NOAA Satellite Conference 2013 Feedback Survey
Thank you for attending NOAA Satellite Conference 2013. We hope you found it both beneficial and enjoyable. We value your feedback, so please take the time to complete this form. Your name and contact information are requested but are not necessary for your comments to be considered.
Note: If you wish to review the expected outcomes for the conference before providing feedback on whether you feel they were met, the objectives are available at:
Paperwork Reduction Act Statement
Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 15 minutes per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other suggestions for reducing this burden to User Services Coordinator, NOAA, National Environmental Satellite Data and Information Service (NESDIS), at [email protected]
Respondents are identified on their questionnaires, and any reports will present data in aggregate form only. The information will be stored in a protected database. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the law, no person is required to respond to, nor shall any person be subjected to a penalty for failure to comply with, a collection of information subject to the requirements of the Paperwork Reduction Act, unless that collection of information displays a currently valid OMB Control Number.
OMB Control No. 0690-0030
Expiration Date: 04/30/2014
Your Name and Contact Information (optional)
2. What is your affiliation?*
International organization
News media
Other Federal government
University faculty/staff
Other research institution
(please specify)
3. How did you hear about this Conference?*
E-mail message
NOAA Satellite Conference 2013 website
NOAA/NESDIS newsletter
Previous attendee
Social media (NOAA/NESDIS Facebook or Twitter)
Word of Mouth
Announcement at the event (poster, slide or handout)
(please specify)
4. What NOAA satellite product/service do you currently obtain?* Please select all that applies.
GOES Direct Readout/GVAR
POES Direct Readout/HRPT
GOES Data Collection System (DCS)
POES Data Collection System (DCS a.k.a. Argos)
Low Resolution Information Transmission (LRIT)
Emergency Manager's Weather Information Network (EMWIN)
NOAA Produced Products/Data. Which one(s)
(please specify)
5. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding the overall effectiveness of the conference:
strongly agree |
agree |
neutral |
disagree |
strongly disagree |
I found this conference to be helpful for improving the effectiveness of my work with environmental satellite products and/or services |
The conference aided in increasing the cohesiveness and collaborative nature between and among environmental satellite programs |
The conference improved my knowledge about user access, reception and readiness for data, technology and applications from current and future environmental satellite constellations |
I discovered new ideas or people related to my work with environmental satellite products and/or services |
The conference provided an opportunity for me to share my expertise with others |
6. Please rate each of the following aspects of the conference organization:
extremely satisfied |
satisfied |
no opinion |
not satisfied |
not at all satisfied |
not applicable |
Overall organization |
Conference dates |
Conference location |
Guest Speakers |
Special Sessions/Training |
Lodging |
Transportation arrangements |
Interpretation services |
Remote conferencing (web and audio) |
Social events (Icebreaker, No Host Dinner, etc) |
NCWCP Tours |
Assistance on-site |
7. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statements regarding specific components of the conference.
strongly agree |
agree |
neutral |
disagree |
strongly disagree |
The topics chosen for the sessions were the most important issues to discuss at this conference |
Conference registration was an easy process |
NCWCP functioned as a excellent conference facility |
The expo was a helpful addition to the conference |
The daily weather briefs were a worthwhile addition |
8. Please provide your assessment of the amount of time dedicated to each of the following agenda items relative to the goals and objectives of the conference.
too low |
a little low |
appropriate |
a little high |
too high |
The overall length of the conference (5 days) was: |
The amount of time available for Poster Sessions and networking was: |
The amount of time allotted for the Current and Future Programs and Systems was: |
The amount of time allotted for the Data Access and Use was: |
The amount of time allotted for the Applications was: |
The time devoted for special sessions was: |
The amount of time allotted for the exhibits was: |
9. How well were the meeting logistics (registration, hotel reservations, participant packets, etc) handled?
Exceedingly Well
Fairly Well
Please provide any suggestions you have for improvement
10. Were there any topics you did not feel were discussed in enough detail or should have been included in the agenda at the conference?
If so, what were they?
11. If you were a presenter in a session, and you have suggestions on how to improve your experience planning for and giving your presentation, please provide them.
12. What are the most important follow-up items/actions you hope will take place following the conference?
13. If you have additional thoughts about this conference or suggestions for future meetings, please share them
File Type | application/msword |
Author | Zues |
Last Modified By | gbanks |
File Modified | 2013-02-21 |
File Created | 2013-02-21 |