Alaska Weather Information Line Statewide Survey

Generic Clearance for the Collection of Qualitative Feedback on Agency Service Delivery

AWIL Survey Questions.041713

Alaska Weather Information Line Statewide Survey

OMB: 0690-0030

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OMB Control No. 0690-0030

Expiration Date: 4/30/2014

Alaska Weather Information Line (AWIL) Survey Question List

To be sent via email from [email protected]. Survey to be completed online via Survey Monkey.

Email to customers would read:

The National Weather Service is surveying its customers to determine which products and services are most beneficial.

In particular, we would like to know how our customers use the Alaska Weather Information Line (AWIL.) The AWIL is a service to all Alaskans, providing toll-free telephone access to weather information throughout the state. This service is available outside of Alaska, but it is not toll-free. The attached Alaska Weather Information Line brochure details this menu-driven service.

Your input is valuable to us. If you would like to participate, we thank you for your time and invite you to click here to access the survey.”

  1. In what community do you live?

  1. How do you receive your weather information? (Please check all that apply.)

  1. Cable Television

What channel do you watch?

  1. Satellite Television?

What channel do you watch?

  1. Local Television?

What channel do you watch?

  1. Radio

To what station do you listen?

  1. NOAA All Hazards Radio?

What frequency do you monitor?

  1. Amateur Radio?

What frequency do you monitor?

  1. Cellular/Wireless?

What application do you use?

What number do you call?

  1. Alaska Weather Information Line (AWIL)?

What information do you access via AWIL? (Prompt: For each, ask “How often?”

      1. Public (Land-based) Weather Forecast

        1. Mid Tanana Valley – Fairbanks, Ft. Wainwright, Eielson AFB, Ester, North Pole, Moose Creek, Two Rivers, Fox, Chatanika, Chena Hot Springs, Sourdough Camp

        2. Central Interior – Nenana, Anderson, Tanana, Minto, Manley Hot Springs, Rampart, Lake Minchumina, Livengood

        3. Deltana – Tanana Flatd – Salcha, Delta Junction, Ft. Greeley, Harding/Birch Lakes, Dry Creek, Dot Lake, Healy Lake

        4. Upper Tanana & Fortymile Country – Tok, Tanacross, Eagle, Tetlin, Northway, Alcan, Chicken, Boundary

        5. Eastern Alaska Range – Black Rapids, Donnelly Dome, Trims Camps, Eagle Trail, Mineral Lake

        6. Denali – Healy, Denali National Park, Carlo, Kantishna

        7. Upper Koyukuk Valley – Allakaket, Hughes, Bettles, Atatna, Evansville, Caribou Mt, Gobblers Knob

        8. Lower Koyukuk & Mid Yukon Valleys – Galena, Nulato, Huslia, Kaltag, Ruby, Koyukuk

        9. Lower Yukon Valley – Russian Mission, Holy Cross, Grayling, Shageluk, Anvik, Flat

        10. Yukon Flats & Surrounding Uplands – Ft. Yukon, Venetie, Central, Circle, Stevens Village, Beaver, Chalkyiksik, Birch Creek, Circle Hot Springs, Eagle Summit, Twelvemile Summit

        11. Upper Kobuk & Noaktak Valleys – Ambler, Shungnak, Kobuk

        12. Southern Brooks Range – Arctic Village, Wiseman, Coldfoot, Chandalar DOT, Iniakuk Lake

        13. Southern Seward Peninsula Coast – Nome, White Mountain, Golovin, Eastern Norton Sound & Nulato Hills – Unalakleet, Stebbins, St. Michael, Elim, Koyuk, Shaktoolik

        14. St. Lawrence Island & Bering Strait Coast – Gambell, Savoonga, Brevig Mission, Teller, Wales, Diomede

        15. Yukon Delta – Emmonak, Mountain Village, Alakanuk, Kotlik, Pilot Station, St. Mary’s, Scammon Bay, Nunamiqua, Marshall

        16. Baldwin Peninsula & Selawik Valley – Kotzebue, Selawik, Noorvik, Sheshalik

        17. Norton & Interior Seward Peninsula – Buckland, Deering, Candle, Council, Haycock, Pilgrim Springs, Serpentine Hot Springs, Taylor

