submit the
Part A MAI Annual Plan to HRSA for review. Click the “Submit” button under the left-side
administration menu to complete this process. You will see a “Submission Successful”
confirmation window when you have successfully submitted your Plan.


Download MAI Plan for your record
Grantees may download a copy of their MAI Plan with the information you entered in the Web Forms
for your records in a PDF format.
1. Click on any data entry page.
2. Click on the “Print PDF” link under the left-side administration menu.
3. The PDF will appear in a pop-up page. You can save or print this PDF, identifying it as above.
Important: The PDF file is for your convenience and reference only. It may NOT be used to
submit your Plan. Any Plan revisions MUST be entered into the MAI Web Forms and
submitted to HRSA via the EHB.

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012




Start Submission in the EHBs
Steps for navigating to the MAI Web Application and starting the MAI Annual Report:
1. Log in to the EHBs
2. Click the “View Portfolio” link in the left menu
3. Locate the Part A Grant in the Grants Portfolio and click the “Open Grant Handbook” link
4. Click the “Other Submissions” link in the left menu
5. Locate the Part A MAI Annual Report for the desired fiscal year and click the “Start
Submission” link
6. The MAI Web Application will open in a new window with your selected annual report open.


Release Lock Function
In some cases, if another user from your organization has started working on the report, you may
receive a message stating: “Report available as ‘Read Only. Changes can only be made by
‘UserName:J2Doe’ (i.e., another user in your organization).” If you receive this message, please
ask the user listed with that username to log into the system and click “Release Lock” under the leftside administration menu. If you are unsure who the user is, please contact the HRSA Call Center
for further assistance.

4.3 Complete MAI Report Data Collection Forms
4.3.1 Grantee and Funding Information Web Form
Step 1A: Grantee Information
Prepared By: This field will be pre-populated with the name in your EMA/TGA’s EHB Profile.
Make sure that information is correct before you begin. HRSA will contact this individual if questions
arise about information after the Annual Report is submitted.
Title: Your job title as the person preparing the report.
E-Mail Address & Telephone: Your e-mail address and phone number will be pre-populated with
information in your EHB's Profile. If the information is incorrect, you may update it in this Web Form.
NOTE: Pre-populated data fields in the Annual Report Web Forms are based on the Grantee’s
last submitted and approved MAI Plan for the FY being reported. See Section 4.2.5 for
instructions on submitting a revised Plan 45 – 60 days before the Annual Report cycle.
Step 1B: Funding Information
Part A MAI Award: The total amount of MAI funds awarded to your EMA for the fiscal year will be will
be pre-populated and displayed as read only.
MAI $$ Approved for Carryover: This field is available for the Annual Report cycle. For example,
Grantees that received approval to carry forward FY 2011 MAI funds into FY 2012 must enter the total
approved carryover in the field provided for their FY 2012 Annual Report, due January 2014.
Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012


