Burden Spreadsheet

081613 0055 CACFP Burden Table.xlsx

7 CFR Part 226, Child and Adult Care Food Program

Burden Spreadsheet

OMB: 0584-0055

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#0055 Reporting
#0055 Recordkeeping

Sheet 1: #0055 Reporting

Section of Regulation / Form Title Estimated # Respondents Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses (Col. DxE) Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours (Col. FxG) Previously Approved Due to Program Change Due to an Adjustment Total Difference
(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)


226.3(c) Federal/State agreement 0 0 0.000 0 0.000 50.600
-50.600 -50.600
226.6(b) Notify institution of approval or disapproval of application within 30 days of receipt of a complete application Barbara J. Smith: Cuurent number of CACFP SAs is 56. 56 15 840.000 SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology and previous burden included admininstrative burden. 0.25 bkowtha: reduction in burden due to - see comment in column F. 210.000 6,600.000
-6,390.000 -6,390.000
226.6(c) Notice of serious deficiency (decision to disapprove new application or renew existing agreement) to institution 56 5 280.000 SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology and previous burden included admininstrative burden. 0.25 bkowtha: reduction in burden due to - see comment in column F. 70.000 2,200.000
-2,130.000 -2,130.000

Notice of serious deficiency to participating institutions 56 10 560.000 SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology and previous burden included admininstrative burden. 0.25 bkowtha: reduction in burden due to - see comment in column F. 140.000 4,400.000
-4,260.000 -4,260.000

Submit copies of serious deficiency notices to FNSRO 56 10 560.000 SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology. 0.25 bkowtha: reduction in burden due to - see comment in column F. 140.000 275.000
-135.000 -135.000

