(Respondents will be pooled from the general population sample and further screened to ensure that they fill appropriate “privacy concerns” quotas.)
What is your age?
Under 18 (terminate)
65 or older
The census, the number of deaths in the U.S. by different diseases, the crime rate, and the unemployment rate are examples of federal statistics produced by federal statistical agencies that are part of the federal government. Have you ever used federal statistics for study or work?
Yes (qualified, minimum quota applied)
Which of the following issues are most important to you? Select top three choices.1
Healthcare cost and availability
Agricultural Subsidies
Rising Cost of Icicles (attention screener: terminate)
Personal privacy (qualified, minimum quota applied)
National Security
Immigration Reform
Higher education
Electoral reform
Religious freedom
[only those who chose “personal privacy” in EQ2] You told us that personal privacy is important to you. How important is this issue to you?
Not at all important
Somewhat unimportant
Neither important nor unimportant
Somewhat important
Very important (qualified, quota applied)
Next, we will show you an excerpt from a proposed agreement that will be required to download a public data on a U.S. Census Bureau online portal. Please read this text as you would normally read such an agreement provided to you online.
Respondents will be shown relevant sections from the proposed data usage agreement (See Enclosure 3) and will be required to read them before proceeding. A timer will be set at 20 seconds before respondent could proceed to answering the next question.
Consider the message you just read. What do you recall that the was agreement asking you to do?
Consider the message you just read. What do you recall that the was agreement asking you not to do?
Consider the usage agreement we showed you earlier. What concerns might you have about consenting to this agreement?
For people who answered “yes” to screener Q2 –
Thinking of times when you have used data for statistics, would this type of agreement have been ok for you?
Not sure
Do you think this type of agreement would have impeded your work?
Not sure
Do you think this agreement might show people how to use the downloadable data maliciously?
Not sure
Do you have any ethical concerns with this agreement?
Not sure
Do you have any Privacy concerns with this agreement?
Not sure
What is your highest level of education?
Less than High School Diploma or GED
High School Diploma or GED
Some College
College Graduate or Professional Degree
In the last 3 months have you attended school or college?
Last week, did you work for pay at a job (or business)?
No – Did not work (or retired)
(if yes to previous question) What best describes the work for pay you did last week?
Government (federal, state, local) office or agency
College or university
Private organization
1 Order of options will be randomized
GroupSolver, Inc. 9974 Scripps Ranch Blvd #158 San Diego, CA 92131 (619) 359-2686 |
© 2016 GroupSolver, Inc.
File Type | application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document |
Author | Rasto Ivanic |
File Modified | 0000-00-00 |
File Created | 2021-01-28 |