Form NHTSA 1198 NHTSA 1198 The Idaho Driving Safety Survey

Matching Countermeasures to Driver Types and Speeding Behavior

Appendix C - Questionnaire - English

Matching Countermeasures to Driver Types and Speeding Behavior

OMB: 2127-0699

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Appendix C: Questionnaire – English Version

Form: NHTSA 1198


Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX

The Idaho

Driving Safety Survey

Conducted for

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration

and the Idaho Transportation Department

Shape1 The Idaho Driving Safety Survey

Form: NHTSA 1198


Expiration Date: XX/XX/XXXX


The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the State of Idaho are inviting you to participate in a research survey about speeding and traffic safety conducted for NHTSA and the State by Battelle. This NHTSA survey aims to collect information on individual attitudes, beliefs, and habits associated with driver speeding behavior in Idaho.

If you choose to participate, you will be asked questions about your opinions on driving and driving safety, how you drive, and a few questions about things like age and gender for statistical purposes.

You are one of approximately 2100 randomly selected residents of Idaho who have been asked to participate in this survey. We need your response to help make this study representative of the diverse experiences of all drivers in the state. It will take about 20-30 minutes to complete, and you have received $5.00 in your survey packet to thank you for your time.

Battelle and NHTSA will have access to the survey data, but Battelle and NHTSA will never have access to your name, address or any other information that personally identifies you. The State of Idaho is mailing out the survey questionnaires, but they will never have access to your survey data.

It is also important that you know:

  • There are no right or wrong answers.

  • Your responses will be treated in a secure and confidential manner.

  • Survey reports will present all findings as a whole, so individual responses cannot be identified.

  • You might be uncomfortable answering some of these questions.

  • Your participation in this survey is voluntary. You may skip any questions that you do not want to answer or stop answering at any point.

  • If you have questions about the study please call our toll-free number 1-xxx-xxx-xxxx.

If you have questions about your rights as a research participant, please call the toll-free number, 1-877-810-9530, ext. 500.

This collection of information is voluntary and will be used to develop safety measures intended to reduce traffic crashes and fatalities. Public reporting burden is estimated to average 21 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information.  Please note that an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to, a collection of information unless it displays a currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control number for this collection is 2127-XXXX (state OMB #). Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other aspect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to: Information Collection Clearance Officer, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 1200 New Jersey Avenue, SE, Washington, DC 20590.

These questions will confirm whether you are eligible to complete the rest of this survey.

Please check () the best answer and follow the instructions appropriate to your response.


Are you the person this survey was addressed to?

  • Yes

  • No

  • If you know the person that this survey was addressed to, please give this package to him/her. Thank you.

  • If you do not know the person that this survey was addressed to, please return the blank survey in the envelope provided. Thank you.


Are you willing to complete the survey?

  • Yes Thank you for your willingness to participate. Please continue to Section A of the survey on Page 2.

  • No Please return your blank survey in the envelope provided. Thank you.


Do you drive as part of your job (not including your commute to and from work?

  • Yes Please continue to Section A of the survey on Page 2 and consider only the personal driving you do when answering the survey questions. Note: Please include driving to and from work in your personal driving.

  • No Please continue to Section A of the survey on Page 2.

SECTION A: Driving Related Attitudes, Beliefs, and Habits

This section of the survey contains questions that will help us understand your attitudes, beliefs and habits associated with driving. Please write in or check () the best answer.

Please indicate the extent that you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Strongly Disagree

Somewhat Disagree


Somewhat Agree

Strongly Agree


Everyone should obey the speed limits because it’s the law.


People should keep up with the flow of traffic.


There is no excuse to exceed the speed limit.


Driving over the speed limit is not dangerous for skilled drivers.


I often get impatient with slower drivers.


I enjoy the feeling of driving fast.


I try to get where I am going as fast as I can.


I feel annoyed about driving at or near the speed limit.


Driving within or near the speed limit reduces my chances of an accident.


Driving within or near the speed limit makes me feel relaxed.


Driving within or near the speed limit makes me feel bored.


Driving near the speed limit makes me feel more in control of my vehicle.


Which of the following statements best describes your driving? Please select one response.

  • I tend to pass other cars more often than other cars pass me

  • Other cars tend to pass me more often then I pass them

  • Both/About equally

  • Don’t Know

  • Prefer not to answer


When driving I tend to…

  • Stay with slower moving traffic

  • Keep up with the faster traffic

  • Both/About equally

  • Don’t Know

  • Prefer not to answer

This section concerns how people may change the way they drive on different types of roads, such as multi-lane highways, rural routes, or residential streets.





Don’t Know


How often would you say you drive 15 miles an hour over the speed limit on multi-lane divided highways?


How often would you say you drive 15 miles an hour over the speed limit on multi-lane, interstate freeways through major towns or cities?


How often would you say you drive 15 miles an hour over the speed limit on two-lane highways, one lane in each direction in rural areas?