MAI Funds to be used for Grantee Administration: The amount and percentage of the MAI award
budgeted for Grantee administration will be pre-populated and displayed as read only. Enter the
amount of Grantee administration funds spent during the reporting FY.
MAI Funds to be used for Clinical Quality Management: The amount and percent of the MAI
award budgeted for clinical quality management (CQM) will be pre-populated and displayed as read
only. Enter the amount of CQM funds spent during the reporting FY.
4.3.2 Service Categories Web Form
Funded services and budgeted amounts are pre-populated in the Annual Report, based on the
Grantee’s most recent approved Plan submission for the FY being reported.
4.3.3 Race/Ethnicity Service Group Web Form
This form will display in read-only mode, the services the EMA/TGA planned to deliver to each minority
group, the amounts budgeted, and whether it was a new, continuing, or expanded service.
4.3.4 MAI Single Service Web Forms
The Annual Report contains separate Web Forms for each racial and ethnic client group to whom a
service is directed during the reporting FY. Information from multiple providers delivering the same
service to the same ethnic/racial group must be consolidated into a single service MAI Web Form, as
explained in Section 3.2.4 of these Instructions.
The fields described below are required for each service Web Form; i.e. for each service/activity to
be provided to each racial/ethnic community.
Note: If one or more MAI providers served individuals from racial/ethnic communities that were NOT
included in the Grantee’s Plan, then the Grantee should: a) insert a Comment on the Web Form for
the particular service(s) to identify the other population(s); and b) briefly explain in the Narrative.
However, if the EMA/TGA reprioritized their MAI funds during the FY in order to provide a
service to an additional minority community, the Grantee should follow directions in Section
4.3.5 on page 18 for submitting a revised Plan before the Annual Report submission cycle.
Service Information: This information will be pre-populated on each single service Web Form.
1. Service or Activity
2. Ethnicity and Race of Client Group to Receive This Service
3. New, Continuing or Expanded Effort.
Budget & Expenditure Information: Follow the instructions below to enter actual expenditures.
MAI Funds Budgeted for this Service to this Client Group: Pre-populated and in read-only mode.
Carryover Funds for this Service to this Client Group: This field is available in the Annual Report
cycle only. E.G., for the FY12 Annual Report, enter the amount of FY 2011 MAI carryover funds used in
FY 2012 to support this service. (Enter “0” of no carryover funds were used.)
4. Total MAI Funds Budgeted for This Service to this Group: Pre-populated based on your Plan
and the carryover amount entered above.
Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012


5. Spent: Point and click in the field provided to report actual expenditures for this service.
Service Units: Follow the instructions below to enter required information for service units.
6. Service Unit Name and Definition: This field will be pre-populated from your Plan.
7. Record of Service Units Provided: Point and click in the field provided to report the actual total
number of service units provided in the reporting FY.
Record of Clients Served: All “planned client” numbers will be pre-populated from your MAI Plan
8. Planned and Actual Total Number of Clients Served: Use fields 7a – 7e to report the actual
total unduplicated number of clients within this ethnic/racial group that received the service.
a. Total Unduplicated Number of Clients: Report the unduplicated total number of clients in this
community that actually received the service.
b. Total Unduplicated Number of Women: Report the unduplicated total number of women
(ages 25 years or older) in this community that actually received the service.
c. Total Unduplicated Number of Infants: Report the unduplicated total number of infants
(< 2 years) in this community that actually received the service.
d. Total Unduplicated Number of Children: Report the unduplicated total number of children
(2-12 years) in this community that actually received the service.
e. Total Unduplicated Number of Youth: Report the unduplicated total number of youth (13-24
years) in this community that actually received the service.
9. Planned Client Level Outcome(s): These fields will be pre-populated with information submitted
in your MAI Plan for the reporting FY.
Year-End Outcome Results: Follow the instructions below to enter information for outcome results.
10. Documented Evidence of Outcomes Achieved:
a. Narrative Description of Outcomes Achieved: Use the text box fields provided in the Web Form
to document results for planned Outcomes #1, # 2 and #3.
b. Number of Clients Served in Target Population: Report the total number of targeted clients to

which each outcome applies. The number entered may not necessarily agree with the “Total
Number of Clients Served” reported above, but cannot exceed that number.

Example: The total number of people in an ethnic/racial group that received a service might be
100 clients, but one of the outcomes being reported may pertain only to the 35 women who were
served. In that case, you would enter 35 as the “Number of Clients Served in Target Population,”
for that particular outcome.
c. Number of Clients Achieving Outcome: Report the number of clients within the target population
that achieved each outcome. (To continue the above example targeting women clients: if only 30 of
the 35 women served achieved this outcome, then you would enter 30 as the “Number of Clients
Achieving Outcome” for this particular outcome.)

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012


d. Percent: The percentage field is locked and will automatically calculate the percent of clients that
achieved each outcome. (For the above example, the calculated percentage would be 30 divided
by 35, or 85.7 %.)
4.3.5 Submitting Plan Revisions
Each year, approximately 45 – 60 days before the Annual Report submission process is scheduled to
begin, Grantees will receive an email asking if their MAI Plan was revised during the FY with regard
to the following types of changes.
a) A service was added that was NOT included in the approved Plan submitted via the EHBs.
b) A planned service was expanded to serve an additional racial/ethnic population.
Please follow the emailed instructions for submitting a Plan change request in the EHBs.
Note: The EHB’s opened 10/15/12 for FY11 Plan change requests, and the deadline
for submitting an FY11 Plan change request is 6 PM on November 16, 2012.