Submit copy disqualification notice and supportive documentation to FNSRO 56 5 280.000 SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology (NDL system). 0.25 bkowtha: reduction in burden due to - see comment in column F. 70.000 137.500
-67.500 -67.500
226.6(c)(8) (C)(ii) Provide FNSRO the required information of each day care home provider terminated for cause 56 12 672.000 SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology. 0.25 bkowtha: reduction in burden due to - see comment in column F. 168.000 330.000
-162.000 -162.000
226.6(d)(1) & (e) Establish licensing/compliance review procedures for child care centers, day care homes, outside-school hours care centers and adult day centers SD: Most SAs already have this procedure due to implementation of published guidance. 10 1 10.000 1 bkowtha: reduction in burden due to - see comment in column C. 10.000 20.000
-10.000 -10.000
226.6(d)(3) Establish alternate procedures for review of institutions for which licensing or approval is not available - SD: Some Sas already have this procedure due to implementation of published guidance. 10 1 10.000 3 bkowtha: reduction in burden due to - see comment in column F. 30.000 60.000
-30.000 -30.000
226.6(d)(3) (vii)(D) Provide day care home sponsors a listing of State-funded programs, participation in which by a parent or child will qualify a meal served to a child in a tier II home for the tier I rate of reimbursement. 56 16 896.000 SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology. 0.25 bkowtha: reduction in burden due to - see comment in column F. 224.000 880.000
-656.000 -656.000
226.6(f)(1)(ii) Provide all institutions a copy
of the income standards to be used by
institutions for determining the eligibility
of participants for free and reduced-
price meals under the Program
56 1 56.000 SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology and batching distribution. 0.5 bkowtha: reduction in burden due to - see comment in column F. 28.000 50.600
-22.600 -22.600
226.6(f)(1)(vii) Provide day home sponsoring organizations a list of elementary schools in which at least one-half of the children enrolled receive f/rp meals 56 16 896.000 SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology. 0.25 bkowtha: reduction in burden due to - see comment in column F. 224.000 880.000
-656.000 -656.000
226.6(f)(1) (vii)(D) Provide day care home sponsoring organizations a listing of State-funded programs that qualify participants in Tier II homes for Tier I reimbursement 56 16 896.000 SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology. 0.25 bkowtha: reduction in burden due to - see comment in column F. 224.000 880.000
-656.000 -656.000
226.6(f)(1) (vii)(E) Submit to SNAP SA list of providers receiving Tier I benefits based on SNAP participation 56 1 56.000 0.25 bkowtha: Change due to change in number of SAs. 14.000 13.750
0.250 0.250
226.6(f)(1) (ix)(A) Provide at-risk-afterschool care centers and sponsoring organizations the list of schools in which one-half of children enrolled are eligible for f/rp meals 56 1 56.000 0.25 SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology. 14.000 55.000
-41.000 -41.000
226.6(f)(3)(iii) Provide census data to day care home sponsoring organizations 56 Barbara J. Smith: number of all sponsors of family day care homes divided by number of state agencies 15 840.000 bkowtha: reduction in time due to technology 0.25 bkowtha: see comments in columns D and F for reduction in hours. 210.000 275.000
-65.000 -65.000
226.6(f)(5) Barbara J. Smith: Delete… This is an administrative burden. Inquire into preference for commodities for new institutions 0 0 0.000 0 bkowtha: burden removed - as it is administrative task. 0.000 412.500
-412.500 -412.500
bkowtha: note citation correction from last renewal. 226.6(f)(1) (viii)(A) SAs adminstering CACFP provide listing of eligible schools to sponsoring organizations 56 15 840.000 0.25 210.000 0.000 210.000 0.000 210.000
226.6 (h) Submit to State commodity distribution agency list of institutions receiving commodities by June 1 Barbara J. Smith: CND estimates that only 15 Sas distribute commodities to CACFP instutions…the majority provide cash-in-lieu of commodities 15 1 15.000 SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology. 0.25 bkowtha: see comment in column F. 3.750 7.500
-3.750 -3.750
226.6 ( i ) Develop standard contract for use between instiutions and food service management companies 56 1 56.000 SD: SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology and removal of administrative burden. 0.25 bkowtha: See comment in column D. 14.000 110.000
-96.000 -96.000
226.6 ( j ) Barbara J. Smith: This is an administrative function. Delete from reporting. Ensure procurement compliance 0 0 0.000 0 0.000 825.000
-825.000 -825.000
226.6 ( k ) Barbara J. Smith: This is an administrative function - Delete from Reporting. Establish/revise appeal procedures 0 0 0.000 0 0.000 36.000
-36.000 -36.000
226.6(k)(4)(i) Annually submit admin review (appeal) procedures to all institutions 56 Barbara J. Smith: number of institutions divided by number of SA; get from NDB; is this correct 356 19936.000 SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology and batching distribution. 0.0167 bkowtha: See comment in column F 332.931 4,895.000
-4,562.069 -4,562.069
226.6(k)(4)(ii) Submit admin review procedures when applicable action taken 56 5 280.000 0.25 70.000 68.750
1.250 1.250
226.6 (l) Establish/revise admin review (appeal) procedures for day care home providers- SA must notify the appropriate FNSRO of any change or option to offer an administrative review 18 1 18.000 SD: Process simplified due to advanced technology. 0.25 bkowtha: See comment in column F. 4.500 18.000
-13.500 -13.500
226.6 ( m ) Barbara J. Smith: Duplicative - this burden is captured under recordkeeping…DELETE HERE…verified during review. Provide technical and supervisory assistance to institutions 0 0 0 0 0 231,660
-231,660.000 -231,660.000
226.6(m)(5) Revise/edit household contact procedures - submit changes to FNSRO. 15 1 15.000 Barbara J. Smith: Decrease in time due to automation 0.25 bkowtha: see comment in column F. 3.750 15.000
-11.250 -11.250
226.6 (n) bkowtha: Added 90 hours for Tiering Study authroized on March 3rd. See Change Justification Memo. Report findings of irregularities investigations 56 Barbara J. Smith: Projected increase in the number of irregularities 21 1176.000 Barbara J. Smith: Time decrease due to automation. 1.5 bkowtha: this increase includes 90 hours from tiering study as well as program adjustments. 1,764.000 1,650.000
114.000 114.000
226.6 (p) Develop/revise and provide sponsoring organization agreement between sponsor and facilities…report changes to FNSRO 15 1 15.000 Barbara J. Smith: Decrease due to automation 0.25 bkowtha: see comment in column F. 3.750 50.000
-46.250 -46.250
226.7 Barbara J. Smith: This is an administrative function..DELETE from reporting. Revise/edit Financial Management System 0 0 0.000 0 - 2,200.000
-2,200.000 -2,200.000
226.7 (c) Submit to FNSRO a written plan for correcting serious deficiencies noted in Management Evaluation/Audit Barbara J. Smith: MEs on a 2 year cycle 28 1 28.000 bkowtha: decrease due to automation. 5 140.000 1,000.000
-860.000 -860.000
(Form FNS-44)
bkowtha: this line item deals with FNS-44 form Submit CACFP Report to FNS 30 and 90 days following the month being reported 56 24 1344.000 1 1,344.000 1,320.000
24.000 24.000
226.7 (h), (i) & (j) Establish procedures for start ups, advances, and recovery of over-payments 10 1 10.000 BBrennan: program adjustment to reflect more accurate burden; 2 bkowtha: see comment under F 20.000 40.000
-20.000 -20.000
226.7 (k) Claims processing 56 Barbara J. Smith: each SA must process claims once a month 12 672.000 bkowtha: change in time due to technology 1 bkowtha: see comment under D and F. 672.000 98.450
573.550 573.550
226.8 (a) Barbara J. Smith: This is an administrative function. Delete from reporting. Verified during review. Audits shall be conducted in accordance with A-133 and 7 CFR part 3052 0 0 0.000 0 - 1,210.000
-1,210.000 -1,210.000
226.8 (b) - ( c) Barbara J. Smith: This is an administrative function. Delete from Reporting. Verified druing review. Establish audits funds priorities 0 0 0.000 0 - 50.600
-50.600 -50.600
226.9 (a) Assign rates of reimbursement for all institutions not less than annually 56 1 56.000 0.25 bkowtha: change due to change in number of SAs. 14.000 13.750
0.250 0.250
226.10 (a) Barbara J. Smith: This is an administrative function… Remove from Reporting…this is verified during review. Provide advance payments to those institutions electing to receive payments 0 0 0.000 0 0.000 50.600
-50.600 -50.600
226.10 (b) Barbara J. Smith: There is no reporting requirement. Delete from reporting. Establish procedues to monitor and reconcile advance payments 0 0 0.000 0 0.000 50.600
-50.600 -50.600
226.10(e) Final Claim for Reimbursement postmarked and/or submitted to the State agency not later than 60 days following the last day of the full month covered by the claim. 56 12 672.000 BBrennan: program adjustment due to more accurate number of burden due to electronic filing 2 1344.000 253.000
1,091.000 1,091.000
226.14 Notify institution of disallowed claim and demand repayment 56 Barbara J. Smith: 10% of the average number fo insitutions per SA 35 1960.000 0.0167 bkowtha: change in burden due to changes in columns D and F. 32.732 203.500
-170.768 -170.768
226.23(l) Obtain written consent from the child's parents or guardians prior to use or disclose if using or disclosing information in ways not permitted by statute 0 0 0 0 0.000 13.750
-13.750 -13.750
226.23(m) Enter into a written agreement with the party requesting children's free and reduced price eligibility information. BBrennan: only 5 SAs on average receive such requests 0 0 0 0 0.000 5.000
-5.000 -5.000
226.24 Property management 0 0 0 0 0 192.5
-192.500 -192.500

