

U.S. NavyvChief of Information Sponsor Application

OMB: 0703-0060

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1.  Need for the Information Collection.

Authority to request this information is derived from 10 U.S.C. 5013, Executive Order 9397 (SSN) as amended, SECNAVINST 5720.44C Department of the Navy Public Affairs Policy and Regulations, and OPNAVINST 5720.2M Embarkation in U.S. Naval Ships.

The purpose of the information requested is to facilitate embarkation on U.S. Navy surface ships or submarines in order to determine embarkation qualification. This information may also be used for notification of next of kin in the event of death or serious injury or to permit transmission of public affairs information from the Navy to the individual concerned. Completion of the information is completely voluntary; however, failure to provide required information may result in denial of embarkation request.

The types of personal information collected by this system include: Name, Date and Place of Birth, Home Address, Home Telephone Number and Personal Cell Telephone Numbers, Personal Email, Gender, Medical Information (consisting of current medications and dosages; medical alert tag status and reason; existence of medical conditions or history such as asthma, diabetes, stoke, etc.; and consent to treatment), Emergency Contact, Food Restrictions, and Occupation.

In the rare case that the electronic system is not accessible, the information collection will revert to submitting a paper version, OPNAV 5720/11, Leaders to SEA Embark Request, to a Navy public affairs officer using secure methods.

2.  Use of the Information.

Information about individuals who want to embark on Navy vessels is reviewed by a Navy public affairs officer to determine if the person qualifies for an embarkation; i.e. medically sound for travel/deployment underway and is a mission related use, to foster understanding between the general populace and the Navy as per Outreach Guidance. It is for Navy public affairs use only to determine qualification for embarks on Navy units.

3.  Use of Information Technology.

Respondents are interested persons, such as community leaders, legislators, business executives, educators, foreign military and dignitaries as well as other Non-Federal Government employees wishing to embark on a Navy vessel. To request embarkation on a Navy vessel, the respondent uses OPNAV 5720/11 Leaders to Sea Embark Request Form located on Once on the site, the respondent requests a unique user name and password in order to input the embarkation request data from their own computer. After submittal, the application is routed by the system to the DV/FON System Administrator for review and approval. Upon approval, the system routes the request to the Embark Coordinator.

4.  Non-duplication.

There is no known information collection which duplicates this effort. This is a unique database application created specifically for the Navy and this program.

5.  Burden on Small Business.

No burden on small

6.  Less Frequent Collection.

Collection is situational and is based on the respondent’s request to embark on a Navy vessel.

7.  Paperwork Reduction Act Guidelines.

The form is a six page document if printed out and emailed to DV/FON Coordinator. Handwritten and computer filled and printed forms commonly become illegible when scanned. By completing the online application there is no need for any printed forms as all correspondence would be electronic.

8.  Consultation and Public Comments.

a. An agency 60-day Federal Register Notice was published in Volume 78, Page 41045 on 09 July 2013. No public comments were received.

b. An agency 30-day Federal Register Notice was published in Volume 79, Page 11424 on 28 February 2014.

c. No consultations with persons outside the sponsoring agency regarding availability of requested information, frequency of collection, clarity of instructions, etc., were performed.  Future consultation with respondents, or their representatives, are planned to be performed at least every 3 years, regardless if the information collection does not change.

9.  Gifts or Payment.

No payments will be made to respondents for this information collection.

10.  Confidentiality. Throughout the information life cycle, data is protected from unauthorized personnel to prevent compromise of individuals' privacy.

Collection: Data is encrypted while being transferred over the Internet.

Use: Only authorized personnel are allowed access to data in the system. Access to the site is controlled by a secure login in the form of a user name and password. Accounts are frozen if not used in last sixty days.


a. These records are retained in accordance with Secretary of the Navy manual 5210.1 under disposition schedule 5726.1 and are to be destroyed after two years (N1-NU-89-4) as approved by the Archivist of the United States.

b. Data is stored on a secure database server. The server room is a restricted area and access is permitted to only authorized personnel only. Physical entry is restricted by the use of locks and administrative procedures. Only cleared system administrators have access to the database.

Processing: Only authorized personnel have access to data. During processing, all data is manipulated and processed within the server.

Disclosure: Data is not disclosed to unauthorized personnel. Sharing of personnel information is only permitted to authorized Navy public affair officers.

11.  Sensitive Questions. N/A this information is not collected on this application.

12.  Respondent Burden, and its Labor Costs

a. Estimation of Respondent Burden.

The burden is estimated to be 750 hours (3000 respondents x 0.25 hours)

b. Labor Cost of Respondent Burden.

Based on the Department of Labor Statistics 2013 median wage for ‘Management, professional, and related occupations’ the estimated labor cost is $ 21,225 (750 hours x $28.30 per hour)

13.  Respondent Costs Other Than Burden Hour Costs.

There may be incidental costs while embarked; however these costs are not associated with the embarkation request.

14.  Cost to the Federal Government.

a. New Development: $64,000.

b. C&A Remediation: $64,800.

c. Maintenance: $32,400.

d. Annual Total: $161,200.

15.  Reasons for Change in Burden. No change in burden.

16.  Publication of Results. Results not used for publication.

17.  Non-Display of OMB Expiration Date.

There are no requests to omit display of the expiration date of OMB approval on the instrument of collection.

18.  Exceptions to "Certification for Paperwork Reduction Submissions"

There are no requests for exceptions to the certification statement.


File Typeapplication/msword
AuthorPatricia Toppings
Last Modified ByFrederick Licari
File Modified2014-02-28
File Created2014-02-28

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