• Your MAI Plan data is used to generate your Annual Report Web Forms, so it is critical that you
make sure HRSA has correct, up-to-date information. However, HRSA will not be able to accept
revisions after the published deadline, because the MAI Report system will be closed for upgrades
and system maintenance to prepare for the Annual Report submission cycle.
• Plan revisions must be approved by your Project Officer before being implemented, so Grantees
must confirm that approval was obtained when submitting a revision request. Grantees are also
reminded that you must obtain Project Officer approval before reprogramming 20 percent or more
of the MAI grant award.
• However, if the only approved Plan changes were to increase or decrease funds budgeted for a
planned service(s), you do NOT need to submit a Plan change request for the MAI Report system.
These changes are captured when you report your MAI expenditures for each service/population.

Inserting Web Form Grantee Comments
Grantees may insert a comment on each Web Form/Report Sheet if needed to provide additional
information about the data entered on each service Report Sheet, e.g. with respect to documented
Client Level Outcomes. To enter a comment:
1. Go to the Web Form (Report Sheet) on which you want to insert a comment.
2. Click the icon in the top right corner that says “Add comment to this report sheet”.
3. Type your comments in the text box provided, indicate if you would like to apply this comment
to all other race/ethnicity sheets receiving the same service, and click the Submit button.
4. Your comment is saved.
5. To review all comments, both at the MAI Report and Report Sheet levels, click the “View
Comments” link under the left-side administration menu. All comments will be listed
chronologically with the most recent comment at the top of the page. If you would like to sort
through the comments, you can sort by the user that entered the comment or by the type of
comment that was entered.
6. If you would like to edit or delete a comment, click “View Comments” under the left-side
administration menu. Each comment listed will have a comment ID. Click on the comment ID,
and you will then have the option to delete or edit that comment. Please note that you may only

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012


edit or delete comments that you have entered, and this may only be done up until the point
that the report is submitted.
Reminder: Use the Narrative to provide additional information explaining the outcomes achieved.

Upload MAI Year-End Annual Report Narrative
You will upload the year-end Annual Report Narrative into the Part A MAI Report system to HRSA
through the MAI System after you have completed data entry in the Annual Report sheets. Make
sure you clearly identify the document on the “title page” (Grantee name, grant number, FY, Annual
Report Narrative) and on subsequent pages (header with Grantee name, grant number). Also be
sure to insert a footer that includes page numbers (e.g., Page 1 of 4).
1. Click the “Upload Narrative” link under the left-side administration menu.
2. Browse to locate and select the Narrative file (Microsoft Word or WordPerfect files only) and
click the “Upload Narrative” button.
3. The system will confirm that the file was uploaded successfully by refreshing the upload
window and displaying the following confirmation message in red type:
File uploaded and processed successfully.
Thank you for uploading Narrative document. You document has been
successfully uploaded to our database!


Validate Report
As you continue through your report, the system will be automatically performing validation check that
will check for any errors. There are two types of validation checks.
• Page-Level Validation: This occurs when you click Save or Next Page on a data entry screen
of the report, and the system will display any errors thus far in the report. Page-Level validation
does not display warnings.
• Report-Level Validation: This occurs when you click “Validate” under the left-side
administration menu. The entire report will validate, and the system will display all errors and
warnings in the entire report.
Types of failed system-check messages:
• Data Errors: Grantees must correct all data errors before you can submit the Report for review
(e.g. the sum budgeted amounts cannot exceed the amount of service dollars available.)
• Data Warnings: Grantees are encouraged to correct any data warnings before submitting the
Report for review. If you do not correct it, a comment explaining the reason for the warning is
required in order to submit the report.


