No Form Number LFPP Grant Narrative Form & Instructions

Local Food Promotion Program

LFPP Grant Narrative

LFPP Grant Process (voluntary)

OMB: 0581-0287

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OMB 0581-NEW

Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP) – 20__


The use of this narrative form is mandatory. AMS strongly recommends reading the form instructions (below) and the “LFPP Announcement and Guidelines” before completing this form. Insert information below; sections can be expanded, allowing the applicant to include as many lines of text as needed.

1. Project Title:


2. Organization Name: 3. Primary Project Manager Name:

Mailing Address: Mailing Address:

City: State: Zip Code: City: State: Zip Code:

E-mail: E-mail:

Phone: Fax: Phone: Fax:


4. Grant Application Type:

Planning Grant Implementation Grant

5. Requested LFPP Funds: Matching Funds (25% match required):



6. Entity Type and Eligibility Statement:

Agricultural cooperative Nonprofit corporation Local government

Agricultural business entity Economic development corporation Tribal government

Producer network Public benefit corporation CSA network

Producer association Regional farmers market authority CSA association

Other: ________________________

Eligibility Statement:

7. Priority Project Selection:

Priority will be given to applications that include projects that are located in and/or serve populations in areas of concentrated poverty with limited access to fresh locally or regionally grown foods. To be considered under this priority area, the application must meet the low income and low food access criteria as defined by the USDA Economic Research Service’s Food Access Research Atlas (i.e., one of the four major map layers) – see Instructions below for more information.

Does the applicant request to be considered under this priority area? Yes No

8. Executive Summary (200 words or fewer):

9. Background Statement:

10. Work Plan, Resources, and Timeline Requirements:

11. Expected Outcomes and Intended Beneficiaries:

12. Budget Justification:

Download and complete the form “LFPP Project Budget and Match Request.” Complete the budget form and write a budget justification here.

13. Project Planning or Implementation Areas

All applicants are required to fill out Sections 13a and 13b. Only applicants who choose to be considered under the Program priority area – See Section 7 – are required to fill out Section 13c and submit maps with their application. See Instructions for further information.

13a. Applicant Business or Organization Location(s) (record as many as applicable):

Name of Business or Organization #1: Street Address:

City: State: Zip Code:

Name of Business or Organization #2: Street Address:

City: State: Zip Code:

13b. Targeted Community/Area(s) (record as many as applicable):

Name of Targeted Community/Area #1 Street Address:

City: State: Zip Code:

Name of Targeted Community/Area #2 Street Address:

City: State: Zip Code:

Name of Targeted Community/Area #3 Street Address:

City: State: Zip Code:

13c. Map(s) of Locations:

For Planning Grant Applicants:

Has the applicant attached map(s) from the Food Access Research Atlas that identifies the business/organization location(s) and/or targeted community/area(s) listed in Section 13a and 13b? Yes No

Has the applicant attached letter(s) of support from each community listed in Section 13b that verifies community participation in the planning process?

Yes No

For Implementation Grants Applicants

Has the applicant attached map(s) from the Food Access Research Atlas that identifies the business/organization location(s) and/or targeted community/area(s) listed in Section 13a and 13b? Yes No


After completing the LFPP Grant Narrative form, delete the Instructions (below) and submit with the following forms (ALL ARE REQUIRED):

SF-424 “Application for Federal Assistance”

SF-424B “Assurances – Non-Construction Programs”

LFPP Project Budget and Match Request

Written Proof of Eligibility

LFPP Verification Letter(s) of Matching Funds

Applicants requesting consideration under the priority area must also include:

For Planning Grants:

Map(s) from the Food Access Research Atlas that identifies the business/organization location(s) and/or targeted community/area(s) listed in Sections 13a and 13b.

Letter(s) of support from each community/organization listed in Section 13b that verifies community/organization participation in the planning process.

For Implementation Grants:

Map(s) from the Food Access Research Atlas that identifies the business/organization location(s) and/or targeted community/area(s) listed in Sections 13a and 13b.

According to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995, an agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a valid OMB control number. The valid OMB control number for this information collection is 0581-0235. The time required to complete this information collection is estimated to average 10 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) prohibits discrimination in all its programs and activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability, and where applicable sex, marital status, or familial status, parental status religion, sexual orientation, genetic information, political beliefs, reprisal, or because all or part of an individual’s income is derived from any public assistance program (not all prohibited bases apply to all programs). Persons with disabilities who require alternative means for communication of program information (Braille, large print, audiotape, etc.) should contact USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TDD). To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-3272 (voice) or (202) 720-6382 (TDD). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

Instructions for Completing the

Local Food Promotion Program (LFPP)

Grant Narrative Form

The narrative portion of the project proposal must be single-sided and not exceed 12 pages (Times New Roman font, 12 pt. pitch, single-spaced, 8.5x11 inch-paper). Information provided in Section 13, maps generated from the Food Access Research Atlas, and other supporting documents, such as letters of support and biographies/resumes of key personnel, do not count against the 12-page limit. For further information on filling out the narrative form and other LFPP application submission requirements, refer to “LFPP Announcement and Guidelines” on the AMS website at

1. Project Title. Must capture the primary focus of the project, and match the title provided on Form SF-424.

2. Organization Information. Provide the organization name, contact name, mailing address, telephone, fax number, and email address(es) for the person(s) designated to answer questions about the application, financial information, and the proposed project budget.

  1. Primary Project Manager Information. Provide the name, mailing address, telephone and fax number, and email address for the person(s) responsible for managing and/or overseeing the project.

  1. Grant Application Type: Indicate the type of grant for consideration. Check only one box -applicants will only be considered under one grant type.