How often would you say you drive 10 miles an hour over the speed limit on rural country roads?


How often would you say you drive 10 miles an hour over the speed limit on neighborhood or residential streets?


How often would you say you drive 10 miles an hour over the speed limit on main roads in town that have two lanes in each direction?


How many times have you been stopped for speeding in the past twelve months?

Number of times__________________________


How many times have you been cited/fined for speeding in the past twelve months?

Number of times__________________________


How many miles do you drive each week? Please include personal travel only, including your commute to and from work, but excluding any driving you do for work.

  • Less than 50

  • 50 - 100

  • 100 - 200

  • 200 - 400

  • More than 400


What percentage of the time do you drive (please make sure the total of A and B adds to 100 percent and include personal travel only, including your commute to and from work, but excluding any driving you do for work.):

  1. In conditions where it is congested (i.e. rush hour or heavy traffic conditions).

___________ PERCENT

  1. In conditions where it is not congested (i.e. moderate or light traffic conditions).

___________ PERCENT



How often do you talk on the phone while you are driving? Would you say you talk on the phone while driving during…

  • All trips

  • Most trips

  • About half of your trips

  • Fewer than half of your trips

  • None of your trips

  • Don’t Know

  • Not applicable - don’t have a mobile phone


Do you have a laser/radar detector in your car?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Prefer not to answer

Please answer the following questions thinking about the posted speed limit, plus or minus a few miles per hour. When driving in the near future, how likely/unlikely is it that you would drive within or near the speed limit under the following circumstances?

Very Unlikely




Somewhat Likely




Driving in a fast/powerful car?


Driving when the speed limit is clearly signed?


Driving on long straight roads?


Driving in traffic calmed areas (e.g., with small roundabouts, speed bumps, special warning signs, etc)?


Driving when carrying passengers who want you to drive fast?


Driving through a school zone?


Driving with a child in the car?

Based on what you remember about your own driving, how often would you say that you did the following activities? Your best guess is fine.








Nearly All the Time


How often do you disregard the speed limits late at night or early in the morning?


How often do you get involved in “races” with other drivers on a roadway or from a stop light?


How often do you become impatient with a slow driver in the fast lane and pass on the right?


How often do you drive especially close to a car in front as a signal to the driver to go faster or get out of the way?


When attempting to turn onto a main road, how often do you pay such close attention to traffic on the road you are entering that you nearly hit the car in front of you that is also waiting to turn?


How often do you drive to reduce stress or tension?


How often do you take risks while driving because it’s fun, such as driving fast on curves or “getting air”?


How often do you drive more than 20 mph over the speed limit?


How often do you drive 10-20 mph over the speed limit?


How often do you wear a seat belt?


How often do you drive after consuming alcohol?


How much do you want to keep within or near the speed limit while driving in the near future?

  • Not at All

  • A Little

  • Moderately So

  • Quite a Bit

  • Extremely So

For the next six questions, please think about driving on a sunny day with no traffic ahead of you. At what speed would you typically be driving on the following types of roads:


Multi-Lane, divided Interstate freeway that passes through a major town or city, such as I-90 or I-84, with a 65 mph posted speed limit (as shown in the picture below):

Speed ______________________________mph

Multi-lane interstate #2.png


Main (arterial) road with two travel lanes in each direction in a town with a 35 mph posted speed limit (as shown in the picture below):

Speed ______________________________mph


Neighborhood or residential road with a 20 mph posted speed limit (as shown in the picture below):

Speed ______________________________mph


Paved rural country road with a 45 mph posted speed limit (as shown in the picture below):

Speed ______________________________mph

Rural Road #2.png


A low-traffic, rural State Highway with one travel lane in each direction with a 60 mph posted speed limit(as shown in the picture below):

Speed ______________________________mph

Rural State Highway #2.png


Divided Interstate Highway with two travel lanes in your direction (e.g., I-84 between Boise and Mountain Home) with a 75 mph posted speed limit(as shown in the picture below):

Speed ______________________________mph

Picture 1

SECTION B: Attitudes and Beliefs about Speeding

The following section is about conditions or factors that you consider when setting your driving speed. Please indicate the extent that you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Strongly Disagree

Somewhat Disagree


Somewhat Agree

Strongly Agree


Setting the cruise control within or near the speed limit can keep me from speeding.


A digital speedometer works better than the needle-style speedometer in indicating driving speed.


Radar speed signs that flash my speed when I pass them would make me more aware of my speed.


Posting the speed limit along roads more often would help me avoid speeding.


Knowing which roads have frequent speed enforcement keeps me from speeding on those roads.


Seeing a road sign showing where someone died in a speed-related crash would discourage me from speeding at that location.

The following section concerns how effective you think higher penalties and increased enforcement would be for reducing speeding. Please indicate the extent that you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Strongly Disagree

Somewhat Disagree


Somewhat Agree

Strongly Agree


Habitual speeders should be fined a lot more each time they speed than other drivers who speed less often.