TOTAL STATE AGENCY BURDEN 56 607.161 34,001.000 0.228 7,749.413 263,556.950 210.000 -256,017.537 -255,807.537


226.6 (d)-(e) and 226.6(f)(1)(vi) Submit documentation to demonstrate that child care centers, outside-school-hours care centers, at-risk afterschool care centers, day care homes, and adult day care centers are in compliance with licensing/approval criteria. 20,398 1 20,398.00 Barbara J. Smith: Fix to show .0835 0.08 1,703.23 9,791.000
-8087.767 -8,087.767
226.6(f)(1)(iii) Submit current eligibility information on enrolled participants to be used to calculate reimbursement rate 20,398 12 244,776.00 0.50 122,388.00 117,492.000
4896.000 4,896.000
226.6(f)(1)(vii) Barbara J. Smith: This is not reported. Documentation is reviewed during a review. This is captured already in record keeping Maintain verification that all facilities have adhered to Program training requirements Barbara J. Smith: CND estimates that 80% of institutions are independent and n ot subject to training requirements 0 0 0.000 0.00 - 19,582.000
-19582.000 -19,582.000
226.6(f)(1) (viii)(E) Sponsoring organizations of day care homes must submit a list of family daycare home providers receiving Tier I benefits based on SNAP participation 8,358 1 8358.000 0.02 139.58 0.000 139.579 - 139.579
226.6 (1) Barbara J. Smith: This is an administrartive function. Delete. Participate in reviews Barbara J. Smith: 1/3 of participating instituions 0 0 0.000 0.00 - 25,848.000
-25848.000 -25,848.000
226.10 and 226.15(i) Report to SA number of meals claimed for reimbursement 20,398 12 244,776.00 Barbara J. Smith: Time reduced due to electronic transmission 1.90 465,074.40 469,968.000
-4893.600 -4,893.600
226.13 (b)(3)(i) thru (ii) Establish reimbursement rates for Tier 2 providers with income-eligible children 886 5 4,430.000 0.30 1,329.000 1,329.000
0.000 0.000
226.15(b) New institutions submit application for participation 250 1 250.00 Barbara J. Smith: How long does it take to submit application? Think this number included preparation time. 8.00 2,000.00 2,000.000
0.000 0.000