        18. Chukchi Sea Coast – Pt. Hope, Shishmaref, Kivalina, Espenberg

        19. Lower Kobuk & Noatak Valleys – Noatak, Iana, Red Dog Mine

        20. Northern Arctic Coast – Barrow, Alaktak, Pitt Point, Nulavik

        21. Western Arctic Coast – Wainwright, Atqasuk, Point Lay, Cape Lisbourne

        22. Northwestern Brooks Range – Singiluk, Umiat

        23. Central Beaufort Sea Coast – Nuiqsut, Prudhoe Bay, Alpine, Deadhorse, Kuparuk

        24. Eastern Beaufort Sea Coast – Kaktovik, Flaxman Island

        25. Northeastern Brooks Range – Anaktuvuk & Atigun Pass, Galbraith Lake, Sagwon, Franklin Bluffs

        26. Bristol Bay Including King Salmon, Dillingham, Naknek, and Pilot Point

        27. Kuskokwim Delta including Bethel, Hooper Bay, Nunivak Island

        28. Lower Kuskokwim Valley including Aniak

        29. Upper Kuskokwim Valley including McGrath

        30. Pribilof Islands – St. Paul

        31. Alaska Peninsula Including Cold Bay, Sand Point

        32. Eastern Aleutians Including Unalaska, Nikolski

        33. Western Aleutians Including Shemya, Amchatka

        34. Central Aleutians Including Atka, Adak

        35. Northeastern Prince William Sound Including Valdez, Thompson Pass

        36. Southeastern Prince William Sound Including Cordova

        37. Copper River Basin including Glennallen, Eureka, McCarthy, Paxson, Slana

        38. Anchorage including Eagle River, Indian, Eklutna

        39. Matanuska Valley including Palmer, Wasilla, Sutton, Chickaloon

        40. Susitna Valley including Talkeetna, Willow, Cantwell

        41. Western Kenai Peninsula including Kenai, Soldotna, Homer, Cooper Landing

        42. Western Prince William Sound including Whittier, Seward, Girdwood, Moose Pass

        43. Taiya Inlet & Klondike Highway Including Skagway

        44. Haines Borough & Lynn Canal Including Haines

        45. Glacier Bay including Gustavus

        46. Eastern Chichagof Island Including Hoonah

        47. Juneau Borough & Northern Admiralty Island including Juneau & Douglas

        48. Inner Channels from Kupreanof Island to Etolin Island including Petersburg, Wrangell & Kake

        49. Eastern Baranof Island and Southern Admiralty Island including Angoon

        50. Cape Decision to Salisbury Sound Coastal Area including Sitka

        51. Salisbury Sound to Cape Fairweather Coastal Area including Yakutat

        52. Southern Inner Channels including Ketchikan, Metlakatla

        53. Dixon Entrance to Cape Decision Coastal Area including Craig, Klawok

        54. Misty Fjords including Hyder

      1. Recreational, Short Term, & Travelers’ Forecasts

        1. Mt. McKinley (May-Mid July) Recreational Forecast

          1. How often?

          2. How does this information help you?

        2. Bristol Bay, Including King Salmon, Naknek, Dillingham - Short Term Forecast

          1. How often?

          2. How does this information help you?

        3. St. Paul - Short Term Forecast

          1. How often?

          2. How does this information help you?

        4. Haines and Skagway Roads – Travelers’ Forecast

          1. How often?

          2. How does this information help you?

      1. Statements and Warnings

        1. Bristol Bay, Including King Salmon, Naknek, Dillingham, Pilot Point

          1. How often?

          2. How does this information help you?

        2. Kuskokwim Delta including Bethel, Hooper Bay, Nunivak Island

          1. How often?

          2. How does this information help you?

        3. Pribilof Islands including St. Paul, St. George

          1. How often?

          2. How does this information help you?

iv) Marine or River Information Prompt: For each zone, ask a) How often? b) How does this information help you?