Submit Report for Review
Once you have completed all Web Forms for each service provided to each racial/ethnic group,
uploaded your Annual Report Narrative, and the data reported has passed validation, you will submit
your MAI Annual Report to HRSA for review. Click the “Submit” button under the left-side
administration menu to complete this process. You will see a “Submission Successful”
confirmation window when you have successfully submitted your Annual Report.

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012



Download MAI Annual Report for your records
You can download a copy of your MAI Annual Report with the information you entered in the Web
Forms for your records in PDF format.
1. Click on any data entry page.
2. Click on the “Print PDF” link under the left-side administration menu.
3. The PDF will appear in a pop-up page. You can save or print this PDF, identifying it as above.
Important: The PDF file is for your convenience and reference only. It may NOT be used to submit
any later changes to your Plan or Annual Report. All revisions MUST be submitted through the
MAI System Web Forms.

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012



Each fiscal year since 2000, Part A Grantees have been required to document client-level health
outcomes for MAI-funded services provided to each racial/ethnic community. While Grantees have
discretion in selecting client level outcomes, those selected must be consistent with published HRSA
guidelines for core medical and related support services.
Most EMAs/TGAs have successfully implemented appropriate client-level health outcome measures
and indicators that monitor the quality and effectiveness of MAI-funded services. For any that have
not, Grantees must work with their providers and Project Officer to ensure that this is accomplished,
in order to assess performance with respect to improving access for minority communities, retaining
clients in care, and preventing or slowing disease progression.
Appendix III of these Instructions contains a list of recommended outcome indicators for specific core
medical and support services that are consistent with HRSA outcomes guidelines and HAB
performance measures. Grantees must use at least one recommended client level outcome
measure for each MAI funded service.
Grantees also may choose to select one or two locally established client-level outcome measures,
by selecting “Other” from the drop-down menu provided and typing in the definition. However,
measures that are not client-level or appropriate to the particular service category will not be
approved. Additionally, in defining a locally established measure, Grantees should not: (1) combine
two or more measures in one text box; or (2) use “Other” to define an outcome measure that is
essentially a rewording of an existing standard outcome measure already listed. For example,
please select “Increase in the percent of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts” rather than
selecting “Other” and typing in a detailed explanation of a specific target or range of CD4 count
improvement, as that information is best reported in the Plan Narrative.
Grantees are reminded that the Congress defined support services to mean “…services, subject to
the approval of the Secretary, that are needed for individuals with HIV/AIDS to achieve their medical
outcomes (such as respite care for persons caring for individuals with HIV/AIDS, outreach services,
medical transportation, linguistic services, and referrals for health care and support services.” The
legislation defines medical outcomes as “those outcomes affecting the HIV-related clinical status of
an individual with HIV/AIDS. 3 Thus, in selecting outcomes, Grantees and funded providers should
focus on how the service will enable clients to achieve improved medical outcomes (for example,
documenting the extent to which MAI-funded Medical Transportation Services will result in a
decrease in the number of missed health care appointments and/or an increase in the percentage of
clients retained in care.
Technical assistance in selecting HIV/AIDS outcome measures and indicators is available through
the National Quality Center and the Ryan White Target Center. Examples of publications include:
“Measuring Clinical Performance,” available at:, and
“On Your Mark, Get Set, Go,” available at: For individualized
technical assistance, please contact your Project Officer.


Sections 2604(d)1 and (d)(2) of the PHS Act

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012



The MAI Report collects demographic data elements with respect to race and ethnicity and age that
are consistent with elements in HRSA’s Ryan White Program Data Report (RWDR). However,
Grantees must submit client-level outcomes data for the MAI Report, in order to document progress
toward achieving the Part A MAI Grant Program’s mandated purpose of reducing disparities in
access and health outcomes for disproportionately impacted minority communities.
Therefore, the MAI Report is structured to collect: 1) data on specific services provided, clients
served and expenditures by race and ethnicity; and 2) unduplicated client counts. Grantees are
responsible for submitting these required data, and therefore must ensure that MAI-funded
contractors/providers comply in collecting and reporting to the Grantee all required client-level data
elements for each service that the contractor provides to each racial/ethnic population being served.
Table I: MAI Report Race and Ethnicity Data
American Indian or Alaskan Native
Black or African American (not Hispanic)
Hispanic or Latino(a)
Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander
White (not Hispanic)
More than one race
Unknown or Unreported