To reduce speeding, people should be aware of how much a ticket is.


Higher insurance rates as penalties for speeding are more effective in reducing speeding than increasing the fines for speeding.


For habitual speeders who almost always speed, increasing penalties does not have any effects on reducing their speeding behavior.


Providing incentives, such as free license renewal, rather than issuing penalties would be more effective in reducing speeding behavior.


Higher penalties could sometimes be unfair to some people (e.g., people with lower incomes).


Increasing police presence on the highway is effective in reducing speeding.

The following questions are about how effective you think the following approaches would be for reducing speeding for the general public. Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.

Strongly Disagree

Somewhat Disagree


Somewhat Agree

Strongly Agree


Flashing speed displays would be the most effective when they are in locations with lots of hazards (e.g., pedestrians).


Rumble strips, grooved payment along the shoulders, are effective in slowing drivers down.


Speed bumps are effective in slowing drivers down.


A device in the engine that sets a maximum speed for the vehicle would be effective in reducing speeding in all situations.


A display on the dashboard that showed the posted speed limit would help reduce speeding.


A display on the dashboard that showed the vehicle’s fuel efficiency (FE) would encourage drivers not to speed.


A speed awareness course would be effective if it was offered when drivers are getting or renewing their driver’s license.


Education on stopping distance under different driving speeds is important.

Please indicate to what extent the following statements are true or not true for you.

Not True at All

Somewhat not True


Somewhat True




I have never exceeded the speed limit.


I have never wanted to drive very fast.


I have never driven through a traffic light when it has just been turning red.


I always obey traffic rules, even if I am unlikely to get caught.


I always keep sufficient distance from the car in front of my car.


If there were no police controls, I would still obey speed limits.


I have never crossed a solid yellow line in the center of the road when passing another car.


I sometimes feel resentful when things don’t go my way in traffic.


I never regret my decisions in traffic.


I don’t care what other drivers think of me.


I always am sure how to act in traffic situations.


I always remain calm and rational in traffic.

There are a number of existing methods and potential new technologies that could be used to reduce speeding. These next questions ask what you think about the use of these technologies to reduce speeding on American roads.

Good Idea


Bad Idea

Don’t Know


More frequent ticketing for speeding.


Issuing higher fines for speeding tickets.


A device in your vehicle that notifies you with a buzzer or a flashing light when you drive faster than the speed limit.


A device in your vehicle that records your speed data and gives you the option to provide the information to your insurance company to lower your premiums, if you obey the speed limits.


A device in your motor vehicle which slows the vehicle down when it senses another car or object is too close to your motor vehicle.


How important is it that something be done to reduce speeding by drivers? Is it …

  • Very important

  • Somewhat important

  • Not too important

  • Not at all important

  • Don’t Know

SECTION C: Driver Characteristics

This section of the survey will gather information about general demographics that will be helpful for analysis purposes. Please write in or check () the best answer.


How old are you?

Age__________________________ years


Are you currently employed full time, part time, unemployed and looking for work, retired, going to school, a homemaker, or something else? Please check all that apply.

  • Employed full time

  • Employed part time

  • Unemployed and looking for work

  • Retired

  • Going to school

  • Homemaker

  • Disabled

  • Other

  • Not sure


What is highest grade or year of regular school you have completed?

  • No formal schooling

  • First through 7th grade

  • 8th grade

  • Some high school

  • High school graduate

  • Some college

  • Four-year college degree

  • Some graduate school

  • Graduate degree


Are you currently married, divorced, separated, widowed, or single?

  • Married

  • Divorced

  • Separated

  • Widowed

  • Single

  • Don’t Know


Do you consider yourself to be Hispanic or Latino?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Don’t Know


Which of the following racial categories describes you? You may select more than one.

  • American Indian or Alaska Native

  • Asian

  • Black or African-American

  • Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

  • White

  • Hispanic/Latino

  • Other, specify ____________________________


What is your gender?

  • Male

  • Female


How many persons live in your household? Please include all persons, including yourself, even those who are under the age of 16.

Number of persons __________________________


How many of those are under age 16?

Number of persons __________________________


Do you own or rent your home?

  • Own

  • Rent

  • Some other arrangement

  • Don’t Know


Which of the following categories best describes your total household income before taxes in 2012? Your best estimate is fine.

  • Less than $5,000

  • $5,000 to $14,999

  • $15,000 to $29,999

  • $30,000 to $49,999

  • $50,000 to $74,999

  • $75,000 to $99,999

  • $100,000 or more

  • Not sure

  • Prefer not to answer


What is your zip code?

Zip code __________________________


Do you live in a rural, suburban, or urban area?

  • Rural

  • Suburban

  • Urban

  • Other, specify _______________________

  • Don’t Know


What do you think is the best way to reduce speeding on Idaho roads?


Do you have any other comments you’d like to make about driving safety or this survey?

Thank you for your participation in this survey.

File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleAppendix C: Questionnaire – English Version
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-28

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