        1. Norton Sound/Sledge Island to Nunaktuk Island Forecast

        2. Dall Point to Wales Island and St. Lawrence Island Forecast

        3. St. Matthew Island Forecast

        4. Kotzebue Sound Forecast

        5. Wales to Cape Thompson Forecast

        6. Cape Thompson to Cape Beaufort Forecast

        7. Cape Beaufort to Point Franklin Forecast

        8. Point Franklin to Cape Halkett Forecast

        9. Cape Halkett to Flaxman Island Forecast

        10. Flaxman Island to Demarcation Point Forecast

        11. Bristol Bay Forecast

        12. Port Heiden to Cape Sarichef Forecast

        13. Cape Newenham to Dall Point Forecast

        14. Bethel Tides

        15. Pribilof Islands Forecast

        16. Bering Sea Marine Observations

        17. Castle Cape to Cape Sarichef Forecast

        18. Port Heiden to Cape Sarichef Forecast

        19. Cape Sarichef to Nikolski Forecast

        20. Nikolski to Adak Forecast

        21. Adak to Kiska Forecast

        22. Kiska to Attu Forecast

        23. Unalaska Bay Forecast

        24. Aleutian & Gulf of Alaska Marine Observations

        25. Bering Sea Observations

        26. Valdez Port Forecast

        27. Valdez Narrows Forecast

        28. Valdez Arm Forecast

        29. Cape Suckling to Gore Point Forecast

        30. Prince William Sound Forecast

        31. Passage Canal Forecast

        32. Cook Inlet & Prince William Sound Observations

        33. Cook Inlet Forecast

        34. Kachemak Bay Forecast

        35. Passage Canal Forecast

        36. Prince William Sound Forecast

        37. Resurrection Bay Forecast

        38. Cook Inlet & Prince William Sound Observations

        39. Chiniak Bay Forecast

        40. Marmot Bay Forecast

        41. Barren Islands/Kamishak Bay Forecast

        42. Whittier to Anchorage Pressure Difference

        43. Shuyak Island To Sitkinak Forecast

        44. Shelikof Strait Forecast

        45. Sitkinak to Castle Cape Forecast

        46. Cape Suckling to Gore Point Forecast

        47. Aleutian & Gulf of Alaska Observations

        48. Cook Inlet & Prince William Sound Observations

        49. Glacier Bay Forecast

        50. Northern Lynn Canal Forecast

        51. Southern Lynn Canal Forecast

        52. Icy Strait Forecast

        53. Cross Sound Forecast

        54. Stephens Passage

        55. Northern Chatham Strait Forecast

        56. Southern Chatham Strait Forecast

        57. Frederick Sound Forecast

        58. Sumner Strait Forecast

        59. Clarence Strait Forecast

        60. Dixon Entrance to Cape Decision Forecast

        61. Cape Decision to Cape Edgecumbe Forecast

        62. Cape Edgecumbe to Cape Fairweather Forecast

        63. Cape Fairweather to Icy Cape Forecast

        64. Icy Cape to Cape Suckling Forecast

        65. Yakutat Bay Forecast

        66. Southeast Alaska Marine Observations

        67. Dixon Entrance & Queen Charlottes Marine Observations

        68. Southeast Alaska Marine Observations (accessed by calling 790-6850)

      1. Climate Data

        1. McGrath Local Climate Data

          1. How often?

          2. How does this information help you?

        2. Anchorage Climate Information

          1. How often?

          2. How does this information help you?

        3. Juneau Climate Data

          1. How often?

          2. How does this information help you?

      2. None of the above

  1. Other telephone source (please specify):

  2. Other (please specify):

  1. If this survey made you aware of the Alaska Weather Information Line, what information do you think you would access using this tool? (Please check all that apply.)

      1. Public (Land-based) Weather Forecast Prompt: For each, ask ‘How often?’

        1. Mid Tanana Valley – Fairbanks, Ft. Wainwright, Eielson AFB, Ester, North Pole, Moose Creek, Two Rivers, Fox, Chatanika, Chena Hot Springs, Sourdough Camp

        2. Central Interior – Nenana, Anderson, Tanana, Minto, Manley Hot Springs, Rampart, Lake Minchumina, Livengood

        3. Deltana – Tanana Flatd – Salcha, Delta Junction, Ft. Greeley, Harding/Birch Lakes, Dry Creek, Dot Lake, Healy Lake

        4. Upper Tanana & Fortymile Country – Tok, Tanacross, Eagle, Tetlin, Northway, Alcan, Chicken, Boundary

        5. Eastern Alaska Range – Black Rapids, Donnelly Dome, Trims Camps, Eagle Trail, Mineral Lake

        6. Denali – Healy, Denali National Park, Carlo, Kantishna

        7. Upper Koyukuk Valley – Allakaket, Hughes, Bettles, Atatna, Evansville, Caribou Mt, Gobblers Knob

        8. Lower Koyukuk & Mid Yukon Valleys – Galena, Nulato, Huslia, Kaltag, Ruby, Koyukuk

        9. Lower Yukon Valley – Russian Mission, Holy Cross, Grayling, Shageluk, Anvik, Flat

        10. Yukon Flats & Surrounding Uplands – Ft. Yukon, Venetie, Central, Circle, Stevens Village, Beaver, Chalkyiksik, Birch Creek, Circle Hot Springs, Eagle Summit, Twelvemile Summit