Table 2: MAI Report Gender and Age Data for Each Service Provided to
Each Minority Community
Total Number of Clients Served

Unduplicated Total

Unduplicated Total Number of Women Served

25 years and older

Unduplicated Total Number of Infants Served

< 2 years

Unduplicated Total Number of Children Served

2 to 12 years

Unduplicated Total Number of Youth Served

13 to 24 years

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 2012


Appendix II: Recommended Service Unit Definitions
Outpatient/Ambulatory Medical Care (health services)
1 unit = 1 Visit
Other (define):
AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)
1 unit = 1 Prescription
Other (define):
AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance (local)
1 unit = 1 Prescription
Other (define):
Oral Health Care
1 unit = 1 Oral Health Care Visit
Other (define):
Early Intervention Services
1 unit = 1 Visit
1 unit = 1 Client Encounter
Other (define):
Health Insurance Premium & Cost Sharing Assistance
1 unit = 1 Month Premium or Cost-Sharing Payment
Other (define):
Home Health Care
1 unit = 1 Visit
Other (define):
Home and Community-based Health Services
1 unit = 1 Visit
Other (define):
Hospice Services
1 unit = 1 Day of Hospice Services
Other (define):
Mental Health Services
1 unit = 1 Visit
1 unit = 1 Individual or Group Encounter
Other (define):
Medical Nutrition Therapy
1 unit = 1 Visit
Other (define):
Medical Case Management
1 unit = 1 Medical Case Management Encounter
Other (define):
Substance Abuse Services- Outpatient
1 unit = 1 Visit
1 unit = 1 Individual or Group Encounter
Other (define):

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 23, 2012


Case Management (non-Medical)
1 unit = 1 Non-medical Case Management Encounter
Other (define):
Child Care Services
1 unit = 1 Child Care Session
Other (define):
Emergency Financial Assistance
1 unit = 1 Assistance Voucher or Assistance Payment
Other (define):
Food Bank/Home Delivered Meals
1 unit = 1 Meal or 1 Bag of Groceries
Other (define):
Health Education/Risk Reduction
1 unit = 1 Individual or Group Encounter
Other (define):
Housing Services
1 unit = 1 Day of Housing
1 unit = 1 Housing Related Service
Other (define):
Legal Services
1 unit = 1 Client Encounter
1 unit = 1 Individual or Group Encounter
Other (define):
Linguistic Services
1 unit = 1 Individual or Group Encounter
Other (define):
Medical Transportation Services
1 unit = 1 one-way trip or medical transportation voucher
Other (define):
Outreach Services
1 unit = 1 Individual or Group Encounter
1 unit = 1 Client Contact
Other (define):
Psychosocial Support Services
1 unit = 1 Individual or Group Encounter
Other (define):
Referral to Health Care/Supportive Services
1 unit = 1 Client Contact
Other (define):

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 23, 2012


Rehabilitation Services
1 unit = 1 Visit
Other (define):
Respite Care
1 unit = 1 Session of Respite Care
Other (define):
Substance Abuse- Residential Services
1 unit = 1 Day of Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Other (define):
Treatment Adherence Services
1 unit = 1 Individual or Group Encounter
Other (define):

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 23, 2012



The table below provides examples of recommended HIV/AIDS client-level outcome measures that are consistent with published HRSA guidelines
referenced in these Reporting Instructions. The services are grouped into Core Medical and Support Services that are allowed under the Part A Ryan
White Program, including the Minority AIDS Initiative. To ensure the appropriateness of MAI outcomes measures and improve consistency across
EMAs/TGAs in documenting progress toward slowing/preventing disease progression, Grantees are expected and strongly encouraged to consider using
at least one recommended outcome for each funded MAI funded service.
Part A MAI Standard Outcome Measures for Core Medical Services
Outpatient/Ambulatory Medical Care (health services)