  1. Requested LFPP Funds/Matching Funds. Indicate the dollar amount (use whole dollar amounts, do not include cents) of Federal funds requested in the “Requested LFPP Funds,” and enter matching funds in the “Matching Funds” box. To be eligible for Federal funding, the applicant is required to provide matching funds in the form of cash or an in-kind contribution in an amount equal to 25 percent of the total cost of the project. For instructions on how to calculate the match, refer to the “LFPP Announcement and Guidelines.”

  1. Entity Type/Eligibility Statement. Indicate the entity type of the applicant/organization. Provide a statement of how the applicant/organization qualifies as an eligible entity. It is highly recommended that the applicant refer to the “LFPP Announcement and Guidelines” for definitions of each eligible entity type to ensure the accuracy of chosen entry and eligibility statement. NOTE: Written proof of eligibility must be provided from a local government, U.S. State, or Federal source. Applications that do not contain sufficient information to determine the eligibility of the applicant will not be considered.

  1. Priority Selection. Answer either “Yes” or “No” to whether you want your application to be considered under the LFPP priority area. Priority will be given to applications that include projects that are located in and/or serve populations in areas of concentrated poverty with limited access to fresh locally or regionally grown foods. To be considered under this priority area, the application must meet the low income and low food access criteria as defined by the USDA Economic Research Service’s Food Access Research Atlas (i.e., one of the four major map layers). For more information, refer to Section 13 instructions.

  1. Executive Summary. Should not exceed 200 words and must include the following: a project description, goals to be accomplished, expected outcomes, and a timeframe for completing all activities.

  1. Background Statement. Provide a description of the current conditions that justify the need for the proposed project, and an explanation why the condition will not be improved absent the project so that the need will remain unmet.

  1. Work Plan, Resources, and Timeline Requirements. Provide a statement for each planned activity (scope of work), a timeline for completion, resources required to complete each activity, and milestones for assessing progress for each activity. Identify who will do the work, including if collaborative arrangements or subcontractors will be used.

  1. Expected Outcomes and Intended Beneficiaries. Describe what the project is expected to accomplish, the intended beneficiaries, and how it will be evaluated while in progress and upon conclusion. Describe expected measureable outcomes and include both quantitative and qualitative metrics that will be reported at the beginning and the end of the project to demonstrate impact.

  1. Budget Justification. All applicants are required to use the “LFPP Project Budget and Match Request” form. This form can be found via the LFPP website at Download and complete the spreadsheet before writing the budget justification. The purpose of the budget justification is two-fold: 1) to correlate the requested budget with the purpose/goals of the project, and 2) to demonstrate the requested budget is both reasonable and adequate for the proposed project. NOTE: Matching funds listed in the budget form and explained in the budget justification will not be allowable if such funds are not accompanied by “Verification Letter(s) of Matching Funds” submitted with the application.

  1. Project Planning or Implementation Areas. All applicants are required to fill out Sections 13a and 13b. Only applicants who choose to be considered under the Program priority area – See Section 6 – are required to fill out Section 13c and submit maps with their application.

Section 13 Instructions for Applicants NOT Requesting Consideration under the Priority Area

13a. Applicant Business or Organization Location(s)

Provide the name, street address, city, State, and zip code of each location of the applicant’s business or organization. This should NOT include markets, consumers, or communities served by the business or organization. Such information should be put in Section 13b.

13b. Targeted Community/Area(s)

Provide the name, street address, city, State, and zip code of the each community or area that the project is expected to (in the case of Planning grant applicants) or will serve (in the case of Implementation grant applicants). This can include but is not limited to the locations of grocery stores, restaurants, corner stores, and institutions (such as K-12 schools, preschool, daycare facilities, universities/colleges, hospitals, community centers, religious centers, senior care facilities, daycare facilities) that is expected to or will be served by the project in low income-low access area.

13c. Map(s) of Locations

Applicants not requesting consideration under the priority area are not required to fill out this section and do not need to submit maps of the targeted communites.

Section 13 Instructions for Applicants Requesting Consideration under the Priority Area

To be considered under this priority area, go to the Food Access Research Atlas map ( and check one of the four major map layers that is most appropriate to the project’s locale. If your organization or business is located in and/or primarily serving low income-low access communities (as defined by one of the four major map layers), your application will be considered under this priority area.

13a. Applicant Business or Organization Location(s)

Provide the name, street address, city, State, and zip code of each location of the applicant’s business or organization. This should NOT include markets, consumers, or communities served by the business or organization. Such information should be put in Section 13b.

13b. Targeted Community/Area(s)

  • For Planning Grant Applicants: To be considered under this priority, the applicant must involve low income-low access communities into the planning process. Provide the name, street address, city, State, and zip code of the each community or area that the project will serve. Letters of support from members or organizations in the communities listed in 13b that verifies participation in the planning process are required to be considered under this priority.

  • For Implementation Grant Applicants: Provide the name, street address, city, State, and zip code of the each community or area that the project will serve. This can include but is not limited to the locations of grocery stores, restaurants, corner stores, and institutions (such as K-12 schools, preschool, daycare facilities, universities/colleges, hospitals, community centers, religious centers, senior care facilities, daycare facilities) that will be served by the project in low income-low access area.

13c. Map(s) of Locations

Applicants who request consideration under this priority area are required to submit map(s) from the Food Access Research Atlas that identifies the business/organization location(s) and/or targeted community/area(s) listed in Sections 13a and 13b. To download maps, click on the “Print/Export” tab on the Food Access Research Atlas map and save as either a JPG or PNG file.

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File Typeapplication/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document
File TitleFarmers Market Promotion Program (FMPP) – 2007
AuthorGovernment User
File Modified0000-00-00
File Created2021-01-27

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