        11. Upper Kobuk & Noaktak Valleys – Ambler, Shungnak, Kobuk

        12. Southern Brooks Range – Arctic Village, Wiseman, Coldfoot, Chandalar DOT, Iniakuk Lake

        13. Southern Seward Peninsula Coast – Nome, White Mountain, Golovin, Eastern Norton Sound & Nulato Hills – Unalakleet, Stebbins, St. Michael, Elim, Koyuk, Shaktoolik

        14. St. Lawrence Island & Bering Strait Coast – Gambell, Savoonga, Brevig Mission, Teller, Wales, Diomede

        15. Yukon Delta – Emmonak, Mountain Village, Alakanuk, Kotlik, Pilot Station, St. Mary’s, Scammon Bay, Nunamiqua, Marshall

        16. Baldwin Peninsula & Selawik Valley – Kotzebue, Selawik, Noorvik, Sheshalik

        17. Norton & Interior Seward Peninsula – Buckland, Deering, Candle, Council, Haycock, Pilgrim Springs, Serpentine Hot Springs, Taylor

        18. Chukchi Sea Coast – Pt. Hope, Shishmaref, Kivalina, Espenberg

        19. Lower Kobuk & Noatak Valleys – Noatak, Iana, Red Dog Mine

        20. Northern Arctic Coast – Barrow, Alaktak, Pitt Point, Nulavik

        21. Western Arctic Coast – Wainwright, Atqasuk, Point Lay, Cape Lisbourne

        22. Northwestern Brooks Range – Singiluk, Umiat

        23. Central Beaufort Sea Coast – Nuiqsut, Prudhoe Bay, Alpine, Deadhorse, Kuparuk

        24. Eastern Beaufort Sea Coast – Kaktovik, Flaxman Island

        25. Northeastern Brooks Range – Anaktuvuk & Atigun Pass, Galbraith Lake, Sagwon, Franklin Bluffs

        26. Bristol Bay Including King Salmon, Dillingham, Naknek, and Pilot Point

        27. Kuskokwim Delta including Bethel, Hooper Bay, Nunivak Island

        28. Lower Kuskokwim Valley including Aniak

        29. Upper Kuskokwim Valley including McGrath

        30. Pribilof Islands – St. Paul

        31. Alaska Peninsula Including Cold Bay, Sand Point

        32. Eastern Aleutians Including Unalaska, Nikolski

        33. Western Aleutians Including Shemya, Amchatka

        34. Central Aleutians Including Atka, Adak

        35. Northeastern Prince William Sound Including Valdez, Thompson Pass

        36. Southeastern Prince William Sound Including Cordova

        37. Copper River Basin including Glennallen, Eureka, McCarthy, Paxson, Slana

        38. Anchorage including Eagle River, Indian, Eklutna

        39. Matanuska Valley including Palmer, Wasilla, Sutton, Chickaloon

        40. Susitna Valley including Talkeetna, Willow, Cantwell

        41. Western Kenai Peninsula including Kenai, Soldotna, Homer, Cooper Landing

        42. Western Prince William Sound including Whittier, Seward, Girdwood, Moose Pass

        43. Taiya Inlet & Klondike Highway Including Skagway

        44. Haines Borough & Lynn Canal Including Haines

        45. Glacier Bay including Gustavus

        46. Eastern Chichagof Island Including Hoonah

        47. Juneau Borough & Northern Admiralty Island including Juneau & Douglas

        48. Inner Channels from Kupreanof Island to Etolin Island including Petersburg, Wrangell & Kake

        49. Eastern Baranof Island and Southern Admiralty Island including Angoon

        50. Cape Decision to Salisbury Sound Coastal Area including Sitka

        51. Salisbury Sound to Cape Fairweather Coastal Area including Yakutat

        52. Southern Inner Channels including Ketchikan, Metlakatla

        53. Dixon Entrance to Cape Decision Coastal Area including Craig, Klawok

        54. Misty Fjords including Hyder

      1. Recreational, Short Term, & Travelers’ Forecasts

        1. Mt. McKinley (May-Mid July) Recreational Forecast

          1. How often?

          2. How would this information help you?

        2. Bristol Bay, Including King Salmon, Naknek, Dillingham - Short Term Forecast

          1. How often?

          2. How would this information help you?

        3. St. Paul - Short Term Forecast

          1. How often?

          2. How would this information help you?

        4. Haines and Skagway Roads – Travelers’ Forecast

          1. How often?

          2. How would this information help you?

      1. Statements and Warnings

        1. Bristol Bay, Including King Salmon, Naknek, Dillingham, Pilot Point

          1. How often?

          2. How would this information help you?