Increase the percentage of new clients whose initial medical evaluation meets age and gender-specific PHS Clinical Guidelines for HIV/AIDS
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable viral load test results
Increase in the percentage of women clients that are receiving annual Pap smear
Decrease in the percentage of clients served experiencing an AIDS-defining opportunistic disease
Decrease in the percentage of clients served who experience an HIV/AIDS-related hospitalization
AIDS Drug Assistance Program (ADAP)

Increase in the number of clients with access to prescribed HIV/AIDS medications
Increase in the percentage of clients with access to prescribed HIV/AIDS medications consistent with PHS Treatment Guidelines
Decrease in the percentage of clients served experiencing an AIDS-defining opportunistic disease
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable viral load test results
AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance (local)

Increase in the number of clients with access to prescribed HIV/AIDS medications
Increase in the percentage of minority clients with access to prescribed HIV/AIDS medications consistent with PHS Treatment Guidelines
Decrease in the percentage of clients served experiencing an AIDS-defining opportunistic disease
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable viral load test results
Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 23, 2012


Part A MAI Standard Outcome Measures for Core Medical Services
Oral Health Care

Increase in the percentage of clients who are accessing oral health/dental services
Increase in the percentage of clients who are able to maintain good nutritional status following treatment of oral pain and oral disease
Decrease in the percentage of clients served experiencing an AIDS-defining opportunistic disease
Early Intervention Services

Increase in the number and percent of PLWH who know their HIV status
Among PLWH who know their status, an increased percentage are successfully linked to HIV/AIDS medical care
An increased percentage of clients who know their HIV status will remain in care
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable viral load test results
Health Insurance Premium & Cost Sharing Assistance

Increase in the percentage of clients who maintain their health insurance
Increase in the percentage of clients who are accessing health insurance including prescription medication coverage
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable viral load test results
Home Health Care

Increase in the percentage of clients who are receiving this service based on a written plan of care established by an appropriate and licensed health care team
Decrease in the percentage of clients served experiencing an HIV/AIDS-related hospitalization
Decrease in the percentage of clients served experiencing an HIV/AIDS- related emergency room visit
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable viral load test results
Home and Community-based Health Services

Increase in the percentage of clients who are receiving this service based on a written plan of care established by an appropriate and licensed health care team
Decrease in the percentage of clients served experiencing an HIV/AIDS- related emergency room visit
Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 23, 2012


Part A MAI Standard Outcome Measures for Core Medical Services
Decrease in the percentage of clients served experiencing an HIV/AIDS-related hospitalization
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable viral load test results
Hospice Services

Increase in the percentage of clients able to remain at home while receiving appropriate medical and related supportive services at the end stage of illness
Increase in the percentage of clients at end stage who are medically evaluated for AIDS-related salvage therapies consistent with PHS Guidelines
Mental Health Services

Increase in the percentage of clients with mental health condition/illness who are successfully linked to licensed mental health services
Increase in the percentage of clients with mental health condition/illness who comply with or complete their mental health treatment plan.
Increase in the percentage of clients with mental health conditions who are remaining in HIV/AIDS medical care
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable viral load test results
Medical Nutrition Therapy

Increase in the percentage of clients counseled on dietary issues
Decrease in the percentage of clients with wasting syndrome
Increase in the percentage of clients maintaining healthy weight status
Increase in the percentage of clients with diagnosed nutritional needs who are accessing necessary nutritional supplements
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable viral load test results

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 23, 2012


Medical Case Management

Among new clients who are out of care, an increase in the percentage who receive an initial HIV/AIDS medical evaluation within 2 weeks of completing intake.
Increase in the percentage of client files containing a case management plan consistent with established standards that includes a medical treatment plan
Increase in the percentage of clients who receive treatment adherence counseling
Among clients receiving antiretroviral (ARV) medications, an increase in the percentage of clients who adhere to their prescribed medication regimen
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable viral load test results
Increase in the percentage of clients retained in care
Decrease in the percentage of clients lost to follow-up
Among clients whose substance abuse and/or mental health evaluation indicates a service need, an increased percentage receive appropriate follow-up.
Substance Abuse Services- Outpatient