Participating institutions submit documentation required for renewal 20,398 1 20,398.00 Barbara J. Smith: Time decrease due to policy change and automation 0.25 5,099.50 595.000
4504.500 4,504.500
226.16 (d) Sponsoring organization supervisory responsibilities (pre-approval visits, training, reviews, etc.) Barbara J. Smith: This is an administtrative function. Delete from reporting. 0 0 - 0.00 - 2,038,720.000
-2038720.000 -2,038,720.000
226.16 (g) & (h) Sponsoring organization disburses advances and program payments within 5 days of receipt from SA Barbara J. Smith: This is an administrative function that is verified at the time of a review…Delete from reporting 0 0 - 0.00 - 764,520.000
-764520.000 -764,520.000
226.23 Free and reduced price meal requirements Barbara J. Smith: CND estimates 840 new institutions per year 840 1 840.000 0.02 14.028 39,164.000
-39149.972 -39,149.972
226.23(l) Obtain written consent from the child's parents or guardians prior to use or disclosure if using or disclosing information in ways not permitted by statute 196 1 196 0.08 16.268 16.268
0.000 0.000
226.23(m) Enter into a written agreement with the party requesting children's free and reduced price eligibility information. 196 1 196 0.08 16.268 16.268
0.000 0.000
7 CFR 226.6(n) CACFP Tiering Assessment: FNS and OIG may make investigations at the request of the State agency, or whenever FNS or OIG determines that investigations are appropriate. 60 1 60 1.50 90.000 90.000
0.000 0.000

SPONSOR/INSTITUTION BURDEN TOTALS 20,398 26.702520 544,678.000 1.097658 597,870.276 3,489,131.536 139.579 -2,891,400.839 -2,891,261.260


226.11(c); 226.17(b)(9) and 226.17a(p) Submit daily meal count records to sponsoring organizations monthly Estimate of total number of sponsored centers 38,608 12 463,296 Barbara J. Smith: Time decreased to to automated submission if documents. 0.25 115,824 295,152.000
-179,328.000 -179,328.000
226.13 (d)(1) thru (3) & 226.18 (e) Day care home providers submit daily meal counts to sponsors monthly Barbara J. Smith: Total number of day care homes for 2012 per NDB 127,977 12 1,535,724.000 bkowtha: time reduced 0.5 767,862.000 2,083,305.000
-1,315,443.000 -1,315,443.000

FACILITY BURDEN TOTALS 166,585 12.000 1,999,020.000 0.442 883,686.000 2,378,457.000
-1,494,771.000 -1,494,771.000


226.15(e)(2) & 226.16(e)(3) Barbara J. Smith: Also included in recordkeeping. Enrollment documentation shall be updated annually, signed by a parent or legal guardian, and include information on child's normal days & hours of care and the meals normally received while in care Barbara J. Smith: This number was provided by ORA… Ed Harper 2,178,065 1 2,178,065.000 0.083 180,779.395 167,406.518
13,372.877 13,372.877

HOUSEHOLD BURDEN TOTALS 2,178,065 1.00 2,178,065.000 0.083000 180,779.395 167,406.518 0.000 13,372.877 13,372.877


Estimated # Respondents Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses (Col. DxE) Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours (Col. FxG) Previously Approved Due to Program Change Due to an Adjustment Total Difference

State Agency Burden 56 607.160714 34,001.000 0.227917 7,749.413 263,556.950 210.000 -256,017.537 -255,807.537

Sponsor/Institution Burden 20,398 26.702520 544,678.000 1.097658 597,870.276 3,489,131.536 139.579 -2,891,400.839 -2,891,261.260

Facility Burden 166,585 12.000000 1,999,020.000 0.442060 883,686.000 2,378,457.000 0.000 -1,494,771.000 -1,494,771.000