        2. Kuskokwim Delta including Bethel, Hooper Bay, Nunivak Island

          1. How often?

          2. How would this information help you?

        3. Pribilof Islands including St. Paul, St. George

          1. How often?

          2. How would this information help you?

      2. Marine or River Information Prompt: For each zone, ask a) How often? b) How would this information help you?

        1. Norton Sound/Sledge Island to Nunaktuk Island Forecast

        2. Dall Point to Wales Island and St. Lawrence Island Forecast

        3. St. Matthew Island Forecast

        4. Kotzebue Sound Forecast

        5. Wales to Cape Thompson Forecast

        6. Cape Thompson to Cape Beaufort Forecast

        7. Cape Beaufort to Point Franklin Forecast

        8. Point Franklin to Cape Halkett Forecast

        9. Cape Halkett to Flaxman Island Forecast

        10. Flaxman Island to Demarcation Point Forecast

        11. Bristol Bay Forecast

        12. Port Heiden to Cape Sarichef Forecast

        13. Cape Newenham to Dall Point Forecast

        14. Bethel Tides

        15. Pribilof Islands Forecast

        16. Bering Sea Marine Observations

        17. Castle Cape to Cape Sarichef Forecast

        18. Port Heiden to Cape Sarichef Forecast

        19. Cape Sarichef to Nikolski Forecast

        20. Nikolski to Adak Forecast

        21. Adak to Kiska Forecast

        22. Kiska to Attu Forecast

        23. Unalaska Bay Forecast

        24. Aleutian & Gulf of Alaska Marine Observations

        25. Bering Sea Observations

        26. Valdez Port Forecast

        27. Valdez Narrows Forecast

        28. Valdez Arm Forecast

        29. Cape Suckling to Gore Point Forecast

        30. Prince William Sound Forecast

        31. Passage Canal Forecast

        32. Cook Inlet & Prince William Sound Observations

        33. Cook Inlet Forecast

        34. Kachemak Bay Forecast

        35. Passage Canal Forecast

        36. Prince William Sound Forecast

        37. Resurrection Bay Forecast

        38. Cook Inlet & Prince William Sound Observations

        39. Chiniak Bay Forecast

        40. Marmot Bay Forecast

        41. Barren Islands/Kamishak Bay Forecast

        42. Whittier to Anchorage Pressure Difference

        43. Shuyak Island To Sitkinak Forecast

        44. Shelikof Strait Forecast

        45. Sitkinak to Castle Cape Forecast

        46. Cape Suckling to Gore Point Forecast

        47. Aleutian & Gulf of Alaska Observations

        48. Cook Inlet & Prince William Sound Observations

        49. Glacier Bay Forecast

        50. Northern Lynn Canal Forecast

        51. Southern Lynn Canal Forecast

        52. Icy Strait Forecast

        53. Cross Sound Forecast

        54. Stephens Passage

        55. Northern Chatham Strait Forecast

        56. Southern Chatham Strait Forecast

        57. Frederick Sound Forecast

        58. Sumner Strait Forecast

        59. Clarence Strait Forecast

        60. Dixon Entrance to Cape Decision Forecast

        61. Cape Decision to Cape Edgecumbe Forecast

        62. Cape Edgecumbe to Cape Fairweather Forecast

        63. Cape Fairweather to Icy Cape Forecast

        64. Icy Cape to Cape Suckling Forecast

        65. Yakutat Bay Forecast

        66. Southeast Alaska Marine Observations

        67. Dixon Entrance & Queen Charlottes Marine Observations

        68. Southeast Alaska Marine Observations (accessed by calling 790-6850)

      1. Climate Data

        1. McGrath Local Climate Data

          1. How often?

          2. How would this information help you?

        2. Anchorage Climate Information

          1. How often?

          2. How would this information help you?

        3. Juneau Climate Data

          1. How often?

          2. How would this information help you?

      1. None of the above

Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 10 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to [email protected].

Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subjected to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.

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Last Modified Bygbanks
File Modified2013-04-19
File Created2013-04-19

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