Increase in the percentage of clients with a substance abuse diagnosis who enter and complete an outpatient substance abuse treatment program
Increase in the percent of clients with addictions who remain in medical care
Decrease in the percentage of clients experiencing AIDS-defining opportunistic disease
Increase in the percentage of clients retained in care
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable viral load test results

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 23, 2012


Part A MAI Standard Outcome Measures for Support Service Categories
Case Management (non-Medical)

Increase in the percentage of clients receiving advice and assistance in obtaining medical, social, community, legal, financial, and other needed services
Increase in the percentage of clients retained in care
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable viral load test results
Child Care Services

Increase in the percentage of HIV+ clients with children who keep medical or other care-related appointments
Increase in the percentage of clients retained in care
Emergency Financial Assistance

Increase in the percentage of clients retained in care
Food Bank/Home Delivered Meals

Increase in the percentage of clients receiving food/meals needed to help meet their daily living needs
Increase in the percentage of clients maintaining healthy weight status
Increase in the percentage of clients adherent to treatment regimens that require medications taken with food
Increase in the percentage of clients retained in care
Health Education/Risk Reduction

Increase in the percentage of clients who are educated about HIV transmission and how to reduce the risk of transmission.
Increase in the percentage of clients who are educated about available medical, psycho-social support services
Increase in the percentage of clients retained in care

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 23, 2012


Housing Services

Increase in the percentage of clients in stable housing
Increase in the percentage of clients retained in care
Legal Services

Increase in the percentage of clients receiving powers of attorney, medical directives, and interventions necessary to ensure access to eligible benefits
Increase in the percentage of clients retained in care
Linguistic Services

Increase in the percentage of clients receiving interpretation and translation services needed to support the provision of HIV/AIDS health care and related
support service
Increase in the percentage of clients retained in care
Medical Transportation Services

Decrease in the number of missed health care appointments
Increase in the percentage of clients retained in care
Outreach Services

Increase in the number of clients who know their HIV status
Increase in the number of clients entering care at an earlier stage of illness
Psychosocial Support Services

Increase in the percentage of clients with identified HIV support group and caregiver support group needs are receiving these services
Among clients receiving psychosocial support services, an increased percentage are being retained in care

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 23, 2012


Referral to Health Care/Supportive Services

Increase in the percentage of clients referred to appropriate HIV/AIDS health care and supportive services
Increase in the percentage of clients linked to HIV/AIDS health care and supportive services as measured by kept initial appointments
Increase the percentage of clients retained in care
Rehabilitation Services

Increase in the percentage of clients receiving rehabilitation services from a licensed or authorized provider in accordance with an individualized plan of care
Increase in the percentage of clients that are able to perform activities of daily living and self-care
Respite Care

Among caregivers receiving respite care services, an increase in the percentage able to continue serving as the primary caregiver
Increase in the percentage of HIV+ clients being cared for at home
Decrease in the percentage of clients requiring institutional care
Substance Abuse- Residential Services

Increase in the percentage of clients with substance abuse diagnosis who enter and complete an inpatient substance abuse treatment program
Increase in the percentage of clients retained in care
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable viral load test results
Decrease in the percentage of clients experiencing AIDS-defining opportunistic disease
Decrease in the percentage of clients experiencing an HIV/AIDS related emergency room visit
Increase in the percentage of HIV+ clients with substance abuse diagnosis who are receiving medical care

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 23, 2012


Treatment Adherence Services

Increase in the percentage of clients who receive treatment adherence counseling
Among clients receiving antiretroviral (ARV) medications, an increase in the percentage of clients who adhere to their prescribed medication regimen
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable CD4 counts
Increase in the percentage of clients with improved or stable viral load test results
Increase the percentage of clients retained in care

Part A MAI Reporting Instructions, March 23, 2012


File Typeapplication/pdf
File TitlePart A Minority AIDS Initiative (MAI):
SubjectUpdated Report Instructions
AuthorDivision of Service Systems
File Modified2013-06-13
File Created2013-06-13

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