Household Burden 2,178,065 1.000000 2,178,065.000 0.083000 180,779.395 167,406.518 0.000 13,372.877 13,372.877

Total Reporting Burden 2,365,104 2.010805 4,755,764.000 0.351171 1,670,085.084 6,298,552.004 349.579 -4,628,816.499 -4,628,466.920

Sheet 2: #0055 Recordkeeping

Section of Regulation Title Estimated # Recordkeepers Per Recordkeeper Total Annual Records (Col. DxE) Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Record Estimated Total Hours (Col. FxG) Previously Approved Due to Adjustment Due to program change Total Difference
(A) (B) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H)


226.6 Collect and maintain on file CACFP agreements, records received from applicant and participating institutions and documentation of administrative review and Program assistance activities, results, and corrective actions. 56 5 280 1.00 280.000 660.000 -380.000
226.6(c) (8)(ii) Maintain a State agency list that includes a synopsis of information concerning seriously deficient institutions and providers terminated
for cause in that State
56 1 56 0.50 28.000 55.000 -27.000

STATE AGENCY BURDEN 56 6.00 336 0.91667 308.000 715.000 -407.000


226.10(d) 226.15(e), 226.6(f)(1)(vii) Collect and maintain for a period of 3 years and the current year Program applications, enrollment documents, income eligibility forms, attendance records, menus, meal counts, invoices and receipts, claims for reimbursement, licenses, administrative and operating costs records, training documentation, and any other records required by the SA. 20,398 3 61,194.000 Barbara J. Smith: Change due to automation 1.000 61,194.000 234,984.000 -173,790.000
226.15(e)(3) Maintain documentation used to classify homes as Tier 1 848 Barbara J. Smith: Average number of Tier I providers based on NDB 124 105,152.000 0.025 2,628.800 5,980.500 -3,351.700
226.23(h)(6) Maintain information to verify homes that qualify as Tier 1 based on provider's income. 848 Barbara J. Smith: Approximately 1/3 of Tier I providers 41 34,768.000 0.025 869.200 2,279.678 -1,410.478

SPONSOR/INSTITUTION BURDEN 20,398 9.8595 201,114.00 0.32167 64,692.000 243,244.178 -178,552.178


226.15(e) 226.17(c) 226.17a(o) 226.18(g) 226.19(c) 226.19a(c) Collect and maintain for a period of 3 years and the current year Program applications, enrollment documents, income eligibility forms, attendance records, menus, meal counts, invoices and receipts, claims for reimbursement, licenses, administrative and operating costs records, training documentation, and any other records required by the SA. Barbara J. Smith: Total number of outlets per NDB 166,585 3 499,755 1 499,755 490,449 9,306.000

FACILITY BURDEN 166,585 3.0000 499,755 1.00 499,755.000 490,449 9,306.000

Summary of Recordkeeping Burden

Estimated # Recordkeepers Per Recordkeeper Total Annual Records (Col. DxE) Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Record Estimated Total Hours (Col. FxG) Previously Approved Due to Adjustment Due to an change Total Difference

State Agency Burden 56.00 6.0000 336.00 0.916667 308.00 715.00 -407.00

Sponsor/Institution Burden 20,398 9.8595 201,114 0.321668 64,692.000 243,244.178 -178,552.178

Facility Burden 166,585 3.0000 499,755 1.000000 499,755.000 490,449.000 9,306.000

Total Recordkeeping Burden 187,039 3.749 701,205 0.80541 564,755.000 734,408.178 -169,653.178

Sheet 3: #0055 BURDEN SUMMARY

Estimated # Respondents Responses Per Respondent Total Annual Responses (Col. DxE) Estimated Avg. # of Hours Per Response Estimated Total Hours (Col. FxG) Previously Approved Due to Adjustment Due to Program Change Total Difference
Total Reporting Burden 2,365,104 2.010805 4,755,764.000 0.351171 1,670,085.084 6,298,552.004 -4,628,816.499 349.579 -4,628,466.920
Total Recordkeeping Burden 187,039 3.748977 701,205 0.8054064 564,755.000 734,408.178 -169,653.178 0.000 -169,653.178
TOTAL BURDEN FOR #0584-0055 2,365,104 2.307285 5,456,969.000 0.409539 2,234,840.084 7,032,960 -4,798,469.677 349.579 -4,798,120.10

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